class Nirvana(HasTraits): xcontrol = Instance(XControl) csetting = Instance(XSetting) figure = Instance(Figure) # 控制绘图控件的Figure对象 view = View( HSplit( # Item("figure", editor=MPLFigureEditor(), show_label=False,width=0.85), Group( Item('xcontrol',style='custom',show_label=False), Item('csetting',style='custom',show_label=False), show_labels = False, # 组中的所有控件都不显示标签 layout = 'tabbed', ), show_labels = False # 组中的所有控件都不显示标签 ), resizable=True, height=0.95, width=0.99, buttons=[OKButton,] ) def _figure_default(self): figure = Figure() figure.add_axes([0.05, 0.04, 0.9, 0.92]) return figure def _xcontrol_default(self): return XControl(figure=self.figure) def _csetting_default(self): cs = XSetting(figure=self.figure) cs.generate_candidate([base_infos,index_infos,custom_infos]) return cs
class Test(HasTraits): figure = Instance(Figure, ()) view = View(Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), show_label=False), width=400, height=300, resizable=True) def __init__(self): super(Test, self).__init__() axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111) t = linspace(0, 2 * pi, 200) axes.plot( sin(t) * (1 + 0.5 * cos(11 * t)), cos(t) * (1 + 0.5 * cos(11 * t)))
class MainWindow(HasTraits): """ The main window, here go the instructions to create and destroy the application. """ figure = Instance(Figure) panel = Instance(ControlPanel) def _figure_default(self): figure = Figure() figure.add_axes([0.05, 0.04, 0.9, 0.92]) return figure def _panel_default(self): return ControlPanel(figure=self.figure) view = View(HSplit( Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), dock='vertical'), Item('panel', style="custom"), show_labels=False, ), resizable=True, height=0.75, width=0.75, handler=MainWindowHandler(), buttons=NoButtons)
class Mainwindow(HasTraits): # panel = Instance(ControlPanel) mats_eval = Instance(MATSEval) fets_eval = Instance(FETS1D52ULRH) time_stepper = Instance(TStepper) time_loop = Instance(TLoop) t_record = Array U_record = Array F_record = Array sf_record = Array eps_record = List sig_record = List figure = Instance(Figure) def _figure_default(self): figure = Figure() return figure plot = Button() def _plot_fired(self): self.draw() self.figure.canvas.draw() sigma_y = Range(0.2, 1.2) E_b = Range(0.05, 0.35) K_bar = Range(-0.01, 0.05) @on_trait_change('sigma_y, E_b, K_bar') def plot(self): self.mats_eval.sigma_y = self.sigma_y self.mats_eval.E_b = self.E_b self.mats_eval.K_bar = self.K_bar self.draw() self.figure.canvas.draw() L_x = Range(5., 15., value=15.) @on_trait_change('L_x') def plot1(self): self.time_stepper.L_x = self.L_x self.draw() self.figure.canvas.draw() ax1 = Property() @cached_property def _get_ax1(self): return self.figure.add_subplot(231) ax2 = Property() @cached_property def _get_ax2(self): return self.figure.add_subplot(232) ax3 = Property() @cached_property def _get_ax3(self): return self.figure.add_subplot(234) ax4 = Property() @cached_property def _get_ax4(self): return self.figure.add_subplot(235) ax5 = Property() @cached_property def _get_ax5(self): return self.figure.add_subplot(233) ax6 = Property() @cached_property def _get_ax6(self): return self.figure.add_subplot(236) def draw(self): self.U_record, self.F_record, self.sf_record, self.t_record, self.eps_record, self.sig_record = self.time_loop.eval( ) n_dof = 2 * self.time_stepper.domain.n_active_elems + 1 slip, bond = self.time_stepper.mats_eval.get_bond_slip() self.ax1.cla() l_bs, = self.ax1.plot(slip, bond) self.ax1.set_title('bond-slip law') self.ax2.cla() l_po, = self.ax2.plot(self.U_record[:, n_dof], self.F_record[:, n_dof]) marker_po, = self.ax2.plot(self.U_record[-1, n_dof], self.F_record[-1, n_dof], 'ro') self.ax2.set_title('pull-out force-displacement curve') self.ax3.cla() X = np.linspace(0, self.time_stepper.L_x, self.time_stepper.n_e_x + 1) X_ip = np.repeat(X, 2)[1:-1] l_sf, = self.ax3.plot(X_ip, self.sf_record[-1, :]) self.ax3.set_title('shear flow in the bond interface') self.ax4.cla() U = np.reshape(self.U_record[-1, :], (-1, 2)).T l_u0, = self.ax4.plot(X, U[0]) l_u1, = self.ax4.plot(X, U[1]) l_us, = self.ax4.plot(X, U[1] - U[0]) self.ax4.set_title('displacement and slip') self.ax5.cla() l_eps0, = self.ax5.plot(X_ip, self.eps_record[-1][:, :, 0].flatten()) l_eps1, = self.ax5.plot(X_ip, self.eps_record[-1][:, :, 2].flatten()) self.ax5.set_title('strain') self.ax6.cla() l_sig0, = self.ax6.plot(X_ip, self.sig_record[-1][:, :, 0].flatten()) l_sig1, = self.ax6.plot(X_ip, self.sig_record[-1][:, :, 2].flatten()) self.ax6.set_title('stress') time = Range(0.00, 1.02, value=1.02) @on_trait_change('time') def draw_t(self): idx = (np.abs(self.time - self.t_record)).argmin() n_dof = 2 * self.time_stepper.domain.n_active_elems + 1 self.ax2.cla() l_po, = self.ax2.plot(self.U_record[:, n_dof], self.F_record[:, n_dof]) marker_po, = self.ax2.plot(self.U_record[idx, n_dof], self.F_record[idx, n_dof], 'ro') self.ax2.set_title('pull-out