def openWindow(self, sender=None): """ Initialize the input window. """ presets = [ "case", "dnom", "fina", "hist", "init", "isol", "locl", "lnum", "medi", "numr", "onum", "ordn", "tnum", "pcap", "salt", "sinf", "smcp", "ss01", "ss02", "ss03", "ss04", "ss05", "ss06", "ss07", "ss08", "ss09", "ss10", "ss11", "ss12", "ss13", "ss14", "ss15", "ss16", "ss17", "ss18", "ss19", "ss20", "subs", "sups", "swsh", "titl", "zero" ] presetList = " ".join(presets) registerExtensionDefaults({"nl.typologic.suffixer.presetSuffixes" : presetList}) currentPresets = getExtensionDefault("nl.typologic.suffixer.presetSuffixes").split() self.f = CurrentFont() if self.f is None: print "Suffixer: No font open" return existingSuffixes = [] for g in self.f: suf = self._findSuffix( if suf != None and suf not in existingSuffixes: existingSuffixes.append(suf) existingSuffixes.sort() currentSuffix = "" if CurrentGlyph() is not None: currentSuffix = self._findSuffix(CurrentGlyph().name) elif self.f.selection is not None: for gn in self.f.selection: currentSuffix = self._findSuffix(gn) if currentSuffix != None: break self.w = FloatingWindow((300, 166), "Suffixer") p = 10 h = 20 y1, y2, y3, y4 = 15, 49, 82, 135 w1, x2 = 160, 180 self.w.labelTwo = TextBox((p, y1, w1, h), "Add suffix to glyph names:") self.w.dotTwo = TextBox((x2, y1, 15, h), ".") self.w.newSuffix = ComboBox((x2+p, y1, -p, h), currentPresets) self.w.replace = CheckBox((p+2, y2, w1, h), "Replace existing suffix:", callback=self.replaceCheckCallback) self.w.dotOne = TextBox((x2, y2, 15, h), ".") self.w.oldSuffix = PopUpButton((x2+p, y2, -p, h), existingSuffixes) if currentSuffix != "" and currentSuffix != None: self.w.oldSuffix.set(existingSuffixes.index(currentSuffix)) self.w.scope = RadioGroup((p, y3, -p, h*2), ["Target selected glyphs", "Replace all in current font"], isVertical=True) self.w.scope.set(0) currentState = 0 if currentSuffix == "" or currentSuffix == None else 1 self.w.replace.set(currentState) self.w.scope.enable(currentState) self.w.submit = Button((p, y4, -p, h), "Change suffixes", callback=self.replaceSuffixes) self.w.setDefaultButton(self.w.submit) self.w.makeKey()
def registerMechanicDefaults(reset=False): defaults = { "com.mechanic.urlstreams": [extensionStoreDataURL, mechanicDataURL], "com.mechanic.checkForUpdate": True, "com.mechanic.singleExtensionItems": [], "com.mechanic.lastUpdateCheck": 0, } if reset: for key in defaults: removeExtensionDefault(key) registerExtensionDefaults(defaults)
def __init__(self): self.prefKey = 'com.okaytype.addOverlap' initialDefaults = {self.pref: '-30'} registerExtensionDefaults(initialDefaults) self.toolValue = getExtensionDefault(self.pref) addObserver(self, "addOverlapToolbarItem", "glyphWindowWillShowToolbarItems") addObserver(self, "addOverlapValueUI", "glyphWindowWillOpen") addObserver(self, 'updateSelfWindow', 'currentGlyphChanged')
def __init__(self): extensions.registerExtensionDefaults(defaults) self._active = True self._classes = {} self._positions = {} self._displayed = {} self._margin = None self._foregroundColor = None self._backgroundColor = None self._inactiveOpacity = None self._loadDefaults() events.addObserver(self, "_glyphWindowWillCloseCallback", "glyphWindowWillClose") events.addObserver(self, "_glyphWindowWillOpenCallback", "glyphWindowWillOpen") self.addControlsToExistingWindows()
def __init__(self, resources_path): self.pref_key = 'com.ryanbugden.sidebear.increment' initialDefaults = { self.pref_key: 2, } registerExtensionDefaults(initialDefaults) try: self.g = CurrentGlyph() except: self.g = None window_width = 255 window_margin = 20 gutter = 25 vert_gutter = 12 rule_gutter = vert_gutter - 2 text_box_height = 20 row_1_y = -14 row_2_y = row_1_y + vert_gutter + text_box_height - 5 row_3_y = row_2_y + vert_gutter + text_box_height row_4_y = row_3_y + text_box_height + rule_gutter row_5_y = row_4_y + rule_gutter third_width = (window_width - (window_margin * 2) - (gutter * 2)) / 3 self.window_height = window_margin * 2 + row_5_y + text_box_height + 8 # The group of elements self.w = vanilla.Group((0, 0, -0, -0)) # Current glyph self.w.curr_glyph_note = vanilla.TextBox( (window_margin + third_width / 2, window_margin + row_1_y, third_width * 2 + gutter * 