def handle_typedef_table(self, table, tpm_alg_ids): table_dependence = utils.find_alg_constraints(table.short_name) if table_dependence: # if table dependence {*} found in table name self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "#ifdef TPM_ALG_" + table_dependence + "\n" for row in table.rows: base_type = row[0] name = row[1] # check for !ALG alg_ids_list = utils.expand_alg_macro(name, tpm_alg_ids, table_dependence) # if new type name contains algorithm type, create type definition for all corresponding IDs if alg_ids_list: for alg in alg_ids_list: new_type = utils.replace_alg_placeholder( name, alg.short_name) self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "typedef " + base_type + utils.indent( base_type) + new_type + ";\n" else: # else create type definition for table name self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "typedef " + base_type + utils.indent( base_type) + name + ";\n" # end of loop - for row in table.rows: if table_dependence: # if table dependence {*} found in table name self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "#endif // TPM_ALG_" + table_dependence + "\n" # end of if else - if table dependence found self.marshaller.handle_simple_type_structures_new(table, tpm_alg_ids)
def handle_typedef_union_struct(self, table, typedef_name): self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "typedef union {\n" self.tpm_types_h_file_content += " struct {\n" for row in table.rows: parameter = row[0].replace("=", "") member_type = row[1].replace("+", "") if "#" in parameter: continue # find constraints and remove them if found constraints = utils.find_alg_constraints(parameter) if constraints: parameter = parameter.replace("{" + constraints + "}", "").replace(" ", "") constraints = constraints.replace(":", "") # find array size and include it in typedef struct if found size = utils.find_array_size(parameter) if size: parameter = parameter.replace(size, "") self.tpm_types_h_file_content += " " + member_type + utils.indent(member_type, 1) + \ parameter + "[" + constraints.strip() + "]" + ";\n" else: self.tpm_types_h_file_content += " " + member_type + utils.indent(member_type, 1) + \ parameter + ";\n" # end of loop - for row in table.rows: self.tpm_types_h_file_content += " } t;\n" self.tpm_types_h_file_content += " " + "TPM2B" + " b;\n" self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "} " + typedef_name + ";\n" self.marshaller.handle_structures_table(typedef_name, table)
def handle_typedef_table(self, table, tpm_alg_ids): table_dependence = utils.find_alg_constraints(table.short_name) if table_dependence: # if table dependence {*} found in table name self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "#ifdef TPM_ALG_" + table_dependence + "\n" for row in table.rows: base_type = row[0] name = row[1] # check for !ALG alg_ids_list = utils.expand_alg_macro(name, tpm_alg_ids, table_dependence) # if new type name contains algorithm type, create type definition for all corresponding IDs if alg_ids_list: for alg in alg_ids_list: new_type = utils.replace_alg_placeholder(name, alg.short_name) self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "typedef " + base_type + utils.indent(base_type) + new_type + ";\n" else: # else create type definition for table name self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "typedef " + base_type + utils.indent(base_type) + name + ";\n" # end of loop - for row in table.rows: if table_dependence: # if table dependence {*} found in table name self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "#endif // TPM_ALG_" + table_dependence + "\n" # end of if else - if table dependence found self.marshaller.handle_simple_type_structures_new(table, tpm_alg_ids)
