def makeChemModel(compt, doInput):
    This function setus up a simple chemical system in which Ca input 
    comes to the dend and to selected PSDs. There is diffusion between
    PSD and spine head, and between dend and spine head.
        Ca_input ------> Ca  // in dend and spine head only.
    # create molecules and reactions
    Ca = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/Ca')
    Ca.concInit = 0.08 * 1e-3
    Ca.diffConst = diffConst
    if doInput:
        Ca_input = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/Ca_input')
        Ca_input.concInit = 0.08 * 1e-3
        Ca_input.diffConst = diffConst
        rInput = moose.Reac(compt.path + '/rInput')
        moose.connect(rInput, 'sub', Ca, 'reac')
        moose.connect(rInput, 'prd', Ca_input, 'reac')
        rInput.Kf = 100  # 1/sec
        rInput.Kb = 100  # 1/sec
        Ca_sink = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/Ca_sink')
        Ca_sink.concInit = 0.08 * 1e-3
        rSink = moose.Reac(compt.path + '/rSink')
        moose.connect(rSink, 'sub', Ca, 'reac')
        moose.connect(rSink, 'prd', Ca_sink, 'reac')
        rSink.Kf = 10  # 1/sec
        rSink.Kb = 10  # 1/sec
def makeChemProto( name, stimAmpl = 1, diffLength = 1e-6, preStim = 10.0 ):
    # Parameters

    sw = params['stimWidth']
    dca = params['diffConstA'] * diffLength * diffLength
    dcb = params['diffConstB'] * diffLength * diffLength

    # Objects
    chem = moose.Neutral( '/library/' + name )
    compt = moose.CubeMesh( chem.path + '/dend' )
    A = moose.Pool( compt.path + '/A' )
    B = moose.Pool( compt.path + '/B' )
    Z = moose.BufPool( compt.path + '/Z' )
    Ca = moose.BufPool( compt.path + '/Ca' )
    phase = moose.BufPool( compt.path + '/phase' )
    vel = moose.BufPool( compt.path + '/vel' )
    ampl = moose.BufPool( compt.path + '/ampl' )
    Adot = moose.Function( A.path + '/Adot' )
    Bdot = moose.Function( B.path + '/Bdot' )
    CaStim = moose.Function( Ca.path + '/CaStim' )
    A.diffConst = dca
    B.diffConst = dcb

    # Equations

    xv0 = '(x0-' + str( params['offsetV'] ) + ')'
    xv1 = '(x1-' + str( params['offsetV'] ) + ')'
    xw1 = '(x1-' + str( params['offsetW'] ) + ')'
    xw2 = '(x2-' + str( params['offsetW'] ) + ')'
    Adot.expr = '5*x3*( 0.0 +' + xv1 + ' - (' + xv1 + '^3)/3 -' + xw2 + ' + x0 )' # x0=Ca, x1=A, x2=B
    #Adot.expr = 'x3*( 0.5 + x1 - x1*x1*x1/3 - x2 + x0 )' # x0=Ca, x1=A, x2=B
    #Bdot.expr = 'x2*' + str(1.0/params['tau']) + '*(x0 + ' + sp('a', ' - ') + sp( 'b', ' * x1 ' ) + ')'
    Bdot.expr = 'x2*' + str(1.0/params['tau']) + '*(' + xv0 + '+' + sp('a', ' - ') + sp( 'b', ' * ' + xw1 ) + ')'
    CaStim.expr = 'x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* ' + str(sw*sw) + ') )'

    print Adot.expr
    print Bdot.expr
    print CaStim.expr

    # Connections
    Adot.x.num = 4
    moose.connect( Ca, 'nOut', Adot.x[0], 'input' )
    moose.connect( A, 'nOut', Adot.x[1], 'input' )
    moose.connect( B, 'nOut', Adot.x[2], 'input' )
    moose.connect( Z, 'nOut', Adot.x[3], 'input' )
    moose.connect( Adot, 'valueOut', A, 'increment' )

    Bdot.x.num = 3
    moose.connect( A, 'nOut', Bdot.x[0], 'input' )
    moose.connect( B, 'nOut', Bdot.x[1], 'input' )
    moose.connect( Z, 'nOut', Bdot.x[2], 'input' )
    moose.connect( Bdot, 'valueOut', B, 'increment' )

    CaStim.x.num = 3
    moose.connect( phase, 'nOut', CaStim.x[0], 'input' )
    moose.connect( vel, 'nOut', CaStim.x[1], 'input' )
    moose.connect( ampl, 'nOut', CaStim.x[2], 'input' )
    moose.connect( CaStim, 'valueOut', Ca, 'setN' )

    return compt
def makeChemProto(name, stimAmpl=1, diffLength=1e-6, preStim=10.0):
    # Parameters

    sw = params['stimWidth']
    dca = params['diffConstA'] * diffLength * diffLength
    dcb = params['diffConstB'] * diffLength * diffLength

    # Objects
    chem = moose.Neutral('/library/' + name)
    compt = moose.CubeMesh(chem.path + '/dend')
    A = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/A')
    B = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/B')
    Z = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/Z')
    Ca = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/Ca')
    phase = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/phase')
    vel = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/vel')
    ampl = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/ampl')
    Adot = moose.Function(A.path + '/Adot')
    Bdot = moose.Function(B.path + '/Bdot')
    CaStim = moose.Function(Ca.path + '/CaStim')
    A.diffConst = dca
    B.diffConst = dcb

    # Equations

    Adot.expr = 'x3*(' + sp('k0a', '+ ') + sp('k1a', '*x1 + ') + sp(
        'k2a', '*x1*x1 + ') + sp('k3a', '*x1*x1*x1 + ') + sp(
            'k4a', '*x0*x1/(1+x1+10*x2) + ') + sp('k5a', '*x1*x2') + ')'

    Bdot.expr = 'x2*(' + sp('k1b', '*x0*x0 + ') + sp('k2b', '*x1') + ')'
    CaStim.expr = 'x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* ' + str(sw * sw) + ') )'

    print Adot.expr
    print Bdot.expr
    print CaStim.expr

    # Connections
    Adot.x.num = 4
    moose.connect(Ca, 'nOut', Adot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Adot.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Adot.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z, 'nOut', Adot.x[3], 'input')
    moose.connect(Adot, 'valueOut', A, 'increment')

    Bdot.x.num = 3
    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Bdot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Bdot.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z, 'nOut', Bdot.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(Bdot, 'valueOut', B, 'increment')

    CaStim.x.num = 3
    moose.connect(phase, 'nOut', CaStim.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(vel, 'nOut', CaStim.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(ampl, 'nOut', CaStim.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(CaStim, 'valueOut', Ca, 'setN')

    return compt
def makeChemProto( name, Aexpr, Bexpr, params ):
    sw = params['stimWidth']
    diffLength = params['diffusionLength']
    dca = params['diffConstA'] * diffLength * diffLength
    dcb = params['diffConstB'] * diffLength * diffLength

    # Objects
    chem = moose.Neutral( '/library/' + name )
    compt = moose.CubeMesh( '/library/' + name + '/' + name )
    A = moose.Pool( compt.path + '/A' )
    B = moose.Pool( compt.path + '/B' )
    Z = moose.BufPool( compt.path + '/Z' )
    Ca = moose.BufPool( compt.path + '/Ca' )
    phase = moose.BufPool( compt.path + '/phase' )
    vel = moose.BufPool( compt.path + '/vel' )
    ampl = moose.BufPool( compt.path + '/ampl' )
    Adot = moose.Function( A.path + '/Adot' )
    Bdot = moose.Function( B.path + '/Bdot' )
    CaStim = moose.Function( Ca.path + '/CaStim' )
    A.diffConst = dca
    B.diffConst = dcb

    # Equations

    Adot.expr = parseExpr( Aexpr, params, True )
    Bdot.expr = parseExpr( Bexpr, params, False )
    CaStim.expr = 'x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* ' + str(sw*sw) + ') )'

    #print Adot.expr
    #print Bdot.expr
    #print CaStim.expr

    # Connections
    Adot.x.num = 4
    moose.connect( Ca, 'nOut', Adot.x[0], 'input' )
    moose.connect( A, 'nOut', Adot.x[1], 'input' )
    moose.connect( B, 'nOut', Adot.x[2], 'input' )
    moose.connect( Z, 'nOut', Adot.x[3], 'input' )
    moose.connect( Adot, 'valueOut', A, 'increment' )

    Bdot.x.num = 3
    if name[:5] == 'negFF':
        moose.connect( Ca, 'nOut', Bdot.x[0], 'input' )
        print('Doing special msg')
        moose.connect( A, 'nOut', Bdot.x[0], 'input' )
    moose.connect( B, 'nOut', Bdot.x[1], 'input' )
    moose.connect( Z, 'nOut', Bdot.x[2], 'input' )
    moose.connect( Bdot, 'valueOut', B, 'increment' )

