    def Merge(self, prec=epsilon):
        Merge merges consecutive ramp(s) if they have the same acceleration
        if not self.isEmpty:
            if Abs((Abs(mp.log10(prec)) - (Abs(mp.floor(mp.log10(prec)))))) < Abs((Abs(mp.log10(prec)) - (Abs(mp.ceil(mp.log10(prec)))))):
                precexp = mp.floor(mp.log10(prec))
                precexp = mp.ceil(mp.log10(prec))
            aCur = self.ramps[0].a
            nmerged = 0 # the number of merged ramps
            for i in xrange(1, len(self.ramps)):
                j = i - nmerged
                if (Abs(self.ramps[j].a) > 1):
                    if Abs((Abs(mp.log10(Abs(self.ramps[j].a))) - (Abs(mp.floor(mp.log10(Abs(self.ramps[j].a))))))) < Abs((Abs(mp.log10(Abs(self.ramps[j].a))) - (Abs(mp.ceil(mp.log10(Abs(self.ramps[j].a))))))):
                        threshold = 10**(precexp + mp.floor(mp.log10(Abs(self.ramps[j].a))) + 1)
                        threshold = 10**(precexp + mp.ceil(mp.log10(Abs(self.ramps[j].a))) + 1)
                    threshold = 10**(precexp)
                if Abs(Sub(self.ramps[j].a, aCur)) < threshold:
                    # merge ramps
                    redundantRamp = self.ramps.pop(j)
                    newDur = Add(self.ramps[j - 1].duration, redundantRamp.duration)
                    self.ramps[j - 1].UpdateDuration(newDur)

                    # merge switchpointsList

                    nmerged += 1
                    aCur = self.ramps[j].a
def figs(x, n=20, exp=0, sign=False):
  if (sign and x >= 0.0):
    s = ' '
    s = ''
  # mp always returns '0.0' for zero. Bypass it using standard formats
  if (x == 0.0):
    fmt = '{{0:.{0}f}}'.format(n)
    # python uses two-digit exponent, but mp uses the least amount. Hard code it for zero
    if (exp):
      fmt += 'e+'+'0'*exp
    return s+fmt.format(0.0)
  # Convert significant figures to decimal places:
  # With exponent, integer part should be 1 figure, so it's n+1
  # Without exponent, floor(log10(abs(x)))+1 gives the number of integer figures (except for zero)
  if (exp):
    tmp = s+mp.nstr(mp.mpf(x), n+1, strip_zeros=False, min_fixed=mp.inf, max_fixed=-mp.inf, show_zero_exponent=True)
    # Add zeros to the exponent if necessary
    exppos = tmp.find('e')+2
    diff = exp-(len(tmp)-exppos)
    if (diff > 0):
      tmp = tmp[:exppos] + '0'*diff + tmp[exppos:]
    return tmp
    return s+mp.nstr(mp.mpf(x), int(mp.floor(mp.log10(abs(x))))+n+1, strip_zeros=False, min_fixed=-mp.inf, max_fixed=mp.inf)
 def Log10ProbPerBin(self, lessX, eqX):
     log10probX = _zeros_like(self.WaveDec_data)
     for l, level in enumerate(self.WaveDec_data):
         for j, coeff in enumerate(level):
             grteqX = 1 - lessX[l][j]
             log10pX = float(mp.nstr(mp.log10(grteqX), g_logdigits))
             log10probX[l][j] = log10pX
     return log10probX
    # parameters of the 'Zolotarev' polynomial
    n = 9
    N = 2 * n + 1  # 'N' is the order of the polynomial
    #    N = 10
    R = 10  # 'R' is the value of the peak within [-1,+1]

    # Getting the value of the parameter 'm' from a given 'R' (remember!, m=k^2)
    m = z_m_frm_R(N, R)
    print('m =', m)

    # Testing the side-lobe ratio (i.e., SLR in linear scale)
    R = z_Zolotarev_x2(N, m)
    print('R =', R)
    print('SLR =', 10 * mp.log10(R**2),
          '(dB)')  # SLR depends only on the magnitude of R here

    # x1, x2, x3 values ... just for the plotting purpose
    x1, x2, x3 = z_x123_frm_m(N, m)
    x11 = z_str2num(mp.nstr(x1, n=6))
    x22 = z_str2num(mp.nstr(x2, n=6))
    x33 = z_str2num(mp.nstr(x3, n=6))

    # Evaluating the polynomial at some discrete points
    x = np.linspace(-1.04, 1.04, num=500)
    y = []
    for i in range(len(x)):
        tmp = mp.nstr(z_Zolotarev(N, x[i], m), n=6)
        tmp = z_str2num(tmp)
# Integration

sol_BDF = solve_ivp(
    first_step=(t_end - t_start) * 1e-5,
t = np.logspace(start=-5, stop=np.log10(t_end), num=int(1e4))
y = sol_BDF.sol(t)

# Save data in file

data = np.stack((t, y[0], y[1], y[2], y[3], y[4]), axis=1)
    join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), "plots/python.dat"),
    header="t \t i(t) \t a(t) \t m(t) \t z(t) \t s(t) \n",

num = y[4][-1]
ndigits = 3 - (int(mp.floor(mp.log10(abs(num)))) + 1
               )  # Only works for numbers < 1.
print("Stellar density after", t_end, "Gyr:", round(num, ndigits), "Mₒpc^(-2)")
if __name__ == '__main__':        
    # parameters of the 'Zolotarev' polynomial
    n = 9; N = 2 * n + 1 # 'N' is the order of the polynomial
#    N = 10
    R = 10 # 'R' is the value of the peak within [-1,+1] 
    # Getting the value of the parameter 'm' from a given 'R' (remember!, m=k^2)
    m = z_m_frm_R(N, R)
    print 'm =', m
    print type(m)
    # Testing the side-lobe ratio (i.e., SLR in linear scale)
    R = z_Zolotarev_x2(N, m)
    print 'R =', R
    print 'SLR =', 10 * mp.log10(R ** 2), '(dB)' # SLR depends only on the magnitude of R here
    # x1, x2, x3 values ... just for the plotting purpose
    x1, x2, x3 = z_x123_frm_m(N, m)
    x11 = z_str2num(mp.nstr(x1, n=6))
    x22 = z_str2num(mp.nstr(x2, n=6))
    x33 = z_str2num(mp.nstr(x3, n=6))    
    # Evaluating the polynomial at some discrete points    
    x = np.linspace(-1.04, 1.04, num=500)
    y = []
    for i in range(len(x)):
        tmp = mp.nstr(z_Zolotarev(N, x[i], m), n=6)
        tmp = z_str2num(tmp)
def tanh_sinh_lr(f_left, f_right, alpha, eps, max_steps=10):
    '''Integrate a function `f` between `a` and `b` with accuracy `eps`. The
    function `f` is given in terms of two functions

        * `f_left(s) = f(a + s)`, i.e., `f` linearly scaled such that
          `f_left(0) = a`, `f_left(b-a) = b`,

        * `f_right(s) = f(b - s)`, i.e., `f` linearly scaled such that
          `f_right(0) = b`, `f_left(b-a) = a`.

    Implemented are Bailey's enhancements plus a few more tricks.

    David H. Bailey, Karthik Jeyabalan, and Xiaoye S. Li,
    Error function quadrature,
    Experiment. Math., Volume 14, Issue 3 (2005), 317-329,

    David H. Bailey,
    Tanh-Sinh High-Precision Quadrature,
    num_digits = int(-mp.log10(eps) + 1)
    mp.dps = num_digits

    alpha2 = alpha / mp.mpf(2)

    # What's a good initial step size `h`?
    # The larger `h` is chosen, the fewer points will be part of the
    # evaluation. However, we don't want to choose the step size too large
    # since that means less accuracy for the quadrature overall. The idea would
    # then be too choose `h` such that it is just large enough for the first
    # tanh-sinh-step to contain only one point, the midpoint. The expression
    #    j = mp.ln(-2/mp.pi * mp.lambertw(-tau/h/2, -1)) / h
    # hence needs to just smaller than 1. (Ideally, one would actually like to
    # get `j` from the full tanh-sinh formula, but the above approximation is
    # good enough.) One gets
    #    0 = pi/2 * exp(h) - h - ln(h) - ln(pi/tau)
    # for which there is no analytic solution. One can, however, approximate
    # it. Since pi/2 * exp(h) >> h >> ln(h) (for `h` large enough), one can
    # either forget about both h and ln(h) to get
    #     h0 = ln(2/pi * ln(pi/tau))
    # or just scratch ln(h) to get
    #     h1 = ln(tau/pi) - W_{-1}(-tau/2).
    # Both of these suggestions underestimate and `j` will be too large. An
    # approximation that overestimates is obtained by replacing `ln(h)` by `h`,
    #     h2 = 1/2 - log(sqrt(pi/tau)) - W_{-1}(-sqrt(exp(1)*pi*tau) / 4).
    # Application of Newton's method will improve all of these approximations
    # and will also always overestimate such that `j` won't exceed 1 in the
    # first step. Nice!
    # TODO since we're doing Newton iterations anyways, use a more accurate
    #      representation for j, and consequently for h
    h = _solve_expx_x_logx(eps**2, tol=1.0e-10)

    last_error_estimate = None

    success = False
    for level in range(max_steps + 1):
        # We would like to calculate the weights until they are smaller than
        # tau, i.e.,
        #     h * pi/2 * cosh(h*j) / cosh(pi/2 * sinh(h*j))**2 < tau.
        # (TODO Newton on this expression to find tau?)
        # To streamline the computation, j is estimated in advance. The only
        # assumption we're making is that h*j>>1 such that exp(-h*j) can be
        # neglected. With this, the above becomes
        #     tau > h * pi/2 * exp(h*j)/2 / cosh(pi/2 * exp(h*j)/2)**2
        # and further
        #     tau > h * pi * exp(h*j) / exp(pi/2 * exp(h*j)).
        # Calling z = - pi/2 * exp(h*j), one gets
        #     tau > -2*h*z * exp(z)
        # This inequality is fulfilled exactly if z = W(-tau/h/2) with W being
        # the (-1)-branch of the Lambert-W function IF exp(1)*tau < 2*h (which
        # we can assume since `tau` will generally be small). We finally get
        #     j > ln(-2/pi * W(-tau/h/2)) / h.
        # We do require j to be positive, so -2/pi * W(-tau/h/2) > 1. This
        # translates to the slightly stricter requirement
        #     tau * exp(pi/2) < pi * h,
        # i.e., h needs to be about 1.531 times larger than tau (not only 1.359
        # times as the previous bound suggested).
        # Note further that h*j is ever decreasing as h decreases.
        assert eps**2 * mp.exp(mp.pi / 2) < mp.pi * h
        j = int(mp.ln(-2 / mp.pi * mp.lambertw(-eps**2 / h / 2, -1)) / h)

        # At level 0, one only takes the midpoint, for all greater levels every
        # other point. The value estimation is later completed with the
        # estimation from the previous level which.
        if level == 0:
            t = [0]
            t = h * numpy.arange(1, j + 1, 2)

        sinh_t = mp.pi / 2 * numpy.array(list(map(mp.sinh, t)))
        cosh_t = mp.pi / 2 * numpy.array(list(map(mp.cosh, t)))
        cosh_sinh_t = numpy.array(list(map(mp.cosh, sinh_t)))

        # y = alpha/2 * (1 - x)
        # x = [mp.tanh(v) for v in u2]
        exp_sinh_t = numpy.array(list(map(mp.exp, sinh_t)))

        y0 = alpha2 / exp_sinh_t / cosh_sinh_t
        y1 = -alpha2 * cosh_t / cosh_sinh_t**2

        weights = -h * y1

        fly = numpy.array([f_left[0](yy) for yy in y0])
        fry = numpy.array([f_right[0](yy) for yy in y0])

        lsummands = fly * weights
        rsummands = fry * weights

        # Perform the integration.
        if level == 0:
            # The root level only contains one node, the midpoint; function
            # values of f_left and f_right are equal here. Deliberately take
            # lsummands here.
            value_estimates = list(lsummands)
                # Take the estimation from the previous step and half the step
                # size. Fill the gaps with the sum of the values of the current
                # step.
                value_estimates[-1] / 2 + mp.fsum(lsummands) +

        # error estimation
        if 1 in f_left and 2 in f_left:
            assert 1 in f_right and 2 in f_right
            error_estimate = _error_estimate1(h, sinh_t, cosh_t, cosh_sinh_t,
                                              y0, y1, fly, fry, f_left,
                                              f_right, alpha,
            last_error_estimate = error_estimate
            error_estimate = _error_estimate2(eps, value_estimates, lsummands,

        if abs(error_estimate) < eps:
            success = True

        h /= 2

    assert success
    return value_estimates[-1], error_estimate
    # parameters of the 'Zolotarev' polynomial
    n = 9
    N = 2 * n + 1  # 'N' is the order of the polynomial
    #    N = 10
    R = 10  # 'R' is the value of the peak within [-1,+1]

    # Getting the value of the parameter 'm' from a given 'R' (remember!, m=k^2)
    m = z_m_frm_R(N, R)
    print 'm =', m
    print type(m)

    # Testing the side-lobe ratio (i.e., SLR in linear scale)
    R = z_Zolotarev_x2(N, m)
    print 'R =', R
    print 'SLR =', 10 * mp.log10(
        R**2), '(dB)'  # SLR depends only on the magnitude of R here

    # x1, x2, x3 values ... just for the plotting purpose
    x1, x2, x3 = z_x123_frm_m(N, m)
    x11 = z_str2num(mp.nstr(x1, n=6))
    x22 = z_str2num(mp.nstr(x2, n=6))
    x33 = z_str2num(mp.nstr(x3, n=6))

    # Evaluating the polynomial at some discrete points
    x = np.linspace(-1.04, 1.04, num=500)
    y = []
    for i in range(len(x)):
        tmp = mp.nstr(z_Zolotarev(N, x[i], m), n=6)
        tmp = z_str2num(tmp)
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
import scipy.special as spf
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import math
from mpmath import mp
from ..w_transform import HaarTransform, wh_alj
from .analysistools import *

__all__ = ['ExactMethod']

dummy = 1000
g_nsigmamax = 10
g_pmin = mp.erfc(g_nsigmamax * mp.sqrt(0.5))
g_digits = int(math.ceil(-1 * mp.log10(g_pmin)))
g_logdigits = 17  #for nsigma and log10p output
mp.dps = g_digits + 2  #a bit extra

class ExactMethod:
    def __init__(self, data, hypothesis):
        ::data:: array_like
        ::hypothesis:: array_like

        self.WaveDec_data = HaarTransform(data, Normalize=False)
        self.WaveDec_hypo = HaarTransform(hypothesis, Normalize=False)
from mpmath import mp
from .argparser import args

DPS = args.dps
DPS_BUFFER = args.buffer + int(mp.log10(DPS))
# set mpmath decimal precision
mp.dps = DPS + DPS_BUFFER
params = None

# Integration

sol_BDF = solve_ivp(
    first_step=(t_end - t_start) * 1e-5,
t = np.logspace(start=-5, stop=np.log10(t_end), num=int(1e4))
y = sol_BDF.sol(t)

# Save data in file

data = np.stack((t, y[0], y[1], y[2], y[3], y[4]), axis=1)
    join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), "plots/python.dat"),
    header="t \t i(t) \t a(t) \t m(t) \t z(t) \t s(t) \n",

num = y[4][-1]
ndigits = 3 - (int(mp.floor(mp.log10(abs(num)))) + 1)  # Only works for numbers < 1.
print("Stellar density after", t_end, "Gyr:", round(num, ndigits), "Mₒpc^(-2)")
    def _format_mantissa(self, fmt, x, sig, parenth=False):
            if isnan(x):
                return 'nan'
            if isinf(x) and x > 0:
                if fmt == 'html':
                    return '&infin;'
                if fmt == 'latex':
                    return r'\infty'
                if fmt == 'ascii':
                    return 'inf'
                return '\u221E'
            if isinf(x) and x < 0:
                if fmt == 'html':
                    return '-&infin;'
                if fmt == 'latex':
                    return r'-\infty'
                if fmt == 'ascii':
                    return '-inf'
                return '-\u221E'

