def execute(host):

    from netmiko import ConnectHandler
    from prettytable import PrettyTable
    from modules import ReadableRate
    from modules import table_header
    import re

    interface, neighbor = "", ""
    rx, tx = "", ""
    table = PrettyTable(
        ['Interface', 'In', 'Out', 'Neighbor', 'Metric', 'Total_Traffic'])
    net_connect = ConnectHandler(**host)
    isis_int = net_connect.send_command("show isis adjacency | match Up")
    isis_int = isis_int.splitlines()
    while '' in isis_int:
    while '{master}' in isis_int:
    for line in isis_int:
        total_traffic = 0
        # Extract neighbor and interface
        for item in line.split():
            if re.search(
                    "..\-[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9+]", item) is not None or re.search(
                        "^ae", item) is not None:
                interface = item
            neighbor = line.split()[1]
            neighbor = neighbor.replace(
                '-re0', '')  # Don't care about Junipers with apply-
            neighbor = neighbor.replace(
                '-re1', '')  # groups to append active RE to hostname
        # Get interface traffic
        show_int = net_connect.send_command("show interface " +
                                            interface.split('.')[0] +
                                            ' | match "put rate"')
        for lines in show_int.splitlines():
            for i, word in enumerate(lines.split()):
                if 'bps' in word:
                    traf = int(lines.split()[i - 1])
                    total_traffic = total_traffic + traf
                    if 'nput' in lines:
                        rx = ReadableRate(traf)
                    elif "utput" in lines:
                        tx = ReadableRate(traf)
        # Get isis metric
        show_isis = net_connect.send_command("show isis interface | match " +
        show_isis = show_isis.splitlines()
        while '' in show_isis:
        for lines in show_isis:
            for word in lines.split():
                if re.search("[0-9]+/[0-9]+", word) is not None:
                    metric = word
            [interface, rx.rate, tx.rate, neighbor, metric, (total_traffic)])
    print(table.get_string(sortby='Total_Traffic', reversesort=True))
def execute(host):

    from netmiko import ConnectHandler
    from prettytable import PrettyTable
    from modules import ReadableRate
    from modules import table_header
    import re

    interface, neighbor = "", ""
    rx, tx = "", ""
    table = PrettyTable(
        ['Interface', 'In', 'Out', 'Neighbor', 'Metric', 'Total_Traffic'])

    net_connect = ConnectHandler(**host)
    no_prompt = net_connect.send_command("terminal exec prompt no-timestamp")
    isis_int = net_connect.send_command("show isis neighbor | include Up")
    isis_int = isis_int.splitlines()
    while '' in isis_int:
    for line in isis_int:
        total_traffic = 0
        # Extract neighbor and interface
        for item in line.split():
            if re.search("[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9+]", item) != None:
                interface = item
            elif re.search("^BE", item) != None:
                interface = 'Bundle-Ether' + item[2:len(item)]
        neighbor = line.split()[0]
        neighbor = neighbor.replace(
            '-re0', '')  # Don't care about Junipers with apply-
        neighbor = neighbor.replace(
            '-re1', '')  # groups to append active RE to hostname
        # Get interface traffic
        show_int = net_connect.send_command("show interface " +
                                            interface.split('.')[0] +
                                            ' | include "put rate"')
        for lines in show_int.splitlines():
            for i, word in enumerate(lines.split()):
                if 'bits' in word:
                    traf = int(lines.split()[i - 1])
                    total_traffic = total_traffic + traf
                    if 'nput' in lines:
                        rx = ReadableRate(traf)
                    elif "utput" in lines:
                        tx = ReadableRate(traf)
        # Get isis metric
        show_isis = net_connect.send_command("show isis interface " +
                                             interface + " | include Metric")
        show_isis = show_isis.splitlines()
        for lines in show_isis:
            for word in lines.split():
                if re.search("[0-9]+/[0-9]+", word) != None:
                    metric = word
            interface, rx.rate, tx.rate, neighbor, metric, (total_traffic * -1)
        # (multiplying total_traffic by -1 to reverse table sort order)
def execute(host):

    from netmiko import ConnectHandler
    from prettytable import PrettyTable
    from modules import ReadableRate
    from modules import table_header
    import re

    interface, neighbor = "", ""
    rx, tx = "", ""
    table = PrettyTable(['Interface', 'In', 'Out', 'Neighbor', 'Metric', 'Total_Traffic'])
    net_connect = ConnectHandler(**host)
    isis_int = net_connect.send_command("show isis neighbor | i L2")
    isis_int = isis_int.splitlines()
    while '' in isis_int:
    for line in isis_int:
        total_traffic = 0
        # Extract neighbor and interface
        for item in line.split():
            if re.search("^(Fa|Gi|Te|Hu|Po|Vl)", item) is not None:
                interface = item
            neighbor = line.split()[0]
            neighbor = neighbor.replace('-re0', '')  # Don't care about Junipers with apply-
            neighbor = neighbor.replace('-re1', '')  # groups to append active RE to hostname
        # Get interface traffic
        show_int = net_connect.send_command("show interface " + interface.split('.')[0] + " | include put rate")
        for lines in show_int.splitlines():
            for i, word in enumerate(lines.split()):
                if 'bits' in word:
                    traf = int(lines.split()[i - 1])
                    total_traffic = total_traffic + traf
                    if 'nput' in lines:
                        rx = ReadableRate(traf)
                    elif "utput" in lines:
                        tx = ReadableRate(traf)
        # Get isis metric
        show_isis = net_connect.send_command("show clns interface " + interface + " | include Metric")
        show_isis = show_isis.splitlines()
        while '' in show_isis:
        for i, lines in enumerate(show_isis):
            for word in lines.split():
                if re.search("Metric", word) is not None:
                    metric = lines.split()[i + 1]
                    metric = metric.split(',')[0]
        table.add_row([interface, rx.rate, tx.rate, neighbor, metric, (total_traffic)])
    print(table.get_string(sortby='Total_Traffic', reversesort=True))
def juniper(host):