2, text_box_height), "None", sizeStyle="regular", alignment="center") # Left width span rule self.w.left_w_span = vanilla.HorizontalLine( (window_margin + 2, window_margin + row_1_y + (text_box_height / 2), third_width, 1)) # Left width vert rule self.w.left_w_vert = vanilla.VerticalLine( (window_margin + 1, window_margin + row_1_y, 1, text_box_height)) # Right width span rule self.w.right_w_span = vanilla.HorizontalLine( (window_margin + third_width * 2 + gutter * 2, window_margin + row_1_y + (text_box_height / 2), third_width - 1, 1)) # Right width vert rule self.w.right_w_vert = vanilla.VerticalLine( (window_margin + third_width * 3 + gutter * 2 - 1, window_margin + row_1_y, 1, text_box_height)) # Left side-bearing self.w.LSB = vanilla.EditText((window_margin, window_margin + row_2_y, third_width, text_box_height), text="", sizeStyle="small", callback=self.editLSBCallback, continuous=False) self.w.LSB.getNSTextField().setFocusRingType_(1) self.w.LSB.getNSTextField().setAlignment_(2) # Left swap bridge rule self.w.left_sw_rule = vanilla.HorizontalLine( (window_margin + third_width, window_margin + row_2_y + text_box_height / 2, gutter, 1)) # Swap SB button self.w.swap_SB = vanilla.ImageButton( (window_margin + third_width + gutter, window_margin + row_2_y, third_width, text_box_height), imagePath=resources_path + '/_icon_Swap.pdf', callback=self.swapSBButtonCallback, sizeStyle='regular') # Right swap bridge rule self.w.right_sw_rule = vanilla.HorizontalLine( (window_margin + third_width * 2 + gutter, window_margin + row_2_y + text_box_height / 2, gutter, 1)) # Right side-bearing self.w.RSB = vanilla.EditText( (window_margin + third_width * 2 + gutter * 2, window_margin + row_2_y, third_width, text_box_height), text="", sizeStyle="small", callback=self.editRSBCallback, continuous=False) self.w.RSB.getNSTextField().setFocusRingType_(1) self.w.RSB.getNSTextField().setAlignment_(2) # Center Glyph button self.w.center_glyph = vanilla.ImageButton( (window_margin + third_width + gutter, window_margin + row_3_y, third_width, text_box_height), imagePath=resources_path + '/_icon_Center.pdf', callback=self.centerGlyphButtonCallback, sizeStyle='regular') # Left vert bridge rule self.w.left_vert_rule = vanilla.VerticalLine( (window_margin + third_width / 2, window_margin + row_2_y + text_box_height, 1, vert_gutter)) # Right vert bridge rule self.w.right_vert_rule = vanilla.VerticalLine( (window_margin + third_width * 2.5 + gutter * 2, window_margin + row_2_y + text_box_height, 1, vert_gutter)) # Equals RSB button self.w.equals_RSB = vanilla.ImageButton( (window_margin, window_margin + row_3_y, third_width, text_box_height), imagePath=resources_path + '/_icon_EqualRSB.pdf', callback=self.equalsRSBButtonCallback, sizeStyle='regular') # Equals LSB button self.w.equals_LSB = vanilla.ImageButton( (window_margin + third_width * 2 + gutter * 2, window_margin + row_3_y, third_width, text_box_height), imagePath=resources_path + '/_icon_EqualLSB.pdf', callback=self.equalsLSBButtonCallback, sizeStyle='regular') # Rule self.w.rule = vanilla.HorizontalLine( (window_margin, window_margin + row_4_y, third_width * 3 + gutter * 2, 1)) # Increment input self.increment = getExtensionDefault(self.pref_key, 2) self.w.inc_text_box = vanilla.EditText( (window_margin + gutter + third_width, window_margin + row_5_y, third_width, text_box_height), text="%s" % self.increment, sizeStyle="small", callback=self.incrementCallback) self.w.inc_text_box.getNSTextField().setFocusRingType_(1) self.w.inc_text_box.getNSTextField().setAlignment_(2) # Left expand/contract bridge rule self.w.left_ec_rule = vanilla.HorizontalLine( (window_margin + third_width, window_margin + row_5_y + text_box_height / 2, gutter, 1)) # Right expand/contract bridge rule self.w.right_ec_rule = vanilla.HorizontalLine( (window_margin + third_width * 2 + gutter, window_margin + row_5_y + text_box_height / 2, gutter, 1)) # Close SBs self.w.close_SB = vanilla.ImageButton( (window_margin, window_margin + row_5_y, third_width, text_box_height), imagePath=resources_path + '/_icon_Close.pdf', callback=self.closeSBButtonCallback, sizeStyle='regular') # Open SBs self.w.open_SB = vanilla.ImageButton( (window_margin + third_width * 2 + gutter * 2, window_margin + row_5_y, third_width, text_box_height), imagePath=resources_path + '/_icon_Open.pdf', callback=self.openSBButtonCallback, sizeStyle='regular') # Increment self.w.incr_caption = vanilla.TextBox( (window_margin + third_width, window_margin + row_5_y + 23, third_width + gutter * 2, text_box_height), "Increment", sizeStyle="mini", alignment="center") addObserver(self, "glyphChanged", "currentGlyphChanged") addObserver(self, "glyphChanged", "viewDidChangeGlyph") addObserver(self, "glyphChanged", "glyphWindowDidOpen") addObserver(self, "glyphDraw", "draw") self.updateUI_BothSB()