        ellipses = ''
        if isinstance(x, Rational) and sig is None:
            if x == int(x):
                s = str(int(x))
                xf = float(x)
                e = 15 - _floor(log10(abs(xf)))
                if e < 0:
                    e = 0
                n = 10**e * x
                if int(n) != n:
                    ellipses = '...'
                s = str(round(xf, e))
        elif sig is None:
            s = str(x)
            if x != 0 and self.max_digits is not None:
                if mpf is not None and isinstance(x, mpf):
                    em = _floor(mp.log10(abs(x)))
                    em = _floor(log10(abs(float(x))))
                e = self.max_digits - em
                if e < 0:
                    e = 0
                if sig > e and sig > 0:
                    ellipses = '...'
                    sig = e
            if sig < 0:
                sig = 0
            if mpf is not None and isinstance(x, mpf):
                s = mp.nstr(x, n=sig + 1, strip_zeros=False)
                s = round(float(x), sig)
                s = ('{:.' + str(sig) + 'f}').format(s)

        if parenth:
            s = s.replace('.', '')
            s = s.lstrip('0')
            if len(s) == 0:
                s = '0'
            return s
        elif self.thousand_spaces:
            # Now insert spaces every three digits
            if fmt == 'html':
                sp = '&thinsp;'
            elif fmt == 'latex':
                sp = r'\,'
                sp = ' '

            d = s.find('.')
            if d != -1:
                i = d + 1
                while i < len(s) and s[i].isdigit():
                    i += 1
                nr = i - d - 1
                nr = 0
                d = len(s)

            i = d - 1
            while i > 0 and s[i].isdigit():
                i -= 1
            nl = d - i - 1

            if nr <= 4 and nl <= 4:
                return s + ellipses

            s = list(s)
            if nr > 4:
                for i in range(int(nr / 3)):
                    s.insert(d + i + (i + 1) * 3 + 1, sp)
            if nl > 4:
                for i in range(int(nl / 3)):
                    s.insert(d - (i + 1) * 3, sp)

            s = ''.join(s)
            if s.endswith(sp):
                s = s[:-(len(sp))]

