def post_bugzilla_attachment(bugzilla, bug_id, review_request_draft,
    # We publish attachments for each commit/child to Bugzilla so that
    # reviewers can easily track their requests.

    # The review request exposes a list of usernames for reviewers. We need
    # to convert these to Bugzilla emails in order to make the request into
    # Bugzilla.
    # It may seem like there is a data syncing problem here where usernames
    # may get out of sync with the reality from Bugzilla. Fortunately,
    # Review Board is smarter than that. Internally, the target_people list
    # is stored with foreign keys into the numeric primary key of the user
    # table. If the RB username changes, this won't impact target_people
    # nor the stored mapping to the numeric Bugzilla ID, which is
    # immutable.
    # But we do have a potential data syncing problem with the stored email
    # address. Review Board's stored email address could be stale. So
    # instead of using it directly, we query Bugzilla and map the stored,
    # immutable numeric Bugzilla userid into an email address. This lookup
    # could be avoided if Bugzilla accepted a numeric userid in the
    # requestee parameter when modifying an attachment.
    reviewers = {}

    for u in review_request_draft.target_people.all():
        bum = BugzillaUserMap.objects.get(user=u)

        user_data = bugzilla.get_user_from_userid(bum.bugzilla_user_id)

        # Since we're making the API call, we might as well ensure the
        # local database is up to date.
        users = get_or_create_bugzilla_users(user_data)
        reviewers[users[0].email] = False

    last_user = None
    relevant_reviews = review_request.get_public_reviews().order_by(
        'user', '-timestamp')

    for review in relevant_reviews:
        if review.user == last_user:
            # We only care about the most recent review for each
            # particular user.

        last_user = review.user

        # The last review given by this reviewer had a ship-it, so we
        # will carry their r+ forward. If someone had manually changed
        # their flag on bugzilla, we may be setting it back to r+, but
        # we will consider the manual flag change on bugzilla user
        # error for now.
        if review.ship_it:
            reviewers[] = True

    diffset_count = review_request.diffset_history.diffsets.count()
    if diffset_count < 1:
        comment = review_request_draft.description

        if (review_request_draft.changedesc and
            if not comment.endswith('\n'):
                comment += '\n'

            comment += '\n%s' % review_request_draft.changedesc.text
        comment = ('Review request updated; see interdiff: '
                   '%sdiff/%d-%d/\n' % (get_obj_url(review_request),
                                        diffset_count + 1))

def update_bugzilla_attachments(bugzilla, bug_id, children_to_post,
    attachment_updates = BugzillaAttachmentUpdates(bugzilla, bug_id)

    for child in children_to_obsolete:

    # We publish attachments for each commit/child to Bugzilla so that
    # reviewers can easily track their requests.

    # The review request exposes a list of usernames for reviewers. We need
    # to convert these to Bugzilla emails in order to make the request into
    # Bugzilla.
    # It may seem like there is a data syncing problem here where usernames
    # may get out of sync with the reality from Bugzilla. Fortunately,
    # Review Board is smarter than that. Internally, the target_people list
    # is stored with foreign keys into the numeric primary key of the user
    # table. If the RB username changes, this won't impact target_people
    # nor the stored mapping to the numeric Bugzilla ID, which is
    # immutable.
    # But we do have a potential data syncing problem with the stored email
    # address. Review Board's stored email address could be stale. So
    # instead of using it directly, we query Bugzilla and map the stored,
    # immutable numeric Bugzilla userid into an email address. This lookup
    # could be avoided if Bugzilla accepted a numeric userid in the
    # requestee parameter when modifying an attachment.
    user_email_cache = {}

    for review_request_draft, review_request in children_to_post:
        carry_forward = {}
        has_code_changes = review_request_draft.diffset is not None

        for u in review_request_draft.target_people.all():
            bum = BugzillaUserMap.objects.get(user=u)
            email = user_email_cache.get(bum.bugzilla_user_id)

            if email is None:
                user_data = bugzilla.get_user_from_userid(bum.bugzilla_user_id)

                # Since we're making the API call, we might as well ensure the
                # local database is up to date.
                users = get_or_create_bugzilla_users(user_data)
                email = users[0].email
                user_email_cache[bum.bugzilla_user_id] = email

            carry_forward[email] = False

        for review in gen_latest_reviews(review_request):
            if has_code_changes:
                # The code has changed, we need to determine what needs to
                # happen to the flags.

                # Don't set carry_forward values for reviewers that are not in
                # the target_people list (eg. impromptu reviews).  This will
                # result in the attachment flag being cleared in Bugzilla.
                if not in carry_forward:

                # Carry forward just r+'s.  All other flags should be reset
                # to r?.
                review_flag = review.extra_data.get(REVIEW_FLAG_KEY)
                carry_forward[] = review_flag == 'r+' or (
                    # Older reviews didn't set review_flag.
                    review_flag is None and review.ship_it)

                # This is a meta data only change, don't touch any existing
                # flags.
                carry_forward[] = True

        flags = []
        attachment = attachment_updates.get_attachment(review_request)

        if attachment:
            # Update flags on an existing attachment.
            for f in attachment.get('flags', []):
                if f['name'] not in ['review', 'feedback']:
                    # We only care about review and feedback flags.

                # When a new patch is pushed, we need to mimic what
                # happens to flags when a new attachment is created
                # in Bugzilla:
                # - carry forward r+'s
                # - clear r-'s
                # - clear feedback flags

                if f['name'] == 'feedback':
                    if has_code_changes:
                        # We always clear feedback flags when the patch
                        # is updated.
                        flags.append({'id': f['id'], 'status': 'X'})
                elif f['status'] == '+' or f['status'] == '-':
                    # A reviewer has left a review, either in Review Board or
                    # in Bugzilla.
                    if f['setter'] not in carry_forward:
                        # This flag was set manually in Bugzilla rather
                        # then through a review on Review Board. Always
                        # clear these flags.
                        flags.append({'id': f['id'], 'status': 'X'})
                        # This flag was set through Review Board; see if
                        # we should carry it forward.
                        if not carry_forward[f['setter']]:
                            # We should not carry this r+/r- forward so
                            # re-request review.
                                'id': f['id'],
                                'name': 'review',
                                'status': '?',
                                'requestee': f['setter']
                        # else we leave the flag alone, carrying it forward.

                        # In either case, we've dealt with this reviewer, so
                        # remove it from the carry_forward dict.
                elif ('requestee' not in f or
                      f['requestee'] not in carry_forward):
                    # We clear review flags where the requestee is not
                    # a reviewer, or if there is some (possibly future) flag
                    # other than + or - that does not have a 'requestee' field.
                    flags.append({'id': f['id'], 'status': 'X'})
                elif f['requestee'] in carry_forward:
                    # We're already waiting for a review from this user
                    # so don't touch the flag.

        # Add flags for new reviewers.
        # We can't set a missing r+ (if it was manually removed) except in the
        # trivial (and useless) case that the setter and the requestee are the
        # same person.  We could set r? again, but in the event that the
        # reviewer is not accepting review requests, this will block
        # publishing, with no way for the author to fix it.  So we'll just
        # ignore manually removed r+s.
        # This is sorted so behavior is deterministic (this mucks with test
        # output otherwise).
        for reviewer, keep in sorted(carry_forward.iteritems()):
            if not keep:
                    'name': 'review',
                    'status': '?',
                    'requestee': reviewer,
                    'new': True

            review_request, review_request_draft, flags)

def get_bmo_auth_callback(request):
    """Handler for the third part of the Bugzilla auth-delegation process.

    After the above POST call is executed, Bugzilla then redirects back to
    this view, passing the return value of the POST handler, as
    `callback_result`, and optionally a redirect, passed from the original
    redirect to Bugzilla (from the MozReview login view).

    This handler then verifies the API key with Bugzilla and attempts to
    create or update the user in MozReview.  If everything succeeds, the
    user is again redirected back to the original page (or the root page if
    there was no redirect passed in, e.g., in tests).  Otherwise the user is
    shown an error page.
    bmo_username = request.GET.get('client_api_login', None)
    callback_result = request.GET.get('callback_result', None)
    redirect = request.GET.get('redirect', None)
    secret = request.GET.get('secret', None)

    if not (bmo_username and callback_result):
        logger.error('Bugzilla auth callback called without required '
        return render_login_error(request)

    # Delete expired unverified keys (5 minute lifetime).
    UnverifiedBugzillaApiKey.objects.filter( -

    parsed = None if not redirect else urlparse(redirect)

    # Enforce relative redirects; we don't want people crafting auth links
    # that redirect to other sites.  We check the scheme as well as the netloc
    # to catch data, file, and other such server-less URIs.

    if not parsed or parsed.scheme or parsed.netloc:
        redirect = '/'

    unverified_keys = UnverifiedBugzillaApiKey.objects.filter(

    if not unverified_keys:
        logger.error('No unverified keys found for BMO user %s.' %
        return render_login_error(request)

    unverified_key = unverified_keys.last()

    if len(unverified_keys) > 1:
        logger.warning('Multiple unverified keys on file for BMO user %s. '
                       'Using most recent, from %s.' %
                       (bmo_username, unverified_key.timestamp))

    if callback_result != unverified_key.callback_result:
        logger.error('Callback result does not match for BMO user %s.' %
        return render_login_error(request)

    if secret is None or request.COOKIES['bmo_auth_secret'] != secret:
        logger.error('Callback secret does not match cookie for user %s.' %
        return render_login_error(request)

    bmo_api_key = unverified_key.api_key

    b = Bugzilla()

        if not b.valid_api_key(bmo_username, bmo_api_key):
            logger.error('Invalid API key for %s.' % bmo_username)
            return render_login_error(request)
    except BugzillaError as e:
        logger.error('Error validating API key: %s' % e.msg)
        return render_login_error(request)

    b.api_key = bmo_api_key

        user_data = b.get_user(bmo_username)
    except BugzillaError as e:
        logger.error('Error getting user data: %s' % e.msg)
        return render_login_error(request)

    if not user_data:
        logger.warning('Could not retrieve user info for %s after '
                       'validating API key.' % bmo_username)
        return render_login_error(request)

    users = get_or_create_bugzilla_users(user_data)

    if not users:
        logger.warning('Failed to create user %s after validating API key.' %
        return render_login_error(request)

    user = users[0]
    assert == bmo_username

    if not user.is_active:
        logger.warning('Validated API key but user %s is inactive.' %
        return render_login_error(request)

    set_bugzilla_api_key(user, bmo_api_key)

    except LDAPAssociationException as e:'LDAP association failed: %s' % str(e))
    except Exception:
        logger.exception('Error while performing LDAP association')

    user.backend = 'mozreview.bugzilla.auth.BugzillaBackend''BMO Auth callback succeeded for user: %s' % bmo_username)
    login(request, user)
    response = HttpResponseRedirect(redirect)
    return response
def update_bugzilla_attachments(bugzilla, bug_id, children_to_post,
    attachment_updates = BugzillaAttachmentUpdates(bugzilla, bug_id)

    for child in children_to_obsolete:

    # We publish attachments for each commit/child to Bugzilla so that
    # reviewers can easily track their requests.

    # The review request exposes a list of usernames for reviewers. We need
    # to convert these to Bugzilla emails in order to make the request into
    # Bugzilla.
    # It may seem like there is a data syncing problem here where usernames
    # may get out of sync with the reality from Bugzilla. Fortunately,
    # Review Board is smarter than that. Internally, the target_people list
    # is stored with foreign keys into the numeric primary key of the user
    # table. If the RB username changes, this won't impact target_people
    # nor the stored mapping to the numeric Bugzilla ID, which is
    # immutable.
    # But we do have a potential data syncing problem with the stored email
    # address. Review Board's stored email address could be stale. So
    # instead of using it directly, we query Bugzilla and map the stored,
    # immutable numeric Bugzilla userid into an email address. This lookup
    # could be avoided if Bugzilla accepted a numeric userid in the
    # requestee parameter when modifying an attachment.
    user_email_cache = {}

    for review_request_draft, review_request in children_to_post:
        reviewers = {}

        for u in review_request_draft.target_people.all():
            bum = BugzillaUserMap.objects.get(user=u)
            email = user_email_cache.get(bum.bugzilla_user_id)

            if email is None:
                user_data = bugzilla.get_user_from_userid(bum.bugzilla_user_id)

                # Since we're making the API call, we might as well ensure the
                # local database is up to date.
                users = get_or_create_bugzilla_users(user_data)
                email = users[0].email
                user_email_cache[bum.bugzilla_user_id] = email

            reviewers[email] = False

        for review in gen_latest_reviews(review_request):
            # The last review given by this reviewer had a ship-it, so we
            # will carry their r+ forward. If someone had manually changed
            # their flag on bugzilla, we may be setting it back to r+, but
            # we will consider the manual flag change on bugzilla user
            # error for now.
            if review.ship_it:
                reviewers[] = True

        rr_url = get_obj_url(review_request)
        diff_url = '%sdiff/#index_header' % rr_url

        # Only post a comment if the diffset has actually changed
        comment = ''
        if review_request_draft.get_latest_diffset():
            diffset_count = review_request.diffset_history.diffsets.count()
            if diffset_count < 1:
                # We don't need the first line, since it is also the attachment
                # summary, which is displayed in the comment.
                full_commit_msg = review_request_draft.description.partition(

                full_commit_msg = strip_commit_metadata(full_commit_msg)

                if full_commit_msg:
                    full_commit_msg += '\n\n'

                comment = '%sReview commit: %s\nSee other reviews: %s' % (
                comment = ('Review request updated; see interdiff: '
                           '%sdiff/%d-%d/\n' % (rr_url,
                                                diffset_count + 1))


def get_bmo_auth_callback(request):
    """Handler for the third part of the Bugzilla auth-delegation process.

    After the above POST call is executed, Bugzilla then redirects back to
    this view, passing the return value of the POST handler, as
    `callback_result`, and optionally a redirect, passed from the original
    redirect to Bugzilla (from the MozReview login view).

    This handler then verifies the API key with Bugzilla and attempts to
    create or update the user in MozReview.  If everything succeeds, the
    user is again redirected back to the original page (or the root page if
    there was no redirect passed in, e.g., in tests).  Otherwise the user is
    shown an error page.
    bmo_username = request.GET.get('client_api_login', None)
    callback_result = request.GET.get('callback_result', None)
    redirect = request.GET.get('redirect', None)
    secret = request.GET.get('secret', None)

    if not (bmo_username and callback_result):
        logger.error('Bugzilla auth callback called without required '
        return show_error_page(request)

    # Delete expired unverified keys (5 minute lifetime).
    UnverifiedBugzillaApiKey.objects.filter( - timedelta(minutes=5)).delete()

    parsed = None if not redirect else urlparse(redirect)

    # Enforce relative redirects; we don't want people crafting auth links
    # that redirect to other sites.  We check the scheme as well as the netloc
    # to catch data, file, and other such server-less URIs.

    if not parsed or parsed.scheme or parsed.netloc:
        redirect = '/'

    unverified_keys = UnverifiedBugzillaApiKey.objects.filter(

    if not unverified_keys:
        logger.error('No unverified keys found for BMO user %s.' %
        return show_error_page(request)

    unverified_key = unverified_keys.last()

    if len(unverified_keys) > 1:
        logger.warning('Multiple unverified keys on file for BMO user %s. '
                       'Using most recent, from %s.' %
                       (bmo_username, unverified_key.timestamp))

    if callback_result != unverified_key.callback_result:
        logger.error('Callback result does not match for BMO user %s.' %
        return show_error_page(request)

    if secret is None or request.COOKIES['bmo_auth_secret'] != secret:
        logger.error('Callback secret does not match cookie for user %s.' %
        return show_error_page(request)

    bmo_api_key = unverified_key.api_key

    b = Bugzilla()

        if not b.valid_api_key(bmo_username, bmo_api_key):
            logger.error('Invalid API key for %s.' % bmo_username)
            return show_error_page(request)
    except BugzillaError as e:
        logger.error('Error validating API key: %s' % e.msg)
        return show_error_page(request)

    b.api_key = bmo_api_key

        user_data = b.get_user(bmo_username)
    except BugzillaError as e:
        logger.error('Error getting user data: %s' % e.msg)
        return show_error_page(request)

    if not user_data:
        logger.warning('Could not retrieve user info for %s after '
                       'validating API key.' % bmo_username)
        return show_error_page(request)

    users = get_or_create_bugzilla_users(user_data)

    if not users:
        logger.warning('Failed to create user %s after validating API key.' %
        return show_error_page(request)

    user = users[0]
    assert == bmo_username

    if not user.is_active:
        logger.warning('Validated API key but user %s is inactive.' %
        return show_error_page(request)

    set_bugzilla_api_key(user, bmo_api_key)

    except LDAPAssociationException as e:'LDAP association failed: %s' % str(e))
    except Exception:
        logger.exception('Error while performing LDAP association')

    user.backend = 'rbbz.auth.BugzillaBackend''BMO Auth callback succeeded for user: %s' % bmo_username)
    login(request, user)
    response = HttpResponseRedirect(redirect)
    return response
def get_bmo_auth_callback(request):
    """Handler for the second part of the Bugzilla auth-delegation process.

    After the above POST call is executed, Bugzilla then redirects back to
    this view, passing the return value of the POST handler, as
    `callback_result`, and optionally a redirect, passed from the original
    redirect to Bugzilla (from the MozReview login view).

    This handler then verifies the API key with Bugzilla and attempts to
    create or update the user in MozReview.  If everything succeeds, the
    user is again redirected back to the original page (or the root page if
    there was no redirect passed in, e.g., in tests).  Otherwise the user is
    shown an error page.
    bmo_username = request.GET.get('client_api_login', None)
    callback_result = request.GET.get('callback_result', None)
    redirect = request.GET.get('redirect', None)

    if not (bmo_username and callback_result):
        logging.error('Bugzilla auth callback called without required '
        return show_error_page(request)

    if not redirect:
        redirect = '/'

    unverified_keys = UnverifiedBugzillaApiKey.objects.filter(

    if not unverified_keys:
        logging.error('No unverified keys found for BMO user %s.' %
        return show_error_page(request)

    unverified_key = unverified_keys.last()

    if len(unverified_keys) > 1:
        logging.warning('Multiple unverified keys on file for BMO user %s. '
                        'Using most recent, from %s.' %
                        (bmo_username, unverified_key.timestamp))

    if callback_result != unverified_key.callback_result:
        logging.error('Callback result does not match for BMO user %s.' %
        return show_error_page(request)

    bmo_api_key = unverified_key.api_key

    b = Bugzilla()

        if not b.valid_api_key(bmo_username, bmo_api_key):
            logging.error('Invalid API key for %s.' % bmo_username)
            return show_error_page(request)
    except BugzillaError as e:
        logging.error('Error validating API key: %s' % e.msg)
        return show_error_page(request)

    b.api_key = bmo_api_key

        user_data = b.get_user(bmo_username)
    except BugzillaError as e:
        logging.error('Error getting user data: %s' % e.msg)
        return show_error_page(request)

    if not user_data:
        logging.warning('Could not retrieve user info for %s after '
                        'validating API key.' % bmo_username)
        return show_error_page(request)

    users = get_or_create_bugzilla_users(user_data)

    if not users:
        logging.warning('Failed to create user %s after validating API key.' %
        return show_error_page(request)

    user = users[0]
    assert == bmo_username

    if not user.is_active:
        logging.warning('Validated API key but user %s is inactive.' %
        return show_error_page(request)

    set_bugzilla_api_key(user, bmo_api_key)
    user.backend = 'rbbz.auth.BugzillaBackend'
    login(request, user)
    return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect)