def convert_alignments(self) -> None: """ Multiprocessing function that converts alignments from previous training See Also -------- :func:`~montreal_forced_aligner.acoustic_modeling.triphone.ConvertAlignmentsFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.TriphoneTrainer.convert_alignments_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for the helper function :kaldi_steps:`train_deltas` Reference Kaldi script :kaldi_steps:`train_lda_mllt` Reference Kaldi script :kaldi_steps:`train_sat` Reference Kaldi script """ self.log_info("Converting alignments...") arguments = self.convert_alignments_arguments() with tqdm.tqdm(total=self.num_current_utterances, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar: if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = ConvertAlignmentsFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue num_utterances, errors = result pbar.update(num_utterances + errors) for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: for args in arguments: function = ConvertAlignmentsFunction(args) for num_utterances, errors in pbar.update(num_utterances + errors)
def compute_vad(self) -> None: """ Compute Voice Activity Detection features over the corpus See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.features.ComputeVadFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.AcousticCorpusMixin.compute_vad_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for helper function """ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.split_directory, "vad.0.scp")): self.log_info("VAD already computed, skipping!") return begin = time.time() self.log_info("Computing VAD...") arguments = self.compute_vad_arguments() with tqdm.tqdm(total=self.num_speakers, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar: if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = ComputeVadFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue if isinstance(result, KaldiProcessingError): error_dict[result.job_name] = result continue done, no_feats, unvoiced = result pbar.update(done + no_feats + unvoiced) for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: for args in arguments: function = ComputeVadFunction(args) for done, no_feats, unvoiced in pbar.update(done + no_feats + unvoiced) self.log_debug(f"VAD computation took {time.time() - begin}")
def gmm_gselect(self) -> None: """ Multiprocessing function that stores Gaussian selection indices on disk See Also -------- :func:`~montreal_forced_aligner.ivector.trainer.GmmGselectFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.DubmTrainer.gmm_gselect_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for the helper function :kaldi_steps:`train_diag_ubm` Reference Kaldi script """ begin = time.time() self.log_info("Selecting gaussians...") arguments = self.gmm_gselect_arguments() if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = GmmGselectFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except queue.Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: self.log_debug("Not using multiprocessing...") for args in arguments: function = GmmGselectFunction(args) for _ in pass self.log_debug(f"Gaussian selection took {time.time() - begin}")
def extract_ivectors(self) -> None: """ Multiprocessing function that extracts job_name-vectors. See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.features.ExtractIvectorsFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.IvectorCorpusMixin.extract_ivectors_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for helper function :kaldi_steps_sid:`extract_ivectors` Reference Kaldi script """ begin = time.time() log_dir = self.working_log_directory os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) arguments = self.extract_ivectors_arguments() with tqdm.tqdm(total=self.num_speakers, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar: if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = ExtractIvectorsFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue pbar.update(1) for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: for args in arguments: function = ExtractIvectorsFunction(args) for _ in pbar.update(1) self.log_debug(f"Ivector extraction took {time.time() - begin}")
def gauss_to_post(self) -> None: """ Multiprocessing function that does Gaussian selection and posterior extraction See Also -------- :func:`~montreal_forced_aligner.ivector.trainer.GaussToPostFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.IvectorTrainer.gauss_to_post_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for the helper function :kaldi_steps_sid:`train_ivector_extractor` Reference Kaldi script """ begin = time.time() self.log_info("Extracting posteriors...") arguments = self.gauss_to_post_arguments() if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = GaussToPostFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if stopped.stop_check(): continue except queue.Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue if isinstance(result, KaldiProcessingError): error_dict[result.job_name] = result continue for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: self.log_debug("Not using multiprocessing...") for args in arguments: function = GaussToPostFunction(args) for _ in pass self.log_debug(f"Extracting posteriors took {time.time() - begin}")
def align_utterances(self, training=False) -> None: """ Multiprocessing function that aligns based on the current model. See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.alignment.multiprocessing.AlignFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.AlignMixin.align_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for the helper function :kaldi_steps:`align_si` Reference Kaldi script :kaldi_steps:`align_fmllr` Reference Kaldi script """ begin = time.time() self.log_info("Generating alignments...") with tqdm.tqdm( total=self.num_current_utterances, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar, self.session() as session: if not training: utterances = session.query(Utterance) if hasattr(self, "subset"): utterances = utterances.filter( Utterance.in_subset == True) # noqa utterances.update({"alignment_log_likelihood": None}) session.commit() update_mappings = [] if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(self.align_arguments()): function = AlignFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue if not training: utterance, log_likelihood = result update_mappings.append({ "id": utterance, "alignment_log_likelihood": log_likelihood }) pbar.update(1) for p in procs: p.join() if not training and len(update_mappings) == 0: raise NoAlignmentsError(self.num_current_utterances, self.beam, self.retry_beam) if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: self.log_debug("Not using multiprocessing...") for args in self.align_arguments(): function = AlignFunction(args) for utterance, log_likelihood in if not training: update_mappings.append({ "id": utterance, "alignment_log_likelihood": log_likelihood }) pbar.update(1) if not training and len(update_mappings) == 0: raise NoAlignmentsError(self.num_current_utterances, self.beam, self.retry_beam) if not training: session.bulk_update_mappings(Utterance, update_mappings) session.query(Utterance).filter( Utterance.alignment_log_likelihood != None # noqa ).update( { Utterance.alignment_log_likelihood: Utterance.alignment_log_likelihood / Utterance.num_frames }, synchronize_session="fetch", ) session.commit() self.log_debug(f"Alignment round took {time.time() - begin}")
def compile_train_graphs(self) -> None: """ Multiprocessing function that compiles training graphs for utterances. See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.alignment.multiprocessing.CompileTrainGraphsFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.AlignMixin.compile_train_graphs_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for the helper function :kaldi_steps:`align_si` Reference Kaldi script :kaldi_steps:`align_fmllr` Reference Kaldi script """ begin = time.time() log_directory = self.working_log_directory os.makedirs(log_directory, exist_ok=True) self.log_info("Compiling training graphs...") error_sum = 0 arguments = self.compile_train_graphs_arguments() with tqdm.tqdm(total=self.num_current_utterances, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar: if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = CompileTrainGraphsFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue done, errors = result pbar.update(done + errors) error_sum += errors for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: self.log_debug("Not using multiprocessing...") for args in arguments: function = CompileTrainGraphsFunction(args) for done, errors in pbar.update(done + errors) error_sum += errors if error_sum: self.log_warning( f"Compilation of training graphs failed for {error_sum} utterances." ) self.log_debug(f"Compiling training graphs took {time.time() - begin}")
