def run(paths, linters, fmt, outgoing, workdir, edit, list_linters=None, **lintargs): from mozlint import LintRoller, formatters from mozlint.editor import edit_results if list_linters: lint_paths = find_linters(linters) print("Available linters: {}".format( [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(l))[0] for l in lint_paths] )) return 0 lint = LintRoller(**lintargs) # run all linters results = lint.roll(paths, outgoing=outgoing, workdir=workdir) if edit and results: edit_results(results) results = lint.roll(results.keys()) formatter = formatters.get(fmt) # Encode output with 'replace' to avoid UnicodeEncodeErrors on # environments that aren't using utf-8. out = formatter(results, failed=lint.failed).encode( sys.stdout.encoding or 'ascii', 'replace') if out: print(out) return 1 if results or lint.failed else 0
def run(paths, linters, formats, outgoing, workdir, edit, setup=False, list_linters=False, num_procs=None, **lintargs): from mozlint import LintRoller, formatters from mozlint.editor import edit_issues if list_linters: lint_paths = find_linters(linters) print("Available linters: {}".format( [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(l))[0] for l in lint_paths])) return 0 lint = LintRoller(**lintargs) # Always run bootstrapping, but return early if --setup was passed in. ret = lint.setup() if setup: return ret # run all linters result = lint.roll(paths, outgoing=outgoing, workdir=workdir, num_procs=num_procs) if edit and result.issues: edit_issues(result) result = lint.roll(result.issues.keys(), num_procs=num_procs) for formatter_name, path in formats: formatter = formatters.get(formatter_name) out = formatter(result) if out: fh = open(path, 'w') if path else sys.stdout if not path and fh.encoding == 'ascii': # If sys.stdout.encoding is ascii, printing output will fail # due to the stylish formatter's use of unicode characters. # Ideally the user should fix their environment by setting # `LC_ALL=C.UTF-8` or similar. But this is a common enough # problem that we help them out a little here by manually # encoding and writing to the stdout buffer directly. out += '\n' fh.buffer.write(out.encode('utf-8', errors='replace')) fh.buffer.flush() else: print(out, file=fh) return result.returncode
def test_treeherder_formatter(self): expected = """ TEST-UNEXPECTED-ERROR | a/b/c.txt:1 | oh no foo (foo) TEST-UNEXPECTED-ERROR | a/b/c.txt:4 | oh no baz (baz) TEST-UNEXPECTED-WARNING | d/e/f.txt:4:2 | oh no bar (bar-not-allowed) """.strip() fmt = formatters.get('treeherder') self.assertEqual(expected, fmt(self.results))
def test_treeherder_formatter(results): expected = """ TEST-UNEXPECTED-ERROR | a/b/c.txt:1 | oh no foo (foo) TEST-UNEXPECTED-ERROR | a/b/c.txt:4 | oh no baz (baz) TEST-UNEXPECTED-WARNING | d/e/f.txt:4:2 | oh no bar (bar-not-allowed) """.strip() fmt = formatters.get('treeherder') assert expected == fmt(results)
def test_json_formatter(self): fmt = formatters.get('json') formatted = json.loads(fmt(self.results)) self.assertEqual(set(formatted.keys()), set(self.results.keys())) slots = ResultContainer.__slots__ for errors in formatted.values(): for err in errors: self.assertTrue(all(s in err for s in slots))
def test_json_formatter(result): fmt = formatters.get("json") formatted = json.loads(fmt(result)) assert set(formatted.keys()) == set(result.issues.keys()) slots = Issue.__slots__ for errors in formatted.values(): for err in errors: assert all(s in err for s in slots)
def test_json_formatter(result): fmt = formatters.get("json") formatted = json.loads(fmt(result)) assert set(formatted.keys()) == set(result.issues.keys()) attrs = attr.fields(Issue) for errors in formatted.values(): for err in errors: assert all( in err for a in attrs)
def test_json_formatter(results): fmt = formatters.get('json') formatted = json.loads(fmt(results)) assert set(formatted.keys()) == set(results.keys()) slots = ResultContainer.__slots__ for errors in formatted.values(): for err in errors: assert all(s in err for s in slots)
def run(paths, linters, fmt, rev, workdir, **lintargs): from mozlint import LintRoller, formatters lint = LintRoller(**lintargs) # run all linters results = lint.roll(paths, rev=rev, workdir=workdir) formatter = formatters.get(fmt) print(formatter(results)) return 1 if results else 0
