def addAll(self): cfgMotes = configuration.c.getCfgValueAsList("motes") for portName in cfgMotes: Motelist.addMote(portName, "A statically added mote", "") Motelist.initialize(self.motesUpdated, startPeriodicUpdate = True) self.refreshMotes(Motelist.getMotelist(False)) self.retrieveSelected()
def __init__(self, parent, API): super(ListenModule, self).__init__(parent) self.API = API self.haveMote = False self.listening = False self.args = {'serialPort': '/dev/ttyUSB0', 'baudrate': 38400} Motelist.addUpdateCallback(self.updateMotelist) self.SetBackgroundColour("white") self.main = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.listenControls = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.ports = wx.ComboBox(self, choices=[], size=(300, -1)) self.clear = wx.Button(self, label=localize("Start listening")) self.refresh = wx.Button(self, label=localize("Refresh")) self.clearOutput = wx.Button(self, label=localize("Clear")) self.saveOutput = wx.Button(self, label=localize("Save to file")) self.baudrate = wx.ComboBox(self, choices=[ '2400', '4800', '9600', '19200', '38400', '57600', '115200' ]) self.baudrate.SetSelection(4) self.ports.SetEditable(False) # Init outputArea for output self.outputArea = OutputArea(self, self.API, 1) self.updateStatus = self.outputArea.printLine self.clearOutputArea = self.outputArea.clear self.listenControls.Add(self.ports) self.listenControls.Add(self.baudrate) self.listenControls.Add(self.refresh) self.listenControls.Add(self.clear) self.listenControls.Add(self.clearOutput) self.listenControls.Add(self.saveOutput) self.main.Add(self.listenControls, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.wx.TOP | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT, 10) self.main.Add(self.outputArea, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.doClear, self.clear) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.updateMotelist, self.refresh) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.clearOutputArea, self.clearOutput) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.saveOutputArea, self.saveOutput) self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.changeTarget, self.ports) self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.changeBaudrate, self.baudrate) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.changeTarget, self.ports) #self.updateMotelist() self.SetSizer(self.main) self.main.Fit(self) self.Show()
def __init__(self, parent, API): super(UploadModule, self).__init__(parent=parent) self.API = API self.editorManager = self.API.tabManager.GetCurrentPage() self.filename = self.editorManager.fileName Motelist.addUpdateCallback(self.updateMotelist) self.tmpDir = self.API.path + '/temp/' self.haveMote = False self.platform = "telosb" self.moteOrder = list() # this is path from /osw/tools/IDE self.pathToMansos = self.API.path + "/../.." self.motes = [] self.main = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.controls = wx.GridBagSizer(10, 10) #self.source = wx.ComboBox(self, choices = ["USB", "Shell"]) #self.source.SetValue("USB") self.upload = wx.Button(self, label=localize("Upload")) self.platforms = wx.ComboBox(self, choices=self.API.getPlatforms()) self.refresh = wx.Button(self, label=localize("Refresh")) self.compile = wx.Button(self, label=localize("Compile")) self.newMote = wx.Button(self, label=localize("Add mote")) self.platforms.SetValue(self.API.getActivePlatform()) if self.API.platformOnly != None: self.platforms.Enable(False) self.controls.Add(self.compile, (0, 0), flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) self.controls.Add(self.platforms, (0, 1), flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) self.controls.Add(self.upload, (0, 2), span=(2, 2), flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) #self.controls.Add(self.source, (1, 1), flag = wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) self.controls.Add(self.newMote, (1, 1), flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) self.controls.Add(self.refresh, (1, 0), flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) self.list = wx.CheckListBox(self, wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.MULTIPLE) self.main.Add(self.controls, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3) self.main.Add(self.list, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.API.doCompile, self.compile) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.API.doUpload, self.upload) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.updateMotelist, self.refresh) #self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.populateMotelist, self.source) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.openNewMoteDialog, self.newMote) self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.API.changePlatform, self.platforms) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKLISTBOX, self.modifyTargets, self.list) self.SetSizerAndFit(self.main) self.SetAutoLayout(1) self.Show() self.updateMotelist()
def __init__(self, parent, API): super(UploadModule, self).__init__(parent = parent) self.API = API self.editorManager = self.API.tabManager.GetCurrentPage() self.filename = self.editorManager.fileName Motelist.addUpdateCallback(self.updateMotelist) self.tmpDir = self.API.path + '/temp/' self.haveMote = False self.platform = "telosb" self.moteOrder = list() # this is path from /mansos/tools/IDE self.pathToMansos = self.API.path + "/../.." self.motes = [] self.main = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.controls = wx.GridBagSizer(10, 10) #self.source = wx.ComboBox(self, choices = ["USB", "Shell"]) #self.source.SetValue("USB") self.upload = wx.Button(self, label = localize("Upload")) self.platforms = wx.ComboBox(self, choices = self.API.getPlatforms()) self.refresh = wx.Button(self, label = localize("Refresh")) self.compile = wx.Button(self, label = localize("Compile")) self.newMote = wx.Button(self, label = localize("Add mote")) self.platforms.SetValue(self.API.getActivePlatform()) if self.API.platformOnly != None: self.platforms.Enable(False) self.controls.Add(self.compile, (0, 0), flag = wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) self.controls.Add(self.platforms, (0, 1), flag = wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) self.controls.Add(self.upload, (0, 2), span = (2, 2), flag = wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) #self.controls.Add(self.source, (1, 1), flag = wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) self.controls.Add(self.newMote, (1, 1), flag = wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) self.controls.Add(self.refresh, (1, 0), flag = wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) self.list = wx.CheckListBox(self, wx.ID_ANY, style = wx.MULTIPLE) self.main.Add(self.controls, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3); self.main.Add(self.list, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3); self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.API.doCompile, self.compile) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.API.doUpload, self.upload) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.updateMotelist, self.refresh) #self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.populateMotelist, self.source) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.openNewMoteDialog, self.newMote) self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.API.changePlatform, self.platforms) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKLISTBOX, self.modifyTargets, self.list) self.SetSizerAndFit(self.main) self.SetAutoLayout(1) self.Show() self.updateMotelist()
def __init__(self, parent, API): super(ListenModule, self).__init__(parent) self.API = API self.haveMote = False self.listening = False self.args = { 'serialPort': '/dev/ttyUSB0', 'baudrate': 38400 } Motelist.addUpdateCallback(self.updateMotelist) self.SetBackgroundColour("white") self.main = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.listenControls = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.ports = wx.ComboBox(self, choices = [], size = (300, -1)) self.clear = wx.Button(self, label = localize("Start listening")) self.refresh = wx.Button(self, label = localize("Refresh")) self.clearOutput = wx.Button(self, label = localize("Clear")) self.saveOutput = wx.Button(self, label = localize("Save to file")) self.baudrate = wx.ComboBox(self, choices = ['2400', '4800', '9600', '19200', '38400', '57600', '115200']) self.baudrate.SetSelection(4); self.ports.SetEditable(False) # Init outputArea for output self.outputArea = OutputArea(self, self.API, 1) self.updateStatus = self.outputArea.printLine self.clearOutputArea = self.outputArea.clear self.listenControls.Add(self.ports) self.listenControls.Add(self.baudrate) self.listenControls.Add(self.refresh) self.listenControls.Add(self.clear) self.listenControls.Add(self.clearOutput) self.listenControls.Add(self.saveOutput) self.main.Add(self.listenControls, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.wx.TOP | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT, 10); self.main.Add(self.outputArea, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5); self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.doClear, self.clear) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.updateMotelist, self.refresh) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.clearOutputArea, self.clearOutput) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.saveOutputArea, self.saveOutput) self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.changeTarget, self.ports) self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.changeBaudrate, self.baudrate) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.changeTarget, self.ports) #self.updateMotelist() self.SetSizer(self.main) self.main.Fit(self) self.Show()
