class ParticleFilter: ''' Monte Carlo Localization based on odometry and a laser scanner. ''' def __init__(self): # Get parameters self.particle_filter_frame = rospy.get_param("~particle_filter_frame") self.MAX_PARTICLES = int(rospy.get_param("~num_particles")) self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES = int(rospy.get_param("~max_viz_particles")) self.PUBLISH_ODOM = bool(rospy.get_param("~publish_odom", "1")) self.ANGLE_STEP = int(rospy.get_param("~angle_step")) self.DO_VIZ = bool(rospy.get_param("~do_viz")) # MCL algorithm self.iters = 0 self.lidar_initialized = False self.odom_initialized = False self.map_initialized = False self.last_odom_pose = None # last received odom pose self.last_stamp = None self.laser_angles = None self.downsampled_angles = None self.state_lock = Lock() # paritcles self.inferred_pose = None self.particles = np.zeros((self.MAX_PARTICLES, 3)) self.particle_indices = np.arange(self.MAX_PARTICLES) self.weights = np.ones(self.MAX_PARTICLES) / float(self.MAX_PARTICLES) # Initialize the models self.motion_model = MotionModel() self.sensor_model = SensorModel() # initialize the state self.smoothing = Utils.CircularArray(10) self.timer = Utils.Timer(10) self.initialize_global() # map self.permissible_region = None self.SHOW_FINE_TIMING = False # these topics are for visualization self.pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pf/viz/inferred_pose", PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.particle_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pf/viz/particles", PoseArray, queue_size=1) self.pub_fake_scan = rospy.Publisher("/pf/viz/fake_scan", LaserScan, queue_size=1) self.path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/pf/viz/path', Path, queue_size=1) self.path = Path() if self.PUBLISH_ODOM: self.odom_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pf/pose/odom", Odometry, queue_size=1) # these topics are for coordinate space things self.pub_tf = tf.TransformBroadcaster() # these topics are to receive data from the racecar self.laser_sub = rospy.Subscriber(rospy.get_param( "~scan_topic", "/scan"), LaserScan, self.callback_lidar, queue_size=1) self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber(rospy.get_param( "~odom_topic", "/odom"), Odometry, self.callback_odom, queue_size=1) self.pose_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.clicked_pose, queue_size=1) self.click_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/clicked_point", PointStamped, self.clicked_pose, queue_size=1) print "Finished initializing, waiting on messages..." def initialize_global(self): ''' Spread the particle distribution over the permissible region of the state space. ''' print("GLOBAL INITIALIZATION") # randomize over grid coordinate space self.state_lock.acquire() print('Waiting for map..') while not self.sensor_model.map_set: continue self.map_initialized = True self.permissible_region = self.sensor_model.permissible_region = self.map_info = self.sensor_model.map_info permissible_x, permissible_y = np.where(self.permissible_region == 1) indices = np.random.randint(0, len(permissible_x), size=self.MAX_PARTICLES) permissible_states = np.zeros((self.MAX_PARTICLES, 3)) permissible_states[:, 0] = permissible_y[indices] permissible_states[:, 1] = permissible_x[indices] permissible_states[:, 2] = np.random.random( self.MAX_PARTICLES) * np.pi * 2.0 Utils.map_to_world(permissible_states, self.map_info) self.particles = permissible_states self.weights[:] = 1.0 / self.MAX_PARTICLES self.state_lock.release() def initialize_particles_pose(self, pose): ''' Initialize particles in the general region of the provided pose. ''' print "SETTING POSE" print pose self.state_lock.acquire() self.weights = np.ones(self.MAX_PARTICLES) / float(self.MAX_PARTICLES) self.particles[:, 0] = pose.position.x + np.random.normal( loc=0.0, scale=0.5, size=self.MAX_PARTICLES) self.particles[:, 1] = pose.position.y + np.random.normal( loc=0.0, scale=0.5, size=self.MAX_PARTICLES) self.particles[:, 2] = Utils.quaternion_to_angle( pose.orientation) + np.random.normal( loc=0.0, scale=0.4, size=self.MAX_PARTICLES) self.state_lock.release() def clicked_pose(self, msg): ''' Receive pose messages from RViz and initialize the particle distribution in response. ''' print('clicked_pose') if isinstance(msg, PointStamped): self.initialize_particles_pose(msg.pose.pose) #self.initialize_global() elif isinstance(msg, PoseWithCovarianceStamped): self.initialize_particles_pose(msg.pose.pose) def publish_tf(self, pose, stamp=None): """ Publish a tf for the car. This tells ROS where the car is with respect to the map. """ if stamp == None: stamp = # this may cause issues with the TF tree. If so, see the below code. self.pub_tf.sendTransform( (pose[0], pose[1], 0), tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2]), stamp, "/laser", "/map") # also publish odometry to facilitate getting the localization pose if self.PUBLISH_ODOM: odom = Odometry() odom.header = Utils.make_header("/map", stamp) odom.pose.pose.position.x = pose[0] odom.pose.pose.position.y = pose[1] odom.pose.