class AgnosticGridIn(AgnosticBase):
    __delegate_class__ = gridfs.GridIn
    __motor_class_name__ = 'MotorGridIn'

    abort = AsyncCommand()
    chunk_size = ReadOnlyProperty()
    closed = ReadOnlyProperty()
    close = AsyncCommand()
    content_type = ReadOnlyProperty()
    filename = ReadOnlyProperty()
    length = ReadOnlyProperty()
    md5 = ReadOnlyProperty()
    name = ReadOnlyProperty()
    read = DelegateMethod()
    readable = DelegateMethod()
    seekable = DelegateMethod()
    upload_date = ReadOnlyProperty()
    write = AsyncCommand().unwrap('MotorGridOut')
    writeable = DelegateMethod()
    writelines = AsyncCommand().unwrap('MotorGridOut')

    async def __aenter__(self):
        return self

    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        await self.delegate.close()

    def __getattr__(self, item):
        return getattr(self.delegate, item)

    def __setattr__(self, item, value):
        return getattr(self.delegate, item, value)
class AgnosticGridOutCursor(AgnosticBaseCursor):
    __motor_class_name__ = 'MotorGridOutCursor'
    __delegate_class__ = gridfs.GridOutCursor

    count = AsyncRead()
    distinct = AsyncRead()
    explain = AsyncRead()
    limit = MotorCursorChainingMethod()
    skip = MotorCursorChainingMethod()
    max_scan = MotorCursorChainingMethod()
    sort = MotorCursorChainingMethod()
    hint = MotorCursorChainingMethod()
    where = MotorCursorChainingMethod()
    max_time_ms = MotorCursorChainingMethod()
    min = MotorCursorChainingMethod()
    max = MotorCursorChainingMethod()
    comment = MotorCursorChainingMethod()

    # PyMongo's GridOutCursor inherits __die from Cursor.
    _Cursor__die = AsyncCommand()

    def next_object(self):
        """Get next GridOut object from cursor."""
        grid_out = super(self.__class__, self).next_object()
        if grid_out:
            grid_out_class = create_class_with_framework(
                AgnosticGridOut, self._framework, self.__module__)

            return grid_out_class(self.collection, delegate=grid_out)
            # Exhausted.
            return None

    def rewind(self):
        """Rewind this cursor to its unevaluated state."""
        self.started = False
        return self

    def _empty(self):
        return self.delegate._Cursor__empty

    def _query_flags(self):
        return self.delegate._Cursor__query_flags

    def _data(self):
        return self.delegate._Cursor__data

    def _clear_cursor_id(self):
        self.delegate._Cursor__id = 0

    def _close_exhaust_cursor(self):
        # Exhaust MotorGridOutCursors are prohibited.

    def _close(self):
        yield self._framework.yieldable(self._Cursor__die())
class AgnosticDatabase(AgnosticBase):
    __motor_class_name__ = 'MotorDatabase'
    __delegate_class__ = mongomock.Database

    command = AsyncCommand()
    create_collection = AsyncCommand().wrap(mongomock.Collection)
    dereference = AsyncRead()
    drop_collection = AsyncCommand().unwrap('MotorCollection')
    get_collection = DelegateMethod().wrap(mongomock.Collection)
    list_collection_names = AsyncRead()
    with_options = DelegateMethod().wrap(mongomock.Database)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name.startswith('_'):
            raise AttributeError("%s has no attribute %r. To access the %s"
                                 " collection, use database['%s']." %
                                 (self.__class__.__name__, name, name, name))

        return self[name]

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        return self.wrap(self.delegate[name])
class AgnosticClient(AgnosticBase):
    __motor_class_name__ = 'MotorClient'
    __delegate_class__ = mongomock.MongoClient

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
              self).__init__(mongomock.MongoClient(*args, **kwargs))

    close = DelegateMethod()
    drop_database = AsyncCommand().unwrap('MotorDatabase')
    get_database = DelegateMethod().wrap(mongomock.Database)
    get_default_database = DelegateMethod().wrap(mongomock.Database)
    list_database_names = AsyncRead()
    server_info = AsyncRead()
class AgnosticGridFSBucket(AgnosticBase):
    __delegate_class__ = gridfs.GridFSBucket
    __motor_class_name__ = 'MotorGridFSBucket'

    delete = AsyncCommand()
    download_to_stream = AsyncCommand()
    download_to_stream_by_name = AsyncCommand()
    open_download_stream = AsyncCommand().wrap(gridfs.GridOut)
    open_download_stream_by_name = AsyncCommand().wrap(gridfs.GridOut)
    open_upload_stream = DelegateMethod().wrap(gridfs.GridIn)
    open_upload_stream_with_id = DelegateMethod().wrap(gridfs.GridIn)
    rename = AsyncCommand()
    upload_from_stream = AsyncCommand()
    upload_from_stream_with_id = AsyncCommand()

    def __init__(self, db, *args, **kwargs):
              self).__init__(gridfs.GridFSBucket(db.delegate, *args, **kwargs))
class AgnosticGridOutCursor(AgnosticCursor):
    __motor_class_name__ = "MotorGridOutCursor"
    __delegate_class__ = gridfs.GridOutCursor