    CaStim.x.num = 3
    moose.connect( phase, 'nOut', CaStim.x[0], 'input' )
    moose.connect( vel, 'nOut', CaStim.x[1], 'input' )
    moose.connect( ampl, 'nOut', CaStim.x[2], 'input' )
    moose.connect( CaStim, 'valueOut', Ca, 'setN' )

    return compt
def makeReacs():
    # Parameters
    volume = 1e-15
    CaInitConc = 60e-6
    NA = 6.022e23
    tauI = 1
    tauG = 0.1

    model = moose.Neutral('/cells')
    compartment = moose.CubeMesh('/cells/compartment')
    compartment.volume = volume

    # Make pools
    Ca = moose.BufPool('/cells/compartment/Ca')
    tgtCa = moose.BufPool('/cells/compartment/tgtCa')
    m = moose.Pool('/cells/compartment/m')
    chan = moose.Pool('/cells/compartment/chan')

    # Make Funcs
    f1 = moose.Func('/cells/compartment/f1')
    f2 = moose.Func('/cells/compartment/f2')

    # connect up
    moose.connect(f1, 'valueOut', m, 'increment')
    moose.connect(f2, 'valueOut', chan, 'increment')

    moose.connect(Ca, 'nOut', f1, 'xIn')
    moose.connect(tgtCa, 'nOut', f1, 'yIn')

    moose.connect(m, 'nOut', f2, 'xIn')
    moose.connect(chan, 'nOut', f2, 'yIn')

    # Set params
    Ca.concInit = CaInitConc
    tgtCa.concInit = tgtCaInitConc
    m.concInit = 0.0
    chan.concInit = 0.0
    volscale = 1.0

    f1.expr = str(volscale / tauI) + " * (x-y)"
    f2.expr = str(volscale / tauG) + " * (x-y)"

    channelPlot = makePlot('channelConc', chan, 'Conc', 18)
    mPlot = makePlot('mConc', m, 'Conc', 18)
    caPlot = makePlot('Ca', Ca, 'Conc', 18)
    targetPlot = makePlot('tgtCa', tgtCa, 'Conc', 18)
    return (channelPlot, mPlot, caPlot)
def makeModel():
    # create container for model
    model = moose.Neutral('model')
    compartment = moose.CubeMesh('/model/compartment')
    compartment.volume = 1e-15
    # the mesh is created automatically by the compartment
    mesh = moose.element('/model/compartment/mesh')

    # create molecules and reactions
    # a <----> b
    # b + 10c ---func---> d
    a = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/a')
    b = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/b')
    c = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/c')
    d = moose.BufPool('/model/compartment/d')
    reac = moose.Reac('/model/compartment/reac')
    func = moose.Function('/model/compartment/d/func')
    func.numVars = 2
    #func.x.num = 2

    # connect them up for reactions

    moose.connect(reac, 'sub', a, 'reac')
    moose.connect(reac, 'prd', b, 'reac')
    if useY:
        moose.connect(func, 'requestOut', b, 'getN')
        moose.connect(func, 'requestOut', c, 'getN')
        moose.connect(b, 'nOut', func.x[0], 'input')
        moose.connect(c, 'nOut', func.x[1], 'input')

    moose.connect(func, 'valueOut', d, 'setN')
    if useY:
        func.expr = "y0 + 10*y1"
        func.expr = "x0 + 10*x1"

    # connect them up to the compartment for volumes
    #for x in ( a, b, c, cplx1, cplx2 ):
    #                        moose.connect( x, 'mesh', mesh, 'mesh' )

    # Assign parameters
    a.concInit = 1
    b.concInit = 0.5
    c.concInit = 0.1
    reac.Kf = 0.001
    reac.Kb = 0.01

    # Create the output tables
    graphs = moose.Neutral('/model/graphs')
    outputA = moose.Table2('/model/graphs/concA')
    outputB = moose.Table2('/model/graphs/concB')
    outputC = moose.Table2('/model/graphs/concC')
    outputD = moose.Table2('/model/graphs/concD')

    # connect up the tables
    moose.connect(outputA, 'requestOut', a, 'getConc')
    moose.connect(outputB, 'requestOut', b, 'getConc')
    moose.connect(outputC, 'requestOut', c, 'getConc')
    moose.connect(outputD, 'requestOut', d, 'getConc')
def i1_to_i1p( root ):
    global molecules_
    global curr_subsec_
    i1p_const = moose.BufPool( '%s/i1p_const' % molecules_[curr_subsec_ + '.' + 'I1'].path)
    i1p_const.name = pool_name( root, i1p_const.name )
    molecules_[i1p_const.name] = i1p_const

    f = moose.Function( '%s/i12i1p' % molecules_[pool_name(root, 'I1P')].path )
    f.x.num = 2
    f.expr = 'x1*(1+(x0/{kh2})^3)/(x0/{kh2})^3'.format(kh2=conc_to_n(_p.K_H2))
    frmName = pool_name( root, 'I1' )
    toName = pool_name( root, 'I1P_' )
    moose.connect( molecules_[pool_name(root,'ca')], 'nOut', f.x[0], 'input' )
    moose.connect( molecules_[frmName], 'nOut', f.x[1], 'input' )
    moose.connect( f, 'valueOut',  molecules_[toName], 'setN' )
    _logger.debug('Reaction: %s -> %s, Expr = %s' % (frmName, toName, f.expr ))

    # A slow reaction between I1P and I1P_ which synchornize both pools.
    r = add_reaction( '%s/sync' % molecules_[pool_name(root,'I1P')].path );
    frmPool = molecules_[ pool_name( root, 'I1P_' ) ]
    toPool = molecules_[ pool_name( root, 'I1P' ) ]
    moose.connect( r, 'sub', frmPool, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( r, 'prd', toPool, 'reac' )
    r.Kf = r.Kb = 1.0
    _logger.debug( 'Reaction: %s -> %s' % ( frmPool.name, toPool.name ) )
def analogStimTable():
    """Example of using a StimulusTable as an analog signal source in
    a reaction system. It could be used similarly to give other 
    analog inputs to a model, such as a current or voltage clamp signal.

    This demo creates a StimulusTable and assigns it half a sine wave.
    Then we assign the start time and period over which to emit the wave.
    The output of the StimTable is sent to a pool **a**, which participates
    in a trivial reaction::

        table ----> a <===> b

    The output of **a** and **b** are recorded in a regular table 
    for plotting.
    simtime = 150
    simdt = 0.1
    model = moose.Neutral('/model')
    data = moose.Neutral('/data')
    # This is the stimulus generator
    stimtable = moose.StimulusTable('/model/stim')
    a = moose.BufPool( '/model/a' )
    b = moose.Pool( '/model/b' )
    reac = moose.Reac( '/model/reac' )
    reac.Kf = 0.1
    reac.Kb = 0.1
    moose.connect( stimtable, 'output', a, 'setConcInit' )
    moose.connect( reac, 'sub', a, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( reac, 'prd', b, 'reac' )
    aPlot = moose.Table('/data/aPlot')
    moose.connect(aPlot, 'requestOut', a, 'getConc')
    bPlot = moose.Table('/data/bPlot')
    moose.connect(bPlot, 'requestOut', b, 'getConc')
    moose.setClock( stimtable.tick, simdt )
    moose.setClock( a.tick, simdt )
    moose.setClock( aPlot.tick, simdt )

    # Here we set up the stimulus table. It is half a sine-wave.
    stim = [ np.sin(0.01 * float(i) ) for i in range( 314 )]
    stimtable.vector = stim
    stimtable.stepSize = 0 # This forces use of current time as x value

    # The table will interpolate its contents over the time start to stop:
    # At values less than startTime, it emits the first value in table
    stimtable.startTime = 5
    # At values more than stopTime, it emits the last value in table
    stimtable.stopTime = 60
    stimtable.doLoop = 1 # Enable repeat playbacks.
    stimtable.loopTime = 10 + simtime / 2.0 # Repeat playback over this time

    t = [ x * simdt for x in range( len( aPlot.vector ) )]
    pylab.plot( t, aPlot.vector, label='Stimulus waveform' )
    pylab.plot( t, bPlot.vector, label='Reaction product b' )
def makeModel():
    # create container for model
    r0 = 2e-6        # m
    r1 = 1e-6        # m
    num = 100
    diffLength = 1e-6 # m
    len = num * diffLength        # m
    diffConst = 10e-12 # m^2/sec
    motorRate = 10e-6 # m/sec
    concA = 1 # millimolar

    model = moose.Neutral( 'model' )
    compartment = moose.CylMesh( '/model/compartment' )
    compartment.r0 = r0
    compartment.r1 = r1
    compartment.x0 = 0
    compartment.x1 = len
    compartment.diffLength = diffLength

    assert( compartment.numDiffCompts == num )

    # create molecules and reactions
    a = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/a' )
    b = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/b' )
    c = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/c' )
    d = moose.BufPool( '/model/compartment/d' )
    r1 = moose.Reac( '/model/compartment/r1' )
    moose.connect( r1, 'sub', b, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( r1, 'sub', d, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( r1, 'prd', c, 'reac' )
    r1.Kf = 1.0 # 1/(mM.sec)
    r1.Kb = 1.0 # 1/sec

    # Assign parameters
    a.diffConst = diffConst
    b.diffConst = diffConst / 2.0
    b.motorConst = motorRate
    c.diffConst = 0
    d.diffConst = diffConst

    # Make solvers
    ksolve = moose.Ksolve( '/model/compartment/ksolve' )
    dsolve = moose.Dsolve( '/model/compartment/dsolve' )
    stoich = moose.Stoich( '/model/compartment/stoich' )
    stoich.compartment = compartment
    stoich.ksolve = ksolve
    stoich.dsolve = dsolve
    os.kill( PID, signal.SIGUSR1 )
    stoich.path = "/model/compartment/##"

    assert( dsolve.numPools == 3 )
    a.vec[0].concInit = concA
    b.vec[0].concInit = concA
    c.vec[0].concInit = concA
    d.vec.concInit = concA / 5.0
    d.vec[num-1].concInit = concA
def makeModel():
    """ This function creates a bistable reaction system using explicit
    MOOSE calls rather than load from a file.
    The reaction is::

        a ---b---> 2b    # b catalyzes a to form more of b.
        2b ---c---> a    # c catalyzes b to form a.
        a <======> 2b    # a interconverts to b.