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion(pose[2]) self.odom_pub.publish(odom) """ Our particle filter provides estimates for the "laser" frame since that is where our laser range estimates are measure from. Thus, We want to publish a "map" -> "laser" transform. However, the car's position is measured with respect to the "base_link" frame (it is the root of the TF tree). Thus, we should actually define a "map" -> "base_link" transform as to not break the TF tree. """ # Get map -> laser transform. map_laser_pos = np.array((pose[0], pose[1], 0)) map_laser_rotation = np.array( tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pose[2])) # Apply laser -> base_link transform to map -> laser transform # This gives a map -> base_link transform laser_base_link_offset = (0.265, 0, 0) map_laser_pos -= tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix( tf.transformations.unit_vector(map_laser_rotation))[:3, :3], laser_base_link_offset).T # Publish transform self.pub_tf.sendTransform(map_laser_pos, map_laser_rotation, stamp, self.particle_filter_frame, "/map") def publish_particles(self, particles): pa = PoseArray() pa.header = Utils.make_header("map") pa.poses = Utils.particles_to_poses(particles) self.particle_pub.publish(pa) def publish_scan(self, angles, ranges): ls = LaserScan() ls.header = Utils.make_header("laser", stamp=self.last_stamp) ls.angle_min = np.min(angles) ls.angle_max = np.max(angles) ls.angle_increment = np.abs(angles[0] - angles[1]) ls.range_min = 0 ls.range_max = np.max(ranges) ls.ranges = ranges self.pub_fake_scan.publish(ls) def visualize(self): ''' Publish various visualization messages. ''' if not self.DO_VIZ: return if self.pose_pub.get_num_connections() > 0 and isinstance( self.inferred_pose, np.ndarray): ps = PoseStamped() ps.header = Utils.make_header("map") ps.pose.position.x = self.inferred_pose[0] ps.pose.position.y = self.inferred_pose[1] ps.pose.orientation = Utils.angle_to_quaternion( self.inferred_pose[2]) self.pose_pub.publish(ps) if self.iters % 10 == 0: self.path.header = ps.header self.path.poses.append(ps) self.path_pub.publish(self.path) if self.particle_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: if self.MAX_PARTICLES > self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES: # randomly downsample particles proposal_indices = np.random.choice(self.particle_indices, self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES, p=self.weights) # proposal_indices = np.random.choice(self.particle_indices, self.MAX_VIZ_PARTICLES) self.publish_particles(self.particles[proposal_indices, :]) else: self.publish_particles(self.particles) if self.pub_fake_scan.get_num_connections() > 0 and isinstance( self.sensor_model.particle_scans, np.ndarray): # generate the scan from the point of view of the inferred position for visualization inferred_scans = self.sensor_model.get_scans( self.inferred_pose[None, :]) self.publish_scan(self.downsampled_angles, inferred_scans[0, :]) def callback_lidar(self, msg): ''' Initializes reused buffers, and stores the relevant laser scanner data for later use. ''' if not isinstance(self.laser_angles, np.ndarray): print "...Received first LiDAR message" self.laser_angles = np.linspace(msg.angle_min, msg.angle_max, len(msg.ranges)) self.downsampled_angles = np.copy( self.laser_angles[0::self.ANGLE_STEP]).astype(np.float32) #self.viz_queries = np.zeros((self.downsampled_angles.shape[0],3), dtype=np.float32) #self.viz_ranges = np.zeros(self.downsampled_angles.shape[0], dtype=np.float32) #print self.downsampled_angles.shape[0] self.downsampled_ranges = np.array(msg.ranges[::self.ANGLE_STEP]) self.lidar_initialized = True def callback_odom(self, msg): ''' Store deltas between consecutive odometry messages in the coordinate space of the car. Odometry data is accumulated via dead reckoning, so it is very inaccurate on its own. ''' position = np.array( [msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y]) orientation = Utils.quaternion_to_angle(msg.pose.pose.orientation) pose = np.array([position[0], position[1], orientation]) if isinstance(self.last_odom_pose, np.ndarray): rot = Utils.rotation_matrix(-self.last_odom_pose[2]) delta = np.array([position - self.last_odom_pose[0:2]]).transpose() local_delta = (rot * delta).transpose() # changes in x,y,theta in local coordinate system of the car self.odometry_data = np.array([ local_delta[0, 0], local_delta[0, 1], orientation - self.last_odom_pose[2] ]) self.last_odom_pose = pose self.last_stamp = msg.header.stamp self.odom_initialized = True else: print "...Received first Odometry message" self.last_odom_pose = pose # this topic is slower than lidar, so update every time we receive a message self.update() def expected_pose(self, particles): # returns the expected value of the pose given the particle distribution return, self.weights) def MCL(self, odom, scans): # Implement the MCL algorithm # using the sensor model and the motion model # # Make sure you include some way to initialize # your particles, ideally with some sort # of interactive interface in rviz proposal_indices = np.random.choice(self.particle_indices, self.MAX_PARTICLES, p=self.weights) proposal_distribution = self.particles[proposal_indices, :] if self.SHOW_FINE_TIMING: t_propose = time.time() #print("resample",self.expected_pose(proposal_distribution)) # compute the motion model to update the proposal distribution proposal_distribution = self.motion_model.evaluate( proposal_distribution, odom) if self.SHOW_FINE_TIMING: t_motion = time.time() #print("motion model:", self.expected_pose(proposal_distribution)) # compute the sensor model self.weights = self.sensor_model.evaluate(proposal_distribution, scans) if self.SHOW_FINE_TIMING: t_sensor = time.time() # normalize importance weights self.weights /= np.sum(self.weights) #print("sensor model:", self.expected_pose(proposal_distribution)) if self.SHOW_FINE_TIMING: t_norm = time.time() t_total = (t_norm - t) / 100.0 if self.SHOW_FINE_TIMING and self.iters % 10 == 0: print "MCL: propose: ", np.round((t_propose-t)/t_total, 2), "motion:", np.round((t_motion-t_propose)/t_total, 2), \ "sensor:", np.round((t_sensor-t_motion)/t_total, 2), "norm:", np.round((t_norm-t_sensor)/t_total, 2) # save the particles self.particles = proposal_distribution #print(self.expected_pose(self.particles)) # Publish a transformation frame between the map # and the particle_filter_frame. def update(self): ''' Apply the MCL function to update particle filter state. Ensures the state is correctly initialized, and acquires the state lock before proceeding. ''' if self.lidar_initialized and self.odom_initialized and self.map_initialized: if self.state_lock.locked(): print("Concurrency error avoided") else: self.state_lock.acquire() self.timer.tick() self.iters += 1 t1 = time.time() scans = np.copy(self.downsampled_ranges).astype(np.float32) odom = np.copy(self.odometry_data) self.odometry_data = np.zeros(3) # run the MCL update algorithm self.MCL(odom, scans) # compute the expected value of the robot pose self.inferred_pose = self.expected_pose(self.particles) self.state_lock.release() t2 = time.time() # publish transformation frame based on inferred pose self.publish_tf(self.inferred_pose, self.last_stamp) # this is for tracking particle filter speed ips = 1.0 / (t2 - t1) self.smoothing.append(ips) if self.iters % 10 == 0: print "iters per sec:", int( self.timer.fps()), " possible:", int( self.smoothing.mean()) self.visualize()
class ParticleFilter: # toggle robot driving in a circle in the simulator DRIVING = True # set to True if working in the simulator, else False SIM = True """ *** IF WORKING ON THE REAL ROBOT: *** - in params.yaml: - change particle_filter_frame from 'base_link_pf' to 'base_link' - change odom_topic from '/odom' to '/vesc/odom' - in localize.launch: - uncomment out region that initializes map server to use stata basement map - use SIM = False and DRIVING = False """ def __init__(self): # using locks so threads can't access self.particles at the same time (avoiding race condition) self.lock = Lock() self.lock.acquire() # Get parameters self.particle_filter_frame = \ rospy.get_param("~particle_filter_frame") # should be '/base_link_pf' in sim and '/base_link' on car # Initialize the models self.motion_model = MotionModel() self.sensor_model = SensorModel() # Topics self.odom_topic = rospy.get_param("~odom_topic") self.scan_topic = rospy.get_param("~scan_topic") self.particle_marker_topic = '/particle_marker' self.click_topic = '/move_base_simple/goal' self.pose_array_topic = '/pose_array' self.inferred_pose_topic = '/inferred_pose' self.error_x_topic = '/error_x' self.error_y_topic = '/error_y' self.error_t_topic = '/error_t' # Subscribers and Publishers rospy.Subscriber( self.odom_topic, Odometry, self.odom_callback) # '/odom' for sim and 'vesc/odom' for car rospy.Subscriber(self.scan_topic, LaserScan, self.scan_callback) self.tf_broadcaster = TransformBroadcaster() # Listening to clicks in rviz and publishing particle markers to rviz rospy.Subscriber(self.click_topic, PoseStamped, self.click_callback) self.particle_marker_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.particle_marker_topic, Marker, queue_size=1) self.pose_array_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.pose_array_topic, PoseArray, queue_size=1) self.inferred_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.inferred_pose_topic, Marker, queue_size=1) self.error_x_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.error_x_topic, Float32, queue_size=1) self.error_y_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.error_y_topic, Float32, queue_size=1) self.error_t_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.error_t_topic, Float32, queue_size=1) self.rate = rospy.Rate(30) # should be greater than 20 Hz # Implement the MCL algorithm # using the sensor model and the motion model # # Make sure you include some way to initialize # your particles, ideally with some sort # of interactive interface in rviz # # Publish a transformation frame between the map # and the particle_filter_frame. # Initializing particles and weights self.num_particles = rospy.get_param('~num_particles') # currently intializing all particles as origin self.particles = np.zeros((self.num_particles, 3)) # all particles are initially equally likely self.weights = np.full((self.num_particles), 1. / self.num_particles) # for error calculations self.groundtruth = [0, 0, 0] # send drive commands to test in sim self.drive_pub = rospy.Publisher('/drive', AckermannDriveStamped, queue_size=1) self.drive_msg = AckermannDriveStamped() = 0 = 1 if self.SIM == False: # don't toggle on driving if working on real robot self.DRIVE = False self.publish_transform() self.lock.release() def odom_callback(self, odom_data): ''' whenever you get odometry data, use the motion model to update the particle positions determine the "average" particle pose and publish that transform :param odom_data: odometry data (type - Odometry) :return: no return, but updates self.particles positions and publishes transform ''' self.lock.acquire() #start = time() x = odom_data.pose.pose.position.x y = odom_data.pose.pose.position.y q_w = odom_data.pose.pose.orientation.w q_z = odom_data.pose.pose.orientation.z euler = transformations.euler_from_quaternion( np.array([0, 0, q_z, q_w])) self.groundtruth = [x, y, euler] self.particles = self.motion_model.evaluate( self.particles, self.motion_model.get_delta_x(odom_data), noise=0.2) self.publish_transform() #end = time() #print('odom_callback time:', end-start) self.lock.release() def scan_callback(self, scan_data): ''' whenever you get sensor data, use the sensor model to compute the particle probabilities. Then resample the particles based on these probabilities determine the "average" particle pose and publish that transform :param scan_data: scan data (type - LaserScan) :return: no return, but updates self.particles by resampling particles and publishes transform ''' self.lock.acquire() probabilities = self.sensor_model.evaluate(self.particles, scan_data, downsample=20, sim=self.SIM) # if map wasn't initialized in sensor_model, probabilites=None if isinstance(probabilities, type(None)): self.lock.release() rospy.loginfo('no probabilities to use in scan_callback') return smooth_p = np.power(probabilities, [1 / 3.] * len(probabilities)) self.weights = smooth_p / np.sum( smooth_p) # normalize weights so they sum to 1 # resample particles based on weights self.particles = self.resample_particles() self.publish_transform() self.lock.release() def resample_particles(self): ''' reseample particles based on their probability weights allow repeats of particles; to not allow, use replace=False ''' # choose with indices in particles array to keep using probabilities as weights indices = np.random.choice(self.num_particles, self.num_particles, p=self.weights) # return particles with chosen indices return self.particles[indices] def publish_transform(self): ''' anytime the particles are updated, determine the 'average' particle pose and broadcast that transform :return: no return, but broadcast transform between 'map' frame and self.particle_filter_frame ''' x_avg, y_avg, theta_avg = self.avg_pose() q = transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, theta_avg) # broadcast transformation self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform( (x_avg, y_avg, 0), q,, self.particle_filter_frame, 'map') self.publish_pose_array() #self.publish_particle_markers() # Driving in the simulator if self.DRIVING: self.drive_pub.publish(self.drive_msg) # publish inferred position in rviz as arrow if self.inferred_pose_pub.get_num_connections > 0: a = Marker() a.header.frame_id = 'map' a.type = Marker.ARROW a.color = ColorRGBA(0, 1, 1, 1) a.scale.x = 0.5 a.scale.y = 0.1 a.scale.z = 0.1 q = transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, theta_avg) quat = Quaternion() quat.x = q[0] quat.y = q[1] quat.z = q[2] quat.w = q[3] a.pose.position.x = x_avg a.pose.position.y = y_avg a.pose.orientation = quat self.inferred_pose_pub.publish(a) # for error plots try: x, y, theta = self.groundtruth x_error = x_avg - x y_error = y_avg - y t_error = theta_avg - theta[2] self.error_x_pub.publish(x_error) self.error_y_pub.publish(y_error) self.error_t_pub.publish(t_error) except Exception as e: rospy.loginfo(e) def avg_pose(self): ''' determine the average particle pose ** have to use mean of circular quantities for theta ** distirbution might be multi modal :param: no params, but uses instance variable self.particles :return: average particle pose as [x, y, theta] ''' x = np.mean(self.particles[:, 0]) y = np.mean(self.particles[:, 1]) # circular mean is angle between average x component and y component of the angles data theta = np.arctan2(np.mean(np.sin(self.particles[:, 2])), np.mean(np.cos(self.particles[:, 2]))) return [x, y, theta] def click_callback(self, pose_data): ''' use click in rviz to initialize particles :param pose_data: pose of rviz click (type - PoseStamped) use 2D Nav Goal to guess car location :return: no return, but updates self.particles ''' self.lock.acquire() x = pose_data.pose.position.x y = pose_data.pose.position.y q = pose_data.pose.orientation theta = transformations.euler_from_quaternion([q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w])[2] # random points from normal distribution centered at [x, y, theta] self.particles = np.random.normal([x, y, theta], 1, (self.num_particles, 3)) self.weights = np.full((self.num_particles), 1. / self.num_particles) self.publish_pose_array() #self.publish_particle_markers() self.lock.release() def publish_particle_markers(self): ''' publish particles as markers in rviz ''' # if something is listening for marker publications if self.particle_marker_pub.get_num_connections > 0: m = Marker() m.header.frame_id = 'map' m.type = Marker.POINTS #m.color = ColorRGBA(1, 0, 0, 1) m.scale.x = 0.2 m.scale.y = 0.2 m.scale.z = 0.2 for i in range(len(self.particles)): p = self.particles[i] w = self.weights[i] m.points.append(Point(p[0], p[1], 0)) m.colors.append(self.prob_to_color(w)) self.particle_marker_pub.publish(m) def prob_to_color(self, prob): ''' convert a probability to a color red is high probability orange yellow green cyan light blue blue purple magenta black is low :param prob: probability between 0 and 1 :return: ColorRBGA corresponding to prob ''' m = max(self.weights) # max weight if prob > m * 0.9: return ColorRGBA(1, 0, 0, 1) if prob > m * 0.8: return ColorRGBA(1, 0.5, 0, 1) if prob > m * 0.7: return ColorRGBA(1, 1, 0, 1) if prob > m * 0.6: return ColorRGBA(0, 1, 0, 1) if prob > m * 0.5: return ColorRGBA(0, 1, 1, 1) if prob > m * 0.4: return ColorRGBA(0, 0.5, 1, 1) if prob > m * 0.3: return ColorRGBA(0, 0, 1, 1) if prob > m * 0.2: return ColorRGBA(0.5, 0, 1, 1) if prob > m * 0.1: return ColorRGBA(1, 0, 1, 1) else: return ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 1) def publish_pose_array(self): ''' publish arrows in rviz for to visualize particles ''' particles = np.copy(self.particles) if self.pose_array_topic > 0: pa = PoseArray() pa.header.frame_id = 'map' for p in particles[:20]: pose = Pose() pose.position = Point(p[0], p[1], 0) q = transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, p[2]) quat = Quaternion() quat.x = q[0] quat.y = q[1] quat.z = q[2] quat.w = q[3] pose.orientation = quat pa.poses.append(pose) self.pose_array_pub.publish(pa)