def __init__(self): self.pub_right_hand_pose = rospy.Publisher(RIGHT_HAND_POSESTAMPED_TOPIC, PoseStamped, latch=True) self.pub_right_hand_pose_reference = rospy.Publisher(RIGHT_HAND_REFERENCE_POSESTAMPED_TOPIC, PoseStamped, latch=True) self.pub_left_hand_pose = rospy.Publisher(LEFT_HAND_POSESTAMPED_TOPIC, PoseStamped, latch=True) self.pub_left_hand_pose_reference = rospy.Publisher(LEFT_HAND_REFERENCE_POSESTAMPED_TOPIC, PoseStamped, latch=True) self.hydra_data_subs = rospy.Subscriber(HYDRA_DATA_TOPIC, Hydra, self.hydraDataCallback) self.pub_move_base = rospy.Publisher(MOVE_BASE_TOPIC, Twist) self.subs = rospy.Subscriber('/joint_states', JointState, self.getJointStates) self.current_joint_states = None rospy.loginfo("Getting first joint_states") while self.current_joint_states == None: rospy.sleep(0.1) rospy.loginfo("Gotten!") rospy.loginfo("Connecting with right hand AS") self.right_hand_as = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(HAND_RIGHT_AS, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self.right_hand_as.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo("Connecting with left hand AS") self.left_hand_as = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(HAND_LEFT_AS, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self.left_hand_as.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo("Starting up move group commander for right, left, torso and head... (slow)") self.right_arm_mgc = MoveGroupCommander("right_arm") self.right_arm_mgc.set_pose_reference_frame('base_link') self.left_arm_mgc = MoveGroupCommander("left_arm") self.left_arm_mgc.set_pose_reference_frame('base_link') self.torso_mgc = MoveGroupCommander("right_arm_torso") self.torso_mgc.set_pose_reference_frame('base_link') self.head_mgc = MoveGroupCommander("head") self.head_mgc.set_pose_reference_frame('base_link') self.last_hydra_message = None self.tmp_pose_right = PoseStamped() self.tmp_pose_left = PoseStamped() self.read_message = False
def __init__(self): ########################################################################## rospy.loginfo("BipedCommander started") self.legs_group = MoveGroupCommander("legs") self.arms_group = MoveGroupCommander("arms") self.rarm_group = MoveGroupCommander("RArm") self.larm_group = MoveGroupCommander("LArm")
class HeadMover(): """ Moves head to specified joint values """ def __init__(self): self.group_head = MoveGroupCommander('head') def move_head(self, name, joint_values): rospy.loginfo('Moving head to specified position') self.group_head.set_joint_value_target(joint_values) self.group_head.go()
def init(): #Wake up Baxter baxter_interface.RobotEnable().enable() rospy.sleep(0.25) print "Baxter is enabled" print "Intitializing clients for services" global ik_service_left ik_service_left = rospy.ServiceProxy( "ExternalTools/left/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService", SolvePositionIK) global ik_service_right ik_service_right = rospy.ServiceProxy( "ExternalTools/right/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService", SolvePositionIK) global obj_loc_service obj_loc_service = rospy.ServiceProxy( "object_location_service", ObjLocation) global stopflag stopflag = False #Taken from the MoveIt Tutorials moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() global scene scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface() #Activate Left Arm to be used with MoveIt global left_group left_group = MoveGroupCommander("left_arm") left_group.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.01) left_group.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.01) global right_group right_group = MoveGroupCommander("right_arm") pose_right = Pose() pose_right.position = Point(0.793, -0.586, 0.329) pose_right.orientation = Quaternion(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) request_pose(pose_right, "right", right_group) global left_gripper left_gripper = baxter_interface.Gripper('left') left_gripper.calibrate() print left_gripper.parameters() global end_effector_subs end_effector_subs = rospy.Subscriber("/robot/end_effector/left_gripper/state", EndEffectorState, end_effector_callback) rospy.sleep(1) global pubpic pubpic = rospy.Publisher('/robot/xdisplay', Image, latch=True, queue_size=1) rospy.sleep(1)
def get_move_group_commander(group): ''' Gets the move_group_commander for this process. ''' global _mgc_dict with _mgc_dict_creation_lock: if not group in _mgc_dict: _mgc_group = MoveGroupCommander(group) _mgc_group.set_planner_id('RRTConnectkConfigDefault') _mgc_dict[group] = _mgc_group add_ground() return _mgc_dict[group]
def __init__(self): """ This constructor initialises the different necessary connections to the topics and services and resets the world to start in a good position. """ rospy.init_node("smart_grasper") self.__joint_state_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/joint_states", JointState, self.__joint_state_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/get_model_state", 10.0) rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/reset_world", 10.0) self.__reset_world = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/reset_world", Empty) self.__get_pose_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/get_model_state", GetModelState) rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/pause_physics") self.__pause_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/pause_physics", Empty) rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/unpause_physics") self.__unpause_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/unpause_physics", Empty) rospy.wait_for_service("/controller_manager/switch_controller") self.__switch_ctrl = rospy.ServiceProxy("/controller_manager/switch_controller", SwitchController) rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/set_model_configuration") self.__set_model = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/set_model_configuration", SetModelConfiguration) rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/delete_model") self.__delete_model = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/delete_model", DeleteModel) rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model") self.__spawn_model = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model", SpawnModel) rospy.wait_for_service('/get_planning_scene', 10.0) self.__get_planning_scene = rospy.ServiceProxy('/get_planning_scene', GetPlanningScene) self.__pub_planning_scene = rospy.Publisher('/planning_scene', PlanningScene, queue_size=10, latch=True) self.arm_commander = MoveGroupCommander("arm") self.hand_commander = MoveGroupCommander("hand") self.__hand_traj_client = SimpleActionClient("/hand_controller/follow_joint_trajectory", FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self.__arm_traj_client = SimpleActionClient("/arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory", FollowJointTrajectoryAction) if self.__hand_traj_client.wait_for_server(timeout=rospy.Duration(4.0)) is False: rospy.logfatal("Failed to connect to /hand_controller/follow_joint_trajectory in 4sec.") raise Exception("Failed to connect to /hand_controller/follow_joint_trajectory in 4sec.") if self.__arm_traj_client.wait_for_server(timeout=rospy.Duration(4.0)) is False: rospy.logfatal("Failed to connect to /arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory in 4sec.") raise Exception("Failed to connect to /arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory in 4sec.") self.reset_world()
def __init__(self, config, debug=0): print "[INFO] Initialise Robot" self.DEBUG = debug # configuration self.config = config # initialise move groups self.arm = MoveGroupCommander(ARM_GROUP) self.gripper = MoveGroupCommander(GRIPPER_GROUP) # initialise pick and place manager if self.DEBUG is 1: # verbose mode self.pick_and_place = PickPlaceInterface(ARM_GROUP, GRIPPER_GROUP, False, True) else: # non verbose mode self.pick_and_place = PickPlaceInterface(ARM_GROUP, GRIPPER_GROUP, False, False) # tolerance: position (in m), orientation (in rad) self.arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.01) self.arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.1) self.place_manager = None self.pick_manager = None self.initialise_move_actions() self.start_position()
class MoveitCommanderMoveGroupState(EventState): """ Uses moveit commander to plan to the given joint configuration and execute the resulting trajctory. """ def __init__(self, planning_group, joint_names): """Constructor""" super(MoveitCommanderMoveGroupState, self).__init__(outcomes=['reached', 'failed'], input_keys=['target_joint_config']) self._planning_group = planning_group self._joint_names = joint_names Logger.loginfo("About to make mgc in init with group %s" % self._planning_group) self.group_to_move = MoveGroupCommander(self._planning_group) Logger.loginfo("finished making mgc in init.") self._done = False def execute(self, userdata): """Execute this state""" if self._done is not False: return self._done def on_enter(self, userdata): # create the motion goal Logger.loginfo("Entering MoveIt Commander code!") if len(self._joint_names) != len(userdata.target_joint_config): Logger.logwarn("Number of joint names (%d) does not match number of joint values (%d)" % (len(self._joint_names), len(userdata.target_joint_config))) self.group_to_move.set_joint_value_target(dict(zip(self._joint_names, userdata.target_joint_config))) # execute the motion try: Logger.loginfo("Moving %s to: %s" % (self._planning_group, ", ".join(map(str, userdata.target_joint_config)))) result = self.group_to_move.go() except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Was unable to execute move group request:\n%s' % str(e)) self._done = "failed" if result: self._done = "reached" else: self._done = "failed"
def __init__(self, planArm="left_arm"): # Initialize the move_group API #moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) # Initialize the ROS node rospy.init_node('pick_place', anonymous=True) # Connect to the arm move group if planArm == "right_arm": self.arm = MoveGroupCommander('right_arm') self.hand = Gripper(1) else: self.arm = MoveGroupCommander('left_arm') self.hand = Gripper(0) rospy.sleep(1) self.hand.release() # Allow replanning to increase the odds of a solution self.arm.allow_replanning(True)
def __init__(self, planning_group, joint_names): """Constructor""" super(MoveitCommanderMoveGroupState, self).__init__(outcomes=['reached', 'failed'], input_keys=['target_joint_config']) self._planning_group = planning_group self._joint_names = joint_names Logger.loginfo("About to make mgc in init with group %s" % self._planning_group) self.group_to_move = MoveGroupCommander(self._planning_group) Logger.loginfo("finished making mgc in init.") self._done = False
def __init__(self): moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('cobra_test_cartesian', anonymous=True) arm = MoveGroupCommander(ARM_GROUP) arm.allow_replanning(True) rospy.sleep(2) pose = PoseStamped().pose # same orientation for all q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # roll, pitch, yaw pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q) i = 1 while i <= 10: waypoints = list() j = 1 while j <= 5: # random pose rand_pose = arm.get_random_pose(arm.get_end_effector_link()) pose.position.x = rand_pose.pose.position.x pose.position.y = rand_pose.pose.position.y pose.position.z = rand_pose.pose.position.z waypoints.append(copy.deepcopy(pose)) j += 1 (plan, fraction) = arm.compute_cartesian_path( waypoints, # waypoints to follow 0.01, # eef_step 0.0) # jump_threshold print "====== waypoints created =======" # print waypoints # ======= show cartesian path ====== # arm.go() rospy.sleep(10) i += 1 print "========= end =========" moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
def run(self, cycle, verbose = 2): #enable robot if not already done enableProcess = subprocess.Popen(["rosrun", "baxter_tools", "", "-e"]) enableProcess.wait() #start moveit servers. Since we do not know how long it will take them #to start, pause for 15 seconds jointServer = subprocess.Popen(["rosrun", "baxter_interface", ""]) planServer = subprocess.Popen(["roslaunch", "baxter_moveit_config", "move_group.launch"]) time.sleep(15) raw_input("press enter") try: #left = MoveGroupCommander("left_arm") right = MoveGroupCommander("right_arm") upRight = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose(position = geometry_msgs.msg.Point( x = 0.9667369015076861, y = -0.1190874231664102, z = -0.07489146157788866 )) #upLeft = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose(position = geometry_msgs.msg.Point( #x = 0.7, y = 0.35, z = 0.8)) #downRight = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose(position = geometry_msgs.msg.Point( #x = 0.7, y = -0.45, z = 0.3)) #downLeft = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose(position = geometry_msgs.msg.Point( #x = 0.7, y = 0.45, z = 0.3)) right.set_pose_target(upRight) #left.set_pose_target(upLeft) right.go() #left.go() #right.set_pose_target(downRight) #left.set_pose_target(downLeft) right.go() #left.go() finally: #clean up - kill servers jointServer.kill() planServer.kill() sys.exit()
def main(): #Wait for the IK service to become available rospy.wait_for_service('compute_ik') rospy.init_node('service_query') #Create the function used to call the service compute_ik = rospy.ServiceProxy('compute_ik', GetPositionIK) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): raw_input('Press [ Enter ]: ') #Construct the request request = GetPositionIKRequest() request.ik_request.group_name = "left_arm" request.ik_request.ik_link_name = "left_hand" request.ik_request.attempts = 20 request.ik_request.pose_stamped.header.frame_id = "base" #Set the desired orientation for the end effector HERE request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.x = 0.5 request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.y = 0.5 request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.z = 0.3 request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.orientation.y = 1.0 request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.orientation.w = 0.0 try: #Send the request to the service response = compute_ik(request) #Print the response HERE print(response) group = MoveGroupCommander("left_arm") #this command tries to achieve a pose: which is position, orientation group.set_pose_target(request.ik_request.pose_stamped) #then, this command tries to achieve a position only. orientation is airbitrary. group.set_position_target([0.5,0.5,0.3]) group.go() except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s"%e
class Robot: def __init__(self, config, debug=0): print "[INFO] Initialise Robot" self.DEBUG = debug # configuration self.config = config # initialise move groups self.arm = MoveGroupCommander(ARM_GROUP) self.gripper = MoveGroupCommander(GRIPPER_GROUP) # initialise pick and place manager if self.DEBUG is 1: # verbose mode self.pick_and_place = PickPlaceInterface(ARM_GROUP, GRIPPER_GROUP, False, True) else: # non verbose mode self.pick_and_place = PickPlaceInterface(ARM_GROUP, GRIPPER_GROUP, False, False) # tolerance: position (in m), orientation (in rad) self.arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.01) self.arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.1) self.place_manager = None self.pick_manager = None self.initialise_move_actions() self.start_position() """Initialise the place and pick manager. """ def initialise_move_actions(self): self.place_manager = PlaceManager(self.arm, self.pick_and_place, self.config, self.DEBUG) self.pick_manager = PickManager(self.arm, self.pick_and_place, self.DEBUG) """Move robot arm to "start position". """ def start_position(self): self.arm.set_named_target(START_POSITION) self.arm.go() rospy.sleep(2)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('moveit_web',disable_signals=True) self.jspub = rospy.Publisher('/update_joint_states',JointState) self.psw_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planning_scene_world', PlanningSceneWorld) # Give time for subscribers to connect to the publisher rospy.sleep(1) self.goals = [] # HACK: Synthesize a valid initial joint configuration for PR2 initial_joint_state = JointState() = ['r_elbow_flex_joint'] initial_joint_state.position = [-0.1] self.jspub.publish(initial_joint_state) # Create group we'll use all along this demo # self.move_group = MoveGroupCommander('right_arm_and_torso') self.move_group = MoveGroupCommander(self.robot_data['group_name']) self._move_group = self.move_group._g = PlanningSceneInterface() self.status = {'text':'ready to plan','ready':True}
def __init__(self): group = MoveGroupCommander("arm") #group.set_orientation_tolerance([0.3,0.3,0,3]) p = PoseStamped() p.header.frame_id = "/katana_base_link" p.pose.position.x = 0.4287 #p.pose.position.y = -0.0847 p.pose.position.y = 0.0 p.pose.position.z = 0.4492 q = quaternion_from_euler(2, 0, 0) p.pose.orientation.x = q[0] p.pose.orientation.y = q[1] p.pose.orientation.z = q[2] p.pose.orientation.w = q[3] print "Planning frame: " ,group.get_planning_frame() print "Pose reference frame: ",group.get_pose_reference_frame() #group.set_pose_reference_frame("katana_base_link") print "RPy target: 0,0,0" #group.set_rpy_target([0, 0, 0],"katana_gripper_tool_frame") #group.set_position_target([0.16,0,0.40], "katana_gripper_tool_frame") group.set_pose_target(p, "katana_gripper_tool_frame") group.go() print "Current rpy: " , group.get_current_rpy("katana_gripper_tool_frame")
def __init__(self): smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes=['succeeded','failed'], input_keys=[], output_keys=['new_box']) # initialize tf listener self.listener = tf.TransformListener() ### Create a handle for the Move Group Commander self.mgc = MoveGroupCommander("manipulator") ### Create a handle for the Planning Scene Interface self.psi = PlanningSceneInterface() # ### initialize service for gripper on universal arm self.io_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('set_io', SetIO) self.eef_step = 0.01 self.jump_threshold = 2 rospy.logwarn("Initializing Grasp") rospy.sleep(1)
def __init__(self): # Initialize the move_group API moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('moveit_demo') # Initialize the move group for the right arm right_arm = MoveGroupCommander('right_arm') # Get the name of the end-effector link end_effector_link = right_arm.get_end_effector_link() # Allow replanning to increase the odds of a solution right_arm.allow_replanning(True) # Allow some leeway in position(meters) and orientation (radians) right_arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.02) right_arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.1) # Start the arm in the "resting" pose stored in the SRDF file right_arm.set_named_target('resting') right_arm.go() # Move to the named "straight_forward" pose stored in the SRDF file right_arm.set_named_target('straight_forward') right_arm.go() rospy.sleep(2) # Move back to the resting position at roughly 1/4 speed right_arm.set_named_target('resting') # Get back the planned trajectory traj = right_arm.plan() # Scale the trajectory speed by a factor of 0.25 new_traj = scale_trajectory_speed(traj, 0.25) # Execute the new trajectory right_arm.execute(new_traj) rospy.sleep(1) # Exit MoveIt cleanly moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() # Exit the script moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
positions = [ 0.2928262968941126, -0.2928262968941126, 0.2928262968941126, -0.2928262968941126, -0.2928262968941126, 0.2928262968941126, 0.44286313484323736, -1.1781581860491328, 1.7121511388933512, 1.0374444266562388, 1.5704395720709645, -2.698212672994671 ] #def default_grip(arm): if __name__ == '__main__': roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('moveit_py_demo', anonymous=True) scene = PlanningSceneInterface() robot = RobotCommander() arm = MoveGroupCommander("manipulator") eef = MoveGroupCommander("endeffector") rospy.sleep(1) #Start State Gripper group_variable_values = eef.get_current_joint_values() group_variable_values[0] = 0.0 eef.set_joint_value_target(group_variable_values) plan2 = eef.plan() arm.execute(plan2) # clean the scene scene.remove_world_object("pole") scene.remove_world_object("table") scene.remove_world_object("part") # publish a demo scene k = PoseStamped()
def __init__(self): # 初始化move_group的API moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) # 初始化ROS节点 rospy.init_node('moveit_attached_object_demo') # 初始化场景对象 scene = PlanningSceneInterface() rospy.sleep(1) # 初始化需要使用move group控制的机械臂中的arm group arm = MoveGroupCommander('manipulator') # 获取终端link的名称 end_effector_link = arm.get_end_effector_link() # 设置位置(单位:米)和姿态(单位:弧度)的允许误差 arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.01) arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.05) # 当运动规划失败后,允许重新规划 arm.allow_replanning(True) # 控制机械臂回到初始化位置 arm.set_named_target('home') arm.go() # 设置每次运动规划的时间限制:10s arm.set_planning_time(10) # 移除场景中之前运行残留的物体 scene.remove_attached_object(end_effector_link, 'tool') scene.remove_world_object('table') # 设置桌面的高度 table_ground = 0.7 # 设置table和tool的三维尺寸 table_size = [0.1, 0.3, 0.02] tool_size = [0.2, 0.02, 0.02] # 设置tool的位姿 p = PoseStamped() p.header.frame_id = end_effector_link p.pose.position.x = tool_size[0] / 2.0 p.pose.position.z = -0.015 p.pose.orientation.w = 1 # 将tool附着到机器人的终端 scene.attach_box(end_effector_link, 'tool', p, tool_size) # 将table加入场景当中 table_pose = PoseStamped() table_pose.header.frame_id = 'base_link' table_pose.pose.position.x = 0.4 table_pose.pose.position.y = 0.0 table_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[2] table_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 scene.add_box('table', table_pose, table_size) rospy.sleep(2) # 更新当前的位姿 arm.set_start_state_to_current_state() # 设置机械臂的目标位置,使用六轴的位置数据进行描述(单位:弧度) joint_positions = [ -0.5110620856285095, 0.32814791798591614, 0.5454912781715393, 1.0146701335906982, 0.8498637080192566, -0.45695754885673523 ] arm.set_joint_value_target(joint_positions) # 控制机械臂完成运动 arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) # 控制机械臂回到初始化位置 arm.set_named_target('home') arm.go() moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
