def render(self, name, start_offset, duration, fps=30, audio=None): """ render object :param name: file to save as :param start_offset: where to start :param duration: how long the clip will be :param fps: default: 30 :param audio: audio file path :return: None. saves file """ self.offset = start_offset clip = mpy.VideoClip(self.make_frame, duration=duration * self.speed).speedx(self.speed) if audio is not None:["ffmpeg", "-loglevel", "quiet", "-i", audio, "-filter:a", f"atempo={self.speed}", "-vn", f"{audio}.mp3"]) audio = f"{audio}.mp3" audio_start_offset = start_offset acl = mpy.AudioFileClip(audio) blnk = mpy.AudioClip(lambda x: 0, duration=self.minimum / 1000) aftr = max(0, (duration + audio_start_offset) - acl.duration) ablnk = mpy.AudioClip(lambda x: 0, duration=aftr) snd = mpy.concatenate_audioclips([blnk, acl, ablnk]) clip = clip.set_audio(snd.subclip(audio_start_offset, duration + audio_start_offset)) # remove(audio) if name.endswith(".gif"): clip.write_gif(name, fps=fps) ["../gifsicle-1.82.1-lossy/mac/gifsicle", "-O3", "--lossy=30", "-o", "circle.gif", "circle.gif"]) else: clip.write_videofile(name, fps=fps)
def change_audio(dir, vid_file, cap_file): video = mp.VideoFileClip(dir + vid_file) with open(dir + cap_file) as f: j = json.loads( starts = list(map(lambda c: float(c['start']), j)) nbrClips = len(starts) clips = list(map(lambda s: mp.AudioFileClip("./media/tmp/{}.mp3".format(s)), range(nbrClips))) clips = list(map(lambda c: c.subclip(0, c.duration*0.8), clips)) # print(starts) current = 0 make_frame = lambda t: [0] padded_clips = [] for i in range(nbrClips): if current < starts[i]: padded_clips.append(mp.AudioClip(make_frame, duration=starts[i] - current)) current = starts[i] padded_clips.append(clips[i]) current += clips[i].duration concat = mp.concatenate_audioclips(padded_clips) concat.write_audiofile(dir + 'audio.mp3') video.write_videofile('media/ready/' + vid_file, audio = dir + 'audio.mp3')
def save_to_file(self, filename):, int(AudioBlock.SampleRate), self.samples) return clip = movie_editor.AudioClip(self.make_audio_frame, duration=self.get_time_duration()) #clip = movie_editor.AudioArrayClip(self.samples, fps=AudioBlock.SampleRate) clip.write_audiofile(filename, fps=int(AudioBlock.SampleRate)) del clip
def get_audio_clip(self): if not os.path.isfile(self.filename): audio_clip = movie_editor.AudioClip(self._blank_clip_make_frame, duration=1) audio_clip = audio_clip.set_fps(AudioBlock.SampleRate) return audio_clip audioclip = movie_editor.AudioFileClip(self.filename) if self.preload and audioclip.duration > self.MAX_DURATION_SECONDS: audioclip = audioclip.set_duration(self.MAX_DURATION_SECONDS) return audioclip
def pad_effect(start, effect, duration): def pad_effect_frame(times, start=start, effect=effect): if type(times) == int: return [0, 0] return [ effect.get_frame(time - start) if start < time < start + effect.duration else [0, 0] for time in times ] return editor.AudioClip(pad_effect_frame, duration=duration)
def make_video(profile, name='test', bbox=None, plot_type='profile_plot'): """ plot_type .. 'power_plot', 'profile_plot', 'peaks_plot' """ if bbox is None: bbox = Bbox(profile.spectrum, end_freq=500.) registry = ['power_plot', 'profile_plot', 'peaks_plot'] if plot_type == 'all': plot_type = registry if type(plot_type) is not str: for ptype in plot_type: make_video(profile, name, bbox, ptype) return import moviepy.editor as mpy # deferred import in case moviepy is not installed from import mplfig_to_npimage sound = profile.spectrum.sound # normalize in case very quiet sound_array = / (2 * np.abs( def video_fn(t): """make one frame of video""" t += bbox.start_time fn = getattr(profile, plot_type) fig = fn(t=t, bbox=bbox) return mplfig_to_npimage(fig) def audio_fn(t): """make one "frame" of audio""" t += bbox.start_time if type(t) is int: i = t * sound.samplerate elif type(t) is float: i = int(t * sound.samplerate) else: i = (t * sound.samplerate).astype(int) return sound_array[i] duration = bbox.end_time - bbox.start_time video_clip = mpy.VideoClip(video_fn, duration=duration) audio_clip = mpy.AudioClip(audio_fn, duration=duration) animation = video_clip.set_audio(audio_clip) animation.to_videofile(name + '_' + plot_type + '.avi', codec='libx264', fps=24) # codec='mpeg4'
