def getFlatNorm(flat, ysoln, low, high):
    from scipy.stats import stats
    f = getStraight(flat, ysoln, low, False)
    ftmp = numpy.where(f == 0, numpy.nan, f)
    norm = stats.nanmedian(ftmp[20:-20], 0)
    norm = numpy.where((norm <= 0) | numpy.isnan(norm), 1., norm)
    f /= norm
    img = numpy.ones((2400, 2400))
    img[low * 2:high * 2] = st.resampley(f, ysoln[3], mode='nearest')
    return iT.resamp(derotate2(img), 2)
def flatpipe(flatfiles, out_prefix):

	Processes the spectroscopic flats by:
	  determining y-distortion
	  finding science slits and star boxes
	  creating normalized response flat

	  flatfiles  - a list of the files to be processed
	  out_prefix - the output prefix of the distortion maps, normalized
	                 flat, and slit descriptors

	  pickled description of the slits, star boxes, and distortion
	  distortion maps
	  normalized flats

    from mostools import ycorrect, id_slits, spectools
    from lris.lris_biastrim import redside as biastrim
    from special_functions import lsqfit, genfunc
    from scipy import ndimage, stats

    # Read data from files, biastrim and coadd
    weight = 0
    for name in flatfiles:
        flattmp = pyfits.open(name)
        flatdata = biastrim(flattmp[0].data.astype(scipy.float32))
        exptime = flattmp[0].header['elaptime']

        if weight == 0:
            flatavg = flatdata
            flatavg += flatdata
        weight += exptime
        del flatdata
    del flattmp
    flatavg /= weight

    # Find the y-correction
    ytrue, ymap = ycorrect.ycorrect(flatavg)

    # Generate the distortion maps
    coords = spectools.array_coords(flatavg.shape)
    x = coords[1].flatten()
    y = coords[0].flatten()
    yforw = genfunc(x, y, ytrue).reshape(coords[0].shape)
    yback = genfunc(x, y, ymap).reshape(coords[0].shape)
    del coords, x, y

    # Create straight image to find slits/normalization
    flat_ycor = spectools.resampley(flatavg, yforw, cval=0.)
    del flatavg

    # Identify slits and star boxes using brighter columns for each
    #   (straightened) row
    search = scipy.sort(flat_ycor, 1)
    width = search.shape[1]
    slits, starboxes = id_slits.id_slits(search[:,
                                                width * 2 / 3:width * 9 / 10])

    print "Starbox Locations..."
    for i, j in starboxes:
        print "[:,%d:%d]" % (i, j)

    print "Slit boundaries defined by..."
    for i, j in slits:
        print "[:,%d:%d]" % (i, j)

    # Normalize the straightened flatfield
    flatmodel = scipy.ones(flat_ycor.shape, scipy.float32)
    for i, j in slits:
        data = flat_ycor[i:j, :].copy()
        data[data == 0] = scipy.nan
        slice = stats.stats.nanmedian(data, axis=0)
        slice[scipy.isnan(slice)] = stats.stats.nanmedian(slice)
        norm = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(slice, 23.)
        norm[norm <= 0] = 1.
        top = i - 3
        bottom = j + 3
        if top < 0:
            top = 0
        if bottom > flatmodel.shape[0]:
            bottom = flatmodel.shape[0]
        flatmodel[top:bottom, :] = flat_ycor[top:bottom, :] / norm
    del flat_ycor

    # Create normalized flatfield by resampling to curved frame
    flatnorm = spectools.resampley(flatmodel, yback, cval=1.)
    del flatmodel

    # Output normalized flat
    flatname = out_prefix + "_flat.fits"

    # Output coefficient/slit definition arrays
    outname = out_prefix + "_yforw.fits"
    outname = out_prefix + "_yback.fits"
    outname = out_prefix + "_ygeom.dat"
    outfile = open(outname, "w")
    pickle.dump(slits, outfile)
    pickle.dump(starboxes, outfile)
    pickle.dump(ytrue, outfile)
    pickle.dump(ymap, outfile)

    return yforw.astype(scipy.float32), yback.astype(
        scipy.float32), slits, starboxes, flatnorm.astype(scipy.float32)
def flatpipe(flatfiles, out_prefix):

	Processes the spectroscopic flats by:
	  determining y-distortion
	  finding science slits and star boxes

	  flatfiles  - a list of the files to be processed
	  out_prefix - the output prefix of the distortion maps, normalized
			 flat, and slit descriptors

	  pickled description of the slits, star boxes, and distortion
	  distortion maps
    from lris.lris_biastrim import blueside as biastrim
    from mostools import ycorrect, id_slits, spectools
    from special_functions import lsqfit, genfunc

    # Read data from files, biastrim and coadd
    weight = 0
    for name in flatfiles:
        flattmp = pyfits.open(name)
        flatdata = biastrim(flattmp[0].data.copy())
        exptime = flattmp[0].header['elaptime']

        if weight == 0:
            flatavg = flatdata
            flatavg += flatdata
        weight += exptime
        del flatdata
    del flattmp
    flatavg /= weight

    # The center of the mask...
    YMID = 2048

    # Find the y-correction
    coords = spectools.array_coords(flatavg[:YMID].shape)
    x = coords[1].flatten()
    y = coords[0].flatten()
    ytrue = {}
    ymap = {}
    yforw = {}
    yback = {}

    # Bottom
    a, b = ycorrect.ycorrect(flatavg[:YMID])
    yforw['bottom'] = genfunc(x, y, a).reshape(coords[0].shape)
    yback['bottom'] = genfunc(x, y, b).reshape(coords[0].shape)
    ytrue['bottom'] = a
    ymap['bottom'] = b
    # Top
    a, b = ycorrect.ycorrect(flatavg[YMID:])
    yforw['top'] = genfunc(x, y, a).reshape(coords[0].shape)
    yback['top'] = genfunc(x, y, b).reshape(coords[0].shape)
    ytrue['top'] = a
    ymap['top'] = b
    del coords, x, y

    # Create straight image to find slits
    flat_ycor = {}
    flat_ycor['bottom'] = spectools.resampley(flatavg[:YMID],
    flat_ycor['top'] = spectools.resampley(flatavg[YMID:],
    del flatavg

    slits = {}
    starboxes = {}
    for i in ['bottom', 'top']:
        add = 0
        if i == 'top':
            add = YMID
        # Identify slits and star boxes using brighter columns for each
        #   (straightened) row
        search = scipy.sort(flat_ycor[i], 1)
        del flat_ycor[i]
        width = search.shape[1]
        slits[i], starboxes[i] = id_slits.id_slits(search[:, width * 7 /
                                                          10:width * 9 / 10])
        print "Starbox Locations for %s:" % i
        for a, b in starboxes[i]:
            print "[:,%d:%d]" % (a + add, b + add)
        print ""
        print "Slit Locations for %s:" % i
        for a, b in slits[i]:
            print "[:,%d:%d]" % (a + add, b + add)
        print ""

        # Output coefficient arrays
        outname = out_prefix + "_yforw_%s.fits" % i
        outname = out_prefix + "_yback_%s.fits" % i

    # Output distortion solutions and slit definitions
    outname = out_prefix + "_ygeom.dat"
    outfile = open(outname, "w")
    pickle.dump(slits, outfile)
    pickle.dump(starboxes, outfile)
    pickle.dump(ytrue, outfile)
    pickle.dump(ymap, outfile)

    return yforw, yback, slits, starboxes
def arcmatch(curve,sci,arc,yforw,widemodel,finemodel,goodmodel,linemodel,disp,mswave,extra,logfile):
	""" Do not alter input data! """
	sci = sci.copy()
	nsci = sci.shape[0]

	""" Parse extra arguments """
	linefile = extra[0]
	cutoff = extra[1]
	if len(extra)==3:
		blue = extra[2]
		blue = 3000.

	height = arc.shape[0]
	width = arc.shape[1]

	""" Straighten science data """
	scimodel = scipy.zeros((nsci,height,width))
	for k in range(nsci):
		scimodel[k] = spectools.resampley(sci[k],yforw,curve)

	""" Skip the bottom and top of the slit, which may have artifacts """
	i = 4
	j = height-4

	xdim = 2
	ydim = 2

	avg = scipy.median(scipy.median(arc))
	m,std = clipped_std(arc,4.)