def __init__(self): # Initialize the move_group API moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('moveit_demo') self.gripper_opened = [rospy.get_param(GRIPPER_PARAM + "/max_opening")] self.gripper_closed = [rospy.get_param(GRIPPER_PARAM + "/min_opening")] self.gripper_neutral = [rospy.get_param(GRIPPER_PARAM + "/neutral")] self.gripper_tighten = rospy.get_param(GRIPPER_PARAM + "/tighten") # We need a tf listener to convert poses into arm reference base self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() # Use the planning scene object to add or remove objects scene = PlanningSceneInterface() # Create a scene publisher to push changes to the scene self.scene_pub = rospy.Publisher('planning_scene', PlanningScene, queue_size=10) # Create a publisher for displaying gripper poses self.gripper_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('target_pose', PoseStamped, queue_size=10) # Create a dictionary to hold object colors self.colors = dict() # Initialize the move group for the right arm arm = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_ARM) # Initialize the move group for the right gripper gripper = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_GRIPPER) # Get the name of the end-effector link end_effector_link = arm.get_end_effector_link() # Allow some leeway in position (meters) and orientation (radians) arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.04) arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.1) # Allow replanning to increase the odds of a solution arm.allow_replanning(True) # Set the right arm reference frame arm.set_pose_reference_frame(REFERENCE_FRAME) # Allow 5 seconds per planning attempt arm.set_planning_time(5) # Set a limit on the number of pick attempts before bailing max_pick_attempts = 3 # Set a limit on the number of place attempts max_place_attempts = 3 rospy.loginfo("Scaling for MoveIt timeout=" + str( rospy.get_param( '/move_group/trajectory_execution/allowed_execution_duration_scaling' ))) # Give the scene a chance to catch up rospy.sleep(2) # Give each of the scene objects a unique name #table_id = 'table' We also remove the table object in order to run a test #box1_id = 'box1' These boxes are commented as we do not need them #box2_id = 'box2' target_id = 'target' tool_id = 'tool' # Remove leftover objects from a previous run #scene.remove_world_object(table_id) #scene.remove_world_object(box1_id) These boxes are commented as we do not need them #scene.remove_world_object(box2_id) scene.remove_world_object(target_id) scene.remove_world_object(tool_id) # Remove any attached objects from a previous session scene.remove_attached_object(GRIPPER_FRAME, target_id) # Give the scene a chance to catch up rospy.sleep(1) # Start the arm in the "arm_up" pose stored in the SRDF file rospy.loginfo("Set Arm: right_up") arm.set_named_target('right_up') if arm.go() != True: rospy.logwarn(" Go failed") rospy.sleep(2) # Move the gripper to the closed position rospy.loginfo("Set Gripper: Close " + str(self.gripper_closed)) gripper.set_joint_value_target(self.gripper_closed) if gripper.go() != True: rospy.logwarn(" Go failed") rospy.sleep(2) # Move the gripper to the neutral position rospy.loginfo("Set Gripper: Neutral " + str(self.gripper_neutral)) gripper.set_joint_value_target(self.gripper_neutral) if gripper.go() != True: rospy.logwarn(" Go failed") rospy.sleep(2) # Move the gripper to the open position rospy.loginfo("Set Gripper: Open " + str(self.gripper_opened)) gripper.set_joint_value_target(self.gripper_opened) if gripper.go() != True: rospy.logwarn(" Go failed") rospy.sleep(2) # Set the height of the table off the ground #table_ground = 0.4 # Set the dimensions of the scene objects [l, w, h] #table_size = [0.2, 0.7, 0.01] #box1_size = [0.1, 0.05, 0.05] commented for the same reasons as previously #box2_size = [0.05, 0.05, 0.15] # Set the target size [l, w, h] target_size = [ 0.018, 0.018, 0.018 ] #[0.02, 0.005, 0.12] original object dimensions in meters # Add a table top and two boxes to the scene #table_pose = PoseStamped() #table_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME #table_pose.pose.position.x = 0.36 #table_pose.pose.position.y = 0.0 #table_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[2] -0.08 / 2.0 #0.4+0.01/2 aka table_ground + table_size[2] + target_size[2] / 2.0 #table_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 #scene.add_box(table_id, table_pose, table_size) #box1_pose = PoseStamped() These two blocks of code are commented as they assign postion to unwanted boxes #box1_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME #box1_pose.pose.position.x = table_pose.pose.position.x - 0.04 #box1_pose.pose.position.y = 0.0 #box1_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[2] + box1_size[2] / 2.0 #box1_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 #scene.add_box(box1_id, box1_pose, box1_size) #box2_pose = PoseStamped() #box2_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME #box2_pose.pose.position.x = table_pose.pose.position.x - 0.06 #box2_pose.pose.position.y = 0.2 #box2_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[2] + box2_size[2] / 2.0 #box2_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 #scene.add_box(box2_id, box2_pose, box2_size) # Set the target pose in between the boxes and on the table target_pose = PoseStamped() target_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME target_pose.pose.position.x = -0.03 #table_pose.pose.position.x - 0.03 target_pose.pose.position.y = 0.1 target_pose.pose.position.z = 0.4 + 0.01 + 0.018 - 0.08 / 2 #table_ground + table_size[2] + target_size[2] / 2.0 table_ground + table_size[2] + target_size[2] -0.08 / 2.0 target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # Add the target object to the scene scene.add_box(target_id, target_pose, target_size) # Make the table red and the boxes orange #self.setColor(table_id, 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0) #self.setColor(box1_id, 0.8, 0.4, 0, 1.0) #self.setColor(box2_id, 0.8, 0.4, 0, 1.0) # Make the target yellow self.setColor(target_id, 0.9, 0.9, 0, 1.0) # Send the colors to the planning scene self.sendColors() # Set the support surface name to the table object #arm.set_support_surface_name(table_id) # Specify a pose to place the target after being picked up place_pose = PoseStamped() place_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME place_pose.pose.position.x = -0.03 #table_pose.pose.position.x - 0.03 place_pose.pose.position.y = -0.15 place_pose.pose.position.z = 0.4 + 0.01 + 0.018 - 0.08 / 2 #table_ground + table_size[2] + target_size[2] -0.08 / 2.0 0.4+0.01+0.018/2 aka table_ground + table_size[2] + target_size[2] / 2.0 place_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # Initialize the grasp pose to the target pose grasp_pose = target_pose # Shift the grasp pose by half the width of the target to center it grasp_pose.pose.position.y -= target_size[1] / 2.0 # Generate a list of grasps grasps = self.make_grasps(grasp_pose, [target_id], [target_size[1] - self.gripper_tighten]) # Track success/failure and number of attempts for pick operation result = MoveItErrorCodes.FAILURE n_attempts = 0 # Repeat until we succeed or run out of attempts while result != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS and n_attempts < max_pick_attempts: rospy.loginfo("Pick attempt #" + str(n_attempts)) for grasp in grasps: # Publish the grasp poses so they can be viewed in RViz self.gripper_pose_pub.publish(grasp.grasp_pose) rospy.sleep(0.2) result = arm.pick(target_id, grasps) if result == MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: break n_attempts += 1 rospy.sleep(0.2) # If the pick was successful, attempt the place operation if result == MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: rospy.loginfo(" Pick: Done!") # Generate valid place poses places = self.make_places(place_pose) success = False #from here we are forcing the success cases by stting and making it always true it makes an error appear and the arm stays to the middle position n_attempts = 0 # Repeat until we succeed or run out of attempts while not success and n_attempts < max_place_attempts: #while not has been removed added = after operator < rospy.loginfo("Place attempt #" + str(n_attempts)) for place in places: # Publish the place poses so they can be viewed in RViz self.gripper_pose_pub.publish(place) rospy.sleep(0.2) success =, place) break if success: break n_attempts += 1 rospy.sleep(0.2) if not success: rospy.logerr("Place operation failed after " + str(n_attempts) + " attempts.") else: #end of forcing rospy.loginfo(" Place: Done!") else: rospy.logerr("Pick operation failed after " + str(n_attempts) + " attempts.") # Return the arm to the "resting" pose stored in the SRDF file (passing through right_up) arm.set_named_target('right_up') arm.go() arm.set_named_target('resting') arm.go() # Open the gripper to the neutral position gripper.set_joint_value_target(self.gripper_neutral) gripper.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Shut down MoveIt cleanly moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() # Exit the script moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
def __init__(self): # Initialize the move_group API moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) # Initialize the ROS node rospy.init_node('moveit_constraints_demo', anonymous=True) robot = RobotCommander() # Connect to the arm move group arm = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_ARM) # Initialize the move group for the right gripper gripper = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_GRIPPER) # Increase the planning time since constraint planning can take a while arm.set_planning_time(5) # Allow replanning to increase the odds of a solution arm.allow_replanning(True) # Set the right arm reference frame arm.set_pose_reference_frame(REFERENCE_FRAME) # Allow some leeway in position(meters) and orientation (radians) arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.05) arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.1) # Get the name of the end-effector link end_effector_link = arm.get_end_effector_link() # Start in the "resting" configuration stored in the SRDF file arm.set_named_target('l_arm_init') # Plan and execute a trajectory to the goal configuration arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Open the gripper gripper.set_joint_value_target(GRIPPER_NEUTRAL) gripper.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Set an initial target pose with the arm up and to the right target_pose = PoseStamped() target_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME target_pose.pose.position.x = 0.263803774718 target_pose.pose.position.y = 0.295405791959 target_pose.pose.position.z = 0.690438884208 q = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, -1.57079633) target_pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0] target_pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1] target_pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2] target_pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3] # Set the start state and target pose, then plan and execute arm.set_start_state(robot.get_current_state()) arm.set_pose_target(target_pose, end_effector_link) arm.go() rospy.sleep(2) # Close the gripper gripper.set_joint_value_target(GRIPPER_CLOSED) gripper.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Store the current pose start_pose = arm.get_current_pose(end_effector_link) # Create a contraints list and give it a name constraints = Constraints() = "Keep gripper horizontal" # Create an orientation constraint for the right gripper orientation_constraint = OrientationConstraint() orientation_constraint.header = start_pose.header orientation_constraint.link_name = arm.get_end_effector_link() orientation_constraint.orientation.w = 1.0 orientation_constraint.absolute_x_axis_tolerance = 0.1 orientation_constraint.absolute_y_axis_tolerance = 0.1 orientation_constraint.absolute_z_axis_tolerance = 0.1 orientation_constraint.weight = 1.0 # q = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, -1.57079633) # orientation_constraint.orientation.x = q[0] # orientation_constraint.orientation.y = q[1] # orientation_constraint.orientation.z = q[2] # orientation_constraint.orientation.w = q[3] # Append the constraint to the list of contraints constraints.orientation_constraints.append(orientation_constraint) # Set the path constraints on the arm arm.set_path_constraints(constraints) # Set a target pose for the arm target_pose = PoseStamped() target_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME target_pose.pose.position.x = 0.39000848183 target_pose.pose.position.y = 0.185900663329 target_pose.pose.position.z = 0.732752341378 target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 # Set the start state and target pose, then plan and execute arm.set_start_state_to_current_state() arm.set_pose_target(target_pose, end_effector_link) arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Clear all path constraints arm.clear_path_constraints() # Open the gripper gripper.set_joint_value_target(GRIPPER_NEUTRAL) gripper.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Return to the "resting" configuration stored in the SRDF file arm.set_named_target('l_arm_init') # Plan and execute a trajectory to the goal configuration arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Shut down MoveIt cleanly moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() # Exit MoveIt moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
def __init__(self): # Initialize the move_group API moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) # Initialize the ROS node rospy.init_node('moveit_demo', anonymous=True) robot = RobotCommander() # Connect to the right_arm move group right_arm = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_ARM) # Initialize the move group for the right gripper right_gripper = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_GRIPPER) # Increase the planning time since contraint planning can take a while right_arm.set_planning_time(15) # Allow replanning to increase the odds of a solution right_arm.allow_replanning(True) # Set the right arm reference frame right_arm.set_pose_reference_frame(REFERENCE_FRAME) # Allow some leeway in position(meters) and orientation (radians) right_arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.05) right_arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.1) # Get the name of the end-effector link end_effector_link = right_arm.get_end_effector_link() # Start in the "resting" configuration stored in the SRDF file right_arm.set_named_target('resting') # Plan and execute a trajectory to the goal configuration right_arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Open the gripper right_gripper.set_joint_value_target(GRIPPER_NEUTRAL) right_gripper.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Set an initial target pose with the arm up and to the right target_pose = PoseStamped() target_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME target_pose.pose.position.x = 0.237012590198 target_pose.pose.position.y = -0.0747191267505 target_pose.pose.position.z = 0.901578401949 target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # Set the start state and target pose, then plan and execute right_arm.set_start_state(robot.get_current_state()) right_arm.set_pose_target(target_pose, end_effector_link) right_arm.go() rospy.sleep(2) # Close the gripper right_gripper.set_joint_value_target(GRIPPER_CLOSED) right_gripper.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Store the current pose start_pose = right_arm.get_current_pose(end_effector_link) # Create a contraints list and give it a name constraints = Constraints() = "Keep gripper horizontal" # Create an orientation constraint for the right gripper orientation_constraint = OrientationConstraint() orientation_constraint.header = start_pose.header orientation_constraint.link_name = right_arm.get_end_effector_link() orientation_constraint.orientation.w = 1.0 orientation_constraint.absolute_x_axis_tolerance = 0.1 orientation_constraint.absolute_y_axis_tolerance = 0.1 orientation_constraint.absolute_z_axis_tolerance = 3.14 orientation_constraint.weight = 1.0 # Append the constraint to the list of contraints constraints.orientation_constraints.append(orientation_constraint) # Set the path constraints on the right_arm right_arm.set_path_constraints(constraints) # Set a target pose for the arm target_pose = PoseStamped() target_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME target_pose.pose.position.x = 0.173187824708 target_pose.pose.position.y = -0.0159929871606 target_pose.pose.position.z = 0.692596608605 target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # Set the start state and target pose, then plan and execute right_arm.set_start_state_to_current_state() right_arm.set_pose_target(target_pose, end_effector_link) right_arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Clear all path constraints right_arm.clear_path_constraints() # Open the gripper right_gripper.set_joint_value_target(GRIPPER_NEUTRAL) right_gripper.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Return to the "resting" configuration stored in the SRDF file right_arm.set_named_target('resting') # Plan and execute a trajectory to the goal configuration right_arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Shut down MoveIt cleanly moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() # Exit MoveIt moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
def __init__(self): # Initialize the move_group API moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) # Initialize the ROS node rospy.init_node('moveit_demo', anonymous=True) cartesian = rospy.get_param('~cartesian', True) # Connect to the arm move group arm = MoveGroupCommander('arm') # Allow replanning to increase the odds of a solution arm.allow_replanning(True) # Set the right arm reference frame arm.set_pose_reference_frame('base_link') # Allow some leeway in position(meters) and orientation (radians) arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.01) arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.05) # Get the name of the end-effector link end_effector_link = arm.get_end_effector_link() # Set an initial position for the arm start_position = [ 0.0, 0.5, -0.0074579719079, -1.67822729461, -3.1415174069, -1.1, 3.1415174069 ] # Set the goal pose of the end effector to the stored pose arm.set_joint_value_target(start_position) # Plan and execute a trajectory to the goal configuration arm.go() # Get the current pose so we can add it as a waypoint start_pose = arm.get_current_pose(end_effector_link).pose # Initialize the waypoints list waypoints = [] # Set the first waypoint to be the starting pose if cartesian: # Append the pose to the waypoints list waypoints.append(start_pose) wpose = deepcopy(start_pose) # Move end effector to the right 0.3 meters wpose.position.y -= 0.3 if cartesian: # Append the pose to the waypoints list waypoints.append(deepcopy(wpose)) else: arm.set_pose_target(wpose) arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Move end effector up and back wpose.position.x -= 0.2 wpose.position.z += 0.3 if cartesian: # Append the pose to the waypoints list waypoints.append(deepcopy(wpose)) else: arm.set_pose_target(wpose) arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) if cartesian: # Append the pose to the waypoints list waypoints.append(deepcopy(start_pose)) else: arm.set_pose_target(start_pose) arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) if cartesian: fraction = 0.0 maxtries = 100 attempts = 0 # Set the internal state to the current state arm.set_start_state_to_current_state() # Plan the Cartesian path connecting the waypoints while fraction < 1.0 and attempts < maxtries: (plan, fraction) = arm.compute_cartesian_path( waypoints, # waypoint poses 0.025, # eef_step 0.0, # jump_threshold True) # avoid_collisions # Increment the number of attempts attempts += 1 # Print out a progress message if attempts % 10 == 0: rospy.loginfo("Still trying after " + str(attempts) + " attempts...") # If we have a complete plan, execute the trajectory if fraction == 1.0: rospy.loginfo("Path computed successfully. Moving the arm.") arm.execute(plan) rospy.loginfo("Path execution complete.") else: rospy.loginfo("Path planning failed with only " + str(fraction) + " success after " + str(maxtries) + " attempts.") # Shut down MoveIt cleanly moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() # Exit MoveIt moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
def __init__(self): # 初始化move_group的API moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) # 初始化ROS节点 rospy.init_node('moveit_obstacles_demo') # 初始化场景对象 scene = PlanningSceneInterface() # 创建一个发布场景变化信息的发布者 self.scene_pub = rospy.Publisher('planning_scene', PlanningScene, queue_size=5) # 创建一个存储物体颜色的字典对象 self.colors = dict() # 等待场景准备就绪 rospy.sleep(1) # 初始化需要使用move group控制的机械臂中的 manipulator group arm = MoveGroupCommander('manipulator') # 获取终端link的名称 end_effector_link = arm.get_end_effector_link() # 设置位置(单位:米)和姿态(单位:弧度)的允许误差 arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.01) arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.05) # 当运动规划失败后,允许重新规划 arm.allow_replanning(True) # 设置目标位置所使用的参考坐标系 reference_frame = 'base_link' arm.set_pose_reference_frame(reference_frame) # 设置每次运动规划的时间限制:5s arm.set_planning_time(5) # 设置场景物体的名称 table_id = 'table' box1_id = 'box1' box2_id = 'box2' # 移除场景中之前运行残留的物体 scene.remove_world_object(table_id) scene.remove_world_object(box1_id) scene.remove_world_object(box2_id) rospy.sleep(1) # 控制机械臂先回到初始化位置 arm.set_named_target('home') arm.go() rospy.sleep(2) # 设置桌面的高度 table_ground = 0.25 # 设置table、box1和box2的三维尺寸 table_size = [0.2, 0.7, 0.01] box1_size = [0.1, 0.05, 0.05] box2_size = [0.05, 0.05, 0.15] # 将三个物体加入场景当中 table_pose = PoseStamped() table_pose.header.frame_id = reference_frame table_pose.pose.position.x = 0.26 table_pose.pose.position.y = 0.0 table_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[2] / 2.0 table_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 scene.add_box(table_id, table_pose, table_size) box1_pose = PoseStamped() box1_pose.header.frame_id = reference_frame box1_pose.pose.position.x = 0.21 box1_pose.pose.position.y = -0.1 box1_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[ 2] + box1_size[2] / 2.0 box1_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 scene.add_box(box1_id, box1_pose, box1_size) box2_pose = PoseStamped() box2_pose.header.frame_id = reference_frame box2_pose.pose.position.x = 0.19 box2_pose.pose.position.y = 0.15 box2_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[ 2] + box2_size[2] / 2.0 box2_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 scene.add_box(box2_id, box2_pose, box2_size) # 将桌子设置成红色,两个box设置成橙色 self.setColor(table_id, 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(box1_id, 0.8, 0.4, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(box2_id, 0.8, 0.4, 0, 1.0) # 将场景中的颜色设置发布 self.sendColors() # 设置机械臂的运动目标位置,位于桌面之上两个盒子之间 target_pose = PoseStamped() target_pose.header.frame_id = reference_frame target_pose.pose.position.x = 0.2 target_pose.pose.position.y = 0.0 target_pose.pose.position.z = table_pose.pose.position.z + table_size[ 2] + 0.05 target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # 控制机械臂运动到目标位置 arm.set_pose_target(target_pose, end_effector_link) arm.go() rospy.sleep(2) # 设置机械臂的运动目标位置,进行避障规划 target_pose2 = PoseStamped() target_pose2.header.frame_id = reference_frame target_pose2.pose.position.x = 0.2 target_pose2.pose.position.y = 0.25 target_pose2.pose.position.z = table_pose.pose.position.z + table_size[ 2] + 0.05 target_pose2.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # 控制机械臂运动到目标位置 arm.set_pose_target(target_pose2, end_effector_link) arm.go() rospy.sleep(2) # 控制机械臂回到初始化位置 arm.set_named_target('home') arm.go() # 关闭并退出moveit moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('arm_tracker') rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown) # Maximum distance of the target before the arm will lower self.max_target_dist = 1.2 # Arm length to center of gripper frame self.arm_length = 0.4 # Distance between the last target and the new target before we move the arm self.last_target_threshold = 0.01 # Distance between target and end-effector before we move the arm self.target_ee_threshold = 0.025 # Initialize the move group for the right arm self.right_arm = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_ARM) # Initialize the move group for the right gripper right_gripper = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_GRIPPER) # Set the reference frame for pose targets self.reference_frame = REFERENCE_FRAME # Keep track of the last target pose self.last_target_pose = PoseStamped() # Set the right arm reference frame accordingly self.right_arm.set_pose_reference_frame(self.reference_frame) # Allow replanning to increase the chances of a solution self.right_arm.allow_replanning(False) # Set a position tolerance in meters self.right_arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.05) # Set an orientation tolerance in radians self.right_arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.2) # What is the end effector link? self.ee_link = self.right_arm.get_end_effector_link() # Create the transform listener self.listener = tf.TransformListener() # Queue up some tf data... rospy.sleep(3) # Set the gripper target to closed position using a joint value target right_gripper.set_joint_value_target(GRIPPER_CLOSED) # Plan and execute the gripper motion right_gripper.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Subscribe to the target topic rospy.wait_for_message('/target_pose', PoseStamped) # Use queue_size=1 so we don't pile up outdated target messages self.target_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber('/target_pose', PoseStamped, self.update_target_pose, queue_size=1) rospy.loginfo("Ready for action!") while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: target = except: rospy.sleep(0.5) continue # Timestamp the target with the current time target.header.stamp = rospy.Time() # Get the target pose in the right_arm shoulder lift frame #target_arm = self.listener.transformPose('right_arm_shoulder_pan_link', target) target_arm = self.listener.transformPose('right_arm_base_link', target) # Convert the position values to a Python list p0 = [target_arm.pose.position.x, target_arm.pose.position.y, target_arm.pose.position.z] # Compute the distance between the target and the shoulder link dist_target_shoulder = euclidean(p0, [0, 0, 0]) # If the target is too far away, then lower the arm if dist_target_shoulder > self.max_target_dist: rospy.loginfo("Target is too far away") self.right_arm.set_named_target('resting') self.right_arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) continue # Transform the pose to the base reference frame target_base = self.listener.transformPose(self.reference_frame, target) # Compute the distance between the current target and the last target p1 = [target_base.pose.position.x, target_base.pose.position.y, target_base.pose.position.z] p2 = [self.last_target_pose.pose.position.x, self.last_target_pose.pose.position.y, self.last_target_pose.pose.position.z] dist_last_target = euclidean(p1, p2) # Move the arm only if we are far enough away from the previous target if dist_last_target < self.last_target_threshold: rospy.loginfo("Still close to last target") rospy.sleep(0.5) continue # Get the pose of the end effector in the base reference frame ee_pose = self.right_arm.get_current_pose(self.ee_link) # Convert the position values to a Python list p3 = [ee_pose.pose.position.x, ee_pose.pose.position.y, ee_pose.pose.position.z] # Compute the distance between the target and the end-effector dist_target = euclidean(p1, p3) # Only move the arm if we are far enough away from the target if dist_target < self.target_ee_threshold: rospy.loginfo("Already close enough to target") rospy.sleep(1) continue # We want the gripper somewhere on the line connecting the shoulder and the target. # Using a parametric form of the line, the parameter ranges from 0 to the # minimum of the arm length and the distance to the target. t_max = min(self.arm_length, dist_target_shoulder) # Bring it back 10% so we don't collide with the target t = 0.9 * t_max # Now compute the target positions from the parameter try: target_arm.pose.position.x *= (t / dist_target_shoulder) target_arm.pose.position.y *= (t / dist_target_shoulder) target_arm.pose.position.z *= (t / dist_target_shoulder) except: rospy.sleep(1) rospy.loginfo("Exception!") continue # Transform to the base_footprint frame target_ee = self.listener.transformPose(self.reference_frame, target_arm) # Set the target gripper orientation to be horizontal target_ee.pose.orientation.x = 0 target_ee.pose.orientation.y = 0 target_ee.pose.orientation.z = 0 target_ee.pose.orientation.w = 1 # Update the current start state self.right_arm.set_start_state_to_current_state() # Set the target pose for the end-effector self.right_arm.set_pose_target(target_ee, self.ee_link) # Plan and execute the trajectory success = self.right_arm.go() if success: # Store the current target as the last target self.last_target_pose = target # Pause a bit between motions to keep from locking up rospy.sleep(0.5)