def loadUserMotes(self): # Read motelist from config file if os.path.exists(".motelist") and os.path.isfile(".motelist"): f = open(".motelist", 'r') lines = f.readlines() for x in lines: if x != '': if x.find("->") != -1: name, port = x.strip().split("->") Motelist.addMote(port, name, localize("User defined"))
def addAll(self): cfgMotes = configuration.c.getCfgValueAsList("motes") for portName in cfgMotes: Motelist.addMote(portName, "A statically added mote", "") Motelist.initialize(self.motesUpdated, False, False) Motelist.startPeriodicUpdate() self.refreshMotes(Motelist.getMotelist(False))
def changeTarget(self, newTarget = None): if newTarget == None: os.unsetenv("BSLPORT") try: os.environ["BSLPORT"] = Motelist.getMotelist(False)[0].getPort() except: pass else: os.environ["BSLPORT"] = newTarget
def addNewMote(self, event): if not Motelist.portExists(self.port.GetValue()): self.portError.SetLabel(localize("No device found on this port") + "!") self.SetSizerAndFit(self.main) self.SetAutoLayout(1) self.Show() else: if Motelist.addMote(self.port.GetValue(),, "User defined"): self.API.updateUserMotes() self.Close() else: self.portError.SetLabel(localize("There already is device on that port in list") + "!") self.SetSizerAndFit(self.main) self.SetAutoLayout(1) self.Show()
def changeTarget(self, newTarget=None): if newTarget == None: os.unsetenv("BSLPORT") try: os.environ["BSLPORT"] = Motelist.getMotelist( False)[0].getPort() except: pass else: os.environ["BSLPORT"] = newTarget
def saveUserMotes(self, name, port): os.chdir(self.path) f = open(".motelist", 'w') for mote in Motelist.getMotelist(False): if mote.isUserMote(): f.write(str(mote.getName()) + "->" + str(mote.getPort()) + '\n') f.close()
def saveUserMotes(self, name, port): os.chdir(self.path) f = open(".motelist", 'w') for mote in Motelist.getMotelist(False): if mote.isUserMote(): f.write( str(mote.getName()) + "->" + str(mote.getPort()) + '\n') f.close()
def manualyScanForMotes(prefix): prefix = str(prefix) retVal = list() print "Manualy scaning for motes with prefix: {}".format(prefix) for portNumber in range(20): if Motelist.addMote(prefix + str(portNumber), "TestMote", "Test description"): print "\tFound mote on port:", prefix + str(portNumber) retVal.append(prefix + str(portNumber)) print "Founded mote count: {}".format(len(retVal)) return retVal
def addNewMote(self, event): if not Motelist.portExists(self.port.GetValue()): self.portError.SetLabel( localize("No device found on this port") + "!") self.SetSizerAndFit(self.main) self.SetAutoLayout(1) self.Show() else: if Motelist.addMote(self.port.GetValue(),, "User defined"): self.API.updateUserMotes() self.Close() else: self.portError.SetLabel( localize("There already is device on that port in list") + "!") self.SetSizerAndFit(self.main) self.SetAutoLayout(1) self.Show()
def updateMotelist(self, event = None): old = self.list.GetCheckedStrings() pos = 0 self.list.Clear() for mote in Motelist.getMotelist(False): self.list.Enable(True) self.list.Insert(mote.getNiceName(), pos) if mote.getNiceName() in old: self.list.Check(pos) pos += 1 if self.list.GetCount() == 0: self.list.Enable(False) self.list.Insert(localize("No devices found!"), 0)
def updateMotelist(self, event = None): oldVal = self.ports.GetValue() self.haveMote = False self.ports.Clear() for mote in Motelist.getMotelist(False): if not self.haveMote: self.args['serialPort'] = mote.getPort() self.haveMote = True self.ports.Append(mote.getNiceName()) self.ports.SetStringSelection(oldVal) if self.ports.GetValue() == "": if self.haveMote: self.ports.SetValue(localize("Use default device")) else: self.ports.SetValue(localize("No devices found"))
def updateMotelist(self, event=None): oldVal = self.ports.GetValue() self.haveMote = False self.ports.Clear() for mote in Motelist.getMotelist(False): if not self.haveMote: self.args['serialPort'] = mote.getPort() self.haveMote = True self.ports.Append(mote.getNiceName()) self.ports.SetStringSelection(oldVal) if self.ports.GetValue() == "": if self.haveMote: self.ports.SetValue(localize("Use default device")) else: self.ports.SetValue(localize("No devices found"))
prefix = "/dev/tty." # Not tested else: print("Your OS ('{}') is not supported, sorry!".format( exit(1) # This is done before any other action on Motelist, # to ensure that motelist is empty on manual scan, because # if there are already registred mote on that port, # motelist will ignore it. ports = manualyScanForMotes(prefix) readKey() # This actually updates motelist with all connected motes, # but found motes are not overwriten, because they already exist in the list. print "Printing motelist with manualy found motes\n" Motelist.printMotelist() readKey() # Clear stored motelist, to automatically detect conected motes. print "\nClearing motelist from manually found motes." Motelist.motes = list() readKey() # Automatically detect and print all connected motes. print "\nRunning automatic mote detection and printing motelist\n" Motelist.printMotelist() readKey() # Try to manually add previously found motes, should fail! print "\nTrying to add back previously manualy found motes(this should FAIL)" for port in ports:
def __del__(self): Motelist.removeUpdateCallback(self.updateMotelist)
def motesUpdated(): motes.refreshMotes(Motelist.getMotelist(False))
def periodicUpdateCallback(): motelist = Motelist.getMotelist(False) print "Periodic update result:", "Empty" if len(motelist) == 0 else "" for mote in motelist: print "\t{}".format(mote.getCSVData())
prefix = "/dev/tty." # Not tested else: print ("Your OS ('{}') is not supported, sorry!".format( exit(1) # This is done before any other action on Motelist, # to ensure that motelist is empty on manual scan, because # if there are already registred mote on that port, # motelist will ignore it. ports = manualyScanForMotes(prefix) readKey() # This actually updates motelist with all connected motes, # but found motes are not overwriten, because they already exist in the list. print "Printing motelist with manualy found motes\n" Motelist.printMotelist() readKey() # Clear stored motelist, to automatically detect conected motes. print "\nClearing motelist from manually found motes." Motelist.motes = list() readKey() # Automatically detect and print all connected motes. print "\nRunning automatic mote detection and printing motelist\n" Motelist.printMotelist() readKey() # Try to manually add previously found motes, should fail! print "\nTrying to add back previously manualy found motes(this should FAIL)" for port in ports:
def __init__(self, argv): self.loaded = False self.config = wx.Config("OSW-IDE", style = wx.CONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE) self.path = os.getcwd() # All functions here will be called upon exit self.onExit = [Settings.saveConfig] Settings() # All defined platforms self.platforms = self.getPlatformsFromMakefile() self.platformOnly = None self.excludedPlatforms = list() self.activePlatform = self.platforms.index("telosb") # Flag indicates that next thread's output shouldn't trigger # force switching to info area tab. self.supressTabSwitching = False self.targets = [None] self.targetType = "USB" self.activeThreads = {} self.onExit.append(self.killAllThreads) if LOG_TO_FILE: path = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.path) self.logFile = open(LOG_FILE_NAME, "a") os.chdir(path) self.onExit.append(self.logFile.close) # this is path from /osw/tools/IDE self.pathToMansos = os.path.join(self.path, "../..") # Try to get system default font #font = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) #self.fontName = font.GetFaceName() #if self.fontName != "": # print "Using system default font: {}".format(self.fontName) #else: self.fontName = "Courier New" # print "Can't find system default font, defaulting to {}".\ # format(self.fontName) self.listenModules = list() self.editors = list() icon = os.path.normpath('../../doc/osw-32x32.ico') ### Module initializations # Visual objects here can be used in forms only after they have been re-parented # using their Reparent() function, else they won't be visible! self.emptyFrame = wx.Frame(None) # Defines seal syntax self.sealSyntax = SealSyntax(self) # Init translation module Translater(self) # Init output_tools #self.outputTools = OutputTools(self.emptyFrame, self) # Init outputArea for info, 1st tab self.infoArea = OutputArea(self.emptyFrame, self, 0) self.printInfo = self.infoArea.printLine self.clearInfoArea = self.infoArea.clear # Init blockly handler if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, Settings.get("blockly_location"))): self.blockly = Blockly(self.emptyFrame, self) self.foundBlockly = True else: print "Warning: No SEAL-Blockly found!" self.foundBlockly = False # Init seal parser self.sealParser = seal_parser.SealParser("msp430", self.printInfo, False, True) # Init tab manager self.tabManager = TabManager(self.emptyFrame, self) # Init listenModule self.listenModules.append(ListenModule(self.emptyFrame, self)) self.editPanel = ScrolledPanel(self.emptyFrame) self.editWindow = EditStatement(self.editPanel, self) self.frame = Frame(None, "OSW IDE", (0, 0), (0, 0), self) #self.outputTools.addTools() self.compiler = DoCompile(self) self.uploader = DoUpload(self) ### Shortcuts # This allows modules to be disabled and dummy functions attached, so other # modules can keep saving the day... Each module updates his functions at # startup and restores them at termination. All function calls between modules # should go through here, but this ain't perfect world :( self.getKeywords = self.sealSyntax.getKeywords #self.printInfo = self.dummyPrint self.printOutput = self.dummyPrint # Check if icon can be found if os.path.exists(icon): self.frame.SetIcon(wx.Icon(icon, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO, 32, 32)) else: self.logMsg(LOG_WARNING, "Icon not found in '{}'!".format(icon)) # Check that everything is OK assert len(self.emptyFrame.GetChildren()) == 0, \ "There are parentless objects after API initialization.