force-displacement curve') self.ax3.cla() X = np.linspace(0, self.time_stepper.L_x, self.time_stepper.n_e_x + 1) X_ip = np.repeat(X, 2)[1:-1] l_sf, = self.ax3.plot(X_ip, self.sf_record[idx, :]) self.ax3.set_title('shear flow in the bond interface') self.ax4.cla() U = np.reshape(self.U_record[idx, :], (-1, 2)).T l_u0, = self.ax4.plot(X, U[0]) l_u1, = self.ax4.plot(X, U[1]) l_us, = self.ax4.plot(X, U[1] - U[0]) self.ax4.set_title('displacement and slip') self.ax5.cla() l_eps0, = self.ax5.plot(X_ip, self.eps_record[idx][:, :, 0].flatten()) l_eps1, = self.ax5.plot(X_ip, self.eps_record[idx][:, :, 2].flatten()) self.ax5.set_title('strain') self.ax6.cla() l_sig0, = self.ax6.plot(X_ip, self.sig_record[idx][:, :, 0].flatten()) l_sig1, = self.ax6.plot(X_ip, self.sig_record[idx][:, :, 2].flatten()) self.ax6.set_title('stress') self.figure.canvas.draw() view = View( HSplit(Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), dock='vertical', width=0.7, height=0.9), Group(Item('mats_eval'), Item('fets_eval'), Item('time_stepper'), Item('time_loop'), Item('sigma_y'), Item('E_b'), Item('K_bar'), Item('L_x'), Item('time')), show_labels=False), resizable=True, height=0.9, width=1.0, )
class MainWindow(HasTraits): panel = Instance(ControlPanel, ()) df = DelegatesTo('panel') plot_fourier_series = Bool(True) plot_data = Bool(True) plot_type = Trait('0_plot_xy', {'0_plot_xy':0, '1_plot_n_coeff':1, '2_plot_freq_coeff':2, '3_plot_freq_coeff_abs':3, '4_plot_freq_energy':4}) plot_title = Str(enter_set=True, auto_set=False, changed=True) label_fsize = Float(15, enter_set=True, auto_set=False, changed=True) tick_fsize = Float(15, enter_set=True, auto_set=False, changed=True) title_fsize = Float(15, enter_set=True, auto_set=False, changed=True) label_default = Bool(True) x_label = Str('x', changed=True) x_limit_on = Bool(False) x_limit = Tuple((0., 1.), changed=True) y_label = Str('y', changed=True) y_limit_on = Bool(False) y_limit = Tuple((0., 1.), changed=True) figure = Instance(Figure) def _figure_default(self): figure = Figure(tight_layout=True) figure.add_subplot(111) # figure.add_axes([0.15, 0.15, 0.75, 0.75]) return figure @on_trait_change('+changed') def _redraw(self): self._draw_fired() draw = Button def _draw_fired(self): figure = self.figure axes = figure.axes[0] axes.clear() # self.x_limit = (axes.axis()[0], axes.axis()[1]) # self.y_limit = (axes.axis()[2], axes.axis()[3]) df = self.df label_fsize = self.label_fsize tick_fsize = self.tick_fsize title_fsize = self.title_fsize if self.plot_type_ == 0: if self.plot_data and self.plot_fourier_series == False: axes.plot(df.x, df.y, color='blue', label='data') elif self.plot_fourier_series and self.plot_data == False: axes.plot(df.x, df.y_fourier, color='green', label='fourier') else: axes.plot(df.x, df.y, color='blue', label='data') axes.plot(df.x, df.y_fourier, color='green', label='fourier') axes.legend(loc='best') axes.grid() if self.label_default: self.x_label = 'x' self.y_label = 'y' axes.set_xlabel(self.x_label, fontsize=label_fsize) axes.set_ylabel(self.y_label, fontsize=label_fsize) axes.set_title(self.plot_title, fontsize=title_fsize) if self.x_limit_on: axes.set_xlim(self.x_limit) if self.y_limit_on: axes.set_ylim(self.y_limit) p.setp(axes.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=tick_fsize, position=(0, -.01)) # position - posun od osy x p.setp(axes.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=tick_fsize) if self.plot_type_ == 1: axes.vlines(df.N_arr - 0.05, [0], df.cos_coeff, color='blue', label='cos') axes.vlines(df.N_arr + 0.05, [0], df.sin_coeff, color='green', label='sin') axes.legend(loc='best') axes.grid() if self.label_default: self.x_label = 'n' self.y_label = 'coeff' axes.set_title(self.plot_title, fontsize=title_fsize) axes.set_xlabel(self.x_label, fontsize=label_fsize) axes.set_ylabel(self.y_label, fontsize=label_fsize) if self.x_limit_on: axes.set_xlim(self.x_limit) if self.y_limit_on: axes.set_ylim(self.y_limit) p.setp(axes.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=tick_fsize, position=(0, -.01)) # position - posun od osy x p.setp(axes.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=tick_fsize) if self.plot_type_ == 2: axes.vlines(df.freq, [0], df.cos_coeff, color='blue', label='cos') axes.vlines(df.freq, [0], df.sin_coeff, color='green', label='sin') axes.legend(loc='best') axes.grid() if self.label_default: self.x_label = 'freq' self.y_label = 'coeff' axes.set_title(self.plot_title, fontsize=title_fsize) axes.set_xlabel(self.x_label, fontsize=label_fsize) axes.set_ylabel(self.y_label, fontsize=label_fsize) if self.x_limit_on: axes.set_xlim(self.x_limit) if self.y_limit_on: axes.set_ylim(self.y_limit) p.setp(axes.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=tick_fsize, position=(0, -.01)) # position - posun od osy x p.setp(axes.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=tick_fsize) if self.plot_type_ == 3: axes.vlines(df.freq, [0], np.abs(df.cos_coeff), color='blue', label='cos') axes.vlines(df.freq, [0], np.abs(df.sin_coeff), color='green', label='sin') axes.legend(loc='best') axes.set_title(self.plot_title, fontsize=title_fsize) if self.label_default: self.x_label = 'freq' self.y_label = 'coeff' axes.set_xlabel(self.x_label, fontsize=label_fsize) axes.set_ylabel(self.y_label, fontsize=label_fsize) y_val = np.abs(np.hstack((df.cos_coeff, df.sin_coeff))).max() axes.set_ybound((0, y_val * 1.05)) if self.x_limit_on: axes.set_xlim(self.x_limit) if self.y_limit_on: axes.set_ylim(self.y_limit) p.setp(axes.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=tick_fsize, position=(0, -.01)) # position - posun od osy x p.setp(axes.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=tick_fsize) if self.plot_type_ == 4: axes.plot(df.freq,, 'k-', label='energ') axes.legend(loc='best') axes.set_title(self.plot_title, fontsize=title_fsize) if self.label_default: self.x_label = 'freq' self.y_label = 'energy' axes.set_xlabel(self.x_label, fontsize=label_fsize) axes.set_ylabel(self.y_label, fontsize=label_fsize) y_val = np.abs(np.hstack((df.cos_coeff, df.sin_coeff))).max() axes.set_ybound((0, y_val * 1.05)) if self.x_limit_on: axes.set_xlim(self.x_limit) if self.y_limit_on: axes.set_ylim(self.y_limit) p.setp(axes.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=tick_fsize, position=(0, -.01)) # position - posun od osy x p.setp(axes.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=tick_fsize) self.figure.canvas.draw() traits_view = View(HSplit( Tabbed( Group( Item('panel@', show_label=False, id='fourier.panel'), Group( Item('plot_data'), Item('plot_fourier_series'), '_', Item('plot_type'), label='plot options', show_border=True, id='fourier.plot_options' ), UItem('draw', label='calculate and draw'), label='fourier', id='fourier.fourier' ), Group( Item('plot_title', label='title'), Item('title_fsize', label='title fontsize'), Item('label_fsize', label='label fontsize'), Item('tick_fsize', label='tick fontsize'), Item('_'), Item('x_limit_on'), Item('x_limit', label='x limit - plot', enabled_when='x_limit_on'), Item('_'), Item('y_limit_on'), Item('y_limit', label='y limit - plot', enabled_when='y_limit_on'), Item('_'), Item('label_default'), Item('x_label', enabled_when='label_default==False'), Item('y_label', enabled_when='label_default==False'), label='plot settings', show_border=True, id='fourier.plot_settings', dock='tab', ), ), VGroup( Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), resizable=True, show_label=False), label='Plot sheet', id='fourier.figure', dock='tab', ), ), title='Fourier series', id='main_window.view', resizable=True, width=0.7, height=0.7, buttons=[OKButton] )
class Graph(HasTraits): """ 绘图组件,包括左边的数据选择控件和右边的绘图控件 """ name = Str # 绘图名,显示在标签页标题和绘图标题中 data_source = Instance(DataSource) # 保存数据的数据源 figure = Instance(Figure) # 控制绘图控件的Figure对象 selected_xaxis = Str # X轴所用的数据名 selected_items = List # Y轴所用的数据列表 clear_button = Button(u"清除") # 快速清除Y轴的所有选择的数据 view = View( HSplit( # HSplit分为左右两个区域,中间有可调节宽度比例的调节手柄 # 左边为一个组 VGroup( Item("name"), # 绘图名编辑框 Item("clear_button"), # 清除按钮 Heading(u"X轴数据"), # 静态文本 # X轴选择器,用EnumEditor编辑器,即ComboBox控件,控件中的候选数据从 # data_source的names属性得到 Item("selected_xaxis", editor= EnumEditor(name="object.data_source.names", format_str=u"%s")), Heading(u"Y轴数据"), # 静态文本 # Y轴选择器,由于Y轴可以多选,因此用CheckBox列表编辑,按两列显示 Item("selected_items", style="custom", editor=CheckListEditor(name="object.data_source.names", cols=2, format_str=u"%s")), show_border = True, # 显示组的边框 scrollable = True, # 组中的控件过多时,采用滚动条 show_labels = False # 组中的所有控件都不显示标签 ), # 右边绘图控件 Item("figure", editor=MPLFigureEditor(), show_label=False, width=600) ) ) def _name_changed(self): """ 当绘图名发生变化时,更新绘图的标题 """ axe = self.figure.axes[0] axe.set_title( self.figure.canvas.draw() def _clear_button_fired(self): """ 清除按钮的事件处理 """ self.selected_items = [] self.update() def _figure_default(self): """ figure属性的缺省值,直接创建一个Figure对象 """ figure = Figure() figure.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.85, 0.80]) #添加绘图区域,四周留有边距 return figure def _selected_items_changed(self): """ Y轴数据选择更新 """ self.update() def _selected_xaxis_changed(self): """ X轴数据选择更新 """ self.update() def update(self): """ 重新绘制所有的曲线 """ axe = self.figure.axes[0] axe.clear() try: xdata =[self.selected_xaxis] except: return for field in self.selected_items: axe.plot(xdata,[field], label=field) axe.set_xlabel(self.selected_xaxis) axe.set_title( axe.legend() self.figure.canvas.draw()
ax = self.figure.add_subplot(111) ax.imshow(self.imgarray, cmap = cm.gist_gray) self.figure.canvas.draw() def do_threshold(self): """ threshold image """ thrsh = threshold_otsu(self.imgarray) self.imgarray = self.imgarray>thrsh def do_swirl(self): """ swirl image """ swirled = swirl(self.imgarray, rotation=0, strength=10, radius=150, order=2) self.imgarray = swirled def do_rotate(self): """ if you rotate after thresholding, then the image looks weird""" rotated = ndimage.rotate(self.imgarray, 90) self.imgarray=rotated def do_undo(self): """ 1 step undo """ self.imgarray = self.prev_array ## configure gui appearance view1 = View(Item('query',width = -250,resizable=True,label = "Query String",full_size=True), Item('refresh',resizable = True, label = "Refresh Image"), Item('url',width = -250, resizable = True, padding = 2, label = "Image URL",full_size=True), Item('figure', show_label = False, width = 600, height = 600, resizable = True, editor = MPLFigureEditor()), Item('thresh', label = 'Threshold',show_label=False), Item('swirled',resizable=False,label = 'Swirl',show_label=False), Item('rotate',resizable=False,label="Rotate 90",show_label=False),Item('undo',resizable=False,label="UNDO",show_label=False)) i = ImgManip(); i.configure_traits(view = view1)
class MPLPlot(Viewer): """ A plot, cointains code to display using a Matplotlib figure and to update itself dynamically from a Variables instance (which must be passed in on initialisation). The function plotted is calculated using 'expr' which should also be set on init and can be any python expression using the variables in the pool. """ name = Str('MPL Plot') figure = Instance(Figure, ()) expr = Str x_max = Float x_max_auto = Bool(True) x_min = Float x_min_auto = Bool(True) y_max = Float y_max_auto = Bool(True) y_min = Float y_min_auto = Bool(True) scroll = Bool(True) scroll_width = Float(300) legend = Bool(False) legend_pos = Enum('upper left', 'upper right', 'lower left', 'lower right', 'right', 'center left', 'center right', 'lower center', 'upper center', 'center', 'best') traits_view = View(Item(name='name', label='Plot name'), Item(name='expr', label='Expression(s)', editor=TextEditor(enter_set=True, auto_set=False)), Item(label='Use commas\nfor multi-line plots.'), HGroup( Item(name='legend', label='Show legend'), Item(name='legend_pos', show_label=False), ), VGroup(HGroup(Item(name='x_max', label='Max'), Item(name='x_max_auto', label='Auto')), HGroup(Item(name='x_min', label='Min'), Item(name='x_min_auto', label='Auto')), HGroup( Item(name='scroll', label='Scroll'), Item(name='scroll_width', label='Scroll width'), ), label='X', show_border=True), VGroup(HGroup(Item(name='y_max', label='Max'), Item(name='y_max_auto', label='Auto')), HGroup(Item(name='y_min', label='Min'), Item(name='y_min_auto', label='Auto')), label='Y', show_border=True), title='Plot settings', resizable=True) view = View(Item(name='figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), show_label=False), width=400, height=300, resizable=True) legend_prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size=8) def start(self): # Init code creates an empty plot to be updated later. axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111) axes.plot([0], [0]) def update(self): """ Update the plot from the Variables instance and make a call to wx to redraw the figure. """ axes = self.figure.gca() lines = axes.get_lines() if lines: exprs = self.get_exprs() if len(exprs) > len(lines): for i in range(len(exprs) - len(lines)): axes.plot([0], [0]) lines = axes.get_lines() max_xs = max_ys = min_xs = min_ys = 0 for n, expr in enumerate(exprs): first = 0 last = None if self.scroll and self.x_min_auto and self.x_max_auto: first = -self.scroll_width if not self.x_min_auto: first = int(self.x_min) if not self.x_max_auto: last = int(self.x_max) + 1 ys = self.variables.new_expression(expr).get_array(first, last) if len(ys) != 0: xs = self.variables.new_expression('sample_num').get_array( first, last) else: xs = [0] ys = [0] if len(xs) != len(ys): print "MPL Plot: x and y arrays different sizes!!! Ignoring (but fix me soon)." return lines[n].set_xdata(xs) lines[n].set_ydata(ys) max_xs = max_xs if (max(xs) < max_xs) else max(xs) max_ys = max_ys if (max(ys) < max_ys) else max(ys) min_xs = min_xs if (min(xs) > min_xs) else min(xs) min_ys = min_ys if (min(ys) > min_ys) else min(ys) if self.x_max_auto: self.x_max = max_xs if self.x_min_auto: if self.scroll and self.x_max_auto: scroll_x_min = self.x_max - self.scroll_width self.x_min = scroll_x_min if (scroll_x_min >= 0) else 0 else: self.x_min = min_xs if self.y_max_auto: self.y_max = max_ys if self.y_min_auto: self.y_min = min_ys axes.set_xbound(upper=self.x_max, lower=self.x_min) axes.set_ybound(upper=self.y_max * 1.1, lower=self.y_min * 1.1) self.draw_plot() def get_exprs(self): return self.expr.split(',') def add_expr(self, expr): if self.expr == '' or self.expr[:-1] == ',': self.expr += expr else: self.expr += ',' + expr def draw_plot(self): if self.figure.canvas: CallAfter(self.figure.canvas.draw) @on_trait_change('legend_pos') def update_legend_pos(self, old, new): """ Move the legend, calls update_legend """ self.update_legend(None, None) @on_trait_change('legend') def update_legend(self, old, new): """ Called when we change the legend display """ axes = self.figure.gca() lines = axes.get_lines() exprs = self.get_exprs() if len(exprs) >= 1 and self.legend: axes.legend(lines[:len(exprs)], exprs, loc=self.legend_pos, prop=self.legend_prop) else: axes.legend_ = None self.draw_plot()
class MainWindow(HasTraits): def _pck_(self, action, f=mainpck): if action == 'load': try: fpck = open(f, "rb") print 'Loading panel from %s' % mainpck self.seqs = pickle.load(fpck) except: print "Loading Fail" return if action == 'save': print 'Saving panel to %s' % mainpck fpck = open(f, "w+b") pickle.dump(self.seqs, fpck) fpck.close() figure = Figure() seqs = List([sequence(name='S0', file=default_file)]) add = Button("Add Sequence") plot = Button("Plot") data_digi = List() data_analog = List() data_digi_time = List() data_digi_names = List() data_analog_time = List() data_analog_names = List() autorangeY = Bool(True, label="Autorange in Y?") plot_rangeY_max = Float(10) plot_rangeY_min = Float(0) autorange = Bool(True, label="Autorange?") plot_range_max = Float(10000) plot_range_min = Float() def _figure_default(self): self.figure = Figure() self.figure.add_axes([0.05, 0.04, 0.9, 0.92]) control_group = Group( Item('plot', show_label=False), VGroup( Item('seqs', style='custom', editor=ListEditor(use_notebook=True, deletable=True, dock_style='tab', page_name='.name')), Item('add', show_label=False), show_labels=False, show_border=True, label='seqs', )) view = View( HSplit( control_group, VGroup( Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), dock='vertical', show_label=False, width=700), HGroup('autorange', 'plot_range_min', spring, 'plot_range_max'), HGroup('autorangeY', 'plot_rangeY_min', spring, 'plot_rangeY_max'))), width=1, height=0.95, resizable=True, handler=MainWindowHandler(), ) def _add_fired(self): self.seqs.append( sequence(name='S%d' % len(self.seqs), file=default_file)) def _plot_fired(self): self.get_data() self.image_show() #~ def _plot_range_max_changed(self): #~ sleep() #~ self.image_show() #~ def _plot_range_min_changed(self): #~ self.image_show() def get_data(self): self.data_digi = [] self.data_analog = [] self.data_digi_time = [] self.data_digi_names = [] self.data_analog_time = [] self.data_analog_names = [] digi_counter = 1 for seq in self.seqs: for waveform in seq.waveforms: for i, channel in enumerate(waveform.channels): if channel in waveform.select_channels: if == 'Digital': digi_counter = digi_counter + 1 digi_counter_2 = 1 for seq in self.seqs: for waveform in seq.waveforms: for i, channel in enumerate(waveform.channels): if channel in waveform.select_channels: if == 'Digital': self.data_digi_time.append(waveform.time) self.data_digi_names.append( + '_' + + '_' + channel) length = len(waveform.select_channels) height = 10. / (digi_counter - 1) self.data_digi.append([ i * height * 0.8 - digi_counter_2 * height + height * 0.1 for i in[i] ]) digi_counter_2 = digi_counter_2 + 1 else: self.data_analog_time.append(waveform.time) self.data_analog_names.append( + '_' + + '_' + channel) self.data_analog.append([i]) def image_clear(self): """ Clears canvas """ self.figure.clf() wx.CallAfter(self.figure.canvas.draw) def image_show(self): """ Plots an image on the canvas """ self.image_clear() self.figure.add_axes([0.08, 0.5, 0.7, 0.4]) analog_axis = self.figure.axes[0] self.figure.add_axes([0.08, 0.05, 0.7, 0.4]) self.figure.axes[1].set_yticks([]) digi_axis = self.figure.axes[1].twinx() digi_ticks = [] for i, name in enumerate(self.data_digi_names): digi_axis.step(self.data_digi_time[i], self.data_digi[i], where='post', label=name) digi_ticks.append(-(i + 0.5) * 10. / len(self.data_digi_names)) digi_axis.axhline(-(i + 1) * 10. / len(self.data_digi_names), color='grey', lw=1.5) for i, name in enumerate(self.data_analog_names): #~ print name,len(self.data_analog_time[i]),len(self.data_analog[i]) analog_axis.step(self.data_analog_time[i], self.data_analog[i], where='post', label=name) analog_axis.axhline(0, color='black', lw=2) analog_axis.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1.01), loc=2, prop={'size': 10}) #digi_axis.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 0.5),loc=2,prop={'size':10}) analog_axis.set_xlabel('Time(ms)') self.figure.axes[1].set_ylabel('TTL') analog_axis.set_ylabel('Voltage(V)') analog_axis.grid(True) if not self.autorangeY: analog_axis.set_ylim(self.plot_rangeY_min, self.plot_rangeY_max) else: axismin = min(analog_axis.get_ylim()) axismax = max(analog_axis.get_ylim()) analog_axis.set_ylim(axismin, axismax) self.plot_rangeY_max = axismax self.plot_rangeY_min = axismin if not self.autorange: analog_axis.set_xlim(self.plot_range_min, self.plot_range_max) digi_axis.set_xlim(self.plot_range_min, self.plot_range_max) else: axismin = min(analog_axis.get_xlim() + digi_axis.get_xlim()) axismax = max(analog_axis.get_xlim() + digi_axis.get_xlim()) analog_axis.set_xlim(axismin, axismax) digi_axis.set_xlim(axismin, axismax) #~ analog_axis.set_ylim(bottom=0,top=11) self.plot_range_max = axismax self.plot_range_min = axismin digi_axis.set_ylim(bottom=-11, top=0) digi_axis.set_yticks(digi_ticks) digi_axis.set_yticklabels(self.data_digi_names) wx.CallAfter(self.figure.canvas.draw)
class MainWindow(HasTraits): #This functio takes care of loading or saving the pck def _pck_(self, action, f=mainpck): if action == 'load': try: try: fpck = open(f, "rb") print 'Loading panel from %s ... ' % mainpck self.seqs = pickle.load(fpck) self.autorangeY = pickle.load(fpck) self.plot_rangeY_max = pickle.load(fpck) self.plot_rangeY_min = pickle.load(fpck) self.autorange = pickle.load(fpck) self.plot_range_max = pickle.load(fpck) self.plot_range_min = pickle.load(fpck) fpck.close() except: fpck = open(f, "rb") print 'Loading panel from %s ... ' % mainpck self.seqs = pickle.load(fpck) fpck.close() except: print "Loading Fail" return if action == 'save': print 'Saving panel to %s ...' % mainpck fpck = open(f, "w+b") pickle.dump(self.seqs, fpck) pickle.dump(self.autorangeY, fpck) pickle.dump(self.plot_rangeY_max, fpck) pickle.dump(self.plot_rangeY_min, fpck) pickle.dump(self.autorange, fpck) pickle.dump(self.plot_range_max, fpck) pickle.dump(self.plot_range_min, fpck) fpck.close() #Here are the elements of the main window figure = Figure() global seqct seqct = seqct + 1 #increment seq counter seqs = List([sequence(name='S%d' % seqct, txtfile=default_file)]) selectedseq = Instance(sequence) index = Int add = Button("Add Sequence") plot = Button("Plot") data_digi = List() data_digi_time = List() data_digi_names = List() data_analog = List() data_analog_time = List() data_analog_names = List() autorangeY = Bool(True, label="Autorange in Y?") plot_rangeY_max = Float(10) plot_rangeY_min = Float(0) autorange = Bool(True, label="Autorange?") plot_range_max = Float(10000) plot_range_min = Float() def _figure_default(self): self.figure = Figure() self.figure.add_axes([0.05, 0.04, 0.9, 0.92]) #This group contains the View of the control buttons #and the waveforms control_group = Group( Item('plot', show_label=False), VGroup( Item('seqs', style='custom', editor=ListEditor(use_notebook=True, selected='selectedseq', deletable=True, dock_style='tab', page_name='.name')), Item('add', show_label=False), show_labels=False, show_border=True, label='seqs', )) #This is the view of the Main Window, including the #control group view = View( HSplit( control_group, VGroup( Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), dock='vertical', show_label=False, width=700), HGroup('autorange', 'plot_range_min', spring, 'plot_range_max'), HGroup('autorangeY', 'plot_rangeY_min', spring, 'plot_rangeY_max'))), title='Display Sequence', width=1, height=0.95, resizable=True, handler=MainWindowHandler(), ) def _selectedseq_changed(self, selectedseq): self.index = self.seqs.index(selectedseq) #Define action when a new sequence is added def _add_fired(self): global seqct seqct = seqct + 1 new = copy.deepcopy(self.seqs[self.index]) = 'S%d' % seqct self.seqs.append(new) #Define action when the plot button is pressed def _plot_fired(self): self.get_data() self.image_show() #~ def _plot_range_max_changed(self): #~ sleep() #~ self.image_show() #~ def _plot_range_min_changed(self): #~ self.image_show() #Here the data def get_data(self): self.data_digi = [] self.data_digi_time = [] self.data_digi_names = [] self.data_analog = [] self.data_analog_time = [] self.data_analog_names = [] self.data_physical = [] self.data_physical_time = [] self.data_physical_names = [] #Find out how many digital channels will be plotted digi_counter = 1 for seq in self.seqs: if seq.plotme == True: for waveform in seq.waveforms: for i, channel in enumerate(waveform.channels): if channel in waveform.select_channels: if == 'Digital': digi_counter = digi_counter + 1 #Setup all the digital & analog channels from the various #seqs for plotting digi_counter_2 = 1 for seq in self.seqs: if seq.plotme == True: #Prepare the physical quantities calculator class physical = physics.calc(seq.seq.wfms) print "\n-------- GETTING DATA TO PRODUCE PLOT --------" for waveform in seq.waveforms: for i, channel in enumerate(waveform.channels): if channel in waveform.select_channels: if == 'Digital': self.data_digi_time.append(waveform.time) self.data_digi_names.append( + '_' + + '_' + channel) length = len(waveform.select_channels) height = 10. / (digi_counter - 1) self.data_digi.append( [ i*height*0.8 - digi_counter_2*height + height*0.1 \ for i in[i] ] ) digi_counter_2 = digi_counter_2 + 1 elif == 'Analog': self.data_analog_names.append( + '_' + + '_' + channel) self.data_analog_time.append(waveform.time[i]) self.data_analog.append([i]) elif == 'Physical': self.data_physical_names.append( + '_' + + '_' + channel) if channel in seq.calcwfms.keys( ) and not seq.recalculate: print "\n...Reusing Physical: %s" % channel dat = seq.calcwfms[channel] else: print "\n...Calculating Physical: %s" % channel dat = physical.calculate(channel) seq.calcwfms[channel] = dat self.data_physical_time.append(dat[0]) self.data_physical.append(dat[1]) seq.recalculate = False def image_clear(self): """ Clears canvas """ self.figure.clf() wx.CallAfter(self.figure.canvas.draw) def image_show(self): """ Plots an image on the canvas """ self.image_clear() analog_axis = self.figure.add_axes([0.08, 0.5, 0.7, 0.4]) digi_axis_left = self.figure.add_axes([0.08, 0.05, 0.7, 0.4]) digi_axis_left.set_yticks([]) digi_axis = digi_axis_left.twinx() digi_ticks = [] #physical_axis = analog_axis.twinx() #Makes the digital plot for i, name in enumerate(self.data_digi_names): digi_axis.step(self.data_digi_time[i], self.data_digi[i], lw='2.0', where='post', label=name) digi_ticks.append(-(i + 0.5) * 10. / len(self.data_digi_names)) digi_axis.axhline(-(i + 1) * 10. / len(self.data_digi_names), color='grey', lw=1.5) #digi_axis.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 0.5),loc=2,prop={'size':10}) digi_axis_left.set_ylabel('TTL') #Label the digital waveforms using the ticklabels on the plot digi_axis.set_ylim(bottom=-11, top=0) digi_axis.set_yticks(digi_ticks) digi_axis.set_yticklabels(self.data_digi_names) digi_axis_left.get_xaxis().set_minor_locator( matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) digi_axis_left.grid(True, which='both') #Makes the analog plot for i, name in enumerate(self.data_analog_names): analog_axis.step(self.data_analog_time[i], self.data_analog[i], where='post', label=name) #Makes the physical plot for i, name in enumerate(self.data_physical_names): analog_axis.step(self.data_physical_time[i], self.data_physical[i], ls='-', lw=1.75, where='post', label=name) analog_axis.axhline(0, color='black', lw=2) analog_axis.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1.01), loc=2, prop={'size': 10}) analog_axis.set_xlabel('Time(ms)') analog_axis.set_ylabel('Voltage(V) / Physical(?)') analog_axis.get_xaxis().set_minor_locator( matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) analog_axis.grid(True, which='both') #Take care of the Yaxis range of the analog plot if not self.autorangeY: analog_axis.set_ylim(self.plot_rangeY_min, self.plot_rangeY_max) else: axismin = min(analog_axis.get_ylim()) axismax = max(analog_axis.get_ylim()) analog_axis.set_ylim(axismin, axismax) self.plot_rangeY_max = axismax self.plot_rangeY_min = axismin #Take care of the Xaxis(time) range for both plots if not self.autorange: analog_axis.set_xlim(self.plot_range_min, self.plot_range_max) digi_axis.set_xlim(self.plot_range_min, self.plot_range_max) else: axismin = min(analog_axis.get_xlim() + digi_axis.get_xlim()) axismax = max(analog_axis.get_xlim() + digi_axis.get_xlim()) analog_axis.set_xlim(axismin, axismax) digi_axis.set_xlim(axismin, axismax) #~ analog_axis.set_ylim(bottom=0,top=11) self.plot_range_max = axismax self.plot_range_min = axismin wx.CallAfter(self.figure.canvas.draw)
class MplPlot(BasePlot, HasTraitsGroup): figure = Instance(Figure, ()) _draw_pending = Bool(False) scale = Enum('linear', 'log', 'sqrt')('linear') scale_values = [ 'linear', 'log', 'sqrt' ] # There's probably a way to exract this from the Enum trait but I don't know how azimuth = Range(-90, 90, -70) elevation = Range(0, 90, 30) quality = Range(1, MAX_QUALITY, 1) flip_order = Bool(False) x_lower = Float(0.0) x_upper = Float x_label = Str('Angle (2$\Theta$)') y_label = Str('Dataset') z_lower = Float(0.0) z_upper = Float z_label = Str z_labels = {} # A dictionary to hold edited labels for each scaling type group = VGroup( HGroup( VGroup( Item('azimuth', editor=DefaultOverride(mode='slider', auto_set=False, enter_set=True)), Item('elevation', editor=DefaultOverride(mode='slider', auto_set=False, enter_set=True)), Item('quality'), Item('flip_order'), ), VGroup( HGroup( Item('x_label', editor=DefaultOverride(auto_set=False, enter_set=True)), Item('x_lower', editor=DefaultOverride(auto_set=False, enter_set=True)), Item('x_upper', editor=DefaultOverride(auto_set=False, enter_set=True)), ), HGroup(Item('y_label'), ), HGroup( Item('z_label', editor=DefaultOverride(auto_set=False, enter_set=True)), Item('z_lower', editor=DefaultOverride(auto_set=False, enter_set=True)), Item('z_upper', editor=DefaultOverride(auto_set=False, enter_set=True)), ), ), ), UItem('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor()), ) def __init__(self, callback_obj=None, *args, **kws): super(MplPlot, self).__init__(*args, **kws) self.figure = plt.figure() self.figure.