import sys import rospy import copy import geometry_msgs.msg from moveit_commander import MoveGroupCommander from moveit_commander import roscpp_initialize, roscpp_shutdown from math import sin, copysign if __name__ == '__main__': print "--- Straight line gesture ---" # roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('straight_line', anonymous=True) right_arm = MoveGroupCommander("right_arm") start_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() start_pose.position.x = -0.0988490064784 start_pose.position.y = 0.272349904278 start_pose.position.z = 1.18864499931 start_pose.orientation.x = 0.393751611087 start_pose.orientation.y = 0.918424640162 start_pose.orientation.z = -0.0150455838492 start_pose.orientation.w = 0.0350639347048 # start_pose.orientation.w = 0 # start_pose.orientation.x = 0 # start_pose.orientation.y = 1 # start_pose.orientation.z = 0 # start_pose.position.y = 0.0256415233819 # start_pose.position.z = 1.25871460368 # start_pose.position.x = 0.243500142238
import sys import rospy from moveit_commander import RobotCommander, PlanningSceneInterface, roscpp_initialize, roscpp_shutdown, MoveGroupCommander from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped import moveit_msgs.msg import geometry_msgs.msg import moveit_commander if __name__=='__main__': roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('move_demo', anonymous=True) scene = PlanningSceneInterface() robot = RobotCommander() group = MoveGroupCommander("manipulator") # specify the planner group.set_planner_id("RRTkConfigDefault") rospy.sleep(3) ## We create this DisplayTrajectory publisher which is used below to publish ## trajectories for RVIZ to visualize. # display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher( # '/move_group/display_planned_path', # moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory) print ">>>>> remove scenes"
class Planner(object): move_group = None goals = None jspub = None namespace = None # These will eventually go to model objects robot_data = { 'group_name': 'right_arm_and_torso', 'eef_link': 'r_wrist_joint_link' } # Current state of the 'session' (right now, only one) current_scene = None status = None link_poses = None def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('moveit_web',disable_signals=True) self.jspub = rospy.Publisher('/update_joint_states',JointState) self.psw_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planning_scene_world', PlanningSceneWorld) # Give time for subscribers to connect to the publisher rospy.sleep(1) self.goals = [] # HACK: Synthesize a valid initial joint configuration for PR2 initial_joint_state = JointState() = ['r_elbow_flex_joint'] initial_joint_state.position = [-0.1] self.jspub.publish(initial_joint_state) # Create group we'll use all along this demo # self.move_group = MoveGroupCommander('right_arm_and_torso') self.move_group = MoveGroupCommander(self.robot_data['group_name']) self._move_group = self.move_group._g = PlanningSceneInterface() self.status = {'text':'ready to plan','ready':True} def get_scene(self): return self.current_scene def set_scene(self, scene): self.current_scene = scene psw = PlanningSceneWorld() for co_json in scene['objects']: # TODO: Fix orientation by using proper quaternions on the client pose = self._make_pose(co_json['pose']) # TODO: Decide what to do with STL vs. Collada. The client has a Collada # loader but the PlanningSceneInterface can only deal with STL. # TODO: Proper mapping between filenames and URLs # filename = '/home/julian/aaad/moveit/src/moveit_web/django%s' % co_json['meshUrl'] filename = '/home/julian/aaad/moveit/src/moveit_web/django/static/meshes/table_4legs.stl' co =['name'], pose, filename) psw.collision_objects.append(co) self.psw_pub.publish(psw) def get_link_poses(self): if self.link_poses is None: self.link_poses = self._move_group.get_link_poses_compressed() return self.link_poses # Create link back to namespace to allow emitting information def set_socket(self, namespace): self.namespace = namespace def emit(self, event, data=None): if self.namespace: self.namespace.emit(event, data) def emit_new_goal(self, pose): self.emit('target_pose', message_converter.convert_ros_message_to_dictionary(pose)['pose']) def set_random_goal(self): goal_pose = self.move_group.get_random_pose() # goal_pose = self.move_group.get_random_pose('base_footprint') self.emit_new_goal(goal_pose) def _make_pose(self, json_pose): pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.frame_id = "odom_combined" pp = json_pose['position'] pose.pose.position.x = pp['x'] pose.pose.position.y = pp['y'] pose.pose.position.z = pp['z'] # TODO: Orientation is not working. See about # properly using Quaternions everywhere pp = json_pose['orientation'] pose.pose.orientation.x = pp['x'] pose.pose.orientation.y = pp['y'] pose.pose.orientation.z = pp['z'] pose.pose.orientation.w = pp['w'] return pose def plan_to_poses(self, poses): goal_pose = self._make_pose(poses[0]) self.move_group.set_pose_target(goal_pose) # self.move_group.set_pose_target(goal_pose,'base_footprint') self.emit('status',{'text':'Starting to plan'}) trajectory = self.move_group.plan() if trajectory is None or len(trajectory.joint_trajectory.joint_names) == 0: self.status = {'reachable':False,'text':'Ready to plan','ready':True} self.emit('status', self.status) else: self.status = {'reachable':True,'text':'Rendering trajectory'} self.emit('status', self.status) self.publish_trajectory(trajectory) def publish_goal_position(self, trajectory): self.publish_position(self, trajectory, -1) def publish_position(self, trajectory, step): jsmsg = JointState() = trajectory.joint_trajectory.joint_names jsmsg.position = trajectory.joint_trajectory.points[step].positions self.jspub.publish(jsmsg) def publish_trajectory(self, trajectory): cur_time = 0.0 acceleration = 4.0 for i in range(len(trajectory.joint_trajectory.points)): point = trajectory.joint_trajectory.points[i] gevent.sleep((point.time_from_start - cur_time)/acceleration) cur_time = point.time_from_start # self.publish_position(trajectory, i) # TODO: Only say "True" to update state on the last step of the trajectory new_poses = self._move_group.update_robot_state(trajectory.joint_trajectory.joint_names, trajectory.joint_trajectory.points[i].positions, True) self.link_poses = new_poses self.emit('link_poses', new_poses) self.status = {'text':'Ready to plan','ready':True} self.emit('status', self.status)
import rospy import copy import geometry_msgs.msg import moveit_msgs.msg from moveit_commander import RobotCommander, MoveGroupCommander from moveit_commander import PlanningSceneInterface, roscpp_initialize, roscpp_shutdown from math import sin, copysign, sqrt, pi if __name__ == "__main__": print "============ Dynamic hand gestures: Come" roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node("pumpkin_planning", anonymous=True) right_arm = MoveGroupCommander("right_arm") display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher( "/move_group/display_planned_path", moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory, queue_size=1 ) print right_arm.get_current_pose().pose start_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() start_pose.position.x = -0.102288932444 start_pose.position.y = 0.0200830096926 start_pose.position.z = 1.29036727185 start_pose.orientation.x = 0.5 start_pose.orientation.y = 0.5 start_pose.orientation.z = 0.5 start_pose.orientation.w = 0.5 right_arm.set_pose_target(start_pose) plan_start = right_arm.plan()
def __init__(self): # Initialize the move_group API moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) # Initialize the ROS node rospy.init_node('moveit_demo', anonymous=True) robot = RobotCommander() # Connect to the right_arm move group right_arm = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_ARM) # Initialize the move group for the right gripper right_gripper = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_GRIPPER) # Increase the planning time since constraint planning can take a while right_arm.set_planning_time(15) # Allow replanning to increase the odds of a solution right_arm.allow_replanning(True) # Set the right arm reference frame right_arm.set_pose_reference_frame(REFERENCE_FRAME) # Allow some leeway in position(meters) and orientation (radians) right_arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.05) right_arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.1) # Get the name of the end-effector link end_effector_link = right_arm.get_end_effector_link() # Start in the "resting" configuration stored in the SRDF file right_arm.set_named_target('right_arm_zero') # Plan and execute a trajectory to the goal configuration right_arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Open the gripper right_gripper.set_joint_value_target(GRIPPER_NEUTRAL) right_gripper.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Set an initial target pose with the arm up and to the right target_pose = PoseStamped() target_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME target_pose.pose.position.x = 0.237012590198 target_pose.pose.position.y = -0.0747191267505 target_pose.pose.position.z = 0.901578401949 target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # Set the start state and target pose, then plan and execute right_arm.set_start_state(robot.get_current_state()) right_arm.set_pose_target(target_pose, end_effector_link) right_arm.go() rospy.sleep(2) # Close the gripper right_gripper.set_joint_value_target(GRIPPER_CLOSED) right_gripper.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Store the current pose start_pose = right_arm.get_current_pose(end_effector_link) # Create a contraints list and give it a name constraints = Constraints() = "Keep gripper horizontal" # Create an orientation constraint for the right gripper orientation_constraint = OrientationConstraint() orientation_constraint.header = start_pose.header orientation_constraint.link_name = right_arm.get_end_effector_link() orientation_constraint.orientation.w = 1.0 orientation_constraint.absolute_x_axis_tolerance = 0.1 orientation_constraint.absolute_y_axis_tolerance = 0.1 orientation_constraint.absolute_z_axis_tolerance = 3.14 orientation_constraint.weight = 1.0 # Append the constraint to the list of contraints constraints.orientation_constraints.append(orientation_constraint) # Set the path constraints on the right_arm right_arm.set_path_constraints(constraints) # Set a target pose for the arm target_pose = PoseStamped() target_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME target_pose.pose.position.x = 0.173187824708 target_pose.pose.position.y = -0.0159929871606 target_pose.pose.position.z = 0.692596608605 target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # Set the start state and target pose, then plan and execute right_arm.set_start_state_to_current_state() right_arm.set_pose_target(target_pose, end_effector_link) right_arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Clear all path constraints right_arm.clear_path_constraints() # Open the gripper right_gripper.set_joint_value_target(GRIPPER_NEUTRAL) right_gripper.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Return to the "resting" configuration stored in the SRDF file right_arm.set_named_target('right_arm_zero') # Plan and execute a trajectory to the goal configuration right_arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Shut down MoveIt cleanly moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() # Exit MoveIt moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
def __init__(self): # Initialize the move_group API moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) #rospy.init_node('moveit_demo') # Initialize the ROS node rospy.init_node('moveit_demo', anonymous=True) #cartesian = rospy.get_param('~cartesian', True) print "===== It is OK ====" rospy.sleep(3) # Construct the initial scene object scene = PlanningSceneInterface() # Create a scene publisher to push changes to the scene self.scene_pub = rospy.Publisher('planning_scene', PlanningScene, queue_size=1) # Create a dictionary to hold object colors self.colors = dict() # Pause for the scene to get ready rospy.sleep(1) # Initialize the move group for the left arm left_arm = MoveGroupCommander('left_arm') left_gripper = MoveGroupCommander('left_gripper') # Get the name of the end-effector link left_eef = left_arm.get_end_effector_link() # Allow some leeway in position (meters) and orientation (radians) left_arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.01) left_arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.05) # Allow replanning to increase the odds of a solution left_arm.allow_replanning(True) left_reference_frame = left_arm.get_planning_frame() # Set the left arm reference frame left_arm.set_pose_reference_frame('base') # Allow 5 seconds per planning attempt left_arm.set_planning_time(10) # Set a limit on the number of pick attempts before bailing max_pick_attempts = 10 # Set a limit on the number of place attempts max_place_attempts = 10 # Give the scene a chance to catch up rospy.sleep(2) #object1_id = 'object1' table_id = 'table' target_id = 'target' #tool_id = 'tool' #obstacle1_id = 'obstacle1' # Remove leftover objects from a previous run #scene.remove_world_object(object1_id) scene.remove_world_object(table_id) scene.remove_world_object(target_id) #scene.remove_world_object(tool_id) # Remove any attached objects from a previous session scene.remove_attached_object('base', target_id) # Give the scene a chance to catch up rospy.sleep(1) # Start the arm in the "resting" pose stored in the SRDF file left_arm.set_named_target('left_arm_zero') left_arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) left_gripper.set_joint_value_target(GRIPPER_OPEN) left_gripper.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Set the height of the table off the ground table_ground = 0.0 #object1_size = [0.088, 0.04, 0.02] # Set the dimensions of the scene objects [l, w, h] table_size = [0.2, 0.7, 0.01] # Set the target size [l, w, h] target_size = [0.02, 0.01, 0.12] # Add a table top and two boxes to the scene #obstacle1_size = [0.3, 0.05, 0.45] # Add a table top and two boxes to the scene #obstacle1_pose = PoseStamped() #obstacle1_pose.header.frame_id = left_reference_frame #obstacle1_pose.pose.position.x = 0.96 #obstacle1_pose.pose.position.y = 0.24 #obstacle1_pose.pose.position.z = 0.04 #obstacle1_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 #scene.add_box(obstacle1_id, obstacle1_pose, obstacle1_size) #self.setColor(obstacle1_id, 0.8, 0.4, 0, 1.0) #object1_pose = PoseStamped() #object1_pose.header.frame_id = left_reference_frame #object1_pose.pose.position.x = 0.80 #object1_pose.pose.position.y = 0.04 #object1_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[2] + object1_size[2] / 2.0 #object1_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 #scene.add_box(object1_id, object1_pose, object1_size) # Add a table top and two boxes to the scene table_pose = PoseStamped() table_pose.header.frame_id = left_reference_frame table_pose.pose.position.x = 1 table_pose.pose.position.y = 0.7 table_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[2] / 2.0 table_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 scene.add_box(table_id, table_pose, table_size) # Set the target pose in between the boxes and on the table target_pose = PoseStamped() target_pose.header.frame_id = left_reference_frame target_pose.pose.position.x = 1 target_pose.pose.position.y = 0.7 target_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[ 2] + target_size[2] / 2.0 target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 # Add the target object to the scene scene.add_box(target_id, target_pose, target_size) # Make the table red and the boxes orange #self.setColor(object1_id, 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(table_id, 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0) # Make the target yellow self.setColor(target_id, 0.9, 0.9, 0, 1.0) # Send the colors to the planning scene self.sendColors() # Set the support surface name to the table object left_arm.set_support_surface_name(table_id) # Specify a pose to place the target after being picked up place_pose = PoseStamped() place_pose.header.frame_id = left_reference_frame place_pose.pose.position.x = 0.18 place_pose.pose.position.y = -0.18 place_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[ 2] + target_size[2] / 2.0 place_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 0 # Initialize the grasp pose to the target pose grasp_pose = target_pose # Shift the grasp pose by half the width of the target to center it #grasp_pose.pose.position.y -= target_size[1] / 2.0 # Generate a list of grasps grasps = self.make_grasps(grasp_pose, [target_id]) # Publish the grasp poses so they can be viewed in RViz for grasp in grasps: self.gripper_pose_pub.publish(grasp.grasp_pose) rospy.sleep(0.2) # Track success/failure and number of attempts for pick operation result = None n_attempts = 0 # Repeat until we succeed or run out of attempts while result != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS and n_attempts < max_pick_attempts: n_attempts += 1 rospy.loginfo("Pick attempt: " + str(n_attempts)) result = left_arm.pick(target_id, grasps) rospy.sleep(0.2) # If the pick was successful, attempt the place operation if result == MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: result = None n_attempts = 0 # Generate valid place poses places = self.make_places(place_pose) # Repeat until we succeed or run out of attempts while result != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS and n_attempts < max_place_attempts: n_attempts += 1 rospy.loginfo("Place attempt: " + str(n_attempts)) for place in places: result =, place) if result == MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: break rospy.sleep(0.2) if result != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: rospy.loginfo("Place operation failed after " + str(n_attempts) + " attempts.") else: rospy.loginfo("Pick operation failed after " + str(n_attempts) + " attempts.") # Return the arm to the "resting" pose stored in the SRDF file left_arm.set_named_target('left_arm_zero') left_arm.go() # Open the gripper to the neutral position left_gripper.set_joint_value_target(GRIPPER_OPEN) left_gripper.go() rospy.sleep(1) # Shut down MoveIt cleanly moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() # Exit the script moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
def __init__(self): # 初始化move_group的API moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) # 初始化ROS节点 rospy.init_node('moveit_cartesian_demo', anonymous=True) # 是否需要使用笛卡尔空间的运动规划 cartesian = rospy.get_param('~cartesian', True) # 初始化需要使用move group控制的机械臂中的arm group arm = MoveGroupCommander('arm') # 当运动规划失败后,允许重新规划 arm.allow_replanning(True) # 设置目标位置所使用的参考坐标系 arm.set_pose_reference_frame('base_link') # 设置位置(单位:米)和姿态(单位:弧度)的允许误差 arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.01) arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.1) # 获取终端link的名称 end_effector_link = arm.get_end_effector_link() # 控制机械臂运动到之前设置的“forward”姿态 arm.set_named_target('forward') arm.go() # 获取当前位姿数据最为机械臂运动的起始位姿 start_pose = arm.get_current_pose(end_effector_link).pose # 初始化路点列表 waypoints = [] # 将初始位姿加入路点列表 if cartesian: waypoints.append(start_pose) # 设置第二个路点数据,并加入路点列表 # 第二个路点需要向后运动0.2米,向右运动0.2米 wpose = deepcopy(start_pose) wpose.position.x -= 0.2 wpose.position.y -= 0.2 if cartesian: waypoints.append(deepcopy(wpose)) else: arm.set_pose_target(wpose) arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) # 设置第三个路点数据,并加入路点列表 wpose.position.y += 0.1 if cartesian: waypoints.append(deepcopy(wpose)) else: arm.set_pose_target(wpose) arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) # 设置第四个路点数据,回到初始位置,并加入路点列表 if cartesian: waypoints.append(deepcopy(start_pose)) else: arm.set_pose_target(start_pose) arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) if cartesian: fraction = 0.0 #路径规划覆盖率 maxtries = 100 #最大尝试规划次数 attempts = 0 #已经尝试规划次数 # 设置机器臂当前的状态作为运动初始状态 arm.set_start_state_to_current_state() # 尝试规划一条笛卡尔空间下的路径,依次通过所有路点 while fraction < 1.0 and attempts < maxtries: (plan, fraction) = arm.compute_cartesian_path( #走直线的函数 waypoints, # waypoint poses,路点列表 0.01, # eef_step,终端步进值 0.0, # jump_threshold,跳跃阈值 True) # avoid_collisions,避障规划 # 尝试次数累加 attempts += 1 # 打印运动规划进程 if attempts % 10 == 0: rospy.loginfo("Still trying after " + str(attempts) + " attempts...") # 如果路径规划成功(覆盖率100%),则开始控制机械臂运动 if fraction == 1.0: rospy.loginfo("Path computed successfully. Moving the arm.") arm.execute(plan) rospy.loginfo("Path execution complete.") # 如果路径规划失败,则打印失败信息 else: rospy.loginfo("Path planning failed with only " + str(fraction) + " success after " + str(maxtries) + " attempts.") # 控制机械臂回到初始化位置 arm.set_named_target('home') arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) # 关闭并退出moveit moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
def close_hand(): msg = Float64() = -1.0 for i in range(30): pub.publish(msg) rospy.sleep(0.1) if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('task_2_cheat', anonymous=True) # for for 5 sec rospy.sleep(5) rospy.loginfo("start program %f" % rospy.get_time()) arm = MoveGroupCommander("ur5_arm") arm.set_planner_id('RRTConnectkConfigDefault') pub = rospy.Publisher("/r_gripper_controller/command", Float64, queue_size=1) client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory', FollowJointTrajectoryAction) client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo("init pose") msg = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() msg.trajectory.header.stamp = + rospy.Duration(0.2) msg.trajectory.joint_names = ['ur5_arm_shoulder_pan_joint', 'ur5_arm_shoulder_lift_joint', 'ur5_arm_elbow_joint', 'ur5_arm_wrist_1_joint', 'ur5_arm_wrist_2_joint', 'ur5_arm_wrist_3_joint'] msg.trajectory.points.append(JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=[-1.57, -0.1745, -2.79, -1.57, 0, 0],
import random import actionlib from moveit_commander import RobotCommander,MoveGroupCommander, PlanningSceneInterface, roscpp_initialize, roscpp_shutdown from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped from std_msgs.msg import Float64,MultiArrayDimension from control_msgs.msg import GripperCommandAction,FollowJointTrajectoryAction from gazebo_ros_link_attacher.srv import Attach, AttachRequest, AttachResponse if __name__=='__main__': roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('moveit_py_demo', anonymous=True) scene = PlanningSceneInterface() robot = RobotCommander() arm = MoveGroupCommander("manipulator") eef = MoveGroupCommander("gripper") rospy.sleep(1) # clean the scene scene.remove_world_object("pole") scene.remove_world_object("table") scene.remove_world_object("part") client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('gripper_controller/gripper_action', GripperCommandAction) if not client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)): rospy.logerr('Pick up action client not available!') rospy.signal_shutdown('Pick up action client not available!') # publish a demo scene
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from moveit_commander import MoveGroupCommander if __name__ == '__main__': #init_node() group = MoveGroupCommander("botharms") sleep_time = 0.2 exec_vel = 1.0 while True: # home group.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor(exec_vel * 0.2) group.set_joint_value_target( [-0.78, 0.78, 0.14, 0.0, 0.78, -0.78, 0.14, 0.0]) group.go() rospy.sleep(sleep_time) group.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor(exec_vel) group.set_joint_value_target( [-1.5, 1.5, 0.14, 0.0, 1.5, -1.5, 0.14, 0.0]) group.go() rospy.sleep(sleep_time) num = 0 while num < 5: group.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor(exec_vel * 0.2) group.set_joint_value_target(
def __init__(self, debug=False, online = True, robot_frame="odom_combined"): self._tf = TransformListener() self._online = online # self.snd_handle = SoundClient() if self._online: #self._interface = ROSpeexInterface() #self._interface.init() self._speech_client = SpeechSynthesisClient_NICT() else: self.snd_handle = SoundClient() rospy.sleep(1) self.say('Hello world!') rospy.sleep(1) self._debug = debug self._robot_frame = robot_frame self._point_sub = rospy.Subscriber('nearest_face', PointStamped, self.face_cb) self._head_action_cl = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/head_traj_controller/point_head_action', pr2_controllers_msgs.msg.PointHeadAction) self._torso_action_cl = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/torso_controller/position_joint_action', pr2_controllers_msgs.msg.SingleJointPositionAction) self._left_arm = MoveGroupCommander("left_arm") self._right_arm = MoveGroupCommander("right_arm") print "r.f.: " + self._left_arm.get_pose_reference_frame() self.face = None # self.face_from = rospy.Time(0) self.face_last_dist = 0 self.last_invited_at = rospy.Time(0) self._person_prob_left = 0 self.l_home_pose = [0.283, 0.295, 0.537, -1.646, 0.468, -1.735] self.l_wave_1 = [-0.1, 0.6, 1.15, -1.7, -0.97, -1.6] self.l_wave_2 = [-0.1, 0.6, 1.15, 1.7, -0.97, 1.6] self.r_home_pose = [0.124, -0.481, 0.439, -1.548, 0.36, -0.035] self.r_advert = [0.521, -0.508, 0.845, -1.548, 0.36, -0.035] self.no_face_random_delay = None self._initialized = False self._timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0), self.timer) self._move_buff = Queue.Queue() self._head_buff = Queue.Queue() self._move_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.movements) self._move_thread.daemon = True self._move_thread.start() self._head_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.head) self._head_thread.daemon = True self._head_thread.start() self.new_face = False self.face_last_dist = 0.0 self.face_counter = 0 self.actions = [self.stretchingAction, self.introduceAction, self.waveHandAction, self.lookAroundAction, self.lookAroundAction, self.lookAroundAction, self.advertAction, self.numberOfFacesAction] self.goodbye_strings = ["Thanks for stopping by.", "Enjoy the event.", "See you later!", "Have a nice day!"] self.invite_strings = ["Hello. It's nice to see you.", "Come here and take some flyer.", "I hope you are enjoying the event."] rospy.loginfo("Ready")
