def read_memory(self, address, length): data = bytes() read_buf = create_string_buffer(length) if self.bitness == BinaryType.SCS_32BIT_BINARY.value: count = c_ulong(0) elif self.bitness == BinaryType.SCS_64BIT_BINARY.value: count = c_int64(0) while length: r = 0 if self.bitness == BinaryType.SCS_32BIT_BINARY.value: r = windll.kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(self._process_handle, address, read_buf, length, byref(count)) elif self.bitness == BinaryType.SCS_64BIT_BINARY.value: windll.kernel32.ReadProcessMemory.argtypes = [ c_int, c_uint64, c_char_p, c_long, POINTER(c_int64) ] r = windll.kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(self._process_handle, c_uint64(address), read_buf, length, byref(count)) if r == 0: if len(data) == 0: raise_windows_error( "Unable to read %d bytes from address %08x" % (length, address)) else: return data data += read_buf.raw length -= count.value address += count.value return data
def protect_memory(self, address, length, protection): old_protection = c_ulong(0) p = None if self.bitness == BinaryType.SCS_32BIT_BINARY.value: windll.kernel32.VirtualProtectEx.argtypes = [ c_int, c_ulong, c_int, c_long, POINTER(c_ulong) ] p = windll.kernel32.VirtualProtectEx(self._process_handle, address, length, protection, byref(old_protection)) elif self.bitness == BinaryType.SCS_64BIT_BINARY.value: windll.kernel32.VirtualProtectEx.argtypes = [ c_int, c_uint64, c_int, c_long, POINTER(c_ulong) ] p = windll.kernel32.VirtualProtectEx(self._process_handle, c_uint64(address), length, protection, byref(old_protection)) else: raise Exception("Unsupported processus bitness") if p == 0: raise_windows_error( "Unable to VirtualProtectEx [%08x-%08x] with protection 0x%08x" % (address, address + length, protection)) return old_protection.value
def allocate(self, size, aligned=0): if aligned != 0: size = align(size, aligned) address = windll.kernel32.VirtualAllocEx( self._process_handle, 0, size, AllocationType.VIRTUAL_MEM.value, MemoryPermission.PAGE_READWRITE.value) if address == 0: raise_windows_error("Unable allocate memory in remote process") return address
def create_thread(self, address, arguments_address): thread_id = c_ulong(0) h_thread = windll.kernel32.CreateRemoteThread(self._process_handle, None, 0, address, arguments_address, 0, byref(thread_id)) if h_thread == 0: raise_windows_error("Failed to create thread in remote process") return Thread(thread_id.value, h_thread)
def load_library(self, dll_path): dll_len = len(dll_path) arg_address = self.allocate(dll_len + 1) self.write_memory(arg_address, dll_path) h_loadlib = get_proc_address("kernel32.dll", "LoadLibraryA") th = self.create_thread(h_loadlib, arg_address) exit_code = th.wait() if exit_code != 0: raise_windows_error("Error during remote thread execution", exit_code)
def run(self, arguments=None, flags=0): if not is_executable(self._filename): raise Exception("File does not seem to be executable") bintype = get_binary_type(self._filename.encode()) if not python64() and bintype == BinaryType.SCS_64BIT_BINARY.value: raise_windows_error( "Unable create 64bit process using Python 32bit") pi = ProcessInfo() si = StartupInfo() if not windll.kernel32.CreateProcessA( c_char_p(0), c_char_p( (self._filename + ("" if arguments is None else (" " + arguments))).encode('utf-8')), 0, 0, False, flags, 0, 0, byref(si), byref(pi)): raise_windows_error("Unable create process") self._process_id = pi.dwProcessId self._process_handle = pi.hProcess self._threads.add(Thread(pi.dwThreadId, pi.hThread))
def peb(self): process_basic_information = PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION() returned_length = DWORD() ret = windll.ntdll.NtQueryInformationProcess( self._process_handle, ProcessInformationQuery.PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION.value, byref(process_basic_information), sizeof(process_basic_information), byref(returned_length)) if ret != NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS.value: raise_windows_error( "Unable to query information for remote process") peb_addr = process_basic_information.PebBaseAddress peb = PEB() read = DWORD() ret = windll.kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(self._process_handle, peb_addr, byref(peb), sizeof(peb), byref(read)) if ret == 0: raise_windows_error("Unable to read data in remote process") return peb
def write_memory(self, address, value, force=False): if self.bitness == BinaryType.SCS_32BIT_BINARY.value: count = c_ulong(0) elif self.bitness == BinaryType.SCS_64BIT_BINARY.value: count = c_int64(0) old_protect = 0 if force: old_protect = self.protect_memory( address, len(value), MemoryPermission.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE.value) tmp_length = len(value) while len(value) > 0: r = 0 if self.bitness == BinaryType.SCS_32BIT_BINARY.value: r = windll.kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(self._process_handle, address, value, len(value), byref(count)) elif self.bitness == BinaryType.SCS_64BIT_BINARY.value: windll.kernel32.WriteProcessMemory.argtypes = [ c_int, c_uint64, c_char_p, c_long, POINTER(c_int64) ] r = windll.kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(self._process_handle, c_uint64(address), value, len(value), byref(count)) if r == 0: raise_windows_error( "Unable to write %d bytes to address %08x" % (len(value), address)) value = value[count.value:] if force: self.protect_memory(address, tmp_length, old_protect) self._modified_memory = True return True
def free(self, address): ret = windll.kernel32.VirtualFreeEx(self._process_handle, address, 0, FreeType.MEM_RELEASE.value) if ret == 0: raise_windows_error("Unable freed memory in remote process")