def test_translate_dict():
    assert translate(dict) == IsA(dict)
    assert translate({}) == IsA(dict)

    # literal as a key
    assert translate({'foo': 123}) == DictOf([
        (Equals('foo'), IsA(int, default=123)),
    assert translate({123: str}) == DictOf([
        (Equals(123), IsA(str)),

    # validator as a key
    assert translate({Equals('foo') | Equals('bar'): str}) == DictOf([
        (Equals('foo') | Equals('bar'), IsA(str)),

    # type as a key
    assert translate({str: int}) == DictOf([
        (IsA(str), IsA(int)),

    # function as a key
    func = lambda: 'foo'
    assert translate({func: int}) == DictOf([
        (Equals('foo'), IsA(int)),
 def test_opt_key__py2_unicode(self):
     raw = {
         opt_key(unicode('foo')): int,
     assert translate(raw) == DictOf([
         (Equals(unicode('foo')) | ~Exists(), IsA(int)),
 def test_opt_key__str(self):
     # this also means Unicode for Py3 but it's OK
     raw = {
         opt_key('foo'): int,
     assert translate(raw) == DictOf([
         (Equals('foo') | ~Exists(), IsA(int)),
def test_magic_eq():
    assert IsA(str) == IsA(str)
    assert IsA(str) != IsA(str, default='foo')
    assert IsA(str) != IsA(int)
    assert IsA(str) != Equals(int)

    # nested
    v1 = ListOf([DictOf([ (Equals('foo'), IsA(str)) ])])
    v2 = ListOf([DictOf([ (Equals('foo'), IsA(str)) ])])
    v3 = ListOf([DictOf([ (Equals('bar'), IsA(str)) ])])
    v4 = ListOf([DictOf([ (Equals('foo'), IsA(int)) ])])
    v5 = ListOf([DictOf([ (Equals('foo'), IsA(str, default='x')) ])])
    assert v1 == v1
    assert v1 == v2
    assert v1 != v3
    assert v1 != v4
    assert v1 != v5
    def test_merge_dictof(self):

        ## present non-empty inner spec (optional)
        spec = DictOf([(Equals("a"), IsA(int, default=1))]) | Equals(None)

        # optional missing dictionary with required key
        assert spec.get_default_for(None) == None

        # optional empty dictionary with required key
        assert spec.get_default_for({}) == {"a": 1}

        ## present non-empty inner spec (optional)
        spec = DictOf([(Equals("a"), IsA(int, default=1) | Equals(None))])

        # optional missing dictionary with optional key
        # XXX CHANGED
        # assert spec.get_default_for(None) == None
        assert spec.get_default_for(None) == {"a": None}

        # optional empty dictionary with optional key
        # XXX CHANGED
        # (if the value can be either int or None, why choose one?
        # here we set None not because of Equals(None) but because
        # we *mean* None — no value could be chosen.
        # assert spec.get_default_for({}) == {'a': 1}
        assert spec.get_default_for({}) == {"a": None}

        ## present non-empty inner spec (required)
        spec = DictOf([(Equals("a"), IsA(int, default=1))])

        # required missing dictionary → inner spec
        assert spec.get_default_for({}) == {"a": 1}

        # required empty dictionary → inner spec
        assert spec.get_default_for({}) == {"a": 1}

        # XXX CHANGED
        ## required non-empty dictionary → inner spec
        # fallback = lambda s, v, **kw: v
        # assert merge_defaults(rule, {'a': 2}, {}, fallback) == {'a': 2}
        # assert merge_defaults(rule, {'b': 3}, {}, fallback) == {'a': 1, 'b': 3}

        # bogus value; will not pass validation but should be preserved
        assert spec.get_default_for(123) == 123
def test_regression_22():
    def test_merge_dictof_dictof_isa(self):
        raw_spec = {
            'content': {
                'text': t('hello'),

        spec = translate(raw_spec)

        # make sure translation went as expected
        assert spec == DictOf([
                 (Equals('text'), IsA(t, default=t('hello'))),

        # make sure merging works as expected for nested dict
        assert raw_spec == spec.get_default_for({'content': {}})

        # make sure merging works as expected for nested *and* root dicts
        assert raw_spec == spec.get_default_for({})
def test_dictof():
    # key may be missing
    dict_of_str_to_int_optional_keys = DictOf([
        (IsA(str) | ~Exists(), IsA(int)),
    dict_of_str_to_int_optional_keys({'foo': 123})
    with raises_regexp(InvalidKeys, '123'):
        dict_of_str_to_int_optional_keys({123: 456})

    # key must be present, exact literals not specified
    dict_of_str_to_int = DictOf([
        (IsA(str), IsA(int)),
    with raises_regexp(MissingKeys, 'must have keys: must be str'):
    dict_of_str_to_int({'foo': 123})
    dict_of_str_to_int({'foo': 123, 'bar': 456})

    with raises_regexp(InvalidKeys, '123'):
        dict_of_str_to_int({'foo': 123, 'bar': 456, 123: 'quux'})
    with raises_regexp(ValidationError, "'quux' value must be int"):
        dict_of_str_to_int({'foo': 123, 'bar': 456, 'quux': 4.2})
 def test_dict(self):
     assert translate(dict) == IsA(dict)
     assert translate({'foo': 123}) == DictOf([
         (Equals('foo'), IsA(int, default=123)),
    def test_rule_as_key(self):
        spec_a = DictOf([(IsA(str), IsA(int))])
        spec_b = DictOf([(IsA(str) | ~Exists(), IsA(int))])

        assert spec_a.get_default_for({}) == {}
        assert spec_b.get_default_for({}) == {}
    def test_merge_dictof(self):

        ## present non-empty inner spec (optional)
        spec = DictOf([
            (Equals('a'), IsA(int, default=1)),
        ]) | Equals(None)

        # optional missing dictionary with required key
        assert spec.get_default_for(None) == None

        # optional empty dictionary with required key
        assert spec.get_default_for({}) == {'a': 1}

        ## present non-empty inner spec (optional)
        spec = DictOf([
            (Equals('a'), IsA(int, default=1) | Equals(None)),

        # optional missing dictionary with optional key
        # XXX CHANGED
        #assert spec.get_default_for(None) == None
        assert spec.get_default_for(None) == {'a': None}

        # optional empty dictionary with optional key
        # XXX CHANGED
        # (if the value can be either int or None, why choose one?
        # here we set None not because of Equals(None) but because
        # we *mean* None — no value could be chosen.
        #assert spec.get_default_for({}) == {'a': 1}
        assert spec.get_default_for({}) == {'a': None}

        ## present non-empty inner spec (required)
        spec = DictOf([
            (Equals('a'), IsA(int, default=1)),

        # required missing dictionary → inner spec
        assert spec.get_default_for({}) == {'a': 1}

        # required empty dictionary → inner spec
        assert spec.get_default_for({}) == {'a': 1}

        # XXX CHANGED
        ## required non-empty dictionary → inner spec
        #fallback = lambda s, v, **kw: v
        #assert merge_defaults(rule, {'a': 2}, {}, fallback) == {'a': 2}
        #assert merge_defaults(rule, {'b': 3}, {}, fallback) == {'a': 1, 'b': 3}

        # bogus value; will not pass validation but should be preserved
        assert spec.get_default_for(123) == 123
    def test_rule_as_key(self):
        spec_a = DictOf([(IsA(str), IsA(int))])
        spec_b = DictOf([(IsA(str) | ~Exists(), IsA(int))])

        assert spec_a.get_default_for({}) == {}
        assert spec_b.get_default_for({}) == {}