    # PyMongo's GridOutCursor inherits __die from Cursor.
    _Cursor__die = AsyncCommand()

    def next_object(self):
        """**DEPRECATED** - Get next GridOut object from cursor."""
        grid_out = super().next_object()
        if grid_out:
            grid_out_class = create_class_with_framework(
                AgnosticGridOut, self._framework, self.__module__)

            return grid_out_class(self.collection, delegate=grid_out)
            # Exhausted.
            return None
class AgnosticGridFSBucket(_GFSBase):
    __motor_class_name__ = 'MotorGridFSBucket'
    __delegate_class__ = gridfs.GridFSBucket

    delete                       = AsyncCommand()
    download_to_stream           = AsyncCommand()
    download_to_stream_by_name   = AsyncCommand()
    open_download_stream         = AsyncCommand().wrap(gridfs.GridOut)
    open_download_stream_by_name = AsyncCommand().wrap(gridfs.GridOut)
    open_upload_stream           = DelegateMethod().wrap(gridfs.GridIn)
    open_upload_stream_with_id   = DelegateMethod().wrap(gridfs.GridIn)
    rename                       = AsyncCommand()
    upload_from_stream           = AsyncCommand()
    upload_from_stream_with_id   = AsyncCommand()

    def __init__(self, database, collection="fs"):
        """Create a handle to a GridFS bucket.

        Raises :exc:`~pymongo.errors.ConfigurationError` if `write_concern`
        is not acknowledged.

        This class is a replacement for :class:`.MotorGridFS`; it conforms to the
        `GridFS API Spec <>`_
        for MongoDB drivers.

          - `database`: database to use.
          - `bucket_name` (optional): The name of the bucket. Defaults to 'fs'.
          - `chunk_size_bytes` (optional): The chunk size in bytes. Defaults
            to 255KB.
          - `write_concern` (optional): The
            :class:`~pymongo.write_concern.WriteConcern` to use. If ``None``
            (the default) db.write_concern is used.
          - `read_preference` (optional): The read preference to use. If
            ``None`` (the default) db.read_preference is used.

        .. versionadded:: 1.0

        .. mongodoc:: gridfs
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(database, collection)

    def find(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Find and return the files collection documents that match ``filter``.

        Returns a cursor that iterates across files matching
        arbitrary queries on the files collection. Can be combined
        with other modifiers for additional control.

        For example::

          cursor = bucket.find({"filename": "lisa.txt"}, no_cursor_timeout=True)
          while (yield cursor.fetch_next):
              grid_out = cursor.next_object()
              data = yield

        This iterates through all versions of "lisa.txt" stored in GridFS.
        Note that setting no_cursor_timeout to True may be important to
        prevent the cursor from timing out during long multi-file processing

        As another example, the call::

          most_recent_three = fs.find().sort("uploadDate", -1).limit(3)

        would return a cursor to the three most recently uploaded files
        in GridFS.

        Follows a similar interface to
        in :class:`~motor.MotorCollection`.

          - `filter`: Search query.
          - `batch_size` (optional): The number of documents to return per
          - `limit` (optional): The maximum number of documents to return.
          - `no_cursor_timeout` (optional): The server normally times out idle
            cursors after an inactivity period (10 minutes) to prevent excess
            memory use. Set this option to True prevent that.
          - `skip` (optional): The number of documents to skip before
          - `sort` (optional): The order by which to sort results. Defaults to
        cursor = self.delegate.find(*args, **kwargs)
        grid_out_cursor = create_class_with_framework(
            AgnosticGridOutCursor, self._framework, self.__module__)

        return grid_out_cursor(cursor, self.collection)
class AgnosticGridFS(_GFSBase):
    __motor_class_name__ = 'MotorGridFS'
    __delegate_class__ = gridfs.GridFS

    find_one         = AsyncRead().wrap(grid_file.GridOut)
    new_file         = AsyncRead().wrap(grid_file.GridIn)
    get              = AsyncRead().wrap(grid_file.GridOut)
    get_version      = AsyncRead().wrap(grid_file.GridOut)
    get_last_version = AsyncRead().wrap(grid_file.GridOut)
    list             = AsyncRead()
    exists           = AsyncRead()
    delete           = AsyncCommand()
    put              = AsyncCommand()

    def __init__(self, database, collection="fs"):
        """**DEPRECATED**: Use :class:`MotorGridFSBucket` or

        An instance of GridFS on top of a single Database.

          - `database`: a :class:`~motor.MotorDatabase`
          - `collection` (optional): A string, name of root collection to use,
            such as "fs" or "my_files"

        .. mongodoc:: gridfs

        .. versionchanged:: 0.2
           ``open`` method removed; no longer needed.
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(database, collection)

    def find(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Query GridFS for files.

