def g_n2(y, n, RA, RB, rh, l, pm1, deltaphi, isP):
    sigma = sigma_btz_n(y, n, RA, RB, rh, l, pm1, deltaphi, isP) + 2
    if sigma == 0:
        return 0
    elif sigma > 0:
        return 1 / (4 * fp.pi * fp.sqrt(2) * l) * 1 / fp.sqrt(sigma)
        return -fp.j / (4 * fp.pi * fp.sqrt(2) *
                        l) * 1 / fp.sqrt(-sigma) * fp.sign(y)
def integrand_Pdotp_n(s, tau, n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig, deltaphi, eps):
    K = lam**2 * rh / (2 * fp.pi * fp.sqrt(2) * l *
                       fp.sqrt(R**2 - rh**2)) * fp.exp(-tau**2 / 2 / sig**2)
    #    Zp = mp.mpf(rh**2/(R**2-rh**2)*(R**2/rh**2 * fp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi - 2*fp.pi*n)) + 1))
    #    if Zp == fp.mpf(mp.cosh(rh/l/mp.sqrt(R**2-rh**2) * s)):
    #        return 0
    #    else:
    return K * fp.exp(-(tau-s)**2/2/sig**2) * fp.exp(-fp.j*Om*s) \
                 / fp.sqrt(gammap_btz_n(s,n,R,rh,l,deltaphi,eps))
def sigma_geon_n(y, n, RA, RB, rh, l, pm1, deltaphi, isP):
    if isP:
        return RA*RB/rh**2 * fp.mpf( mp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi-2*fp.pi*n)) ) - 1\
                + fp.sqrt(RA**2-rh**2)*fp.sqrt(RB**2-rh**2)/rh**2 \
                  * fp.mpf(mp.cosh(rh/l/mp.sqrt(RA*RB-rh**2) * y) )
        return RA*RB/rh**2 * fp.mpf( mp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi-2*fp.pi*n)) ) - 1\
                + fp.sqrt(RA**2-rh**2)*fp.sqrt(RB**2-rh**2)/rh**2 \
                  * fp.mpf(mp.cosh(rh/l**2 * y) )
def integrand_deltaPdot_n(s, tau, n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig, deltaphi):
    Zm = mp.mpf(rh**2/(R**2-rh**2)\
                *(R**2/rh**2 * fp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi - 2*fp.pi*(n+1/2))) - 1))
    Zp = mp.mpf(rh**2/(R**2-rh**2)\
                *(R**2/rh**2 * fp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi - 2*fp.pi*(n+1/2))) + 1))
    K = lam**2 * rh / (2 * fp.pi * fp.sqrt(2) * l *
                       fp.sqrt(R**2 - rh**2)) * fp.exp(-tau**2 / 2 / sig**2)
    return K * fp.exp(-(tau-s)**2/2/sig**2) * fp.exp(-fp.j*Om*s)\
             * ( 1/fp.sqrt(Zm + mp.cosh(rh/l/mp.sqrt(R**2-rh**2) * s))\
                - pm1*1/fp.sqrt(Zp + mp.cosh(rh/l/mp.sqrt(R**2-rh**2) * s)) )
def XGEON_integrand_nBA(y, n, RA, RB, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig, deltaphi):
    bA = mp.sqrt(RA**2 - rh**2) / l
    bB = mp.sqrt(RB**2 - rh**2) / l
    K = 1
    alp2 = bA**2 * bB**2 / 2 / (bA**2 + bB**2) / sig**2
    bet2 = (bA + bB) * bA * bB / (bA**2 + bB**2)
    E = (bB - bA) / fp.sqrt(2) / fp.sqrt(bB**2 + bA**2) * (
        (bB + bA) * y / 2 / sig + fp.j * sig * Om)