    # create container for model
    model = moose.Neutral( 'model' )
    compartment = moose.CubeMesh( '/model/compartment' )
    compartment.volume = 1e-15
    # the mesh is created automatically by the compartment
    mesh = moose.element( '/model/compartment/mesh' ) 

    # create molecules and reactions
    a = moose.BufPool( '/model/compartment/a' )
    b = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/b' )
    c = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/c' )
    enz1 = moose.Enz( '/model/compartment/b/enz1' )
    enz2 = moose.Enz( '/model/compartment/c/enz2' )
    cplx1 = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/b/enz1/cplx' )
    cplx2 = moose.Pool( '/model/compartment/c/enz2/cplx' )
    reac = moose.Reac( '/model/compartment/reac' )

    # connect them up for reactions
    moose.connect( enz1, 'sub', a, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( enz1, 'prd', b, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( enz1, 'prd', b, 'reac' ) # Note 2 molecules of b.
    moose.connect( enz1, 'enz', b, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( enz1, 'cplx', cplx1, 'reac' )

    moose.connect( enz2, 'sub', b, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( enz2, 'sub', b, 'reac' ) # Note 2 molecules of b.
    moose.connect( enz2, 'prd', a, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( enz2, 'enz', c, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( enz2, 'cplx', cplx2, 'reac' )

    moose.connect( reac, 'sub', a, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( reac, 'prd', b, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( reac, 'prd', b, 'reac' ) # Note 2 order in b.

    # Assign parameters
    a.concInit = 1
    b.concInit = 0
    c.concInit = 0.01
    enz1.kcat = 0.4
    enz1.Km = 4
    enz2.kcat = 0.6
    enz2.Km = 0.01
    reac.Kf = 0.001
    reac.Kb = 0.01

    return compartment
def makeModel():
    # create container for model
    model = moose.Neutral('model')
    harmonic = moose.CubeMesh('/model/harmonic')
    harmonic.volume = 1e-15
    lotka = moose.CubeMesh('/model/lotka')
    lotka.volume = 1e-15

    # create molecules and reactions
    x = moose.Pool('/model/lotka/x')
    y = moose.Pool('/model/lotka/y')
    z = moose.BufPool('/model/lotka/z')  # Dummy molecule.
    xreac = moose.Reac('/model/lotka/xreac')
    yreac = moose.Reac('/model/lotka/yreac')
    xrate = moose.Function('/model/lotka/xreac/func')
    yrate = moose.Function('/model/lotka/yreac/func')

    # Parameters
    alpha = 1.0
    beta = 1.0
    gamma = 1.0
    delta = 1.0
    k = 1.0
    x.nInit = 2.0
    y.nInit = 1.0
    z.nInit = 0.0
    xrate.x.num = 1
    yrate.x.num = 1
    xrate.expr = "x0 * " + str(beta) + " - " + str(alpha)
    yrate.expr = str(gamma) + " - x0 * " + str(delta)
    xreac.Kf = k
    yreac.Kf = k
    xreac.Kb = 0
    yreac.Kb = 0

    # connect them up for reactions
    moose.connect(y, 'nOut', xrate.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(x, 'nOut', yrate.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(xrate, 'valueOut', xreac, 'setNumKf')
    moose.connect(yrate, 'valueOut', yreac, 'setNumKf')
    moose.connect(xreac, 'sub', x, 'reac')
    moose.connect(xreac, 'prd', z, 'reac')
    moose.connect(yreac, 'sub', y, 'reac')
    moose.connect(yreac, 'prd', z, 'reac')

    # Create the output tables
    graphs = moose.Neutral('/model/graphs')
    xplot = moose.Table2('/model/graphs/x')
    yplot = moose.Table2('/model/graphs/y')

    # connect up the tables
    moose.connect(xplot, 'requestOut', x, 'getN')
    moose.connect(yplot, 'requestOut', y, 'getN')
def make_kca():
    """Ported from NEURON code. - Subhasis Ray, Thu Jun  5 16:18:14 IST 2014

    original file comment:

    26 Ago 2002 Modification of original channel to allow variable time step and to correct an initialization error.
    Done by Michael Hines([email protected]) and Ruggero Scorcioni([email protected]) at EU Advance Course in Computational Neuroscience. Obidos, Portugal

    Calcium-dependent potassium channel
    Based on
    Pennefather (1990) -- sympathetic ganglion cells
    taken from
    Reuveni et al (1993) -- neocortical cells
    Author: Zach Mainen, Salk Institute, 1995, [email protected]
    gbar = 10  # (pS/um2)	: 0.03 mho/cm2
    caix = 1  #
    Ra = 0.01  # (/ms)		: max act rate
    Rb = 0.02  # (/ms)		: max deact rate
    vmin = -120  # (mV)
    vmax = 100  # (mV)
    # In MOOSE we set up lookup tables beforehand
    camin = 0.0
    camax = 500.0
    cai = np.linspace(camin, camax)
    a = Ra * cai**caix
    b = Rb
    ntau = 1 / tadj / (a + b)
    ninf = a / (a + b)
    channel = moose.HHChannel('/library/KCa')
    channel.Zpower = 1
    channel.useConcentration = 1
    channel.gateZ[0].min = camin
    channel.gateZ[0].max = camax
    channel.gateZ[0].tableA = 1e3 * ninf / ntau
    channel.gateZ[0].tableB = 1e3 / ntau
    channel.Gbar = 0.0
    channel.Ek = -90e-3
    # addmsg1 = moose.Mstring('%s/addmsg1' % (channel.path))
    # addmsg1.value = '../Ca_conc concOut . concen'
    capool = moose.BufPool(
        '%s/CaPool' % (channel.path))  # send a constant [Ca2+] to this channel
    capool.n = 5e-5  # n is actually number of molecules (in
    # floating point though, but I am using it for
    # conc, because only nOut src msg is available
    moose.connect(capool, 'nOut', channel, 'concen')
def remove_extra( pool, limit ):
    null = moose.BufPool( '%s/null' % pool.path )
    null.nInit = 0.0
    nullReac = moose.Reac( '%s/null_reac' % pool.path )
    nullReac.numKb = 0.0
    moose.connect( nullReac, 'sub', pool, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( nullReac, 'prd', null, 'reac' )
    nullF = moose.Function( '%s/func_null' % pool.path )
    nullF.expr = '(x0 > %f)?1e-2:0' % limit
    _logger.debug( 'Removing extra from pool %s' % pool.path )
    _logger.debug( '\tExpression on nullR %s' % nullF.expr )
    moose.connect( pool, 'nOut', nullF.x[0], 'input' )
    moose.connect( nullF, 'valueOut', nullReac, 'setNumKf' )
def ca_input( root ):
    """Input calcium pulse

    When using stochastic solver, any event less than 100 or so seconds would
    not work.
    global args
    # Input calcium
    ca = moose.BufPool( '%s/ca' % root.path )
    ca.nInit = conc_to_n( _p.ca_basal )
    ca.name = pool_name( root, ca.name )
    molecules_[ ca.name ] = ca
    _logger.info("Setting up input calcium : init = %s" % ca.nInit )
    # _logger.debug("Baselevel ca conc = %s" % _p.resting_ca_conc)
    concFunc = moose.Function( "%s/cafunc" % ca.path )
    concFunc.expr = args[ 'ca_expr' ]
    moose.connect( concFunc, 'valueOut', ca, 'setConc' )
    _logger.info( "Ca conc expression = %s " % concFunc.expr )
def analogStimTable():
    simtime = 150
    simdt = 0.1
    model = moose.Neutral('/model')
    data = moose.Neutral('/data')
    # This is the stimulus generator
    stimtable = moose.StimulusTable('/model/stim')
    a = moose.BufPool('/model/a')
    b = moose.Pool('/model/b')
    reac = moose.Reac('/model/reac')
    reac.Kf = 0.1
    reac.Kb = 0.1
    moose.connect(stimtable, 'output', a, 'setConcInit')
    moose.connect(reac, 'sub', a, 'reac')
    moose.connect(reac, 'prd', b, 'reac')
    aPlot = moose.Table('/data/aPlot')
    moose.connect(aPlot, 'requestOut', a, 'getConc')
    bPlot = moose.Table('/data/bPlot')
    moose.connect(bPlot, 'requestOut', b, 'getConc')
    moose.setClock(stimtable.tick, simdt)
    moose.setClock(a.tick, simdt)
    moose.setClock(aPlot.tick, simdt)