    from netmiko import ConnectHandler
    from prettytable import PrettyTable
    from modules import ReadableRate
    import re

    interface, neighbor = "", ""
    rx, tx = "", ""
    table = PrettyTable(
        ['Interface', 'In', 'Out', 'Neighbor', 'Metric', 'Total_Traffic'])

    net_connect = ConnectHandler(**host)
    isis_int = net_connect.send_command("show isis adjacency | match Up")
    isis_int = isis_int.splitlines()
    while '' in isis_int:
    while '{master}' in isis_int:
    for line in isis_int:
        total_traffic = 0
        # Extract neighbor and interface
        for item in line.split():
            if re.search("..\-[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9+]",
                         item) != None or re.search("^ae", item) != None:
                interface = item
            elif len(item) > 4:
                if re.search("..\:..\:..\:..", item) == None:
                    neighbor = item
                    neighbor = neighbor.replace(
                        '-re0', '')  # Don't care about Junipers with apply-
                    neighbor = neighbor.replace(
                        '-re1', '')  # groups to append active RE to hostname
        # Get interface traffic
        show_int = net_connect.send_command("show interface " +
                                            interface.split('.')[0] +
                                            ' | match "put rate"')
        show_int = show_int.splitlines()
        while '' in show_int:
        for l in show_int:
            counter = 0
            for thing in l.split():
                if thing != 'bps':
                    counter += 1
                    if "Input" in l:
                        rx = ReadableRate(int(l.split()[counter - 1]))
                        total_traffic = total_traffic + int(
                            l.split()[counter - 1])
                    elif "Output" in l:
                        tx = ReadableRate(int(l.split()[counter - 1]))
                        total_traffic = total_traffic + int(
                            l.split()[counter - 1])
        # Get isis metric
        show_isis = net_connect.send_command("show isis interface | match " +
        show_isis = show_isis.splitlines()
        while '' in show_isis:
        for metric_line in show_isis:
            for word in metric_line.split():
                if re.search("[0-9]+/[0-9]+", word) != None:
                    metric = word
            interface, rx.rate, tx.rate, neighbor, metric, (total_traffic * -1)

def cisco_xr(host):

    from netmiko import ConnectHandler
    from prettytable import PrettyTable
    from modules import ReadableRate
    import re

    interface, neighbor = "", ""
    rx, tx = "", ""
    table = PrettyTable(
        ['Interface', 'In', 'Out', 'Neighbor', 'Metric', 'Total_Traffic'])

    net_connect = ConnectHandler(**host)
    no_prompt = net_connect.send_command("terminal exec prompt no-timestamp")
    isis_int = net_connect.send_command("show isis neighbor | include Up")
    isis_int = isis_int.splitlines()
    while '' in isis_int:
    for line in isis_int:
        total_traffic = 0
        # Extract neighbor and interface
        for item in line.split():
            if re.search("[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9+]", item) != None:
                interface = item
            elif re.search("^BE", item) != None:
                interface = 'Bundle-Ether' + item[2:len(item)]
        neighbor = line.split()[0]
        neighbor = neighbor.replace(
            '-re0', '')  # Don't care about Junipers with apply-
        neighbor = neighbor.replace(
            '-re1', '')  # groups to append active RE to hostname
        # Get interface traffic
        show_int = net_connect.send_command("show interface " +
                                            interface.split('.')[0] +
                                            ' | include "put rate"')
        show_int = show_int.splitlines()
        for l in show_int:
            counter = 0
            for thing in l.split():
                if re.search("bits", thing) == None:
                    counter += 1
                    counter -= 1
                    if "nput" in l:
                        rx = ReadableRate(int(l.split()[counter]))
                        total_traffic = total_traffic + int(l.split()[counter])
                        counter += 1
                    elif "utput" in l:
                        tx = ReadableRate(int(l.split()[counter]))
                        total_traffic = total_traffic + int(l.split()[counter])
                        counter += 1
        # Get isis metric
        show_isis = net_connect.send_command("show isis interface " +
                                             interface + " | include Metric")
        show_isis = show_isis.splitlines()
        for lines in show_isis:
            for word in lines.split():
                if re.search("[0-9]+/[0-9]+", word) != None:
                    metric = word
            interface, rx.rate, tx.rate, neighbor, metric, (total_traffic * -1)