def add_beep_audio(self) -> None: """Add a single tone as audio track.""" tone = med.AudioClip(make_sin, duration=self.clip.duration) self.clip = self.clip.set_audio(tone)
def add_silence(self, duration_s: float) -> None: """Add a silence of a certain duration the an audio clip.""" silence_clip = med.AudioClip(silence, duration=duration_s) self.clip = med.concatenate_audioclips([silence_clip, self.clip])
def get_effects(video, effect): if 'image' in effect: clip = (mp.ImageClip(effect['image']['file_or_url'])) clip = clip.set_start(effect['duration']['start']) clip = clip.set_duration(effect['duration']['end'] - effect['duration']['start']) clip = clip.set_pos( (effect['position']['width'], effect['position']['height'])) if effect.get('fade', {}).get('in'): clip = clip.crossfadein(effect['fade']['in']) if effect.get('fade', {}).get('out'): clip = clip.crossfadeout(effect['fade']['out']) if effect.get('position', {}).get('rotate'): clip = clip.rotate(effect['position']['rotate']) yield clip if 'text' in effect: # Requires working installation of ImageMagick try: clip = mp.TextClip(txt=effect['text']['message'], color=effect['text'].get('color', '#666666'), font=effect['text'].get('font', 'Courier'), fontsize=effect['text'].get('size', 12), align=effect['text'].get('align', 'center'), kerning=effect['text'].get('kerning', 0)) # Alternate method using Pillow - no need to set position text is already positioned within image except: clip = (mp.ImageClip(get_text_image(effect))) clip = clip.set_start(effect['duration']['start']) clip = clip.set_duration(effect['duration']['end'] - effect['duration']['start']) clip = clip.set_pos( (effect['position']['width'], effect['position']['height'])) if effect.get('fade', {}).get('in'): clip = clip.crossfadein(effect['fade']['in']) if effect.get('fade', {}).get('out'): clip = clip.crossfadeout(effect['fade']['out']) if effect.get('position', {}).get('rotate'): clip = clip.rotate(effect['position']['rotate']) yield clip elif 'audio' in effect: clip = (mp.AudioClip(effect['audio']['file_or_url'])) clip = clip.set_start(effect['duration']['start']) clip = clip.set_duration(effect['duration']['end'] - effect['duration']['start']) yield clip
def main(): extensions = ['ogv', 'mov'] trial = ['326', '160'] folders = [ '../video_302_20210514-143755-6691', '../video_305_20210514-141912-2142' ] filter_bad_frames = [True, False] for index_trial in [0, 1]: results_df = pd.read_csv( f'{folders[index_trial]}/structured_output.csv') results_df = results_df[results_df['trial'] == float( trial[index_trial])] table_et_pt1 = ASC2CSV( f'{folders[index_trial]}/et{trial[index_trial]}.asc') table_et_pt2 = ASC2CSV( f'{folders[index_trial]}/et{trial[index_trial]}pt2.asc') list_of_videos = [] for screen in range(1, 13): results_df_this_screen = results_df[results_df['screen'] == screen] video_filename = f'{folders[index_trial]}/recorded_screen_{screen}_trial_{trial[index_trial]}_0001.{extensions[index_trial]}' if os.path.isfile(video_filename): my_clip = mpe.VideoFileClip(video_filename) if screen in [2, 4, 7, 9]: start_video = results_df_this_screen[ results_df_this_screen['title'] == 'start_video_recording']['timestamp'].values[ 0] * 24 * 60 * 60 #the only screen with audio is screen 2 if screen == 2: table_et_2 = table_et_pt1.copy() start_video_2 = start_video my_clip = fl( my_clip, lambda get_frame, t: scroll( get_frame, t, table_et_2, start_video_2), filter_bad_frames[index_trial]) delay_audio = results_df_this_screen[ results_df_this_screen['title'] == 'start_audio_recording']['timestamp'].values[ 0] * 24 * 60 * 60 - start_video #generate the audio from the timestamped transcription if use_digital_audio: full_audio = AudioSegment.empty() previous_end = 0 with open( f'{folders[index_trial]}/{trial[index_trial]}_joined.json', 'r') as f: table_text = json.load(f)['timestamps'] with open( f'{folders[index_trial]}/{trial[index_trial]}_trim.json', 'r') as f: b = json.load(f) trim_value = float(b['start_trim']) / 1000 for row in table_text: print(row[1]) print(trim_value) #row[1] is the timestamp for the start of the word, and row[2] the timestamp for the end of the word row[1] += trim_value row[2] += trim_value print(row[1]) # if start and end of the word are at the same time, it was not captured by the original transcription, so we do not use it in the audio, only in subtitle if row[1] == row[2]: continue # text to speech tts = SaveTTSFile('create_video_temp.wav') tts.start( row[0].replace('.', 'period').replace( ',', 'comma').replace('/', 'slash'), row[1], row[2]) for i in range(10): if not os.path.exists( './create_video_temp.wav'): time.sleep(1) else: break if i > 10: assert (False) del (tts) # add silence between words if they did not end/start at the same time if row[1] > previous_end: full_audio += AudioSegment.silent( duration=(row[1] - previous_end) * 1000) print(full_audio.duration_seconds) print(row[1]) assert (abs(full_audio.duration_seconds - row[1]) < 0.002) #change the duration of the word sound to the duration it took for the radiologist to say it word_audio = AudioSegment.from_file( 'create_video_temp.wav', format="wav") word_audio = stretch_audio( word_audio, 'create_video_temp.wav', word_audio.duration_seconds / (row[2] - row[1])) full_audio += word_audio assert (abs(full_audio.duration_seconds - row[2]) < 0.002) previous_end = row[2] full_audio.export("create_video_temp.wav", format="wav") audio_background = mpe.AudioFileClip( 'create_video_temp.wav') os.remove('./create_video_temp.wav') else: audio_background = mpe.AudioFileClip( f'{folders[index_trial]}/{trial[index_trial]}.wav' ) # delay_audio = round(delay_audio*my_clip.fps)/my_clip.fps if delay_audio > 0: null_audio = mpe.AudioClip(lambda t: 0, duration=delay_audio) audio_background = mpe.concatenate_audioclips( [null_audio, audio_background]) delay_audio = 0 delay_end_video = my_clip.duration - audio_background.duration if delay_end_video > 0: null_audio = mpe.AudioClip( lambda t: 0, duration=delay_end_video) audio_background = mpe.concatenate_audioclips( [audio_background, null_audio]) delay_end_video = 0 audio_background.write_audiofile('temp_crop_audio.wav') trim_audio('temp_crop_audio.wav', -delay_audio, -delay_end_video) audio_background = mpe.AudioFileClip( 'temp_crop_audio.wav') else: if screen == 4: table_et_this_screen_4 = table_et_pt2[ table_et_pt2['index_edf'] == 0] start_video_4 = start_video my_clip = fl( my_clip, lambda get_frame, t: scroll( get_frame, t, table_et_this_screen_4, start_video_4), filter_bad_frames[index_trial]) if screen == 7: table_et_this_screen_7 = table_et_pt2[ table_et_pt2['index_edf'] == 1] start_video_7 = start_video my_clip = fl( my_clip, lambda get_frame, t: scroll( get_frame, t, table_et_this_screen_7, start_video_7), filter_bad_frames[index_trial]) if screen == 9: table_et_this_screen_9 = table_et_pt2[ table_et_pt2['index_edf'] == 2] start_video_9 = start_video my_clip = fl( my_clip, lambda get_frame, t: scroll( get_frame, t, table_et_this_screen_9, start_video_9), filter_bad_frames[index_trial]) else: my_clip = fl(my_clip, clean, filter_bad_frames[index_trial]) if screen != 2: audio_background = mpe.AudioClip(lambda t: 0, duration=my_clip.duration) my_clip = my_clip.set_audio(audio_background) list_of_videos.append(my_clip) final = mpe.concatenate_videoclips(list_of_videos) final.write_videofile(f"movie_{extensions[index_trial]}.mp4", audio_codec='aac', codec="libx264", temp_audiofile='temp-audio.m4a', remove_temp=True, fps=30, bitrate="5000k") os.remove('./create_video_temp.wav')