def test_gauss_quadrature_dynamic(verbose = False):
    n = 5

    A = mp.randmatrix(2 * n, 1)

    def F(x):
        r = 0
        for i in xrange(len(A) - 1, -1, -1):
            r = r * x + A[i]
        return r

    def run(qtype, FW, R, alpha = 0, beta = 0):
        X, W = mp.gauss_quadrature(n, qtype, alpha = alpha, beta = beta)

        a = 0
        for i in xrange(len(X)):
            a += W[i] * F(X[i])

        b = mp.quad(lambda x: FW(x) * F(x), R)

        c = mp.fabs(a - b)

        if verbose:
            print(qtype, c, a, b)

        assert c < 1e-5

    run("legendre", lambda x: 1, [-1, 1])
    run("legendre01", lambda x: 1, [0, 1])
    run("hermite", lambda x: mp.exp(-x*x), [-mp.inf, mp.inf])
    run("laguerre", lambda x: mp.exp(-x), [0, mp.inf])
    run("glaguerre", lambda x: mp.sqrt(x)*mp.exp(-x), [0, mp.inf], alpha = 1 / mp.mpf(2))
    run("chebyshev1", lambda x: 1/mp.sqrt(1-x*x), [-1, 1])
    run("chebyshev2", lambda x: mp.sqrt(1-x*x), [-1, 1])
    run("jacobi", lambda x: (1-x)**(1/mp.mpf(3)) * (1+x)**(1/mp.mpf(5)), [-1, 1], alpha = 1 / mp.mpf(3), beta = 1 / mp.mpf(5) )
def two_largest(num_list):
    largest_num = mp.mpf(-1e100)
    second_largest_num = mp.mpf(-1e99)
    for num in num_list:
        if num > largest_num:
            second_largest_num = largest_num
            largest_num = num
        if largest_num < num < second_largest_num:
            second_largest_num = num
    return (largest_num, second_largest_num)
文件: line.py 项目: GeorgeDemos/PyFR
    def __init__(self, npts):
        # Legendre poly
        lp = lambda x: mp.legendre(npts - 1, x)

        # Coefficients of lp
        cf = mp.taylor(lp, 0, npts - 1)

        # Coefficients of dlp/dx
        dcf = [i*c for i, c in enumerate(cf[1:], start=1)]

        self.points = [mp.mpf(-1)] + mp.polyroots(dcf[::-1]) + [mp.mpf(1)]
        self.weights = [2/(npts*(npts - 1)*lp(p)**2) for p in self.points]
def _Interpolate1DNoVelocityLimit(x0, x1, v0, v1, am):
    # Check types
    if type(x0) is not mp.mpf:
        x0 = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(x0))
    if type(x1) is not mp.mpf:
        x1 = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(x1))
    if type(v0) is not mp.mpf:
        v0 = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(v0))
    if type(v1) is not mp.mpf:
        v1 = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(v1))
    if type(am) is not mp.mpf:
        am = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(am))

    # Check inputs
    assert(am > zero)

    # Check for an appropriate acceleration direction of the first ramp
    d = Sub(x1, x0)
    dv = Sub(v1, v0)
    difVSqr = Sub(v1**2, v0**2)
    if Abs(dv) < epsilon:
        if Abs(d) < epsilon:
            # Stationary ramp
            ramp0 = Ramp(zero, zero, zero, x0)
            return ParabolicCurve([ramp0])

            dStraight = zero
        dStraight = mp.fdiv(difVSqr, Prod([2, mp.sign(dv), am]))
    if IsEqual(d, dStraight):
        # With the given distance, v0 and v1 can be directly connected using max/min
        # acceleration. Here the resulting profile has only one ramp.
        a0 = mp.sign(dv) * am
        ramp0 = Ramp(v0, a0, mp.fdiv(dv, a0), x0)
        return ParabolicCurve([ramp0])

    sumVSqr = Add(v0**2, v1**2)
    sigma = mp.sign(Sub(d, dStraight))
    a0 = sigma * am # acceleration of the first ramp
    vp = sigma * mp.sqrt(Add(Mul(pointfive, sumVSqr), Mul(a0, d)))
    t0 = mp.fdiv(Sub(vp, v0), a0)
    t1 = mp.fdiv(Sub(vp, v1), a0)
    ramp0 = Ramp(v0, a0, t0, x0)    
    assert(IsEqual(ramp0.v1, vp)) # check soundness
    ramp1 = Ramp(vp, Neg(a0), t1)

    curve = ParabolicCurve([ramp0, ramp1])
    assert(IsEqual(curve.d, d)) # check soundness
    return curve
def smallest_largest_elements(_matrix):
    l = len(_matrix) - 1
    smallest_element = mp.mpf(1e100)  # initialize to very large number
    largest_element = mp.mpf(0)
    for i in range(l):
        for j in range(l):
            num = _matrix[i, j]
            if num != 0:
                abs_num = fabs(num)
                if abs_num < smallest_element:
                    smallest_element = abs_num
                if abs_num > largest_element:
                    largest_element = abs_num
    return largest_element, smallest_element
文件: polys.py 项目: uberstig/PyFR
    def ortho_basis_at_mp(self, p, q, r):
        a = 2 * p / (1 - r) if r != 1 else 0
        b = 2 * q / (1 - r) if r != 1 else 0
        c = r