def test_stylish_formatter(results): expected = """ a/b/c.txt 1 error oh no foo (foo) 4 error oh no baz (baz) d/e/f.txt 4:2 warning oh no bar bar-not-allowed (bar) \u2716 3 problems (2 errors, 1 warning) """.strip() fmt = formatters.get('stylish', disable_colors=True) assert expected == fmt(results)
def test_stylish_formatter(self): expected = """ a/b/c.txt 1 error oh no foo (foo) 4 error oh no baz (baz) d/e/f.txt 4:2 warning oh no bar bar-not-allowed (bar) \u2716 3 problems (2 errors, 1 warning) """.strip() fmt = formatters.get('stylish', disable_colors=True) self.assertEqual(expected, fmt(self.results))
def run(paths, linters, formats, outgoing, workdir, edit, setup=False, list_linters=False, **lintargs): from mozlint import LintRoller, formatters from mozlint.editor import edit_issues if list_linters: lint_paths = find_linters(linters) print("Available linters: {}".format( [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(l))[0] for l in lint_paths])) return 0 lint = LintRoller(**lintargs) # Always run bootstrapping, but return early if --setup was passed in. ret = lint.setup() if setup: return ret # run all linters result = lint.roll(paths, outgoing=outgoing, workdir=workdir) if edit and result.issues: edit_issues(result) result = lint.roll(result.issues.keys()) for formatter_name, path in formats: formatter = formatters.get(formatter_name) out = formatter(result) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: # Encode output with 'replace' to avoid UnicodeEncodeErrors on # environments that aren't using utf-8. out = formatter(result).encode(sys.stdout.encoding or 'ascii', 'replace') if out: output_file = open(path, 'w') if path else sys.stdout print(out, file=output_file) return result.returncode
def run(paths, linters, fmt, rev, workdir, **lintargs): from mozlint import LintRoller, formatters lint = LintRoller(**lintargs) # run all linters results = lint.roll(paths, rev=rev, workdir=workdir) formatter = formatters.get(fmt) # Encode output with 'replace' to avoid UnicodeEncodeErrors on # environments that aren't using utf-8. print(formatter(results, failed=lint.failed).encode( sys.stdout.encoding or 'ascii', 'replace')) return 1 if results or lint.failed else 0
def run(paths, linters, fmt, rev, workdir, **lintargs): from mozlint import LintRoller, formatters lint = LintRoller(**lintargs) # run all linters results = lint.roll(paths, rev=rev, workdir=workdir) formatter = formatters.get(fmt) # Explicitly utf-8 encode the output as some of the formatters make # use of unicode characters. This will prevent a UnicodeEncodeError # on environments where utf-8 isn't the default print(formatter(results).encode('utf-8', 'replace')) return lint.return_code
def lint(self, paths, linters=None, fmt='stylish', **lintargs): """Run linters.""" from mozlint import LintRoller, formatters paths = paths or ['.'] lint_files = self.find_linters(linters) lintargs['exclude'] = ['obj*'] lint = LintRoller(**lintargs) # run all linters results = lint.roll(paths) formatter = formatters.get(fmt) print(formatter(results))
def lint(self, paths, linters=None, fmt="stylish", **lintargs): """Run linters.""" from mozlint import LintRoller, formatters paths = paths or ["."] lint_files = self.find_linters(linters) lintargs["exclude"] = ["obj*"] lint = LintRoller(**lintargs) # run all linters results = lint.roll(paths) formatter = formatters.get(fmt) print(formatter(results))
def run(paths, linters, fmt, outgoing, workdir, edit, list_linters=None, **lintargs): from mozlint import LintRoller, formatters if list_linters: lint_paths = find_linters(linters) print("Available linters: {}".format( [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(l))[0] for l in lint_paths])) return 0 lint = LintRoller(**lintargs) # Check if the path that is entered is a valid one. invalid_paths = [path for path in paths if not os.path.exists(path)] if invalid_paths: print("Error: The following paths do not exist:\n{}".format( "\n".join(invalid_paths))) return 1 # run all linters results = lint.roll(paths, outgoing=outgoing, workdir=workdir) if edit: editor = os.environ['EDITOR'] for path in results:[editor, path]) return 1 if lint.failed else 0 formatter = formatters.get(fmt) # Encode output with 'replace' to avoid UnicodeEncodeErrors on # environments that aren't using utf-8. out = formatter(results, failed=lint.failed).encode(sys.stdout.encoding or 'ascii', 'replace') if out: print(out) return 1 if results or lint.failed else 0