	""" The 'fiducial' arc spectrum is taken from the middle of the slit """
	arcmid = stats.stats.nanmedian(arc[height/2-3:height/2+4],0)

	""" First we straighten the lines out. """
	coords = spectools.array_coords((j-i,width))
	coords[0] += 4.
	fitdata = arc[i:j,height:-1*height].flatten()
	xdata = coords[1,:,height:-1*height].flatten()
	ydata = coords[0,:,height:-1*height].flatten()

	Only use every third row (but at least 8 rows) for the solution to save
	nskip = (j-i)/8
	if nskip>3:
		nskip = 3
	cond = ydata%nskip==0
	fitdata = fitdata[cond]
	ydata = ydata[cond]
	xdata = xdata[cond]

	""" Only use pixels around the peaks (another time saver) """
	thresh = scipy.median(arcmid)
	thresh += 5.*thresh**0.5
	mask = ndimage.maximum_filter(arcmid,15)
	mask = fitdata>thresh
	fitdata = fitdata[mask]
	ydata = ydata[mask]
	xdata = xdata[mask]

	p = scipy.zeros((xdim+1,ydim+1))
	p[1,0] = 1.

	p = {'coeff':p,'type':"chebyshev"}
	xback = arcfitfunc2(p,xdata,ydata,fitdata,arcmid)

	xdata, ydata, yorig, and newxdata hold original/transformed CCD
	  coordinates. We don't need to do a fit to *all* points, so we skip
	  ~every third.
	xdata = coords[1].flatten()
	ydata = coords[0].flatten()
	yorig = yforw[i:j].flatten()-curve
	cond = (ydata+xdata)%2==0
	xdata = xdata[cond]
	ydata = ydata[cond]
	yorig = yorig[cond]
	newxdata = special_functions.genfunc(xdata,ydata,xback)

	tmp = scipy.zeros((xdata.size,3))
	tmp[:,0] = newxdata.copy()
	tmp[:,1] = ydata.copy()
	tmp[:,2] = xdata.copy()
	xforw = special_functions.lsqfit(tmp,"chebyshev",xdim,ydim)

	Sky background model isn't needed if there aren't expected to be any
	  sky lines.
	if cutoff>5200:
		bgmodel = scipy.zeros((nsci,sci.shape[2]))
		for k in range(nsci):
			tmp = spectools.resample1d(scimodel[k],xforw,"x",-999)
			scimodel[k] = tmp.copy()
			tmp[tmp==-999] = scipy.nan
			bg = stats.stats.nanmedian(tmp,axis=0)
			bg = scipy.tile(bg,(height,1))
			tmp[scipy.isnan(tmp)] = bg[scipy.isnan(tmp)]
			tmp[scipy.isnan(tmp)] = 0.
			bgmodel[k] = tmp[tmp.shape[0]/4,:]
			del tmp,bg

	newarc = spectools.resample1d(arc,xforw,"x",-999)
	newarc[newarc==-999] = scipy.nan
	arcmid = stats.stats.nanmedian(newarc,axis=0)
	arcmid[scipy.isnan(arcmid)] = 0.

	We don't want to do the cross-correlation with all pixels; there
	  are reflections and other badness (like higher order lines). We
	  set the beginning of the 'useable' correlation spectrum to 150
	  pixels before the part of the arc with substantial flux. We set
	  the final pixel to be 100 pixels after the last substantial peak.
	  Here, 'substantial' means within 20% of the maximum; this in part
	  assumes that the final peak with 20% of the maximum will be the 5460
	  line, so we are in affect hard-coding that the correlation be carried
	  out to ~ 5500 angstroms.
	mask = scipy.where(arcmid>avg+4.*std)[0]
	first = mask[0]-150
	mask = ndimage.maximum_filter(arcmid,9)
	mask = scipy.where(mask==arcmid,mask,0)
	last = scipy.where(mask>0.20*arcmid.max())[0][-1]+100

	if first<0.:
		first = 0.
	if last>width:
		last = width

	Set reasonable starting and ending wavelengths for the correlation
	minwave = mswave-disp*width*1.1
	maxwave = mswave+disp*width*1.1
	if minwave<2000:
		minwave = 2000.
	if maxwave>8000:
		maxwave = 8000.

	Due a quick fit to define initial guesses...first the starting
	  wavelength. I've used both a correlation and a chi-square-like
	  function to determine the start; It's still not clear which is
	  most robust! The correlation also uses a broadened model of the
	  arcs to make it more robust wrt deviations from a linear solution.
	broad = 10.
	fudge = disp/200.
	nsteps = 19
	xmodel = arcmid[first:last].copy()
	xmodel = ndimage.gaussian_filter(xmodel,broad/disp)

	p0 = 0.
	p1 = disp
	offset = 0.
	max = 1e29
	for l in range(nsteps):
		try_disp = disp + ((l-nsteps/2)*fudge)
		skyfit_x = scipy.arange(minwave,maxwave,try_disp)
		fitmodel = interpolate.splev(skyfit_x,widemodel)
		tratio = xmodel.max()/fitmodel.max()
		fitmodel *= tratio
		fitmodel += scipy.median(xmodel)
		chi2,off = push(xmodel,fitmodel)
		if chi2<max:
			p1 = try_disp
			p0 = (off-first)*try_disp+minwave
			offset = off
			max = chi2
	firstwave = minwave+offset*p1

	We start with a second order fit: lambda = p0 + p1*x + p2*x*x
	   x = 0 is *not* neccessarily the first pix; it is the first *good*
	   pixel. p2 = 0. should be a reasonable first guess.
	p0 = blue
	first += (p0-firstwave)/p1

	print first, p0, p1
	if first<0:
		p0 = p0-first*p1
		first = 0
	last = first+(5650.-p0)/p1
	if last>width:
		last = width
	first = int(first)
	last = int(last)
	scale = last

	Create a normalized model of the arc data for the first refinement.
	fitdata = arcmid[first:last].copy()
	fitx = scipy.arange(fitdata.size).astype(scipy.float64)
	arclines = findlines(fitx,fitdata,20)

	fitmodel = scipy.zeros(3*len(arclines)+1)
	index = 1
	for iter in range(len(arclines)):
		fitmodel[index] = 1.
		fitmodel[index+1] = arclines[iter]
		fitmodel[index+2] = broad/disp
		index += 3
	arcmodel = special_functions.ngauss(fitx,fitmodel)

	""" We begin with a broadened arc-spectrum for the initial fit. """
	xdim = 2
	p = scipy.zeros((xdim+1,1))
	p[0,0] = p0
	p[1,0] = p1
	p = {'coeff':p,'type':"chebyshev"}
	fitdata = arcmid[first:last].copy()
	skycoeff = myoptimize(p,fitx,arcmodel,scale,linemodel)


	skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,p,linefile,order=1,tol=10.*disp)
	skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,skycoeff,linefile,order=2,tol=10.*disp)
	skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,skycoeff,linefile,tol=10.*disp)

	""" 3rd order fit """
	xdim = 3
	p = scipy.zeros((xdim+1,1))
	p[0:skycoeff['coeff'].size,0] = skycoeff['coeff'][:,0].copy()
	skycoeff = {'coeff':p,'type':"chebyshev"}
	skycoeff = myoptimize(skycoeff,fitx,arcmodel,scale,linemodel)

	skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,skycoeff,linefile,order=2)
	skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,skycoeff,linefile)
	skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,skycoeff,linefile)

	skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,skycoeff,linefile,tol=10.)

	""" debug() is useful here to probe the quality of the line fitting """
#	debug(fitx,arcmodel,linemodel,skycoeff)
#	debug(fitx,fitdata,finemodel,skycoeff)

	xvals = scipy.arange(width)-first
	w = special_functions.genfunc(xvals,0,skycoeff)

	cond = (w>=blue)&(w<=cutoff)  # 'good' pixels
	cond1 = scipy.where(cond)[0]  # index of first good pixel

	fitx = scipy.arange(width).astype(scipy.float64)
	fitx = fitx[cond]-first
	fitdata = arcmid[cond]
	skycoeff = myoptimize(skycoeff,fitx,fitdata,scale,finemodel)

	arclines = findlines(fitx,fitdata,10)
	skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,skycoeff,linefile,tol=5.*disp)

	xdim = 5
	ydim = 2

	wave = special_functions.genfunc(newxdata-first,0.,skycoeff)
	sky2x = []
	sky2y = []
	ccd2wave = []

	We can only use the arcs if the cutoff is too blue.
	if cutoff<5200:
		revmodel = scipy.zeros((wave.size,3))
		revmodel[:,0] = wave.copy()
		revmodel[:,1] = ydata.copy()
		revmodel[:,2] = xdata.copy()

		revmodel[:,2] = yorig.copy()
		revmodel[:,0] = xdata.copy()
		revmodel[:,1] = ydata.copy()
		revmodel[:,2] = wave.copy()
		for k in range(1,nsci):
		return sky2x,sky2y,ccd2wave

