def test_convert_recenter():
    with setup_tempdir('test-convert_recenter') as tmp_dir:
        simple = os.path.join(DATA, 'simple.swc')
        outname = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'test.swc')
        convert(simple, outname, recenter=True)
        ok_(not diff(simple, outname))  #simple.swc is already centered

        mut = morphio.Morphology(simple).as_mutable()
        mut.soma.points = [[1, 1, 1], ]
        inname = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'moved.swc')

        convert(inname, outname, recenter=True)
        simple = morphio.Morphology(simple)
        centered_morph = morphio.Morphology(outname)
        ok_(np.all((simple.points - centered_morph.points) == 1))
def test_convert_recenter(tmpdir):
    simple = DATA / 'simple.swc'
    outname = Path(tmpdir, 'test.swc')
    convert(simple, outname, recenter=True)
    assert not diff(simple, outname)  #simple.swc is already centered

    mut = morphio.Morphology(simple).as_mutable()
    mut.soma.points = [
        [1, 1, 1],
    inname = Path(tmpdir, 'moved.swc')

    convert(inname, outname, recenter=True)
    simple = morphio.Morphology(simple)
    centered_morph = morphio.Morphology(outname)
    assert np.all((simple.points - centered_morph.points) == 1)
def test_convert_sanitize(tmpdir):
    # needs to have a complex contour soma
    simple = DATA / 'single_child.asc'
    outname = Path(tmpdir, 'single_child.swc')
    with pytest.raises(MorphToolException,
                       match='Use `sanitize` option for converting'):
        convert(simple, outname, single_point_soma=True)

    convert(simple, outname, single_point_soma=True, sanitize=True)
    m = morphio.Morphology(outname)
    assert len(m.sections) == 1
def test_convert_swc_contour_to_sphere(tmpdir):
    # needs to have a complex contour soma
    simple = DATA / 'tkb061126a4_ch0_cc2_h_zk_60x_1.asc'
    outname = Path(tmpdir, 'test.swc')
    convert(simple, outname, single_point_soma=True)

    m = morphio.Morphology(outname)
    assert 1 == len(m.soma.points)
    assert 1 == len(m.soma.diameters)

    #value dumped from NEURON: h.area(0.5, sec=icell.soma[0])
    np.testing.assert_approx_equal(m.soma.surface, 476.0504050847511)
def test_neuron_building_consistency__swc():

    path = f'{DATA_PATH}/valid/C010398B-P2.CNG.swc'

    neuron1 = load_neuron(path)
    neuron2 = load_neuron_from_morphio(path)

    _assert_neurons_equal(neuron1, neuron2)

    neuron2 = load_neuron_from_morphio(morphio.Morphology(path))

    _assert_neurons_equal(neuron1, neuron2)
def test_convert_swc_contour_to_sphere():
    with setup_tempdir('test_convert_swc_contour_to_sphere') as tmp_dir:
        # needs to have a complex contour soma
        simple = os.path.join(DATA, 'tkb061126a4_ch0_cc2_h_zk_60x_1.asc')
        outname = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'test.swc')
        convert(simple, outname, single_point_soma=True)

        m = morphio.Morphology(outname)
        assert_equal(1, len(m.soma.points))
        assert_equal(1, len(m.soma.diameters))

        #value dumped from NEURON: h.area(0.5, sec=icell.soma[0])
        np.testing.assert_approx_equal(m.soma.surface, 476.0504050847511)
def test_convert_sanitize():

    with setup_tempdir('test_convert_sanitize') as tmp_dir:
        # needs to have a complex contour soma
        simple = os.path.join(DATA, 'single_child.asc')
        outname = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'single_child.swc')
        with assert_raises(MorphToolException) as obj:
            convert(simple, outname, single_point_soma=True)
        assert_equal('Use `sanitize` option for converting', str(obj.exception))

        convert(simple, outname, single_point_soma=True, sanitize=True)
        m = morphio.Morphology(outname)
        assert_equal(len(m.sections), 1)
def sanitize(input_neuron, output_path):
    '''Sanitize one morphology.

    - fixes non zero segments
    - raises if the morphology has no soma
    - raises if the morphology has negative diameters

        input_neuron (str|pathlib.Path|morphio.Morphology|morphio.mut.Morphology): input neuron
        output_path (str|pathlib.Path): output name
    neuron = morphio.Morphology(input_neuron)
    if neuron.soma.type == SomaType.SOMA_UNDEFINED:  # pylint: disable=no-member
        raise CorruptedMorphology('{} has no soma'.format(input_neuron))
    if np.any(neuron.diameters < 0):
        raise CorruptedMorphology('{} negative diameters'.format(input_neuron))

def unravel(filename, window_half_length=DEFAULT_WINDOW_HALF_LENGTH):
    '''Return an unravelled neuron

    Segment are unravelled iteratively
    Each segment direction is replaced by the averaged direction in a sliding window
    around this segment. And the original segment length is preserved.
    The start position of the new segment is the end of the latest unravelled segment

        filename (str): the neuron to unravel
        window_half_length (int): the number of segments that defines half of the sliding window

        a tuple (morphio.mut.Morphology, dict) where first item is the unravelled
            morphology and the second one is the mapping of each point coordinate
            before and after unravelling
    morph = morphio.Morphology(filename)
    new_morph = morphio.mut.Morphology(morph)  # pylint: disable=no-member

    coord_before = np.empty([0, 3])
    coord_after = np.empty([0, 3])

    for sec, new_section in zip(morph.iter(), new_morph.iter()):
        _unravel_section(sec, new_section, window_half_length)

        coord_before = np.append(coord_before, sec.points, axis=0)
        coord_after = np.append(coord_after, new_section.points, axis=0)

    mapping = pd.DataFrame({
        'x0': coord_before[:, 0],
        'y0': coord_before[:, 1],
        'z0': coord_before[:, 2],
        'x1': coord_after[:, 0],
        'y1': coord_after[:, 1],
        'z1': coord_after[:, 2],

    L.info('Unravel successful for file: %s', filename)
    return new_morph, mapping
文件: unravel.py 项目: markovg/NeuroR
def unravel(filename,
    '''Return an unravelled neuron

    Segment are unravelled iteratively
    Each segment direction is replaced by the averaged direction in a sliding window
    around this segment, preserving the original segment length.
    The start position of the new segment is the end of the latest unravelled segment

    Based initially on:
    DOI: 10.7551/mitpress/9780262013277.001.0001
    Section: 9.2 Repair of Neuronal Dendrites

        filename (str): the neuron to unravel
        window_half_length (int): path length that defines half of the sliding window
        legacy_behavior (bool): if yes, when the soma has more than one point, the first point of
            the soma is appended to the start of each neurite.
        use_path_length (bool): if False, the argument window_half_length will be recasted to an int
            and correspond to number of points on each side of the window.

        a tuple (morphio.mut.Morphology, dict) where first item is the unravelled
            morphology and the second one is the mapping of each point coordinate
            before and after unravelling
    morph = morphio.Morphology(filename, options=morphio.Option.nrn_order)
    new_morph = morphio.mut.Morphology(morph, options=morphio.Option.nrn_order)  # noqa, pylint: disable=no-member

    if window_half_length is None:
        window_half_length = DEFAULT_WINDOW_HALF_LENGTH_PATH \
            if use_path_length else DEFAULT_WINDOW_HALF_LENGTH

    coord_before = np.empty([0, 3])
    coord_after = np.empty([0, 3])
    for sec, new_section in zip(morph.iter(), new_morph.iter()):
        if use_path_length:
            _unravel_section_path_length(new_section, window_half_length,
                                         morph.soma, legacy_behavior)
            _unravel_section(new_section, int(window_half_length), morph.soma,

        coord_before = np.append(coord_before, sec.points, axis=0)
        coord_after = np.append(coord_after, new_section.points, axis=0)

        if legacy_behavior and len(morph.soma.points) > 1:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            coord_before = np.vstack((morph.soma.points[0], coord_before))  # noqa, pylint: disable=no-member
        mapping = pd.DataFrame({
            'x0': coord_before[:, 0],
            'y0': coord_before[:, 1],
            'z0': coord_before[:, 2],
            'x1': coord_after[:, 0],
            'y1': coord_after[:, 1],
            'z1': coord_after[:, 2],

    L.debug('Unravel successful for file: %s', filename)
    return new_morph, mapping
 def _get(self, name, options=None):
     filepath = os.path.join(self.base_dir, name + self.file_ext)
     if options is None:
         return morphio.Morphology(filepath)
         return morphio.Morphology(filepath, options)