    # Here we set up the stimulus table. It is half a sine-wave.
    stim = [np.sin(0.01 * float(i)) for i in range(314)]
    stimtable.vector = stim
    stimtable.stepSize = 0  # This forces use of current time as x value

    # The table will interpolate its contents over the time start to stop:
    # At values less than startTime, it emits the first value in table
    stimtable.startTime = 5
    # At values more than stopTime, it emits the last value in table
    stimtable.stopTime = 60
    stimtable.doLoop = 1  # Enable repeat playbacks.
    stimtable.loopTime = 10 + simtime / 2.0  # Repeat playback over this time

    t = [x * simdt for x in range(len(aPlot.vector))]
    pylab.plot(t, aPlot.vector, label='Stimulus waveform')
    pylab.plot(t, bPlot.vector, label='Reaction product b')
def makeChemyOscillator(name='osc', parent='/library'):
    model = moose.Neutral(parent + '/' + name)
    compt = moose.CubeMesh(model.path + '/kinetics')
    This function sets up a simple oscillatory chemical system within
    the script. The reaction system is::

        s ---a---> a  // s goes to a, catalyzed by a.
        s ---a---> b  // s goes to b, catalyzed by a.
        a ---b---> s  // a goes to s, catalyzed by b.
        b -------> s  // b is degraded irreversibly to s.

    in sum, **a** has a positive feedback onto itself and also forms **b**.
    **b** has a negative feedback onto **a**.
    Finally, the diffusion constant for **a** is 1/10 that of **b**.
    # create container for model
    diffConst = 1e-11  # m^2/sec
    motorRate = 1e-6  # m/sec
    concA = 1  # millimolar

    # create molecules and reactions
    a = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/a')

    c = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/c')
    d = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/d')
    r2 = moose.Reac(compt.path + '/r2')
    moose.connect(r2, 'sub', a, 'reac')
    moose.connect(r2, 'sub', c, 'reac')
    moose.connect(r2, 'prd', d, 'reac')
    r2.Kf = 1
    r2.Kb = 10

    # Assign parameters
    a.diffConst = diffConst / 10
    #    b.diffConst = diffConst
    #    s.diffConst = diffConst
    c.diffConst = diffConst
    d.diffConst = 0
    return compt
def checkCreate(scene, view, modelpath, mobj, string, ret_string, num,
                event_pos, layoutPt):
    # The variable 'compt' will be empty when dropping cubeMesh,cyclMesh, but rest it shd be
    # compartment
    # if modelpath.find('/',1) > -1:
    #     modelRoot = modelpath[0:modelpath.find('/',1)]
    # else:
    #     modelRoot = modelpath
    print "28 ", modelpath
    if moose.exists(modelpath + '/info'):
        mType = moose.Annotator((moose.element(modelpath + '/info'))).modeltype
    itemAtView = view.sceneContainerPt.itemAt(view.mapToScene(event_pos))
    pos = view.mapToScene(event_pos)
    modelpath = moose.element(modelpath)
    if num:
        string_num = ret_string + str(num)
        string_num = ret_string
    if string == "CubeMesh" or string == "CylMesh":
        if string == "CylMesh":
            mobj = moose.CylMesh(modelpath.path + '/' + string_num)
            mobj = moose.CubeMesh(modelpath.path + '/' + string_num)

        mobj.volume = 1e-15
        mesh = moose.element(mobj.path + '/mesh')
        qGItem = ComptItem(scene,
                           pos.toPoint().y(), 100, 100, mobj)
            QtGui.QPen(Qt.QColor(66, 66, 66, 100), 1, Qt.Qt.SolidLine,
                       Qt.Qt.RoundCap, Qt.Qt.RoundJoin))
        compartment = qGItem
        layoutPt.qGraCompt[mobj] = qGItem
        view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), mobj)

    elif string == "Pool" or string == "BufPool":
        #getting pos with respect to compartment otherwise if compartment is moved then pos would be wrong
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        if string == "Pool":
            poolObj = moose.Pool(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
            poolObj = moose.BufPool(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)

        poolinfo = moose.Annotator(poolObj.path + '/info')
        #Compartment's one Pool object is picked to get the font size

        qGItem = PoolItem(poolObj, itemAtView)
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[poolObj] = qGItem
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        bgcolor = getRandColor()
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(),
                                    QtGui.QColor('green'), bgcolor)
        poolinfo.color = str(bgcolor.getRgb())
        view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), poolObj)
        setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        poolinfo.x = x
        poolinfo.y = y
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(mobj, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]

    elif string == "Reac":
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        reacObj = moose.Reac(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
        reacinfo = moose.Annotator(reacObj.path + '/info')
        qGItem = ReacItem(reacObj, itemAtView)
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(), "white",
        #if mType == "new_kkit":
        # reacinfo.x = posWrtComp.x()
        # reacinfo.y = posWrtComp.y()
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[reacObj] = qGItem
        view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), reacObj)
        setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(mobj, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        reacinfo.x = x
        reacinfo.y = y

    elif string == "StimulusTable":
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        tabObj = moose.StimulusTable(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
        tabinfo = moose.Annotator(tabObj.path + '/info')
        qGItem = TableItem(tabObj, itemAtView)
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(),
        #if mType == "new_kkit":
        #tabinfo.x = posWrtComp.x()
        #tabinfo.y = posWrtComp.y()
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[tabObj] = qGItem
        view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), tabObj)
        setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(mobj, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        tabinfo.x = x
        tabinfo.y = y

    elif string == "Function":
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        funcObj = moose.Function(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
        funcinfo = moose.Annotator(funcObj.path + '/info')
        #moose.connect( funcObj, 'valueOut', mobj ,'setN' )
        poolclass = ["ZombieBufPool", "BufPool"]
        comptclass = ["CubeMesh", "cyclMesh"]
        if mobj.className in poolclass:
            funcParent = layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[element(mobj.path)]
        elif mobj.className in comptclass:
            funcParent = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]
            posWrtComp = funcParent.mapFromScene(pos).toPoint()
            #posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        qGItem = FuncItem(funcObj, funcParent)
        #print " function ", posWrtComp.x(),posWrtComp.y()
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(),
                                    QtGui.QColor('red'), QtGui.QColor('green'))
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[funcObj] = qGItem
        #if mType == "new_kkit":
        #funcinfo.x = posWrtComp.x()
        #funcinfo.y = posWrtComp.y()
        view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), funcObj)
        setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        mooseCmpt = findCompartment(mobj)
        if isinstance(mooseCmpt, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mooseCmpt)]
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        funcinfo.x = x
        funcinfo.y = y

    elif string == "Enz" or string == "MMenz":
        #If 2 enz has same pool parent, then pos of the 2nd enz shd be displaced by some position, need to check how to deal with it
        posWrtComp = pos
        enzPool = layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[mobj]
        if ((mobj.parent).className == "Enz"):
                None, 'Drop Not possible',
                '\'{newString}\' has to have Pool as its parent and not Enzyme Complex'
                .format(newString=string), QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok)
            enzparent = findCompartment(mobj)
            parentcompt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[enzparent]
        if string == "Enz":
            enzObj = moose.Enz(moose.element(mobj).path + '/' + string_num)
            enzinfo = moose.Annotator(enzObj.path + '/info')
            moose.connect(enzObj, 'enz', mobj, 'reac')
            qGItem = EnzItem(enzObj, parentcompt)
            layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[enzObj] = qGItem
            posWrtComp = pos
            bgcolor = getRandColor()
                                        posWrtComp.y() - 40,
                                        QtGui.QColor('green'), bgcolor)
            x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
            enzinfo.x = x
            enzinfo.y = y
            enzinfo.color = str(bgcolor.name())
            enzinfo.textColor = str(QtGui.QColor('green').name())
            #if mType == "new_kkit":
            #enzinfo.x = posWrtComp.x()
            #enzinfo.y = posWrtComp.y()