	Try to use the 5577 line to refine the wavelength solution.
	wlen = wave.copy()
	xvals = scipy.arange(width)-first
	for k in range(nsci):
		peaks = findlines(xvals,bgmodel[k],5.)
		w = special_functions.genfunc(peaks,0.,skycoeff)
		delta = 5577.345-w
		offset = delta[abs(delta).argmin()]
		if abs(offset)>3.*disp:
			print "Warning: Substantial offset found!"

		wave = wlen+offset
		revmodel = scipy.zeros((wave.size,3))
		revmodel[:,0] = wave.copy()
		revmodel[:,1] = ydata.copy()
		revmodel[:,2] = xdata.copy()
		revmodel[:,2] = yorig.copy()
		revmodel[:,0] = xdata.copy()
		revmodel[:,1] = ydata.copy()
		revmodel[:,2] = wave.copy()

	return sky2x,sky2y,ccd2wave
def arcmatch(curve, sci, arc, yforw, widemodel, finemodel, goodmodel,
             linemodel, disp, mswave, extra, logfile):

	Creates the full 2d distortion solution for a slit.

	  curve     - first pixel (ie bottom) of curved slit
	  sci       - biastrimmed, non-ycorrected science data
	  arc       - y-corrected arc for this slit
	  yforw     - yforw definition for slit
	  widemodel - broad wavelength model
	  finemodel - matched-resolution wavelength model
	  goodmodel - model of the sky
	  linemodel - broad wavelength model (why are there two...?)
	  disp      - scale
	  mswave    - central wavelength
	  extra     - includes name of linefile, starting/ending wavelengths
	  logfile   - a file object

    """ Do not alter input data! """
    sci = sci.copy()
    nsci = sci.shape[0]
    """ Parse extra arguments """
    linefile = extra[0]
    cutoff = extra[1]
    if len(extra) == 3:
        blue = extra[2]
        blue = 3000.
    cutoff = 5650.

    height = arc.shape[0]
    width = arc.shape[1]
    """ Straighten science data """
    scimodel = scipy.zeros((nsci, height, width))
    for k in range(nsci):
        scimodel[k] = spectools.resampley(sci[k], yforw, curve)
    """ Skip the bottom and top of the slit, which may have artifacts """
    i = 4
    j = height - 4

    xdim = 2
    ydim = 2

    avg = scipy.median(scipy.median(arc))
    std = clipped_std(arc, 4.)
    """ The 'fiducial' arc spectrum is taken from the middle of the slit """
    arcmid = stats.stats.nanmedian(arc[height / 2 - 2:height / 2 + 3], 0)
    """ First we straighten the lines out. """
    coords = spectools.array_coords((j - i, width))
    coords[0] += 4.
    fitdata = arc[i:j, height:-1 * height].flatten()
    xdata = coords[1, :, height:-1 * height].flatten()
    ydata = coords[0, :, height:-1 * height].flatten()
    """ Only use every third row for the solution (to save time) """
    cond = ydata % 3 == 0
    fitdata = fitdata[cond]
    ydata = ydata[cond]
    xdata = xdata[cond]
    """ Only use pixels around the peaks (another time saver) """
    thresh = scipy.median(arcmid)
    thresh += 5. * thresh**0.5
    mask = ndimage.maximum_filter(arcmid, 15)
    mask = fitdata > thresh
    fitdata = fitdata[mask]
    ydata = ydata[mask]
    xdata = xdata[mask]

    p = scipy.zeros((xdim + 1, ydim + 1))
    p[1, 0] = 1.

    p = {'coeff': p, 'type': "polynomial"}
    xback = arcfitfunc2(p, xdata, ydata, fitdata, arcmid)
	xdata, ydata, yorig, and newxdata hold original/transformed CCD
	  coordinates. We don't need to do a fit to *all* points, so we skip
	  ~every third.
    xdata = coords[1].flatten()
    ydata = coords[0].flatten()
    yorig = yforw[i:j].flatten() - curve
    cond = (ydata + xdata) % 2 == 0
    xdata = xdata[cond]
    ydata = ydata[cond]
    yorig = yorig[cond]
    newxdata = special_functions.genfunc(xdata, ydata, xback)

    tmp = scipy.zeros((xdata.size, 3))
    tmp[:, 0] = newxdata.copy()
    tmp[:, 1] = ydata.copy()
    tmp[:, 2] = xdata.copy()
    xforw = special_functions.lsqfit(tmp, "chebyshev", xdim, ydim)

    bgmodel = scipy.zeros((nsci, sci.shape[2]))
    for k in range(nsci):
        tmp = spectools.resample1d(scimodel[k], xforw, "x", -999)
        scimodel[k] = tmp.copy()
        tmp[tmp == -999] = scipy.nan
        bg = stats.stats.nanmedian(tmp, axis=0)
        bg = scipy.tile(bg, (height, 1))
        tmp[scipy.isnan(tmp)] = bg[scipy.isnan(tmp)]
        tmp[scipy.isnan(tmp)] = 0.
        bgmodel[k] = tmp[tmp.shape[0] / 4, :]
        del tmp, bg

    newarc = spectools.resample1d(arc, xforw, "x", -999)
    newarc[newarc == -999] = scipy.nan
    arcmid = stats.stats.nanmedian(newarc, axis=0)
    arcmid[scipy.isnan(arcmid)] = 0.
	We don't want to do the cross-correlation with all pixels; there
	  are reflections and other badness (like higher order lines). We
	  set the beginning of the 'useable' correlation spectrum to 150
	  pixels before the part of the arc with substantial flux. We set
	  the final pixel to be 100 pixels after the last substantial peak.
	  Here, 'substantial' means within 20% of the maximum; this in part
	  assumes that the final peak with 20% of the maximum will be the 5460
	  line, so we are in affect hard-coding that the correlation be carried
	  out to ~ 5500 angstroms.
    mask = scipy.where(arcmid > avg + 4. * std)[0]
    first = mask[0] - 150
    mask = ndimage.maximum_filter(arcmid, 9)
    mask = scipy.where(mask == arcmid, mask, 0)[:arcmid.argmax() + 460 / disp]
    last = scipy.where(mask > 0.20 * arcmid.max())[0][-1] + 100

    if first < 0.:
        first = 0.
    if last > width:
        last = width
	Set reasonable starting and ending wavelengths for the correlation
    minwave = mswave - disp * width * 1.1
    maxwave = mswave + disp * width * 1.1
    if minwave < 2000:
        minwave = 2000.
    if maxwave > 8000:
        maxwave = 8000.
	Due a quick fit to define initial guesses...first the starting
	  wavelength. I've used both a correlation and a chi-square-like
	  function to determine the start; it's still not clear which is
	  most robust! The correlation also uses a broadened model of the
	  arcs to make it more robust wrt deviations from a 1st order solution.
    broad = 9.
    fudge = disp / 1000.
    nsteps = 35
    xmodel = arcmid[first:last].copy()
    #	xmodel = ndimage.gaussian_filter(xmodel,broad/disp)

    p0 = 0.
    p1 = disp
    offset = 0.
    max = 1e29
    c = []
    b = []
    fitdata = arcmid[first:last].copy()
    fitx = scipy.arange(fitdata.size).astype(scipy.float64)
    arclines = findlines(fitx, fitdata, 10)

    fitmodel = scipy.zeros(3 * len(arclines) + 1)
    index = 1
    for iter in range(len(arclines)):
        fitmodel[index] = 1.
        fitmodel[index + 1] = arclines[iter]
        fitmodel[index + 2] = broad / disp
        index += 3
    xmodel = special_functions.ngauss(fitx, fitmodel)
    for l in range(nsteps):
        try_disp = disp + ((l - nsteps / 2) * fudge)
        skyfit_x = scipy.arange(minwave, maxwave, try_disp)
        fitmodel = interpolate.splev(skyfit_x, linemodel)
        #		tratio = xmodel.max()/fitmodel.max()
        #		fitmodel *= tratio
        #		fitmodel += scipy.median(xmodel)
        corr = signal.correlate(xmodel, fitmodel, mode='valid')
        chi2, off = 1. / corr.max(), corr.argmax()
        #		chi2,off = push(xmodel,fitmodel)
        if chi2 < max:
            p1 = try_disp
            p0 = (off - first) * try_disp + minwave
            offset = off
            max = chi2
    firstwave = minwave + offset * p1
	We start with a second order fit: lambda = p0 + p1*x + p2*x*x
	   x = 0 is *not* neccessarily the first pix; it is the first *good*
	   pixel. p2 = 0. should be a reasonable first guess.
    p0 = blue
    first += (p0 - firstwave) / p1