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.05, left=0, top=1, right=0.95) = None for s in self.scale_values: self.z_labels[s] = 'Intensity - ' + get_value_scale_label(s, mpl=True) # This must be a weak reference, otherwise the entire app will # hang on exit. from weakref import proxy if callback_obj: self._callback_object = proxy(callback_obj) else: self._callback_object = lambda *args, **kw: None def close(self): del self._callback_object plt.close() def __del__(self): plt.close() @on_trait_change('azimuth, elevation') def _perspective_changed(self): if, elev=self.elevation) self.redraw() def _quality_changed(self): self.redraw(replot=True) @on_trait_change( 'x_label, y_label, x_lower, x_upper, z_lower, z_upper, flip_order') def _trigger_redraw(self): self.quality = 1 self.redraw(replot=True) def _z_label_changed(self): self.z_labels[self.scale] = self.z_label self._trigger_redraw() def redraw(self, replot=False, now=False): if not now and self._draw_pending: self._redraw_timer.Restart() return #import wx canvas = self.figure.canvas if canvas is None: return def _draw(): self._callback_object._on_redraw(drawing=True) if replot: self._plot(self.x, self.y, self.z, self.scale) else: canvas.draw() self._draw_pending = False self._callback_object._on_redraw(drawing=False) if now: _draw() else: _draw() #self._redraw_timer = wx.CallLater(250, _draw) #self._draw_pending = True #self._redraw_timer.Start() # def _prepare_data(self, datasets): def _prepare_data(self, stack): # stack = stack_datasets(datasets) x = stack[:, :, 0] z = stack[:, :, 1] # y = array([ [i]*z.shape[1] for i in range(1, len(datasets) + 1) ]) y = array([[i] * z.shape[1] for i in range(1, stack.shape[1] + 1)]) if x[0, 0] < x[0, -1]: self.x_lower = x[0, 0] self.x_upper = x[0, -1] else: self.x_lower = x[0, -1] self.x_upper = x[0, 0] self.z_upper = z.max() return x, y, z def _plot(self, x, y, z, scale='linear'): self.x, self.y, self.z = x, y, z x, y, z = x.copy(), y.copy(), z.copy() if self.flip_order: z = z[::-1] self.scale = scale self.figure.clear() self.figure.set_facecolor('white') ax = = self.figure.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.set_xlabel(self.x_label) ax.set_ylabel(self.y_label) self.z_label = self.z_labels[self.scale] ax.set_zlabel(self.z_label) y_rows = z.shape[0] ax.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=10, integer=True) ax.view_init(azim=self.azimuth, elev=self.elevation) if self.quality != MAX_QUALITY: # map quality from 1->5 to 0.05->0.5 to approx. no. of samples samples = int(z.shape[1] * ((self.quality - 1) * (0.5 - 0.05) / (5 - 1) + 0.05)) z, truncate_at, bins = rebin_preserving_peaks(z, samples / 2) # Take the x's from the original x's to maintain visual x-spacing # We need to calculate the x's for the rebinned data x0_row = x[0, :truncate_at] old_xs = np.linspace(x0_row.min(), x0_row.max(), bins * 2) new_xs = np.interp( old_xs, np.linspace(x0_row.min(), x0_row.max(), len(x0_row)), x0_row) x = np.tile(new_xs, (y.shape[0], 1)) # Set values to inf to avoid rendering by matplotlib x[(x < self.x_lower) | (x > self.x_upper)] = np.inf z[(z < self.z_lower) | (z > self.z_upper)] = np.inf # separate series with open lines ys = y[:, 0] points = [] for x_row, z_row in zip(x, z): points.append(zip(x_row, z_row)) lines = LineCollection(points) ax.add_collection3d(lines, zs=ys, zdir='y') ax.set_xlim3d(self.x_lower, self.x_upper) ax.set_ylim3d(1, y_rows) ax.set_zlim3d(self.z_lower, self.z_upper) self.figure.canvas.draw() return None def copy_to_clipboard(self): self.figure.canvas.Copy_to_Clipboard() def save_as(self, filename): self.figure.canvas.print_figure(filename)'Saved plot {}'.format(filename)) def _reset_view(self): self.azimuth = -70 self.elevation = 30
class DataPlotEditorBase(HasTraits): figure = Instance(Figure, (),transient=True) axs = List([],transient=True) nplots = Int(1) layout = Enum('vertical',['horizontal','vertical']) view = View(Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(), show_label=False, height=400, width=400, style='custom', springy=True), handler=MPLInitHandler, resizable=True, kind='live', ) def __init__(self): super(DataPlotEditorBase, self).__init__() self.figure.patch.set_facecolor('none') #self.add_subplots(self.nplots) def mpl_setup(self): self.figure.patch.set_facecolor('none') self.add_subplots(self.nplots) def remove_subplots(self): self.figure.clf(keep_observers=True) self.axs = [] #self.display.figure.canvas.draw() def remove_figure(self): plt.close(self.figure) def add_subplots(self, num): self.figure.patch.set_facecolor('none') self.axs = [] for n in range(1, num + 1): if self.layout == 'vertical': self.axs.append(self.figure.add_subplot(num, 1, n, facecolor='#F4EAEA',zorder=2)) elif self.layout == 'horizontal': self.axs.append(self.figure.add_subplot(1, num,n , facecolor='#F4EAEA',zorder=2)) #FFFFCC return self.axs def add_common_labels(self,xlabel=None,ylabel=None): ax = self.figure.add_subplot(111, facecolor='none', frameon=False,zorder=1) ax.tick_params(labelcolor='none', top='off', bottom='off', left='off', right='off') ax.grid(b=False) if xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel)[0]) def clear_plots(self): for ax in self.axs: ax.cla(keep_observers=True) self.figure.canvas.draw() def set_title(self, title=' ', size=13,y=0.98): self.figure.suptitle(title,fontsize=size,y=y)