            #enzinfo.color = str(bgcolor.name())
            e = moose.Annotator(enzinfo)
            #e.x = posWrtComp.x()
            #e.y = posWrtComp.y()
            Enz_cplx = enzObj.path + '/' + string_num + '_cplx'
            cplxItem = moose.Pool(Enz_cplx)
            cplxinfo = moose.Annotator(cplxItem.path + '/info')
            qGEnz = layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[enzObj]
            qGItem = CplxItem(cplxItem, qGEnz)
            layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[cplxItem] = qGItem
            enzboundingRect = qGEnz.boundingRect()
            moose.connect(enzObj, 'cplx', cplxItem, 'reac')
            qGItem.setDisplayProperties(enzboundingRect.height() / 2,
                                        enzboundingRect.height() - 40,
            #cplxinfo.x = enzboundingRect.height()/2
            #cplxinfo.y = enzboundingRect.height()-60
            view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), enzObj)

            enzObj = moose.MMenz(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
            enzinfo = moose.Annotator(enzObj.path + '/info')
            moose.connect(mobj, "nOut", enzObj, "enzDest")
            qGItem = MMEnzItem(enzObj, parentcompt)
            posWrtComp = pos
            bgcolor = getRandColor()
                                        posWrtComp.y() - 30,
                                        QtGui.QColor('green'), bgcolor)
            #enzinfo.x = posWrtComp.x()
            #enzinfo.y = posWrtComp.y()
            enzinfo.color = str(bgcolor.name())
            layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[enzObj] = qGItem
            view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), enzObj)
            x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
            enzinfo.x = x
            enzinfo.y = y
        setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)

        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(enzparent, moose.ChemCompt):
    if view.iconScale != 1:
def init_pools(compt):
    global args
    # Ring with 6 subunits.
    for st in range(7):
        state = 'x%dy%d' % (st, 6 - st)
        p = add_pool(compt, state)
        p.nInit = 0

    if args['enable_subunit_exchange']:
        # Ring with 7 subunits
        for st in range(8):
            state = 'x%dy%d' % (st, 7 - st)
            p = add_pool(compt, state)
            p.nInit = 0
            molecules_[p.name] = p

    if args['enable_subunit_exchange']:
        # Add subunit x and y.
        # NOTE: These guys are shared across multiple sub_sections..
        x = add_pool(compt, 'x')
        x.nInit = 0
        molecules_[x.name] = x

        y = add_pool(compt, 'y')
        y.nInit = 0
        molecules_[y.name] = y

        # In this version, we immediately convert x to y instead of converting
        # to 'xs'. This way we maintain the mass-conservation in system. In most
        # likely scenario, when we loose 'x', it is likely to be compenstated by
        # 'x' or 'y' from other system.
        # NOTE: A hypothetical species to convert x -> xs. x converts to xs to
        # mimic diffusion.
        xs = add_pool(compt, 'xs')
        xs.nInit = 0
        molecules_[xs.name] = xs
        _logger.info("Subunit exchange is disabled")

    for p in ['I1', 'PP1', 'I1P', 'I1P_']:
        if p in ['I1']:
            c = moose.BufPool('%s/%s' % (compt.path, p))
            c.name = pool_name(compt, p)
            molecules_[c.name] = c
            c = moose.Pool('%s/%s' % (compt.path, p))
            c.name = pool_name(compt, p)
            molecules_[c.name] = c

        molecules_[c.name].nInit = 0

    if args['enable_subunit_exchange']:
        # Here we are using concInit rather than nInit to setup the number of
        # molecules. This is because when Dsolve is used, setting nInit causes
        # problem: they don't get divided into different voxels.
                             'x0y7')].concInit = args['camkii_conc'] / 2.0
                             'x0y6')].concInit = args['camkii_conc'] / 2.0
        molecules_[pool_name(compt, 'x0y6')].concInit = args['camkii_conc']

    if args['enable_subunit_exchange']:
        _logger.debug('CaMKII = %f (6sym) %f (7sym)' % (molecules_[pool_name(
            compt, 'x0y6')].nInit, molecules_[pool_name(compt, 'x0y7')].nInit))
        _logger.debug('CaMKII = %d (6sym)' %
                      (molecules_[pool_name(compt, 'x0y6')].nInit))

    molecules_[pool_name(compt, 'PP1')].concInit = args['pp1_conc']
    _logger.debug('Total PP1 %s' % molecules_[pool_name(compt, 'PP1')].nInit)

    # TODO: Much of it only make sense if stochastic solver is used.
    molecules_[pool_name(compt, 'I1')].concInit = _p.conc_i1_free
    pp1CamKIICplx = moose.Pool('%s/camkii_pp1_cplx' % compt.path)
    pp1CamKIICplx.name = pool_name(compt, pp1CamKIICplx.name)
    pp1CamKIICplx.concInit = 0
    molecules_[pp1CamKIICplx.name] = pp1CamKIICplx

    for k in sorted(molecules_):
        _logger.debug('Molecule: %s (%f)' % (k, molecules_[k].nInit))
from __future__ import print_function
import moose

compt = moose.CubeMesh('/model/Compart')
compt.volume = 1.6667e-21

s = moose.Pool('/model/Compart/S')
s.concInit = 0.3
p = moose.Pool('/model/Compart/P')
r = moose.Reac('/model/Compart/Reac')
moose.connect(r, 'sub', s, 'reac')

moose.connect(r, 'prd', p, 'reac')

bf = moose.BufPool('/model/Compart/BufPool')
f = moose.Function('/model/Compart/BufPool/function')
moose.connect(f, 'valueOut', bf, 'setN')

numVariables = f.numVars
f.numVars += 1
expr = ""
expr = (f.expr + '+' + 'x' + str(numVariables))
expr = expr.lstrip("0 +")
expr = expr.replace(" ", "")
f.expr = expr
moose.connect(s, 'nOut', f.x[numVariables], 'input')

bf1 = moose.BufPool('/model/Compart/BufPool1')
f1 = moose.Function('/model/Compart/BufPool1/func')
moose.connect(f1, 'valueOut', bf1, 'setN')
def makeModel():
    This example illustrates how to set up a diffusion/transport model with 
    a simple reaction-diffusion system in a tapering cylinder: 

    | Molecule **a** diffuses with diffConst of 10e-12 m^2/s. 
    | Molecule **b** diffuses with diffConst of 5e-12 m^2/s. 
    | Molecule **b** also undergoes motor transport with a rate of 10e-6 m/s
    |   Thus it 'piles up' at the end of the cylinder.
    | Molecule **c** does not move: diffConst = 0.0
    | Molecule **d** does not move: diffConst = 10.0e-12 but it is buffered. 
    |   Because it is buffered, it is treated as non-diffusing.

    All molecules other than **d** start out only in the leftmost (first)
    voxel, with a concentration of 1 mM. **d** is present throughout
    at 0.2 mM, except in the last voxel, where it is at 1.0 mM.

    The cylinder has a starting radius of 2 microns, and end radius of 
    1 micron. So when the molecule undergoing motor transport gets to the
    narrower end, its concentration goes up.

    There is a little reaction in all compartments: ``b + d <===> c``

    As there is a high concentration of **d** in the last compartment,
    when the molecule **b** reaches the end of the cylinder, the reaction
    produces lots of **c**.

    Note that molecule **a** does not participate in this reaction.

    The concentrations of all molecules are displayed in an animation.
    # create container for model
    r0 = 2e-6  # m
    r1 = 1e-6  # m
    num = 100
    diffLength = 1e-6  # m
    len = num * diffLength  # m
    diffConst = 10e-12  # m^2/sec
    motorRate = 10e-6  # m/sec
    concA = 1  # millimolar

    model = moose.Neutral('model')
    compartment = moose.CylMesh('/model/compartment')
    compartment.r0 = r0
    compartment.r1 = r1
    compartment.x0 = 0
    compartment.x1 = len
    compartment.diffLength = diffLength

    assert (compartment.numDiffCompts == num)

    # create molecules and reactions
    a = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/a')
    b = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/b')
    c = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/c')
    d = moose.BufPool('/model/compartment/d')
    r1 = moose.Reac('/model/compartment/r1')
    moose.connect(r1, 'sub', b, 'reac')
    moose.connect(r1, 'sub', d, 'reac')
    moose.connect(r1, 'prd', c, 'reac')
    r1.Kf = 1.0  # 1/(mM.sec)
    r1.Kb = 1.0  # 1/sec

    # Assign parameters
    a.diffConst = diffConst
    b.diffConst = diffConst / 2.0
    b.motorConst = motorRate
    c.diffConst = 0
    d.diffConst = diffConst

    # Make solvers
    ksolve = moose.Ksolve('/model/compartment/ksolve')
    dsolve = moose.Dsolve('/model/compartment/dsolve')
    stoich = moose.Stoich('/model/compartment/stoich')
    stoich.compartment = compartment
    stoich.ksolve = ksolve
    stoich.dsolve = dsolve
    os.kill(PID, signal.SIGUSR1)
    stoich.path = "/model/compartment/##"

    assert (dsolve.numPools == 3)
    a.vec[0].concInit = concA
    b.vec[0].concInit = concA
    c.vec[0].concInit = concA
    d.vec.concInit = concA / 5.0
    d.vec[num - 1].concInit = concA
def main():
    This example implements a reaction-diffusion like system which is
    bistable and propagates losslessly. It is based on the NEURON example 
    rxdrun.py, but incorporates more compartments and runs for a longer time.
    The system is implemented as a hybrid of a reaction and a function which
    sets its rates. Please see rxdFuncDiffusion.py for a variant that uses
    just a function object to set up the system.

    dt = 0.1

    # define the geometry
    compt = moose.CylMesh( '/cylinder' )
    compt.r0 = compt.r1 = 1
    compt.diffLength = 0.2
    compt.x1 = 100
    assert( compt.numDiffCompts == compt.x1/compt.diffLength )

    #define the molecule. Its geometry is defined by its parent volume, cylinder
    c = moose.Pool( '/cylinder/pool' )
    c.diffConst = 1 # define diffusion constant
    # There is an implicit reaction substrate/product. MOOSE makes it explicit.
    buf = moose.BufPool( '/cylinder/buf' )
    buf.nInit = 1

    # The reaction is something entirely peculiar, not a chemical thing.
    reaction = moose.Reac( '/cylinder/reac' )
    reaction.Kb = 0

    # so here we set up a function calculation to do the same thing.
    func = moose.Function( '/cylinder/reac/func' )
    func.expr = "(1 - x0) * (0.3 - x0)"
    func.x.num = 1 #specify number of input variables.

