def resetCallback(self, sender=None): """ Resets the view to the currently opened fonts. """ self.fonts = AllFonts() self.w.fontList.set(self._getFontItems())
def loadFontsOrder(self): if self.fontsOrder is None: fontsOrder = [f for f in AllFonts() if f.path is not None] self.fontsOrder = sorted(fontsOrder, key=lambda f: os.path.basename(f.path)) else: newFontsOrder = [f for f in AllFonts() if f in self.fontsOrder] + [ f for f in AllFonts() if f not in self.fontsOrder ] self.fontsOrder = newFontsOrder
def italicizeCallback(self, sender=None): italicAngle = self.getItalicAngle() italicSlantOffset = self.getItalicSlantOffset() if self.w.fontSelection.get() == 0: if CurrentFont() is not None: fonts = [CurrentFont()] else: fonts = [] else: fonts = AllFonts() if self.w.glyphSelection.get() == 0 and CurrentGlyph() is not None: glyphs = [CurrentGlyph()] elif self.w.glyphSelection.get() == 1: glyphs = [] for f in fonts: for gname in CurrentFont().selection: if gname in f: glyphs.append(f[gname]) else: glyphs = [] for f in fonts: for g in f: glyphs.append( for glyph in glyphs: italicize(glyph, italicAngle, offset=italicSlantOffset, shouldMakeReferenceLayer=self.w.makeReferenceLayer.get())
def getOtherMaster(nextFont=True, shuffleFont=False): cf = CurrentFont() orderedFonts = [] fonts = {} for f in AllFonts(): if f.path is None: continue fonts[f.path] = f sortedPaths = list(fonts.keys()) sortedPaths.sort() # if shuffleFont: shufflePaths = sortedPaths[:] shufflePaths.remove(cf.path) shuffledPath = random.choice(shufflePaths) return fonts[shuffledPath] for i in range(len(sortedPaths)): if cf.path == fonts[sortedPaths[i]].path: prev = fonts[sortedPaths[i - 1]] nxt = fonts[sortedPaths[(i + 1) % len(sortedPaths)]] if nextFont: return nxt else: return prev
def _fontWillClose(self, info): """ Close the window when the last font is closed """ if len(AllFonts()) < 2: self.windowClose(self) self.w.close()
def __init__(self): super(VisualReporter, self).__init__() self.allFonts = AllFonts() self.sortAllFonts() self.collectFontNames() self.w = Window((0, 0, PLUGIN_WIDTH, 1), PLUGIN_TITLE) jumpingY = UI_MARGIN self.w.fontsPopUp = PopUpButton( (UI_MARGIN, jumpingY, NET_WIDTH, vanillaControlsSize['PopUpButtonRegularHeight']), self.fontNames, callback=None) jumpingY += vanillaControlsSize['PopUpButtonRegularHeight'] + UI_MARGIN self.w.reportButton = SquareButton( (UI_MARGIN, jumpingY, NET_WIDTH, vanillaControlsSize['ButtonRegularHeight'] * 1.5), 'Generate PDF Report', callback=self.reportButtonCallback) jumpingY += vanillaControlsSize['ButtonRegularHeight'] * 1.5 + UI_MARGIN self.setUpBaseWindowBehavior() addObserver(self, 'updateFontOptions', "newFontDidOpen") addObserver(self, 'updateFontOptions', "fontDidOpen") addObserver(self, 'updateFontOptions', "fontWillClose") self.w.bind("close", self.windowCloseCallback) self.w.resize(PLUGIN_WIDTH, jumpingY)
def updateFontOptions(self, notification): self.allFonts = AllFonts() self.sortAllFonts() self.collectFontNames() previousFontName = self.w.fontsPopUp.get() self.w.fontsPopUp.setItems(self.fontNames) if previousFontName in self.fontNames: self.w.fontsPopUp.set(self.fontNames.index(previousFontName))
def get_fonts(self): # get all fonts self.all_fonts = AllFonts() # get font names self.all_fonts_names = [] if len(self.all_fonts) > 0: for font in self.all_fonts: self.all_fonts_names.append(get_full_name(font))
def initFontsOrder(self): if self.fontsOrder is None: fontsOrder = [f for f in AllFonts() if f.path is not None] self.fontsOrder = sorted(fontsOrder, key=lambda f: os.path.basename(f.path)) else: newFontsOrder = [f for f in AllFonts() if f in self.fontsOrder] + [ f for f in AllFonts() if f not in self.fontsOrder ] self.fontsOrder = newFontsOrder for eachFont in self.fontsOrder: status, report = checkGroupConflicts(eachFont) if status is False: self.kerningLogger.error('groups conflict in {}'.format( eachFont.path)) self.kerningLogger.error(report)
def prepareFontsToAction(self): if self.whichFont == 'All Fonts': fontsToProcess = AllFonts() elif self.whichFont == 'Current Font': fontsToProcess = [CurrentFont()] else: fontsToProcess = [self.whichFont] return fontsToProcess
def updateGlyphList(self): if self.activeFontPath == CURRENT_FONT_REPR: activeFont = CurrentFont() else: activeFont = getOpenedFontFromPath(AllFonts(), self.activeFontPath) activeGlyphOrder = makeGlyphList(activeFont) self.glyphPop.setItems(activeGlyphOrder) self.glyphPop.set(activeGlyphOrder.index(self.activeGlyphName))
def cleanButtonCallback(self, sender): if == 'All Fonts': fontsToProcess = AllFonts() else: fontsToProcess = [CurrentFont()] for eachFont in fontsToProcess: for eachTargetName, _ in self.transferList: if eachTargetName in eachFont: eachFont[eachTargetName].clear()
def __init__(self): super(AccentedMaker, self).__init__() self.initLogger() self.fontOptions = ['All Fonts', 'Current Font'] + AllFonts() self.whichFont = self.fontOptions[0] self.pluginHeight = PLUGIN_HEIGHT self.loadAccentedData() self.parseGlyphListsFromAccentedData() firstKey = self.glyphLists[self.whichAction].keys()[0] self.whichGlyphList = self.glyphLists[self.whichAction][firstKey] self.w = FloatingWindow((0, 0, PLUGIN_WIDTH, self.pluginHeight), PLUGIN_TITLE) self.w.sharedCtrls = SharedCtrls( (MARGIN_HOR, MARGIN_VER, NET_WIDTH, 104), fontOptions=self.fontOptions, whichFont=self.whichFont, actions=self.actions, whichAction=self.whichAction, glyphLists=self.glyphLists, whichGlyphList=self.whichGlyphList, markColor=self.markColor, markEditedGlyphs=self.markEditedGlyphs, callback=self.sharedCtrlsCallback) self.w.separationLine = HorizontalLine( (MARGIN_HOR, self.w.sharedCtrls.getPosSize()[3] + MARGIN_ROW, NET_WIDTH, vanillaControlsSize['HorizontalLineThickness'])) dependantCtrlsHgt = MARGIN_VER + self.w.sharedCtrls.getPosSize( )[3] + MARGIN_ROW self.w.anchorsCtrls = AnchorsCtrls( (MARGIN_HOR, dependantCtrlsHgt, NET_WIDTH, 76), callbackAttrs=self.anchorsVarsCallback, placeCallback=self.anchorsPlaceCallback, deleteCallback=self.anchorsDeleteCallback) self.w.buildingCtrls = BuildingCtrls( (MARGIN_HOR, dependantCtrlsHgt, NET_WIDTH, 50), self.uppercaseAccents, callbackAttrs=self.buildingVarsCallback, callbackCheck=self.checkAccentedCallback, callbackBuild=self.buildAccentedCallback) addObserver(self, 'updateFontOptions', "newFontDidOpen") addObserver(self, 'updateFontOptions', "fontDidOpen") addObserver(self, 'updateFontOptions', "fontWillClose") self.w.bind("close", self.windowCloseCallback) self.setUpBaseWindowBehavior() self.adjustPluginHeight()
def updateFontList(self, sender): self.fontOptions = AllFonts() self.w.targetPopUp.setItems([ '{} {}'.format(, for font in self.fontOptions ]) if self.fontOptions: self.chosenFont = self.fontOptions[0] else: self.chosenFont = None
def get_fonts(self): self.all_fonts = AllFonts() if len(self.all_fonts) > 0: self.all_fonts_names = [] for f in self.all_fonts: font_name = get_full_name(f) self.all_fonts_names.append(font_name) self.w.source_value.setItems(self.all_fonts_names) self.w.target_value.setItems(self.all_fonts_names) # no font open else: print no_font_open
def destroy(self): CurrentGlyphSubscriber.controller = None unregisterCurrentGlyphSubscriber(CurrentGlyphSubscriber) GlyphEditorSubscriber.controller = None unregisterGlyphEditorSubscriber(GlyphEditorSubscriber) FontListManager.controller = None unregisterRoboFontSubscriber(FontListManager) if DEBUG_MODE: for eachFont in AllFonts(): eachFont.close()
def __init__(self): self.doMarkGlyphs = 0 self.doOverwrite = 1 self.sourceFontList = AllFonts() self.destinationFontList = AllFonts() self.source_font = self.sourceFontList[0] self.destination_fonts = None self.glyphs = None self.mark = NSColor.redColor() sl = [] for f in self.sourceFontList: if != None: fn = else: fn = "None" if != None: fs = else: fs = "None" sl.append(fn+" "+fs) ## create a window self.w = Window((700, 500), "Copy Glyphs", minSize=(700, 500)) self.w.sourceTitle = TextBox((15, 20, 200, 20), "Source Font:") self.w.sourceFont = PopUpButton((15, 42, -410, 20), sl, callback=self.sourceCallback) self.w.glyphs = GlyphCollectionView((16, 70, -410, -65), initialMode="list", enableDelete=False, allowDrag=False, selectionCallback=self.glyphCallback) self._sortGlyphs(self.source_font) self.w.desTitle = TextBox((-400, 20, 200, 20), "Destination Fonts:") self.w.destinationFonts = FontList((-400, 42, -15, -115), self.destinationFontList, selectionCallback=self.desCallback) self.w.overwrite = CheckBox((-395, -105, 130, 22), "Overwrite glyphs", callback=self.overwriteCallback, value=self.doOverwrite) self.w.markGlyphs = CheckBox((-395, -84, 100, 22), "Mark Glyphs", callback=self.markCallback, value=self.doMarkGlyphs) self.w.copyButton = Button((-115, -40, 100, 20), 'Copy Glyphs', callback=self.copyCallback) self.w.line = HorizontalLine((10, -50, -10, 1)) self._checkSelection() self._updateDest() ## open the window
def button_apply_callback(self, sender): all_fonts = AllFonts() if len(all_fonts) > 0: # get settings _decompose = self.w._decompose.get() _overlaps = self.w._overlaps.get() _autohint = self.w._autohint.get() _release_mode = self.w._release_mode.get() # print settings boolstring = ("False", "True") print('generating .otfs for all open fonts...\n') print('\totfs folder: %s' % self._otfs_folder) print('\tremove overlaps: %s' % boolstring[_overlaps]) print('\tdecompose: %s' % boolstring[_decompose]) print('\tautohint: %s' % boolstring[_autohint]) print('\trelease mode: %s' % boolstring[_release_mode]) print() # batch generate _undo_name = 'generate all open fonts' for font in all_fonts: if font.path is not None: _font_path = font.path print('\tgenerating .otf for %s...' % os.path.split(get_full_name(font))[1]) # generate otf otf_file = os.path.splitext(os.path.split( font.path)[1])[0] + '.otf' otf_path = os.path.join(self._otfs_folder, otf_file) font.generate(otf_path, 'otf', decompose=_decompose, autohint=_autohint, checkOutlines=_overlaps, releaseMode=_release_mode, glyphOrder=[]) print('\t\totf path: %s' % otf_path) print('\t\tgeneration sucessful? %s\n' % os.path.exists(otf_path)) # skip unsaved open fonts else: print( '\tskipping "%s", please save this font to file first.\n' % os.path.split(get_full_name(font))[1]) # done all print('...done.\n') # no font open else: print(no_font_open)
def glyphPopCallback(self, sender): if self.activeFontPath == CURRENT_FONT_REPR: activeFont = CurrentFont() else: activeFont = getOpenedFontFromPath(AllFonts(), self.activeFontPath) if sender.get() == 0: self.activeGlyphName = CurrentGlyph().name elif sender.get() == 1: self.activeGlyphName = None else: self.activeGlyphName = self.glyphPop.getItems()[sender.get()] self.callback(self)
def openFont(nameOrPath, showUI=False): """ Open a font defined by the name of path. If the font is already open in RoboFont, then answer. """ if isRoboFont(): from mojo.roboFont import AllFonts, OpenFont for f in AllFonts(): if nameOrPath == or f.path.endswith(nameOrPath): return f assert os.path.exists(nameOrPath) return OpenFont(nameOrPath, showUI=showUI) # Else not in RoboFont, use plain fontParts instead from fontParts.fontshell.font import RFont #print('RFONT', nameOrPath) return RFont(nameOrPath, showInterface=showUI)
def get_fonts(self): # get all fonts self.all_fonts = AllFonts() if len(self.all_fonts) > 0: # get font names self.all_fonts_names = [] if len(self.all_fonts) > 0: for font in self.all_fonts: self.all_fonts_names.append(get_full_name(font)) self.all_fonts_names.sort() # update UI self.w.source_value.setItems(self.all_fonts_names) self.w.dest_value.setItems(self.all_fonts_names) # no font open else: print(no_font_open)
def fontPopCallback(self, sender): if sender.get() > 1: self.activeFontPath = self.openedFontPaths[sender.get() - 2] activeFont = getOpenedFontFromPath(AllFonts(), self.activeFontPath) else: self.fontPop.set(0) self.activeFontPath = CURRENT_FONT_REPR activeFont = CurrentFont() activeGlyphOrder = makeGlyphList(activeFont) self.glyphPop.setItems(activeGlyphOrder) if not activeFont.has_key(self.activeGlyphName): self.activeGlyphName = activeGlyphOrder[0] self.glyphPop.set(activeGlyphOrder.index(self.activeGlyphName)) self.callback(self)
def toolbarAddOpenFonts(self, sender): fonts = AllFonts() existingPaths = [item.path() for item in self.paths.get()] paths = [] unSaved = [] for font in fonts: if font.path in existingPaths: continue if font.path: paths.append(font.path) else: unSaved.append("%s %s" % (, if unSaved: self.showMessage("Cannot import unsaved fonts.", "\n".join(unSaved)) items = self._wrapItems(paths) items = self.paths.get() + self._wrapItems(paths) self.paths.set(items)
def chooseRightGlyph(aFontPath, aGlyphName): if aGlyphName == CURRENT_GLYPH_REPR: absGlyphName = CurrentGlyph().name else: absGlyphName = aGlyphName if aFontPath == CURRENT_FONT_REPR: absFontPath = CurrentFont().path else: absFontPath = aFontPath for eachFont in AllFonts(): if eachFont.path == absFontPath: if eachFont.has_key(absGlyphName): return eachFont[absGlyphName] else: return None
def setInFontCallback(self, sender): if self.w.fontSelection.get() == 0: if CurrentFont() is not None: fonts = [CurrentFont()] else: fonts = [] else: fonts = AllFonts() for f in fonts: with f.undo('italicBowtie'): = self.getItalicAngle() f.lib[self.italicSlantOffsetKey] = self.getItalicSlantOffset() try: window = CurrentGlyphWindow() window.setGlyph(CurrentGlyph().naked()) except Exception: print(self.DEFAULTKEY, 'error resetting window, please refresh it') self.updateBowtie()
def fontDidCloseCallback(self, notification): self.allFonts = AllFonts() if self.selectedFont is None and self.allFonts != []: self.selectedFont = self.allFonts[0] links = loadLinksFromFont(self.selectedFont) self.w.linksList.set(links) currentFontName = self.w.fontPopUp.getItems()[self.w.fontPopUp.get()] newNames = getNamesFrom(self.allFonts) self.w.fontPopUp.setItems(newNames) if self.allFonts != []: if currentName in newNames: self.w.fontPopUp.set(newNames.index(currentName)) else: self.w.fontPopUp.set( newNames.index(os.path.basename(self.selectedFont)))
def getOtherMaster(nextFont=True): cf = CurrentFont() orderedFonts = [] fonts = {} for f in AllFonts(): if f.path is None: continue fonts[f.path]=f sortedPaths = list(fonts.keys()) sortedPaths.sort() for i in range(len(sortedPaths)): if cf.path == fonts[sortedPaths[i]].path: prev = fonts[sortedPaths[i-1]] nxt = fonts[sortedPaths[(i+1)%len(sortedPaths)]] if nextFont: return nxt else: return prev
def fitButtonCallback(self, sender): if self.fontTarget == 'All Fonts': fontsToProcess = AllFonts() else: fontsToProcess = [CurrentFont()] for eachFont in fontsToProcess: if self.glyphTarget == 'All Glyphs': glyphNamesToProcess = eachFont.glyphOrder elif self.glyphTarget == 'Selection': glyphNamesToProcess = CurrentFont().selection else: glyphNamesToProcess = [CurrentGlyph().name] for eachName in glyphNamesToProcess: eachGlyph = eachFont[eachName] gridFit(eachGlyph, self.gridSize, bcpHandlesFit=self.bcpHandlesFit)
def apply_callback(self, sender): # batch perform actions all_fonts = AllFonts() if len(all_fonts) > 0: print('transforming all open fonts...\n') for font in all_fonts: print('\ttransforming %s...' % get_full_name(font)) if self.round: print('\t\trounding...') font.round() if self.decompose: print('\t\tdecomposing...') decompose(font) if self.overlaps: print('\t\tremoving overlaps...') font.removeOverlap() if self.order: print('\t\tauto contour order...') auto_contour_order(font) if self.direction: print('\t\tauto contour direction...') auto_contour_direction(font) if self.extremes: print('\t\tadding extreme points...') add_extremes(font) if print('\t\tsaving font...') if self.close: print('\t\tclosing font...') font.close() print() print('\t...done.\n') print('...done.\n') # no font open else: print(no_font_open)
def fontDidOpenCallback(self, notification): self.allFonts = AllFonts() if self.selectedFont is not None: previousFontName = self.w.fontPopUp.getItems()[ self.w.fontPopUp.get()] else: self.selectedFont = self.allFonts[0] previousFontName = None newNames = getNamesFrom(self.allFonts) self.w.fontPopUp.setItems(newNames) if previousFontName is not None: self.w.fontPopUp.set(newNames.index(previousFontName)) links = loadLinksFromFont(self.selectedFont) self.w.linksList.set(links) self.w.linksList.setSelection([0]) self.currentRow = self.w.linksList[self.w.linksList.getSelection()[0]] self.matchSubscriptions() self.matchDisplayedSubscriptions()
class switchGlyphDialog(object): _title = "switch" _padding_top = 8 _padding = 10 _button_1 = 30 _button_2 = 18 _line_height = 18 _box_height = 23 _width = 320 _height = (_button_1 * 3) + (_padding_top * 2) _move_default = 70 def __init__(self): # get fonts self.all_fonts = AllFonts() if len(self.all_fonts) > 0: self.w = FloatingWindow( (self._width, self._height), self._title) # move buttons p = self._padding b1 = self._button_1 b2 = self._button_2 box = self._box_height x = self._padding y = self._padding_top x1 = x + b1 - 1 x2 = x + (b1 * 2) - 2 # buttons self.w._up = SquareButton( (x1, y, b1, b1), unichr(8673), callback=self._up_callback) self.w._up_right = SquareButton( (x2 + 8, y, b1 - 8, b1 - 8), unichr(8599), callback=self._up_right_callback, sizeStyle='small') y += b1 - 1 self.w._left = SquareButton( (x, y, b1, b1), unichr(8672), callback=self._left_callback) self.w._right = SquareButton( (x2, y, b1, b1), unichr(8674), callback=self._right_callback) y += b1 - 1 self.w._down = SquareButton( (x1, y, b1, b1), unichr(8675), callback=self._down_callback) self.w._down_left = SquareButton( (x, y + 8, b1 - 8, b1 - 8), unichr(8601), callback=self._down_left_callback, sizeStyle='small') # location y = p x3 = x2 + b1 + 16 self.w.box_font = Box( (x3, y, -self._padding, self._box_height)) self.w.box_font.text = TextBox( (5, 0, -self._padding, -0), '', sizeStyle='small') y += self._box_height + self._padding_top self.w.box_glyph = Box( (x3, y, -self._padding, self._box_height)) self.w.box_glyph.text = TextBox( (5, 0, -self._padding, -0), '', sizeStyle='small') y += self._box_height + self._padding_top self.w.box_layer = Box( (x3, y, -self._padding, self._box_height)) self.w.box_layer.text = TextBox( (5, 0, -self._padding, -0), '', sizeStyle='small') # open if self.update(): else: print 'please open at least one font first.