    return K*mp.exp(-alp2*y**2)*mp.exp(-fp.j*bet2*Om*y) *fp.erfc(E) \
        * XGEON_denoms_n(y,n,RA,RB,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig,deltaphi)
def g_n1(y, n, RA, RB, rh, l, pm1, deltaphi, isP):
    sigma = sigma_btz_n(y, n, RA, RB, rh, l, pm1, deltaphi, isP)
    #print('y',y,' sigma',sigma)
    if n == 0 and deltaphi == 0 and RA == RB:  #Deal with this case separately
        return 0
    elif sigma == 0:
        return 0
    elif sigma > 0:
        return 1 / (4 * fp.pi * fp.sqrt(2) * l) * 1 / fp.sqrt(sigma)
        return -fp.j / (4 * fp.pi * fp.sqrt(2) *
                        l) * 1 / fp.sqrt(-sigma) * fp.sign(y)
def Xn_plus(n, RA, RB, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, tau0, width, deltaphi, isP):

    intlim2 = l**2/rh * mp.acosh( (RA*RB/rh**2 * fp.mpf( mp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi-2*fp.pi*n)) ) + 1)\
                / fp.sqrt(RA**2-rh**2)/fp.sqrt(RB**2-rh**2)*rh**2)
    #print('plus, %.4f ;'%intlim2)
    f = lambda y: integrandof_Xn_plus(y, n, RA, RB, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, tau0,
                                      width, deltaphi, isP)

    if intlim2 < width:
        return fp.quad(f, [0, intlim2]) + fp.quad(f, [intlim2, width])
        return fp.quad(f, [0, width])
def f02(y, n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig):
    K = lam**2 * sig / 2 / fp.sqrt(2 * fp.pi)
    a = (R**2 - rh**2) * l**2 / 4 / sig**2 / rh**2
    b = fp.sqrt(R**2 - rh**2) * Om * l / rh
    Zp = mp.mpf((R**2 + rh**2) / (R**2 - rh**2))
    if Zp - mp.cosh(y) > 0:
        return fp.mpf(K * mp.exp(-a * y**2) * mp.cos(b * y) /
                      mp.sqrt(Zp - mp.cosh(y)))
    elif Zp - mp.cosh(y) < 0:
        return fp.mpf(-K * mp.exp(-a * y**2) * mp.sin(b * y) /
                      mp.sqrt(mp.cosh(y) - Zp))
        return 0
def f02(y,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig):
    K = lam**2*sig/2/fp.sqrt(2*fp.pi)
    a = (R**2-rh**2)*l**2/4/sig**2/rh**2
    b = fp.sqrt(R**2-rh**2)*Om*l/rh
    Zp = mp.mpf((R**2+rh**2)/(R**2-rh**2))
    if Zp == mp.cosh(y):
        print("RIP MOM PLSSS")
    #print(Zp, y, fp.cosh(y))
    if Zp - mp.cosh(y) > 0:
        return K * fp.exp(-a*y**2) * fp.cos(b*y) / fp.mpf(mp.sqrt(Zp - mp.cosh(y)))
    elif Zp - mp.cosh(y) < 0:
        return -K * fp.exp(-a*y**2) * fp.sin(b*y) / fp.mpf(mp.sqrt(mp.cosh(y) - Zp))
        return 0
def g(x, RA, RB):
    #    bA = mp.sqrt(RA**2-rh**2)/l
    #    bB = mp.sqrt(RB**2-rh**2)/l
    #    return fp.j*4 * fp.exp(-fp.j*Om*(bB+bA)*(tau0+width/2))/(Om*(bB+bA))\
    #            * fp.cos( Om/2*(bB+bA)*(x-width) ) * fp.cos(Om/2*(bB-bA)*x)\
    #            * g_n2(x,0,RA,RB,rh,l,pm1,deltaphi)
    sigma = sigma_btz_n(x, n, RA, RB, rh, l, pm1, deltaphi) + 2
    if sigma == 0:
        return 0
    elif sigma > 0:
        return 1 / (4 * fp.pi * fp.sqrt(2) * l) * 1 / fp.sqrt(sigma)
        return -fp.j / (4 * fp.pi * fp.sqrt(2) *
                        l) * 1 / fp.sqrt(-sigma) * fp.sign(x)
def fn1(y, n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig):
    K = lam**2 * sig / 2 / fp.sqrt(2 * fp.pi)
    a = (R**2 - rh**2) * l**2 / 4 / sig**2 / rh**2
    b = fp.sqrt(R**2 - rh**2) * Om * l / rh
    Zm = mp.mpf(rh**2 / (R**2 - rh**2) *
                (R**2 / rh**2 * fp.cosh(2 * fp.pi * rh / l * n) - 1))
    if Zm == mp.cosh(y):
        return 0
    elif Zm - fp.cosh(y) > 0:
        return fp.mpf(K * mp.exp(-a * y**2) * mp.cos(b * y) /
                      mp.sqrt(Zm - mp.cosh(y)))
        return fp.mpf(-K * mp.exp(-a * y**2) * mp.sin(b * y) /
                      mp.sqrt(mp.cosh(y) - Zm))
def T_P_int_geon(x, tau, tau0, n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig, deltaphi=0):
    K = lam**2 / (np.sqrt(2) * np.pi * l * Om) * rh / np.sqrt(R**2 - rh**2)
    Gm = rh**2 / (R**2 - rh**2) * (R**2 / rh**2 * fp.mpf(
        mp.cosh(rh / l * (deltaphi - 2 * np.pi * (n + 0.5)))) - 1)
    Gp = rh**2 / (R**2 - rh**2) * (R**2 / rh**2 * fp.mpf(
        mp.cosh(rh / l * (deltaphi - 2 * np.pi * (n + 0.5)))) + 1)