def handle_enum_table(self, table): base_type = utils.find_tpm_base_type_name(table.short_name) new_type = utils.find_tpm_type_name(table.short_name) self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "typedef " + base_type + utils.indent( base_type) + new_type + ";\n" for row in table.rows: name = row[0] value = row[1].replace(" ", "") if name is u'' or "reserved" in name or "#" in name: # skip those lines continue # write the define statement self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "#define " + name + utils.indent( name) + "(" + new_type + ")(" + value + ")\n" # additionally write the TPM_RCS_* define if "RC_FMT1+" in value: name = name.replace("TPM_RC_", "TPM_RCS_") self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "#define " + name + utils.indent( name) + "(" + new_type + ")(" + value + ")\n" # end of loop - for row in table.rows: self.marshaller.handle_advanced_type_structures(table)
def handle_interface_table(self, table, tpm_alg_ids): base_type = utils.find_tpm_base_type_name(table.short_name) new_type = utils.find_tpm_type_name(table.short_name) typedef_statement = "typedef " + base_type + utils.indent(base_type) + new_type + ";\n" alg_dep = utils.find_alg_constraints( if alg_dep: alg_name = "TPM_ALG_" + alg_dep typedef_statement_alg_dep = "" # check for !ALG alg_ids_list = utils.expand_alg_macro(new_type, tpm_alg_ids, alg_dep) # if new type name contains algorithm type, create type definition for all corresponding IDs for alg in alg_ids_list: alg_name = final_new_type = utils.replace_alg_placeholder(new_type, alg.short_name) typedef_statement_alg_dep += "#ifdef " + alg_name + "\n" # for each algorithm typedef_statement_alg_dep += "typedef " + base_type + utils.indent(base_type) + final_new_type + ";\n" typedef_statement_alg_dep += "#endif // " + alg_name + "\n" # for each algorithm # in case there is no !ALG, create type definition for type found in table name if not typedef_statement_alg_dep: typedef_statement_alg_dep = "#ifdef " + alg_name + "\n" typedef_statement_alg_dep += "typedef " + base_type + utils.indent(base_type) + new_type + ";\n" typedef_statement_alg_dep += "#endif // " + alg_name + "\n" typedef_statement = typedef_statement_alg_dep self.tpm_types_h_file_content += typedef_statement self.marshaller.handle_interface_table(table, tpm_alg_ids)
def write_buff_to_xml(self, filename): d = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8') xml = etree.parse(io.StringIO(self.get_buff()), parser) indent(xml.getroot()) xml.write(filename, encoding='utf-8', method='xml', xml_declaration=True)
def write_buff_to_xhtml(self): filename = os.path.join(self.temp_content_dir, self.current_file) if not os.path.exists(self.temp_content_dir): os.makedirs(self.temp_content_dir) parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8') xhtml = etree.parse(io.StringIO(self.get_buff()), parser) indent(xhtml.getroot()) xhtml.write(filename, encoding='utf-8', method='xml', xml_declaration=True)
def handle_typedef_union(self, table, typedef_name, tpm_alg_ids): self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "typedef union {\n" for row in table.rows: parameter = row[0] member_type = row[1].replace("+", "") selector = row[2] if member_type == "" or "null" in parameter: continue member_string = "" # check for !ALG (algorithm type) algs = utils.expand_alg_macro(parameter, tpm_alg_ids) for alg in algs: dependence = alg.dependence if len(dependence) == 0: dependence = alg.short_name alg_placeholder = selector.replace("TPM_ALG_", "") # !ALG.* base_type = utils.replace_alg_placeholder( member_type, alg.short_name.upper()) new_type = parameter.replace( alg_placeholder + "_DIGEST_SIZE", alg.short_name.upper() + "_DIGEST_SIZE").replace(" ", "") if alg_placeholder == "!ALG": # fix for Table 2:144 new_type = alg.short_name.lower() else: new_type = new_type.replace(alg_placeholder, alg.short_name.lower()) member_string += "#ifdef TPM_ALG_" + dependence + "\n" member_string += " " + base_type + utils.indent( member_type) + new_type + ";\n" member_string += "#endif // TPM_ALG_" + dependence + "\n" # end of loop - for alg in algs: # in case there is no !ALG if not member_string: member_string = " " + member_type + utils.indent( member_type) + parameter + ";\n" if selector: # enclose with ifdef + endif member_string = "#ifdef " + selector + "\n" + member_string member_string += "#endif // " + selector + "\n" # end of if - if not member_string: self.tpm_types_h_file_content += member_string # end of loop - for row in table.rows: self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "} " + typedef_name + ";\n" self.marshaller.handle_union_table(table, tpm_alg_ids)