\n' # methods def next_glyph(self): next = next_glyph(self.font, self.glyph_index) try: self.glyph_window.setGlyphByName(next) except AttributeError: self.glyph_window = CurrentGlyphWindow() self.glyph_window.setGlyphByName(next) self.update() def previous_glyph(self): prev = previous_glyph(self.font, self.glyph_index) try: self.glyph_window.setGlyphByName(prev) except AttributeError: self.glyph_window = CurrentGlyphWindow() self.glyph_window.setGlyphByName(prev) self.update() def layer_down(self): try: self.glyph_window.layerDown() except AttributeError: self.glyph_window = CurrentGlyphWindow() self.glyph_window.layerDown() self.update() def layer_up(self): try: self.glyph_window.layerUp() except AttributeError: self.glyph_window = CurrentGlyphWindow() self.glyph_window.layerUp() self.update() def _update_text_box(self): self.w.box_font.text.set('%s [%s]' % (get_full_name(self.font), self.font_index)) self.w.box_glyph.text.set('%s [%s]' % (, self.glyph_index)) self.w.box_layer.text.set(self.glyph.layerName) def update(self): self.glyph_window = CurrentGlyphWindow() if self.glyph_window is not None: self.glyph = CurrentGlyph() self.font = self.glyph.getParent() self.glyph_index = self.font.glyphOrder.index( self.font_index = self.all_fonts.index(self.font) self._update_text_box() return True else: f = CurrentFont() if f is not None: self.font = f self.font_index = self.all_fonts.index(self.font) glyph_names = get_glyphs(f) if len(glyph_names) > 0: self.glyph = self.font[glyph_names[0]] self.glyph_index = self.font.glyphOrder.index( self.glyph_window = OpenGlyphWindow(self.glyph, newWindow=False) self._update_text_box() return True else: print 'please select a glyph first.\n' return False else: print 'please open a font first.\n' return False # callbacks def _left_callback(self, sender): self.previous_glyph() def _right_callback(self, sender): self.next_glyph() def _up_callback(self, sender): self.layer_up() def _down_callback(self, sender): self.layer_down() def _up_right_callback(self, sender): if len(self.all_fonts) > 1: # get next font f = CurrentFont() i = self.all_fonts.index(f) try: next_i = i + 1 next_font = self.all_fonts[next_i] except IndexError: next_i = 0 next_font = self.all_fonts[next_i] # get glyph g_current = CurrentGlyph() if g_current is not None: if next_font.has_key( next_glyph = next_font[] else: next_glyph = next_font[next_font.glyphOrder[0]] # switch to glyph window G = OpenGlyphWindow(next_glyph, newWindow=False) # update UI self.update() def _down_left_callback(self, sender): if len(self.all_fonts) > 1: # get next font f = CurrentFont() i = self.all_fonts.index(f) try: prev_i = i - 1 prev_font = self.all_fonts[prev_i] except IndexError: prev_i = -1 prev_font = self.all_fonts[prev_i] # get glyph g_current = CurrentGlyph() if g_current is not None: if prev_font.has_key( prev_glyph = prev_font[] else: prev_glyph = prev_font[prev_font.glyphOrder[0]] # switch to glyph window G = OpenGlyphWindow(prev_glyph, newWindow=False) # update UI self.update()
class switchGlyphDialog(hDialog): """A dialog to navigate through glyphs, fonts and layers of all open fonts. .. image:: imgs/glyph/switch.png """ # methods def __init__(self): # get fonts self.get_fonts() if len(self.all_fonts) > 0: self.title = "switch" self.text_height += 3 self.square_button -= 4 self.height = (self.square_button * 3) + (self.padding_y * 2) self.width = 320 self.w = HUDFloatingWindow((self.width, self.height), self.title) # move buttons x = self.padding_x y = self.padding_y x1 = x + (self.square_button * 1) - 1 x2 = x + (self.square_button * 2) - 2 self.w._up = SquareButton( (x1, y, self.square_button, self.square_button), unichr(8673), callback=self._up_callback) self.w._up_right = SquareButton( (x2 + 8, y, self.square_button - 8, self.square_button - 8), unichr(8599), callback=self._up_right_callback, sizeStyle=self.size_style) y += self.square_button - 1 self.w._left = SquareButton( (x, y, self.square_button, self.square_button), unichr(8672), callback=self._left_callback) self.w._right = SquareButton( (x2, y, self.square_button, self.square_button), unichr(8674), callback=self._right_callback) y += self.square_button - 1 self.w._down_left = SquareButton( (x, y + 8, self.square_button - 8, self.square_button - 8), unichr(8601), callback=self._down_left_callback, sizeStyle=self.size_style) self.w._down = SquareButton( (x1, y, self.square_button, self.square_button), unichr(8675), callback=self._down_callback) # location y = self.padding_y x3 = x2 + self.square_button + 16 self.w.box_font = Box( (x3, y, -self.padding_x, self.text_height)) self.w.box_font.text = TextBox( (5, 0, -self.padding_x, -0), '', sizeStyle=self.size_style) y += self.text_height + self.padding_y self.w.box_glyph = Box( (x3, y, -self.padding_x, self.text_height)) self.w.box_glyph.text = TextBox( (5, 0, -self.padding_x, -0), '', sizeStyle=self.size_style) y += self.text_height + self.padding_y self.w.box_layer = Box( (x3, y, -self.padding_x, self.text_height)) self.w.box_layer.text = TextBox( (5, 0, -self.padding_x, -0), '', sizeStyle=self.size_style) # open if self.update(): # bind # self.w.bind("became key", self.update_callback) self.w.bind("close", self.on_close_window) # observers addObserver(self, "update_callback", "newFontDidOpen") addObserver(self, "update_callback", "fontDidOpen") addObserver(self, "update_callback", "fontDidClose") # open window else: print no_font_open # methods def get_fonts(self): self.all_fonts = AllFonts() def next_glyph(self): next = next_glyph(self.font, self.glyph_index) try: self.glyph_window.setGlyphByName(next) except AttributeError: self.glyph_window = CurrentGlyphWindow() self.glyph_window.setGlyphByName(next) self.update() def previous_glyph(self): prev = previous_glyph(self.font, self.glyph_index) try: self.glyph_window.setGlyphByName(prev) except AttributeError: self.glyph_window = CurrentGlyphWindow() self.glyph_window.setGlyphByName(prev) self.update() def layer_down(self): try: self.glyph_window.layerDown() except AttributeError: self.glyph_window = CurrentGlyphWindow() self.glyph_window.layerDown() self.update() def layer_up(self): try: self.glyph_window.layerUp() except AttributeError: self.glyph_window = CurrentGlyphWindow() self.glyph_window.layerUp() self.update() def _update_text_box(self): self.w.box_font.text.set(get_full_name(self.font)) self.w.box_glyph.text.set( self.w.box_layer.text.set(self.glyph.layerName) def update(self): self.glyph_window = CurrentGlyphWindow() if self.glyph_window is not None: self.glyph = CurrentGlyph() self.font = self.glyph.getParent() self.glyph_index = self.font.glyphOrder.index( self.font_index = self.all_fonts.index(self.font) self._update_text_box() return True else: f = CurrentFont() if f is not None: self.font = f self.font_index = self.all_fonts.index(self.font) glyph_names = get_glyphs(f) if len(glyph_names) > 0: self.glyph = self.font[glyph_names[0]] self.glyph_index = self.font.glyphOrder.index( self.glyph_window = OpenGlyphWindow(self.glyph, newWindow=False) self._update_text_box() return True else: print no_glyph_selected return False else: print no_font_open return False # callbacks def _left_callback(self, sender): self.previous_glyph() def _right_callback(self, sender): self.next_glyph() def _up_callback(self, sender): self.layer_up() def _down_callback(self, sender): self.layer_down() def _up_right_callback(self, sender): if len(self.all_fonts) > 1: # get next font f = CurrentFont() i = self.all_fonts.index(f) try: next_i = i + 1 next_font = self.all_fonts[next_i] except IndexError: next_i = 0 next_font = self.all_fonts[next_i] # get glyph g_current = CurrentGlyph() if g_current is not None: if next_font.has_key( next_glyph = next_font[] else: next_glyph = next_font[next_font.glyphOrder[0]] # switch to glyph window G = OpenGlyphWindow(next_glyph, newWindow=False) # update UI self.update() def _down_left_callback(self, sender): if len(self.all_fonts) > 1: # get next font f = CurrentFont() i = self.all_fonts.index(f) try: prev_i = i - 1 prev_font = self.all_fonts[prev_i] except IndexError: prev_i = -1 prev_font = self.all_fonts[prev_i] # get glyph g_current = CurrentGlyph() if g_current is not None: if prev_font.has_key( prev_glyph = prev_font[] else: prev_glyph = prev_font[prev_font.glyphOrder[0]] # switch to glyph window G = OpenGlyphWindow(prev_glyph, newWindow=False) # update UI self.update() def update_callback(self, sender): self.get_fonts() self.update() def on_close_window(self, sender): removeObserver(self, "newFontDidOpen") removeObserver(self, "fontDidOpen") removeObserver(self, "fontDidClose")
def get_fonts(self): self.all_fonts = AllFonts()
def __init__(self): # get fonts self.all_fonts = AllFonts() if len(self.all_fonts) > 0: self.w = FloatingWindow( (self._width, self._height), self._title) # move buttons p = self._padding b1 = self._button_1 b2 = self._button_2 box = self._box_height x = self._padding y = self._padding_top x1 = x + b1 - 1 x2 = x + (b1 * 2) - 2 # buttons self.w._up = SquareButton( (x1, y, b1, b1), unichr(8673), callback=self._up_callback) self.w._up_right = SquareButton( (x2 + 8, y, b1 - 8, b1 - 8), unichr(8599), callback=self._up_right_callback, sizeStyle='small') y += b1 - 1 self.w._left = SquareButton( (x, y, b1, b1), unichr(8672), callback=self._left_callback) self.w._right = SquareButton( (x2, y, b1, b1), unichr(8674), callback=self._right_callback) y += b1 - 1 self.w._down = SquareButton( (x1, y, b1, b1), unichr(8675), callback=self._down_callback) self.w._down_left = SquareButton( (x, y + 8, b1 - 8, b1 - 8), unichr(8601), callback=self._down_left_callback, sizeStyle='small') # location y = p x3 = x2 + b1 + 16 self.w.box_font = Box( (x3, y, -self._padding, self._box_height)) self.w.box_font.text = TextBox( (5, 0, -self._padding, -0), '', sizeStyle='small') y += self._box_height + self._padding_top self.w.box_glyph = Box( (x3, y, -self._padding, self._box_height)) self.w.box_glyph.text = TextBox( (5, 0, -self._padding, -0), '', sizeStyle='small') y += self._box_height + self._padding_top self.w.box_layer = Box( (x3, y, -self._padding, self._box_height)) self.w.box_layer.text = TextBox( (5, 0, -self._padding, -0), '', sizeStyle='small') # open if self.update(): else: print 'please open at least one font first.\n'