        return s + ellipses
def check_score_of_hash_list_func(input_hash_list, difficulty_level, list_of_2_digits_chunks, list_of_mpmath_functions, list_of_mpmath_function_names, previous_block_final_hash_as_string_reversed_leading_zeros_stripped, use_verbose):
    hash_is_valid = 0
    list_of_hash_integers = list()
    for current_hash in input_hash_list:
        list_of_hash_integers.append(mpf(int(current_hash, 16)))
    list_of_hashes_in_size_order = sorted(list_of_hash_integers)
    input_hash_list_sorted = sort_list_based_on_another_list_func(input_hash_list, list_of_hash_integers)
    list_of_hash_types = ['SHA-256 + (Repeated again in reverse)', 'SHA3-256 + (Repeated again in reverse)', 'SHA3-512', 'BLAKE2S + (Repeated again in reverse)', 'BLAKE2B']
    list_of_hash_types_sorted = sort_list_based_on_another_list_func(list_of_hash_types, list_of_hash_integers)
    smallest_hash = list_of_hashes_in_size_order[0]
    second_smallest_hash = list_of_hashes_in_size_order[1]
    middle_hash = list_of_hashes_in_size_order[2]
    second_largest_hash = list_of_hashes_in_size_order[-2]
    largest_hash = list_of_hashes_in_size_order[-1]
    list_of_hashes_by_name = [smallest_hash, largest_hash, middle_hash, second_smallest_hash, second_largest_hash]
    list_of_hash_name_strings = ['smallest_hash', 'largest_hash', 'middle_hash', 'second_smallest_hash', 'second_largest_hash']
    last_k_digits_to_extract_from_each_intermediate_result = difficulty_level*5
    list_of_intermediate_results_last_k_digits = list()
    if use_verbose:
        printc('Previous final hash: ' + str(previous_block_final_hash),'b')
        printc('After being reversed and removing leading zeros: '+ previous_block_final_hash_as_string_reversed_leading_zeros_stripped + '\n\n','b')
    for cnt, current_formula in enumerate(list_of_mpmath_functions):
        current_formula_name = list_of_mpmath_function_names[cnt]
        two_digit_hash_chunk = list_of_2_digits_chunks[cnt]
        hash_index = cnt%len(list_of_hashes_by_name)
        current_hash_value = list_of_hashes_by_name[hash_index]
        current_hash_value_rescaled = mp.frac(mp.log10(current_hash_value))
        current_hash_name_string = list_of_hash_name_strings[hash_index]
        current_intermediate_result = current_formula(current_hash_value_rescaled)
        current_intermediate_result_as_string = str(current_intermediate_result)
        current_intermediate_result_as_string_decimal_point_and_leading_zeros_stripped = current_intermediate_result_as_string.replace('.','').lstrip('0')
        current_intermediate_result_as_string_decimal_point_and_leading_zeros_stripped_last_k_digits = current_intermediate_result_as_string_decimal_point_and_leading_zeros_stripped[-last_k_digits_to_extract_from_each_intermediate_result:]
        if use_verbose:
            printc('Current 2-digit chunk of reversed previous hash: '+str(two_digit_hash_chunk),'m')
            printc('Corresponding mathematical formula for index '+str(two_digit_hash_chunk)+' (out of 100 distinct formulas from mpmath):   y =' + current_formula_name,'r')
            printc('Current hash value to use in the formula: ' + list_of_hash_types_sorted[cnt] + ':  ' + input_hash_list_sorted[cnt] + ')','y')
            printc('Hash Value as an Integer (i.e., whole number): ' + current_hash_name_string + ' =  ' + str(int(current_hash_value)),'y')
            printc('Rescaled hash value (i.e., x = fractional_part( log(hash_value) ) in the formula): ' + str(current_hash_value_rescaled),'g')
            printc('Output from formula: (i.e., y in the formula): ' + str(current_intermediate_result),'g')
            printc('Output as string with decimal point and leading zeros removed: ' + str(current_intermediate_result_as_string_decimal_point_and_leading_zeros_stripped),'g')
            printc('Last '+str(last_k_digits_to_extract_from_each_intermediate_result)+' digits of rescaled output (these are multiplied together to produce the final hash): ' + str(current_intermediate_result_as_string_decimal_point_and_leading_zeros_stripped_last_k_digits)+'\n\n','c')
    final_hash = 1
    for current_k_digit_chunk in list_of_intermediate_results_last_k_digits:
        final_hash = final_hash*current_k_digit_chunk
    difficulty_string = construct_difficulty_string_func(difficulty_level)
    number_of_matching_leading_characters = get_number_of_matching_leading_characters_in_string_func(final_hash, difficulty_string)
    if number_of_matching_leading_characters >= difficulty_level:
        hash_is_valid = 1
    if use_verbose:
        printc(make_text_indented_func('Final Hash (product of all the k-digit chunks): '+str(final_hash),5),'c')
        printc('\nDifficulty Level:  ' + str(difficulty_level),'r')
        printc('Difficulty String:  ' + difficulty_string,'r')
        if hash_is_valid:
            if difficulty_level == 1:
                digit_text = 'digit'
                digit_text = str(difficulty_level)+' digits'
            printc('\nSince the first ' + digit_text + ' of the final hash match all of the digits in the difficulty string, the hash is valid!', 'b')
            printc('\nHash is invalid, sorry!\n', 'b')
    if SLOWDOWN:
    return number_of_matching_leading_characters, hash_is_valid, final_hash
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader

class str_item:
  def __init__(self, n, l):
    self.number = n
    self.log10 = l[0:2] + "\,".join([l[i:i+3] for i in range(2, len(l), 3)])

if __name__ == "__main__":
  input_dps = 5
  output_dps = 60
  rows_per_page = 50
  mp.dps = output_dps + 10
  table_raw = []
  for number in mp.arange(1.0, 10.0, mp.power(10, -(input_dps-1))):
    table_raw.append([number, mp.log10(number)])
  table_str = []
  table_str = [str_item(mp.nstr(row[0], input_dps), mp.nstr(row[1], output_dps)) for row in table_raw]

  pages = [table_str[i:i+rows_per_page] for i in range(0, len(table_str), rows_per_page)]
  latex_renderer = Environment(
    block_start_string = "%{",
    block_end_string = "%}",
    line_statement_prefix = "%#",
    variable_start_string = "%{{",
    variable_end_string = "%}}",
    loader = FileSystemLoader("."))
  template = latex_renderer.get_template("template.tex")