class MoveIt(object): def __init__(self): moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) self.scene = PlanningSceneInterface() self.clear_octomap = rospy.ServiceProxy("/clear_octomap", Empty) self.arm = MoveGroupCommander("arm") # self.arm.set_goal_joint_tolerance(0.1) self.gripper = MoveGroupCommander("gripper") # already default self.arm.set_planner_id("RRTConnectkConfigDefault") self.end_effector_link = self.arm.get_end_effector_link() self.arm.allow_replanning(True) self.arm.set_planning_time(5) self.transformer = tf.TransformListener() rospy.sleep(2) # allow some time for initialization of moveit def __del__(self): moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() moveit_commander.os._exit(0) def _open_gripper(self): joint_trajectory = JointTrajectory() joint_trajectory.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() joint_trajectory.joint_names = [ "m1n6s200_joint_finger_1", "m1n6s200_joint_finger_2" ] joint_trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint() joint_trajectory_point.positions = [0, 0] joint_trajectory_point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(5.0) joint_trajectory.points.append(joint_trajectory_point) return joint_trajectory def _close_gripper(self): joint_trajectory = JointTrajectory() joint_trajectory.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() joint_trajectory.joint_names = [ "m1n6s200_joint_finger_1", "m1n6s200_joint_finger_2" ] joint_trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint() joint_trajectory_point.positions = [1.2, 1.2] joint_trajectory_point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(5.0) joint_trajectory.points.append(joint_trajectory_point) return joint_trajectory # Template function for creating the Grasps def _create_grasps(self, x, y, z, z_max, rotation): grasps = [] # You can create multiple grasps and add them to the grasps list grasp = Grasp() # create a new grasp # Set the pre grasp posture (the fingers) grasp.pre_grasp_posture = self._open_gripper() # Set the grasp posture (the fingers) grasp.grasp_posture = self._close_gripper() # Set the position of where to grasp grasp.grasp_pose.pose.position.x = x grasp.grasp_pose.pose.position.y = y grasp.grasp_pose.pose.position.z = z # Set the orientation of the end effector q = quaternion_from_euler(math.pi, 0.0, rotation) grasp.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0] grasp.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1] grasp.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2] grasp.grasp_pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3] grasp.grasp_pose.header.frame_id = "m1n6s200_link_base" # Set the pre_grasp_approach grasp.pre_grasp_approach.direction.header.frame_id = self.end_effector_link grasp.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.z = 1.0 grasp.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.y = 0.0 grasp.pre_grasp_approach.direction.vector.x = 0.0 grasp.pre_grasp_approach.min_distance = 0.05 grasp.pre_grasp_approach.desired_distance = 0.1 # # Set the post_grasp_approach grasp.post_grasp_retreat.direction.header.frame_id = self.end_effector_link grasp.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.z = -1.0 grasp.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.x = 0.0 grasp.post_grasp_retreat.direction.vector.y = 0.0 grasp.post_grasp_retreat.min_distance = 0.05 grasp.post_grasp_retreat.desired_distance = 0.25 grasp.grasp_pose.header.frame_id = "m1n6s200_link_base" # setting the planning frame (Positive x is to the left, negative Y is to the front of the arm) grasps.append( grasp ) # add all your grasps in the grasps list, MoveIT will pick the best one for z_offset in np.arange(z + 0.02, z_max, 0.01): new_grasp = copy.deepcopy(grasp) new_grasp.grasp_pose.pose.position.z = z_offset grasps.append(new_grasp) return grasps # Template function, you can add parameters if needed! def grasp(self, x, y, z, z_max, rotation, size): print '******************* grasp' # Object distance: obj_dist = np.linalg.norm(np.asarray((x, y, z))) if obj_dist > 0.5: rospy.loginfo( "Object too far appart ({} m), skipping pick".format(obj_dist)) return False # Add collision object, easiest to name the object, "object" object_pose = PoseStamped() object_pose.header.frame_id = "m1n6s200_link_base" object_pose.pose.position.x = x object_pose.pose.position.y = y object_pose.pose.position.z = z q = quaternion_from_euler(math.pi, 0.0, rotation) object_pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0] object_pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1] object_pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2] object_pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3] self.scene.add_box("object", object_pose, size) rospy.sleep(0.5) self.clear_octomap() rospy.sleep(1.0) # Create and return grasps # z += size[2]/2 # Focus on the top of the object only # z += size[2]/2 + 0.02 # Focus on the top of the object only grasps = self._create_grasps(x, y, z, z_max, rotation) print '******************************************************************************' result = self.arm.pick( 'object', grasps) # Perform pick on "object", returns result print '******************************************************************************' # self.move_to(x, y, z + 0.15, rotation) if result == MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: print 'Success grasp' return True else: print 'Failed grasp' return False def clear_object(self, x, y, z, z_max, rotation, size): print '******************* clear_object' self.move_to_waypoint() success = self.grasp(x, y, z, z_max, rotation, size) if success: self.move_to_waypoint() success = self.move_to_drop_zone() if success: print 'success move to drop zone' else: print 'failed move to drop zone' self.open_fingers() self.remove_object() rospy.sleep(1.0) self.close_fingers() return success def open_fingers(self): print '******************* open_fingers' self.gripper.set_joint_value_target([0.0, 0.0]) self.gripper.go(wait=True) rospy.sleep(2.0) def close_fingers(self): print '******************* close_fingers' self.gripper.set_joint_value_target([1.3, 1.3]) self.gripper.go(wait=True) rospy.sleep(2.0) def move_to(self, x, y, z, rotation, frame_id="m1n6s200_link_base"): print '******************* move_to' q = quaternion_from_euler(math.pi, 0.0, rotation) pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.frame_id = frame_id pose.pose.position.x = x pose.pose.position.y = y pose.pose.position.z = z pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0] pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1] pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2] pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3] self.arm.set_pose_target(pose, self.end_effector_link) plan = self.arm.plan() success = self.arm.go(wait=True) self.arm.stop() self.arm.clear_pose_targets() return success def move_to_waypoint(self): print '******************* move_to_waypoint' return self.move_to(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1.57) def rtb(self): print '******************* rtb' self.move_to_drop_zone() # pose = PoseStamped() # pose.header.frame_id = 'base_footprint' # pose.pose.position.x = -0.191258927921 # pose.pose.position.y = 0.1849306168113 # pose.pose.position.z = 0.813729734732 # pose.pose.orientation.x = -0.934842026356 # pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.350652799078 # pose.pose.orientation.z = -0.00168532388516 # pose.pose.orientation.w = 0.0557688079539 # # self.arm.set_pose_target(pose, self.end_effector_link) # plan = self.arm.plan() # self.arm.go(wait=True) # self.arm.stop() # self.arm.clear_pose_targets() def move_to_drop_zone(self): print '******************* move_to_drop_zone' pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.frame_id = "m1n6s200_link_base" pose.pose.position.x = 0.2175546259709541 pose.pose.position.y = 0.18347985269448372 pose.pose.position.z = 0.16757751444136426 pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.6934210704552356 pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.6589390059796749 pose.pose.orientation.z = -0.23223137602833943 pose.pose.orientation.w = -0.17616808290725341 self.arm.set_pose_target(pose, self.end_effector_link) plan = self.arm.plan() success = self.arm.go(wait=True) self.arm.stop() self.arm.clear_pose_targets() return success def print_position(self): pose = self.arm.get_current_pose() self.transformer.waitForTransform("m1n6s200_link_base", "base_footprint",, rospy.Duration(10)) eef_pose = self.transformer.transformPose("m1n6s200_link_base", pose) orientation = eef_pose.pose.orientation orientation = [ orientation.x, orientation.y, orientation.z, orientation.w ] euler = euler_from_quaternion(orientation) print "z:", eef_pose.pose.position.x print "y:", eef_pose.pose.position.y print "z:", eef_pose.pose.position.z print "yaw (degrees):", math.degrees(euler[2]) def remove_object(self): self.scene.remove_attached_object(self.end_effector_link, "object") self.scene.remove_world_object("object") rospy.loginfo("Object removed")
def __init__(self): moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('moveit_demo') rospy.Subscriber('/aruco_single/pose', PoseStamped, self.pose_cb,queue_size=1) scene=PlanningSceneInterface() self.scene_pub=rospy.Publisher('planning_scene',PlanningScene) self.colors=dict() rospy.sleep(1) arm=MoveGroupCommander('arm') #gripper=MoveGroupCommander('gripper') end_effector_link=arm.get_end_effector_link() arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.005) arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.025) arm.allow_replanning(True) #gripper.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.005) #gripper.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.025) #gripper.allow_replanning(True) reference_frame='base_link' arm.set_pose_reference_frame(reference_frame) arm.set_planning_time(5) #scene planning table_id='table' #cylinder_id='cylinder' box2_id='box2' target_id='target_object' #scene.remove_world_object(box1_id) scene.remove_world_object(box2_id) scene.remove_world_object(table_id) scene.remove_world_object(target_id) rospy.sleep(2) table_ground=0.59 table_size=[0.5,1,0.01] #box1_size=[0.1,0.05,0.03] box2_size=[0.15,0.15,0.02] r_tool_size=[0.05,0.04,0.22] l_tool_size=[0.05,0.04,0.22] target_size=[0.05,0.05,0.1] table_pose=PoseStamped() table_pose.header.frame_id=reference_frame table_pose.pose.position.x=0.7 table_pose.pose.position.y=0.0 table_pose.pose.position.z=table_ground+table_size[2]/2.0 table_pose.pose.orientation.w=1.0 scene.add_box(table_id,table_pose,table_size) ''' box1_pose=PoseStamped() box1_pose.header.frame_id=reference_frame box1_pose.pose.position.x=0.7 box1_pose.pose.position.y=-0.2 box1_pose.pose.position.z=table_ground+table_size[2]+box1_size[2]/2.0 box1_pose.pose.orientation.w=1.0 scene.add_box(box1_id,box1_pose,box1_size) ''' box2_pose=PoseStamped() box2_pose.header.frame_id=reference_frame box2_pose.pose.position.x=0.55 box2_pose.pose.position.y=-0.12 box2_pose.pose.position.z=table_ground+table_size[2]+box2_size[2]/2.0 box2_pose.pose.orientation.w=1.0 scene.add_box(box2_id,box2_pose,box2_size) target_pose=PoseStamped() target_pose.header.frame_id=reference_frame target_pose.pose.position.x=0.58 target_pose.pose.position.y=0.05 target_pose.pose.position.z=table_ground+table_size[2]+target_size[2]/2.0 target_pose.pose.orientation.x=0 target_pose.pose.orientation.y=0 target_pose.pose.orientation.z=0 target_pose.pose.orientation.w=1 scene.add_box(target_id,target_pose,target_size) #left gripper l_p=PoseStamped() l_p.header.frame_id=end_effector_link l_p.pose.position.x=0.00 l_p.pose.position.y=0.06 l_p.pose.position.z=0.11 l_p.pose.orientation.w=1 scene.attach_box(end_effector_link,'l_tool',l_p,l_tool_size) #right gripper r_p=PoseStamped() r_p.header.frame_id=end_effector_link r_p.pose.position.x=0.00 r_p.pose.position.y= -0.06 r_p.pose.position.z=0.11 r_p.pose.orientation.w=1 scene.attach_box(end_effector_link,'r_tool',r_p,r_tool_size) #grasp g_p=PoseStamped() g_p.header.frame_id=end_effector_link g_p.pose.position.x=0.00 g_p.pose.position.y= -0.00 g_p.pose.position.z=0.025 g_p.pose.orientation.w=0.707 g_p.pose.orientation.x=0 g_p.pose.orientation.y=-0.707 g_p.pose.orientation.z=0 self.setColor(table_id,0.8,0,0,1.0) #self.setColor(box1_id,0.8,0.4,0,1.0) self.setColor(box2_id,0.8,0.4,0,1.0) self.setColor('r_tool',0.8,0,0) self.setColor('l_tool',0.8,0,0) self.setColor('target_object',0,1,0) self.sendColors() #motion planning arm.set_named_target("initial_arm") arm.go() rospy.sleep(2) grasp_pose=target_pose grasp_pose.pose.position.x-=0.15 #grasp_pose.pose.position.z= grasp_pose.pose.orientation.x=0 grasp_pose.pose.orientation.y=0.707 grasp_pose.pose.orientation.z=0 grasp_pose.pose.orientation.w=0.707 #arm.set_start_state_to_current_state() ''' arm.set_pose_target(grasp_pose,end_effector_link) traj=arm.plan() arm.execute(traj) print arm.get_current_joint_values() ''' pre_joint_state=[0.16588150906995922, 1.7060146047438647, -0.00961761728757362, 1.8614674591892713, -2.9556667436476847, 1.7432451233907822, 3.1415] arm.set_joint_value_target(pre_joint_state) traj=arm.plan() arm.execute(traj) rospy.sleep(2) arm.shift_pose_target(0,0.09,end_effector_link) arm.go() rospy.sleep(2) scene.attach_box(end_effector_link,target_id,g_p,target_size) rospy.sleep(2) #grasping is over , from now is pouring arm.shift_pose_target(2,0.15,end_effector_link) arm.go() rospy.sleep(2) joint_state_1=arm.get_current_joint_values() joint_state_1[0]-=0.17 arm.set_joint_value_target(joint_state_1) arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) joint_state_2=arm.get_current_joint_values() joint_state_2[6]-=1.8 arm.set_joint_value_target(joint_state_2) arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) #print arm.get_current_joint_values() #pouring test for i in range(1,5): joint_state_2[6]+=0.087 arm.set_joint_value_target(joint_state_2) arm.go() time.sleep(0.05) joint_state_2[6]-=0.087 arm.set_joint_value_target(joint_state_2) arm.go() time.sleep(0.05) print i joint_state_2[6]+=1.8 arm.set_joint_value_target(joint_state_2) arm.go() rospy.sleep(2) joint_state_1[0]+=0.17 arm.set_joint_value_target(joint_state_1) arm.go() rospy.sleep(1) arm.shift_pose_target(2,-0.15,end_effector_link) arm.go() rospy.sleep(2) scene.remove_attached_object(end_effector_link,target_id) rospy.sleep(2) arm.set_named_target("initial_arm") arm.go() rospy.sleep(2) #remove and shut down scene.remove_attached_object(end_effector_link,'l_tool') rospy.sleep(1) scene.remove_attached_object(end_effector_link,'r_tool') rospy.sleep(1) moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
def main(): rospy.init_node('gripper_teleop') wait_for_time() # Added by Xinyi: # Initialize Settings for the Test (Part 1) # Raise the torso to allow arm movement torso = fetch_api.Torso() torso.set_height(fetch_api.Torso.MAX_HEIGHT) # Set arm joints # Order: body ---> gripper # b: blue joint # g: gray joint # order: [b, g, b, g, b, g, b] # OPTION 1: Follow given trajectory arm = fetch_api.Arm() arm_initial_poses = [1.0, 1.25, 1.0, -2.25, -0.3, 1.0, 0.0] arm.move_to_joints(fetch_api.ArmJoints.from_list(arm_initial_poses)) # for recording bag file # arm_viz_poses = [1.0, 1.25, 1.0, -2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 0.0] # arm.move_to_joints(fetch_api.ArmJoints.from_list(arm_viz_poses)) # OPTION 2: Use motion planning # INITIAL_POSES = [ # ("shoulder_pan_joint", 1.0), ("shoulder_lift_joint", 1.2), ("upperarm_roll_joint", 1.0), ("elbow_flex_joint", -2.0), # ("forearm_roll_joint", -0.3), ("wrist_flex_joint", 1.2), ("wrist_roll_joint", 0.0)] # arm.move_to_joint_goal(INITIAL_POSES, replan=True) # INITIAL_POSES = PoseStamped() # INITIAL_POSES.header.frame_id = 'base_link' # INITIAL_POSES.pose.position.x = 0.6 # INITIAL_POSES.pose.position.y = -0.1 # INITIAL_POSES.pose.position.z = 0.3 # INITIAL_POSES.pose.orientation.w = 1 # error = arm.move_to_pose(INITIAL_POSES, replan=True) # if error is not None: # arm.cancel_all_goals() # rospy.logerr('FAIL TO MOVE TO INITIAL_POSES {}'.format(error)) # else: # rospy.loginfo('MOVED TO INITIAL_POSES') # Set the base position base = fetch_api.Base() # OPTION 1: Start from origin # move Fetch from the origin to the table # base.go_forward(1.6, 0.5) # value (distance in meters) # base.turn(math.pi / 3) # value (angle in degrees) # base.go_forward(3.3, 0.5) # value (distance in meters) # base.turn(-math.pi / 3) # OPTION 2: Start right in front of the table base.align_with_x_axis_pos() base.go_forward(0.3, 0.5) # Avoid occlusion # OPTION 1: Freeze point cloud # freeze_pub = rospy.Publisher('/access_teleop/freeze_cloud', Bool, queue_size=5) # rospy.sleep(0.5) # publish freeze point cloud # freeze_pub.publish(Bool(data=True)) # OPTION 2: Record a bag file of the surrounding head = fetch_api.Head() # tilt the head from -0.35 to 0.85 # for i in range(6): # head.look_at("base_link", HEAD_POSE[0], HEAD_POSE[1], -0.35 + i * 0.2) # os.system("rosrun perception save_cloud world $(rospack find access_teleop)/bags/") # rospy.set_param("bag_file_refreshed", "true") # (end) move_group = MoveGroupCommander("arm") status_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/access_teleop/arm_status', String, queue_size=1) gripper_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/access_teleop/gripper_pixels', PX, queue_size=1) info_pubs = [] for camera_name in camera_names: info_pubs.append([camera_name, rospy.Publisher(camera_name + '/camera_info', camera_info_messages.CameraInfo, queue_size=1)]) # Added by Xinyi # Debug: visualize camera positions vis_pub = rospy.Publisher('visualization_marker', Marker, queue_size=5) rospy.sleep(0.5) # (end) tb = TransformBroadcaster() camera_model = PinholeCameraModel() move_by_delta = MoveByDelta(arm, move_group) move_by_delta.start() move_by_absolute = MoveByAbsolute(arm, move_group, status_publisher) move_by_absolute.start() move_and_orient = MoveAndOrient(arm, move_group) move_and_orient.start() orient = Orient(arm, move_group) orient.start() # Added by Xinyi wrist_roll = WristRoll(arm, move_group) wrist_roll.start() base_switch_task = BaseSwitchTask(base) base_switch_task.start() head_tilt = HeadTilt(head) head_tilt.start() # Initialize Settings for the Test (Part 2) # Add the first test object to Gazebo os.system("$(rospack find access_teleop)/scripts/ " + "NONE" + " " + str(MODELS[0])) # Move arm joints to positions for test arm_test_poses = [1.0, 1.25, 1.0, -2.25, -0.3, 1.0, 0.0] arm.move_to_joints(fetch_api.ArmJoints.from_list(arm_test_poses)) # Adjust the head to look at the table # OPTION 1: Tilt by angle # head.pan_tilt(0, math.pi / 2) # OPTION 2: Look at a point in space head.look_at("base_link", HEAD_POSE[0], HEAD_POSE[1], HEAD_POSE[2]) rospy.sleep(0.5) # (end) rate = rospy.Rate(200) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): publish_camera_transforms(tb, vis_pub) publish_camera_info(info_pubs) publish_gripper_pixels(camera_model, move_group, gripper_publisher) # publish freeze point cloud # freeze_pub.publish(Bool(data=True)) # # get the current model position and publish a marker of current model position # model_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('gazebo/get_model_state', GetModelState) # model_pos = model_state(MODELS[current_model_idx], 'base_link') # if model_pos.success: # marker = Marker( # type=Marker.SPHERE, # id=current_model_idx, # pose=Pose(Point(model_pos.pose.position.x, model_pos.pose.position.y, model_pos.pose.position.z), # Quaternion(model_pos.pose.orientation.x, model_pos.pose.orientation.y, model_pos.pose.orientation.z, model_pos.pose.orientation.w)), # scale=Vector3(0.05, 0.05, 0.05), # header=Header(frame_id='base_link'), # color=ColorRGBA(1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5)) # vis_pub.publish(marker) rate.sleep()
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from moveit_commander import MoveGroupCommander if __name__ == '__main__': #init_node() rospy.init_node('message', anonymous=True) group = MoveGroupCommander("manipulator") exec_vel = 0.5 while True: rospy.loginfo("joint1 start") group.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor(exec_vel) group.set_joint_value_target([0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) group.go() rospy.loginfo("joint1 end") rospy.loginfo("pose1 start") group.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor(exec_vel) group.set_pose_target([0.5, -0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) group.go() rospy.loginfo("pose1 end") rospy.loginfo("pose2 start") group.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor(exec_vel) group.set_pose_target([0.5, -0.2, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) group.go()
# LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Author: Kenji Miyake, Isaac Isao Saito # This test script needs improved so that it becomes call-able from ROS test # structure. from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, PoseStamped from moveit_commander import MoveGroupCommander, conversions import rospy rospy.init_node("test_hironx_moveit") rarm = MoveGroupCommander("right_arm") larm = MoveGroupCommander("left_arm") rarm_current_pose = rarm.get_current_pose().pose larm_current_pose = larm.get_current_pose().pose def _set_target_random(self): ''' @type self: moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander @param self: In this particular test script, the argument "self" is either 'rarm' or 'larm'. ''' global current, current2, target current = self.get_current_pose() print "*current*", current
from move_base_msgs.msg import MoveBaseAction, MoveBaseGoal from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseWithCovarianceStamped, Quaternion from tf.transformations import quaternion_from_euler, euler_from_quaternion from std_msgs.msg import String from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry #GROUP_NAME_GRIPPER = "NAME OF GRIPPER" roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('control_Husky_UR3', anonymous=True) robot = RobotCommander() scene = PlanningSceneInterface() ## 매니퓰레이터 변수 선언 group_name = "ur3_manipulator" move_group = MoveGroupCommander(group_name) FIXED_FRAME = 'world' #모바일 로봇 변수 x = 0.0 y = 0.0 theta = 0.0 def newOdom(msg): global x global y global theta x = msg.pose.pose.position.x y = msg.pose.pose.position.y
return joint_out JOINT_INDEX_BASE = 0 JOINT_INDEX_SHOULDER = 1 JOINT_INDEX_LOWER_ARM = 2 JOINT_INDEX_ELBOW = 3 JOINT_INDEX_UPPER_ARM = 4 JOINT_INDEX_WRIST_YAW = 5 JOINT_INDEX_WRIST_ROLL = 6 joint_state_topic = ['joint_states:=/j2s7s300/joint_states'] roscpp_initialize(joint_state_topic) rospy.init_node('kinova_move', anonymous=False) group = MoveGroupCommander('arm') joint_target_init = [0, 2.8, 0.2, 1.4, 4.5, 1.8, 0.2] joint_target_1 = rotate_joint(joint_target_init, 0.2, JOINT_INDEX_UPPER_ARM) joint_target_2 = rotate_joint(joint_target_init, -0.2, JOINT_INDEX_UPPER_ARM) joint_target_3 = rotate_joint(joint_target_init, math.pi / 4, JOINT_INDEX_BASE) joint_target_4 = rotate_joint(joint_target_3, 0.2, JOINT_INDEX_UPPER_ARM) joint_target_5 = rotate_joint(joint_target_3, -0.2, JOINT_INDEX_UPPER_ARM) joint_targets = [ joint_target_init, joint_target_1, joint_target_2, joint_target_3, joint_target_4, joint_target_5, joint_target_init ] joint_targets = [] for i in range(0, 361, 45):
def __init__(self): # Initialize the move_group API moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('moveit_demo') # Use the planning scene object to add or remove objects scene = PlanningSceneInterface() # Create a scene publisher to push changes to the scene self.scene_pub = rospy.Publisher('planning_scene', PlanningScene, queue_size=5) # Create a publisher for displaying gripper poses self.gripper_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('gripper_pose', PoseStamped, queue_size=5) # Create a dictionary to hold object colors self.colors = dict() # Initialize the move group for the right arm right_arm = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_ARM) # Initialize the move group for the right gripper right_gripper = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_GRIPPER) # Get the name of the end-effector link end_effector_link = right_arm.get_end_effector_link() # Allow some leeway in position (meters) and orientation (radians) right_arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.05) right_arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.1) # Allow replanning to increase the odds of a solution right_arm.allow_replanning(True) # Set the right arm reference frame right_arm.set_pose_reference_frame(REFERENCE_FRAME) # Allow 5 seconds per planning attempt right_arm.set_planning_time(60) # Set a limit on the number of pick attempts before bailing max_pick_attempts = 5 # Set a limit on the number of place attempts max_place_attempts = 5 # Give the scene a chance to catch up rospy.sleep(2) # Give each of the scene objects a unique name table_id = 'table' box1_id = 'box1' box2_id = 'box2' target_id = 'target' tool_id = 'tool' # Remove leftover objects from a previous run scene.remove_world_object(table_id) scene.remove_world_object(box1_id) scene.remove_world_object(box2_id) scene.remove_world_object(target_id) scene.remove_world_object(tool_id) # Remove any attached objects from a previous session scene.remove_attached_object(GRIPPER_FRAME, target_id) # Give the scene a chance to catch up rospy.sleep(1) # Start the arm in the "grasp" pose stored in the SRDF file right_arm.set_named_target('right_arm_up') right_arm.go() # Open the gripper to the neutral position right_gripper.set_joint_value_target(GRIPPER_OPEN) right_gripper.go() rospy.sleep(5) # Set the height of the table off the ground table_ground = 0.04 # Set the dimensions of the scene objects [l, w, h] table_size = [0.2, 0.7, 0.01] box1_size = [0.1, 0.05, 0.05] box2_size = [0.05, 0.05, 0.15] # Set the target size [l, w, h] target_size = [0.02, 0.01, 0.12] target_x = 0.135 #target_y = -0.32 target_y = -0.285290879999 # Add a table top and two boxes to the scene table_pose = PoseStamped() table_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME table_pose.pose.position.x = 0.25 table_pose.pose.position.y = 0.0 table_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[2] / 2.0 table_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 scene.add_box(table_id, table_pose, table_size) # Set the target pose in between the boxes and on the table target_pose = PoseStamped() target_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME target_pose.pose.position.x = target_x target_pose.pose.position.y = target_y target_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[ 2] + target_size[2] / 2.0 target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # Add the target object to the scene scene.add_box(target_id, target_pose, target_size) # Make the table blue and the boxes orange self.setColor(table_id, 0, 0, 0.8, 1.0) self.setColor(box1_id, 0.8, 0.4, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(box2_id, 0.8, 0.4, 0, 1.0) # Make the target yellow self.setColor(target_id, 0.9, 0.9, 0, 1.0) # Send the colors to the planning scene self.sendColors() # Set the support surface name to the table object right_arm.set_support_surface_name(table_id) # Specify a pose to place the target after being picked up place_pose = PoseStamped() place_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME place_pose.pose.position.x = 0.18 place_pose.pose.position.y = 0 place_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[ 2] + target_size[2] / 2.0 place_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 p = PoseStamped() p.header.frame_id = "up1_footprint" p.pose.position.x = 0.12792118579 p.pose.position.y = -0.285290879999 p.pose.position.z = 0.120301181892 p.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 p.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 p.pose.orientation.z = -0.706825181105 p.pose.orientation.w = 0.707388269167 right_gripper.set_pose_target(p.pose) # pick an object right_arm.allow_replanning(True) right_arm.allow_looking(True) right_arm.set_goal_tolerance(0.05) right_arm.set_planning_time(60) print "arm grasp" success = 0 attempt = 0 while not success: p_plan = right_arm.plan() attempt = attempt + 1 print "Planning attempt: " + str(attempt) if p_plan.joint_trajectory.points != []: success = 1 print "arm grasp" right_arm.execute(p_plan) rospy.sleep(5) right_gripper.set_joint_value_target(GRIPPER_GRASP) right_gripper.go() print "gripper closed" rospy.sleep(5) scene.attach_box(GRIPPER_FRAME, target_id) print "object attached" right_arm.set_named_target('right_arm_up') right_arm.go() print "arm up" rospy.sleep(1) # Shut down MoveIt cleanly moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() # Exit the script moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
controllers = [ '/base_lift_controller', '/base_pan_controller', '/elbow_flex_controller', '/wrist_flex_controller' ] for controller in controllers: # 各コントローラ毎に,ゲインを指示するための service proxy (ROS の service を送るためのクライアント) を作成 set_compliance_slope = rospy.ServiceProxy( controller + '/set_compliance_slope', SetComplianceSlope) temp = set_compliance_slope(sl) except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e if __name__ == '__main__': group = MoveGroupCommander("whole_arm") rospy.init_node("temp_arm_demo") target_position = [0.05, 0.0, 0.24] # x, y, z それぞれの位置 target_orientation = Quaternion( *quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 1.571, 0.0, 'sxyz')) # 位置と傾きを用いて姿勢を生成 target_pose = Pose(Point(*target_position), target_orientation) group.set_pose_target(target_pose) # 姿勢への移動指示を実行 set_slope(64) group.go() time.sleep(1) # 新たな姿勢を指定
class PlannerAnnotationParser(AnnotationParserBase): """ Parses the annotations files that contains the benchmarking information. """ def __init__(self, path_to_annotation, path_to_data): super(PlannerAnnotationParser, self).__init__(path_to_annotation, path_to_data) self.parse() self._load_scene() self._init_planning() self.benchmark() def check_results(self, results): """ Returns the results from the planner, checking them against any eventual validation data (no validation data in our case). """ return self.planner_data def _load_scene(self): """ Loads the proper scene for the planner. It can be either a python static scene or bag containing an occupancy map. """ scene = self._annotations["scene"] for element in scene: if element["type"] == "launch": self.play_launch(element["name"]) elif element["type"] == "python": self.load_python(element["name"]) elif element["type"] == "bag": self.play_bag(element["name"]) for _ in range(150): rospy.sleep(0.3) # wait for the scene to be spawned properly rospy.sleep(0.5) def _init_planning(self): """ Initialises the needed connections for the planning. """ self.group_id = self._annotations["group_id"] self.planners = self._annotations["planners"] self.scene = PlanningSceneInterface() self.robot = RobotCommander() = MoveGroupCommander(self.group_id) self._marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('/visualization_marker_array', MarkerArray, queue_size=10, latch=True) self._planning_time_sub = rospy.Subscriber( '/move_group/result', MoveGroupActionResult, self._check_computation_time) rospy.sleep(1) self._annotations["planning_attempts"])["goal_tolerance"])["planning_time"])["allow_replanning"]) self._comp_time = [] self.planner_data = [] def benchmark(self): for test_id, test in enumerate(self._annotations["tests"]): marker_position_1 = test["start_xyz"] marker_position_2 = test["goal_xyz"] self._add_markers(marker_position_1, "Start test \n sequence", marker_position_2, "Goal") # Start planning in a given joint position joints = test["start_joints"] current = RobotState() = self.robot.get_current_state( ) current_joints = list( self.robot.get_current_state().joint_state.position) current_joints[0:6] = joints current.joint_state.position = current_joints joints = test["goal_joints"] for planner in self.planners: if planner == "stomp": planner = "STOMP" elif planner == "sbpl": planner = "AnytimeD*" self.planner_id = planner self._plan_joints( joints, self._annotations["name"] + "-test_" + str(test_id)) return self.planner_data def _add_markers(self, point, text1, point_2, text2): # add marker for start and goal pose of EE marker_array = MarkerArray() marker_1 = Marker() marker_1.header.frame_id = "world" marker_1.header.stamp = marker_1.type = Marker.SPHERE marker_1.scale.x = 0.04 marker_1.scale.y = 0.04 marker_1.scale.z = 0.04 marker_1.lifetime = rospy.Duration() marker_2 = deepcopy(marker_1) marker_1.color.g = 0.5 marker_1.color.a = 1.0 = 0 marker_1.pose.position.x = point[0] marker_1.pose.position.y = point[1] marker_1.pose.position.z = point[2] marker_2.color.r = 0.5 marker_2.color.a = 1.0 = 1 marker_2.pose.position.x = point_2[0] marker_2.pose.position.y = point_2[1] marker_2.pose.position.z = point_2[2] marker_3 = Marker() marker_3.header.frame_id = "world" marker_3.header.stamp = marker_3.type = Marker.TEXT_VIEW_FACING marker_3.scale.z = 0.10 marker_3.lifetime = rospy.Duration() marker_4 = deepcopy(marker_3) marker_3.text = text1 = 2 marker_3.color.g = 0.5 marker_3.color.a = 1.0 marker_3.pose.position.x = point[0] marker_3.pose.position.y = point[1] marker_3.pose.position.z = point[2] + 0.15 marker_4.text = text2 = 3 marker_4.color.r = 0.5 marker_4.color.a = 1.0 marker_4.pose.position.x = point_2[0] marker_4.pose.position.y = point_2[1] marker_4.pose.position.z = point_2[2] + 0.15 marker_array.markers = [marker_1, marker_2, marker_3, marker_4] self._marker_pub.publish(marker_array) rospy.sleep(1) def _plan_joints(self, joints, test_name): # plan to joint target and determine success group_variable_values = group_variable_values[0:6] = joints[0:6] plan = plan_time = "N/A" total_joint_rotation = "N/A" comp_time = "N/A" plan_success = self._check_plan_success(plan) if plan_success: plan_time = self._check_plan_time(plan) total_joint_rotation = self._check_plan_total_rotation(plan) while not self._comp_time: rospy.sleep(0.5) comp_time = self._comp_time.pop(0) self.planner_data.append([ self.planner_id, test_name, str(plan_success), plan_time, total_joint_rotation, comp_time ]) @staticmethod def _check_plan_success(plan): if len(plan.joint_trajectory.points) > 0: return True else: return False @staticmethod def _check_plan_time(plan): # find duration of successful plan number_of_points = len(plan.joint_trajectory.points) time = plan.joint_trajectory.points[number_of_points - 1].time_from_start.to_sec() return time @staticmethod def _check_plan_total_rotation(plan): # find total joint rotation in successful trajectory angles = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] number_of_points = len(plan.joint_trajectory.points) for i in range(number_of_points - 1): angles_temp = [ abs(x - y) for x, y in zip(plan.joint_trajectory.points[i + 1].positions, plan.joint_trajectory.points[i].positions) ] angles = [x + y for x, y in zip(angles, angles_temp)] total_angle_change = sum(angles) return total_angle_change def _check_computation_time(self, msg): # get computation time for successful plan to be found if msg.status.status == 3: self._comp_time.append(msg.result.planning_time) def _check_path_length(self, plan): # find distance travelled by end effector # not yet implemented return
def __init__(self): # 初始化move_group的API moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) # 初始化ROS节点 rospy.init_node('moveit_pick_and_place_demo') # 初始化场景对象 scene = PlanningSceneInterface() # 创建一个发布场景变化信息的发布者 self.scene_pub = rospy.Publisher('planning_scene', PlanningScene, queue_size=10) # 创建一个存储物体颜色的字典对象 self.colors = dict() # 初始化需要使用move group控制的机械臂中的arm group arm = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_ARM) # 获取终端link的名称 end_effector_link = arm.get_end_effector_link() # 设置位置(单位:米)和姿态(单位:弧度)的允许误差 arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.05) arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.01) # 当运动规划失败后,允许重新规划 arm.allow_replanning(True) # 设置目标位置所使用的参考坐标系 arm.set_pose_reference_frame(REFERENCE_FRAME) # 设置每次运动规划的时间限制:5s arm.set_planning_time(5) # 设置pick和place阶段的最大尝试次数 max_pick_attempts = 5 max_place_attempts = 5 rospy.sleep(2) # 设置场景物体的名称 table_id = 'table' box1_id = 'box1' box2_id = 'box2' target_id = 'target' # 移除场景中之前运行残留的物体 scene.remove_world_object(table_id) scene.remove_world_object(box1_id) scene.remove_world_object(box2_id) scene.remove_world_object(target_id) # 移除场景中之前与机器臂绑定的物体 scene.remove_attached_object(GRIPPER_FRAME, target_id) rospy.sleep(1) # 控制机械臂先回到初始化位置 arm.set_named_target('home') arm.go() # 设置桌面的高度 table_ground = 0.6 # 设置table、box1和box2的三维尺寸 table_size = [1.5, 0.7, 0.01] box1_size = [0.1, 0.05, 0.05] box2_size = [0.05, 0.05, 0.15] # 将三个物体加入场景当中 table_pose = PoseStamped() table_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME table_pose.pose.position.x = 0.0 table_pose.pose.position.y = 0.5 table_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[2] / 2.0 table_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 scene.add_box(table_id, table_pose, table_size) box1_pose = PoseStamped() box1_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME box1_pose.pose.position.x = 0.2 box1_pose.pose.position.y = 0.3 box1_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[ 2] + box1_size[2] / 2.0 box1_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 scene.add_box(box1_id, box1_pose, box1_size) box2_pose = PoseStamped() box2_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME box2_pose.pose.position.x = -0.1 box2_pose.pose.position.y = 0.5 box2_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[ 2] + box2_size[2] / 2.0 box2_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 scene.add_box(box2_id, box2_pose, box2_size) # 将桌子设置成红色,两个box设置成橙色 self.setColor(table_id, 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(box1_id, 0.8, 0.4, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(box2_id, 0.8, 0.4, 0, 1.0) # 将桌子设置成红色,两个box设置成橙色 self.setColor(table_id, 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(box1_id, 0.8, 0.4, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(box2_id, 0.8, 0.4, 0, 1.0) # 设置目标物体的尺寸 target_size = [0.02, 0.01, 0.12] # 设置目标物体的位置,位于桌面之上两个盒子之间 target_pose = PoseStamped() target_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME target_pose.pose.position.x = 0. - 2 target_pose.pose.position.y = 0.4 target_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[ 2] + target_size[2] / 2.0 target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # 将抓取的目标物体加入场景中 scene.add_box(target_id, target_pose, target_size) # 将目标物体设置为黄色 self.setColor(target_id, 0.9, 0.9, 0, 1.0) # 将场景中的颜色设置发布 self.sendColors() # 设置支持的外观 arm.set_support_surface_name(table_id) # 设置一个place阶段需要放置物体的目标位置 place_pose = PoseStamped() place_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME place_pose.pose.position.x = 0 place_pose.pose.position.y = 0.2 place_pose.pose.position.z = table_ground + table_size[ 2] + target_size[2] / 2.0 place_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # 将目标位置设置为机器人的抓取目标位置 grasp_pose = target_pose # 生成抓取姿态 grasps = self.make_grasps(grasp_pose, [target_id]) # 追踪抓取成功与否,以及抓取的尝试次数 result = None n_attempts = 0 # 重复尝试抓取,直道成功或者超多最大尝试次数 while result != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS and n_attempts < max_pick_attempts: n_attempts += 1 rospy.loginfo("Pick attempt: " + str(n_attempts)) result = arm.pick(target_id, grasps) rospy.sleep(0.2) # 如果pick成功,则进入place阶段 if result == MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: result = None n_attempts = 0 # 生成放置姿态 places = self.make_places(place_pose) # 重复尝试放置,直道成功或者超多最大尝试次数 while result != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS and n_attempts < max_place_attempts: n_attempts += 1 rospy.loginfo("Place attempt: " + str(n_attempts)) for place in places: result =, place) if result == MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: break rospy.sleep(0.2) if result != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: rospy.loginfo("Place operation failed after " + str(n_attempts) + " attempts.") else: rospy.loginfo("Pick operation failed after " + str(n_attempts) + " attempts.") # 控制机械臂回到初始化位置 arm.set_named_target('home') arm.go() # 控制夹爪回到张开的状态 # 关闭并退出moveit moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
class DaArmServer: """The basic, design problem/tui agnostic arm server """ gestures = {} pointing_height = 0.06 grasp_height = 0.05 drop_height = 0.07 cruising_height = 0.1 START_TOLERANCE = 0.05 # this is for moveit to check for change in joint angles before moving GOAL_TOLERANCE = 0.005 moving = False paused = False move_group_state = "IDLE" last_joint_trajectory_goal = "" last_joint_trajectory_result = "" def __init__(self, num_planning_attempts=100, safe_zone=None): rospy.init_node("daarm_server", anonymous=True) self.safe_zone = safe_zone # this is a fallback zone to drop a block on fail if nothing is passed: [{x,y},{xT,yT}] self.init_params() self.init_scene() self.init_publishers() self.init_subscribers() self.init_action_clients() self.init_service_clients() self.init_arm(num_planning_attempts) def init_arm(self, num_planning_attempts=700): rospy.set_param( "/move_group/trajectory_execution/allowed_start_tolerance", self.START_TOLERANCE) self.arm = MoveGroupCommander("arm") self.gripper = MoveGroupCommander("gripper") self.robot = RobotCommander() self.arm.set_num_planning_attempts(num_planning_attempts) self.arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(self.GOAL_TOLERANCE) self.arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.02) self.init_services() self.init_action_servers() def init_scene(self): world_objects = [ "table", "tui", "monitor", "overHead", "wall", "farWall", "frontWall", "backWall", "blockProtector", "rearCamera" ] self.robot = RobotCommander() self.scene = PlanningSceneInterface() for obj in world_objects: self.scene.remove_world_object(obj) rospy.sleep(0.5) self.tuiPose = PoseStamped() self.tuiPose.header.frame_id = self.robot.get_planning_frame() self.tuiPose.pose.position = Point(0.0056, -0.343, -0.51) self.tuiDimension = (0.9906, 0.8382, 0.8836) self.overHeadPose = PoseStamped() self.overHeadPose.header.frame_id = self.robot.get_planning_frame() self.overHeadPose.pose.position = Point(0.0056, 0.0, 0.97) self.overHeadDimension = (0.9906, 0.8382, 0.05) self.blockProtectorPose = PoseStamped() self.blockProtectorPose.header.frame_id = self.robot.get_planning_frame( ) self.blockProtectorPose.pose.position = Point( 0.0056, -0.343, -0.51 + self.cruising_height) self.blockProtectorDimension = (0.9906, 0.8382, 0.8636) self.wallPose = PoseStamped() self.wallPose.header.frame_id = self.robot.get_planning_frame() self.wallPose.pose.position = Point(-0.858, -0.343, -0.3048) self.wallDimension = (0.6096, 2, 1.35) self.farWallPose = PoseStamped() self.farWallPose.header.frame_id = self.robot.get_planning_frame() self.farWallPose.pose.position = Point(0.9, -0.343, -0.3048) self.farWallDimension = (0.6096, 2, 3.35) self.frontWallPose = PoseStamped() self.frontWallPose.header.frame_id = self.robot.get_planning_frame() self.frontWallPose.pose.position = Point(0.0056, -0.85, -0.51) self.frontWallDimension = (1, 0.15, 4) self.backWallPose = PoseStamped() self.backWallPose.header.frame_id = self.robot.get_planning_frame() self.backWallPose.pose.position = Point(0.0056, 0.55, -0.51) self.backWallDimension = (1, 0.005, 4) self.rearCameraPose = PoseStamped() self.rearCameraPose.header.frame_id = self.robot.get_planning_frame() self.rearCameraPose.pose.position = Point(0.65, 0.45, -0.51) self.rearCameraDimension = (0.5, 0.5, 2) rospy.sleep(0.5) self.scene.add_box("tui", self.tuiPose, self.tuiDimension) self.scene.add_box("wall", self.wallPose, self.wallDimension) self.scene.add_box("farWall", self.farWallPose, self.farWallDimension) self.scene.add_box("overHead", self.overHeadPose, self.overHeadDimension) self.scene.add_box("backWall", self.backWallPose, self.backWallDimension) self.scene.add_box("frontWall", self.frontWallPose, self.frontWallDimension) self.scene.add_box("rearCamera", self.rearCameraPose, self.rearCameraDimension) def raise_table(self): #raises the table obstacle to protect blocks on the table during transport self.scene.remove_world_object("blockProtector") self.scene.add_box("blockProtector", self.blockProtectorPose, self.blockProtectorDimension) def lower_table(self): #lowers the table to allow grasping into it self.scene.remove_world_object("blockProtector") def init_params(self): try: self.grasp_height = get_ros_param( "GRASP_HEIGHT", "Grasp height defaulting to 0.01") self.drop_height = get_ros_param("DROP_HEIGHT", "Drop height defaulting to 0.07") self.cruising_height = get_ros_param( "CRUISING_HEIGHT", "Cruising height defaulting to 0.1") self.pointing_height = get_ros_param( "POINT_HEIGHT", "Pointing height defaulting to 0.06") except ValueError as e: rospy.loginfo(e) def handle_param_update(self, message): self.init_params() def init_publishers(self): self.calibration_publisher = rospy.Publisher("/calibration_results", CalibrationParams, queue_size=1) self.action_belief_publisher = rospy.Publisher("/arm_action_beliefs", String, queue_size=1) rospy.sleep(0.5) def init_subscribers(self): self.joint_angle_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber( '/j2s7s300_driver/out/joint_angles', JointAngles, self.update_joints) self.joint_trajectory_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber( '/j2s7s300/follow_joint_trajectory/status', GoalStatusArray, self.update_joint_trajectory_state) self.joint_trajectory_goal_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber( '/j2s7s300/follow_joint_trajectory/goal', FollowJointTrajectoryActionGoal, self.update_joint_trajectory_goal) self.joint_trajectory_result_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber( '/j2s7s300/follow_joint_trajectory/result', FollowJointTrajectoryActionResult, self.update_joint_trajectory_result) self.finger_position_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber( '/j2s7s300_driver/out/finger_position', FingerPosition, self.update_finger_position) self.param_update_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber( "/param_update", String, self.handle_param_update) self.moveit_status_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber( '/move_group/status', GoalStatusArray, self.update_move_group_status) self.move_it_feedback_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber( '/move_group/feedback', MoveGroupActionFeedback, self.update_move_group_state) #Topic for getting joint torques rospy.Subscriber('/j2s7s300_driver/out/joint_torques', JointAngles, self.monitorJointTorques) #Topic for getting cartesian force on end effector rospy.Subscriber('/j2s7s300_driver/out/tool_wrench', geometry_msgs.msg.WrenchStamped, self.monitorToolWrench) def init_action_servers(self): self.calibration_server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( "calibrate_arm", CalibrateAction, self.calibrate, auto_start=False) self.calibration_server.start() self.move_block_server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( "move_block", MoveBlockAction, self.handle_move_block, auto_start=False) self.move_block_server.start() #self.home_arm_server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer("home_arm", HomeArmAction, self.home_arm) self.move_pose_server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( "move_pose", MovePoseAction, self.handle_move_pose, auto_start=False) self.move_pose_server.start() def init_services(self): self.home_arm_service = rospy.Service("/home_arm", ArmCommand, self.handle_home_arm) # emergency stop self.stop_arm_service = rospy.Service("/stop_arm", ArmCommand, self.handle_stop_arm) # stop and pause for a bit self.pause_arm_service = rospy.Service("/pause_arm", ArmCommand, self.handle_pause_arm) self.start_arm_service = rospy.Service("/restart_arm", ArmCommand, self.handle_restart_arm) def init_action_clients(self): # Action Client for joint control joint_action_address = '/j2s7s300_driver/joints_action/joint_angles' self.joint_action_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( joint_action_address, kinova_msgs.msg.ArmJointAnglesAction) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for ArmJointAnglesAction server...') self.joint_action_client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('ArmJointAnglesAction Server Connected') # Service to move the gripper fingers finger_action_address = '/j2s7s300_driver/fingers_action/finger_positions' self.finger_action_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( finger_action_address, kinova_msgs.msg.SetFingersPositionAction) self.finger_action_client.wait_for_server() # def init_service_clients(self): self.is_simulation = False try: self.is_simulation = get_ros_param("IS_SIMULATION", "") except: self.is_simulation = False if self.is_simulation is True: # setup alternatives to jaco services for emergency stop, joint control, and finger control pass # Service to get TUI State rospy.wait_for_service('get_tui_blocks') self.get_block_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('get_tui_blocks', TuiState) # Service for homing the arm home_arm_service = '/j2s7s300_driver/in/home_arm' self.home_arm_client = rospy.ServiceProxy(home_arm_service, HomeArm) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for kinova home arm service') rospy.wait_for_service(home_arm_service) rospy.loginfo('Kinova home arm service server connected') # Service for emergency stop emergency_service = '/j2s7s300_driver/in/stop' self.emergency_stop = rospy.ServiceProxy(emergency_service, Stop) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for Stop service') rospy.wait_for_service(emergency_service) rospy.loginfo('Stop service server connected') # Service for restarting the arm start_service = '/j2s7s300_driver/in/start' self.restart_arm = rospy.ServiceProxy(start_service, Start) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for Start service') rospy.wait_for_service(start_service) rospy.loginfo('Start service server connected') def handle_start_arm(self, message): return self.restart_arm() def handle_stop_arm(self, message): return self.stop_motion() def