def relax(dim=2, submit=True, force_overwrite=False): """ Writes input files and (optionally) submits a self-consistent relaxation. Should be run before pretty much anything else, in order to get the right energy and structure of the material. Args: dim (int): 2 for relaxing a 2D material, 3 for a 3D material. submit (bool): Whether or not to submit the job. force_overwrite (bool): Whether or not to overwrite files if an already converged vasprun.xml exists in the directory. """ if force_overwrite or not utl.is_converged(os.getcwd()): directory = os.getcwd().split('/')[-1] # vdw_kernel.bindat file required for VDW calculations. if VDW_KERNEL: os.system('cp {} .'.format(VDW_KERNEL)) # KPOINTS Kpoints.automatic_density(Structure.from_file('POSCAR'), 1000).write_file('KPOINTS') # INCAR INCAR_DICT.update( {'MAGMOM': utl.get_magmom_string(Structure.from_file('POSCAR'))} ) Incar.from_dict(INCAR_DICT).write_file('INCAR') # POTCAR utl.write_potcar() # Special tasks only performed for 2D materials. if dim == 2: # Ensure 20A interlayer vacuum utl.ensure_vacuum(Structure.from_file('POSCAR'), 20) # Remove all z k-points. kpts_lines = open('KPOINTS').readlines() with open('KPOINTS', 'w') as kpts: for line in kpts_lines[:3]: kpts.write(line) kpts.write(kpts_lines[3].split()[0] + ' ' + kpts_lines[3].split()[1] + ' 1') # Submission script if dim == 2: binary = VASP_TWOD_BIN elif dim == 3: binary = VASP_STD_BIN if QUEUE_SYSTEM == 'pbs': utl.write_pbs_runjob(directory, 1, 16, '800mb', '6:00:00', binary) submission_command = 'qsub runjob' elif QUEUE_SYSTEM == 'slurm': utl.write_slurm_runjob(directory, 16, '800mb', '6:00:00', binary) submission_command = 'sbatch runjob' if submit: os.system(submission_command)
def relax_references(potcar_types, incar_dict, submit=True, force_overwrite=False): """ Set up calculation directories to calibrate the ion corrections to match a specified framework of INCAR parameters and potcar hashes. Args: potcar_types (list): list of all elements to calibrate, containing specifications for the kind of potential desired for each element, e.g. ['Na_pv', 'O']. If oxygen is not explicitly included in the list, 'O' is used. incar_dict (dict): a dictionary of input parameters and their values, e.g. {'ISMEAR': -5, 'NSW': 10} submit (bool): whether or not to submit each job after preparing it. force_overwrite (bool): Whether or not to overwrite files if an already converged vasprun.xml exists in the directory. """ for element in potcar_types: if element.split('_')[0] == 'O': oxygen_potcar = element break else: oxygen_potcar = 'O' potcar_types.append('O') for element in potcar_types: elt = element.split('_')[0] # First, set up a relaxation for the pure element. if not os.path.isdir(elt): os.mkdir(elt) os.chdir(elt) s = MPR.get_structure_by_material_id(REFERENCE_MPIDS[elt]['element'])'POSCAR', 'POSCAR') relax(dim=3, incar_dict=incar_dict, submit=submit, force_overwrite=force_overwrite) utl.write_potcar(types=[element]) # Then set up a relaxation for its reference oxide. if elt not in ['O', 'S', 'F', 'Cl', 'Br', 'I', 'H']: if not os.path.isdir('oxide'): os.mkdir('oxide') os.chdir('oxide') s = MPR.get_structure_by_material_id(REFERENCE_MPIDS[elt]['oxide']) s.get_sorted_structure().to('POSCAR', 'POSCAR') relax(dim=3, incar_dict=incar_dict, submit=submit, force_overwrite=force_overwrite) utl.write_potcar(types=[element, oxygen_potcar]) os.chdir('../') os.chdir('../')
def relax(dim=2, submit=True, force_overwrite=False): """ Writes input files and (optionally) submits a self-consistent relaxation. Should be run before pretty much anything else, in order to get the right energy and structure of the material. Args: dim (int): 2 for relaxing a 2D material, 3 for a 3D material. submit (bool): Whether or not to submit the job. force_overwrite (bool): Whether or not to overwrite files if an already converged vasprun.xml exists in the directory. """ if force_overwrite or not utl.is_converged(os.getcwd()): directory = os.getcwd().split('/')[-1] # vdw_kernel.bindat file required for VDW calculations. if VDW_KERNEL: os.system('cp {} .'.format(VDW_KERNEL)) # KPOINTS Kpoints.automatic_density(Structure.from_file('POSCAR'), 1000).write_file('KPOINTS') # INCAR INCAR_DICT.update( {'MAGMOM': utl.get_magmom_string(Structure.from_file('POSCAR'))}) Incar.from_dict(INCAR_DICT).write_file('INCAR') # POTCAR utl.write_potcar() # Special tasks only performed for 2D materials. if dim == 2: # Ensure 20A interlayer vacuum utl.ensure_vacuum(Structure.from_file('POSCAR'), 20) # Remove all z k-points. kpts_lines = open('KPOINTS').readlines() with open('KPOINTS', 'w') as kpts: for line in kpts_lines[:3]: kpts.write(line) kpts.write(kpts_lines[3].split()[0] + ' ' + kpts_lines[3].split()[1] + ' 1') # Submission script if dim == 2: binary = VASP_TWOD_BIN elif dim == 3: binary = VASP_STD_BIN if QUEUE_SYSTEM == 'pbs': utl.write_pbs_runjob(directory, 1, 16, '800mb', '6:00:00', binary) submission_command = 'qsub runjob' elif QUEUE_SYSTEM == 'slurm': utl.write_slurm_runjob(directory, 16, '800mb', '6:00:00', binary) submission_command = 'sbatch runjob' if submit: os.system(submission_command)
def run_gamma_calculations(submit=True, step_size=0.5): """ Setup a 2D grid of static energy calculations to plot the Gamma surface between two layers of the 2D material. These calculations are run and stored in subdirectories under 'friction/lateral'. Args: submit (bool): Whether or not to submit the jobs. step_size (float): the distance between grid points in Angstroms. """ if not os.path.isdir('friction'): os.mkdir('friction') os.chdir('friction') if not os.path.isdir('lateral'): os.mkdir('lateral') os.chdir('lateral') os.system('cp ../../CONTCAR POSCAR') # Pad the bottom layer with 20 Angstroms of vacuum. utl.ensure_vacuum(Structure.from_file('POSCAR'), 20) structure = Structure.from_file('POSCAR') n_sites_per_layer = structure.num_sites n_divs_x = int(math.ceil(structure.lattice.a / step_size)) n_divs_y = int(math.ceil(structure.lattice.b / step_size)) # Get the thickness of the material. max_height = max([site.coords[2] for site in structure.sites]) min_height = min([site.coords[2] for site in structure.sites]) thickness = max_height - min_height # Make a new layer. species, coords = [], [] for site in structure.sites: # Original site species.append(site.specie) coords.append(site.coords) # New layer site species.append(site.specie) coords.append( [site.coords[0], site.coords[1], site.coords[2] + thickness + 3.5]) Structure(structure.lattice, species, coords, coords_are_cartesian=True).to('POSCAR', 'POSCAR') for x in range(n_divs_x): for y in range(n_divs_y): dir = '{}x{}'.format(x, y) if not os.path.isdir(dir): os.mkdir(dir) # Copy input files os.chdir(dir) os.system('cp ../../../INCAR .') os.system('cp ../../../KPOINTS .') os.system('cp ../POSCAR .') if VDW_KERNEL: os.system('cp {} .'.format(VDW_KERNEL)) # Shift the top layer structure = Structure.from_file("POSCAR") all_z_coords = [s.coords[2] for s in structure.sites] top_layer = [ s for s in structure.sites if s.coords[2] > np.mean(all_z_coords) ] structure.remove_sites( [i for i, s in enumerate(structure.sites) if s in top_layer]) for site in top_layer: structure.append(site.specie, [ site.coords[0] + float(x) / float(n_divs_x), site.coords[1] + float(y) / float(n_divs_y), site.coords[2] ], coords_are_cartesian=True) structure = structure.get_sorted_structure()"POSCAR", "POSCAR") utl.write_potcar() incar_dict = Incar.from_file('INCAR').as_dict() incar_dict.update({ 'NSW': 0, 'LAECHG': False, 'LCHARG': False, 'LWAVE': False, 'LVTOT': False, 'MAGMOM': utl.get_magmom_string(structure) }) incar_dict.pop('NPAR', None) Incar.from_dict(incar_dict).write_file('INCAR') if QUEUE_SYSTEM == 'pbs': utl.write_pbs_runjob(dir, 1, 8, '1000mb', '2:00:00', VASP_STD_BIN) submission_command = 'qsub runjob' elif QUEUE_SYSTEM == 'slurm': utl.write_slurm_runjob(dir, 8, '1000mb', '2:00:00', VASP_STD_BIN) submission_command = 'sbatch runjob' if submit: os.system(submission_command) os.chdir('../') os.chdir('../../')
def run_normal_force_calculations(basin_and_saddle_dirs, spacings=np.arange(1.5, 4.25, 0.25), submit=True): """ Set up and run static calculations of the basin directory and saddle directory at specified interlayer spacings to get f_N and f_F. Args: basin_and_saddle_dirs (tuple): Can be obtained by the get_basin_and_peak_locations() function under friction.analysis. For example, run_normal_force_calculations(('0x0', '3x6')) or run_normal_force_calculations(get_basin_and_peak_locations()) will both work. spacings (tuple): list of interlayer spacings (in Angstroms, as floats) at which to run the calculations. submit (bool): Whether or not to submit the jobs. """ spacings = [str(spc) for spc in spacings] os.chdir('friction') if not os.path.isdir('normal'): os.mkdir('normal') os.chdir('normal') for spacing in spacings: if not os.path.isdir(spacing): os.mkdir(spacing) for subdirectory in basin_and_saddle_dirs: os.system('cp -r ../lateral/{} {}/'.format(subdirectory, spacing)) os.chdir('{}/{}'.format(spacing, subdirectory)) structure = Structure.from_file('POSCAR') n_sites = len(structure.sites) all_z_coords = [s.coords[2] for s in structure.sites] top_layer = [ s for s in structure.sites if s.coords[2] > np.mean(all_z_coords) ] bottom_of_top_layer = min([site.coords[2] for site in top_layer]) remove_indices = [ i for i, s in enumerate(structure.sites) if s in top_layer ] structure.remove_sites(remove_indices) top_of_bottom_layer = max( [site.coords[2] for site in structure.sites]) for site in top_layer: structure.append(site.specie, [ site.coords[0], site.coords[1], site.coords[2] - bottom_of_top_layer + top_of_bottom_layer + float(spacing) ], coords_are_cartesian=True) structure = structure.get_sorted_structure()'POSCAR', 'POSCAR') utl.write_potcar() incar_dict = Incar.from_file('INCAR').as_dict() incar_dict.update({"MAGMOM": utl.get_magmom_string(structure)}) Incar.from_dict(incar_dict).write_file("INCAR") if QUEUE_SYSTEM == 'pbs': utl.write_pbs_runjob('{}_{}'.format(subdirectory, spacing), 1, 8, '1000mb', '2:00:00', VASP_STD_BIN) submission_command = 'qsub runjob' elif QUEUE_SYSTEM == 'slurm': utl.write_slurm_runjob('{}_{}'.format(subdirectory, spacing), 8, '1000mb', '2:00:00', VASP_STD_BIN) submission_command = 'sbatch runjob' if submit: os.system(submission_command) os.chdir('../../') os.chdir('../../')
def run_gamma_calculations(submit=True, step_size=0.5): """ Setup a 2D grid of static energy calculations to plot the Gamma surface between two layers of the 2D material. These calculations are run and stored in subdirectories under 'friction/lateral'. Args: submit (bool): Whether or not to submit the jobs. step_size (float): the distance between grid points in Angstroms. """ if not os.path.isdir('friction'): os.mkdir('friction') os.chdir('friction') if not os.path.isdir('lateral'): os.mkdir('lateral') os.chdir('lateral') try: os.system('cp ../../CONTCAR POSCAR') except: try: os.system('cp ../../POSCAR .') except: raise IOError('No POSCAR or CONTCAR found in ' + os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()))) # Pad the bottom layer with 20 Angstroms of vacuum. utl.ensure_vacuum(Structure.from_file('POSCAR'), 20) structure = Structure.from_file('POSCAR') n_sites_per_layer = structure.num_sites n_divs_x = int(math.ceil(structure.lattice.a / step_size)) n_divs_y = int(math.ceil(structure.lattice.b / step_size)) # Get the thickness of the material. max_height = max([site.coords[2] for site in structure.sites]) min_height = min([site.coords[2] for site in structure.sites]) thickness = max_height - min_height # Make a new layer. species, coords = [], [] for site in structure.sites: # Original site species.append(site.specie) coords.append(site.coords) # New layer site species.append(site.specie) coords.append( [site.coords[0], site.coords[1], site.coords[2] + thickness + 3.5]) Structure(structure.lattice, species, coords).to('POSCAR', 'POSCAR') for x in range(n_divs_x): for y in range(n_divs_y): dir = '{}x{}'.format(x, y) if not os.path.isdir(dir): os.mkdir(dir) # Copy input files os.chdir(dir) if not os.path.exists('../../INCAR'): raise IOError('No INCAR found in ' + os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()))) if not os.path.exists('../../KPOINTS'): raise IOError('No KPOINTS found in ' + os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()))) os.system('cp ../../../INCAR .') os.system('cp ../../../KPOINTS .') os.system('cp ../POSCAR .') if VDW_KERNEL: os.system('cp {} .'.format(VDW_KERNEL)) utl.write_potcar() incar_dict = Incar.from_file('INCAR').as_dict() incar_dict.update({ 'NSW': 0, 'LAECHG': False, 'LCHARG': False, 'LWAVE': False, 'LVTOT': False, 'MAGMOM': utl.get_magmom_string(Structure.from_file('POSCAR')) }) incar_dict.pop('NPAR', None) Incar.from_dict(incar_dict).write_file('INCAR') # Shift the top layer poscar_lines = open('POSCAR').readlines() with open('POSCAR', 'w') as poscar: for line in poscar_lines[:8 + n_sites_per_layer]: poscar.write(line) for line in poscar_lines[8 + n_sites_per_layer:]: split_line = line.split() new_coords = [ float(split_line[0]) + float(x) / float(n_divs_x), float(split_line[1]) + float(y) / float(n_divs_y), float(split_line[2]) ] poscar.write(' '.join([str(i) for i in new_coords]) + '\n') sub_exe = True if VASP_STD_BIN == 'None': print 'Executable is missing in ' + os.getcwd() + '/runjob' print 'Configure mpint_config.yaml file with your executable!' sub_exe = False if QUEUE_SYSTEM == 'pbs': utl.write_pbs_runjob(dir, 1, 8, '1000mb', '2:00:00', VASP_STD_BIN) submission_command = 'qsub runjob' elif QUEUE_SYSTEM == 'slurm': utl.write_slurm_runjob(dir, 8, '1000mb', '2:00:00', VASP_STD_BIN) submission_command = 'sbatch runjob' if submit and sub_exe: os.system(submission_command) os.chdir('../') os.chdir('../../')
def run_gamma_calculations(submit=True, step_size=0.5): """ Setup a 2D grid of static energy calculations to plot the Gamma surface between two layers of the 2D material. These calculations are run and stored in subdirectories under 'friction/lateral'. Args: submit (bool): Whether or not to submit the jobs. step_size (float): the distance between grid points in Angstroms. """ if not os.path.isdir('friction'): os.mkdir('friction') os.chdir('friction') if not os.path.isdir('lateral'): os.mkdir('lateral') os.chdir('lateral') os.system('cp ../../CONTCAR POSCAR') # Pad the bottom layer with 20 Angstroms of vacuum. utl.ensure_vacuum(Structure.from_file('POSCAR'), 20) structure = Structure.from_file('POSCAR') n_sites_per_layer = structure.num_sites n_divs_x = int(math.ceil(structure.lattice.a / step_size)) n_divs_y = int(math.ceil(structure.lattice.b / step_size)) # Get the thickness of the material. max_height = max([site.coords[2] for site in structure.sites]) min_height = min([site.coords[2] for site in structure.sites]) thickness = max_height - min_height # Make a new layer. species, coords = [], [] for site in structure.sites: # Original site species.append(site.specie) coords.append(site.coords) # New layer site species.append(site.specie) coords.append([site.coords[0], site.coords[1], site.coords[2] + thickness + 3.5]) Structure(structure.lattice, species, coords, coords_are_cartesian=True).to('POSCAR', 'POSCAR') for x in range(n_divs_x): for y in range(n_divs_y): dir = '{}x{}'.format(x, y) if not os.path.isdir(dir): os.mkdir(dir) # Copy input files os.chdir(dir) os.system('cp ../../../INCAR .') os.system('cp ../../../KPOINTS .') os.system('cp ../POSCAR .') if VDW_KERNEL: os.system('cp {} .'.format(VDW_KERNEL)) # Shift the top layer structure = Structure.from_file("POSCAR") all_z_coords = [s.coords[2] for s in structure.sites] top_layer = [s for s in structure.sites if s.coords[2] > np.mean(all_z_coords)] structure.remove_sites([i for i, s in enumerate(structure.sites) if s in top_layer]) for site in top_layer: structure.append( site.specie, [site.coords[0]+float(x)/float(n_divs_x), site.coords[1]+float(y)/float(n_divs_y), site.coords[2]], coords_are_cartesian=True ) structure = structure.get_sorted_structure()"POSCAR", "POSCAR") utl.write_potcar() incar_dict = Incar.from_file('INCAR').as_dict() incar_dict.update({'NSW': 0, 'LAECHG': False, 'LCHARG': False, 'LWAVE': False, 'LVTOT': False, 'MAGMOM': utl.get_magmom_string(structure)}) incar_dict.pop('NPAR', None) Incar.from_dict(incar_dict).write_file('INCAR') if QUEUE_SYSTEM == 'pbs': utl.write_pbs_runjob(dir, 1, 8, '1000mb', '2:00:00', VASP_STD_BIN) submission_command = 'qsub runjob' elif QUEUE_SYSTEM == 'slurm': utl.write_slurm_runjob(dir, 8, '1000mb', '2:00:00', VASP_STD_BIN) submission_command = 'sbatch runjob' if submit: os.system(submission_command) os.chdir('../') os.chdir('../../')
def run_normal_force_calculations(basin_and_saddle_dirs, spacings=np.arange(1.5, 4.25, 0.25), submit=True): """ Set up and run static calculations of the basin directory and saddle directory at specified interlayer spacings to get f_N and f_F. Args: basin_and_saddle_dirs (tuple): Can be obtained by the get_basin_and_peak_locations() function under friction.analysis. For example, run_normal_force_calculations(('0x0', '3x6')) or run_normal_force_calculations(get_basin_and_peak_locations()) will both work. spacings (tuple): list of interlayer spacings (in Angstroms, as floats) at which to run the calculations. submit (bool): Whether or not to submit the jobs. """ spacings = [str(spc) for spc in spacings] os.chdir('friction') if not os.path.isdir('normal'): os.mkdir('normal') os.chdir('normal') for spacing in spacings: if not os.path.isdir(spacing): os.mkdir(spacing) for subdirectory in basin_and_saddle_dirs: os.system('cp -r ../lateral/{} {}/'.format(subdirectory, spacing)) os.chdir('{}/{}'.format(spacing, subdirectory)) structure = Structure.from_file('POSCAR') n_sites = len(structure.sites) all_z_coords = [s.coords[2] for s in structure.sites] top_layer = [s for s in structure.sites if s.coords[2] > np.mean(all_z_coords)] bottom_of_top_layer = min([site.coords[2] for site in top_layer]) remove_indices = [i for i, s in enumerate(structure.sites) if s in top_layer] structure.remove_sites(remove_indices) top_of_bottom_layer = max( [site.coords[2] for site in structure.sites] ) for site in top_layer: structure.append( site.specie, [site.coords[0], site.coords[1], site.coords[2] - bottom_of_top_layer + top_of_bottom_layer + float(spacing)], coords_are_cartesian=True) structure = structure.get_sorted_structure()'POSCAR', 'POSCAR') utl.write_potcar() incar_dict = Incar.from_file('INCAR').as_dict() incar_dict.update({"MAGMOM": utl.get_magmom_string(structure)}) Incar.from_dict(incar_dict).write_file("INCAR") if QUEUE_SYSTEM == 'pbs': utl.write_pbs_runjob('{}_{}'.format( subdirectory, spacing), 1, 8, '1000mb', '2:00:00', VASP_STD_BIN) submission_command = 'qsub runjob' elif QUEUE_SYSTEM == 'slurm': utl.write_slurm_runjob('{}_{}'.format( subdirectory, spacing), 8, '1000mb', '2:00:00', VASP_STD_BIN) submission_command = 'sbatch runjob' if submit: os.system(submission_command) os.chdir('../../') os.chdir('../../')