    #Connect the reaction to the pools
    moose.connect( reaction, 'sub', c, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( reaction, 'prd', buf, 'reac' )

    #Connect the function to the reaction
    moose.connect( func, 'valueOut', reaction, 'setNumKf' )

    #Connect the molecules to the func
    moose.connect( c, 'nOut', func.x[0], 'input' )

    #Set up solvers
    ksolve = moose.Ksolve( '/cylinder/ksolve' )
    dsolve = moose.Dsolve( '/cylinder/dsolve' )
    stoich = moose.Stoich( '/cylinder/stoich' )
    stoich.compartment = compt
    stoich.ksolve = ksolve
    stoich.dsolve = dsolve
    stoich.path = '/cylinder/##'
    for i in range( 10, 18 ):
        moose.setClock( i, dt )

    x = numpy.arange( 0, compt.x1, compt.diffLength )
    c.vec.nInit = [ (q < 0.2 * compt.x1) for q in x ]

    # Run and plot it.
    updateDt = 50
    runtime = updateDt * 4
    plt = pylab.plot( x, c.vec.n, label='t = 0 ')
    t1 = time.time()
    for t in range( 0, runtime-1, updateDt ):
        moose.start( updateDt )
        plt = pylab.plot( x, c.vec.n, label='t = '+str(t + updateDt) )
    print(("Time = ", time.time() - t1))

    pylab.ylim( 0, 1.05 )
def createSpecies(basePath, model, comptSbmlidMooseIdMap, specInfoMap,
    # ToDo:
    # - Need to add group name if exist in pool
    # - Notes
    # print "species "
    if not (model.getNumSpecies()):
        return (False, "number of species is zero")
        for sindex in range(0, model.getNumSpecies()):
            spe = model.getSpecies(sindex)
            group = ""
            specAnnoInfo = {}
            specAnnoInfo = getObjAnnotation(spe, modelAnnotaInfo)
            if "Group" in specAnnoInfo:
                group = specAnnoInfo["Group"]

            sName = None
            sId = spe.getId()
            if spe.isSetName():
                sName = spe.getName()
                sName = sName.replace(" ", "_space_")

            if spe.isSetCompartment():
                comptId = spe.getCompartment()

            if not (sName):
                sName = sId

            constant = spe.getConstant()
            boundaryCondition = spe.getBoundaryCondition()
            comptEl = comptSbmlidMooseIdMap[comptId]["MooseId"].path
            hasonlySubUnit = spe.getHasOnlySubstanceUnits()
            # "false": is {unit of amount}/{unit of size} (i.e., concentration or density).
            # "true": then the value is interpreted as having a unit of amount only.
            if group:
                if moose.exists(comptEl + '/' + group):
                    comptEl = comptEl + '/' + group
                    comptEl = (moose.Neutral(comptEl + '/' + group)).path
            if (boundaryCondition):
                poolId = moose.BufPool(comptEl + '/' + sName)
                poolId = moose.Pool(comptEl + '/' + sName)

            if (spe.isSetNotes):
                pullnotes(spe, poolId)

            if specAnnoInfo:
                if not moose.exists(poolId.path + '/info'):
                    poolInfo = moose.Annotator(poolId.path + '/info')
                    poolInfo = moose.element(poolId.path + '/info')

                for k, v in list(specAnnoInfo.items()):
                    if k == 'xCord':
                        poolInfo.x = float(v)
                    elif k == 'yCord':
                        poolInfo.y = float(v)
                    elif k == 'bgColor':
                        poolInfo.color = v
                        poolInfo.textColor = v

            specInfoMap[sId] = {
                "Mpath": poolId,
                "const": constant,
                "bcondition": boundaryCondition,
                "hassubunit": hasonlySubUnit,
                "comptId": comptSbmlidMooseIdMap[comptId]["MooseId"]
            initvalue = 0.0
            unitfactor, unitset, unittype = transformUnit(spe, hasonlySubUnit)
            if hasonlySubUnit == True:
                if spe.isSetInitialAmount():
                    initvalue = spe.getInitialAmount()
                    # populating nInit, will automatically calculate the
                    # concInit.
                    if not (unitset):
                        # if unit is not set,
                        # default unit is assumed as Mole in SBML
                        unitfactor = pow(6.0221409e23, 1)
                        unittype = "Mole"

                    initvalue = initvalue * unitfactor
                elif spe.isSetInitialConcentration():
                    initvalue = spe.getInitialConcentration()
                        " Since hasonlySubUnit is true and concentration is set units are not checked"
                poolId.nInit = initvalue

            elif hasonlySubUnit == False:
                # ToDo : check 00976
                if spe.isSetInitialAmount():
                    initvalue = spe.getInitialAmount()
                    # initAmount is set we need to convert to concentration
                    initvalue = initvalue / comptSbmlidMooseIdMap[comptId][

                elif spe.isSetInitialConcentration():
                    initvalue = spe.getInitialConcentration()
                if not unitset:
                    # print " unit is not set"
                    unitfactor = pow(10, -3)

                initvalue = initvalue * unitfactor
                poolId.concInit = initvalue
                nr = model.getNumRules()
                found = False
                for nrItem in range(0, nr):
                    rule = model.getRule(nrItem)
                    assignRule = rule.isAssignment()
                    if (assignRule):
                        rule_variable = rule.getVariable()
                        if (rule_variable == sId):
                            found = True

                if not (found):
                        "Invalid SBML: Either initialConcentration or initialAmount must be set or it should be found in assignmentRule but non happening for ",
                    return (
                        "Invalid SBML: Either initialConcentration or initialAmount must be set or it should be found in assignmentRule but non happening for ",

    return (True, " ")
def makeModel():
    This example illustrates how to set up a oscillatory Turing pattern 
    in 1-D using reaction diffusion calculations.
    Reaction system is::

        s ---a---> a  // s goes to a, catalyzed by a.
        s ---a---> b  // s goes to b, catalyzed by a.
        a ---b---> s  // a goes to s, catalyzed by b.
        b -------> s  // b is degraded irreversibly to s.

    in sum, **a** has a positive feedback onto itself and also forms **b**.
    **b** has a negative feedback onto **a**.
    Finally, the diffusion constant for **a** is 1/10 that of **b**.

    This chemical system is present in a 1-dimensional (cylindrical) 
    compartment. The entire reaction-diffusion system is set up 
    within the script.
    # create container for model
    r0 = 1e-6  # m
    r1 = 1e-6  # m
    num = 100
    diffLength = 1e-7  # m
    len = num * diffLength  # m
    diffConst = 1e-13  # m^2/sec
    motorRate = 1e-6  # m/sec
    concA = 1  # millimolar
    dt4 = 0.002  # for the diffusion
    dt5 = 0.2  # for the reaction

    model = moose.Neutral('model')
    compartment = moose.CylMesh('/model/compartment')
    compartment.r0 = r0
    compartment.r1 = r1
    compartment.x0 = 0
    compartment.x1 = len
    compartment.diffLength = diffLength

    assert (compartment.numDiffCompts == num)

    # create molecules and reactions
    a = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/a')
    b = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/b')
    s = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/s')
    e1 = moose.MMenz('/model/compartment/e1')
    e2 = moose.MMenz('/model/compartment/e2')
    e3 = moose.MMenz('/model/compartment/e3')
    r1 = moose.Reac('/model/compartment/r1')
    c = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/c')
    d = moose.BufPool('/model/compartment/d')
    r2 = moose.Reac('/model/compartment/r2')
    moose.connect(r2, 'sub', a, 'reac')
    moose.connect(r2, 'sub', c, 'reac')
    moose.connect(r2, 'prd', d, 'reac')
    r2.Kf = 1
    r2.Kb = 10

    #moose.connect( e1, 'sub', s, 'reac' )
    #moose.connect( e1, 'prd', a, 'reac' )
    #moose.connect( a, 'nOut', e1, 'enzDest' )
    #e1.Km = 1
    #e1.kcat = 1

    #moose.connect( e2, 'sub', s, 'reac' )
    #moose.connect( e2, 'prd', b, 'reac' )
    #moose.connect( a, 'nOut', e2, 'enzDest' )
    #e2.Km = 1
    #e2.kcat = 0.5