\n{}".format(\ self.emptyFrame.GetChildren()) self.syncModuleCheckboxes() # Initialize upload targets self.uploadTargets = ([], localize('the default device')) # Load last used tabs self.tabManager.loadRememberedTabs() for x in argv: self.tabManager.addPage(x) self.frame.auiManager.Update() self.loaded = True self.frame.checkToggleState() Motelist.startPeriodicUpdate() self.onExit.append(Motelist.stopPeriodicUpdate) self.loadUserMotes()
def __init__(self, argv): self.loaded = False self.config = wx.Config("MansOS-IDE", style=wx.CONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE) self.path = os.getcwd() # All functions here will be called upon exit self.onExit = [Settings.saveConfig] Settings() # All defined platforms self.platforms = self.getPlatformsFromMakefile() self.platformOnly = None self.excludedPlatforms = list() self.activePlatform = self.platforms.index("telosb") # Flag indicates that next thread's output shouldn't trigger # force switching to info area tab. self.supressTabSwitching = False self.targets = [None] self.targetType = "USB" self.activeThreads = {} self.onExit.append(self.killAllThreads) if LOG_TO_FILE: path = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.path) self.logFile = open(LOG_FILE_NAME, "a") os.chdir(path) self.onExit.append(self.logFile.close) # this is path from /mansos/tools/IDE self.pathToMansos = os.path.join(self.path, "../..") # Try to get system default font #font = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) #self.fontName = font.GetFaceName() #if self.fontName != "": # print "Using system default font: {}".format(self.fontName) #else: self.fontName = "Courier New" # print "Can't find system default font, defaulting to {}".\ # format(self.fontName) self.listenModules = list() self.editors = list() icon = os.path.normpath('../../doc/mansos-32x32.ico') ### Module initializations # Visual objects here can be used in forms only after they have been re-parented # using their Reparent() function, else they won't be visible! self.emptyFrame = wx.Frame(None) # Defines seal syntax self.sealSyntax = SealSyntax(self) # Init translation module Translater(self) # Init output_tools #self.outputTools = OutputTools(self.emptyFrame, self) # Init outputArea for info, 1st tab self.infoArea = OutputArea(self.emptyFrame, self, 0) self.printInfo = self.infoArea.printLine self.clearInfoArea = self.infoArea.clear # Init blockly handler if os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.path, Settings.get("blockly_location"))): self.blockly = Blockly(self.emptyFrame, self) self.foundBlockly = True else: print "Warning: No SEAL-Blockly found!" self.foundBlockly = False # Init seal parser self.sealParser = seal_parser.SealParser("msp430", self.printInfo, False, True) # Init tab manager self.tabManager = TabManager(self.emptyFrame, self) # Init listenModule self.listenModules.append(ListenModule(self.emptyFrame, self)) self.editPanel = ScrolledPanel(self.emptyFrame) self.editWindow = EditStatement(self.editPanel, self) self.frame = Frame(None, "MansOS IDE", (0, 0), (0, 0), self) #self.outputTools.addTools() self.compiler = DoCompile(self) self.uploader = DoUpload(self) ### Shortcuts # This allows modules to be disabled and dummy functions attached, so other # modules can keep saving the day... Each module updates his functions at # startup and restores them at termination. All function calls between modules # should go through here, but this ain't perfect world :( self.getKeywords = self.sealSyntax.getKeywords #self.printInfo = self.dummyPrint self.printOutput = self.dummyPrint # Check if icon can be found if os.path.exists(icon): self.frame.SetIcon(wx.Icon(icon, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO, 32, 32)) else: self.logMsg(LOG_WARNING, "Icon not found in '{}'!".format(icon)) # Check that everything is OK assert len(self.emptyFrame.GetChildren()) == 0, \ "There are parentless objects after API initialization.\n{}".format(\ self.emptyFrame.GetChildren()) self.syncModuleCheckboxes() # Initialize upload targets self.uploadTargets = ([], localize('the default device')) # Load last used tabs self.tabManager.loadRememberedTabs() for x in argv: self.tabManager.addPage(x) self.frame.auiManager.Update() self.loaded = True self.frame.checkToggleState() Motelist.startPeriodicUpdate() self.onExit.append(Motelist.stopPeriodicUpdate) self.loadUserMotes()