handle_pause_arm(self, message): self.stop_motion(home=True, pause=True) return str(self.paused) def handle_restart_arm(self, message): self.restart_arm() self.paused = False return str(self.paused) def handle_home_arm(self, message): try: status = self.home_arm() return json.dumps(status) except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.loginfo("Homing arm failed") def home_arm(self): # send the arm home # for now, let's just use the kinova home #self.home_arm_client() self.home_arm_kinova() return "done" def custom_home_arm(self): angles_set = [ 629.776062012, 150.076568694, -0.13603515923, 29.8505859375, 0.172727271914, 212.423721313, 539.743164062 ] goal = kinova_msgs.msg.ArmJointAnglesGoal() goal.angles.joint1 = angles_set[0] goal.angles.joint2 = angles_set[1] goal.angles.joint3 = angles_set[2] goal.angles.joint4 = angles_set[3] goal.angles.joint5 = angles_set[4] goal.angles.joint6 = angles_set[5] goal.angles.joint7 = angles_set[6] self.joint_action_client.send_goal(goal) def home_arm_kinova(self): """Takes the arm to the kinova default home if possible """ # self.arm.set_named_target("Home") angles_set = map(np.deg2rad, [ 629.776062012, 150.076568694, -0.13603515923, 29.8505859375, 0.172727271914, 212.423721313, 269.743164062 ]) self.arm.clear_pose_targets() try: self.arm.set_joint_value_target(angles_set) except MoveItCommanderException as e: pass #stupid bug in movegroupcommander wrapper throws an exception when trying to set joint angles try: self.arm.go() return "successful home" except: return "failed to home" # This callback function monitors the Joint Torques and stops the current execution if the Joint Torques exceed certain value def monitorJointTorques(self, torques): if abs(torques.joint1) > 1: return #self.emergency_stop() #Stop arm driver #rospy.sleep(1.0) #Stop moveit execution # This callback function monitors the Joint Wrench and stops the current # execution if the Joint Wrench exceeds certain value def monitorToolWrench(self, wrenchStamped): return #toolwrench = abs(wrenchStamped.wrench.force.x**2 + wrenchStamped.wrench.force.y**2 + wrenchStamped.wrench.force.z**2) ##print toolwrench #if toolwrench > 100: # self.emergency_stop() # Stop arm driver def move_fingers(self, finger1_pct, finger2_pct, finger3_pct): finger_max_turn = 6800 goal = kinova_msgs.msg.SetFingersPositionGoal() goal.fingers.finger1 = float((finger1_pct / 100.0) * finger_max_turn) goal.fingers.finger2 = float((finger2_pct / 100.0) * finger_max_turn) goal.fingers.finger3 = float((finger3_pct / 100.0) * finger_max_turn) self.finger_action_client.send_goal(goal) if self.finger_action_client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(5.0)): return self.finger_action_client.get_result() else: self.finger_action_client.cancel_all_goals() rospy.loginfo('the gripper action timed-out') return None def move_joint_angles(self, angle_set): goal = kinova_msgs.msg.ArmJointAnglesGoal() goal.angles.joint1 = angle_set[0] goal.angles.joint2 = angle_set[1] goal.angles.joint3 = angle_set[2] goal.angles.joint4 = angle_set[3] goal.angles.joint5 = angle_set[4] goal.angles.joint6 = angle_set[5] goal.angles.joint7 = angle_set[6] self.joint_action_client.send_goal(goal) if self.joint_action_client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(20.0)): return self.joint_action_client.get_result() else: print(' the joint angle action timed-out') self.joint_action_client.cancel_all_goals() return None def handle_move_block(self, message): """msg format: {id: int, source: Point {x: float,y: float}, target: Point {x: float, y: float} """ print(message) pick_x = message.source.x pick_y = message.source.y pick_x_threshold = message.source_x_tolerance pick_y_threshold = message.source_y_tolerance block_id = place_x = place_y = place_x_threshold = message.target_x_tolerance place_y_threshold = message.target_y_tolerance self.move_block(block_id, pick_x, pick_y, pick_x_threshold, pick_y_threshold, place_x, place_y, place_x_threshold, place_y_threshold, message.block_size) def handle_pick_failure(self, exception): rospy.loginfo("Pick failed, going home.") self.open_gripper() self.home_arm() raise exception def handle_place_failure(self, safe_zone, block_size, exception): #should probably figure out if I'm holding the block first so it doesn't look weird #figure out how to drop the block somewhere safe #pass none and none if you are certain you haven't picked up a block yet if safe_zone is None and block_size is None: self.home_arm() raise exception rospy.loginfo("HANDLING PLACE FAILURE") block_response = json.loads(self.get_block_state('tuio').tui_state) current_block_state = block_response drop_location = self.calculate_drop_location( safe_zone[0]['x'], safe_zone[0]['y'], safe_zone[1]['x_tolerance'], safe_zone[1]['y_tolerance'], current_block_state, block_size, num_attempts=1000) try: arm_drop_location = tuio_to_arm(drop_location.x, drop_location.y, get_tuio_bounds(), get_arm_bounds()) rospy.loginfo("panic arm drop: " + str(arm_drop_location)) self.place_block( Point(arm_drop_location[0], arm_drop_location[1], 0)) except Exception as e: rospy.loginfo( "ERROR: Cannot panic place the block! Get ready to catch it!") self.open_gripper() self.home_arm() raise exception def get_candidate_blocks(self, block_id, pick_x, pick_y, pick_x_tolerance, pick_y_tolerance): block_response = json.loads(self.get_block_state('tuio').tui_state) current_block_state = block_response candidate_blocks = [] print("looking for ", block_id, " ", pick_x, pick_y, pick_x_tolerance, pick_y_tolerance) # get candidate blocks -- blocks with the same id and within the error bounds/threshold given print(current_block_state) for block in current_block_state: print( block, self.check_block_bounds(block['x'], block['y'], pick_x, pick_y, pick_x_tolerance, pick_y_tolerance)) if block['id'] == block_id and self.check_block_bounds( block['x'], block['y'], pick_x, pick_y, pick_x_tolerance, pick_y_tolerance): candidate_blocks.append(block) return candidate_blocks def move_block(self, block_id, pick_x, pick_y, pick_x_tolerance, pick_y_tolerance, place_x, place_y, place_x_tolerance, place_y_tolerance, block_size=None, safe_zone=None, pick_tries=2, place_tries=1, point_at_block=True): if block_size is None: block_size = get_ros_param('DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE') block_response = json.loads(self.get_block_state('tuio').tui_state) current_block_state = block_response candidate_blocks = [] print("looking for ", block_id, " ", pick_x, pick_y, pick_x_tolerance, pick_y_tolerance) # get candidate blocks -- blocks with the same id and within the error bounds/threshold given print(current_block_state) # check for a drop location before trying to pick, do this before checking source to prevent cases where we go for a block user # moved while we are checking for a drop location drop_location = self.calculate_drop_location(place_x, place_y, place_x_tolerance, place_y_tolerance, current_block_state, block_size, num_attempts=2000) if drop_location == None: self.handle_place_failure( None, None, Exception("no room in the target zone to drop the block")) # here we are actually building a set of candidate blocks to pick for block in current_block_state: print( block, self.check_block_bounds(block['x'], block['y'], pick_x, pick_y, pick_x_tolerance, pick_y_tolerance)) if block['id'] == block_id and self.check_block_bounds( block['x'], block['y'], pick_x, pick_y, pick_x_tolerance, pick_y_tolerance): candidate_blocks.append(block) # select best block to pick and pick up pick_location = None if len(candidate_blocks) < 1: raise Exception("no block of id " + str(block_id) + " found within the source zone") elif len(candidate_blocks) == 1: pick_location = Point(candidate_blocks[0]['x'], candidate_blocks[0]['y'], 0) else: pick_location = Point(*self.find_most_isolated_block( candidate_blocks, current_block_state)) if point_at_block == True: try: arm_pick_location = tuio_to_arm(pick_location.x, pick_location.y, get_tuio_bounds(), get_arm_bounds()) arm_drop_location = tuio_to_arm(drop_location.x, drop_location.y, get_tuio_bounds(), get_arm_bounds()) self.close_gripper() self.point_at_block(location=Point(arm_pick_location[0], arm_pick_location[1], 0)) self.point_at_block(location=Point(arm_drop_location[0], arm_drop_location[1], 0)) self.home_arm() except Exception as e: rospy.loginfo(str(e)) rospy.loginfo("failed trying to point at block. giving up.") self.home_arm() self.move_block_server.set_succeeded( MoveBlockResult(drop_location)) return for i in range(pick_tries): try: arm_pick_location = tuio_to_arm(pick_location.x, pick_location.y, get_tuio_bounds(), get_arm_bounds()) self.pick_block(location=Point(arm_pick_location[0], arm_pick_location[1], 0), check_grasp=True) break except Exception as e: if i < pick_tries - 1: rospy.loginfo("pick failed and trying again..." + str(e)) else: rospy.loginfo("pick failed and out of attempts..." + str(e)) self.handle_pick_failure(e) if safe_zone == None: if self.safe_zone == None: safe_zone = [{ 'x': pick_x, 'y': pick_y }, { 'x_tolerance': pick_x_tolerance, 'y_tolerance': pick_y_tolerance }] else: safe_zone = self.safe_zone # calculate drop location block_response = json.loads(self.get_block_state('tuio').tui_state) current_block_state = block_response drop_location = self.calculate_drop_location(place_x, place_y, place_x_tolerance, place_y_tolerance, current_block_state, block_size, num_attempts=2000) if drop_location == None: self.handle_place_failure( safe_zone, block_size, Exception("no room in the target zone to drop the block")) rospy.loginfo("tuio drop" + str(drop_location)) for i in range(place_tries): try: arm_drop_location = tuio_to_arm(drop_location.x, drop_location.y, get_tuio_bounds(), get_arm_bounds()) rospy.loginfo("arm drop: " + str(arm_drop_location)) self.place_block( Point(arm_drop_location[0], arm_drop_location[1], 0)) break except Exception as e: if i < place_tries - 1: rospy.loginfo("place failed and trying again..." + str(e)) else: rospy.loginfo("place failed and out of attempts..." + str(e)) # check to see if we've defined a safe zone to drop the blocks self.handle_place_failure(safe_zone, block_size, e) # assume success if we made it this far self.move_block_server.set_succeeded(MoveBlockResult(drop_location)) # check if a certain x, y position is within the bounds of another x,y position @staticmethod def check_block_bounds(x, y, x_origin, y_origin, x_threshold, y_threshold): if x <= x_origin + x_threshold and x >= x_origin - x_threshold \ and y <= y_origin + y_threshold and y >= y_origin - y_threshold: return True return False # calculate the best location to drop the block def calculate_drop_location(self, x, y, x_threshold, y_threshold, blocks, block_size, num_attempts=1000): attempt = 0 x_original, y_original = x, y while (attempt < num_attempts): valid = True for block in blocks: if self.check_block_bounds(block['x'], block['y'], x, y, 0.8 * block_size, block_size): valid = False break if valid: return Point(x, y, 0) else: x = random.uniform(x_original - x_threshold, x_original + x_threshold) y = random.uniform(y_original - y_threshold, y_original + y_threshold) attempt += 1 #if none found in num_attempts, return none return None # candidates should have more than one element in it @staticmethod def find_most_isolated_block(candidates, all_blocks): print(candidates) min_distances = [] # tuples of candidate, distance to closest block for candidate in candidates: min_dist = -1 for block in all_blocks: if block['x'] == candidate['x'] and block['y'] == candidate[ 'y']: continue else: dist = DaArmServer.block_dist(candidate, block) if min_dist == -1 or dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist min_distances.append([candidate, min_dist]) most_isolated, _ = max(min_distances, key=lambda x: x[ 1]) # get most isolated candidate, and min_distance return most_isolated['x'], most_isolated['y'], 0 @staticmethod def block_dist(block_1, block_2): return np.sqrt((block_2['x'] - block_1['x'])**2 + (block_2['y'] - block_1['y'])**2) def update_finger_position(self, message): self.finger_positions = [ message.finger1, message.finger2, message.finger3 ] def check_grasp(self): closed_pos = 0.95 * 6800 distance_from_closed = 0 for fp in self.finger_positions: distance_from_closed += (closed_pos - fp)**2 if np.sqrt(distance_from_closed ) > 130: #this is just some magic number for now return True #if the fingers aren't fully closed, then grasp is good else: return False def open_gripper(self, delay=0): """open the gripper ALL THE WAY, then delay """ if self.is_simulation is True: self.gripper.set_named_target("Open") self.gripper.go() else: try: rospy.loginfo("Opening Gripper!!") self.move_fingers(50, 50, 50) except Exception as e: rospy.loginfo("Caught it!!" + str(e)) rospy.sleep(delay) def close_gripper(self, delay=0): """close the gripper ALL THE WAY, then delay """ # self.gripper.set_named_target("Close") # self.gripper.go() try: rospy.loginfo("Closing Gripper!!") self.move_fingers(95, 95, 95) except Exception as e: rospy.loginfo("Caught it!!" + str(e)) rospy.sleep(delay) def handle_gesture(self, gesture): # lookup the gesture from a table? or how about a message? # one possibility, object that contains desired deltas in pos/orientation # as well as specify the arm or gripper choice pass def handle_move_pose(self, message): # takes a geometry_msgs/Pose message self.move_arm_to_pose(,, action_server=self.move_pose_server) self.move_pose_server.set_succeeded() def check_plan_result(self, target_pose, cur_pose): #we'll do a very lenient check, this is to find failures, not error #also only checking position, not orientation rospy.loginfo("checking pose:" + str(target_pose) + str(cur_pose)) if np.abs(target_pose.pose.position.x - cur_pose.pose.position.x) > self.GOAL_TOLERANCE * 2: print("x error too far") return False if np.abs(target_pose.pose.position.y - cur_pose.pose.position.y) > self.GOAL_TOLERANCE * 2: print("y error too far") return False if np.abs(target_pose.pose.position.z - cur_pose.pose.position.z) > self.GOAL_TOLERANCE * 2: print("z error too far") return False print("tolerable error") return True # expects cooridinates for position to be in arm space def move_arm_to_pose(self, position, orientation, delay=0.5, waypoints=[], corrections=4, action_server=None): for i in range(corrections + 1): rospy.loginfo("TRY NUMBER " + str(i)) if len(waypoints) > 0 and i < 1: # this is good for doing gestures plan, fraction = self.arm.compute_cartesian_path( waypoints, eef_step=0.01, jump_threshold=0.0) else: p = self.arm.get_current_pose() p.pose.position = position p.pose.orientation = orientation rospy.loginfo("PLANNING TO " + str(p)) self.arm.set_pose_target(p) last_traj_goal = self.last_joint_trajectory_goal rospy.loginfo("EXECUTING!") plan = self.arm.go(wait=False) timeout = 5 / 0.001 while self.last_joint_trajectory_goal == last_traj_goal: rospy.sleep(0.001) timeout -= 1 if timeout <= 0: raise (Exception( "Timeout waiting for kinova to accept movement goal." )) rospy.loginfo("KINOVA GOT THE MOVEMENT GOAL") current_goal = self.last_joint_trajectory_goal # then loop until a result for it gets published timeout = 90 / 0.001 while self.last_joint_trajectory_result != current_goal: rospy.sleep(0.001) timeout -= 1 if timeout <= 0: raise (Exception( "Motion took longer than 90 seconds. aborting...")) if self.paused is True: self.arm.stop() # cancel the moveit goals return rospy.loginfo("LEAVING THE WHILE LOOP") # for i in range(corrections): # rospy.loginfo("Correcting the pose") # self.move_joint_angles(angle_set) rospy.sleep(delay) if (self.check_plan_result(p, self.arm.get_current_pose())): break #we're there, no need to retry #rospy.loginfo("OK GOT THROUGH THE PLANNING PHASE") if False: # # get the last pose to correct if desired # ptPos = plan.joint_trajectory.points[-1].positions # # print "==================================" # # print "Last point of the current trajectory: " # angle_set = list() # for i in range(len(ptPos)): # tempPos = ptPos[i]*180/np.pi + int(round((self.joint_angles[i] - ptPos[i]*180/np.pi)/(360)))*360 # angle_set.append(tempPos) if action_server: pass #action_server.publish_feedback(CalibrateFeedback("Plan Found")) last_traj_goal = self.last_joint_trajectory_goal rospy.loginfo("EXECUTING!") self.arm.execute(plan, wait=False) # this is a bit naive, but I'm going to loop until a new trajectory goal gets published timeout = 5 / 0.001 while self.last_joint_trajectory_goal == last_traj_goal: rospy.sleep(0.001) timeout -= 1 if timeout <= 0: raise (Exception( "Timeout waiting for kinova to accept movement goal." )) rospy.loginfo("KINOVA GOT THE MOVEMENT GOAL") current_goal = self.last_joint_trajectory_goal # then loop until a result for it gets published timeout = 15 / 0.001 while self.last_joint_trajectory_result != current_goal: rospy.sleep(0.001) timeout -= 1 if timeout <= 0: raise (Exception( "Motion took longer than 15 seconds. aborting...")) if self.paused is True: self.arm.stop() # cancel the moveit goals return rospy.loginfo("LEAVING THE WHILE LOOP") # for i in range(corrections): # rospy.loginfo("Correcting the pose") # self.move_joint_angles(angle_set) rospy.sleep(delay) else: if action_server: #action_server.publish_feedback(CalibrateFeedback("Planning Failed")) pass # Let's have the caller handle sequences instead. # def handle_move_sequence(self, message): # # if the move fails, do we cancel the sequence # cancellable = message.cancellable # moves = message.moves # for move in moves: # try: # self.handle_move_block(move) # except Exception: # if cancellable: # rospy.loginfo("Part of move failed, cancelling the rest.") # break def update_move_group_state(self, message): rospy.loginfo( self.move_group_state = def update_move_group_status(self, message): if message.status_list: #rospy.loginfo("MoveGroup Status for "+str(message.status_list[0]": "+str(message.status_list[0].status)) self.move_group_status = message.status_list[0].status def update_joint_trajectory_state(self, message): # print(message.status_list) if len(message.status_list) > 0: self.joint_trajectory_state = message.status_list[0].status else: self.joint_trajectory_state = 0 def update_joint_trajectory_goal(self, message): #print("goalisasis", self.last_joint_trajectory_goal = def update_joint_trajectory_result(self, message): #print("resultisasis", self.last_joint_trajectory_result = def get_grasp_orientation(self, position): #return Quaternion(0, 0, 1/np.sqrt(2), 1/np.sqrt(2)) return Quaternion(-0.707388, -0.706825, 0.0005629, 0.0005633) def update_joints(self, joints): self.joint_angles = [ joints.joint1, joints.joint2, joints.joint3, joints.joint4, joints.joint5, joints.joint6, joints.joint7 ] def move_z_relative(self, distance): p = self.arm.get_current_pose() p.pose.position.z += distance self.move_arm_to_pose(p.pose.position, p.pose.orientation, delay=0) def move_z_absolute(self, height): p = self.arm.get_current_pose() p.pose.position.z = height self.move_arm_to_pose(p.pose.position, p.pose.orientation, delay=0) def pick_block(self, location, check_grasp=False, retry_attempts=0, delay=0, action_server=None): # go to a spot and pick up a block # if check_grasp is true, it will check torque on gripper and retry or fail if not holding # open the gripper # print('Position: ', position) self.open_gripper() position = Point(location.x, location.y, self.cruising_height) orientation = self.get_grasp_orientation(position) try: self.raise_table() self.move_arm_to_pose(position, orientation, delay=0, action_server=action_server) self.lower_table() position = Point(location.x, location.y, self.grasp_height) self.move_arm_to_pose(position, orientation, delay=0, action_server=action_server) except Exception as e: current_pose = self.arm.get_current_pose() if current_pose.pose.position.z - self.cruising_height < 0: self.move_z_absolute(self.crusing_height) self.raise_table() raise ( e ) #problem because sometimes we get exception e.g. if we're already there # and it will skip the close if so. if action_server: action_server.publish_feedback() self.close_gripper() self.move_z_absolute(self.cruising_height) #try to wait until we're up to check grasp rospy.sleep(0.5) if check_grasp is True: if (self.check_grasp() is False): print("Grasp failed!") self.raise_table() raise (Exception("grasp failed!")) # for now, but we want to check finger torques # for i in range(retry_attempts): # self.move_z(0.3) self.raise_table() rospy.sleep(delay) def place_block(self, location, check_grasp=False, delay=0, action_server=None): # go to a spot an drop a block # if check_grasp is true, it will check torque on gripper and fail if not holding a block # print('Position: ', position) current_pose = self.arm.get_current_pose() if current_pose.pose.position.z - self.cruising_height < -.02: # if I'm significantly below cruisng height, correct self.move_z_absolute(self.cruising_height) position = Point(location.x, location.y, self.cruising_height) rospy.loginfo("PLACE POSITION: " + str(position) + "(DROP HEIGHT: " + str(self.drop_height)) orientation = self.get_grasp_orientation(position) try: self.raise_table( ) # only do this as a check in case it isn't already raised self.move_arm_to_pose(position, orientation, delay=0, action_server=action_server) self.lower_table() self.move_z_absolute(self.drop_height) except Exception as e: current_pose = self.arm.get_current_pose() if current_pose.pose.position.z - self.cruising_height < 0: self.move_z_absolute(self.cruising_height) self.raise_table() raise (e) if action_server: action_server.publish_feedback() self.open_gripper() self.move_z_absolute(self.cruising_height) self.raise_table() self.close_gripper() def point_at_block(self, location, delay=0, action_server=None): # go to a spot an drop a block # if check_grasp is true, it will check torque on gripper and fail if not holding a block # print('Position: ', position) current_pose = self.arm.get_current_pose() if current_pose.pose.position.z - self.cruising_height < -.02: # if I'm significantly below cruisng height, correct self.move_z_absolute(self.cruising_height) position = Point(location.x, location.y, self.cruising_height) rospy.loginfo("PLACE POSITION: " + str(position) + "(DROP HEIGHT: " + str(self.drop_height)) orientation = self.get_grasp_orientation(position) try: self.raise_table( ) # only do this as a check in case it isn't already raised self.move_arm_to_pose(position, orientation, delay=0, action_server=action_server) self.lower_table() self.move_z_absolute(self.pointing_height) self.move_z_absolute(self.cruising_height) except Exception as e: current_pose = self.arm.get_current_pose() if current_pose.pose.position.z - self.cruising_height < 0: self.move_z_absolute(self.cruising_height) self.raise_table() raise (e) if action_server: action_server.publish_feedback() self.raise_table() def stop_motion(self, home=False, pause=False): rospy.loginfo("STOPPING the ARM") # cancel the moveit_trajectory # self.arm.stop() # call the emergency stop on kinova self.emergency_stop() # rospy.sleep(0.5) if pause is True: self.paused = True if home is True: # self.restart_arm() self.home_arm() def calibrate(self, message): print("calibrating ", message) self.place_calibration_block() rospy.sleep(5) # five seconds to correct the drop if it bounced, etc. print("moving on...") self.calibration_server.publish_feedback( CalibrateFeedback("getting the coordinates")) params = self.record_calibration_params() self.set_arm_calibration_params(params[0], params[1]) self.calibration_publisher.publish( CalibrationParams(params[0], params[1])) self.calibration_server.set_succeeded(CalibrateResult(params)) def set_arm_calibration_params(self, arm_x_min, arm_y_min): rospy.set_param("ARM_X_MIN", arm_x_min) rospy.set_param("ARM_Y_MIN", arm_y_min) def place_calibration_block(self): # start by homing the arm (kinova home) self.calibration_server.publish_feedback(CalibrateFeedback("homing")) self.home_arm_kinova() # go to grab a block from a human self.open_gripper() self.close_gripper() self.open_gripper(4) self.close_gripper(2) # move to a predetermined spot self.calibration_server.publish_feedback( CalibrateFeedback("moving to drop")) try: self.move_arm_to_pose(Point(0.4, -0.4, 0.1), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0), corrections=0) except Exception as e: rospy.loginfo("THIS IS TH PRoblem" + str(e)) # drop the block self.open_gripper() self.calibration_server.publish_feedback( CalibrateFeedback("dropped the block")) calibration_block = {'x': 0.4, 'y': -0.4, 'id': 0} calibration_action_belief = { "action": "add", "block": calibration_block } self.action_belief_publisher.publish( String(json.dumps(calibration_action_belief))) rospy.loginfo("published arm belief") return def record_calibration_params(self): """ Call the block_tracker service to get the current table config. Find the calibration block and set the appropriate params. """ # make sure we know the dimensions of the table before we start # fixed table dimensions include tuio_min_x,tuio_min_y,tuio_dist_x,tuio_dist_y,arm_dist_x,arm_dist_y tuio_bounds = get_tuio_bounds() arm_bounds = get_arm_bounds(calibrate=False) try: block_state = json.loads(self.get_block_state("tuio").tui_state) except rospy.ServiceException as e: # self.calibration_server.set_aborted() raise (ValueError("Failed getting block state to calibrate: " + str(e))) if len(block_state) != 1: # self.calibration_server.set_aborted() raise (ValueError( "Failed calibration, either couldn't find block or > 1 block on TUI!" )) # if we made it here, let's continue! # start by comparing the reported tuio coords where we dropped the block # with the arm's localization of the end-effector that dropped it # (we assume that the block fell straight below the drop point) drop_pose = self.arm.get_current_pose() end_effector_x = drop_pose.pose.position.x end_effector_y = drop_pose.pose.position.y block_tuio_x = block_state[0]['x'] block_tuio_y = block_state[0]['y'] x_ratio, y_ratio = tuio_to_ratio(block_tuio_x, block_tuio_y, tuio_bounds) arm_x_min = end_effector_x - x_ratio * arm_bounds["x_dist"] arm_y_min = end_effector_y - y_ratio * arm_bounds["y_dist"] return [arm_x_min, arm_y_min]