    #moose.connect( e3, 'sub', a, 'reac' )
    #moose.connect( e3, 'prd', s, 'reac' )
    #moose.connect( b, 'nOut', e3, 'enzDest' )
    #e3.Km = 0.1
    #e3.kcat = 1

    #moose.connect( r1, 'sub', b, 'reac' )
    #moose.connect( r1, 'prd', s, 'reac' )
    #r1.Kf = 0.3 # 1/sec
    #r1.Kb = 0. # 1/sec

    # Assign parameters
    a.diffConst = diffConst / 10
    b.diffConst = 0
    s.diffConst = 0
    c.diffConst = diffConst
    d.diffConst = 0

    # Make solvers
    ksolve = moose.Ksolve('/model/compartment/ksolve')
    dsolve = moose.Dsolve('/model/dsolve')
    # Set up clocks. The dsolver to know before assigning stoich
    moose.setClock(4, dt4)
    moose.setClock(5, dt5)
    moose.useClock(4, '/model/dsolve', 'process')
    # Ksolve must be scheduled after dsolve.
    moose.useClock(5, '/model/compartment/ksolve', 'process')

    stoich = moose.Stoich('/model/compartment/stoich')
    stoich.compartment = compartment
    stoich.ksolve = ksolve
    stoich.dsolve = dsolve
    stoich.path = "/model/compartment/##"
    assert (dsolve.numPools == 4)
    #a.vec.concInit = [0.1]*num
    #    a.vec[50].concInit *= 1.2 # slight perturbation at one end.
    #a.vec[60].concInit *= 1.2
    #a.vec[40].concInit *= 1.2
    a.vec[25].concInit *= 1.2
    #a.vec[30].concInit *= 1.2
    #a.vec[50].concInit *= 1.2
    #b.vec[99].concInit *= 0.5
    b.vec.concInit = [0.1] * num
    s.vec.concInit = [1] * num
    for i in range(0, num - 1, 10):
        #c.vec[i].concInit = 0.1
        c.vec[i].concInit = 0.5
        d.vec[i].concInit = 0.5
def test_ksolver_parallel(nthreads=4):
    This example implements a reaction-diffusion like system which is
    bistable and propagates losslessly. It is based on the NEURON example 
    rxdrun.py, but incorporates more compartments and runs for a longer time.
    The system is implemented as a hybrid of a reaction and a function which
    sets its rates. Please see rxdFuncDiffusion.py for a variant that uses
    just a function object to set up the system.

    dt = 0.1

    # define the geometry
    compt = moose.CylMesh('/cylinder')
    compt.r0 = compt.r1 = 1
    #  compt.diffLength = 1e-6
    compt.x1 = 1e-2
    assert compt.numDiffCompts == int(
        compt.x1 / compt.diffLength), (compt.numDiffCompts,
                                       compt.x1 / compt.diffLength)
    print('No of compartment %d' % compt.numDiffCompts)

    #define the molecule. Its geometry is defined by its parent volume, cylinder
    c = moose.Pool('/cylinder/pool')
    c.diffConst = 1  # define diffusion constant
    # There is an implicit reaction substrate/product. MOOSE makes it explicit.
    buf = moose.BufPool('/cylinder/buf')
    buf.nInit = 1

    # The reaction is something entirely peculiar, not a chemical thing.
    reaction = moose.Reac('/cylinder/reac')
    reaction.Kb = 0

    # so here we set up a function calculation to do the same thing.
    func = moose.Function('/cylinder/reac/func')
    func.expr = "(1 - x0) * (0.3 - x0)"
    func.x.num = 1  #specify number of input variables.

    #Connect the reaction to the pools
    moose.connect(reaction, 'sub', c, 'reac')
    moose.connect(reaction, 'prd', buf, 'reac')

    #Connect the function to the reaction
    moose.connect(func, 'valueOut', reaction, 'setNumKf')

    #Connect the molecules to the func
    moose.connect(c, 'nOut', func.x[0], 'input')

    #Set up solvers
    ksolve = moose.Ksolve('/cylinder/ksolve')
    ksolve.numThreads = nthreads
    dsolve = moose.Dsolve('/cylinder/dsolve')
    stoich = moose.Stoich('/cylinder/stoich')
    stoich.compartment = compt
    stoich.ksolve = ksolve
    stoich.dsolve = dsolve
    stoich.reacSystemPath = '/cylinder/##'
    assert stoich.reacSystemPath == '/cylinder/##'
    for i in range(10, 18):
        moose.setClock(i, dt)

    x = np.arange(0, compt.x1, compt.diffLength)
    assert len(c.vec) == 10000, len(c.vec)
    nInit = [(float(q < 0.2) * compt.x1) for q in x]
    c.vec.nInit = nInit
    assert np.allclose(c.vec.nInit, nInit), (c.vec.nInit, nInit)

    expected = [(0.01, 0.0), (2.6704795776286974e-07, 1.2678976830753021e-17),
                (8.167639617309419e-14, 3.8777269301457245e-24),
                (2.498062905267963e-20, 1.1860363878961374e-30),
                (7.64029581501609e-27, 3.6273808003690943e-37)]

    # Run and plot it.
    updateDt = 50
    runtime = updateDt * 4
    yvec = c.vec.n
    u1, m1 = np.mean(yvec), np.std(yvec)
    print(u1, m1)
    assert np.isclose((u1, m1), expected[0],
                      atol=1e-5).all(), ((u1, m1), expected[0])
    t1 = time.time()
    for i, t in enumerate(range(0, runtime - 1, updateDt)):
        yvec = c.vec.n
        u1, m1 = np.mean(yvec), np.std(yvec)
        print(u1, m1)
        np.isclose((u1, m1), expected[i + 1], atol=1e-5).all(), expected[i + 1]
    return time.time() - t1
import moose
print('Using moose from %s' % moose.__file__)

modelRoot = moose.Neutral('/model')
compt = moose.CubeMesh('/model/kinetics')
p1 = moose.BufPool('/model/kinetics/Ca')
function = moose.Function('/model/kinetics/Ca/func')
#function out to pool
moose.connect(function, 'valueOut', p1, 'setConc')
#input pools to be connected to fuction
S1 = moose.BufPool('/model/kinetics/s1')
S2 = moose.BufPool('/model/kinetics/s2')

initiexpr = function.expr
#S1 connected to function
numVariables = function.numVars
expr = ""
expr = (function.expr + '+' + 'x' + str(numVariables))
expr = expr.lstrip("0 +")
expr = expr.replace(" ", "")
function.expr = expr
s1msg = moose.connect(S1, 'nOut', function.x[numVariables], 'input')
#S2 connected to function
numVariables = function.numVars
expr = ""
expr = (function.expr + '+' + 'x' + str(numVariables))
expr = expr.lstrip("0 +")
expr = expr.replace(" ", "")
function.expr = expr
s2msg = moose.connect(S2, 'nOut', function.x[numVariables], 'input')
def init_pools( compt ):
    global args
    # Ring with 6 subunits.
    for st in range(7):
        state = 'x%dy%d' % (st, 6 - st )
        p = add_pool( compt, state )
        p.nInit = 0

    if args['enable_subunit_exchange']:
        # Ring with 7 subunits
        for st in range(8):
            state = 'x%dy%d' % (st, 7 - st )
            p = add_pool( compt, state )
            p.nInit = 0
            molecules_[p.name] = p

    if args['enable_subunit_exchange']:
        # Add subunit x and y.
        # NOTE: These guys are shared across multiple sub_sections..
        x = add_pool( compt, 'x' )
        x.nInit = 0
        molecules_[x.name] = x

        y = add_pool( compt, 'y' )
        y.nInit = 0
        molecules_[y.name] = y
        _logger.info( "Subunit exchange is disabled" )

    for p in [ 'I1', 'PP1', 'PP1_', 'I1P', 'I1P_', 'I1PPP1' ]:
        if p in [ 'I1' ]:
            c = moose.BufPool( '%s/%s' % (compt.path, p) )
            c.name = pool_name( compt, p )
            molecules_[c.name] = c
            c = moose.Pool( '%s/%s' % (compt.path, p) )
            c.name = pool_name( compt, p )
            molecules_[c.name] = c

        molecules_[c.name].nInit = 0

    if args['enable_subunit_exchange']:
        # Here we are using concInit rather than nInit to setup the number of
        # molecules. This is because when Dsolve is used, setting nInit causes
        # problem: they don't get divided into different voxels.
        a, b = split_in_two(args['camkii']/args['num_voxels'])
        assert a+b == args['camkii'] / args['num_voxels']
        molecules_[pool_name(compt,'x0y7')].nInit = a
        molecules_[pool_name(compt,'x0y6')].nInit = b

        molecules_[ pool_name(compt, 'x0y6') ].nInit = args['camkii']/args['num_voxels']

    if args['enable_subunit_exchange']:
        _logger.info('CaMKII = %f (6sym) %f (7sym)' % (
            molecules_[ pool_name(compt,'x0y6')].nInit,
            molecules_[pool_name(compt,'x0y7')].nInit )
        _logger.info('CaMKII = %d (6sym)' % ( 
            molecules_[pool_name(compt,'x0y6')].nInit ) 