    if first < 0:
        p0 = p0 - first * p1
        first = 0
    last = first + (5650. - p0) / p1
    if last > width:
        last = width
    first = int(first)
    last = int(last)
    keeplog(logfile, '\tInitial Solution: %f, %f\n' % (p0, p1))
	Create a normalized model of the arc data for the first refinement.
    fitdata = arcmid[first:last].copy()
    fitx = scipy.arange(fitdata.size).astype(scipy.float64)
    arclines = findlines(fitx, fitdata, 20)

    fitmodel = scipy.zeros(3 * len(arclines) + 1)
    index = 1
    for iter in range(len(arclines)):
        fitmodel[index] = 1.
        fitmodel[index + 1] = arclines[iter]
        fitmodel[index + 2] = broad / disp
        index += 3
    arcmodel = special_functions.ngauss(fitx, fitmodel)
    """ We begin with a fit to the normalized spectra. """
    xdim = 2
    p = scipy.zeros((xdim + 1, 1))
    p[0, 0] = p0
    p[1, 0] = p1
    p = {'coeff': p, 'type': "polynomial"}
    fitdata = arcmid[first:last].copy()
    skycoeff = myoptimize(p, fitx, arcmodel, linemodel)
    #	debug(fitx,fitdata,finemodel,skycoeff)

    skycoeff = matchlines(arclines, p, linefile, order=1, tol=10. * disp)
    skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,
                          tol=10. * disp)
    skycoeff = matchlines(arclines, skycoeff, linefile, tol=10. * disp)
    """ Refinement of fit, still with normalized spectra. """
    xdim = 3
    p = scipy.zeros((xdim + 1, 1))
    p[0:skycoeff['coeff'].size, 0] = skycoeff['coeff'][:, 0].copy()
    skycoeff = {'coeff': p, 'type': "chebyshev"}
    #	skycoeff = myoptimize(skycoeff,fitx,arcmodel,linemodel)
    skycoeff = myoptimize(skycoeff, fitx, fitdata, finemodel)

    #	debug(fitx,fitdata,finemodel,skycoeff)
    """ Match lines, progressively constraining the fit """
    skycoeff = matchlines(arclines,
                          tol=10. * disp)
    skycoeff = matchlines(arclines, skycoeff, linefile, tol=10. * disp)
    skycoeff = matchlines(arclines, skycoeff, linefile, tol=10. * disp)
    skycoeff = matchlines(arclines, skycoeff, linefile, tol=5. * disp)
    skycoeff = matchlines(arclines, skycoeff, linefile, tol=5. * disp)
    #	debug(fitx,fitdata,finemodel,skycoeff)

    xvals = scipy.arange(width) - first
    w = special_functions.genfunc(xvals, 0, skycoeff)
	The wavelength solution might wrap around on itself (ie it might not be
	  a strictly increasing function). This ensures that only the
	  increasing part of the current solution is used. It might be more
	  reasonable to put something in the chi-square to enforce this....
	  I've added it to arcfitfunc for now....
	val = w.argmax()
	if cutoff>w.max():
		cutoff = w.max()
	w[val:] = cutoff + 1.

    cond = (w >= blue) & (w <= cutoff)  # 'good' pixels
    cond1 = scipy.where(cond)[0]  # index of first good pixel

    fitx = scipy.arange(width).astype(scipy.float64)
    fitx = fitx[cond] - first
    fitdata = arcmid[cond]
    #	debug(fitx,fitdata,finemodel,skycoeff)
    #	skycoeff = myoptimize(skycoeff,fitx,fitdata,finemodel)

    #	xdim = 5
    #	p = scipy.zeros((xdim+1,1))
    #	p[0:skycoeff['coeff'].size,0] = skycoeff['coeff'][:,0].copy()
    #	skycoeff = {'coeff':p,'type':"polynomial"}
    #	skycoeff = myoptimize(skycoeff,fitx,fitdata,finemodel)

    #	debug(fitx,fitdata,finemodel,skycoeff)

    coeff = skycoeff['coeff'].copy()
    arclamppeaks = findlines(fitx, fitdata)
    skycoeff = matchlines(arclamppeaks, skycoeff, linefile, tol=5. * disp)

    startx = fitx.copy()
    startdata = fitdata.copy()
    wave = special_functions.genfunc(startx, 0., skycoeff)
    model = interpolate.splrep(wave, startdata, s=0)

    sky2x = []
    sky2y = []
    ccd2wave = []

    def findoffset(p, x, data, model, coeff):
        xvals = x + p[0]
        w = special_functions.genfunc(xvals, 0., coeff)
        mod = interpolate.splev(w, model)
        mod = mod * data.max() / mod.max()
        diff = (mod - data) / scipy.sqrt(abs(mod))
        return diff

	If the highest line is greater than 3x the next highest, there
	  was probably some sky activity. This could throw off the
	  pixel-based fitting, so we should choose line-matching
	  instead. A better solution would be to 'dampen' the active
	  line (we can't just alter the residuals because the sky bias
	  and gain offsets were calculated using the line), but that is
	  non-trivial to accomplish without shifting the central
    LINEMATCH = False
    for k in range(nsci):
        sky = bgmodel[k]
        x_vals = scipy.arange(width)
        skypeaks = findlines(x_vals, sky, 3)
        amps = ndimage.map_coordinates(sky, [skypeaks],
        if amps[-1] > 2. * amps[-2]:
            LINEMATCH = True
    # Use LINEMATCH until arcs are better dealt with
    LINEMATCH = True
	We attempt to determine an offset between the arclamp frame and the sky
	  image due to flexure (or if the arcs were taken in the afternoon...).
	  First we use the arc solution to determine the offset of the bluest
	  sky line. We then shift the arc lines to correct for the offset and
	  find a solution for just the sky. We extrapolate the sky solution to
	  the reddest arc line, determine the arc line's offset and use this as
	  the final offset between sky and arc. We then solve for the full
	  solution using the sky and corrected arc lines.
    for k in range(nsci):
        sky = bgmodel[k]

        skycoeff['coeff'] = coeff.copy()
        x_vals = scipy.arange(width) - first

        skypeaks = findlines(x_vals, sky, 5)
		Start by trying to match to the 5200 line; if it is too faint
		  (and therefore was not extracted as a skypeak), use the
		  5577 line. 5197.93,5198.794 -- the line is a blend and the
		  left value is the non-blended wavelength. One issue is that
		  the line exhibits auroral brightening--which appears to
		  change the effective wavelength because the fainter line at
		  5200. is the one that brightens! BAH! We'll just use 5577.
        #		sline = 5198.794
        sline = 5577.345
        highpeaks = findlines(x_vals, sky, 7)
        w = special_functions.genfunc(highpeaks, 0., skycoeff)
        delta = sline - w
        if abs(delta).min() > 10. * disp:
            sline = 5577.345
            delta = sline - w
        w = special_functions.genfunc(x_vals, 0., skycoeff)
        skycond = (w > sline - 40.) & (w < sline + 40.)
        off = delta[abs(delta).argmin()] / disp

        tmp = special_functions.genfunc(skypeaks, 0., skycoeff)
        entry = '\tSky lines found for image %d:' % (k + 1)
        for t in tmp:
            entry += ' %7.2f' % t
        entry += "\n"
        keeplog(logfile, entry)

        min = 10.
        step = None
        for i in scipy.arange(-3., 3., 0.1):
            arcpeaks = arclamppeaks + i
            tmpcoeff, err = doublematch([skypeaks, arcpeaks],
                                        ARCLINES, [sline],
                                        tol=10. * disp)
            tmpcoeff, err = doublematch([skypeaks, arcpeaks],
                                        tol=10. * disp)
            tmpcoeff, err = doublematch([skypeaks, arcpeaks],
                                        tol=5. * disp)
            if err < min:
                min = err
                outcoeff = tmpcoeff.copy()
                step = i
        min = 10.
        for i in scipy.arange(step - 0.5, step + 0.5, 0.01):
            arcpeaks = arclamppeaks + i
            tmpcoeff, err = doublematch([skypeaks, arcpeaks],
                                        tol=5. * disp)
            if err < min:
                min = err
                skycoeff = tmpcoeff.copy()
                arcoffset = i
                "\tArc offset for image %d: %6.3f\n" % (k + 1, arcoffset))
        skypeaks = findlines(x_vals, sky, 2.)
        arcpeaks = arclamppeaks + arcoffset
        skycoeff, e = doublematch([skypeaks, arcpeaks],
                                  tol=5. * disp,