def edit_issues(result): if not result.issues: return editor = get_editor() if not editor: print('warning: could not find a default editor') return name = os.path.basename(editor) if name in ('vim', 'nvim', 'gvim'): cmd = [ editor, # need errorformat to match both Error and Warning, with or without a column '--cmd', 'set errorformat+=%f:\\ line\\ %l\\\\,\\ col\\ %c\\\\,\\ %trror\\ -\\ %m', '--cmd', 'set errorformat+=%f:\\ line\\ %l\\\\,\\ col\\ %c\\\\,\\ %tarning\\ -\\ %m', '--cmd', 'set errorformat+=%f:\\ line\\ %l\\\\,\\ %trror\\ -\\ %m', '--cmd', 'set errorformat+=%f:\\ line\\ %l\\\\,\\ %tarning\\ -\\ %m', # start with quickfix window opened '-c', 'copen', # running with -q seems to open an empty buffer in addition to the # first file, this removes that empty buffer '-c', '1bd', ] with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fh: s = formatters.get('compact', summary=False)(result) fh.write(s) fh.flush() cmd.extend(['-q',]) else: for path, errors in result.issues.iteritems():[editor, path])
def run(paths, linters, fmt, rev, workdir, **lintargs): from mozlint import LintRoller, formatters # Calculate files from VCS vcfiles = VCFiles() if rev: paths.extend(vcfiles.by_rev(rev)) if workdir: paths.extend(vcfiles.by_workdir()) paths = paths or ['.'] lint = LintRoller(**lintargs) # run all linters results = lint.roll(paths) formatter = formatters.get(fmt) print(formatter(results)) return 1 if results else 0
def lint(self, paths, linters=None, fmt='stylish', **lintargs): """Run linters.""" from mozlint import LintRoller, formatters paths = paths or ['.'] lint_files = self.find_linters(linters) lintargs['exclude'] = ['obj*'] lint = LintRoller(**lintargs) # run all linters results = lint.roll(paths) status = 0 if results: status = 1 formatter = formatters.get(fmt) print(formatter(results)) return status
def edit_results(results): if not results: return editor = get_editor() if not editor: print('warning: could not find a default editor') return name = os.path.basename(editor) if name in ('vim', 'nvim', 'gvim'): cmd = [ editor, # need errorformat to match both Error and Warning, with or without a column '--cmd', 'set errorformat+=%f:\\ line\\ %l\\\\,\\ col\\ %c\\\\,\\ %trror\\ -\\ %m', '--cmd', 'set errorformat+=%f:\\ line\\ %l\\\\,\\ col\\ %c\\\\,\\ %tarning\\ -\\ %m', '--cmd', 'set errorformat+=%f:\\ line\\ %l\\\\,\\ %trror\\ -\\ %m', '--cmd', 'set errorformat+=%f:\\ line\\ %l\\\\,\\ %tarning\\ -\\ %m', # start with quickfix window opened '-c', 'copen', # running with -q seems to open an empty buffer in addition to the # first file, this removes that empty buffer '-c', '1bd', ] with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fh: s = formatters.get('compact', summary=False)(results) fh.write(s) fh.flush() cmd.extend(['-q',]) else: for path, errors in results.iteritems():[editor, path])
def test_formatters(result, name): opts = EXPECTED[name] fmt = formatters.get(name, **opts["kwargs"]) # encoding to str bypasses a UnicodeEncodeError in pytest assert fmt(result).encode("utf-8") == opts["format"].encode("utf-8")
def test_formatters(result, name): opts = EXPECTED[name] fmt = formatters.get(name, **opts['kwargs']) # encoding to str bypasses a UnicodeEncodeError in pytest assert fmt(result).encode('utf-8') == opts['format'].encode('utf-8')
def run( paths, linters, formats, outgoing, workdir, rev, edit, setup=False, list_linters=False, num_procs=None, virtualenv_manager=None, **lintargs ): from mozlint import LintRoller, formatters from mozlint.editor import edit_issues lintargs["config_paths"] = [ os.path.join(lintargs["root"], p) for p in lintargs["config_paths"] ] if list_linters: lint_paths = find_linters(lintargs["config_paths"], linters) linters = [ os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(l))[0] for l in lint_paths["lint_paths"] ] print("\n".join(sorted(linters))) return 0 lint = LintRoller(**lintargs) linters_info = find_linters(lintargs["config_paths"], linters) result = None