def acc_stats(self, alignment: bool = False) -> None: """ Accumulate stats for the mapped model Parameters ---------- alignment: bool Flag for whether to accumulate stats for the mapped alignment model """ arguments = self.map_acc_stats_arguments(alignment) if alignment: initial_mdl_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory, "unadapted.alimdl") final_mdl_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory, "final.alimdl") else: initial_mdl_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory, "unadapted.mdl") final_mdl_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory, "final.mdl") if not os.path.exists(initial_mdl_path): return self.log_info("Accumulating statistics...") with tqdm.tqdm(total=self.num_current_utterances, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar: if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = AccStatsFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue num_utterances, errors = result pbar.update(num_utterances + errors) for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: for args in arguments: function = AccStatsFunction(args) for num_utterances, errors in pbar.update(num_utterances + errors) log_path = os.path.join(self.working_log_directory, "map_model_est.log") occs_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory, "final.occs") with open(log_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as log_file: acc_files = [] for j in arguments: acc_files.extend(j.acc_paths.values()) sum_proc = subprocess.Popen( [thirdparty_binary("gmm-sum-accs"), "-"] + acc_files, stderr=log_file, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=os.environ, ) ismooth_proc = subprocess.Popen( [ thirdparty_binary("gmm-ismooth-stats"), "--smooth-from-model", f"--tau={self.mapping_tau}", initial_mdl_path, "-", "-", ], stderr=log_file, stdin=sum_proc.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=os.environ, ) est_proc = subprocess.Popen( [ thirdparty_binary("gmm-est"), "--update-flags=m", f"--write-occs={occs_path}", "--remove-low-count-gaussians=false", initial_mdl_path, "-", final_mdl_path, ], stdin=ismooth_proc.stdout, stderr=log_file, env=os.environ, ) est_proc.communicate()
def train_g2p_lexicon(self) -> None: """Generate a G2P lexicon based on aligned transcripts""" arguments = self.worker.generate_pronunciations_arguments() working_dir = super(PronunciationProbabilityTrainer, self).working_directory texts = {} with self.worker.session() as session: query = session.query(, Utterance.normalized_character_text) query = query.filter(Utterance.ignored == False) # noqa initial_brackets = "".join(x[0] for x in self.worker.brackets) query = query.filter( ~Utterance.oovs.regexp_match(f"(^| )[^{initial_brackets}]")) if self.subset: query = query.filter_by(in_subset=True) for utt_id, text in query: texts[utt_id] = text input_files = { x: open( os.path.join( working_dir, f"input_{self.worker.dictionary_base_names[x]}.txt"), "w", encoding="utf8", ) for x in self.worker.dictionary_lookup.values() } output_files = { x: open( os.path.join( working_dir, f"output_{self.worker.dictionary_base_names[x]}.txt"), "w", encoding="utf8", ) for x in self.worker.dictionary_lookup.values() } with tqdm.tqdm(total=self.num_current_utterances, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar: if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): args.for_g2p = True function = GeneratePronunciationsFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue dict_id, utt_id, phones = result utt_id = int(utt_id.split("-")[-1]) pbar.update(1) if utt_id not in texts or not texts[utt_id]: continue print(phones, file=output_files[dict_id]) print(f"<s> {texts[utt_id]} </s>", file=input_files[dict_id]) for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: self.log_debug("Not using multiprocessing...") for args in arguments: function = GeneratePronunciationsFunction(args) for dict_id, utt_id, phones in print(phones, file=output_files[dict_id]) print(f"<s> {texts[utt_id]} </s>", file=input_files[dict_id]) pbar.update(1) for f in input_files.values(): f.close() for f in output_files.values(): f.close() self.pronunciations_complete = True os.makedirs(self.working_log_directory, exist_ok=True) dictionaries = session.query(Dictionary) shutil.copyfile(self.phone_symbol_table_path, os.path.join(self.working_directory, "phones.txt")) shutil.copyfile( self.grapheme_symbol_table_path, os.path.join(self.working_directory, "graphemes.txt"), ) self.input_token_type = self.grapheme_symbol_table_path self.output_token_type = self.phone_symbol_table_path for d in dictionaries: self.log_info(f"Training G2P for {}...") self._data_source = self.worker.dictionary_base_names[] begin = time.time() if os.path.exists(self.far_path) and os.path.exists( self.encoder_path): self.log_info("Alignment already done, skipping!") else: self.align_g2p() self.log_debug( f"Aligning utterances for {} took {time.time() - begin} seconds" ) begin = time.time() self.generate_model() self.log_debug( f"Generating model for {} took {time.time() - begin} seconds" ) os.rename(d.lexicon_fst_path, d.lexicon_fst_path + ".backup") shutil.copy(self.fst_path, d.lexicon_fst_path) d.use_g2p = True session.commit() self.worker.use_g2p = True
def acc_stats(self) -> None: """ Multiprocessing function that accumulates stats for GMM training. See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.alignment.multiprocessing.AccStatsFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.AcousticModelTrainingMixin.acc_stats_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for the helper function :kaldi_src:`gmm-sum-accs` Relevant Kaldi binary :kaldi_src:`gmm-est` Relevant Kaldi binary :kaldi_steps:`train_mono` Reference Kaldi script :kaldi_steps:`train_deltas` Reference Kaldi script """ self.log_info("Accumulating statistics...") arguments = self.acc_stats_arguments() with tqdm.tqdm(total=self.num_current_utterances, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar: if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = AccStatsFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue num_utterances, errors = result pbar.update(num_utterances + errors) for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: for args in arguments: function = AccStatsFunction(args) for num_utterances, errors in pbar.update(num_utterances + errors) log_path = os.path.join(self.working_log_directory, f"update.{self.iteration}.log") with open(log_path, "w") as log_file: acc_files = [] for a in arguments: acc_files.extend(a.acc_paths.values()) sum_proc = subprocess.Popen( [thirdparty_binary("gmm-sum-accs"), "-"] + acc_files, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=log_file, env=os.environ, ) est_command = [ thirdparty_binary("gmm-est"), f"--write-occs={self.next_occs_path}", f"--mix-up={self.current_gaussians}", ] if self.power > 0: est_command.append(f"--power={self.power}") est_command.extend([ self.model_path, "-", self.next_model_path, ]) est_proc = subprocess.Popen( est_command, stdin=sum_proc.stdout, stderr=log_file, env=os.environ, ) est_proc.communicate() avg_like_pattern = re.compile( r"Overall avg like per frame.* = (?P<like>[-.,\d]+) over (?P<frames>[.\d+e]+) frames" ) average_logdet_pattern = re.compile( r"Overall average logdet is (?P<logdet>[-.,\d]+) over (?P<frames>[.\d+e]+) frames" ) avg_like_sum = 0 avg_like_frames = 0 average_logdet_sum = 0 average_logdet_frames = 0 for a in arguments: with open(a.log_path, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: for line in f: m = if m: like = float("like")) frames = float("frames")) avg_like_sum += like * frames avg_like_frames += frames m = if m: logdet = float("logdet")) frames = float("frames")) average_logdet_sum += logdet * frames average_logdet_frames += frames if avg_like_frames: log_like = avg_like_sum / avg_like_frames if average_logdet_frames: log_like += average_logdet_sum / average_logdet_frames self.log_debug( f"Likelihood for iteration {self.iteration}: {log_like}") if not self.debug: for f in acc_files: os.remove(f)
def _alignments(self) -> None: """Trains the aligner and constructs the alignments FAR.""" if not os.path.exists(self.align_path): self.log_info("Training aligner") train_opts = [] if self.batch_size: train_opts.append(f"--batch_size={self.batch_size}") if train_opts.append(f"--delta={}") if self.fst_default_cache_gc: train_opts.append( f"--fst_default_cache_gc={self.fst_default_cache_gc}") if self.fst_default_cache_gc_limit: train_opts.append( f"--fst_default_cache_gc_limit={self.fst_default_cache_gc_limit}" ) if self.alpha: train_opts.append(f"--alpha={self.alpha}") if self.num_iterations: train_opts.append(f"--max_iters={self.num_iterations}") # Constructs the actual command vectors (plus an index for logging # purposes). random.seed(self.seed) starts = [(RandomStart( idx, seed, self.input_far_path, self.output_far_path, self.cg_path, self.working_directory, train_opts, )) for (idx, seed) in enumerate( random.sample(range(1, RAND_MAX), self.random_starts), 1)] stopped = Stopped() num_commands = len(starts) job_queue = mp.JoinableQueue() fst_likelihoods = {} # Actually runs starts. self.log_info("Calculating alignments...") begin = time.time() with tqdm.tqdm(total=num_commands * self.num_iterations, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar: for start in starts: job_queue.put(start) error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() procs = [] for i in range(self.num_jobs): log_path = os.path.join(self.working_log_directory, f"baumwelch.{i}.log") p = RandomStartWorker( i, job_queue, return_queue, log_path, stopped, ) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except queue.Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue if isinstance(result, int): pbar.update(result) else: fst_likelihoods[result[0]] = result[1] for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: raise PyniniAlignmentError(error_dict) (best_fst, best_likelihood) = min(fst_likelihoods.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) self.log_info(f"Best likelihood: {best_likelihood}") self.log_debug( f"Ran {self.random_starts} random starts in {time.time() - begin} seconds" ) # Moves best likelihood solution to the requested location. shutil.move(best_fst, self.align_path) cmd = [thirdparty_binary("baumwelchdecode")] if self.fst_default_cache_gc: cmd.append(f"--fst_default_cache_gc={self.fst_default_cache_gc}") if self.fst_default_cache_gc_limit: cmd.append( f"--fst_default_cache_gc_limit={self.fst_default_cache_gc_limit}" ) cmd.append(self.input_far_path) cmd.append(self.output_far_path) cmd.append(self.align_path) cmd.append(self.afst_path) self.log_debug(f"Subprocess call: {cmd}") subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=os.environ) self.log_info("Completed computing alignments!")