        w = special_functions.genfunc(x_vals, 0., skycoeff)
        skycond = (w > 5500.) & (w < 6700.)
        skyx = x_vals[skycond]
        skyz = sky[skycond]
        tmp = skyz.copy()
        med = tmp[tmp.size * 0.3]
        skyx = skyx[skyz > med]
        skyz = skyz[skyz > med]
        tmpcoeff, ratio, offset = skyopt(skycoeff, skyx, skyz, goodmodel)
        skycoeff = myopt2(skycoeff, fitx + arcoffset, fitdata, finemodel, skyx,
                          skyz, goodmodel, ratio, offset)
        """ Evaluate wavelength of all pixels in straightened frame """
        wave = special_functions.genfunc(newxdata - first, 0, skycoeff)
		Now that we have the wavelength solution for the rectified slit
		  we can create the full 2d solutions for:
		  where x and y are CCD coordinates and lambda and pos are the
		  'true' coordinates (wavelength and spatial position along
		  the slit).
        xdim = 5
        ydim = 2

        revmodel = scipy.zeros((wave.size, 3))
        revmodel[:, 0] = wave.copy()
        revmodel[:, 1] = ydata.copy()
        revmodel[:, 2] = xdata.copy()
            special_functions.lsqfit(revmodel, "chebyshev", xdim, ydim))

        revmodel[:, 2] = yorig.copy()
            special_functions.lsqfit(revmodel, "chebyshev", xdim, ydim))
        revmodel[:, 0] = xdata.copy()
        revmodel[:, 1] = ydata.copy()
        revmodel[:, 2] = wave.copy()
            special_functions.lsqfit(revmodel, "chebyshev", xdim, ydim))

#	return sky2x,sky2y,[xforw,xback] # This is for non-2d subtraction
    return sky2x, sky2y, ccd2wave  # Thsi is for 2d subtraction
def lris_pipeline(prefix,
    # Create a logfile for this session
    if logfile is None:
        logfile = open('%s.log' % out_prefix, 'w')
        logfile = open(logfile, 'w')
    stime = time.strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")
    logfile.write('%s\n' % stime)

    print "Processing mask", out_prefix
    logfile.write('Processing mask %s\n' % out_prefix)
    """ Prepare image names. """

    nsci = len(scinames)
    YMID = 2048  # offset for the second detector

    print "Preparing flatfields"
    if useflat == 1:
        logfile.write('Using pre-made flats\n')
        yforw, yback, slits, starboxes = flatload(out_prefix)
        logfile.write('Making new flats\n')
        yforw, yback, slits, starboxes = flatpipe(flatnames, out_prefix)

    print "Preparing arcs for line identification"
    if usearc == 1:
        logfile.write('Using pre-made arcs\n')
        arc_ycor = {}
        for i in ['bottom', 'top']:
            arcname = out_prefix + "_arc_%s.fits" % i
            arc_tmp = pyfits.open(arcname)
            arc_ycor[i] = arc_tmp[0].data.astype(scipy.float32)
            lamps = arc_tmp[0].header['LAMPS']
            filter = arc_tmp[0].header['BLUFILT']
            del arc_tmp
        logfile.write('Making new arcs\n')
        """ Load arc data from fits file """
        arc_tmp = pyfits.open(arcname)
        arcdata = arc_tmp[0].data.copy()
        """ Determine which lamps were used """
        lamps = arc_tmp[0].header['LAMPS']
            filter = arc_tmp[0].header['BLUFILT']
            filter = 'clear'
        del arc_tmp
        """ Process arcs for the top and bottom separately """
        arcdata = biastrim(arcdata)
        arc_ycor = {}
        arc_ycor['bottom'] = spectools.resampley(
            arcdata[:YMID], yforw['bottom']).astype(scipy.float32)
        arcname = out_prefix + "_arc_bottom.fits"
        arc_hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(arc_ycor['bottom'])
        arc_hdu.header.update('LAMPS', lamps)
        arc_hdu.header.update('BLUFILT', filter)

        arc_ycor['top'] = spectools.resampley(
            arcdata[YMID:], yforw['top']).astype(scipy.float32)
        arcname = out_prefix + "_arc_top.fits"
        arc_hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(arc_ycor['top'])
        arc_hdu.header.update('LAMPS', lamps)
        arc_hdu.header.update('BLUFILT', filter)

        del arc_hdu, arcdata

    axis1 = 4096
    axis2 = 4096
	We create 'wide' starboxes that describe the minimum and maximum
	  y-position of the slit in the *unstraightened* frame.
    wide_stars = {}
    for l in ['bottom', 'top']:
        wide_stars[l] = []
        bmax = arc_ycor[l].shape[0]
        logfile.write('Star boxes for %s\n' % l)
        for i, j in starboxes[l]:
            logfile.write('[:,%d:%d]\n' % (i, j))

            mod = scipy.where((yback[l] < j) & (yback[l] > i))
            a = mod[0].min() - 3  # We include a small amount of
            b = mod[0].max() + 3  #  padding for resampling.
            if a < 0:
                a = 0
            if b > bmax:
                b = bmax
            wide_stars[l].append([a, b])

    print "Bias trimming science data"
    nstars = len(starboxes['bottom']) + len(starboxes['top'])
    scidata = scipy.zeros((nsci, axis1, axis2), 'f4')
    center = scipy.zeros((nsci, nstars), 'f4')
    flux = scipy.zeros((nsci), 'f4')
    for i in range(nsci):
        filename = scinames[i]
        scitmp = pyfits.open(filename)

        scidatatmp = scitmp[0].data.copy()
        scidatatmp = biastrim(scidatatmp).astype(scipy.float32)
		Remove screwed columns (this should already be done by biastrim
        bad = scipy.where(scidatatmp > 56000.)
        nbad = bad[0].size
        for k in range(nbad):
            y = bad[0][k]
            x = bad[1][k]
                       x] = (scidatatmp[y, x - 1] + scidatatmp[y, x + 1]) / 2.
		We don't flatfield blueside data because of ghosts and
		  reflections. Milan Bogosavljevic has data that show that
		  flatfielding is important if using very blue data--the bluest
		  end looks like it has fringes! I should add a flag to allow
		  flatfielding to be turned on....
        scidata[i, :, :] = scidatatmp.copy()
		The try/except code is because sometimes the data just don't
		  have these keywords (I think this might be correlated to
		  stopping exposures early, though I'm not sure). Plus old data
		  might not have used the dichroic at all....
            disperser = scitmp[0].header['GRISNAME']
            dichroic = scitmp[0].header['DICHNAME']
            dichroic = None
		We use the first quartile for the flux normalization.
        flux[i] = scipy.sort(scipy.ravel(scidatatmp))[scidatatmp.size / 4]
		The starboxes are used to determine relative y-shifts between
		  mask exposures. If the offsets keyword was used, this will
		  be ignored.
        for l in ['bottom', 'top']:
            if offsets is not None:
            for j in range(len(starboxes[l])):
                a, b = starboxes[l][j]
                m, n = wide_stars[l][j]
                a -= 4
                b += 4
                m -= 2
                n += 2
                if a < 0:
                    a = 0
                if l == 'top':
                    m += YMID
                    n += YMID
                center[i, j] = offset.findoffset(scidatatmp[m:n],
                                                 yforw[l][a:b], m)

        del scitmp
        del scidatatmp

    if offsets is not None:
        center = scipy.asarray(offsets)
        center = stats.stats.nanmean(center, axis=1)
    center[scipy.isnan(center)] = 0.

    print "Normalizing Fluxes"
    cmax = center.max()
    fmax = flux.max()
    logfile.write('\nMask pixel and flux offsets\n')
    logfile.write('Mask   Pixels   Flux\n')
    for i in range(center.size):
        center[i] -= cmax
        ratio = fmax / flux[i]
        scidata[i] *= ratio
        logfile.write('%4d   %6.2f   %4.2f\n' % (i, center[i], ratio))
    cmax = ceil(fabs(center.min()))

    if disperser == "300/5000":
        scale = 1.41
        mswave = 5135.
    elif disperser == "400/3400":
        scale = 1.05
        mswave = 3990.
    elif disperser == "600/4000":
        scale = 0.63
        mswave = 4590.
    elif disperser == "1200/3400":
        scale = 0.24
        mswave = 3505.

