    def develop_drawn_clip(org_clip: VideoFileClip, sq_frames: List[float], all_frames: List[np.ndarray],
                           buffer_s: float = 1) -> VideoClip:
        """Calculates subclip start and end time, creates a subclip to reference.
        Combines the drawn frames (with buffer) before transforming into a video clip
        Adds original clip's audio to the video containing drawn frames.

            org_clip: the original clip to leverage audio, duration data from
            sq_frames: the sequence of frames that have motion annotations draw in them
            all_frames: the full list of frames that we'll be slicing
            buffer_s: the seconds of buffer to add before and after the motion area
        duration = org_clip.duration
        tot_frames = len(all_frames)
        # Calculate number of frames to buffer before and after motion areas
        buffer_fr = int(org_clip.fps * buffer_s)

        # Calculate the start and end frames with the buffers
        st_with_buffer = sq_frames[0]
        end_with_buffer = sq_frames[-1] + buffer_fr
        start_frame_pos = st_with_buffer if st_with_buffer > 0 else 0
        end_frame_pos = end_with_buffer if end_with_buffer < tot_frames else tot_frames - 1

        # Calculate the start and end times for the start and end frames
        start_t = ((start_frame_pos / tot_frames) * duration)
        end_t = ((end_frame_pos / tot_frames) * duration)

        # Cut the original clip to fit the buffer
        cut_clip = org_clip.subclip(start_t, end_t)

        # Generate the sequence of drawn clips
        drawn_clip = ImageSequenceClip(all_frames[start_frame_pos:end_frame_pos], fps=org_clip.fps)
        if drawn_clip.duration != cut_clip.duration:
            # Cut the tail off the drawn clip to match the cut_clip.
            drawn_clip = drawn_clip.subclip(0, end_t - start_t)
        # Make the drawn clip a VideoClip by concatenating it with only itself. Add original clip's audio
        drawn_clip = concatenate_videoclips([drawn_clip])
        drawn_clip.audio = cut_clip.audio
        return drawn_clip