def article_from_csv(): with open('Scrader4.csv') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for article in reader: new_article = {} new_article['title'] = article.get('Title') new_article['image_url'] = article.get('Image') new_article['subtitle'] = article.get('Date') new_article['item_url'] = article.get('Article') new_article['direction'] = article.get('Sentiment') new_article['company'] = article.get('Company') new_article['website'] = article.get('Website') new_article['website_url'] = article.get('Website url') new_article['false_estims'] = 0 mongo.insert_one('articles', new_article)
def article_from_excel(): from xlrd import open_workbook book = open_workbook('Scrader-Sample_1-12.xlsx') sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0) keys = dict((i, sheet.cell_value(0, i)) for i in range(sheet.ncols)) articles = (dict((keys[j], sheet.cell_value(i, j)) for j in keys) for i in range(1, sheet.nrows)) mongo.delete_many('articles') for article in articles: new_article = {} new_article['title'] = article.get('Title') new_article['image_url'] = article.get('image url') new_article['subtitle'] = '10/5/2017' new_article['item_url'] = article.get('URL') new_article['direction'] = article.get('Sentiment') new_article['company'] = article.get('Company') new_article['website'] = article.get('Website') new_article['website_url'] = article.get('Website url') new_article['false_estims'] = 0 mongo.insert_one('articles', new_article)
def user_login(user_id, user_name, last_name): """ GET Server Status API endpoint Args: Returns: dict: A JSON object containing the nfvacc server status information """"Hi from {}".format(socket.gethostname())) # name = user_name registered = False first_time = True user = mongo.find_one_match('users', {"user_id": user_id}) if user is not None: first_time = False first_name = user.get('first_name') if user.get('subscribed'): registered = True else: user_dict = { 'first_name': user_name, 'last_name': last_name, 'subscribed': False, 'user_id': user_id } mongo.insert_one('users', user_dict) buttons = [] init_message = '' if first_time: # init_message = 'Hi!Nice to meet you ....! ' \ # 'Yes, I am just a machine, ' \ # 'but I can show you news from listed companies daily...' \ # 'I can even decide which news are bad news!' message = 'Let the magic begin! Pick one of the options ' \ 'below or simply type any a listed company name.' button_title = 'Notifications' button_dict_tmpl = { "type": "web_url", "url": "{}/scrader/companies/{}".format(Server_url, user_id), "title": button_title } buttons.append(button_dict_tmpl) block = 'Initializition' button_title = 'I am just a guest' button_dict_tmpl = { "type": "show_block", "block_name": block, "title": button_title } buttons.append(button_dict_tmpl) else: block = 'Companies' button_title = 'Good/Neutral News' button_dict_tmpl = { "type": "show_block", "block_name": block, "title": button_title } buttons.append(button_dict_tmpl) block = 'Companies' button_title = 'Bad News' button_dict_tmpl = { "type": "show_block", "block_name": block, "title": button_title } buttons.append(button_dict_tmpl) if registered: # message = 'Hi again {}. What would you like me to show you? ' \ # 'Remember you can type any company you want to search for scraped news'.\ # format(first_name) message = 'Welcome back {}! ' \ 'Hungry for more news? '\ 'Just pick one of the options below or type ' \ 'a listed company name for our full relevant articles archive.'.format( first_name) notifications_button = { "type": "web_url", "url": "{}/scrader/companies/{}".format(Server_url, user_id), "title": "Edit Notifications" } buttons.append(notifications_button) else: # message = 'Hi again {}. What would you like me to show you? ' \ # 'Remember you can type any company you want to search for scraped news'.\ # format(name) message = 'Welcome back {}! ' \ 'Hungry for more news? '\ 'Just pick one of the options below or type ' \ 'a listed company name for our full relevant articles archive.'.format( first_name) notifications_button = { "type": "web_url", "url": "{}/scrader/companies/{}".format(Server_url, user_id), "title": "Notifications" } buttons.append(notifications_button) if init_message != '': response_data = { "messages": [{ 'text': init_message }, { "attachment": { "type": "template", "payload": { "template_type": "button", "text": message, "buttons": buttons } } }] } else: response_data = { "messages": [{ "attachment": { "type": "template", "payload": { "template_type": "button", "text": message, "buttons": buttons } } }] } # print(response_data) status = 200 if response_data is not None else 403 js = json.dumps(response_data, indent=2) return flask.Response(js, status=status, mimetype='application/json')
def user_login(user_id, user_name): """ GET Server Status API endpoint Args: Returns: dict: A JSON object containing the nfvacc server status information """ name = user_name registered = False first_time = True user = mongo.find_one_match('users', {"user_id": user_id}) if user is not None: first_time = False first_name = user.get('first_name') if user.get('subscribed'): registered = True else: user_dict = { 'first_name': user_name, 'subscribed': False, 'user_id': user_id } mongo.insert_one('users', user_dict) buttons = [] if first_time: # print('first time loging in') message = 'Hi {}! Nice to see you. ' \ 'I am the Scrader Bot. ' \ 'My job is to utilize powerful machine ' \ 'learning algorithms to extract the latest company ' \ 'insights from news articles for a valuable ' \ 'head start in your trading strategy. ' \ 'I am still in development mode so many functions are not stable just yet. ' \ 'Please subscribe in order to get notified when I will be fully functional'.format(name) block = 'Subscribe' button_title = 'Subscribe' button_dict_tmpl = { "type": "show_block", "block_name": block, "title": button_title } buttons.append(button_dict_tmpl) block = 'Initializition' button_title = 'I am just a guest' button_dict_tmpl = { "type": "show_block", "block_name": block, "title": button_title } buttons.append(button_dict_tmpl) else: block = 'Companies' button_title = 'Positive News' button_dict_tmpl = { "type": "show_block", "block_name": block, "title": button_title } buttons.append(button_dict_tmpl) block = 'Companies' button_title = 'Negative News' button_dict_tmpl = { "type": "show_block", "block_name": block, "title": button_title } buttons.append(button_dict_tmpl) if registered: message = 'Hi again {}. What would you like me to show you? ' \ 'Remember you can type any company you want to search for scraped news'.format(first_name) pref_button = { "type": "show_block", "block_name": "Preferences", "title": "Edit Preferences" } buttons.append(pref_button) else: message = 'Hi again {}. What would you like me to show you? ' \ 'Remember you can type any company you want to search for scraped news'.format(name) block = 'Subscribe' button_title = 'Subscribe' button_dict_tmpl = { "type": "show_block", "block_name": block, "title": button_title } buttons.append(button_dict_tmpl) response_data = { "messages": [{ "attachment": { "type": "template", "payload": { "template_type": "button", "text": message, "buttons": buttons } } }] } # print(response_data) status = 200 if response_data is not None else 403 js = json.dumps(response_data, indent=2) return flask.Response(js, status=status, mimetype='application/json')
def handle_mqtt_message(client, userdata, message): print("Received message " + str(message.payload.decode()) ) insert_one(message.payload.decode()) socketio.emit("message", {'data': str(message.payload.decode()) })
from mongo import insert_one insert_one()