    if dichroic == 'mirror':
        bluecutoff = 0.
        dich_file = ''
    elif dichroic == '460':
        bluecutoff = 4650.
        dich_file = '460'
    elif dichroic == '500':
        bluecutoff = 5100.
        dich_file = '500'
    elif dichroic == '560':
        bluecutoff = 5650.
        dich_file = '560'
    elif dichroic == '680':
        #		bluecutoff = 6800.
        bluecutoff = 5650.
        dich_file = '680'
        bluecutoff = 8000.
        dich_file = ''
	We create 'wide' slits that describe the minimum and maximum y-position
	  of the slit in the *unstraightened* frame. We also determine the mask
	  resolution using every seventh slit.
    nsize = 0  # Size of straightened mask
    csize = 0  # Size of coadded mask
    wide_slits = {}
    linewidth = []
    print "Determining mask resolution"
    for l in ['bottom', 'top']:
        wide_slits[l] = []
        bmax = arc_ycor[l].shape[0]
        logfile.write('Slits for %s (%d total)\n' % (l, len(slits[l])))
        for i, j in slits[l]:
            logfile.write('[:,%d:%d]\n' % (i, j))
            csize += int(j - i + cmax) + 5
            nsize += j - i + 5
            mod = scipy.where((yback[l] > i) & (yback[l] < j))
            a = mod[0].min() - 4
            b = mod[0].max() + 4
            if a < 0:
                a = 0
            if b > bmax:
                b = bmax
            wide_slits[l].append([a, b])
            if len(wide_slits[l]) % 7 == 0:
                    measure_width.measure(arc_ycor[l][(i + j) / 2, :], 15))
    csize -= 5
    nsize -= 5

    linewidth = scipy.median(scipy.asarray(linewidth))
    """ We can temporarily delete the top CCD from memory """
    yforw = yforw['bottom']
    yback = yback['bottom']
    arc_ycor = arc_ycor['bottom']
	Create the arclamp model by using only the blue lamps that were turned
	  on. Turning off the red lamps (Ne and Ar) reduces reflections on the
	  blue side, and it is difficult to use these lines for the wavelength
	  solution because 2nd order blue lines show up starting at ~5800.
    print "Loading wavelength model"
    lris_path = lris.__path__[0]
    lamps = lamps.split(',')
    wave = scipy.arange(2000., 8000., 0.1)
    filenames = []
    if lamps[0] == '1':
        filenames.append(lris_path + "/data/bluearcs/hg.dat")
    if lamps[3] == '1':
        filenames.append(lris_path + "/data/bluearcs/cd.dat")
    if lamps[4] == '1':
        filenames.append(lris_path + "/data/bluearcs/zn.dat")
    fluxlimit = None
    if filter == 'SP580' and bluecutoff > 5650:
        cutoff = 5650.
        fluxlimit = 150.
        cutoff = bluecutoff
    linefile = out_prefix + "_lines.dat"
    make_linelist(filenames, cutoff, fluxlimit, linefile)
	The relative amplitudes of the lines in the hg, cd, and zn.dat files
	  are more appropriate for the bluer grisms. A separate linelist is
	  used for the 300 grism and assumes all three lamps were on. This is
	  one of the problems with (1) not knowing the throughput for each
	  setup and (2) not having stable lamps.
    if disperser == "300/5000":
        filename = lris_path + "/data/bluearcs/300_lines.dat"
        arc, lines = make_arc(filename, linewidth * scale, wave)
        arc, lines = make_arc(linefile, linewidth * scale, wave)
    finemodel = interpolate.splrep(wave, arc, s=0)
    smooth = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(arc, 9. / 0.1)
    widemodel = interpolate.splrep(wave, smooth, s=0)
    linemodel = interpolate.splrep(wave, lines, s=0)

    filename = lris_path + "/data/uves_sky.model"
    infile = open(filename, "r")
    wavecalmodel = pickle.load(infile)
    wave = scipy.arange(3400., 10400., 0.1)
    """ We attempt to model the dichroic cutoff for the sky mode. """
    if dichroic == '680' and disperser == "300/5000":
        filename = lris_path + "/data/dichroics/dichroic_680_t.dat"
        infile = open(filename, "r")
        input = sio.read_array(infile)
        input[:, 1] = 1. - input[:, 1]
        spline = interpolate.splrep(input[:, 0], input[:, 1], s=0)
        dich = interpolate.splev(wave, spline)
        dich[wave < 4500.] = 1.
        dich[wave > 8800.] = 1.
        filename = lris_path + "/data/grisms/grism_300.dat"
        infile = open(filename, "r")
        input = sio.read_array(infile)
        spline = interpolate.splrep(input[:, 0], input[:, 1], s=0)
        eff = interpolate.splev(wave, spline)
        eff[wave < 5100.] = 1.
        eff[wave > 7200.] = 1.
        dich *= eff
        del input, spline
        dich = scipy.ones(wave.size)
    wave = scipy.arange(3400., 10400., 0.1)
    wavemodel = interpolate.splev(wave, wavecalmodel)
    goodmodel = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(wavemodel, linewidth * scale / 0.12)
    goodmodel *= dich
    goodmodel = interpolate.splrep(wave, goodmodel, s=0)

    extra = [linefile, cutoff, 3000]
    extractwidth = 15

    del arc, wave, smooth
	Use the skyarcmatch routine if the 300grism is employed, otherwise
	  just match the arclines.
    if dichroic == '680' and disperser == "300/5000":
        from lris.lris_blue.skyarcmatch import arcmatch as wavematch
        extra2 = [linefile, 6850, 3500]
        from lris.lris_blue.arcmatch import arcmatch as wavematch
        extra2 = extra
	This could be improved by making the arrays the (pre-determined) size
	  stipulated by the red and blue cutoffs.
    print "Creating output arrays"
    outlength = int(axis2 * 1.6)
    out = scipy.zeros((nsci, nsize, outlength), scipy.float32) * scipy.nan
    out2 = scipy.zeros((2, csize, outlength), scipy.float32) * scipy.nan
        For systems with limited RAM, it might make sense to cache the output
          arrays to disk. This increases the time it takes to run but may be
          necessary and also allows the progress of the reduction to be
    if cache:
        import os
        print "Caching..."
        strtfile = out_prefix + "_TMPSTRT.fits"
        bgfile = out_prefix + "_TMPBSUB.fits"

        outfile = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(out)
        outfile.header.update('CTYPE1', 'LINEAR')
        outfile.header.update('CRPIX1', 1)
        outfile.header.update('CRVAL1', mswave - (0.5 * out2.shape[2]) * scale)
        outfile.header.update('CD1_1', scale)
        outfile.header.update('CTYPE2', 'LINEAR')
        outfile.header.update('CRPIX2', 1)
        outfile.header.update('CRVAL2', 1)
        outfile.header.update('CD2_2', 1)
        if nsci > 1:
            outfile.header.update('CTYPE3', 'LINEAR')
            outfile.header.update('CRPIX3', 1)
            outfile.header.update('CRVAL3', 1)
            outfile.header.update('CD3_3', 1)
        del outfile, out


        outfile = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(out2)
        outfile.header.update('CTYPE1', 'LINEAR')
        outfile.header.update('CRPIX1', 1)
        outfile.header.update('CRVAL1', mswave - (0.5 * out2.shape[2]) * scale)
        outfile.header.update('CD1_1', scale)
        outfile.header.update('CTYPE2', 'LINEAR')
        outfile.header.update('CRPIX2', 1)
        outfile.header.update('CRVAL2', 1)
        outfile.header.update('CD2_2', 1)
        outfile.header.update('CTYPE3', 'LINEAR')
        outfile.header.update('CRPIX3', 1)
        outfile.header.update('CRVAL3', 1)
        outfile.header.update('CD3_3', 1)
        del outfile, out2

    logfile = open(logfile.name, 'a')
    logfile.write('Beginning Wavelength Solution and Resampling\n')
        Loop through all of the slits, determining the wavelength solution and
          performing the background subtraction. It might be more robust to
          determine all wavelength solutions, then jointly determine a 'master'
          solution.... posc stores the current (starting) position of the
          coadded array, and posn stores the current position of the straight
          array. off is 0 while looping over the bottom and YMID for the top. n
	  is the number of bottom slits, so that the 1st top slit is n+1.
    nbottom = len(slits['bottom'])
    nslits = nbottom + len(slits['top'])
    posc = 0
    posn = 0
    count = 1
    off = 0
    n = 0
    narrow = slits['bottom']
    wide = wide_slits['bottom']
    """ Debugging feature; set to 1 to skip background subtraction """
    lris.lris_blue.skysub.RESAMPLE = 0
    for k in range(nslits):
		When we have finished all of the bottom slits, switch
		  parameters over to their top values.
        if k == nbottom:
            arc_ycor = get_arc(out_prefix)
            yforw = get_yforw(out_prefix)
            yback = get_yback(out_prefix)
            n = nbottom
            off = YMID
            narrow = slits['top']
            wide = wide_slits['top']
        i, j = narrow[k - n]
        a, b = wide[k - n]
        """ Debugging feature; change number to skip initial slits """
        if count < 1:
            count += 1

