def get_anim_shelf_path(): """ Using the anim_shelfUtils, obtains the dynamic file path for the animation tool shelf Returns (str): path to the anim shelf """ try: from mpc.maya.animationTools.utils import anim_shelfUtils reload(anim_shelfUtils) shelf_path = os.path.join(anim_shelfUtils.getShelfDir(), "shelf_mpcAnim.mel") return shelf_path if os.path.isfile(shelf_path) else None except: return ""
def reload_animShelf(): show = os.environ[ "JOB" ] shelfName = "%sAnim" %show shelfFileName = "shelf_mpcAnim.mel" shelfDir = anim_shelfUtils.getShelfDir () if shelfDir: checkJobShelf = os.path.isfile ( os.path.join (shelfDir,shelfFileName)) if checkJobShelf: shelfPath = os.path.join ( shelfDir, shelfFileName) elif os.path.isfile ( os.path.join (shelfDir, "shelf_mpcAnim.mel")): shelfName = "mpcAnim" shelfFileName = "shelf_mpcAnim.mel" shelfPath = os.path.join ( shelfDir, shelfFileName) print 'loading shelf: %s' % shelfPath shelf_reloader(customShelf=shelfPath)