def handle_typedef_union(self, table, typedef_name, tpm_alg_ids): self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "typedef union {\n" for row in table.rows: parameter = row[0] member_type = row[1].replace("+", "") selector = row[2] if member_type == "" or "null" in parameter: continue member_string = "" # check for !ALG (algorithm type) algs = utils.expand_alg_macro(parameter, tpm_alg_ids) for alg in algs: dependence = alg.dependence if len(dependence) == 0: dependence = alg.short_name alg_placeholder = selector.replace("TPM_ALG_", "") # !ALG.* base_type = utils.replace_alg_placeholder(member_type, alg.short_name.upper()) new_type = parameter.replace(alg_placeholder + "_DIGEST_SIZE", alg.short_name.upper() + "_DIGEST_SIZE").replace(" ", "") if alg_placeholder == "!ALG": # fix for Table 2:144 new_type = alg.short_name.lower() else: new_type = new_type.replace(alg_placeholder, alg.short_name.lower()) member_string += "#ifdef TPM_ALG_" + dependence + "\n" member_string += " " + base_type + utils.indent(member_type) + new_type + ";\n" member_string += "#endif // TPM_ALG_" + dependence + "\n" # end of loop - for alg in algs: # in case there is no !ALG if not member_string: member_string = " " + member_type + utils.indent(member_type) + parameter + ";\n" if selector: # enclose with ifdef + endif member_string = "#ifdef " + selector + "\n" + member_string member_string += "#endif // " + selector + "\n" # end of if - if not member_string: self.tpm_types_h_file_content += member_string # end of loop - for row in table.rows: self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "} " + typedef_name + ";\n" self.marshaller.handle_union_table(table, tpm_alg_ids)
def handle_bits_table(self, table): typedef_struct_name = utils.find_tpm_type_name(table.short_name) self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "typedef union {\n" self.tpm_types_h_file_content += " struct {\n" size = 0 for row in table.rows: bit = row[0] bitname = row[1] if "#" in bitname: continue nr_of_bits = 1 if ":" in bit: values = bit.split(":") from_value = int(values[1]) to_value = int(values[0]) nr_of_bits = to_value - from_value + 1 if "Reserved" in bitname: bitname = "Reserved_from_" + str(size) self.tpm_types_h_file_content += " unsigned " + bitname + utils.indent(bitname) + ": " + str(nr_of_bits) + ";\n" size += nr_of_bits # end of loop - for row in table.rows: self.tpm_types_h_file_content += " };\n" self.tpm_types_h_file_content += " UINT" + str(size) + " val;\n" self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "} " + typedef_struct_name + ";\n" self.marshaller.handle_bits_table(table)
def handle_enum_table(self, table): base_type = utils.find_tpm_base_type_name(table.short_name) new_type = utils.find_tpm_type_name(table.short_name) self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "typedef " + base_type + utils.indent(base_type) + new_type + ";\n" for row in table.rows: name = row[0] value = row[1].replace(" ", "") if name is u'' or "reserved" in name or "#" in name: # skip those lines continue # write the define statement self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "#define " + name + utils.indent(name) + "(" + new_type + ")(" + value + ")\n" # additionally write the TPM_RCS_* define if "RC_FMT1+" in value: name = name.replace("TPM_RC_", "TPM_RCS_") self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "#define " + name + utils.indent(name) + "(" + new_type + ")(" + value + ")\n" # end of loop - for row in table.rows: self.marshaller.handle_advanced_type_structures(table)
def handle_interface_table(self, table, tpm_alg_ids): base_type = utils.find_tpm_base_type_name(table.short_name) new_type = utils.find_tpm_type_name(table.short_name) typedef_statement = "typedef " + base_type + utils.indent( base_type) + new_type + ";\n" alg_dep = utils.find_alg_constraints( if alg_dep: alg_name = "TPM_ALG_" + alg_dep typedef_statement_alg_dep = "" # check for !ALG alg_ids_list = utils.expand_alg_macro(new_type, tpm_alg_ids, alg_dep) # if new type name contains algorithm type, create type definition for all corresponding IDs for alg in alg_ids_list: alg_name = final_new_type = utils.replace_alg_placeholder( new_type, alg.short_name) typedef_statement_alg_dep += "#ifdef " + alg_name + "\n" # for each algorithm typedef_statement_alg_dep += "typedef " + base_type + utils.indent( base_type) + final_new_type + ";\n" typedef_statement_alg_dep += "#endif // " + alg_name + "\n" # for each algorithm # in case there is no !ALG, create type definition for type found in table name if not typedef_statement_alg_dep: typedef_statement_alg_dep = "#ifdef " + alg_name + "\n" typedef_statement_alg_dep += "typedef " + base_type + utils.indent( base_type) + new_type + ";\n" typedef_statement_alg_dep += "#endif // " + alg_name + "\n" typedef_statement = typedef_statement_alg_dep self.tpm_types_h_file_content += typedef_statement self.marshaller.handle_interface_table(table, tpm_alg_ids)
def create_base_types_h_file(self, table): base_types_h_file_content = BaseTypes.BASETYPE_HEADER base_types_h_file_content += "// Part 2, " + + "\n" for row in table.rows: base_type = row[0] new_type = row[1] line = "typedef " + base_type + utils.indent(base_type) + new_type + ";\n" base_types_h_file_content += str(line) base_types_h_file_content += "\n\n" self.marshaller.handle_simple_type_structures_new(table) base_types_h_file_content += BaseTypes.BASETYPE_FOOTER FileHandling.write_file(constants.TPM_INCLUDE_PATH + "BaseTypes.h", base_types_h_file_content)
def create_base_types_h_file(self, table): base_types_h_file_content = BaseTypes.BASETYPE_HEADER base_types_h_file_content += "// Part 2, " + + "\n" for row in table.rows: base_type = row[0] new_type = row[1] line = "typedef " + base_type + utils.indent( base_type) + new_type + ";\n" base_types_h_file_content += str(line) base_types_h_file_content += "\n\n" self.marshaller.handle_simple_type_structures_new(table) base_types_h_file_content += BaseTypes.BASETYPE_FOOTER FileHandling.write_file(constants.TPM_INCLUDE_PATH + "BaseTypes.h", base_types_h_file_content)
def handle_bits_table(self, table): typedef_struct_name = utils.find_tpm_type_name(table.short_name) self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "typedef union {\n" self.tpm_types_h_file_content += " struct {\n" size = 0 for row in table.rows: bit = row[0] bitname = row[1] if "#" in bitname: continue nr_of_bits = 1 if ":" in bit: values = bit.split(":") from_value = int(values[1]) to_value = int(values[0]) nr_of_bits = to_value - from_value + 1 if "Reserved" in bitname: bitname = "Reserved_from_" + str(size) pos = bitname.find(" ".encode()) if pos != -1 and (bitname[pos - 1] in string.ascii_lowercase or bitname[pos - 1] in string.ascii_uppercase): if (bitname[pos + 1] in string.ascii_lowercase or bitname[pos + 1] in string.ascii_uppercase): bitname = bitname.replace(" ".encode(), "".encode()) self.tpm_types_h_file_content += " unsigned " + bitname + utils.indent( bitname) + ": " + str(nr_of_bits) + ";\n" size += nr_of_bits # end of loop - for row in table.rows: self.tpm_types_h_file_content += " };\n" self.tpm_types_h_file_content += " UINT" + str(size) + " val;\n" self.tpm_types_h_file_content += "} " + typedef_struct_name + ";\n" self.marshaller.handle_bits_table(table)
def process(self): # stdout = sys.stdout # sys.stdout ='stdout.txt', 'w', 'utf-8') # get uuid if any for node in self.root.iter('{*}identifier'): try: self.book_uuid = uuid.UUID(node.text) except: pass break # Lookup series/sequences data if any for node in self.root.iter('{*}meta'): attributes = node.attrib if 'name' in attributes: if attributes['name'].endswith('series_index'): self.book_series_num = attributes['content'] elif attributes['name'].endswith('series'): self.book_series = attributes['content'] # And reformat book title accordingly if self.book_series != '': for node in self.root.iter('{*}title'): self.book_title = node.text abbr = ''.join(word[0] for word in self.book_series.split()) title = self.bookseriestitle title = title.replace('#series', '' if not self.book_series else self.book_series.strip()) title = title.replace('#number', '' if not self.book_series_num else self.book_series_num.strip()) title = title.replace('#padnumber', '' if not self.book_series_num else self.book_series_num.strip().zfill(2)) title = title.replace('#title', '' if not self.book_title else self.book_title.strip()) title = title.replace('#abbrseries', '' if not abbr else abbr.lower()) if self.transliterate_author_and_title: title = transliterate(title) node.text = title for node in self.root.iter('{*}language'): self.book_lang = pyphen.language_fallback(node.text) self.hyphenator = pyphen.Pyphen(lang=self.book_lang) indent(self.root) self.tree.write(self.opffile, encoding='utf-8', method='xml', xml_declaration=True) # See if we have items to correct and process for node in self.root.iter('{*}item'): attributes = node.attrib if 'href' in attributes and 'media-type' in attributes: if attributes['media-type'] == 'application/xhtml+xml': filename = os.path.join(self.path, attributes['href']) self.log.debug('Processing {}'.format(filename)) # Proper XML encoding needed by kndlegen xhtml = etree.parse(filename, parser=etree.XMLParser(recover=True)) if self.hyphenate: # Do hyphenation if desiried for body in xhtml.getroot().iter('{*}body'): for elem in body.iter('{*}p', '{*}div'): if elem.text: elem.text = save_html(self.insert_hyphenation(elem.text)) if elem.tail: elem.tail = save_html(self.insert_hyphenation(elem.tail)) for child in elem.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element): if not child.tag.endswith('pre'): if child.text: child.text = save_html(self.insert_hyphenation(child.text)) if child.tail: child.tail = save_html(self.insert_hyphenation(child.tail)) xhtml.write(filename, encoding='utf-8', method='xml', xml_declaration=True)
def process(self): # stdout = sys.stdout # sys.stdout ='stdout.txt', 'w', 'utf-8') # get uuid if any for node in self.root.iter('{*}identifier'): try: self.book_uuid = uuid.UUID(node.text) except: pass break # Lookup series/sequences data if any for node in self.root.iter('{*}meta'): attributes = node.attrib if 'name' in attributes: if attributes['name'].endswith('series_index'): self.book_series_num = attributes['content'] elif attributes['name'].endswith('series'): self.book_series = attributes['content'] # And reformat book title accordingly if self.book_series != '': for node in self.root.iter('{*}title'): self.book_title = node.text abbr = ''.join(word[0] for word in self.book_series.split()) title = self.bookseriestitle title = title.replace( '#series', '' if not self.book_series else self.book_series.strip()) title = title.replace( '#number', '' if not self.book_series_num else self.book_series_num.strip()) title = title.replace( '#padnumber', '' if not self.book_series_num else self.book_series_num.strip().zfill(2)) title = title.replace( '#title', '' if not self.book_title else self.book_title.strip()) title = title.replace('#abbrseries', '' if not abbr else abbr.lower()) if self.transliterate_author_and_title: title = transliterate(title) node.text = title for node in self.root.iter('{*}language'): self.book_lang = node.text self.hyphenator.set_language(self.book_lang) indent(self.root) self.tree.write(self.opffile, encoding='utf-8', method='xml', xml_declaration=True) # See if we have items to correct and process for node in self.root.iter('{*}item'): attributes = node.attrib if 'href' in attributes and 'media-type' in attributes: if attributes['media-type'] == 'application/xhtml+xml': filename = os.path.join(self.path, attributes['href']) self.log.debug('Processing {}'.format(filename)) # Proper XML encoding needed by kndlegen xhtml = etree.parse(filename, parser=etree.XMLParser(recover=True)) if self.hyphenate: # Do hyphenation if desiried for body in xhtml.getroot().iter('{*}body'): for elem in body.iter('{*}p', '{*}div'): if elem.text: elem.text = save_html( self.insert_hyphenation(elem.text)) if elem.tail: elem.tail = save_html( self.insert_hyphenation(elem.tail)) for child in elem.iterchildren( tag=etree.Element): if not child.tag.endswith('pre'): if child.text: child.text = save_html( self.insert_hyphenation( child.text)) if child.tail: child.tail = save_html( self.insert_hyphenation( child.tail)) xhtml.write(filename, encoding='utf-8', method='xml', xml_declaration=True)