    if tau < tau0:
        return 0
    elif x < (tau + tau0):
        return K * fp.sin(Om*(2*tau0+x))\
                * (1/fp.sqrt(Gm + fp.mpf(mp.cosh(rh/l**2 * x))) - 1/fp.sqrt(Gp + fp.mpf(mp.cosh(rh/l**2 * x))))
        return K * fp.sin(Om*(2*tau-x))\
                * (1/fp.sqrt(Gm + fp.mpf(mp.cosh(rh/l**2 * x))) - 1/fp.sqrt(Gp + fp.mpf(mp.cosh(rh/l**2 * x))))
def P_BTZn(n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig):
    b = fp.sqrt(R**2-rh**2)/l
    lim = 20*sig*rh/b/l**2
    print('limit: ',lim)
    Zm = fp.mpf(1) #rh**2/(R**2-rh**2)*(R**2/rh**2 * fp.cosh(2*fp.pi*rh/l * n) - 1)
    Zp = rh**2/(R**2-rh**2)*(R**2/rh**2 * fp.cosh(2*fp.pi*rh/l * n) + 1)
    print('Zm: ',Zm, 'Zp: ',Zp, 'acosh(Zp): ', fp.mpf(mp.acosh(Zp)))
#    plt.figure()
#    xaxis = fp.linspace(0,lim/5,50)
#    yaxis = [f02(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig) for x in xaxis]
#    plt.plot(xaxis,yaxis)
    if pm1==-1 or pm1==1 or pm1==0:
        if n==0:
            return 0\
                 - fp.quad(lambda x: f02(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[0,fp.mpf(mp.acosh(Zp))])\
                 - fp.quad(lambda x: f02(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[fp.mpf(mp.acosh(Zp)),lim])
                 #fp.quad(lambda x: f01(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[-fp.inf,fp.inf])
#        else:
#            if fp.cosh(lim) < Zm or Zm < 1:
#                return fp.quad(lambda x: fn1(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig)\
#                                      - fn2(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[0,lim])
#            else:
#                return fp.quad(lambda x: fn1(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig)\
#                                      - fn2(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[0,fp.mpf(mp.acosh(Zm))])\
#                     - fp.quad(lambda x: fn1(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig)\
#                                      - fn2(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[fp.mpf(mp.acosh(Zm)),lim])
        print("Please enter a value of 1, -1, or 0 for pm1.")
def wightman_btz_n(s, n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig, deltaphi=0, eps=1e-4):
    if n == 0:
        Bm = (R**2 - rh**2) / rh**2
        Bp = (R**2 + rh**2) / rh**2
        Bm = R**2 / rh**2 * fp.cosh(rh / l * (deltaphi - 2 * fp.pi * n)) - 1
        Bp = R**2 / rh**2 * fp.cosh(rh / l * (deltaphi - 2 * fp.pi * n)) + 1
    Scosh = (R**2 - rh**2) / rh**2 * mp.cosh(rh / l**2 * (s - fp.j * eps))