def generate_pronunciations(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """ Generate pronunciations Returns ------- dict[str, list[str]] Mappings of keys to their generated pronunciations """ fst = if self.g2p_model.meta["architecture"] == "phonetisaurus": output_token_type = pynini.SymbolTable.read_text( self.g2p_model.sym_path) input_token_type = pynini.SymbolTable.read_text( self.g2p_model.grapheme_sym_path) fst.set_input_symbols(input_token_type) fst.set_output_symbols(output_token_type) rewriter = PhonetisaurusRewriter( fst, input_token_type, output_token_type, num_pronunciations=self.num_pronunciations, threshold=self.g2p_threshold, grapheme_order=self.g2p_model.meta["grapheme_order"], ) else: output_token_type = "utf8" input_token_type = "utf8" if self.g2p_model.sym_path is not None and os.path.exists( self.g2p_model.sym_path): output_token_type = pynini.SymbolTable.read_text( self.g2p_model.sym_path) rewriter = Rewriter( fst, input_token_type, output_token_type, num_pronunciations=self.num_pronunciations, threshold=self.g2p_threshold, ) num_words = len(self.words_to_g2p) begin = time.time() missing_graphemes = set() self.log_info("Generating pronunciations...") to_return = {} skipped_words = 0 if num_words < 30 or self.num_jobs == 1: with tqdm.tqdm(total=num_words, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar: for word in self.words_to_g2p: w, m = clean_up_word(word, self.g2p_model.meta["graphemes"]) pbar.update(1) missing_graphemes = missing_graphemes | m if self.strict_graphemes and m: skipped_words += 1 continue if not w: skipped_words += 1 continue try: prons = rewriter(w) except rewrite.Error: continue to_return[word] = prons self.log_debug( f"Skipping {skipped_words} words for containing the following graphemes: " f"{comma_join(sorted(missing_graphemes))}") else: stopped = Stopped() job_queue = mp.Queue() for word in self.words_to_g2p: w, m = clean_up_word(word, self.g2p_model.meta["graphemes"]) missing_graphemes = missing_graphemes | m if self.strict_graphemes and m: skipped_words += 1 continue if not w: skipped_words += 1 continue job_queue.put(w) self.log_debug( f"Skipping {skipped_words} words for containing the following graphemes: " f"{comma_join(sorted(missing_graphemes))}") error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() procs = [] for _ in range(self.num_jobs): p = RewriterWorker( job_queue, return_queue, rewriter, stopped, ) procs.append(p) p.start() num_words -= skipped_words with tqdm.tqdm(total=num_words, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar: while True: try: word, result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if stopped.stop_check(): continue except queue.Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue pbar.update(1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[word] = result continue to_return[word] = result for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: raise PyniniGenerationError(error_dict) self.log_debug( f"Processed {num_words} in {time.time() - begin} seconds") return to_return
def calc_lda_mllt(self) -> None: """ Multiprocessing function that calculates LDA+MLLT transformations. See Also -------- :func:`~montreal_forced_aligner.acoustic_modeling.lda.CalcLdaMlltFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.LdaTrainer.calc_lda_mllt_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for the helper function :kaldi_src:`est-mllt` Relevant Kaldi binary :kaldi_src:`gmm-transform-means` Relevant Kaldi binary :kaldi_src:`compose-transforms` Relevant Kaldi binary :kaldi_steps:`train_lda_mllt` Reference Kaldi script """ self.log_info("Re-calculating LDA...") arguments = self.calc_lda_mllt_arguments() with tqdm.tqdm( total=self.num_current_utterances, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False) ) as pbar: if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = CalcLdaMlltFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue pbar.update(1) for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: for args in arguments: function = CalcLdaMlltFunction(args) for _ in pbar.update(1) log_path = os.path.join( self.working_log_directory, f"transform_means.{self.iteration}.log" ) previous_mat_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory, "lda.mat") new_mat_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory, "lda_new.mat") composed_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory, "lda_composed.mat") with open(log_path, "a", encoding="utf8") as log_file: macc_list = [] for x in arguments: macc_list.extend(x.macc_paths.values()) [thirdparty_binary("est-mllt"), new_mat_path] + macc_list, stderr=log_file, env=os.environ, ) [ thirdparty_binary("gmm-transform-means"), new_mat_path, self.model_path, self.model_path, ], stderr=log_file, env=os.environ, ) if os.path.exists(previous_mat_path): [ thirdparty_binary("compose-transforms"), new_mat_path, previous_mat_path, composed_path, ], stderr=log_file, env=os.environ, ) os.remove(previous_mat_path) os.rename(composed_path, previous_mat_path) else: os.rename(new_mat_path, previous_mat_path)
def lda_acc_stats(self) -> None: """ Multiprocessing function that accumulates LDA statistics. See Also -------- :func:`~montreal_forced_aligner.acoustic_modeling.lda.LdaAccStatsFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.LdaTrainer.lda_acc_stats_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for the helper function :kaldi_src:`est-lda` Relevant Kaldi binary :kaldi_steps:`train_lda_mllt` Reference Kaldi script """ worker_lda_path = os.path.join(self.worker.working_directory, "lda.mat") lda_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory, "lda.mat") if os.path.exists(worker_lda_path): os.remove(worker_lda_path) arguments = self.lda_acc_stats_arguments() with tqdm.tqdm( total=self.num_current_utterances, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False) ) as pbar: if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = LdaAccStatsFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue done, errors = result pbar.update(done + errors) for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: for args in arguments: function = LdaAccStatsFunction(args) for done, errors in pbar.update(done + errors) log_path = os.path.join(self.working_log_directory, "lda_est.log") acc_list = [] for x in arguments: acc_list.extend(x.acc_paths.values()) with open(log_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as log_file: est_lda_proc = subprocess.Popen( [ thirdparty_binary("est-lda"), f"--dim={self.lda_dimension}", lda_path, ] + acc_list, stderr=log_file, env=os.environ, ) est_lda_proc.communicate() shutil.copyfile( lda_path, worker_lda_path, )
def segment_vad(self) -> None: """ Run segmentation based off of VAD. See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.segmenter.SegmentVadFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job segment_vad_arguments Job method for generating arguments for helper function """ arguments = self.segment_vad_arguments() old_utts = set() new_utts = [] with tqdm.tqdm(total=self.num_utterances, disable=getattr( self, "quiet", False)) as pbar, self.session() as session: if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = SegmentVadFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue utt, begin, end = result old_utts.add(utt) channel, speaker_id, file_id = (session.query(, Utterance.speaker_id, Utterance.file_id).filter( == utt).first()) new_utts.append({ "begin": begin, "end": end, "text": "speech", "speaker_id": speaker_id, "file_id": file_id, "oovs": "", "normalized_text": "", "normalized_text_int": "", "features": "", "in_subset": False, "ignored": False, "channel": channel, "duration": end - begin, }) pbar.update(1) for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: for args in arguments: function = SegmentVadFunction(args) for utt, begin, end in old_utts.add(utt) channel, speaker_id, file_id = (session.query(, Utterance.speaker_id, Utterance.file_id).filter( == utt).first()) new_utts.append({ "begin": begin, "end": end, "text": "speech", "speaker_id": speaker_id, "file_id": file_id, "oovs": "", "normalized_text": "", "normalized_text_int": "", "features": "", "in_subset": False, "ignored": False, "channel": channel, "duration": end - begin, }) pbar.update(1) session.query(Utterance).filter( session.bulk_insert_mappings(Utterance, new_utts, return_defaults=False, render_nulls=True) session.commit()
class TextCorpusMixin(CorpusMixin): """ Abstract mixin class for processing text corpora See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.base.CorpusMixin` For corpus parsing parameters """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def _load_corpus_from_source_mp(self) -> None: """ Load a corpus using multiprocessing """ if self.stopped is None: self.stopped = Stopped() sanitize_function = getattr(self, "sanitize_function", None) begin_time = time.time() job_queue = mp.Queue() return_queue = mp.Queue() error_dict = {} finished_adding = Stopped() procs = [] for i in range(self.num_jobs): p = CorpusProcessWorker( i, job_queue, return_queue, self.stopped, finished_adding, self.speaker_characters, sanitize_function, sample_rate=0, ) procs.append(p) p.start() import_data = DatabaseImportData() try: file_count = 0 with tqdm.tqdm(total=1, disable=getattr( self, "quiet", False)) as pbar, self.session() as session: for root, _, files in os.walk(self.corpus_directory, followlinks=True): exts = find_exts(files) relative_path = (root.replace(self.corpus_directory, "").lstrip("/").lstrip("\\")) if self.stopped.stop_check(): break for file_name in exts.identifiers: if self.stopped.stop_check(): break wav_path = None if file_name in exts.lab_files: lab_name = exts.lab_files[file_name] transcription_path = os.path.join(root, lab_name) elif file_name in exts.textgrid_files: tg_name = exts.textgrid_files[file_name] transcription_path = os.path.join(root, tg_name) else: continue job_queue.put((file_name, wav_path, transcription_path, relative_path)) file_count += 1 = file_count finished_adding.stop() while True: try: file = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(file, tuple): error_type = file[0] error = file[1] if error_type == "error": error_dict[error_type] = error else: if error_type not in error_dict: error_dict[error_type] = [] error_dict[error_type].append(error) continue if self.stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished_processing.stop_check(): break else: break continue pbar.update(1) import_data.add_objects(self.generate_import_objects(file)) self.log_debug("Waiting for workers to finish...") for p in procs: p.join() if "error" in error_dict: session.rollback() raise error_dict["error"][1] self._finalize_load(session, import_data) for k in ["decode_error_files", "textgrid_read_errors"]: if hasattr(self, k): if k in error_dict: self.log_info( "There were some issues with files in the corpus. " "Please look at the log file or run the validator for more information." ) self.log_debug( f"{k} showed {len(error_dict[k])} errors:") if k == "textgrid_read_errors": getattr(self, k).update(error_dict[k]) for e in error_dict[k]: self.log_debug(f"{e.file_name}: {e.error}") else: self.log_debug(", ".join(error_dict[k])) setattr(self, k, error_dict[k]) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.log_info( "Detected ctrl-c, please wait a moment while we clean everything up..." ) self.stopped.stop() finished_adding.stop() job_queue.join() self.stopped.set_sigint_source() while True: try: _ = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if self.stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished_processing.stop_check(): break else: break finally: finished_adding.stop() for p in procs: p.join() if self.stopped.stop_check(): self.log_info( f"Stopped parsing early ({time.time() - begin_time} seconds)" ) if self.stopped.source(): sys.exit(0) else: self.log_debug( f"Parsed corpus directory with {self.num_jobs} jobs in {time.time() - begin_time} seconds" ) def _load_corpus_from_source(self) -> None: """ Load a corpus without using multiprocessing """ begin_time = time.time() self.stopped = False import_data = DatabaseImportData() sanitize_function = getattr(self, "sanitize_function", None) with self.session() as session: for root, _, files in os.walk(self.corpus_directory, followlinks=True): exts = find_exts(files) relative_path = root.replace(self.corpus_directory, "").lstrip("/").lstrip("\\") if self.stopped: return for file_name in exts.identifiers: wav_path = None if file_name in exts.lab_files: lab_name = exts.lab_files[file_name] transcription_path = os.path.join(root, lab_name) elif file_name in exts.textgrid_files: tg_name = exts.textgrid_files[file_name] transcription_path = os.path.join(root, tg_name) else: continue try: file = FileData.parse_file( file_name, wav_path, transcription_path, relative_path, self.speaker_characters, sanitize_function, ) import_data.add_objects( self.generate_import_objects(file)) except TextParseError as e: self.decode_error_files.append(e) except TextGridParseError as e: self.textgrid_read_errors.append(e) self._finalize_load(session, import_data) if self.decode_error_files or self.textgrid_read_errors: self.log_info( "There were some issues with files in the corpus. " "Please look at the log file or run the validator for more information." ) if self.decode_error_files: self.log_debug( f"There were {len(self.decode_error_files)} errors decoding text files:" ) self.log_debug(", ".join(self.decode_error_files)) if self.textgrid_read_errors: self.log_debug( f"There were {len(self.textgrid_read_errors)} errors decoding reading TextGrid files:" ) for e in self.textgrid_read_errors: self.log_debug(f"{e.file_name}: {e.error}") self.log_debug( f"Parsed corpus directory in {time.time()-begin_time} seconds")
def mfcc(self) -> None: """ Multiprocessing function that converts sound files into MFCCs. See :kaldi_docs:`feat` for an overview on feature generation in Kaldi. See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.features.MfccFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.AcousticCorpusMixin.mfcc_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for helper function :kaldi_steps:`make_mfcc` Reference Kaldi script """ self.log_info("Generating MFCCs...") log_directory = os.path.join(self.split_directory, "log") os.makedirs(log_directory, exist_ok=True) arguments = self.mfcc_arguments() with tqdm.tqdm(total=self.num_utterances, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar: if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = MfccFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue pbar.update(result) for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): print(v) self.dirty = True sys.exit(1) else: for args in arguments: function = MfccFunction(args) for num_utterances in pbar.update(num_utterances) with self.session() as session: update_mapping = [] session.query(Utterance).update({"ignored": True}) for j in arguments: with open(j.feats_scp_path, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line == "": continue f = line.split(maxsplit=1) utt_id = int(f[0].split("-")[-1]) feats = f[1] update_mapping.append({ "id": utt_id, "features": feats, "ignored": False }) session.bulk_update_mappings(Utterance, update_mapping) session.commit()
def calc_fmllr(self, iteration: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """ Multiprocessing function that computes speaker adaptation transforms via feature-space Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression (fMLLR). See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.features.CalcFmllrFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.AcousticCorpusMixin.calc_fmllr_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for the helper function :kaldi_steps:`align_fmllr` Reference Kaldi script :kaldi_steps:`train_sat` Reference Kaldi script """ begin = time.time() self.log_info("Calculating fMLLR for speaker adaptation...") arguments = self.calc_fmllr_arguments(iteration=iteration) with tqdm.tqdm(total=self.num_speakers, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar: if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = CalcFmllrFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue pbar.update(1) for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: for args in arguments: function = CalcFmllrFunction(args) for _ in pbar.update(1) self.speaker_independent = False self.log_debug(f"Fmllr calculation took {time.time() - begin}")