class TestMove(): def __init__(self): roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('ur3_move', anonymous=True) self.detected = {} self.detected_names = rospy.get_param( '/darknet_ros/yolo_model/detection_classes/names') self.object_pose_sub = rospy.Subscriber( '/cluster_decomposer/centroid_pose_array', PoseArray, self.collectJsk) self.listener = tf.TransformListener() display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher( '/move_group/display_planned_path', moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory, queue_size=20) self.ii = 0 global goal_x global goal_y global goal_z global ori_w global ori_x global ori_y global ori_z self.distance = 0 self.tomato = [] self.position_list = [] self.orientation_list = [] self.tomato_pose = Pose() self.goalPoseFromTomato = Pose() = tf.TransformBroadcaster() self.calculated_tomato = Pose() self.calculated_tomato_coor = Pose() self.scene = PlanningSceneInterface() self.robot_cmd = RobotCommander() self.robot_arm = MoveGroupCommander(GROUP_NAME_ARM) self.robot_arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.005) self.robot_arm.set_planning_time(10) self.robot_arm.set_num_planning_attempts(10) self.display_trajectory_publisher = display_trajectory_publisher rospy.sleep(2) # Allow replanning to increase the odds of a solution self.robot_arm.allow_replanning(True) def move_code(self): planning_frame = self.robot_arm.get_planning_frame() print "========== plannig frame: ", planning_frame self.wpose = self.robot_arm.get_current_pose() print "====== current pose : ", self.wpose marker_joint_goal = [ 2.6482303142547607, -0.3752959410296839, -2.1118043104754847, -0.4801228682147425, -1.4944542090045374, -4.647655431424276 ] print "INIT POSE: ", self.robot_arm.get_current_pose().pose.position self.robot_arm.go(marker_joint_goal, wait=True) def pose_subscriber(self): rospy.loginfo("waiting for pose topic...") rospy.get_param('/darknet_ros/yolo_model/detection_classes/names') rospy.Subscriber('/cluster_decomposer/centroid_pose_array', PoseArray, self.collectJsk) def go_to_goal_point(self, scale=1.0): planning_frame = self.robot_arm.get_planning_frame() print(">> robot arm planning frame: \n", planning_frame) self.calculated_tomato.position.x = (scale * goal_x) self.calculated_tomato.position.y = (scale * goal_y) self.calculated_tomato.position.z = (scale * goal_z) self.calculated_tomato.orientation.w = (scale * ori_w) self.calculated_tomato.orientation.x = (scale * ori_x) self.calculated_tomato.orientation.y = (scale * ori_y) self.calculated_tomato.orientation.z = (scale * ori_z) print(">> robot_pose goal frame: ", self.calculated_tomato) self.robot_arm.set_pose_target(self.calculated_tomato) tf_display_position = [ self.calculated_tomato.position.x, self.calculated_tomato.position.y, self.calculated_tomato.position.z ] tf_display_orientation = [ self.calculated_tomato.orientation.x, self.calculated_tomato.orientation.y, self.calculated_tomato.orientation.z, self.calculated_tomato.orientation.w ] ii = 0 while ii < 5: ii += 1, tf_display_orientation,, "goal_wpose", "world") tomato_waypoints = [] tomato_waypoints.append(copy.deepcopy(self.calculated_tomato)) (tomato_plan, tomato_fraction) = self.robot_arm.compute_cartesian_path( tomato_waypoints, 0.01, 0.0) self.display_trajectory(tomato_plan) print("======= Press `Enter` to if plan in correct!======") raw_input() self.robot_arm.go(True) ''' def go_to_designated_coordinate(self): desired_goal_pose = [-0.537,0.166, 0.248] Cplanning_frame = self.robot_arm.get_planning_frame() print(">> current planning frame: \n",Cplanning_frame) self.calculated_tomato_coor.position.x = desired_goal_pose[0] self.calculated_tomato_coor.position.y = desired_goal_pose[1] self.calculated_tomato_coor.position.z = desired_goal_pose[2] self.calculated_tomato_coor.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(desired_goal_pose[0],desired_goal_pose[1],desired_goal_pose[2])) print(">> goal frame", self.calculated_tomato_coor) self.robot_arm.set_pose_target(self.calculated_tomato_coor) tf_display_position = [self.calculated_tomato_coor.position.x, self.calculated_tomato_coor.position.y, self.calculated_tomato_coor.position.z] tf_display_orientation = [self.calculated_tomato_coor.orientation.x, self.calculated_tomato_coor.orientation.y, self.calculated_tomato_coor.orientation.z, self.calculated_tomato_coor.orientation.w] jj = 0 while jj < 5: jj += 1 tf_display_position, tf_display_orientation,, "goal_wpose", "world") tomato_waypoints = [] tomato_waypoints.append(copy.deepcopy(self.calculated_tomato_coor)) (plan, fraction) = self.robot_arm.compute_cartesian_path(tomato_waypoints,0.01,0.0) self.display_trajectory(plan) print("=========== Press `Enter` to if plan is correct!!...") raw_input() self.robot_arm.go(True) ''' def plan_cartesian_path(self, scale=1.0): waypoints = [] self.wpose = self.robot_arm.get_current_pose().pose self.wpose.position.x -= scale * 0.1 self.wpose.position.y += scale * 0.1 waypoints.append(copy.deepcopy(self.wpose)) ''' self.wpose.position.x -= scale*0.2 waypoints.append(copy.deepcopy(self.wpose)) ''' ''' self.wpose.position.x -= scale*0.1 waypoints.append(copy.deepcopy(self.wpose)) ''' (plan, fraction) = self.robot_arm.compute_cartesian_path( waypoints, 0.01, 0.0) return plan, fraction def execute_plan(self, plan): group = self.robot_arm group.execute(plan, wait=True) def display_trajectory(self, plan): display_trajectory_publisher = self.display_trajectory_publisher display_trajectory = moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory() display_trajectory.trajectory_start = self.robot_cmd.get_current_state( ) display_trajectory.trajectory.append(plan) display_trajectory_publisher.publish(display_trajectory) def collectJsk(self, msg): global goal_x global goal_y global goal_z global ori_w global ori_x global ori_y global ori_z try: (trans, rot) = self.listener.lookupTransform('base_link', 'yolo_output00', rospy.Time(0)) goal_x = trans[0] goal_y = trans[1] goal_z = trans[2] ori_w = rot[0] ori_x = rot[1] ori_y = rot[2] ori_z = rot[3] print("==== trans[x,y,z]: ", trans) print("==== rot[x,y,z,w]: ", rot) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): rospy.logwarn('there is no tf')
#GROUP_NAME_GRIPPER = "NAME OF GRIPPER" roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('control_Husky_UR3', anonymous=True) robot = RobotCommander() scene = PlanningSceneInterface() ##모바일 파트 관련 변수 선언 x = 0.0 y = 0.0 theta = 0.0 ## 매니퓰레이터 변수 선언 group_name = "ur3_manipulator" move_group = MoveGroupCommander(group_name) FIXED_FRAME = 'world' display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher( '/move_group/display_planned_path', DisplayTrajectory, queue_size=20) def newOdom(msg): global x global y global theta x = msg.pose.pose.position.x y = msg.pose.pose.position.y rot_q = msg.pose.pose.orientation
class PickAndPlace: def setColor(self, name, r, g, b, a=0.9): color = ObjectColor() = name color.color.r = r color.color.g = g color.color.b = b color.color.a = a self.colors[name] = color def sendColors(self): p = PlanningScene() p.is_diff = True for color in self.colors.values(): p.object_colors.append(color) self.scene_pub.publish(p) def add_point(self, traj, time, positions, velocities=None): point = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectoryPoint() point.positions = copy.deepcopy(positions) if velocities is not None: point.velocities = copy.deepcopy(velocities) point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(time) traj.points.append(point) def FollowQTraj(self, q_traj, t_traj): assert (len(q_traj) == len(t_traj)) #Insert current position to beginning. if t_traj[0] > 1.0e-2: t_traj.insert(0, 0.0) q_traj.insert(0, self.Q(arm=arm)) self.dq_traj = self.QTrajToDQTraj(q_traj, t_traj) def QTrajToDQTraj(self, q_traj, t_traj): dof = len(q_traj[0]) #Modeling the trajectory with spline. splines = [TCubicHermiteSpline() for d in range(dof)] for d in range(len(splines)): data_d = [[t, q[d]] for q, t in zip(q_traj, t_traj)] splines[d].Initialize(data_d, tan_method=splines[d].CARDINAL, c=0.0, m=0.0) #NOTE: We don't have to make spline models as we just want velocities at key points. # They can be obtained by computing tan_method, which will be more efficient. with_tan=True dq_traj = [] for t in t_traj: dq = [splines[d].Evaluate(t, with_tan=True)[1] for d in range(dof)] dq_traj.append(dq) #print dq_traj return dq_traj def JointNames(self): #0arm= 0 return self.joint_names[0] def ROSGetJTP(self, q, t, dq=None): jp = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectoryPoint() jp.positions = q jp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(t) if dq is not None: jp.velocities = dq return jp def ToROSTrajectory(self, joint_names, q_traj, t_traj, dq_traj=None): assert (len(q_traj) == len(t_traj)) if dq_traj is not None: (len(dq_traj) == len(t_traj)) #traj= trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory() self.traj.joint_names = joint_names if dq_traj is not None: self.traj.points = [ self.ROSGetJTP(q, t, dq) for q, t, dq in zip(q_traj, t_traj, dq_traj) ] else: self.traj.points = [ self.ROSGetJTP(q, t) for q, t in zip(q_traj, t_traj) ] self.traj.header.stamp = #print self.traj return self.traj def SmoothQTraj(self, q_traj): if len(q_traj) == 0: return q_prev = np.array(q_traj[0]) q_offset = np.array([0] * len(q_prev)) for q in q_traj: q_diff = np.array(q) - q_prev for d in range(len(q_prev)): if q_diff[d] < -math.pi: q_offset[d] += 1 elif q_diff[d] > math.pi: q_offset[d] -= 1 q_prev = copy.deepcopy(q) q[:] = q + q_offset * 2.0 * math.pi def add_target(self, target_pose, target_size, frame, x, y, o1, o2, o3, o4): target_pose.header.frame_id = frame target_pose.pose.position.x = x target_pose.pose.position.y = y target_pose.pose.position.z = self.table_ground + self.table_size[ 2] + target_size[2] / 2.0 target_pose.pose.orientation.x = o1 target_pose.pose.orientation.y = o2 target_pose.pose.orientation.z = o3 target_pose.pose.orientation.w = o4 #self.scene.add_box(f_target_id,f_target_pose,f_target_size) def cts(self, start_pose, mid_pose, end_pose, maxtries, exe_signal=False): waypoints = [] fraction = 0.0 attempts = 0 waypoints.append(start_pose.pose) if mid_pose != 0: waypoints.append(mid_pose.pose) waypoints.append(end_pose.pose) while fraction != 1 and attempts < maxtries: (plan, fraction) = self.arm.compute_cartesian_path( waypoints, 0.005, 0.0, True) attempts += 1 if (attempts % maxtries == 0 and fraction != 1): rospy.loginfo("path planning failed with " + str(fraction * 100) + "% success.") return 0, 0 continue elif fraction == 1: rospy.loginfo("path compute successfully with " + str(attempts) + " attempts.") if exe_signal: q_traj = [self.arm.get_current_joint_values()] t_traj = [0.0] for i in range(2, len(plan.joint_trajectory.points)): q_traj.append( plan.joint_trajectory.points[i].positions) t_traj.append(t_traj[-1] + 0.07) self.FollowQTraj(q_traj, t_traj) self.sub_jpc.publish( self.ToROSTrajectory(self.JointNames(), q_traj, t_traj, self.dq_traj)) rospy.sleep(5) end_joint_state = plan.joint_trajectory.points[-1].positions signal = 1 return signal, end_joint_state #move and rotate def cts_rotate(self, start_pose, end_pose, angle_r, maxtries, exe_signal=False): angle = angle_r * 3.14 / 180.0 waypoints = [] fraction = 0.0 attempts = 0 waypoints.append(start_pose.pose) waypoints.append(end_pose.pose) while fraction != 1 and attempts < maxtries: (plan, fraction) = self.arm.compute_cartesian_path( waypoints, 0.005, 0.0, True) attempts += 1 if (attempts % maxtries == 0 and fraction != 1): rospy.loginfo("path planning failed with " + str(fraction * 100) + "% success.") return 0, 0.0 continue elif fraction == 1: rospy.loginfo("path compute successfully with " + str(attempts) + " attempts.") if exe_signal: q_traj = [self.arm.get_current_joint_values()] t_traj = [0.0] per_angle = angle / (len(plan.joint_trajectory.points) - 2) for i in range(2, len(plan.joint_trajectory.points)): joint_inc_list = [ j for j in plan.joint_trajectory.points[i].positions ] #plan.joint_trajectory.points[i].positions[6]-=per_angle*(i-1) joint_inc_list[6] -= per_angle * (i - 1) q_traj.append(joint_inc_list) t_traj.append(t_traj[-1] + 0.05) self.FollowQTraj(q_traj, t_traj) self.sub_jpc.publish( self.ToROSTrajectory(self.JointNames(), q_traj, t_traj, self.dq_traj)) rospy.sleep(5) end_joint_state = plan.joint_trajectory.points[-1].positions signal = 1 return signal, end_joint_state # shaking function: # freq : shaking freqence # times : shaking time per action def shaking(self, initial_state, end_joint_state, freq, times): q_traj = [initial_state] t_traj = [0.0] for i in range(times): q_traj.append(end_joint_state) t_traj.append(t_traj[-1] + 0.5 / freq) q_traj.append(initial_state) t_traj.append(t_traj[-1] + 0.5 / freq) self.FollowQTraj(q_traj, t_traj) self.sub_jpc.publish( self.ToROSTrajectory(self.JointNames(), q_traj, t_traj, self.dq_traj)) rospy.sleep(6) #shaking_a: vertical bottle axis def shake_a(self, pre_p_angle, r_angle, amp): start_shake_pose = self.arm.get_current_pose( self.arm_end_effector_link) # for trajectory of shaking start_joint_state = self.arm.get_current_joint_values( ) # for state[6] to rotate shift_pose = deepcopy(start_shake_pose) r_angle = (r_angle / 180.0) * 3.14 pre_p_angle = (pre_p_angle / 180.0) * 3.14 shift_pose.pose.position.x += amp * math.sin(r_angle) * math.cos( pre_p_angle) # in verticle direction shift_pose.pose.position.y -= amp * math.sin(r_angle) * math.sin( pre_p_angle) shift_pose.pose.position.z += amp * math.cos(r_angle) #... signal, end_joint_state = self.cts(start_shake_pose, shift_pose, 300) return signal, end_joint_state def shake_b(self, pre_p_angle, r_angle, amp): start_shake_pose = self.arm.get_current_pose( self.arm_end_effector_link) # for trajectory of shaking start_joint_state = self.arm.get_current_joint_values( ) # for state[6] to rotate shift_pose = deepcopy(start_shake_pose) r_angle = (r_angle / 180.0) * 3.14 pre_p_angle = (pre_p_angle / 180.0) * 3.14 shift_pose.pose.position.x -= amp * math.cos(r_angle) * math.cos( pre_p_angle) # in verticle direction shift_pose.pose.position.y += amp * math.cos(r_angle) * math.sin( pre_p_angle) shift_pose.pose.position.z += amp * math.sin(r_angle) #... signal, end_joint_state = self.cts(start_shake_pose, shift_pose, 300) return signal, end_joint_state def setupSence(self): r_tool_size = [0.03, 0.02, 0.18] l_tool_size = [0.03, 0.02, 0.18] #real scene table table_pose = PoseStamped() table_pose.header.frame_id = self.reference_frame table_pose.pose.position.x = -0.0 table_pose.pose.position.y = 0.65 table_pose.pose.position.z = self.table_ground + self.table_size[ 2] / 2.0 table_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 self.scene.add_box(self.table_id, table_pose, self.table_size) #left gripper l_p = PoseStamped() l_p.header.frame_id = self.arm_end_effector_link l_p.pose.position.x = 0.00 l_p.pose.position.y = 0.057 l_p.pose.position.z = 0.09 l_p.pose.orientation.w = 1 self.scene.attach_box(self.arm_end_effector_link, self.l_id, l_p, l_tool_size) #right gripper r_p = PoseStamped() r_p.header.frame_id = self.arm_end_effector_link r_p.pose.position.x = 0.00 r_p.pose.position.y = -0.057 r_p.pose.position.z = 0.09 r_p.pose.orientation.w = 1 self.scene.attach_box(self.arm_end_effector_link, self.r_id, r_p, r_tool_size) #Params: pose of bottle, grasp_radius, grasp_height, grasp_theta def get_grasp_pose(self, pose, r, theta): g_p = PoseStamped() g_p.header.frame_id = self.arm_end_effector_link g_p.pose.position.x = pose.pose.position.x + r * math.sin(theta) g_p.pose.position.y = pose.pose.position.y - r * math.cos(theta) g_p.pose.position.z = pose.pose.position.z g_p.pose.orientation.w = 0.5 * (math.cos(0.5 * theta) - math.sin(0.5 * theta)) g_p.pose.orientation.x = -0.5 * (math.cos(0.5 * theta) + math.sin(0.5 * theta)) g_p.pose.orientation.y = 0.5 * (math.cos(0.5 * theta) - math.sin(0.5 * theta)) g_p.pose.orientation.z = 0.5 * (math.sin(0.5 * theta) + math.cos(0.5 * theta)) return g_p def get_pour_pose(self, pose, h, r, theta): p_p = PoseStamped() p_p.header.frame_id = self.arm_end_effector_link p_p.pose.position.x = pose.pose.position.x - r * math.cos(theta) p_p.pose.position.y = pose.pose.position.y + r * math.sin(theta) p_p.pose.position.z = pose.pose.position.z + h theta *= -1 p_p.pose.orientation.w = 0.5 * (math.cos(0.5 * theta) - math.sin(0.5 * theta)) p_p.pose.orientation.x = -0.5 * (math.cos(0.5 * theta) + math.sin(0.5 * theta)) p_p.pose.orientation.y = 0.5 * (math.cos(0.5 * theta) - math.sin(0.5 * theta)) p_p.pose.orientation.z = 0.5 * (math.sin(0.5 * theta) + math.cos(0.5 * theta)) return p_p def pour_rotate(self, angle_pre, angle_r, r, maxtries): angle_pre = (angle_pre / 180.0) * 3.14 angle_r_1 = (angle_r / 180.0) * 3.14 initial_state = self.arm.get_current_joint_values() initial_pose = self.arm.get_current_pose(self.arm_end_effector_link) final_pose = deepcopy(initial_pose) final_pose.pose.position.x += r * ( 1 - math.cos(angle_r_1)) * math.cos(angle_pre) final_pose.pose.position.y += r * ( 1 - math.cos(angle_r_1)) * math.sin(angle_pre) final_pose.pose.position.z += r * math.sin(angle_r_1) signal, e_j_s = self.cts_rotate(initial_pose, final_pose, angle_r, maxtries, True) return signal def pg_g_pp(self, pose, r, pre_r): start_pose = self.arm.get_current_pose(self.arm_end_effector_link) p_i_radian = np.arctan(abs(pose.pose.position.x / pose.pose.position.y)) p_i_angle = p_i_radian * 180.0 / 3.14 pick_list = [ 0.0, p_i_angle, 5.0, 25.0, 45.0, 65.0, 15.0, 35.0, 55.0, 75.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0 ] for i in range(len(pick_list)): theta = (pick_list[i] / 180.0) * 3.14 if pose.pose.position.x > 0: theta *= -1.0 pre_grasp_pose = self.get_grasp_pose(pose, r + pre_r, theta) #pick up grasp_pose = pre_grasp_pose grasp_pose.pose.position.x -= pre_r * math.sin(theta) grasp_pose.pose.position.y += pre_r * math.cos(theta) signal, e_j_s = self.cts(start_pose, pre_grasp_pose, grasp_pose, 300, True) if signal == 0: continue break rospy.sleep(1) self.gripperCtrl(0) rospy.sleep(2) #move to ori_pose current_pose = self.arm.get_current_pose(self.arm_end_effector_link) signal, e_j_s = self.cts(current_pose, pre_grasp_pose, start_pose, 300, True) rospy.sleep(2) rospy.loginfo("Grasping done.") return start_pose, pre_grasp_pose, grasp_pose def pp_ps(self, target_pose, pour_angle, r_pour, h_pour): for i in range(len(pour_angle)): maxtries = 300 start_pose = self.arm.get_current_pose(self.arm_end_effector_link) theta = (pour_angle[i] / 180.0) * 3.14 pour_pose = self.get_pour_pose(target_pose, h_pour, r_pour, theta) #move to pose signal_1, e_j_s = self.cts_rotate(start_pose, pour_pose, 90.0, maxtries, True) if signal_1 == 0: continue pre_pour_angle = pour_angle[i] rospy.loginfo("Ready for pouring.") return pre_pour_angle def go_back(self, ori_pose, pre_grasp_pose, grasp_pose): cur_pose = self.arm.get_current_pose(self.arm_end_effector_link) signal, e1 = self.cts(cur_pose, 0, ori_pose, 300, True) rospy.loginfo("back to pre_grasp pose, ready for placing bottle..") signal_1, e2 = self.cts(ori_pose, pre_grasp_pose, grasp_pose, 300, True) rospy.loginfo("back to grasp pose, open gripper..") self.gripperCtrl(255) rospy.sleep(1) signal_2, e3 = self.cts(grasp_pose, pre_grasp_pose, ori_pose, 300, True) rospy.loginfo("back to pre_grasp pose, ready for next kind of source.") def rotate_back(self, angle): angle = angle * 3.14 / 180.0 current_j_state = self.arm.get_current_joint_values() current_j_state[6] += angle + 1.57 self.arm.go() def last_step_go_back(self, ori_pose): cur_pose = self.arm.get_current_pose(self.arm_end_effector_link) signal, e1 = self.cts(cur_pose, 0, ori_pose, 300, True) rospy.loginfo("back to last step...") rospy.sleep(1) def __init__(self): moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('moveit_demo') self.scene = PlanningSceneInterface() pub_traj = rospy.Publisher('/joint_path_command', trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory, queue_size=10) #pub_ratio_sig= rospy.Publisher('/enable_source_change',Int64,queue_size=1) self.scene_pub = rospy.Publisher('planning_scene', PlanningScene) self.gripperCtrl = rospy.ServiceProxy( "/two_finger/gripper/gotoPositionUntilTouch", SetPosition) self.colors = dict() rospy.sleep(1) self.robot = moveit_commander.robot.RobotCommander() self.arm = MoveGroupCommander('arm') self.arm.allow_replanning(True) cartesian = rospy.get_param('~cartesian', True) self.arm_end_effector_link = self.arm.get_end_effector_link() self.arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.005) self.arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.025) self.arm.allow_replanning(True) self.reference_frame = 'base_link' self.arm.set_pose_reference_frame(self.reference_frame) self.arm.set_planning_time(5) #shaking self.joint_names = [[]] self.joint_names[0] = rospy.get_param('controller_joint_names') self.traj = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory() self.sub_jpc = rospy.Publisher('/joint_path_command', trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory, queue_size=10) #scene planning self.l_id = 'l_tool' self.r_id = 'r_tool' self.table_id = 'table' self.target1_id = 'target1_object' self.target2_id = 'target2_object' self.target3_id = 'target3_object' self.target4_id = 'target4_object' self.f_target_id = 'receive_container' self.scene.remove_world_object(self.l_id) self.scene.remove_world_object(self.r_id) self.scene.remove_world_object(self.table_id) self.scene.remove_world_object(self.target1_id) self.scene.remove_world_object(self.target2_id) self.scene.remove_world_object(self.target3_id) self.scene.remove_world_object(self.target4_id) self.scene.remove_world_object(self.f_target_id) #self.scene.remove_attached_object(self.arm_end_effector_link,self.target_id) self.table_ground = 0.13 self.table_size = [0.9, 0.6, 0.018] self.setupSence() target1_size = [0.035, 0.035, 0.19] target2_size = target1_size target3_size = target1_size target4_size = target1_size self.f_target_size = [0.2, 0.2, 0.04] f_target_pose = PoseStamped() pre_pour_pose = PoseStamped() target1_pose = PoseStamped() target2_pose = PoseStamped() target3_pose = PoseStamped() target4_pose = PoseStamped() joint_names = [ 'joint_' + jkey for jkey in ('s', 'l', 'e', 'u', 'r', 'b', 't') ] joint_names = rospy.get_param('controller_joint_names') traj = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory() traj.joint_names = joint_names #final target #self.add_target(f_target_pose,self.f_target_size,self.reference_frame,-0.184+0.27,0.62+0.1,0,0,0,1) self.add_target(f_target_pose, self.f_target_size, self.reference_frame, 0.2, 0.6, 0, 0, 0, 1) self.scene.add_box(self.f_target_id, f_target_pose, self.f_target_size) #self.add_target(pre_pour_pose,self.reference_frame,x,y,0,0,0,1) #target localization #msg = rospy.wait_for_message('/aruco_single/pose',PoseStamped) self.add_target(target1_pose, target1_size, self.reference_frame, -0.25, 0.8, 0, 0, 0, 1) self.scene.add_box(self.target1_id, target1_pose, target1_size) self.add_target(target2_pose, target2_size, self.reference_frame, -0.12, 0.87, 0, 0, 0, 1) self.scene.add_box(self.target2_id, target2_pose, target2_size) self.add_target(target3_pose, target3_size, self.reference_frame, 0.02, 0.88, 0, 0, 0, 1) self.scene.add_box(self.target3_id, target3_pose, target3_size) self.add_target(target4_pose, target4_size, self.reference_frame, 0.15, 0.80, 0, 0, 0, 1) self.scene.add_box(self.target4_id, target4_pose, target4_size) #attach_pose g_p = PoseStamped() g_p.header.frame_id = self.arm_end_effector_link g_p.pose.position.x = 0.00 g_p.pose.position.y = -0.00 g_p.pose.position.z = 0.025 g_p.pose.orientation.w = 0.707 g_p.pose.orientation.x = 0 g_p.pose.orientation.y = -0.707 g_p.pose.orientation.z = 0 #set color self.setColor(self.target1_id, 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(self.target2_id, 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(self.target3_id, 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(self.target4_id, 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(self.f_target_id, 0.8, 0.3, 0, 1.0) self.setColor('r_tool', 0.8, 0, 0) self.setColor('l_tool', 0.8, 0, 0) self.sendColors() self.gripperCtrl(255) rospy.sleep(3) self.arm.set_named_target("initial_arm") self.arm.go() rospy.sleep(3) #j_ori_state=[-1.899937629699707, -0.5684762597084045, 0.46537330746650696, 2.3229329586029053, -0.057941947132349014, -1.2867668867111206, 0.2628822326660156] #j_ori_state=[-2.161055326461792, -0.6802523136138916, -1.7733728885650635, -2.3315746784210205, -0.5292841196060181, 1.4411976337432861, -2.2327845096588135] j_ori_state = [ -1.2628753185272217, -0.442996621131897, -0.1326361745595932, 2.333048105239868, -0.15598002076148987, -1.2167049646377563, 3.1414425373077393 ] #signal= True self.arm.set_joint_value_target(j_ori_state) self.arm.go() rospy.sleep(3) #parameter setup tar_num = 4 maxtries = 300 r_grasp = 0.15 r_pre_g = 0.1 r_bottle = 0.1 for i in range(0, tar_num): #grasp target rospy.loginfo("Choosing source...") if i == 0: target_pose = target1_pose target_id = self.target1_id target_size = target1_size amp = 0.1 freq = 2.75 r_angle = 45.0 elif i == 1: target_pose = target2_pose target_id = self.target2_id target_size = target2_size amp = 0.15 freq = 2.0 r_angle = 30.0 elif i == 2: target_pose = target3_pose target_id = self.target3_id target_size = target3_size amp = 0.1 freq = 2.75 r_angle = 45.0 elif i == 3: target_pose = target4_pose target_id = self.target4_id target_size = target4_size amp = 0.1 freq = 2.75 r_angle = 45.0 r_pour = 0.1 h_pour = 0.1 #pour_angle=[15.0,30.0,45.0,60.0,75.0] pour_angle = [ 0.0, -15.0, -10.0, -5.0, 0.0, 10.0, 15.0, 30.0, 45.0, 60.0, 75.0 ] rospy.loginfo("Params loaded.") rospy.loginfo("Current Source: " + str(i + 1) + " ") #grasp and back ori_pose, mid_pose, g_pose = self.pg_g_pp(target_pose, r_grasp, r_pre_g) #move to target position for pouring pre_p_angle = self.pp_ps(f_target_pose, pour_angle, r_pour, h_pour) rospy.loginfo("pre_pour_angle : " + str(pre_p_angle)) #rotation and shaking ps_signal = self.pour_rotate(pre_p_angle, r_angle, r_bottle, maxtries) if ps_signal != 1: rospy.loginfo( "Pre_shaking_rotation failed, back to ori_pose...") self.last_step_go_back(ori_pose) rospy.sleep(3) continue else: rospy.loginfo("Shaking planning...") shake_per_times = 3 shake_times = 0 shake_times_tgt = 1 signal = True rospy.loginfo("Parameter loaded") rospy.sleep(1) signal, end_joint_state = self.shake_a(pre_p_angle, r_angle, amp) while signal == 1: #area_ratio= rospy.wait_for_message('/color_area_ratio',Float64) #if (area_ratio>ratio_table[i]) or (shake_times>shake_times_tgt): if (shake_times < shake_times_tgt): self.shaking(start_joint_state, end_joint_state, freq, shake_per_times) shake_times += 1 rospy.loginfo("shaking times : " + str(shake_times) + " .") else: signal = 0 self.rotate_back(r_angle) self.go_back(ori_pose, mid_pose, g_pose) rospy.sleep(2) continue #remove and shut down self.scene.remove_attached_object(self.arm_end_effector_link, 'l_tool') self.scene.remove_attached_object(self.arm_end_effector_link, 'r_tool') moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy, geometry_msgs.msg, copy from moveit_commander import MoveGroupCommander if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('commander_example', anonymous=True) group = MoveGroupCommander("right_arm") # Pose Target 1 pose_target_1 = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() pose_target_1.position.x = 0.3 pose_target_1.position.y = -0.1 pose_target_1.position.z = 0.15 pose_target_1.orientation.x = 0.0 pose_target_1.orientation.y = -0.707 pose_target_1.orientation.z = 0.0 pose_target_1.orientation.w = 0.707 # Pose Target 2 pose_target_2 = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() pose_target_2 = copy.deepcopy(pose_target_1) pose_target_2.position.y = -0.5 # Waypoints Motion waypoints = [] waypoints.append(pose_target_1)