    #    if s == 0:
    #        return 0
    #    elif Bm == Scosh or Bp == Scosh:
    #        return 0
    #    else:
    return 1/(4*fp.sqrt(2)*fp.pi*l) * (-fp.j/fp.sqrt(2*Bm)/\
              mp.sinh(rh/2/l**2 * (s - fp.j*eps)) - pm1/fp.sqrt(Bp - Scosh))
def PGEON_n(n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig):
    Om = energy difference
    lam = coupling constant
    if pm1 == -1 or pm1 == 1 or pm1 == 0:
        return lam**2*sig*fp.sqrt(fp.pi) * fp.mpf(mp.exp(-sig**2 * Om**2)) *\
        fp.quad(lambda x: h_n(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1) * PGEON_gaussian(x,sig), [-fp.inf, fp.inf])
        print("Please enter a value of 1, -1, or 0 for pm1.")
def P_BTZn(n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig):
    b = fp.sqrt(R**2 - rh**2) / l
    lim = 20 * sig * rh / b / l**2
    #Zp = mp.mpf(rh**2/(R**2-rh**2)*(R**2/rh**2 * fp.cosh(2*fp.pi*rh/l * n) + 1))
    #print('Zm: ',Zm, 'Zp: ',Zp)
    if pm1 == -1 or pm1 == 1 or pm1 == 0:
        if n == 0:
            return fp.quad(lambda x: f01(x, n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig),
                           [-fp.inf, fp.inf])
            Zm = rh**2 / (R**2 - rh**2) * (
                R**2 / rh**2 * fp.cosh(2 * fp.pi * rh / l * n) - 1)
            if fp.cosh(lim) < Zm or Zm < 1:
                return fp.quad(lambda x: fn1(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig)\
                                      - fn2(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[0,lim])
                return fp.quad(lambda x: fn1(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig)\
                                      - fn2(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[0,fp.mpf(mp.acosh(Zm))])\
                     - fp.quad(lambda x: fn1(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig)\
                                      - fn2(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[fp.mpf(mp.acosh(Zm)),lim])
        print("Please enter a value of 1, -1, or 0 for pm1.")
def P_BTZn(n,
    f = lambda y: integrandof_P_BTZn(y, n, RA, RB, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, tau0,
                                     width, deltaphi, isP)

    if n == 0 and deltaphi == 0 and RA == RB:
        # P0m
        P0m = 2 * fp.quad(
            lambda x: integrandPBTZ_0m(x, RA, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, tau0, width,
                                       eps), [0, width])

        intlim = l**2/rh * mp.acosh( (RA*RB/rh**2 * fp.mpf( mp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi-2*fp.pi*n)) ) + 1)\
                / fp.sqrt(RA**2-rh**2)/fp.sqrt(RB**2-rh**2)*rh**2)
        if intlim < width:
            return fp.quad(f, [0, intlim]) + fp.quad(f, [intlim, width]) + P0m
            return fp.quad(f, [0, width]) + P0m


        intlim1 = l**2/rh * mp.acosh( (RA*RB/rh**2 * fp.mpf( mp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi-2*fp.pi*n)) ) - 1)\
                / fp.sqrt(RA**2-rh**2)/fp.sqrt(RB**2-rh**2)*rh**2)
        intlim2 = l**2/rh * mp.acosh( (RA*RB/rh**2 * fp.mpf( mp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi-2*fp.pi*n)) ) + 1)\
                / fp.sqrt(RA**2-rh**2)/fp.sqrt(RB**2-rh**2)*rh**2)
        #print('%.4f, %.4f'%(intlim1,intlim2))
        if intlim2 < width:
            return fp.quad(f, [0, intlim1]) + fp.quad(
                f, [intlim1, intlim2]) + fp.quad(f, [intlim2, width])
        elif intlim1 < width:
            return fp.quad(f, [0, intlim1]) + fp.quad(f, [intlim1, width])
            return fp.quad(f, [0, width])
def h_n2(y, n, RA, RB, rh, l, pm1, deltaphi, isP):
    return 1 / (4 * fp.pi * fp.sqrt(2) * l) * 1 / fp.sqrt(
        sigma_geon_n(y, n, RA, RB, rh, l, pm1, deltaphi, isP) + 2)
#    checkfcn.append( (g_n1(y[i],0,Ri,Ri,rh,l,pm1,0)*fp.exp(fp.j*Om*y[i])).real )
#    checkfcn2.append( (g_n1(y[i],0,Ri,Ri,rh,l,pm1,0)*fp.exp(fp.j*Om*y[i])).imag )
#plt.plot(y,checkfcn,label='real of g')
##plt.plot(y,checkfcn2,label='imag of g')

P0_gauss = []
P_btz, P_geon = [], []
X_btz, X_geon = [], []
PB_btz, PB_geon = [], []
# Create y-axis array for BTZ and geon
for n in np.arange(0, nmax + 1):
    print('n = ', n, '; i = ', end='')
    for i in range(np.size(dR)):
        print(i, end=' ', flush=True)
        bA = fp.sqrt(RA[i]**2 - rh**2) / l
        bB = fp.sqrt(RB[i]**2 - rh**2) / l
        tau0B = tau0 * bB / bA
        widthB = width * bB / bA
        if n == 0:
            P0_gauss.append(P0m_GAUSS(RA[i], rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig).real)
                P_BTZn(0, RA[i], RA[i], rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, tau0, width))
                2 * PGEON_n(0, RA[i], RA[i], rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, tau0, width))
                P_BTZn(0, RB[i], RB[i], rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, tau0B, widthB))
                2 *
                PGEON_n(0, RB[i], RB[i], rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, tau0B, widthB))
def integrandPBTZ_0m(y, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, tau0, width, eps):
    #print( mp.sinh(rh/2/l**2 * (y - fp.j*eps)) )
    return (- fp.j*rh*lam**2 / (8*fp.pi*l * fp.sqrt(R**2-rh**2))\
            * fp.exp(-fp.j*Om*y)/mp.sinh(rh/2/l**2 * (y - fp.j*eps)) * (width - np.abs(y))).real
def T_P_int_geon(x, tau, n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig, deltaphi=0):
    return lam**2*fp.exp(-sig**2*Om**2) * fp.sqrt(fp.pi)*sig * fp.erf(-(x-2*tau/2/sig)-fp.j*sig*Om)\
            * fp.exp(-x**2/4/sig**2) * h_n(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1)
def h_n(x, n, R, rh, l, pm1):
    return 1/(4*fp.sqrt(2)*fp.pi*l) * (1/fp.sqrt(sigma_geon(x,n,R,rh,l)) \
              - pm1 * 1/fp.sqrt(sigma_geon(x,n,R,rh,l) + 2))
def integrandPBTZ_0m_GAUSS(y, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig, eps):
    #print(mp.sqrt(1 - mp.cosh( y -fp.j*eps )))
    return fp.exp(-fp.j*fp.sqrt(R**2-rh**2)*Om*l/rh * y)\
            / mp.sqrt(1 - mp.cosh( y -fp.j*eps ))\
            * lam**2*sig/(2*fp.sqrt(2*fp.pi))\
            * fp.exp(-(R**2-rh**2)*l**2/(4*sig**2*rh**2) * y**2)