def acc_global_stats(self) -> None: """ Multiprocessing function that accumulates global GMM stats See Also -------- :func:`~montreal_forced_aligner.ivector.trainer.AccGlobalStatsFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.DubmTrainer.acc_global_stats_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for the helper function :kaldi_src:`gmm-global-sum-accs` Relevant Kaldi binary :kaldi_steps:`train_diag_ubm` Reference Kaldi script """ begin = time.time() self.log_info("Accumulating global stats...") arguments = self.acc_global_stats_arguments() if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = AccGlobalStatsFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except queue.Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: self.log_debug("Not using multiprocessing...") for args in arguments: function = AccGlobalStatsFunction(args) for _ in pass self.log_debug(f"Accumulating stats took {time.time() - begin}") # Don't remove low-count Gaussians till the last tier, # or gselect info won't be valid anymore if self.iteration < self.num_iterations: opt = "--remove-low-count-gaussians=false" else: opt = f"--remove-low-count-gaussians={self.remove_low_count_gaussians}" log_path = os.path.join(self.working_log_directory, f"update.{self.iteration}.log") with open(log_path, "w") as log_file: acc_files = [] for j in arguments: acc_files.append(j.acc_path) sum_proc = subprocess.Popen( [thirdparty_binary("gmm-global-sum-accs"), "-"] + acc_files, stderr=log_file, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=os.environ, ) gmm_global_est_proc = subprocess.Popen( [ thirdparty_binary("gmm-global-est"), opt, f"--min-gaussian-weight={self.min_gaussian_weight}", self.model_path, "-", self.next_model_path, ], stderr=log_file, stdin=sum_proc.stdout, env=os.environ, ) gmm_global_est_proc.communicate() # Clean up if not self.debug: for p in acc_files: os.remove(p)
class AcousticCorpusMixin(CorpusMixin, FeatureConfigMixin, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Mixin class for acoustic corpora Parameters ---------- audio_directory: str Extra directory to look for audio files See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.base.CorpusMixin` For corpus parsing parameters :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.features.FeatureConfigMixin` For feature generation parameters Attributes ---------- sound_file_errors: list[str] List of sound files with errors in loading transcriptions_without_wavs: list[str] List of text files without sound files no_transcription_files: list[str] List of sound files without transcription files stopped: Stopped Stop check for loading the corpus """ def __init__(self, audio_directory: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.audio_directory = audio_directory self.sound_file_errors = [] self.transcriptions_without_wavs = [] self.no_transcription_files = [] self.stopped = Stopped() self.features_generated = False self.alignment_done = False self.transcription_done = False self.has_reference_alignments = False self.alignment_evaluation_done = False def inspect_database(self) -> None: """Check if a database file exists and create the necessary metadata""" exist_check = os.path.exists(self.db_path) if not exist_check: self.initialize_database() with self.session() as session: corpus = session.query(Corpus).first() if corpus: self.imported = corpus.imported self.features_generated = corpus.features_generated self.alignment_done = corpus.alignment_done self.transcription_done = corpus.transcription_done self.has_reference_alignments = corpus.has_reference_alignments self.alignment_evaluation_done = corpus.alignment_evaluation_done else: session.add(Corpus(name=self.data_source_identifier)) session.commit() def load_reference_alignments(self, reference_directory: str) -> None: """ Load reference alignments to use in alignment evaluation from a directory Parameters ---------- reference_directory: str Directory containing reference alignments """ if self.has_reference_alignments: self.log_info("Reference alignments already loaded!") return self.log_info("Loading reference files...") indices = [] jobs = [] reference_intervals = [] with tqdm.tqdm(total=self.num_files, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar, Session( self.db_engine, autoflush=False) as session: for root, _, files in os.walk(reference_directory, followlinks=True): root_speaker = os.path.basename(root) for f in files: if f.endswith(".TextGrid"): file_name = f.replace(".TextGrid", "") file_id = session.query( if not file_id: continue if self.use_mp: indices.append(file_id) jobs.append((os.path.join(root, f), root_speaker)) else: intervals = parse_aligned_textgrid( os.path.join(root, f), root_speaker) utterances = (session.query(,, Utterance.end).join(Utterance.speaker).join( Utterance.file).filter( == file_id)) for u_id, speaker_name, end in utterances: if speaker_name not in intervals: continue while (intervals[speaker_name] and intervals[speaker_name][0].end <= end): interval = intervals[speaker_name].pop(0) reference_intervals.append({ "begin": interval.begin, "end": interval.end, "label": interval.label, "utterance_id": u_id, }) pbar.update(1) if self.use_mp: with mp.Pool(self.num_jobs) as pool: gen = pool.starmap(parse_aligned_textgrid, jobs) for i, intervals in enumerate(gen): pbar.update(1) file_id = indices[i] utterances = (session.query(,, Utterance.end).join(Utterance.speaker).filter( Utterance.file_id == file_id)) for u_id, speaker_name, end in utterances: if speaker_name not in intervals: continue while (intervals[speaker_name] and intervals[speaker_name][0].end <= end): interval = intervals[speaker_name].pop(0) reference_intervals.append({ "begin": interval.begin, "end": interval.end, "label": interval.label, "utterance_id": u_id, }) with session.bind.begin() as conn: conn.execute( sqlalchemy.insert(ReferencePhoneInterval.__table__), reference_intervals) session.commit() session.query(Corpus).update({"has_reference_alignments": True}) session.commit() def load_corpus(self) -> None: """ Load the corpus """ self.initialize_database() self._load_corpus() self.initialize_jobs() self.create_corpus_split() self.generate_features() def generate_features(self, compute_cmvn: bool = True) -> None: """ Generate features for the corpus Parameters ---------- compute_cmvn: bool Flag for whether to compute CMVN, defaults to True """ if self.features_generated: return self.log_info(f"Generating base features ({self.feature_type})...") if self.feature_type == "mfcc": self.mfcc() self.combine_feats() if compute_cmvn: self.log_info("Calculating CMVN...") self.calc_cmvn() self.features_generated = True with self.session() as session: session.query(Corpus).update({"features_generated": True}) session.commit() self.create_corpus_split() def create_corpus_split(self) -> None: """Create the split directory for the corpus""" if self.features_generated: self.log_info("Creating corpus split with features...") super().create_corpus_split() else: self.log_info("Creating corpus split for feature generation...") split_dir = self.split_directory os.makedirs(os.path.join(split_dir, "log"), exist_ok=True) with self.session() as session: for job in job.output_for_features(split_dir, session) def construct_base_feature_string(self, all_feats: bool = False) -> str: """ Construct the base feature string independent of job name Used in initialization of MonophoneTrainer (to get dimension size) and IvectorTrainer (uses all feats) Parameters ---------- all_feats: bool Flag for whether all features across all jobs should be taken into account Returns ------- str Base feature string """ j =[0] if all_feats: feat_path = os.path.join(self.base_data_directory, "feats.scp") utt2spk_path = os.path.join(self.base_data_directory, "utt2spk.scp") cmvn_path = os.path.join(self.base_data_directory, "cmvn.scp") feats = f'ark,s,cs:apply-cmvn --utt2spk=ark:"{utt2spk_path}" scp:"{cmvn_path}" scp:"{feat_path}" ark:- |' feats += " add-deltas ark:- ark:- |" return feats utt2spks = j.construct_path_dictionary(self.data_directory, "utt2spk", "scp") cmvns = j.construct_path_dictionary(self.data_directory, "cmvn", "scp") features = j.construct_path_dictionary(self.data_directory, "feats", "scp") for dict_id in j.dictionary_ids: feat_path = features[dict_id] cmvn_path = cmvns[dict_id] utt2spk_path = utt2spks[dict_id] feats = f'ark,s,cs:apply-cmvn --utt2spk=ark:"{utt2spk_path}" scp:"{cmvn_path}" scp:"{feat_path}" ark:- |' if self.uses_deltas: feats += " add-deltas ark:- ark:- |" return feats else: utt2spk_path = j.construct_path(self.data_directory, "utt2spk", "scp") cmvn_path = j.construct_path(self.data_directory, "cmvn", "scp") feat_path = j.construct_path(self.data_directory, "feats", "scp") feats = f'ark,s,cs:apply-cmvn --utt2spk=ark:"{utt2spk_path}" scp:"{cmvn_path}" scp:"{feat_path}" ark:- |' if self.uses_deltas: feats += " add-deltas ark:- ark:- |" return feats def construct_feature_proc_strings( self, speaker_independent: bool = False, ) -> typing.Union[List[Dict[str, str]], List[str]]: """ Constructs a feature processing string to supply to Kaldi binaries, taking into account corpus features and the current working directory of the aligner (whether fMLLR or LDA transforms should be used, etc). Parameters ---------- speaker_independent: bool Flag for whether features should be speaker-independent regardless of the presence of fMLLR transforms Returns ------- list[dict[str, str]] Feature strings per job """ strings = [] for j in lda_mat_path = None fmllrs = {} if self.working_directory is not None: lda_mat_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory, "lda.mat") if not os.path.exists(lda_mat_path): lda_mat_path = None fmllrs = j.construct_path_dictionary(self.working_directory, "trans", "ark") utt2spks = j.construct_path_dictionary(self.data_directory, "utt2spk", "scp") cmvns = j.construct_path_dictionary(self.data_directory, "cmvn", "scp") features = j.construct_path_dictionary(self.data_directory, "feats", "scp") vads = j.construct_path_dictionary(self.data_directory, "vad", "scp") feat_strings = {} if not j.dictionary_ids: utt2spk_path = j.construct_path(self.data_directory, "utt2spk", "scp") cmvn_path = j.construct_path(self.data_directory, "cmvn", "scp") feat_path = j.construct_path(self.data_directory, "feats", "scp") feats = f'ark,s,cs:apply-cmvn --utt2spk=ark:"{utt2spk_path}" scp:"{cmvn_path}" scp:"{feat_path}" ark:- |' if self.uses_deltas: feats += " add-deltas ark:- ark:- |" strings.append(feats) continue for dict_id in j.dictionary_ids: feat_path = features[dict_id] cmvn_path = cmvns[dict_id] utt2spk_path = utt2spks[dict_id] fmllr_trans_path = None try: fmllr_trans_path = fmllrs[dict_id] if not os.path.exists(fmllr_trans_path): fmllr_trans_path = None except KeyError: pass vad_path = vads[dict_id] if self.uses_voiced: feats = f'ark,s,cs:add-deltas scp:"{feat_path}" ark:- |' if self.uses_cmvn: feats += " apply-cmvn-sliding --norm-vars=false --center=true --cmn-window=300 ark:- ark:- |" feats += f' select-voiced-frames ark:- scp,s,cs:"{vad_path}" ark:- |' elif not os.path.exists(cmvn_path) and self.uses_cmvn: feats = f'ark,s,cs:add-deltas scp:"{feat_path}" ark:- |' if self.uses_cmvn: feats += " apply-cmvn-sliding --norm-vars=false --center=true --cmn-window=300 ark:- ark:- |" else: feats = f'ark,s,cs:apply-cmvn --utt2spk=ark:"{utt2spk_path}" scp:"{cmvn_path}" scp:"{feat_path}" ark:- |' if lda_mat_path is not None: feats += f" splice-feats --left-context={self.splice_left_context} --right-context={self.splice_right_context} ark:- ark:- |" feats += f' transform-feats "{lda_mat_path}" ark:- ark:- |' elif self.uses_splices: feats += f" splice-feats --left-context={self.splice_left_context} --right-context={self.splice_right_context} ark:- ark:- |" elif self.uses_deltas: feats += " add-deltas ark:- ark:- |" if fmllr_trans_path is not None and not ( self.speaker_independent or speaker_independent): if not os.path.exists(fmllr_trans_path): raise Exception( f"Could not find {fmllr_trans_path}") feats += f' transform-feats --utt2spk=ark:"{utt2spk_path}" ark:"{fmllr_trans_path}" ark:- ark:- |' feat_strings[dict_id] = feats strings.append(feat_strings) return strings def compute_vad_arguments(self) -> List[VadArguments]: """ Generate Job arguments for :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.features.ComputeVadFunction` Returns ------- list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.features.VadArguments`] Arguments for processing """ return [ VadArguments(, getattr(self, "db_engine", ""), os.path.join(self.split_directory, "log", f"compute_vad.{}.log"), j.construct_path(self.split_directory, "feats", "scp"), j.construct_path(self.split_directory, "vad", "scp"), self.vad_options, ) for j in if j.has_data ] def calc_fmllr_arguments(self, iteration: Optional[int] = None ) -> List[CalcFmllrArguments]: """ Generate Job arguments for :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.features.CalcFmllrFunction` Returns ------- list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.features.CalcFmllrArguments`] Arguments for processing """ feature_strings = self.construct_feature_proc_strings() base_log = "calc_fmllr" if iteration is not None: base_log += f".{iteration}" return [ CalcFmllrArguments(, getattr(self, "db_path", ""), os.path.join(self.working_log_directory, f"{base_log}.{}.log"), j.dictionary_ids, feature_strings[], j.construct_path_dictionary(self.working_directory, "ali", "ark"), self.alignment_model_path, self.model_path, j.construct_path_dictionary(self.data_directory, "spk2utt", "scp"), j.construct_path_dictionary(self.working_directory, "trans", "ark"), self.fmllr_options, ) for j in if j.has_data ] def mfcc_arguments(self) -> List[MfccArguments]: """ Generate Job arguments for :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.features.MfccFunction` Returns ------- list[:class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.features.MfccArguments`] Arguments for processing """ return [ MfccArguments(, self.db_path, os.path.join(self.split_directory, "log", f"make_mfcc.{}.log"), j.construct_path(self.split_directory, "wav", "scp"), j.construct_path(self.split_directory, "segments", "scp"), j.construct_path(self.split_directory, "feats", "scp"), self.mfcc_options, self.pitch_options, ) for j in if j.has_data ] def mfcc(self) -> None: """ Multiprocessing function that converts sound files into MFCCs. See :kaldi_docs:`feat` for an overview on feature generation in Kaldi. See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.features.MfccFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.AcousticCorpusMixin.mfcc_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for helper function :kaldi_steps:`make_mfcc` Reference Kaldi script """ self.log_info("Generating MFCCs...") log_directory = os.path.join(self.split_directory, "log") os.makedirs(log_directory, exist_ok=True) arguments = self.mfcc_arguments() with tqdm.tqdm(total=self.num_utterances, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar: if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = MfccFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue pbar.update(result) for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): print(v) self.dirty = True sys.exit(1) else: for args in arguments: function = MfccFunction(args) for num_utterances in pbar.update(num_utterances) with self.session() as session: update_mapping = [] session.query(Utterance).update({"ignored": True}) for j in arguments: with open(j.feats_scp_path, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line == "": continue f = line.split(maxsplit=1) utt_id = int(f[0].split("-")[-1]) feats = f[1] update_mapping.append({ "id": utt_id, "features": feats, "ignored": False }) session.bulk_update_mappings(Utterance, update_mapping) session.commit() def calc_cmvn(self) -> None: """ Calculate CMVN statistics for speakers See Also -------- :kaldi_src:`compute-cmvn-stats` Relevant Kaldi binary """ self._write_feats() self._write_spk2utt() spk2utt = os.path.join(self.corpus_output_directory, "spk2utt.scp") feats = os.path.join(self.corpus_output_directory, "feats.scp") cmvn_ark = os.path.join(self.corpus_output_directory, "cmvn.ark") cmvn_scp = os.path.join(self.corpus_output_directory, "cmvn.scp") log_path = os.path.join(self.features_log_directory, "cmvn.log") with open(log_path, "w") as logf: [ thirdparty_binary("compute-cmvn-stats"), f"--spk2utt=ark:{spk2utt}", f"scp:{feats}", f"ark,scp:{cmvn_ark},{cmvn_scp}", ], stderr=logf, env=os.environ, ) update_mapping = [] with self.session() as session: for s, cmvn in load_scp(cmvn_scp).items(): if isinstance(cmvn, list): cmvn = " ".join(cmvn) update_mapping.append({"id": int(s), "cmvn": cmvn}) session.bulk_update_mappings(Speaker, update_mapping) session.commit() def calc_fmllr(self, iteration: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """ Multiprocessing function that computes speaker adaptation transforms via feature-space Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression (fMLLR). See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.features.CalcFmllrFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.AcousticCorpusMixin.calc_fmllr_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for the helper function :kaldi_steps:`align_fmllr` Reference Kaldi script :kaldi_steps:`train_sat` Reference Kaldi script """ begin = time.time() self.log_info("Calculating fMLLR for speaker adaptation...") arguments = self.calc_fmllr_arguments(iteration=iteration) with tqdm.tqdm(total=self.num_speakers, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar: if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = CalcFmllrFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue pbar.update(1) for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: for args in arguments: function = CalcFmllrFunction(args) for _ in pbar.update(1) self.speaker_independent = False self.log_debug(f"Fmllr calculation took {time.time() - begin}") def compute_vad(self) -> None: """ Compute Voice Activity Detection features over the corpus See Also -------- :class:`~montreal_forced_aligner.corpus.features.ComputeVadFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.AcousticCorpusMixin.compute_vad_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for helper function """ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.split_directory, "vad.0.scp")): self.log_info("VAD already computed, skipping!") return begin = time.time() self.log_info("Computing VAD...") arguments = self.compute_vad_arguments() with tqdm.tqdm(total=self.num_speakers, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar: if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = ComputeVadFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue if isinstance(result, KaldiProcessingError): error_dict[result.job_name] = result continue done, no_feats, unvoiced = result pbar.update(done + no_feats + unvoiced) for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: for args in arguments: function = ComputeVadFunction(args) for done, no_feats, unvoiced in pbar.update(done + no_feats + unvoiced) self.log_debug(f"VAD computation took {time.time() - begin}") def combine_feats(self) -> None: """ Combine feature generation results and store relevant information """ with self.session() as session: ignored_utterances = ( session.query( SoundFile.sound_file_path,, Utterance.begin, Utterance.end, Utterance.text, ).join(Utterance.speaker).join(Utterance.file).join( File.sound_file).filter(Utterance.ignored == True) # noqa ) ignored_count = 0 for sound_file_path, speaker_name, begin, end, text in ignored_utterances: self.log_debug(f" - Ignored File: {sound_file_path}") self.log_debug(f" - Speaker: {speaker_name}") self.log_debug(f" - Begin: {begin}") self.log_debug(f" - End: {end}") self.log_debug(f" - Text: {text}") ignored_count += 1 if ignored_count: self.log_warning( f"There were {ignored_count} utterances ignored due to an issue in feature generation, see the log file for full " "details or run `mfa validate` on the corpus.") def _write_feats(self) -> None: """Write feats scp file for Kaldi""" feats_path = os.path.join(self.corpus_output_directory, "feats.scp") with self.session() as session, open(feats_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: utterances = (session.query( Utterance.kaldi_id, Utterance.features).filter_by(ignored=False).order_by( Utterance.kaldi_id)) for u_id, features in utterances: f.write(f"{u_id} {features}\n") def get_feat_dim(self) -> int: """ Calculate the feature dimension for the corpus Returns ------- int Dimension of feature vectors """ feature_string = self.construct_base_feature_string() with open(os.path.join(self.features_log_directory, "feat-to-dim.log"), "w") as log_file: subset_proc = subprocess.Popen( [ thirdparty_binary("subset-feats"), "--n=1", feature_string, "ark:-", ], stderr=log_file, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) dim_proc = subprocess.Popen( [thirdparty_binary("feat-to-dim"), "ark:-", "-"], stdin=subset_proc.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=log_file, ) stdout, stderr = dim_proc.communicate() feats = stdout.decode("utf8").strip() return int(feats) def _load_corpus_from_source_mp(self) -> None: """ Load a corpus using multiprocessing """ begin_time = time.process_time() job_queue = mp.Queue() return_queue = mp.Queue() finished_adding = Stopped() stopped = Stopped() file_counts = Counter() sanitize_function = getattr(self, "sanitize_function", None) error_dict = {} procs = [] self.db_engine.dispose() parser = AcousticDirectoryParser( self.corpus_directory, job_queue, self.audio_directory, stopped, finished_adding, file_counts, ) parser.start() for i in range(self.num_jobs): p = CorpusProcessWorker( i, job_queue, return_queue, stopped, finished_adding, self.speaker_characters, sanitize_function, self.sample_frequency, ) procs.append(p) p.start() last_poll = time.time() - 30 import_data = DatabaseImportData() try: with self.session() as session: with tqdm.tqdm(total=100, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar: while True: try: file = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(file, tuple): error_type = file[0] error = file[1] if error_type == "error": error_dict[error_type] = error else: if error_type not in error_dict: error_dict[error_type] = [] error_dict[error_type].append(error) continue if self.stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished_processing.stop_check(): break else: break continue if time.time() - last_poll > 15: = file_counts.value() last_poll = time.time() pbar.update(1) import_data.add_objects( self.generate_import_objects(file)) self.log_debug( f"Processing queue: {time.process_time() - begin_time}" ) if "error" in error_dict: session.rollback() raise error_dict["error"][1] self._finalize_load(session, import_data) for k in [ "sound_file_errors", "decode_error_files", "textgrid_read_errors" ]: if hasattr(self, k): if k in error_dict: self.log_info( "There were some issues with files in the corpus. " "Please look at the log file or run the validator for more information." ) self.log_debug( f"{k} showed {len(error_dict[k])} errors:") if k in {"textgrid_read_errors", "sound_file_errors"}: getattr(self, k).update(error_dict[k]) for e in error_dict[k]: self.log_debug(f"{e.file_name}: {e.error}") else: self.log_debug(", ".join(error_dict[k])) setattr(self, k, error_dict[k]) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, KeyboardInterrupt): self.log_info( "Detected ctrl-c, please wait a moment while we clean everything up..." ) self.stopped.set_sigint_source() self.stopped.stop() finished_adding.stop() while True: try: _ = job_queue.get(timeout=1) if self.stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished_processing.stop_check(): break else: break try: _ = return_queue.get(timeout=1) _ = job_queue.get(timeout=1) if self.stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished_processing.stop_check(): break else: break finally: parser.join() for p in procs: p.join() if self.stopped.stop_check(): self.log_info( f"Stopped parsing early ({time.process_time() - begin_time} seconds)" ) if self.stopped.source(): sys.exit(0) else: self.log_debug( f"Parsed corpus directory with {self.num_jobs} jobs in {time.process_time() - begin_time} seconds" ) def _load_corpus_from_source(self) -> None: """ Load a corpus without using multiprocessing """ begin_time = time.time() sanitize_function = None if hasattr(self, "sanitize_function"): sanitize_function = self.sanitize_function all_sound_files = {} use_audio_directory = False if self.audio_directory and os.path.exists(self.audio_directory): use_audio_directory = True for root, _, files in os.walk(self.audio_directory, followlinks=True): if self.stopped.stop_check(): return exts = find_exts(files) exts.wav_files = { k: os.path.join(root, v) for k, v in exts.wav_files.items() } exts.other_audio_files = { k: os.path.join(root, v) for k, v in exts.other_audio_files.items() } all_sound_files.update(exts.other_audio_files) all_sound_files.update(exts.wav_files) self.log_debug(f"Walking through {self.corpus_directory}...") import_data = DatabaseImportData() with self.session() as session: for root, _, files in os.walk(self.corpus_directory, followlinks=True): exts = find_exts(files) relative_path = root.replace(self.corpus_directory, "").lstrip("/").lstrip("\\") if self.stopped.stop_check(): return if not use_audio_directory: all_sound_files = {} wav_files = { k: os.path.join(root, v) for k, v in exts.wav_files.items() } other_audio_files = { k: os.path.join(root, v) for k, v in exts.other_audio_files.items() } all_sound_files.update(other_audio_files) all_sound_files.update(wav_files) for file_name in exts.identifiers: wav_path = None transcription_path = None if file_name in all_sound_files: wav_path = all_sound_files[file_name] if file_name in exts.lab_files: lab_name = exts.lab_files[file_name] transcription_path = os.path.join(root, lab_name) elif file_name in exts.textgrid_files: tg_name = exts.textgrid_files[file_name] transcription_path = os.path.join(root, tg_name) if wav_path is None and transcription_path is None: # Not a file for MFA continue if wav_path is None: self.transcriptions_without_wavs.append( transcription_path) continue if transcription_path is None: self.no_transcription_files.append(wav_path) try: file = FileData.parse_file( file_name, wav_path, transcription_path, relative_path, self.speaker_characters, sanitize_function, self.sample_frequency, ) import_data.add_objects( self.generate_import_objects(file)) except TextParseError as e: self.decode_error_files.append(e) except TextGridParseError as e: self.textgrid_read_errors.append(e) except SoundFileError as e: self.sound_file_errors.append(e) self._finalize_load(session, import_data) if self.decode_error_files or self.textgrid_read_errors: self.log_info( "There were some issues with files in the corpus. " "Please look at the log file or run the validator for more information." ) if self.decode_error_files: self.log_debug( f"There were {len(self.decode_error_files)} errors decoding text files:" ) self.log_debug(", ".join(self.decode_error_files)) if self.textgrid_read_errors: self.log_debug( f"There were {len(self.textgrid_read_errors)} errors decoding reading TextGrid files:" ) for e in self.textgrid_read_errors: self.log_debug(f"{e.file_name}: {e.error}") self.log_debug( f"Parsed corpus directory in {time.time() - begin_time} seconds")
def acc_ivector_stats(self) -> None: """ Multiprocessing function that accumulates ivector extraction stats. See Also -------- :func:`~montreal_forced_aligner.ivector.trainer.AccIvectorStatsFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.IvectorTrainer.acc_ivector_stats_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for the helper function :kaldi_src:`ivector-extractor-sum-accs` Relevant Kaldi binary :kaldi_src:`ivector-extractor-est` Relevant Kaldi binary :kaldi_steps_sid:`train_ivector_extractor` Reference Kaldi script """ begin = time.time() self.log_info("Accumulating ivector stats...") arguments = self.acc_ivector_stats_arguments() if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = AccIvectorStatsFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if stopped.stop_check(): continue except queue.Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue if isinstance(result, KaldiProcessingError): error_dict[result.job_name] = result continue for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: self.log_debug("Not using multiprocessing...") for args in arguments: function = AccIvectorStatsFunction(args) for _ in pass self.log_debug(f"Accumulating stats took {time.time() - begin}") log_path = os.path.join(self.working_log_directory, f"sum_acc.{self.iteration}.log") acc_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory, f"acc.{self.iteration}") with open(log_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as log_file: accinits = [] for j in arguments: accinits.append(j.acc_init_path) sum_accs_proc = subprocess.Popen( [ thirdparty_binary("ivector-extractor-sum-accs"), "--parallel=true" ] + accinits + [acc_path], stderr=log_file, env=os.environ, ) sum_accs_proc.communicate() # clean up for p in accinits: os.remove(p) # Est extractor log_path = os.path.join(self.working_log_directory, f"update.{self.iteration}.log") with open(log_path, "w") as log_file: extractor_est_proc = subprocess.Popen( [ thirdparty_binary("ivector-extractor-est"), f"--num-threads={len(}", f"--gaussian-min-count={self.gaussian_min_count}", self.ie_path, os.path.join(self.working_directory, f"acc.{self.iteration}"), self.next_ie_path, ], stderr=log_file, env=os.environ, ) extractor_est_proc.communicate()
def create_align_model(self) -> None: """ Create alignment model for speaker-adapted training that will use speaker-independent features in later aligning. See Also -------- :func:`~montreal_forced_aligner.acoustic_modeling.sat.AccStatsTwoFeatsFunction` Multiprocessing helper function for each job :meth:`.SatTrainer.acc_stats_two_feats_arguments` Job method for generating arguments for the helper function :kaldi_src:`gmm-est` Relevant Kaldi binary :kaldi_src:`gmm-sum-accs` Relevant Kaldi binary :kaldi_steps:`train_sat` Reference Kaldi script """ self.log_info( "Creating alignment model for speaker-independent features...") begin = time.time() arguments = self.acc_stats_two_feats_arguments() with tqdm.tqdm(total=self.num_current_utterances, disable=getattr(self, "quiet", False)) as pbar: if self.use_mp: error_dict = {} return_queue = mp.Queue() stopped = Stopped() procs = [] for i, args in enumerate(arguments): function = AccStatsTwoFeatsFunction(args) p = KaldiProcessWorker(i, return_queue, function, stopped) procs.append(p) p.start() while True: try: result = return_queue.get(timeout=1) if isinstance(result, Exception): error_dict[getattr(result, "job_name", 0)] = result continue if stopped.stop_check(): continue except Empty: for proc in procs: if not proc.finished.stop_check(): break else: break continue pbar.update(1) for p in procs: p.join() if error_dict: for v in error_dict.values(): raise v else: for args in arguments: function = AccStatsTwoFeatsFunction(args) for _ in pbar.update(1) log_path = os.path.join(self.working_log_directory, "align_model_est.log") with open(log_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as log_file: acc_files = [] for x in arguments: acc_files.extend(x.acc_paths.values()) sum_proc = subprocess.Popen( [thirdparty_binary("gmm-sum-accs"), "-"] + acc_files, stderr=log_file, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=os.environ, ) est_command = [ thirdparty_binary("gmm-est"), "--remove-low-count-gaussians=false", ] if not self.quick: est_command.append(f"--power={self.power}") else: est_command.append( f"--write-occs={os.path.join(self.working_directory, 'final.occs')}" ) est_command.extend([ self.model_path, "-", self.model_path.replace(".mdl", ".alimdl"), ]) est_proc = subprocess.Popen( est_command, stdin=sum_proc.stdout, stderr=log_file, env=os.environ, ) est_proc.communicate() parse_logs(self.working_log_directory) if not self.debug: for f in acc_files: os.remove(f) self.log_debug(f"Alignment model creation took {time.time() - begin}")