def __init__(self): moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('moveit_demo') self.scene = PlanningSceneInterface() pub_traj = rospy.Publisher('/joint_path_command', trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory, queue_size=10) #pub_ratio_sig= rospy.Publisher('/enable_source_change',Int64,queue_size=1) self.scene_pub = rospy.Publisher('planning_scene', PlanningScene) self.gripperCtrl = rospy.ServiceProxy( "/two_finger/gripper/gotoPositionUntilTouch", SetPosition) self.colors = dict() rospy.sleep(1) self.robot = moveit_commander.robot.RobotCommander() self.arm = MoveGroupCommander('arm') self.arm.allow_replanning(True) cartesian = rospy.get_param('~cartesian', True) self.arm_end_effector_link = self.arm.get_end_effector_link() self.arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.005) self.arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.025) self.arm.allow_replanning(True) self.reference_frame = 'base_link' self.arm.set_pose_reference_frame(self.reference_frame) self.arm.set_planning_time(5) #shaking self.joint_names = [[]] self.joint_names[0] = rospy.get_param('controller_joint_names') self.traj = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory() self.sub_jpc = rospy.Publisher('/joint_path_command', trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory, queue_size=10) #scene planning self.l_id = 'l_tool' self.r_id = 'r_tool' self.table_id = 'table' self.target1_id = 'target1_object' self.target2_id = 'target2_object' self.target3_id = 'target3_object' self.target4_id = 'target4_object' self.f_target_id = 'receive_container' self.scene.remove_world_object(self.l_id) self.scene.remove_world_object(self.r_id) self.scene.remove_world_object(self.table_id) self.scene.remove_world_object(self.target1_id) self.scene.remove_world_object(self.target2_id) self.scene.remove_world_object(self.target3_id) self.scene.remove_world_object(self.target4_id) self.scene.remove_world_object(self.f_target_id) #self.scene.remove_attached_object(self.arm_end_effector_link,self.target_id) self.table_ground = 0.13 self.table_size = [0.9, 0.6, 0.018] self.setupSence() target1_size = [0.035, 0.035, 0.19] target2_size = target1_size target3_size = target1_size target4_size = target1_size self.f_target_size = [0.2, 0.2, 0.04] f_target_pose = PoseStamped() pre_pour_pose = PoseStamped() target1_pose = PoseStamped() target2_pose = PoseStamped() target3_pose = PoseStamped() target4_pose = PoseStamped() joint_names = [ 'joint_' + jkey for jkey in ('s', 'l', 'e', 'u', 'r', 'b', 't') ] joint_names = rospy.get_param('controller_joint_names') traj = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory() traj.joint_names = joint_names #final target #self.add_target(f_target_pose,self.f_target_size,self.reference_frame,-0.184+0.27,0.62+0.1,0,0,0,1) self.add_target(f_target_pose, self.f_target_size, self.reference_frame, 0.2, 0.6, 0, 0, 0, 1) self.scene.add_box(self.f_target_id, f_target_pose, self.f_target_size) #self.add_target(pre_pour_pose,self.reference_frame,x,y,0,0,0,1) #target localization #msg = rospy.wait_for_message('/aruco_single/pose',PoseStamped) self.add_target(target1_pose, target1_size, self.reference_frame, -0.25, 0.8, 0, 0, 0, 1) self.scene.add_box(self.target1_id, target1_pose, target1_size) self.add_target(target2_pose, target2_size, self.reference_frame, -0.12, 0.87, 0, 0, 0, 1) self.scene.add_box(self.target2_id, target2_pose, target2_size) self.add_target(target3_pose, target3_size, self.reference_frame, 0.02, 0.88, 0, 0, 0, 1) self.scene.add_box(self.target3_id, target3_pose, target3_size) self.add_target(target4_pose, target4_size, self.reference_frame, 0.15, 0.80, 0, 0, 0, 1) self.scene.add_box(self.target4_id, target4_pose, target4_size) #attach_pose g_p = PoseStamped() g_p.header.frame_id = self.arm_end_effector_link g_p.pose.position.x = 0.00 g_p.pose.position.y = -0.00 g_p.pose.position.z = 0.025 g_p.pose.orientation.w = 0.707 g_p.pose.orientation.x = 0 g_p.pose.orientation.y = -0.707 g_p.pose.orientation.z = 0 #set color self.setColor(self.target1_id, 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(self.target2_id, 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(self.target3_id, 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(self.target4_id, 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0) self.setColor(self.f_target_id, 0.8, 0.3, 0, 1.0) self.setColor('r_tool', 0.8, 0, 0) self.setColor('l_tool', 0.8, 0, 0) self.sendColors() self.gripperCtrl(255) rospy.sleep(3) self.arm.set_named_target("initial_arm") self.arm.go() rospy.sleep(3) #j_ori_state=[-1.899937629699707, -0.5684762597084045, 0.46537330746650696, 2.3229329586029053, -0.057941947132349014, -1.2867668867111206, 0.2628822326660156] #j_ori_state=[-2.161055326461792, -0.6802523136138916, -1.7733728885650635, -2.3315746784210205, -0.5292841196060181, 1.4411976337432861, -2.2327845096588135] j_ori_state = [ -1.2628753185272217, -0.442996621131897, -0.1326361745595932, 2.333048105239868, -0.15598002076148987, -1.2167049646377563, 3.1414425373077393 ] #signal= True self.arm.set_joint_value_target(j_ori_state) self.arm.go() rospy.sleep(3) #parameter setup tar_num = 4 maxtries = 300 r_grasp = 0.15 r_pre_g = 0.1 r_bottle = 0.1 for i in range(0, tar_num): #grasp target rospy.loginfo("Choosing source...") if i == 0: target_pose = target1_pose target_id = self.target1_id target_size = target1_size amp = 0.1 freq = 2.75 r_angle = 45.0 elif i == 1: target_pose = target2_pose target_id = self.target2_id target_size = target2_size amp = 0.15 freq = 2.0 r_angle = 30.0 elif i == 2: target_pose = target3_pose target_id = self.target3_id target_size = target3_size amp = 0.1 freq = 2.75 r_angle = 45.0 elif i == 3: target_pose = target4_pose target_id = self.target4_id target_size = target4_size amp = 0.1 freq = 2.75 r_angle = 45.0 r_pour = 0.1 h_pour = 0.1 #pour_angle=[15.0,30.0,45.0,60.0,75.0] pour_angle = [ 0.0, -15.0, -10.0, -5.0, 0.0, 10.0, 15.0, 30.0, 45.0, 60.0, 75.0 ] rospy.loginfo("Params loaded.") rospy.loginfo("Current Source: " + str(i + 1) + " ") #grasp and back ori_pose, mid_pose, g_pose = self.pg_g_pp(target_pose, r_grasp, r_pre_g) #move to target position for pouring pre_p_angle = self.pp_ps(f_target_pose, pour_angle, r_pour, h_pour) rospy.loginfo("pre_pour_angle : " + str(pre_p_angle)) #rotation and shaking ps_signal = self.pour_rotate(pre_p_angle, r_angle, r_bottle, maxtries) if ps_signal != 1: rospy.loginfo( "Pre_shaking_rotation failed, back to ori_pose...") self.last_step_go_back(ori_pose) rospy.sleep(3) continue else: rospy.loginfo("Shaking planning...") shake_per_times = 3 shake_times = 0 shake_times_tgt = 1 signal = True rospy.loginfo("Parameter loaded") rospy.sleep(1) signal, end_joint_state = self.shake_a(pre_p_angle, r_angle, amp) while signal == 1: #area_ratio= rospy.wait_for_message('/color_area_ratio',Float64) #if (area_ratio>ratio_table[i]) or (shake_times>shake_times_tgt): if (shake_times < shake_times_tgt): self.shaking(start_joint_state, end_joint_state, freq, shake_per_times) shake_times += 1 rospy.loginfo("shaking times : " + str(shake_times) + " .") else: signal = 0 self.rotate_back(r_angle) self.go_back(ori_pose, mid_pose, g_pose) rospy.sleep(2) continue #remove and shut down self.scene.remove_attached_object(self.arm_end_effector_link, 'l_tool') self.scene.remove_attached_object(self.arm_end_effector_link, 'r_tool') moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown() moveit_commander.os._exit(0)
import rospy import copy import geometry_msgs.msg import moveit_msgs.msg from moveit_commander import RobotCommander, MoveGroupCommander from moveit_commander import PlanningSceneInterface, roscpp_initialize, roscpp_shutdown from math import sin, copysign, sqrt, pi if __name__ == '__main__': print "============ Dynamic hand gestures: Right" roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('pumpkin_planning', anonymous=True) right_arm = MoveGroupCommander("right_arm") display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/move_group/display_planned_path', moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory, queue_size=1) print right_arm.get_current_pose().pose wpose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() wpose.orientation.w = 0.0176318609849 wpose.orientation.x = 0.392651866792 wpose.orientation.y = 0.918465607415 wpose.orientation.z = 0.0439835989663 wpose.position.y = 0.227115629827 wpose.position.z = 1.32344046934 wpose.position.x = -0.358178766726 right_arm.set_pose_target(wpose) plan1 = right_arm.plan() right_arm.execute(plan1)
break count = count+1 rate.sleep() return eef_pose if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('spawnobject') scene = PlanningSceneInterface() br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() listener = tf.TransformListener() robot = MoveGroupCommander("sia5d"); gripper = MoveGroupCommander("gripper"); rospy.sleep(1) p = PoseStamped() p1 = PoseStamped() p2 = PoseStamped() bowl2eef = PoseStamped() p_goal = PoseStamped() p.header.frame_id = "world" p1.header.frame_id = "world" p2.header.frame_id = "world" bowl2eef.header.frame_id = "world" p_goal.header.frame_id = "world" tflist = Transform()
class PR2Greeter: def __init__(self, debug=False, online = True, robot_frame="odom_combined"): self._tf = TransformListener() self._online = online # self.snd_handle = SoundClient() if self._online: #self._interface = ROSpeexInterface() #self._interface.init() self._speech_client = SpeechSynthesisClient_NICT() else: self.snd_handle = SoundClient() rospy.sleep(1) self.say('Hello world!') rospy.sleep(1) self._debug = debug self._robot_frame = robot_frame self._point_sub = rospy.Subscriber('nearest_face', PointStamped, self.face_cb) self._head_action_cl = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/head_traj_controller/point_head_action', pr2_controllers_msgs.msg.PointHeadAction) self._torso_action_cl = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/torso_controller/position_joint_action', pr2_controllers_msgs.msg.SingleJointPositionAction) self._left_arm = MoveGroupCommander("left_arm") self._right_arm = MoveGroupCommander("right_arm") print "r.f.: " + self._left_arm.get_pose_reference_frame() self.face = None # self.face_from = rospy.Time(0) self.face_last_dist = 0 self.last_invited_at = rospy.Time(0) self._person_prob_left = 0 self.l_home_pose = [0.283, 0.295, 0.537, -1.646, 0.468, -1.735] self.l_wave_1 = [-0.1, 0.6, 1.15, -1.7, -0.97, -1.6] self.l_wave_2 = [-0.1, 0.6, 1.15, 1.7, -0.97, 1.6] self.r_home_pose = [0.124, -0.481, 0.439, -1.548, 0.36, -0.035] self.r_advert = [0.521, -0.508, 0.845, -1.548, 0.36, -0.035] self.no_face_random_delay = None self._initialized = False self._timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0), self.timer) self._move_buff = Queue.Queue() self._head_buff = Queue.Queue() self._move_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.movements) self._move_thread.daemon = True self._move_thread.start() self._head_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.head) self._head_thread.daemon = True self._head_thread.start() self.new_face = False self.face_last_dist = 0.0 self.face_counter = 0 self.actions = [self.stretchingAction, self.introduceAction, self.waveHandAction, self.lookAroundAction, self.lookAroundAction, self.lookAroundAction, self.advertAction, self.numberOfFacesAction] self.goodbye_strings = ["Thanks for stopping by.", "Enjoy the event.", "See you later!", "Have a nice day!"] self.invite_strings = ["Hello. It's nice to see you.", "Come here and take some flyer.", "I hope you are enjoying the event."] rospy.loginfo("Ready") def say(self, text): if self._online: #self._interface.say(text, 'en', 'nict') data = self._speech_client.request(text, 'en') try: tmp_file = open('output_tmp.dat', 'wb') tmp_file.write(data) tmp_file.close() # play sound subprocess.check_output(['ffplay', 'output_tmp.dat', '-autoexit', '-nodisp'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except IOError: rospy.logerr('file io error.') except OSError: rospy.logerr('ffplay is not installed.') except subprocess.CalledProcessError: rospy.logerr('ffplay return error value.') except: rospy.logerr('unknown exception.') else: self.snd_handle.say(text) def getRandomFromArray(self, arr): idx = random.randint(0, len(arr) - 1) return arr[idx] def stretchingAction(self): self.say("I'm bit tired. Let's do some stretching.") self._torso_action_cl.wait_for_server() goal = pr2_controllers_msgs.msg.SingleJointPositionGoal() goal.position = 0.195 goal.max_velocity = 0.5 try: self._torso_action_cl.send_goal(goal) self._torso_action_cl.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration.from_sec(10.0)) except: rospy.logerr("torso action error (up)") # TODO move arms self.say("I feel much better now!") goal.position = 0.0 try: self._torso_action_cl.send_goal(goal) self._torso_action_cl.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration.from_sec(10.0)) except: rospy.logerr("torso action error (down)") def numberOfFacesAction(self): string = "Today I already saw " + str(self.face_counter) + "face" if self.face_counter != 1: string = string + "s" string = string + "." self.say(string) rospy.sleep(1) def advertAction(self): self.say("Hello. Here are some posters for you.") self.go(self._right_arm, self.r_advert) rospy.sleep(1) def introduceAction(self): self.say("Hello. I'm PR2 robot. Come here to check me.") rospy.sleep(1) def waveHandAction(self): self.say("I'm here. Please come to see me.") rand = random.randint(1, 3) for _ in range(rand): self.wave() self.go(self._left_arm, self.l_home_pose) rospy.loginfo("Waving") rospy.sleep(1) def lookAroundAction(self): self.say("I'm looking for somebody. Please come closer.") p = PointStamped() p.header.stamp = p.header.frame_id = "/base_link" p.point.x = 5.0 sign = random.choice([-1, 1]) p.point.y = sign * random.uniform(1.5, 0.5) p.point.z = random.uniform(1.7, 0.2) self._head_buff.put((copy.deepcopy(p), 0.1, True)) p.point.y = -1 * sign * random.uniform(1.5, 0.5) p.point.z = random.uniform(1.7, 0.2) self._head_buff.put((copy.deepcopy(p), 0.1, True)) p.point.y = sign * random.uniform(1.5, 0.5) p.point.z = random.uniform(1.7, 0.2) self._head_buff.put((copy.deepcopy(p), 0.1, True)) p.point.y = -1 * sign * random.uniform(1.5, 0.5) p.point.z = random.uniform(1.7, 0.2) self._head_buff.put((copy.deepcopy(p), 0.1, True)) rospy.loginfo("Looking around") rospy.sleep(1) def getPointDist(self, pt): assert(self.face is not None) # fist, get my position p = PoseStamped() p.header.frame_id = "base_link" p.header.stamp = - rospy.Duration(0.5) p.pose.position.x = 0 p.pose.position.y = 0 p.pose.position.z = 0 p.pose.orientation.x = 0 p.pose.orientation.y = 0 p.pose.orientation.z = 0 p.pose.orientation.w = 1 try: self._tf.waitForTransform(p.header.frame_id, self._robot_frame, p.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(2)) p = self._tf.transformPose(self._robot_frame, p) except: rospy.logerr("TF error!") return None return sqrt(pow(p.pose.position.x - pt.point.x, 2) + pow(p.pose.position.y - pt.point.y, 2) + pow(p.pose.position.z - pt.point.z, 2)) def getPoseStamped(self, group, c): assert(len(c) == 6) p = PoseStamped() p.header.frame_id = "base_link" p.header.stamp = - rospy.Duration(0.5) p.pose.position.x = c[0] p.pose.position.y = c[1] p.pose.position.z = c[2] quat = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(c[3], c[4], c[5]) p.pose.orientation.x = quat[0] p.pose.orientation.y = quat[1] p.pose.orientation.z = quat[2] p.pose.orientation.w = quat[3] try: self._tf.waitForTransform(p.header.frame_id, group.get_pose_reference_frame(), p.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(2)) p = self._tf.transformPose(group.get_pose_reference_frame(), p) except: rospy.logerr("TF error!") return None return p def go(self, group, where): self._move_buff.put((group, where)) def wave(self): self.go(self._left_arm, self.l_wave_1) self.go(self._left_arm, self.l_wave_2) self.go(self._left_arm, self.l_wave_1) def head(self): self._head_action_cl.wait_for_server() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): (target, vel, imp) = self._head_buff.get() # we don't need to block it here self._head_buff.task_done() if (not imp) and (not self._head_buff.empty()): print "skipping head goal" # head target can be skipped (follow only the latest one) continue # print "head point goal" # print target # point PR2's head there ( goal = pr2_controllers_msgs.msg.PointHeadGoal() = target # goal.min_duration = rospy.Duration(3.0) goal.max_velocity = vel # goal.pointing_frame = "high_def_frame" goal.pointing_frame = "head_mount_kinect_rgb_link" goal.pointing_axis.x = 1 goal.pointing_axis.y = 0 goal.pointing_axis.z = 0 try: self._head_action_cl.send_goal(goal) self._head_action_cl.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration.from_sec(5.0)) except: rospy.logerr("head action error") #self._head_buff.task_done() def movements(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): (group, where) = self._move_buff.get() group.set_start_state_to_current_state() p = self.getPoseStamped(group, where) if p is None: self._move_buff.task_done() continue group.set_pose_target(p) group.set_goal_tolerance(0.1) group.allow_replanning(True) self._move_buff.task_done() group.go(wait=True) def timer(self, event): if self._initialized is False: rospy.loginfo("Moving arms to home positions") self.init_head() self.go(self._left_arm, self.l_home_pose) self.go(self._right_arm, self.r_home_pose) self._move_buff.join() self.say("I'm ready for a great job.") self._initialized = True if self.face is None: if (self.no_face_random_delay is None): delay = random.uniform(30, 10) self.no_face_random_delay = + rospy.Duration(delay) rospy.loginfo("Random delay: " + str(delay)) return else: if < self.no_face_random_delay: return self.init_head() self.go(self._left_arm, self.l_home_pose) self.go(self._right_arm, self.r_home_pose) rospy.loginfo("Starting selected action") action = self.getRandomFromArray(self.actions) action() delay = random.uniform(30, 10) self.no_face_random_delay = + rospy.Duration(delay) return else: self.no_face_random_delay = None if self.new_face and (self.last_invited_at + rospy.Duration(10) < self.last_invited_at = self.new_face = False rospy.loginfo("new person") self.face_counter = self.face_counter + 1 # cd = getPointDist(self.face) # TODO decide action based on distance ? self.go(self._left_arm, self.l_home_pose) # if a person is too close, dont move hand? self.go(self._right_arm, self.r_advert) string = self.getRandomFromArray(self.invite_strings) self.say(string) # TODO wait some min. time + say something # after 20 seconds of no detected face, let's continue if self.face.header.stamp + rospy.Duration(10) < rospy.loginfo("person left") string = self.getRandomFromArray(self.goodbye_strings) self.say(string) self.init_head() self.go(self._left_arm, self.l_home_pose) self.go(self._right_arm, self.r_home_pose) self.face = None return self._head_buff.put((copy.deepcopy(self.face), 0.4, False)) def init_head(self): p = PointStamped() p.header.stamp = p.header.frame_id = "/base_link" p.point.x = 2.0 p.point.y = 0.0 p.point.z = 1.7 self._head_buff.put((p, 0.1, True)) def face_cb(self, point): # transform point try: self._tf.waitForTransform(point.header.frame_id, self._robot_frame, point.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(2)) pt = self._tf.transformPoint(self._robot_frame, point) except: rospy.logerr("Transform error") return if self.face is not None: cd = self.getPointDist(pt) # current distance dd = fabs(self.face_last_dist - cd) # change in distance if dd < 0.5: self.face.header = pt.header # filter x,y,z values a bit self.face.point = pt.point #self.face.point.x = (self.face.point.x + pt.point.x) / 2 #self.face.point.y = (self.face.point.y + pt.point.y) / 2 #self.face.point.z = (self.face.point.z + pt.point.z) / 2 else: if self._person_prob_left < 2: self._person_prob_left += 1 else: self._person_prob_left = 0 print "new face ddist: " + str(dd) self.new_face = True self.face = pt self.face_last_dist = cd else: self._person_prob_left = 0 self.new_face = True self.face = pt
rot_q = msg.pose.pose.orientation (roll, pitch, theta) = euler_from_quaternion([rot_q.x, rot_q.y, rot_q.z, rot_q.w]) sub = rospy.Subscriber("/odometry/filtered", Odometry, newOdom) pub = rospy.Publisher("/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=1) speed = Twist() r = rospy.Rate(4) ## 매니퓰레이터 변수 선언 group_name = "ur3_manipulator" move_group = MoveGroupCommander(group_name) FIXED_FRAME = 'world' display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher( '/move_group/display_planned_path', DisplayTrajectory, queue_size=20) #통합제어 joint_goal = move_group.get_current_joint_values() #변수 선언 mobile_joints = [-pi / 3, 0.5] joint_goal_list = [ pi * 90 / 180, pi * -130 / 180, pi * 111 / 180, pi * -68 / 180, pi * -90 / 180, 0 ] #home pose
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from moveit_commander import PlanningSceneInterface, RobotCommander, MoveGroupCommander from moveit_msgs.srv import GetPositionFK, GetPositionFKRequest from tf.transformations import quaternion_from_euler from moveit_msgs.msg import MoveItErrorCodes if __name__ == '__main__': try: rospy.init_node("fk_node") robot = RobotCommander() group_name = "manipulator" group = MoveGroupCommander(group_name) connection = rospy.ServiceProxy("/compute_fk", GetPositionFK) rospy.loginfo("waiting for fk server") connection.wait_for_service() rospy.loginfo("server found") request = GetPositionFKRequest() request.fk_link_names = robot.get_link_names(group_name) request.header.frame_id = robot.get_root_link() = group.get_joints()[0:-1] # get joint state joint_states= raw_input("enter joint state j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7 \n") joints= [float(idx) for idx in joint_states.split(' ')] request.robot_state.joint_state.position = joints response = connection(request)
import sys import rospy from moveit_commander import RobotCommander, MoveGroupCommander from moveit_commander import PlanningSceneInterface, roscpp_initialize, roscpp_shutdown from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped from moveit_msgs.msg import Grasp, GripperTranslation, PlaceLocation from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryPoint if __name__ == "__main__": roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node("moveit_py_demo", anonymous=True) scene = PlanningSceneInterface() robot = RobotCommander() right_arm = MoveGroupCommander("right_arm") rospy.sleep(1) # clean the scene scene.remove_world_object("table") scene.remove_world_object("part") rospy.logwarn("cleaning world") # right_arm.set_named_target("r_start") # right_arm.go() # right_gripper.set_named_target("open") # right_gripper.go() rospy.sleep(3) # publish a demo scene