        Returns a cursor that iterates across files matching
        arbitrary queries on the files collection. Can be combined
        with other modifiers for additional control. For example::

          cursor = fs.find({"filename": "lisa.txt"}, no_cursor_timeout=True)
          while (yield cursor.fetch_next):
              grid_out = cursor.next_object()
              data = yield

        This iterates through all versions of "lisa.txt" stored in GridFS.
        Note that setting no_cursor_timeout may be important to prevent
        the cursor from timing out during long multi-file processing work.

        As another example, the call::

          most_recent_three = fs.find().sort("uploadDate", -1).limit(3)

        would return a cursor to the three most recently uploaded files
        in GridFS.

        :meth:`~motor.MotorGridFS.find` follows a similar
        interface to :meth:`~motor.MotorCollection.find`
        in :class:`~motor.MotorCollection`.

          - `filter` (optional): a SON object specifying elements which
            must be present for a document to be included in the
            result set
          - `skip` (optional): the number of files to omit (from
            the start of the result set) when returning the results
          - `limit` (optional): the maximum number of results to
          - `no_cursor_timeout` (optional): if False (the default), any
            returned cursor is closed by the server after 10 minutes of
            inactivity. If set to True, the returned cursor will never
            time out on the server. Care should be taken to ensure that
            cursors with no_cursor_timeout turned on are properly closed.
          - `sort` (optional): a list of (key, direction) pairs
            specifying the sort order for this query. See
            :meth:`~pymongo.cursor.Cursor.sort` for details.

        Raises :class:`TypeError` if any of the arguments are of
        improper type. Returns an instance of
        corresponding to this query.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.0
           Removed the read_preference, tag_sets, and
           secondary_acceptable_latency_ms options.

        .. versionadded:: 0.2

        .. mongodoc:: find
        cursor = self.delegate.find(*args, **kwargs)
        grid_out_cursor = create_class_with_framework(
            AgnosticGridOutCursor, self._framework, self.__module__)

        return grid_out_cursor(cursor, self.collection)
class AgnosticGridIn(object):
    __motor_class_name__ = 'MotorGridIn'
    __delegate_class__ = gridfs.GridIn

    __getattr__  = DelegateMethod()
    abort        = AsyncCommand()
    closed       = ReadOnlyProperty()
    close        = AsyncCommand()
    write        = AsyncCommand().unwrap('MotorGridOut')
    writelines   = AsyncCommand().unwrap('MotorGridOut')
    _id          = ReadOnlyProperty()
    md5          = ReadOnlyProperty()
    filename     = ReadOnlyProperty()
    name         = ReadOnlyProperty()
    content_type = ReadOnlyProperty()
    length       = ReadOnlyProperty()
    chunk_size   = ReadOnlyProperty()
    upload_date  = ReadOnlyProperty()
    set          = AsyncCommand(attr_name='__setattr__', doc="""
Set an arbitrary metadata attribute on the file. Stores value on the server
as a key-value pair within the file document once the file is closed. If
the file is already closed, calling :meth:`set` will immediately update the file
document on the server.

Metadata set on the file appears as attributes on a
:class:`~motor.MotorGridOut` object created from the file.

  - `name`: Name of the attribute, will be stored as a key in the file
    document on the server
  - `value`: Value of the attribute

    def __init__(self, root_collection, delegate=None, **kwargs):
        Class to write data to GridFS. Application developers should not
        generally need to instantiate this class - see

        Any of the file level options specified in the `GridFS Spec
        <>`_ may be passed as
        keyword arguments. Any additional keyword arguments will be
        set as additional fields on the file document. Valid keyword
        arguments include:

          - ``"_id"``: unique ID for this file (default:
            :class:`~bson.objectid.ObjectId`) - this ``"_id"`` must
            not have already been used for another file

          - ``"filename"``: human name for the file

          - ``"contentType"`` or ``"content_type"``: valid mime-type
            for the file

          - ``"chunkSize"`` or ``"chunk_size"``: size of each of the
            chunks, in bytes (default: 256 kb)

          - ``"encoding"``: encoding used for this file. In Python 2,
            any :class:`unicode` that is written to the file will be
            converted to a :class:`str`. In Python 3, any :class:`str`
            that is written to the file will be converted to

          - `root_collection`: A :class:`~motor.MotorCollection`, the root
             collection to write to
          - `**kwargs` (optional): file level options (see above)

        .. versionchanged:: 0.2
           ``open`` method removed, no longer needed.
        collection_class = create_class_with_framework(
            AgnosticCollection, self._framework, self.__module__)

        if not isinstance(root_collection, collection_class):
            raise TypeError(
                "First argument to MotorGridIn must be "
                "MotorCollection, not %r" % root_collection)

        self.io_loop = root_collection.get_io_loop()
        if delegate:
            # Short cut.
            self.delegate = delegate
            self.delegate = self.__delegate_class__(

    if PY35:
        # Support "async with fs.new_file() as f:"
        async def __aenter__(self):
            return self

        async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
            await self.close()
        """), globals(), locals())

    def get_io_loop(self):
        return self.io_loop
class AgnosticGridOut(object):
    """Class to read data out of GridFS.

    MotorGridOut supports the same attributes as PyMongo's
    :class:`~gridfs.grid_file.GridOut`, such as ``_id``, ``content_type``,

    You don't need to instantiate this class directly - use the
    methods provided by :class:`~motor.MotorGridFSBucket`. If it **is**
    instantiated directly, call :meth:`open`, :meth:`read`, or
    :meth:`readline` before accessing its attributes.
    __motor_class_name__ = 'MotorGridOut'
    __delegate_class__ = gridfs.GridOut

    _ensure_file = AsyncCommand()
    _id          = MotorGridOutProperty()
    aliases      = MotorGridOutProperty()
    chunk_size   = MotorGridOutProperty()
    close        = MotorGridOutProperty()
    content_type = MotorGridOutProperty()
    filename     = MotorGridOutProperty()
    length       = MotorGridOutProperty()
    md5          = MotorGridOutProperty()
    metadata     = MotorGridOutProperty()
    name         = MotorGridOutProperty()
    read         = AsyncRead()
    readchunk    = AsyncRead()
    readline     = AsyncRead()
    seek         = DelegateMethod()
    tell         = DelegateMethod()
    upload_date  = MotorGridOutProperty()

    def __init__(
        collection_class = create_class_with_framework(
            AgnosticCollection, self._framework, self.__module__)

        if not isinstance(root_collection, collection_class):
            raise TypeError(
                "First argument to MotorGridOut must be "
                "MotorCollection, not %r" % root_collection)

        if delegate:
            self.delegate = delegate
            self.delegate = self.__delegate_class__(

        self.io_loop = root_collection.get_io_loop()

    if PY352:
        def __aiter__(self):
            return self

        async def __anext__(self):
            chunk = await self.readchunk()
            if chunk:
                return chunk
            raise StopAsyncIteration()
        """), globals(), locals())

    elif PY35:
        # In Python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1, __aiter__ is a coroutine.
        async def __aiter__(self):
            return self

        async def __anext__(self):
            chunk = await self.readchunk()
            if chunk:
                return chunk
            raise StopAsyncIteration()
        """), globals(), locals())

    def __getattr__(self, item):
        if not self.delegate._file:
            raise pymongo.errors.InvalidOperation(
                "You must call before accessing "
                "the %s property" % item)

        return getattr(self.delegate, item)

    def open(self, callback=None):
        """Retrieve this file's attributes from the server.

        Takes an optional callback, or returns a Future.

         - `callback`: Optional function taking parameters (self, error)

        .. versionchanged:: 0.2
           :class:`~motor.MotorGridOut` now opens itself on demand, calling
           ``open`` explicitly is rarely needed.
        return self._framework.future_or_callback(self._ensure_file(),

    def get_io_loop(self):
        return self.io_loop

    def stream_to_handler(self, request_handler):
        """Write the contents of this file to a
        :class:`tornado.web.RequestHandler`. This method calls
        :meth:`~tornado.web.RequestHandler.flush` on
        the RequestHandler, so ensure all headers have already been set.
        For a more complete example see the implementation of

        .. code-block:: python

            class FileHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
                def get(self, filename):
                    db = self.settings['db']
                    fs = yield motor.MotorGridFSBucket(db())
                        gridout = yield fs.open_download_stream_by_name(filename)
                    except gridfs.NoFile:
                        raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)

                    self.set_header("Content-Type", gridout.content_type)
                    self.set_header("Content-Length", gridout.length)
                    yield gridout.stream_to_handler(self)

        .. seealso:: Tornado `RequestHandler <>`_
        written = 0
        while written < self.length:
            # Reading chunk_size at a time minimizes buffering.
            f = self._framework.yieldable(
            yield f
            chunk = f.result()

            # write() simply appends the output to a list; flush() sends it
            # over the network and minimizes buffering in the handler.
            written += len(chunk)
class AgnosticGridFSBucket(object):
    __motor_class_name__ = 'MotorGridFSBucket'
    __delegate_class__ = gridfs.GridFSBucket

    delete = AsyncCommand()
    download_to_stream = AsyncCommand()
    download_to_stream_by_name = AsyncCommand()
    open_download_stream = AsyncCommand().wrap(gridfs.GridOut)
    open_download_stream_by_name = AsyncCommand().wrap(gridfs.GridOut)
    open_upload_stream = DelegateMethod().wrap(gridfs.GridIn)
    open_upload_stream_with_id = DelegateMethod().wrap(gridfs.GridIn)
    rename = AsyncCommand()
    upload_from_stream = AsyncCommand()
    upload_from_stream_with_id = AsyncCommand()

    def __init__(self,
        """Create a handle to a GridFS bucket.

        Raises :exc:`~pymongo.errors.ConfigurationError` if `write_concern`
        is not acknowledged.

        This class conforms to the `GridFS API Spec
        for MongoDB drivers.

          - `database`: database to use.
          - `bucket_name` (optional): The name of the bucket. Defaults to 'fs'.
          - `chunk_size_bytes` (optional): The chunk size in bytes. Defaults
            to 255KB.
          - `write_concern` (optional): The
            :class:`~pymongo.write_concern.WriteConcern` to use. If ``None``
            (the default) db.write_concern is used.
          - `read_preference` (optional): The read preference to use. If
            ``None`` (the default) db.read_preference is used.
          - `disable_md5` (optional): When True, MD5 checksums will not be
            computed for uploaded files. Useful in environments where MD5
            cannot be used for regulatory or other reasons. Defaults to False.
          - `collection` (optional): Deprecated, an alias for `bucket_name`
            that exists solely to provide backwards compatibility.

        .. versionchanged:: 2.1
           Added support for the `bucket_name`, `chunk_size_bytes`,
           `write_concern`, and `read_preference` parameters.
           Deprecated the `collection` parameter which is now an alias to
           `bucket_name` (to match the GridFSBucket class in PyMongo).
        .. versionadded:: 1.0

        .. mongodoc:: gridfs
        # Preserve backwards compatibility of "collection" parameter
        if collection is not None:
                'the "collection" parameter is deprecated, use '
                '"bucket_name" instead',
            bucket_name = collection

        db_class = create_class_with_framework(AgnosticDatabase,

        if not isinstance(database, db_class):
            raise TypeError(
                "First argument to %s must be  MotorDatabase, not %r" %
                (self.__class__, database))

        self.io_loop = database.get_io_loop()
        self.collection = database.get_collection(
        self.delegate = self.__delegate_class__(

    def get_io_loop(self):
        return self.io_loop

    def wrap(self, obj):
        if obj.__class__ is grid_file.GridIn:
            grid_in_class = create_class_with_framework(
                AgnosticGridIn, self._framework, self.__module__)

            return grid_in_class(root_collection=self.collection, delegate=obj)

        elif obj.__class__ is grid_file.GridOut:
            grid_out_class = create_class_with_framework(
                AgnosticGridOut, self._framework, self.__module__)

            return grid_out_class(root_collection=self.collection,

        elif obj.__class__ is gridfs.GridOutCursor:
            grid_out_class = create_class_with_framework(
                AgnosticGridOutCursor, self._framework, self.__module__)

            return grid_out_class(cursor=obj, collection=self.collection)

    def find(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Find and return the files collection documents that match ``filter``.

        Returns a cursor that iterates across files matching
        arbitrary queries on the files collection. Can be combined
        with other modifiers for additional control.

        For example::

          cursor = bucket.find({"filename": "lisa.txt"}, no_cursor_timeout=True)
          while (yield cursor.fetch_next):
              grid_out = cursor.next_object()
              data = yield

        This iterates through all versions of "lisa.txt" stored in GridFS.
        Note that setting no_cursor_timeout to True may be important to
        prevent the cursor from timing out during long multi-file processing

        As another example, the call::

          most_recent_three = fs.find().sort("uploadDate", -1).limit(3)

        would return a cursor to the three most recently uploaded files
        in GridFS.

        Follows a similar interface to
        in :class:`~motor.MotorCollection`.

          - `filter`: Search query.
          - `batch_size` (optional): The number of documents to return per
          - `limit` (optional): The maximum number of documents to return.
          - `no_cursor_timeout` (optional): The server normally times out idle
            cursors after an inactivity period (10 minutes) to prevent excess
            memory use. Set this option to True prevent that.
          - `skip` (optional): The number of documents to skip before
          - `sort` (optional): The order by which to sort results. Defaults to
          - `session` (optional): a
            :class:`~pymongo.client_session.ClientSession`, created with

        If a :class:`~pymongo.client_session.ClientSession` is passed to
        :meth:`find`, all returned :class:`MotorGridOut` instances
        are associated with that session.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.2
           Added session parameter.
        cursor = self.delegate.find(*args, **kwargs)
        grid_out_cursor = create_class_with_framework(AgnosticGridOutCursor,

        return grid_out_cursor(cursor, self.collection)
class AgnosticCollection(AgnosticBase):
    __motor_class_name__ = 'MotorCollection'
    __delegate_class__ = mongomock.Collection