try:["lint_paths"]) # Always run bootstrapping, but return early if --setup was passed in. ret = lint.setup(virtualenv_manager=virtualenv_manager) if setup: return ret if linters_info["linters_not_found"] != []: raise NoValidLinter # run all linters result = lint.roll( paths, outgoing=outgoing, workdir=workdir, rev=rev, num_procs=num_procs ) except NoValidLinter as e: result = lint.result print(str(e)) if edit and result.issues: edit_issues(result) result = lint.roll(result.issues.keys(), num_procs=num_procs) for every in linters_info["linters_not_found"]: result.failed_setup.add(every) for formatter_name, path in formats: formatter = formatters.get(formatter_name) out = formatter(result) if out: fh = open(path, "w") if path else sys.stdout if not path and fh.encoding == "ascii": # If sys.stdout.encoding is ascii, printing output will fail # due to the stylish formatter's use of unicode characters. # Ideally the user should fix their environment by setting # `LC_ALL=C.UTF-8` or similar. But this is a common enough # problem that we help them out a little here by manually # encoding and writing to the stdout buffer directly. out += "\n" fh.buffer.write(out.encode("utf-8", errors="replace")) fh.buffer.flush() else: print(out, file=fh) return result.returncode
def test_formatters(results, name): opts = EXPECTED[name] fmt = formatters.get(name, **opts['kwargs']) assert fmt(results) == opts['format']
def run( paths, linters, formats, outgoing, workdir, rev, edit, check_exclude_list, setup=False, list_linters=False, num_procs=None, virtualenv_manager=None, **lintargs ): from mozlint import LintRoller, formatters from mozlint.editor import edit_issues lintargs["config_paths"] = [ os.path.join(lintargs["root"], p) for p in lintargs["config_paths"] ] # Always perform exhaustive linting for exclude list paths lintargs["use_filters"] = lintargs["use_filters"] and not check_exclude_list if list_linters: lint_paths = find_linters(lintargs["config_paths"], linters) linters = [ os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(l))[0] for l in lint_paths["lint_paths"] ] print("\n".join(sorted(linters))) return 0 lint = LintRoller(**lintargs) linters_info = find_linters(lintargs["config_paths"], linters) result = None try:["lint_paths"]) if check_exclude_list: if len(lint.linters) > 1: print("error: specify a single linter to check with `-l/--linter`") return 1 paths = lint.linters[0]["local_exclude"] if ( not linters and not paths and os.getcwd() == lint.root and not (outgoing or workdir) ): print( "warning: linting the entire repo takes a long time, using --outgoing and " "--workdir instead. If you want to lint the entire repo, run `./mach lint .`" ) # Setting the default values outgoing = "default" workdir = "all" # Always run bootstrapping, but return early if --setup was passed in. ret = lint.setup(virtualenv_manager=virtualenv_manager) if setup: return ret if linters_info["linters_not_found"] != []: raise NoValidLinter # run all linters result = lint.roll( paths, outgoing=outgoing, workdir=workdir, rev=rev, num_procs=num_procs ) except NoValidLinter as e: result = lint.result print(str(e)) if edit and result.issues: edit_issues(result) result = lint.roll(result.issues.keys(), num_procs=num_procs) for every in linters_info["linters_not_found"]: result.failed_setup.add(every) if check_exclude_list: # Get and display all those paths in the exclude list which are # now green and can be safely removed from the list out = get_exclude_list_output(result, paths) print(out, file=sys.stdout) return result.returncode for formatter_name, path in formats: formatter = formatters.get(formatter_name) out = formatter(result) if out: fh = open(path, "w") if path else sys.stdout if not path and fh.encoding == "ascii": # If sys.stdout.encoding is ascii, printing output will fail # due to the stylish formatter's use of unicode characters. # Ideally the user should fix their environment by setting # `LC_ALL=C.UTF-8` or similar. But this is a common enough # problem that we help them out a little here by manually # encoding and writing to the stdout buffer directly. out += "\n" fh.buffer.write(out.encode("utf-8", errors="replace")) fh.buffer.flush() else: print(out, file=fh) return result.returncode