        print "Working on slit %d (%d to %d)" % (count, i + off, j + off)
        logfile = open(logfile.name, 'a')
        logfile.write("Working on slit %d (%d to %d)\n" %
                      (count, i + off, j + off))
        sky2x, sky2y, ccd2wave = wavematch(a, scidata[:, a + off:b + off],
                                           arc_ycor[i:j], yforw[i:j],
                                           widemodel, finemodel, goodmodel,
                                           linemodel, scale, mswave, extra,
        logfile = open(logfile.name, 'a')
        strt, bgsub, varimg = doskysub(i, j - i, outlength,
                                       scidata[:, a + off:b + off], yback[a:b],
                                       sky2x, sky2y, ccd2wave, scale, mswave,
                                       center, extra2)
        """ Store the resampled 2d spectra """
        h = strt.shape[1]
        if cache:
            file = pyfits.open(strtfile, mode="update")
            out = file[0].data
        out[:, posn:posn + h] = strt.copy()
        if cache:
            del file, out
        posn += h + 5

        if lris.lris_blue.skysub.RESAMPLE == 1:
            count += 1
        """ Store the resampled, background subtracted 2d spectra """
        h = bgsub.shape[0]
        if cache:
            file = pyfits.open(bgfile, mode="update")
            out2 = file[0].data
        out2[0, posc:posc + h] = bgsub.copy()
        out2[1, posc:posc + h] = varimg.copy()
        if cache:
            del file, out2
        posc += h + 5
        """ Find and extract object traces """
        tmp = scipy.where(scipy.isnan(bgsub), 0., bgsub)
        filter = tmp.sum(axis=0)
        mod = scipy.where(filter != 0)
        start = mod[0][0]
        end = mod[0][-1] + 1
        del tmp
        slit = bgsub[:, start:end]
        spectra = extract(slit, varimg[:, start:end], extractwidth)
        num = 1
        crval = mswave - (0.5 * bgsub.shape[1] - start) * scale
        for spec in spectra:
            for item in spec:
                if item.size == 4:
                    hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU()
                    hdu.header.update('CENTER', item[2])
                    hdu.header.update('WIDTH', item[3])
                    hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu])
                    thdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(item)
                    thdu.header.update('CRVAL1', crval)
                    thdu.header.update('CD1_1', scale)
                    thdu.header.update('CRPIX1', 1)
                    thdu.header.update('CRVAL2', 1)
                    thdu.header.update('CD2_2', 1)
                    thdu.header.update('CRPIX2', 1)
                    thdu.header.update('CTYPE1', 'LINEAR')
            outname = out_prefix + "_spec_%02d_%02d.fits" % (count, num)
            num += 1

        count += 1
    """ Output 2d spectra"""
    if cache:
        file = pyfits.open(bgfile)
        out2 = file[0].data.copy()
        del file
    tmp = out2[0].copy()
    tmp = scipy.where(scipy.isnan(tmp), 0, 1)
    mod = scipy.where(tmp.sum(axis=0) != 0)
    start = mod[0][0]
    end = mod[0][-1] + 1
    del tmp

    outname = out_prefix + "_bgsub.fits"
    outfile = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(out2[0, :, start:end])
    outfile.header.update('CTYPE1', 'LINEAR')
    outfile.header.update('CRPIX1', 1)
                          mswave - (0.5 * out2.shape[2] - start) * scale)
    outfile.header.update('CD1_1', scale)
    outfile.header.update('CRPIX2', 1)
    outfile.header.update('CRVAL2', 1)
    outfile.header.update('CD2_2', 1)
    hdr = outfile.header.copy()

    outname = out_prefix + "_var.fits"
    outfile = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(out2[1, :, start:end])
    outfile.header = hdr
    del out2, hdr

    if cache:
        file = pyfits.open(strtfile)
        out = file[0].data.copy()
        del file
    outname = out_prefix + "_straight.fits"
    outfile = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(out[:, :, start:end])
    outfile.header.update('CTYPE1', 'LINEAR')
    outfile.header.update('CRPIX1', 1)
                          mswave - (0.5 * out.shape[2] - start) * scale)
    outfile.header.update('CD1_1', scale)
    outfile.header.update('CRPIX2', 1)
    outfile.header.update('CRVAL2', 1)
    outfile.header.update('CD2_2', 1)
    if nsci > 1:
        outfile.header.update('CRPIX3', 1)
        outfile.header.update('CRVAL3', 1)
        outfile.header.update('CD3_3', 1)

    del out, outfile
def lris_pipeline(prefix,dir,scinames,arcname,flatnames,out_prefix,useflat=0,usearc=0,cache=0,offsets=None):
	print "Processing mask",out_prefix

	nsci = len(scinames)

	print "Preparing flatfields"
	if useflat==1:
		yforw,yback,slits,starboxes,flatnorm = flatload(out_prefix)
		yforw,yback,slits,starboxes,flatnorm = flatpipe(flatnames,out_prefix)
	axis1 = flatnorm.shape[0]
	axis2 = flatnorm.shape[1]

	Read lamps data from the arclamp file; this is unnecssary for the red
	  side unless the line fitting is altered to better calibrate the blue
	  end (ie for 460 dichroic data).
	print "Preparing arcs for line identification"
	if usearc==1:
		arcdata = biastrim(pyfits.open(arcname)[0].data)
		arcname = out_prefix+"_arc.fits"
		arc_tmp = pyfits.open(arcname)
		arc_ycor = arc_tmp[0].data.astype(scipy.float32)
		lamps = arc_tmp[0].header['LAMPS']
		del arc_tmp
		arc_tmp = pyfits.open(arcname)
		arcdata = arc_tmp[0].data.copy()
		lamps = arc_tmp[0].header['LAMPS']
		del arc_tmp
		arcdata = biastrim(arcdata)
		arc_ycor = spectools.resampley(arcdata,yforw).astype(scipy.float32)
		arcname = out_prefix+"_arc.fits"
		arc_hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(arc_ycor)
		del arc_hdu

	Skysubtraction, centering, &c. may work better if there is some slop on
	  the sides of the data (the slit definitions have been created to only
	  include good data, so 'bad' edges are rejected).
	wide_stars = []
	for i,j in starboxes:
		mod = scipy.where((yback<j)&(yback>i))
		a = mod[0].min()-3
		b = mod[0].max()+3
		if a<0:
			a = 0
		if b>axis1:
			b = axis1

	print "Bias trimming and flatfielding science data"
	scidata = scipy.zeros((nsci,axis1,axis2),'f4')
	center = scipy.zeros((nsci,len(starboxes)),'f4')
	flux = scipy.zeros((nsci),'f4')
	airmass = []
	for i in range(nsci):
		filename = scinames[i]
		scitmp = pyfits.open(filename)

		scidatatmp = scitmp[0].data.copy()
		scidatatmp = biastrim(scidatatmp).astype(scipy.float32)

		The biastrim routine should take care of bad columns, but this
		  is just in case; we do a simple linear interpolation over
		  bad columns.
		bad = scipy.where(scidatatmp>56000.)
		nbad = bad[0].size
		for k in range(nbad):
			y = bad[0][k]
			x = bad[1][k]
			if x==0:
				x1 = x+1
				x2 = x+1
			elif x == scidatatmp.shape[1]-1:
				x1 = x-1
				x2 = x-1
				x1 = x-1
				x2 = x+1
			scidatatmp[y,x] = \

		Apply the flatfield and copy the data into the working array.
		scidatatmp = scidatatmp/flatnorm
		scidata[i,:,:] = scidatatmp.copy()

		Copy key header keywords; note that old data might not have
		  MSWAVE or DICHNAME keywords.
			mswave = scitmp[0].header['MSWAVE']
			mswave = 6500.
		disperser = scitmp[0].header['GRANAME']
			dichroic = scitmp[0].header['DICHNAME']
			dichroic = None

		This should give a reasonable estimate of the sky level; the
		  program does a dumb scaling (to the level of exposure with the
		  highest sky level)
		flux[i] = scipy.sort(scipy.ravel(scidatatmp))[scidatatmp.size/4]

		Centroid stars in starboxes to find shifts between mask
		for j in range(len(starboxes)):
			a,b = starboxes[j]
			m,n = wide_stars[j]
			a -= 4
			b += 4
			m -= 2
			n += 2
			if m<0:
				m = 0
			if n>scidatatmp.shape[0]:
				n = scidatatmp.shape[0]
			if a<0:
				a = 0
			if b>yforw.shape[0]:
				b = yforw.shape[0]
			center[i,j] = offset.findoffset(scidatatmp[m:n],yforw[a:b],m)

		del scitmp
		del scidatatmp
	del flatnorm

	This implements the mechanism for manually entering offsets (if for
	  example we dithered the stars out of the starboxes).
	if offsets is not None:
		center = scipy.asarray(offsets)
		center = stats.stats.nanmean(center,axis=1)

