print("Saved %s" % (screenshot_filename)) self.screenshot_counter += 1 # Add your keyboard shortcuts here. If you modify any of the # actors or change some other parts or properties of the # scene, don't forget to call the render window's Render() # function to update the rendering. # elif key == ... # Read the data into a vtkPolyData object using the functions in # basedir = dirname(realpath(__file__)) #Get the directory of the .py file, courtesy of data = vtk.vtkPolyData() data.SetPoints(molecules_io.read_points(join(basedir, "coordinates.txt"))) data.GetPointData().SetScalars(molecules_io.read_scalars(join(basedir, "radii.txt"))) data.SetLines(molecules_io.read_connections(join(basedir, "connections.txt"))) pd = data.GetPointData() pd.GetScalars().SetName("radii") colors = vtkUnsignedCharArray() colors.SetNumberOfComponents(3) colors.SetName("Colors") color_table =[[255,0,0],[128,255,0],[0,255,255],[127,0,255], [255,0,255],[255,127,0],[0,255,0], [0,127,255] ] color_dictionary = dict() scalars = data.GetPointData().GetScalars() current_key = 0; for i in range(0, scalars.GetNumberOfTuples()): scalar = scalars.GetTuple1(i)
self.png_writer.SetFileName(screenshot_filename) self.png_writer.Write() print("Saved %s" % (screenshot_filename)) self.screenshot_counter += 1 # Add your keyboard shortcuts here. If you modify any of the # actors or change some other parts or properties of the # scene, don't forget to call the render window's Render() # function to update the rendering. # elif key == ... # Read the data into a vtkPolyData object using the functions in # data = vtk.vtkPolyData() data.SetPoints(molecules_io.read_points("coordinates.txt")) data.GetPointData().SetScalars(molecules_io.read_scalars("radii.txt")) data.SetLines(molecules_io.read_connections("connections.txt")) # Add your code here... #Glyphs# sphere = vtk.vtkSphereSource() sphere.SetRadius(0.25) sphere.SetThetaResolution(8) sphere.SetPhiResolution(8) sphereGlyph = vtk.vtkGlyph3D() sphereGlyph.SetInput(data) sphereGlyph.SetSourceConnection(sphere.GetOutputPort()) sphereGlyph.SetScaleModeToScaleByScalar() sphereGlyph.SetColorModeToColorByScalar()
self.png_writer.SetFileName(screenshot_filename) self.png_writer.Write() print("Saved %s" % (screenshot_filename)) self.screenshot_counter += 1 # Add your keyboard shortcuts here. If you modify any of the # actors or change some other parts or properties of the # scene, don't forget to call the render window's Render() # function to update the rendering. # elif key == ... # Read the data into a vtkPolyData object using the functions in # data = vtk.vtkPolyData() data.SetPoints(molecules_io.read_points("coordinates.txt")) data.GetPointData().SetScalars(molecules_io.read_scalars("radii.txt")) data.SetLines(molecules_io.read_connections("connections.txt")) # Add your code here... # Glyphs# sphere = vtk.vtkSphereSource() sphere.SetRadius(0.25) sphere.SetThetaResolution(8) sphere.SetPhiResolution(8) sphereGlyph = vtk.vtkGlyph3D() sphereGlyph.SetInput(data) sphereGlyph.SetSourceConnection(sphere.GetOutputPort()) sphereGlyph.SetScaleModeToScaleByScalar() sphereGlyph.SetColorModeToColorByScalar()