文件: utils.py 项目: thewtex/MONAI
def do_metric_reduction(
    f: torch.Tensor,
    reduction: Union[MetricReduction, str] = MetricReduction.MEAN,
    This function is to do the metric reduction for calculated metrics of each example's each class.
        f: a tensor that contains the calculated metric scores per batch and
            per class. The first two dims should be batch and class.
        reduction: {``"none"``, ``"mean"``, ``"sum"``, ``"mean_batch"``, ``"sum_batch"``,
        ``"mean_channel"``, ``"sum_channel"``}
        Define the mode to reduce computation result of 1 batch data. Defaults to ``"mean"``.

        ValueError: When ``reduction`` is not one of
            ["mean", "sum", "mean_batch", "sum_batch", "mean_channel", "sum_channel" "none"].

    # some elements might be Nan (if ground truth y was missing (zeros))
    # we need to account for it
    nans = torch.isnan(f)
    not_nans = (~nans).float()
    f[nans] = 0

    t_zero = torch.zeros(1, device=f.device, dtype=f.dtype)
    reduction = MetricReduction(reduction)

    if reduction == MetricReduction.MEAN:
        # 2 steps, first, mean by channel (accounting for nans), then by batch
        not_nans = not_nans.sum(dim=1)
        f = torch.where(not_nans > 0,
                        f.sum(dim=1) / not_nans, t_zero)  # channel average

        not_nans = (not_nans > 0).float().sum(dim=0)
        f = torch.where(not_nans > 0,
                        f.sum(dim=0) / not_nans, t_zero)  # batch average

    elif reduction == MetricReduction.SUM:
        not_nans = not_nans.sum(dim=[0, 1])
        f = torch.sum(f, dim=[0, 1])  # sum over the batch and channel dims
    elif reduction == MetricReduction.MEAN_BATCH:
        not_nans = not_nans.sum(dim=0)
        f = torch.where(not_nans > 0,
                        f.sum(dim=0) / not_nans, t_zero)  # batch average
    elif reduction == MetricReduction.SUM_BATCH:
        not_nans = not_nans.sum(dim=0)
        f = f.sum(dim=0)  # the batch sum
    elif reduction == MetricReduction.MEAN_CHANNEL:
        not_nans = not_nans.sum(dim=1)
        f = torch.where(not_nans > 0,
                        f.sum(dim=1) / not_nans, t_zero)  # channel average
    elif reduction == MetricReduction.SUM_CHANNEL:
        not_nans = not_nans.sum(dim=1)
        f = f.sum(dim=1)  # the channel sum
    elif reduction != MetricReduction.NONE:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Unsupported reduction: {reduction}, available options are "
            '["mean", "sum", "mean_batch", "sum_batch", "mean_channel", "sum_channel" "none"].'
    return f, not_nans
    def __init__(
        include_background: bool = True,
        to_onehot_y: bool = False,
        mutually_exclusive: bool = False,
        sigmoid: bool = False,
        other_act: Optional[Callable] = None,
        logit_thresh: float = 0.5,
        reduction: Union[MetricReduction, str] = MetricReduction.MEAN,
    ) -> None:
        if sigmoid and other_act is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Incompatible values: ``sigmoid=True`` and ``other_act is not None``."
        self.include_background = include_background
        self.to_onehot_y = to_onehot_y
        self.mutually_exclusive = mutually_exclusive
        self.sigmoid = sigmoid
        self.other_act = other_act
        self.logit_thresh = logit_thresh
        self.reduction: MetricReduction = MetricReduction(reduction)

        self.not_nans: Optional[
            torch.Tensor] = None  # keep track for valid elements in the batch
    def __init__(
        include_background: bool = True,
        to_onehot_y: bool = False,
        mutually_exclusive: bool = False,
        sigmoid: bool = False,
        logit_thresh: float = 0.5,
        reduction: Union[MetricReduction, str] = MetricReduction.MEAN,
        self.include_background = include_background
        self.to_onehot_y = to_onehot_y
        self.mutually_exclusive = mutually_exclusive
        self.sigmoid = sigmoid
        self.logit_thresh = logit_thresh
        self.reduction: MetricReduction = MetricReduction(reduction)

        self.not_nans = None  # keep track for valid elements in the batch