	Perform the flux scaling and set the offsets relative to each other.
	print "Normalizing Fluxes"
	cmax = center.max()
	fmax = flux.max()
	for i in range(center.size):
		center[i] -= cmax
		ratio = fmax/flux[i]
		scidata[i] *= ratio
	cmax = ceil(fabs(center.min()))

	Set the output scale (and approximate input scale), as well as blue
	  cutoff limits.
	if disperser=="150/7500":
		scale = 4.8
	elif disperser=="300/5000":
		scale = 2.45
	elif disperser=="400/8500":
		scale = 1.85
	elif disperser=="600/5000":
		scale = 1.25
	elif disperser=="600/7500":
		scale = 1.25
	elif disperser=="600/10000":
		scale = 1.25
	elif disperser=="831/8200":
		scale = 0.915
	elif disperser=="900/5500":
		scale = 0.85
	elif disperser=="1200/7500":
		scale = 0.64

	if dichroic=='mirror':
		redcutoff = 4000.
		dich_file = ''
	elif dichroic=='460':
		redcutoff = 4600.  # I haven't checked this...
		dich_file = '460'
	elif dichroic=='500':
		redcutoff = 5000.  # I haven't checked this...
		dich_file = '500'
	elif dichroic=='560':
		redcutoff = 5500.
		dich_file = '560'
	elif dichroic=='680':
		redcutoff = 6700.
		dich_file = '680'
		redcutoff = 3500.
		dich_file = ''

	Determine the y-size of the output arrays. We also find an estimate of
	  the mask resolution while looping through. Only every seventh slit
	  is examined to expedite the process.
	nsize = 0
	csize = 0
	wide_slits = []
	linewidth = []
	for i,j in slits:
		csize += int(j-i+cmax) + 5
		nsize += j-i+5
		mod = scipy.where((yback>i)&(yback<j))
		a = mod[0].min()-4
		b = mod[0].max()+4
		if a<0:
			a = 0
		if b>axis1:
			b = axis1
		if len(wide_slits)%7==0:
	csize -= 5
	nsize -= 5

	linewidth = scipy.median(scipy.asarray(linewidth))

	print "Loading wavelength model"
	lris_path = lris.__path__[0]

	filename = lris_path+"/data/uves_sky.model"
	infile = open(filename,"r")
	wavecalmodel = pickle.load(infile)
	wave = scipy.arange(3400.,10400.,0.1)

	We make the sky spectrum slightly more realistic by taking into account
	  the dichroic cutoff. This mainly helps with matching the 5577 line
	  for the 560 dichroic. It would be nice if the response of the
	  instrument was somewhat well characterized for all grating/dichroic
	if dich_file!='':
		filename = lris_path+"/data/dichroics/dichroic_"+dich_file+"_t.dat"
		infile = open(filename,"r")
		#input = sio.read_array(infile)
		input = np.loadtxt(infile)
		spline = interpolate.splrep(input[:,0],input[:,1],s=0)
		dich = interpolate.splev(wave,spline)
		dich[wave<4500.] = 1.
		dich[wave>8800.] = 1.
		del input,spline
		dich = scipy.ones(wave.size)

	Create two sky spectrum spline models. One is a 'fine' model matched
	  to the resolution of the instrumental setup. The other is a widened
	  model for coarse wavelength matching.
	wavemodel = interpolate.splev(wave,wavecalmodel)
	finemodel = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(wavemodel,linewidth*scale/0.1)
	wavemodel = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(finemodel,5./0.1)
	finemodel *= dich
	finemodel = interpolate.splrep(wave,finemodel,s=0)
	wavemodel *= dich
	widemodel = interpolate.splrep(wave,wavemodel,s=0)
	goodmodel = finemodel
	del dich,wave,wavemodel

	""" See extract.py; sets default extraction width. """
	extractwidth = 10

	print "Creating output arrays"

	We choose an output array size that *should* be large enough to contain
	  all of the valid data (given reasonable assumptions about how far
	  the slits are placed from the center of the mask). We could also
	  decrease the needed size by enforcing the blue limit....
	outlength = int(axis2*1.6)
	out = scipy.zeros((nsci,nsize,outlength))*scipy.nan
	out2 = scipy.zeros((2,csize,outlength))*scipy.nan

	For systems with limited RAM, it might make sense to cache the output
	  arrays to disk. This increases the time it takes to run but may be
	  necessary and also allows the progress of the reduction to be
	if cache:
		import os
		print "Caching..."
		strtfile = out_prefix+"_TMPSTRT.fits"
		bgfile = out_prefix+"_TMPBSUB.fits"

		outfile = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(out)
		if nsci>1:
		del outfile,out


		outfile = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(out2)
		del outfile,out2

	Loop through all of the slits, determining the wavelength solution and
	  performing the background subtraction. It might be more robust to
	  determine all wavelength solutions, then jointly determine a 'master'
	  solution.... posc stores the current (starting) position of the
	  coadded array, and posn stores the current position of the straight
	posc = 0
	posn = 0
	count = 1

	""" Debugging feature; set to 1 to skip background subtraction """
	lris.lris_red.skysub.RESAMPLE = 0
	""" Extract 1d spectra? """
	do_extract = False

	for k in range(len(slits)):
		i,j = slits[k]
		a,b = wide_slits[k]

		""" Debugging feature; change number to skip initial slits """
		if count<1:
			count += 1

		print "Working on slit %d (%d to %d)" % (count,i,j)
		# Determine the wavelength solution
		sky2x,sky2y,ccd2wave = wavematch(a,scidata[:,a:b],arc_ycor[i:j],yforw[i:j],widemodel,finemodel,goodmodel,scale,mswave,redcutoff)
		# Resample and background subtract
		print 'Doing background subtraction'
		#scidata[0,a:b] = arcdata[a:b] # This line may be a debugging step that MWA put in.  See what happens with it missing.
		strt,bgsub,varimg = doskysub(i,j-i,outlength,scidata[:,a:b],yback[a:b],sky2x,sky2y,ccd2wave,scale,mswave,center,redcutoff,airmass)

		# Store the resampled 2d spectra
		h = strt.shape[1]
		if cache:
			file = pyfits.open(strtfile,mode="update")
			out = file[0].data
		out[:,posn:posn+h] = strt.copy()
		if cache:
			del file,out
		posn += h+5

		if lris.lris_red.skysub.RESAMPLE:
			count += 1

		# Store the resampled, background subtracted 2d spectra
		h = bgsub.shape[0]
		if cache:
			file = pyfits.open(bgfile,mode="update")
			out2 = file[0].data
		out2[0,posc:posc+h] = bgsub.copy()
		out2[1,posc:posc+h] = varimg.copy()
		if cache:
			del file,out2
		posc += h+5

		# Find and extract object traces
		if do_extract:
			print '  Extracting object spectra'
			tmp = scipy.where(scipy.isnan(bgsub),0.,bgsub)
			filter = tmp.sum(axis=0)
			mod = scipy.where(filter!=0)
			start = mod[0][0]
			end = mod[0][-1]+1
			del tmp
			slit = bgsub[:,start:end]
			spectra = extract(slit,varimg[:,start:end],extractwidth)
			num = 1
			crval = mswave-(0.5*bgsub.shape[1]-start)*scale
			for spec in spectra:
				for item in spec:
					if item.size==4:
						hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU()
						hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu])
						thdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(item)
					outname = out_prefix+"_spec_%02d_%02d.fits" % (count,num)
					num += 1

		count += 1

	""" Output 2d spectra """
	if cache:
		file = pyfits.open(bgfile)
		out2 = file[0].data.copy()
		del file
	tmp = out2[0].copy()
	tmp = scipy.where(scipy.isnan(tmp),0,1)
	mod = scipy.where(tmp.sum(axis=0)!=0)
	start = mod[0][0]
	end = mod[0][-1]+1
	del tmp

	outname = out_prefix+"_bgsub.fits"
	outfile = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(out2[0,:,start:end])
	hdr = outfile.header.copy()

	outname = out_prefix+"_var.fits"
	outfile = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(out2[1,:,start:end])
	del out2,hdr

	if cache:
		file = pyfits.open(strtfile)
		out = file[0].data.copy()
		del file
	for i in range(nsci):
		outname = out_prefix+"_straight_%d.fits" % (i+1)
		outfile = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(out[i,:,start:end])
		#if nsci>1:
		#	outfile.header.update('CRPIX3',1)
		#	outfile.header.update('CRVAL3',1)
		#	outfile.header.update('CD3_3',1)	
		del outfile

	del out