    # NOTE: Note add 10% of PP1 to initConc. 90% of initConc goes to
    # inactivePP1. It helps speed up the first step of simiulation.
    molecules_[ pool_name(compt, 'PP1') ].nInit = 0.1*args['pp1']/args['num_voxels']
    molecules_[ pool_name(compt, 'I1PPP1') ].nInit = 0.9*args['pp1']/args['num_voxels']
    _logger.debug('Total PP1 %s' % molecules_[pool_name(compt,'PP1')].nInit )
    _logger.debug('Total I1PPP1 %s' % molecules_[pool_name(compt,'I1PPP1')].nInit )

    # TODO: Much of it only make sense if stochastic solver is used.
    molecules_[ pool_name(compt,'I1') ].nInit =  conc_to_n(_p.conc_i1_free)
    pp1CamKIICplx = moose.Pool( '%s/camkii_pp1_cplx' % compt.path )
    pp1CamKIICplx.name = pool_name( compt, pp1CamKIICplx.name )
    pp1CamKIICplx.nInit = 0
    molecules_[ pp1CamKIICplx.name ] = pp1CamKIICplx

    for k in sorted(molecules_):
        _logger.debug( 'Molecule: %s (%f)' % (k, molecules_[k].nInit ) )
import numpy
import pylab
import moose

# define the geometry
compt = moose.CylMesh( '/cylinder' )
compt.r0 = compt.r1 = 1
compt.x1 = 1000
compt.diffLength = 1
assert( compt.numDiffCompts == 1000 )

#define the molecule. Its geometry is defined by its parent volume, cylinder
c = moose.Pool( '/cylinder/pool' )
c.diffConst = 1 # define diffusion constant
# There is an implicit reaction substrate/product. MOOSE makes it explicit.
buf = moose.BufPool( '/cylinder/buf' )
buf.nInit = 1

# The reaction is something entirely peculiar, not a chemical thing.
reaction = moose.Reac( '/cylinder/reac' )
reaction.Kb = 0

# so here we set up a function calculation to do the same thing.
func = moose.Function( '/cylinder/reac/func' )
func.expr = "(0.3 - x0) * (1 - x0)"
func.x.num = 1 #specify number of input variables.

#Connect the reaction to the pools
moose.connect( reaction, 'sub', c, 'reac' )
moose.connect( reaction, 'prd', buf, 'reac' )
def checkCreate(scene, view, modelpath, mobj, string, ret_string, num,
                event_pos, layoutPt):
    # The variable 'compt' will be empty when dropping cubeMesh,cyclMesh, 
    # but rest it shd be compartment
    logger_.debug( "checkCreate is called")
    if moose.exists(modelpath + '/info'):
        moose.Annotator((moose.element(modelpath + '/info'))).modeltype
    itemAtView = view.sceneContainerPt.itemAt(view.mapToScene(event_pos))
    pos = view.mapToScene(event_pos)
    modelpath = moose.element(modelpath)
    if num:
        string_num = ret_string + str(num)
        string_num = ret_string
    if string == "CubeMesh" or string == "CylMesh":
        if string == "CylMesh":
            mobj = moose.CylMesh(modelpath.path + '/' + string_num)
            mobj = moose.CubeMesh(modelpath.path + '/' + string_num)

        mobj.volume = 1e-15
        qGItem = kkitQGraphics.ComptItem(scene,
                                         pos.toPoint().y(), 100, 100, mobj)
            QtGui.QPen(Qt.QColor(66, 66, 66, 100), 1, Qt.Qt.SolidLine,
                       Qt.Qt.RoundCap, Qt.Qt.RoundJoin))


        layoutPt.qGraCompt[mobj] = qGItem

        # Attach a drop signal.

    elif string == "Pool" or string == "BufPool":
        #getting pos with respect to compartment otherwise if compartment is moved then pos would be wrong
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        if string == "Pool":
            poolObj = moose.Pool(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
            poolObj = moose.BufPool(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)

        poolinfo = moose.Annotator(poolObj.path + '/info')

        qGItem = kkitQGraphics.PoolItem(poolObj, itemAtView)
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[poolObj] = qGItem
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        bgcolor = kkitUtil.getRandColor()
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(),
                                    QtGui.QColor('green'), bgcolor)
        poolinfo.color = str(bgcolor.getRgb())

        kkitUtil.setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        poolinfo.x = x
        poolinfo.y = y
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(mobj, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]

    elif string == "Reac":
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        reacObj = moose.Reac(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
        reacinfo = moose.Annotator(reacObj.path + '/info')
        qGItem = kkitQGraphics.ReacItem(reacObj, itemAtView)
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(), "white",
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[reacObj] = qGItem
        #  view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), reacObj)
        kkitUtil.setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(mobj, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        reacinfo.x = x
        reacinfo.y = y

    elif string == "StimulusTable":
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        tabObj = moose.StimulusTable(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
        tabinfo = moose.Annotator(tabObj.path + '/info')
        qGItem = kkitQGraphics.TableItem(tabObj, itemAtView)
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(),
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[tabObj] = qGItem
        #  view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), tabObj)
        kkitUtil.setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        # Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(mobj, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        tabinfo.x = x
        tabinfo.y = y

    elif string == "Function":
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        funcObj = moose.Function(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
        funcinfo = moose.Annotator(funcObj.path + '/info')
        #moose.connect( funcObj, 'valueOut', mobj ,'setN' )
        poolclass = ["ZombieBufPool", "BufPool"]
        comptclass = ["CubeMesh", "cyclMesh"]

        if mobj.className in poolclass:
            funcParent = layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[moose.element(mobj.path)]
        elif mobj.className in comptclass:
            funcParent = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]
            posWrtComp = funcParent.mapFromScene(pos).toPoint()
        elif mobj.className in "Neutral":
            funcParent = layoutPt.qGraGrp[moose.element(mobj)]

        qGItem = kkitQGraphics.FuncItem(funcObj, funcParent)
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(),
                                    QtGui.QColor('red'), QtGui.QColor('green'))
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[funcObj] = qGItem
        #  view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), funcObj)
        kkitUtil.setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        mooseCmpt = findCompartment(mobj)
        if isinstance(mooseCmpt, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mooseCmpt)]
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        funcinfo.x = x
        funcinfo.y = y

    elif string == "Enz" or string == "MMenz":
        # FIXME: If 2 enz has same pool parent, then pos of the 2nd enz shd be
        # displaced by some position, need to check how to deal with it
        posWrtComp = pos
        if ((mobj.parent).className == "Enz"):
                None, "Drop Not possible",
                "'{}' has to have Pool as its parent and not Enzyme Complex".
                format(string), QMessageBox.Ok)
            return None
            enzparent = findCompartment(mobj)
            parentcompt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[enzparent]
        if string == "Enz":
            enzObj = moose.Enz(moose.element(mobj).path + '/' + string_num)
            enzinfo = moose.Annotator(enzObj.path + '/info')
            moose.connect(enzObj, 'enz', mobj, 'reac')
            qGItem = kkitQGraphics.EnzItem(enzObj, parentcompt)
            layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[enzObj] = qGItem
            posWrtComp = pos
            bgcolor = kkitUtil.getRandColor()
                                        posWrtComp.y() - 40,
                                        QtGui.QColor('green'), bgcolor)
            x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
            enzinfo.x = x
            enzinfo.y = y
            enzinfo.color = str(bgcolor.name())
            enzinfo.textColor = str(QtGui.QColor('green').name())
            Enz_cplx = enzObj.path + '/' + string_num + '_cplx'
            cplxItem = moose.Pool(Enz_cplx)
            moose.Annotator(cplxItem.path + '/info')
            qGEnz = layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[enzObj]
            kkitQGraphics.CplxItem(cplxItem, qGEnz)
            layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[cplxItem] = qGItem
            enzboundingRect = qGEnz.boundingRect()
            moose.connect(enzObj, 'cplx', cplxItem, 'reac')
            qGItem.setDisplayProperties(int(enzboundingRect.height() / 2),
                                        enzboundingRect.height() - 40,
            #  view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), enzObj)
            enzObj = moose.MMenz(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
            enzinfo = moose.Annotator(enzObj.path + '/info')
            moose.connect(mobj, "nOut", enzObj, "enzDest")
            qGItem = kkitQGraphics.MMEnzItem(enzObj, parentcompt)
            posWrtComp = pos
            bgcolor = kkitUtil.getRandColor()
                                        posWrtComp.y() - 30,
                                        QtGui.QColor('green'), bgcolor)
            enzinfo.color = str(bgcolor.name())
            layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[enzObj] = qGItem
            #  view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), enzObj)
            x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
            enzinfo.x = x
            enzinfo.y = y
        kkitUtil.setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)

        # Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(enzparent, moose.ChemCompt):
    if view.iconScale != 1: