def main(): import sys if path.exists('data/coordinates_1.yml'): os.remove('data/coordinates_1.yml') points = None waterLevelSlots = None try: fn = sys.argv[1] except: fn = 0 cap = video.create_capture(fn) def fetchShortIntervalVideos(ctrl, motion_detector, coordinates_data, times, statuses, lock): with lock: videoFilePath, hasIncomingVideoCaptureChanged = ctrl.getVideoFilePath() return videoFilePath, hasIncomingVideoCaptureChanged, motion_detector, coordinates_data, times, statuses threadn = cv.getNumberOfCPUs() pending = deque() lock = Lock() pool = ThreadPool(processes = threadn, initializer = init_child, initargs=(lock,)) threaded_mode = True ctrl = None motionDetector = None lastsave = 0 coordinates_data = None times = None statuses = None pointsCaptured = False while True: with lock: while len(pending) > 1 and pending[0].ready() and pending[1].ready(): payload = pending.popleft().get() if len(payload) == 6: videoFilePath, hasIncomingVideoCaptureChanged, motion_detector, coordinates_data, times, statuses = payload if videoFilePath == None and hasIncomingVideoCaptureChanged == None: break else: if hasIncomingVideoCaptureChanged == True: capture = cv.VideoCapture(videoFilePath) while capture.isOpened(): result, frame = if not result: capture.release() continue else: res, evaluated_waterLevelSlots = motion_detector.process_algo_per_frame(frame, capture, coordinates_data, times, statuses) draw_str(res, (5, 20), WaterLevelSlots.LEVEL_REACHED_MSG + str(evaluated_waterLevelSlots.get_current_water_level())) if time.time() - lastsave > 1: lastsave = time.time() persistWaterLevelData(evaluated_waterLevelSlots.get_current_water_level()) cv.namedWindow('flood-detection', cv.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv.setWindowProperty('flood-detection', 0, 1) cv.imshow('flood-detection', res) if len(pending) < threadn: if not pointsCaptured: _ret, frame = points = getPoints(frame, points) waterLevelSlots = WaterLevelSlots(len(points)) ctrl = Controller(points, None, None) motionDetector = MotionDetector(points, 1, waterLevelSlots) coordinates_data, times, statuses = motionDetector.detect_motion_activity() pointsCaptured = True if threaded_mode: task_put_videos = pool.apply_async(captureShortIntervalVideos, (cap, lock)) task_get_videos = pool.apply_async(fetchShortIntervalVideos, (ctrl, motionDetector, coordinates_data, times, statuses, lock)) pending.append(task_put_videos) pending.append(task_get_videos) ch = cv.waitKey(1) if ch == ord(' '): threaded_mode = not threaded_mode if ch == 27: break print('Done') cap.release()
def main(): import sys if path.exists('data/coordinates_1.yml'): os.remove('data/coordinates_1.yml') points = None carPark = None try: fn = sys.argv[1] except: fn = 1 cap = video.create_capture(fn) def fetchShortIntervalVideos(ctrl, motion_detector, coordinates_data, times, statuses, lock): with lock: videoFilePath, hasIncomingVideoCaptureChanged = ctrl.getVideoFilePath( ) return videoFilePath, hasIncomingVideoCaptureChanged, motion_detector, coordinates_data, times, statuses threadn = cv.getNumberOfCPUs() pending = deque() lock = Lock() pool = ThreadPool(processes=threadn, initializer=init_child, initargs=(lock, )) threaded_mode = True ctrl = None motionDetector = None lastsave = 0 coordinates_data = None times = None statuses = None pointsCaptured = False while True: with lock: while len(pending) > 1 and pending[0].ready() and pending[1].ready( ): payload = pending.popleft().get() if len(payload) == 6: videoFilePath, hasIncomingVideoCaptureChanged, motion_detector, coordinates_data, times, statuses = payload if videoFilePath == None and hasIncomingVideoCaptureChanged == None: break else: if hasIncomingVideoCaptureChanged == True: capture = cv.VideoCapture(videoFilePath) while capture.isOpened(): result, frame = if not result: capture.release() continue else: res, evaluated_carPark = motion_detector.process_algo_per_frame( frame, capture, coordinates_data, times, statuses) draw_str( res, (5, 20), CarParkData.TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_SLOTS + str(evaluated_carPark. get_total_car_park_slots())) draw_str( res, (5, 40), CarParkData. NUMBER_OF_CARPARK_SLOTS_AVAILABLE + str(evaluated_carPark. get_available_carpark_slots())) if carPark.is_carpark_full(): draw_str_red( res, (5, 60), CarParkData.CARPARK_FULL_MESSAGE) else: draw_str_green( res, (5, 60), CarParkData. CARPARK_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE) #latest_modified_date_time = #draw_str(res, (440,20), latest_modified_date_time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S ')) json = '[' for carpark_slot in evaluated_carPark.get_carpark_slots( ): json = json + carpark_slot.toJSON( ) + ',' json = json[:-1] json = json + ']' json = json.replace('\n', '') json = json.replace('\t', '') json = json.replace('\r', '') json = json.replace("\'", '') json = json.replace(' ', '') #retval, buffer = cv.imencode('.jpg', res) #jpg_as_text = base64.b64encode(buffer) if time.time() - lastsave > 1: lastsave = time.time() persistSmartParkRealTime( None, None, evaluated_carPark. get_total_car_park_slots(), evaluated_carPark. get_available_carpark_slots(), json, None, None) cv.namedWindow('smart-parking', cv.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv.setWindowProperty('smart-parking', 0, 1) cv.imshow('smart-parking', res) if len(pending) < threadn: if not pointsCaptured: _ret, frame = points = getPoints(frame, points) carPark = CarParkData('SmartCarPark', len(points)) ctrl = Controller(points, None, None) motionDetector = MotionDetector(points, 1, carPark) coordinates_data, times, statuses = motionDetector.detect_motion_activity( ) pointsCaptured = True if threaded_mode: task_put_videos = pool.apply_async(captureShortIntervalVideos, (cap, lock)) task_get_videos = pool.apply_async( fetchShortIntervalVideos, (ctrl, motionDetector, coordinates_data, times, statuses, lock)) pending.append(task_put_videos) pending.append(task_get_videos) ch = cv.waitKey(1) if ch == ord(' '): threaded_mode = not threaded_mode if ch == 27: break print('Done') cap.release()