def openWindow(self, sender=None): """ Initialize the input window. """ presets = [ "case", "dnom", "fina", "hist", "init", "isol", "locl", "lnum", "medi", "numr", "onum", "ordn", "tnum", "pcap", "salt", "sinf", "smcp", "ss01", "ss02", "ss03", "ss04", "ss05", "ss06", "ss07", "ss08", "ss09", "ss10", "ss11", "ss12", "ss13", "ss14", "ss15", "ss16", "ss17", "ss18", "ss19", "ss20", "subs", "sups", "swsh", "titl", "zero" ] presetList = " ".join(presets) registerExtensionDefaults( {"nl.typologic.suffixer.presetSuffixes": presetList}) currentPresets = getExtensionDefault( "nl.typologic.suffixer.presetSuffixes").split() self.f = CurrentFont() if self.f is None: print "Suffixer: No font open" return existingSuffixes = [] for g in self.f: suf = self._findSuffix( if suf != None and suf not in existingSuffixes: existingSuffixes.append(suf) existingSuffixes.sort() currentSuffix = "" if CurrentGlyph() is not None: currentSuffix = self._findSuffix(CurrentGlyph().name) elif self.f.selection is not None: for gn in self.f.selection: currentSuffix = self._findSuffix(gn) if currentSuffix != None: break self.w = FloatingWindow((300, 166), "Suffixer") p = 10 h = 20 y1, y2, y3, y4 = 15, 49, 82, 135 w1, x2 = 160, 180 self.w.labelTwo = TextBox((p, y1, w1, h), "Add suffix to glyph names:") self.w.dotTwo = TextBox((x2, y1, 15, h), ".") self.w.newSuffix = ComboBox((x2 + p, y1, -p, h), currentPresets) self.w.replace = CheckBox((p + 2, y2, w1, h), "Replace existing suffix:", callback=self.replaceCheckCallback) self.w.dotOne = TextBox((x2, y2, 15, h), ".") self.w.oldSuffix = PopUpButton((x2 + p, y2, -p, h), existingSuffixes) if currentSuffix != "" and currentSuffix != None: self.w.oldSuffix.set(existingSuffixes.index(currentSuffix)) self.w.scope = RadioGroup( (p, y3, -p, h * 2), ["Target selected glyphs", "Replace all in current font"], isVertical=True) self.w.scope.set(0) currentState = 0 if currentSuffix == "" or currentSuffix == None else 1 self.w.replace.set(currentState) self.w.scope.enable(currentState) self.w.submit = Button((p, y4, -p, h), "Change suffixes", callback=self.replaceSuffixes) self.w.setDefaultButton(self.w.submit) self.w.makeKey()
"speak": "New font did open." }, "newFontWillOpen": { "frequency": 1.0, "sound": "no sound", "speak": "New font will open." } } # -------- # Defaults # -------- extensions.registerExtensionDefaults({ defaultStub + "audible": True, defaultStub + "soundDirectory": "", defaultStub + "events": coachMode, }) # ---------- # Controller # ---------- class _RoboSoundsController(object): def __init__(self): self.loadUserDefaults() self.loadSounds() # ----------- # Observation
_PDFFolderKey = "%s.Folder" % PDFKey _PDFTimeStampOnOffKey = "%s.TimeStampOnOff" % PDFKey _PDFTimeStampKey = "%s.TimeStamp" % PDFKey _PDFOpenPDFKey = "%s.OpenKey" % PDFKey _PDFTextLimitKey = "%s.TextLimit" %PDFKey defaults = dict() defaults[_PDFFileNameKey] = 'RoboFontSpaceCenter' defaults[_PDFFolderPathKey] = '/Users/%s/Desktop' % getlogin() defaults[_PDFFolderKey] = 0 defaults[_PDFTimeStampOnOffKey] = False defaults[_PDFTimeStampKey] = "%y%m%d_%H%M%S" defaults[_PDFOpenPDFKey] = True defaults[_PDFTextLimitKey] = 5 registerExtensionDefaults(defaults) extra = """Extra options for file name: %ufo = ufo file name %text = actual text in the spacecenter""" class PDFSettings(object): def __init__(self): width = 300 height = 400 y=7 self.w = FloatingWindow((width, height), "PDF Settings") # file name self.w.fileNameText = TextBox((10,y,-10,22), "File name", sizeStyle='small') self.w.fileNameEdit = EditText((10,y+22,-10,25), text=getExtensionDefault(_PDFFileNameKey), callback=self._warning, continuous=False)