class ComposedFinder(BaseFinder):
    Composes multiple File Finders in some sort of virtual file system.

    A ComposedFinder is initialized from a dictionary associating paths to
    *Finder instances.

    Note this could be optimized to be smarter than getting all the files
    in advance.
    def __init__(self, finders):
        # Can't import globally, because of the dependency of mozpack.copier
        # on this module.
        from mozpack.copier import FileRegistry
        self.files = FileRegistry()

        for base, finder in sorted(finders.iteritems()):
            if self.files.contains(base):
            for p, f in finder.find(''):
                self.files.add(mozpath.join(base, p), f)

    def find(self, pattern):
        for p in self.files.match(pattern):
            yield p, self.files[p]
class ComposedFinder(BaseFinder):
    Composes multiple File Finders in some sort of virtual file system.

    A ComposedFinder is initialized from a dictionary associating paths to
    *Finder instances.

    Note this could be optimized to be smarter than getting all the files
    in advance.
    def __init__(self, finders):
        # Can't import globally, because of the dependency of mozpack.copier
        # on this module.
        from mozpack.copier import FileRegistry
        self.files = FileRegistry()

        for base, finder in sorted(finders.iteritems()):
            if self.files.contains(base):
            for p, f in finder.find(''):
                self.files.add(mozpath.join(base, p), f)

    def find(self, pattern):
        for p in self.files.match(pattern):
            yield p, self.files[p]
class UnpackFinder(FileFinder):
    Special FileFinder that treats the source package directory as if it were
    in the flat chrome format, whatever chrome format it actually is in.

    This means that for example, paths like chrome/browser/content/... match
    files under jar:chrome/browser.jar!/content/... in case of jar chrome
    def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
        FileFinder.__init__(self, *args, **kargs)
        self.files = FileRegistry()
        self.kind = 'flat'
        self.omnijar = None
        self.jarlogs = {}
        self.optimizedjars = False

        jars = set()

        for p, f in FileFinder.find(self, '*'):
            # Skip the precomplete file, which is generated at packaging time.
            if p == 'precomplete':
            base = mozpack.path.dirname(p)
            # If the file is a zip/jar that is not a .xpi, and contains a
            # chrome.manifest, it is an omnijar. All the files it contains
            # go in the directory containing the omnijar. Manifests are merged
            # if there is a corresponding manifest in the directory.
            if not p.endswith('.xpi') and self._maybe_zip(f) and \
                    (mozpack.path.basename(p) == self.omnijar or
                     not self.omnijar):
                jar = self._open_jar(p, f)
                if 'chrome.manifest' in jar:
                    self.kind = 'omni'
                    self.omnijar = mozpack.path.basename(p)
                    self._fill_with_omnijar(base, jar)
            # If the file is a manifest, scan its entries for some referencing
            # jar: urls. If there are some, the files contained in the jar they
            # point to, go under a directory named after the jar.
            if is_manifest(p):
                m = self.files[p] if self.files.contains(p) \
                    else ManifestFile(base)
                for e in parse_manifest(self.base, p, f.open()):
                    m.add(self._handle_manifest_entry(e, jars))
                if self.files.contains(p):
                f = m
            if not p in jars:
                self.files.add(p, f)

    def _fill_with_omnijar(self, base, jar):
        for j in jar:
            path = mozpack.path.join(base, j.filename)
            if is_manifest(j.filename):
                m = self.files[path] if self.files.contains(path) \
                    else ManifestFile(mozpack.path.dirname(path))
                for e in parse_manifest(None, path, j):
                if not self.files.contains(path):
                    self.files.add(path, m)
                self.files.add(path, DeflatedFile(j))

    def _handle_manifest_entry(self, entry, jars):
        jarpath = None
        if isinstance(entry, ManifestEntryWithRelPath) and \
                urlparse(entry.relpath).scheme == 'jar':
            jarpath, entry = self._unjarize(entry, entry.relpath)
        elif isinstance(entry, ManifestResource) and \
                urlparse(entry.target).scheme == 'jar':
            jarpath, entry = self._unjarize(entry, entry.target)
        if jarpath:
            # Don't defer unpacking the jar file. If we already saw
            # it, take (and remove) it from the registry. If we
            # haven't, try to find it now.
            if self.files.contains(jarpath):
                jar = self.files[jarpath]
                jar = [f for p, f in FileFinder.find(self, jarpath)]
                assert len(jar) == 1
                jar = jar[0]
            if not jarpath in jars:
                base = mozpack.path.splitext(jarpath)[0]
                for j in self._open_jar(jarpath, jar):
                    self.files.add(mozpack.path.join(base, j.filename),
            self.kind = 'jar'
        return entry

    def _open_jar(self, path, file):
        Return a JarReader for the given BaseFile instance, keeping a log of
        the preloaded entries it has.
        jar = JarReader(fileobj=file.open())
        if jar.is_optimized:
            self.optimizedjars = True
        if jar.last_preloaded:
            jarlog = jar.entries.keys()
            self.jarlogs[path] = jarlog[:jarlog.index(jar.last_preloaded) + 1]
        return jar

    def find(self, path):
        for p in self.files.match(path):
            yield p, self.files[p]

    def _maybe_zip(self, file):
        Return whether the given BaseFile looks like a ZIP/Jar.
        header = file.open().read(8)
        return len(header) == 8 and (header[0:2] == 'PK'
                                     or header[4:6] == 'PK')

    def _unjarize(self, entry, relpath):
        Transform a manifest entry pointing to chrome data in a jar in one
        pointing to the corresponding unpacked path. Return the jar path and
        the new entry.
        base = entry.base
        jar, relpath = urlparse(relpath).path.split('!', 1)
        entry = entry.rebase(mozpack.path.join(base, 'jar:%s!' % jar)) \
            .move(mozpack.path.join(base, mozpack.path.splitext(jar)[0])) \
        return mozpack.path.join(base, jar), entry
class UnpackFinder(FileFinder):
    Special FileFinder that treats the source package directory as if it were
    in the flat chrome format, whatever chrome format it actually is in.

    This means that for example, paths like chrome/browser/content/... match
    files under jar:chrome/browser.jar!/content/... in case of jar chrome
    def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
        FileFinder.__init__(self, *args, **kargs)
        self.files = FileRegistry()
        self.kind = 'flat'
        self.omnijar = None
        self.jarlogs = {}
        self.optimizedjars = False

        jars = set()

        for p, f in FileFinder.find(self, '*'):
            # Skip the precomplete file, which is generated at packaging time.
            if p == 'precomplete':
            base = mozpack.path.dirname(p)
            # If the file is a zip/jar that is not a .xpi, and contains a
            # chrome.manifest, it is an omnijar. All the files it contains
            # go in the directory containing the omnijar. Manifests are merged
            # if there is a corresponding manifest in the directory.
            if not p.endswith('.xpi') and self._maybe_zip(f) and \
                    (mozpack.path.basename(p) == self.omnijar or
                     not self.omnijar):
                jar = self._open_jar(p, f)
                if 'chrome.manifest' in jar:
                    self.kind = 'omni'
                    self.omnijar = mozpack.path.basename(p)
                    self._fill_with_omnijar(base, jar)
            # If the file is a manifest, scan its entries for some referencing
            # jar: urls. If there are some, the files contained in the jar they
            # point to, go under a directory named after the jar.
            if is_manifest(p):
                m = self.files[p] if self.files.contains(p) \
                    else ManifestFile(base)
                for e in parse_manifest(self.base, p, f.open()):
                    m.add(self._handle_manifest_entry(e, jars))
                if self.files.contains(p):
                f = m
            if not p in jars:
                self.files.add(p, f)

    def _fill_with_omnijar(self, base, jar):
        for j in jar:
            path = mozpack.path.join(base, j.filename)
            if is_manifest(j.filename):
                m = self.files[path] if self.files.contains(path) \
                    else ManifestFile(mozpack.path.dirname(path))
                for e in parse_manifest(None, path, j):
                if not self.files.contains(path):
                    self.files.add(path, m)
                self.files.add(path, DeflatedFile(j))

    def _handle_manifest_entry(self, entry, jars):
        jarpath = None
        if isinstance(entry, ManifestEntryWithRelPath) and \
                urlparse(entry.relpath).scheme == 'jar':
            jarpath, entry = self._unjarize(entry, entry.relpath)
        elif isinstance(entry, ManifestResource) and \
                urlparse(entry.target).scheme == 'jar':
            jarpath, entry = self._unjarize(entry, entry.target)
        if jarpath:
            # Don't defer unpacking the jar file. If we already saw
            # it, take (and remove) it from the registry. If we
            # haven't, try to find it now.
            if self.files.contains(jarpath):
                jar = self.files[jarpath]
                jar = [f for p, f in FileFinder.find(self, jarpath)]
                assert len(jar) == 1
                jar = jar[0]
            if not jarpath in jars:
                base = mozpack.path.splitext(jarpath)[0]
                for j in self._open_jar(jarpath, jar):
            self.kind = 'jar'
        return entry

    def _open_jar(self, path, file):
        Return a JarReader for the given BaseFile instance, keeping a log of
        the preloaded entries it has.
        jar = JarReader(fileobj=file.open())
        if jar.is_optimized:
            self.optimizedjars = True
        if jar.last_preloaded:
            jarlog = jar.entries.keys()
            self.jarlogs[path] = jarlog[:jarlog.index(jar.last_preloaded) + 1]
        return jar

    def find(self, path):
        for p in self.files.match(path):
            yield p, self.files[p]

    def _maybe_zip(self, file):
        Return whether the given BaseFile looks like a ZIP/Jar.
        header = file.open().read(8)
        return len(header) == 8 and (header[0:2] == 'PK' or
                                     header[4:6] == 'PK')

    def _unjarize(self, entry, relpath):
        Transform a manifest entry pointing to chrome data in a jar in one
        pointing to the corresponding unpacked path. Return the jar path and
        the new entry.
        base = entry.base
        jar, relpath = urlparse(relpath).path.split('!', 1)
        entry = entry.rebase(mozpack.path.join(base, 'jar:%s!' % jar)) \
            .move(mozpack.path.join(base, mozpack.path.splitext(jar)[0])) \
        return mozpack.path.join(base, jar), entry
class UnpackFinder(BaseFinder):
    Special Finder object that treats the source package directory as if it
    were in the flat chrome format, whatever chrome format it actually is in.

    This means that for example, paths like chrome/browser/content/... match
    files under jar:chrome/browser.jar!/content/... in case of jar chrome

    The only argument to the constructor is a Finder instance or a path.
    The UnpackFinder is populated with files from this Finder instance,
    or with files from a FileFinder using the given path as its root.

    def __init__(self, source, omnijar_name=None, unpack_xpi=True):
        if isinstance(source, BaseFinder):
            self._finder = source
            self._finder = FileFinder(source)
        self.base = self._finder.base
        self.files = FileRegistry()
        self.kind = "flat"
        if omnijar_name:
            self.omnijar = omnijar_name
            # Can't include globally because of bootstrapping issues.
            from buildconfig import substs

            self.omnijar = substs.get("OMNIJAR_NAME", "omni.ja")
        self.jarlogs = {}
        self.compressed = False
        self._unpack_xpi = unpack_xpi

        jars = set()

        for p, f in self._finder.find("*"):
            # Skip the precomplete file, which is generated at packaging time.
            if p == "precomplete":
            base = mozpath.dirname(p)
            # If the file matches the omnijar pattern, it is an omnijar.
            # All the files it contains go in the directory containing the full
            # pattern. Manifests are merged if there is a corresponding manifest
            # in the directory.
            if self._maybe_zip(f) and mozpath.match(p, "**/%s" % self.omnijar):
                jar = self._open_jar(p, f)
                if "chrome.manifest" in jar:
                    self.kind = "omni"
                    self._fill_with_jar(p[: -len(self.omnijar) - 1], jar)
            # If the file is a manifest, scan its entries for some referencing
            # jar: urls. If there are some, the files contained in the jar they
            # point to, go under a directory named after the jar.
            if is_manifest(p):
                m = self.files[p] if self.files.contains(p) else ManifestFile(base)
                for e in parse_manifest(
                    self.base, p, codecs.getreader("utf-8")(f.open())
                    m.add(self._handle_manifest_entry(e, jars))
                if self.files.contains(p):
                f = m
            # If we're unpacking packed addons and the file is a packed addon,
            # unpack it under a directory named after the xpi.
            if self._unpack_xpi and p.endswith(".xpi") and self._maybe_zip(f):
                self._fill_with_jar(p[:-4], self._open_jar(p, f))
            if p not in jars:
                self.files.add(p, f)

    def _fill_with_jar(self, base, jar):
        for j in jar:
            path = mozpath.join(base, j.filename)
            if is_manifest(j.filename):
                m = (
                    if self.files.contains(path)
                    else ManifestFile(mozpath.dirname(path))
                for e in parse_manifest(None, path, j):
                if not self.files.contains(path):
                    self.files.add(path, m)
                self.files.add(path, DeflatedFile(j))

    def _handle_manifest_entry(self, entry, jars):
        jarpath = None
        if (
            isinstance(entry, ManifestEntryWithRelPath)
            and urlparse(entry.relpath).scheme == "jar"
            jarpath, entry = self._unjarize(entry, entry.relpath)
        elif (
            isinstance(entry, ManifestResource)
            and urlparse(entry.target).scheme == "jar"
            jarpath, entry = self._unjarize(entry, entry.target)
        if jarpath:
            # Don't defer unpacking the jar file. If we already saw
            # it, take (and remove) it from the registry. If we
            # haven't, try to find it now.
            if self.files.contains(jarpath):
                jar = self.files[jarpath]
                jar = [f for p, f in self._finder.find(jarpath)]
                assert len(jar) == 1
                jar = jar[0]
            if jarpath not in jars:
                base = mozpath.splitext(jarpath)[0]
                for j in self._open_jar(jarpath, jar):
                    self.files.add(mozpath.join(base, j.filename), DeflatedFile(j))
            self.kind = "jar"
        return entry

    def _open_jar(self, path, file):
        Return a JarReader for the given BaseFile instance, keeping a log of
        the preloaded entries it has.
        jar = JarReader(fileobj=file.open())
        self.compressed = max(self.compressed, jar.compression)
        if jar.last_preloaded:
            jarlog = list(jar.entries.keys())
            self.jarlogs[path] = jarlog[: jarlog.index(jar.last_preloaded) + 1]
        return jar

    def find(self, path):
        for p in self.files.match(path):
            yield p, self.files[p]

    def _maybe_zip(self, file):
        Return whether the given BaseFile looks like a ZIP/Jar.
        header = file.open().read(8)
        return len(header) == 8 and (header[0:2] == b"PK" or header[4:6] == b"PK")

    def _unjarize(self, entry, relpath):
        Transform a manifest entry pointing to chrome data in a jar in one
        pointing to the corresponding unpacked path. Return the jar path and
        the new entry.
        base = entry.base
        jar, relpath = urlparse(relpath).path.split("!", 1)
        entry = (
            entry.rebase(mozpath.join(base, "jar:%s!" % jar))
            .move(mozpath.join(base, mozpath.splitext(jar)[0]))
        return mozpath.join(base, jar), entry