    bulk_write = AsyncCommand()
    count_documents = AsyncRead()
    create_index = AsyncCommand()
    create_indexes = AsyncCommand()
    delete_many = AsyncCommand()
    delete_one = AsyncCommand()
    distinct = AsyncRead()
    drop = AsyncCommand()
    drop_index = AsyncCommand()
    drop_indexes = AsyncCommand()
    estimated_document_count = AsyncCommand()
    find_one = AsyncRead()
    find_one_and_delete = AsyncCommand()
    find_one_and_replace = AsyncCommand()
    find_one_and_update = AsyncCommand()
    full_name = ReadOnlyProperty()
    insert_many = AsyncWrite()
    insert_one = AsyncCommand()
    map_reduce = AsyncCommand().wrap(mongomock.Collection)
    name = ReadOnlyProperty()
    reindex = AsyncCommand()
    rename = AsyncCommand()
    replace_one = AsyncCommand()
    update_many = AsyncCommand()
    update_one = AsyncCommand()
    with_options = DelegateMethod().wrap(mongomock.Collection)

    def find(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return AsyncIOMotorCursor(self.delegate.find(*args, **kwargs))
class AgnosticGridFS(object):
    __motor_class_name__ = 'MotorGridFS'
    __delegate_class__ = _MotorDelegateGridFS

    new_file = AsyncRead().wrap(grid_file.GridIn)
    get = AsyncRead().wrap(grid_file.GridOut)
    get_version = AsyncRead().wrap(grid_file.GridOut)
    get_last_version = AsyncRead().wrap(grid_file.GridOut)
    list = AsyncRead()
    exists = AsyncRead()
    delete = AsyncCommand()
    put = AsyncCommand()

    def __init__(self, database, collection="fs"):
        """An instance of GridFS on top of a single Database.

          - `database`: a :class:`~motor.MotorDatabase`
          - `collection` (optional): A string, name of root collection to use,
            such as "fs" or "my_files"

        .. mongodoc:: gridfs

        .. versionchanged:: 0.2
           ``open`` method removed; no longer needed.
        db_class = create_class_with_framework(AgnosticDatabase,

        if not isinstance(database, db_class):
            raise TypeError("First argument to MotorGridFS must be "
                            "MotorDatabase, not %r" % database)

        self.io_loop = database.get_io_loop()
        self.collection = database[collection]
        self.delegate = self.__delegate_class__(database.delegate,

    def get_io_loop(self):
        return self.io_loop

    def find(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Query GridFS for files.

        Returns a cursor that iterates across files matching
        arbitrary queries on the files collection. Can be combined
        with other modifiers for additional control. For example::

          cursor = fs.find({"filename": "lisa.txt"}, timeout=False)
          while (yield cursor.fetch_next):
              grid_out = cursor.next_object()
              data = yield

        This iterates through all versions of "lisa.txt" stored in GridFS.
        Note that setting timeout to False may be important to prevent the
        cursor from timing out during long multi-file processing work.

        As another example, the call::

          most_recent_three = fs.find().sort("uploadDate", -1).limit(3)

        would return a cursor to the three most recently uploaded files
        in GridFS.

        :meth:`~motor.MotorGridFS.find` follows a similar
        interface to :meth:`~motor.MotorCollection.find`
        in :class:`~motor.MotorCollection`.

          - `spec` (optional): a SON object specifying elements which
            must be present for a document to be included in the
            result set
          - `skip` (optional): the number of files to omit (from
            the start of the result set) when returning the results
          - `limit` (optional): the maximum number of results to
          - `timeout` (optional): if True (the default), any returned
            cursor is closed by the server after 10 minutes of
            inactivity. If set to False, the returned cursor will never
            time out on the server. Care should be taken to ensure that
            cursors with timeout turned off are properly closed.
          - `sort` (optional): a list of (key, direction) pairs
            specifying the sort order for this query. See
            :meth:`~pymongo.cursor.Cursor.sort` for details.
          - `max_scan` (optional): limit the number of file documents
            examined when performing the query
          - `read_preference` (optional): The read preference for
            this query.
          - `tag_sets` (optional): The tag sets for this query.
          - `secondary_acceptable_latency_ms` (optional): Any replica-set
            member whose ping time is within secondary_acceptable_latency_ms of
            the nearest member may accept reads. Default 15 milliseconds.
            **Ignored by mongos** and must be configured on the command line.
            See the localThreshold_ option for more information.
          - `compile_re` (optional): if ``False``, don't attempt to compile
            BSON regex objects into Python regexes. Return instances of
            :class:`~bson.regex.Regex` instead.

        Returns an instance of :class:`~motor.MotorGridOutCursor`
        corresponding to this query.

        .. versionadded:: 0.2
        .. mongodoc:: find
        .. _localThreshold:
        cursor = self.delegate.find(*args, **kwargs)
        grid_out_cursor = create_class_with_framework(AgnosticGridOutCursor,

        return grid_out_cursor(cursor, self.collection)

    def wrap(self, obj):
        if obj.__class__ is grid_file.GridIn:
            grid_in_class = create_class_with_framework(
                AgnosticGridIn, self._framework, self.__module__)

            return grid_in_class(root_collection=self.collection, delegate=obj)

        elif obj.__class__ is grid_file.GridOut:
            grid_out_class = create_class_with_framework(
                AgnosticGridOut, self._framework, self.__module__)

            return grid_out_class(root_collection=self.collection,

        elif obj.__class__ is gridfs.GridOutCursor:
            grid_out_class = create_class_with_framework(
                AgnosticGridOutCursor, self._framework, self.__module__)

            return grid_out_class(cursor=obj, collection=self.collection)
class AgnosticGridOut(object):
    """Class to read data out of GridFS.

    MotorGridOut supports the same attributes as PyMongo's
    :class:`~gridfs.grid_file.GridOut`, such as ``_id``, ``content_type``,

    You don't need to instantiate this class directly - use the
    methods provided by :class:`~motor.MotorGridFS`. If it **is**
    instantiated directly, call :meth:`open`, :meth:`read`, or
    :meth:`readline` before accessing its attributes.
    __motor_class_name__ = 'MotorGridOut'
    __delegate_class__ = gridfs.GridOut

    tell         = DelegateMethod()
    seek         = DelegateMethod()
    read         = AsyncRead()
    readchunk    = AsyncRead()
    readline     = AsyncRead()
    _ensure_file = AsyncCommand()

    def __init__(
        collection_class = create_class_with_framework(
            AgnosticCollection, self._framework)

        if not isinstance(root_collection, collection_class):
            raise TypeError(
                "First argument to MotorGridOut must be "
                "MotorCollection, not %r" % root_collection)

        if delegate:
            self.delegate = delegate
            self.delegate = self.__delegate_class__(

        self.io_loop = root_collection.get_io_loop()

    def __getattr__(self, item):
        if not self.delegate._file:
            raise pymongo.errors.InvalidOperation(
                "You must call before accessing "
                "the %s property" % item)

        return getattr(self.delegate, item)

    def open(self):
        """Retrieve this file's attributes from the server.

        Takes an optional callback, or returns a Future.

         - `callback`: Optional function taking parameters (self, error)

        .. versionchanged:: 0.2
           :class:`~motor.MotorGridOut` now opens itself on demand, calling
           ``open`` explicitly is rarely needed.
        yield self._framework.yieldable(self._ensure_file())
        raise self._framework.return_value(self)

    def get_io_loop(self):
        return self.io_loop

    def stream_to_handler(self, request_handler):
        """Write the contents of this file to a
        :class:`tornado.web.RequestHandler`. This method calls `flush` on
        the RequestHandler, so ensure all headers have already been set.
        For a more complete example see the implementation of

        Takes an optional callback, or returns a Future.

         - `callback`: Optional function taking parameters (self, error)

        .. code-block:: python

            class FileHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
                def get(self, filename):
                    db = self.settings['db']
                    fs = yield motor.MotorGridFS(db()).open()
                        gridout = yield fs.get_last_version(filename)
                    except gridfs.NoFile:
                        raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)

                    self.set_header("Content-Type", gridout.content_type)
                    self.set_header("Content-Length", gridout.length)
                    yield gridout.stream_to_handler(self)

        .. seealso:: Tornado `RequestHandler <>`_
        written = 0
        while written < self.length:
            # Reading chunk_size at a time minimizes buffering.
            chunk = yield self._framework.yieldable(

            # write() simply appends the output to a list; flush() sends it
            # over the network and minimizes buffering in the handler.
            written += len(chunk)
class AgnosticGridFS(object):
    __motor_class_name__ = 'MotorGridFS'
    __delegate_class__ = gridfs.GridFS

    new_file = AsyncRead().wrap(grid_file.GridIn)
    get = AsyncRead().wrap(grid_file.GridOut)
    get_version = AsyncRead().wrap(grid_file.GridOut)
    get_last_version = AsyncRead().wrap(grid_file.GridOut)
    list = AsyncRead()
    exists = AsyncRead()
    delete = AsyncCommand()

    def __init__(self, database, collection="fs"):
        An instance of GridFS on top of a single Database.

          - `database`: a :class:`~motor.MotorDatabase`
          - `collection` (optional): A string, name of root collection to use,
            such as "fs" or "my_files"

        .. mongodoc:: gridfs

        .. versionchanged:: 0.2
           ``open`` method removed; no longer needed.
        db_class = create_class_with_framework(
            AgnosticDatabase, self._framework)

        if not isinstance(database, db_class):
            raise TypeError("First argument to MotorGridFS must be "
                            "MotorDatabase, not %r" % database)

        self.io_loop = database.get_io_loop()
        self.collection = database[collection]
        self.delegate = self.__delegate_class__(

    def get_io_loop(self):
        return self.io_loop

    def put(self, data, **kwargs):
        """Put data into GridFS as a new file.

        Equivalent to doing:

        .. code-block:: python

            def f(data, **kwargs):
                    f = yield my_gridfs.new_file(**kwargs)
                    yield f.write(data)
                    yield f.close()

        `data` can be either an instance of :class:`str` (:class:`bytes`
        in python 3) or a file-like object providing a :meth:`read` method.
        If an `encoding` keyword argument is passed, `data` can also be a
        :class:`unicode` (:class:`str` in python 3) instance, which will
        be encoded as `encoding` before being written. Any keyword arguments
        will be passed through to the created file - see
        :meth:`~MotorGridIn` for possible arguments.

        If the ``"_id"`` of the file is manually specified, it must
        not already exist in GridFS. Otherwise
        :class:`~gridfs.errors.FileExists` is raised.

          - `data`: data to be written as a file.
          - `callback`: Optional function taking parameters (_id, error)
          - `**kwargs` (optional): keyword arguments for file creation

        If no callback is provided, returns a Future that resolves to the
        ``"_id"`` of the created file. Otherwise, executes the callback
        with arguments (_id, error).

        Note that PyMongo allows unacknowledged ("w=0") puts to GridFS,
        but Motor does not.
        # PyMongo's implementation uses requests, so rewrite for Motor.
        grid_in_class = create_class_with_framework(
            AgnosticGridIn, self._framework)

        grid_file = grid_in_class(self.collection, **kwargs)

        # w >= 1 necessary to avoid running 'filemd5' command before
        # all data is written, especially with sharding.
        if 0 == self.collection.write_concern.get('w'):
            raise pymongo.errors.ConfigurationError(
                "Motor does not allow unacknowledged put() to GridFS")

            yield self._framework.yieldable(grid_file.write(data))
            yield self._framework.yieldable(grid_file.close())

        raise self._framework.return_value(grid_file._id)

    def find(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Query GridFS for files.

        Returns a cursor that iterates across files matching
        arbitrary queries on the files collection. Can be combined
        with other modifiers for additional control. For example::

          cursor = fs.find({"filename": "lisa.txt"}, timeout=False)
          while (yield cursor.fetch_next):
              grid_out = cursor.next_object()
              data = yield

        This iterates through all versions of "lisa.txt" stored in GridFS.
        Note that setting timeout to False may be important to prevent the
        cursor from timing out during long multi-file processing work.

        As another example, the call::

          most_recent_three = fs.find().sort("uploadDate", -1).limit(3)

        would return a cursor to the three most recently uploaded files
        in GridFS.

        :meth:`~motor.motor_gridfs.MotorGridFS.find` follows a similar
        interface to :meth:`~motor.core.MotorCollection.find`
        in :class:`~motor.core.MotorCollection`.

          - `spec` (optional): a SON object specifying elements which
            must be present for a document to be included in the
            result set
          - `skip` (optional): the number of files to omit (from
            the start of the result set) when returning the results
          - `limit` (optional): the maximum number of results to
          - `timeout` (optional): if True (the default), any returned
            cursor is closed by the server after 10 minutes of
            inactivity. If set to False, the returned cursor will never
            time out on the server. Care should be taken to ensure that
            cursors with timeout turned off are properly closed.
          - `sort` (optional): a list of (key, direction) pairs
            specifying the sort order for this query. See
            :meth:`~pymongo.cursor.Cursor.sort` for details.
          - `max_scan` (optional): limit the number of file documents
            examined when performing the query
          - `read_preference` (optional): The read preference for
            this query.
          - `tag_sets` (optional): The tag sets for this query.
          - `secondary_acceptable_latency_ms` (optional): Any replica-set
            member whose ping time is within secondary_acceptable_latency_ms of
            the nearest member may accept reads. Default 15 milliseconds.
            **Ignored by mongos** and must be configured on the command line.
            See the localThreshold_ option for more information.
          - `compile_re` (optional): if ``False``, don't attempt to compile
            BSON regex objects into Python regexes. Return instances of
            :class:`~bson.regex.Regex` instead.

        Returns an instance of :class:`~motor.motor_gridfs.MotorGridOutCursor`
        corresponding to this query.

        .. versionadded:: 0.2
        .. mongodoc:: find
        .. _localThreshold:
        cursor = self.delegate.find(*args, **kwargs)
        grid_out_cursor = create_class_with_framework(
            AgnosticGridOutCursor, self._framework)

        return grid_out_cursor(cursor, self.collection)

    def wrap(self, obj):
        if obj.__class__ is grid_file.GridIn:
            grid_in_class = create_class_with_framework(
                AgnosticGridIn, self._framework)

            return grid_in_class(

        elif obj.__class__ is grid_file.GridOut:
            grid_out_class = create_class_with_framework(
                AgnosticGridOut, self._framework)

            return grid_out_class(

        elif obj.__class__ is gridfs.GridOutCursor:
            grid_out_class = create_class_with_framework(
                AgnosticGridOutCursor, self._framework)

            return grid_out_class(