        sk = [
            mp.mpf(2)**(-k - 0.25) * mp.sqrt(k + 0.5)
            for k in range(self.order)
        pa = [s * jp for s, jp in zip(sk, jacobi(self.order - 1, 0, 0, a))]
        pb = [s * jp for s, jp in zip(sk, jacobi(self.order - 1, 0, 0, b))]

        ob = []
        for i, pi in enumerate(pa):
            for j, pj in enumerate(pb):
                cij = (1 - c)**(i + j)
                pij = pi * pj

                pc = jacobi(self.order - max(i, j) - 1, 2 * (i + j + 1), 0, c)
                for k, pk in enumerate(pc):
                    ck = mp.sqrt(2 * (k + j + i) + 3)

                    ob.append(cij * ck * pij * pk)

        return ob
def _evaluate_Tn_mpmath_py(x, Tn):
    r"""mpmath implementation of evaluate_Tn()."""
    num = len(Tn)
    one = mp.one
    two = mp.mpf(2)
    if x == 1:
        return [one] * num
    if x == -1:
        return [(-one)**k for k in range(num)]
    x = mp.mpf(x)
    Tn[0] = one
    if num > 1:
        Tn[1] = x
    for n in range(2, num):
        Tn[n] = (two * x) * Tn[n - 1] - Tn[n - 2]
    return Tn
def _scheme_from_rc_mpmath(alpha, beta):
    # Create vector cut of the first value of beta
    n = len(alpha)
    b = mp.zeros(n, 1)
    for i in range(n - 1):
        b[i] = mp.sqrt(beta[i + 1])

    z = mp.zeros(1, n)
    z[0, 0] = 1
    d = mp.matrix(alpha)
    tridiag_eigen(mp, d, b, z)

    # nx1 matrix -> list of mpf
    x = numpy.array([mp.mpf(sympy.N(xx, mp.dps)) for xx in d])
    w = numpy.array([mp.mpf(sympy.N(beta[0], mp.dps)) * mp.power(ww, 2) for ww in z])
    return x, w
文件: ramp.py 项目: Cescuder/openrave
    def Trim(self, deltaT):
        Trim trims the curve such that it has the duration of self.duration - deltaT.

        Trim also takes care of where to trim out the deltaT. However, normally we should not have any problem
        since deltaT is expected to be very small. This function is aimed to be used when combining Curves to
        get ParabolicCurvesND.

        Return True if the operation is successful, False otherwise.
        if type(deltaT) is not mp.mpf:
            dt = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(deltaT))
            dt = deltaT
        if dt > self.duration:
            return False # cannot trim
        if Abs(dt) < epsilon:
            return True # no trimming needed
        if dt < self.ramps[-1].duration:
            # trim the last ramp
            newDur = Sub(self.ramps[-1].duration, dt)
            self.v1 = self.ramps[-1].v1
            return True
            # have not decided what to do here yet. This is not likely to happen, though, since
            # deltaT is expected to be very small.
            return False
文件: ramp.py 项目: Cescuder/openrave
def DynamicPathStringToParabolicCurvesND(dynamicpathstring):
    dynamicpathstring = dynamicpathstring.strip()
    data = dynamicpathstring.split("\n")
    ndof = int(data[0])
    nlines = ndof + 2 # the number of lines containing the data for 1 ParabolicRampND

    curves = [ParabolicCurve() for _ in xrange(ndof)]
    nParabolicRampND = len(data)/(nlines)

    for iramp in xrange(nParabolicRampND):
        curoffset = iramp*nlines
        for idof in xrange(ndof):
            ramp1ddata = data[curoffset + 2 + idof]
            x0, v0, x1, v1, a1, v, a2, tswitch1, tswitch2, ttotal = [mp.mpf(x) for x in ramp1ddata.split(" ")]
            ramps = []
            ramp0 = Ramp(v0, a1, tswitch1, x0)
            if ramp0.duration > epsilon:
            ramp1 = Ramp(v, 0, tswitch2 - tswitch1, ramp0.x1)
            if ramp1.duration > epsilon:
            ramp2 = Ramp(v, a2, ttotal - tswitch2, ramp1.x1)
            if ramp2.duration > epsilon:
            assert(len(ramps) > 0)
            curve = ParabolicCurve(ramps)

    return ParabolicCurvesND(curves)
文件: polys.py 项目: uberstig/PyFR
    def jac_ortho_basis_at_mp(self, p, q, r):
        a = 2 * p / (1 - r) if r != 1 else 0
        b = 2 * q / (1 - r) if r != 1 else 0
        c = r

        sk = [mp.mpf(2) ** (-k - 0.25) * mp.sqrt(k + 0.5) for k in range(self.order)]
        fc = [s * jp for s, jp in zip(sk, jacobi(self.order - 1, 0, 0, a))]
        gc = [s * jp for s, jp in zip(sk, jacobi(self.order - 1, 0, 0, b))]

        dfc = [s * jp for s, jp in zip(sk, jacobi_diff(self.order - 1, 0, 0, a))]
        dgc = [s * jp for s, jp in zip(sk, jacobi_diff(self.order - 1, 0, 0, b))]

        ob = []
        for i, (fi, dfi) in enumerate(zip(fc, dfc)):
            for j, (gj, dgj) in enumerate(zip(gc, dgc)):
                h = jacobi(self.order - max(i, j) - 1, 2 * (i + j + 1), 0, c)
                dh = jacobi_diff(self.order - max(i, j) - 1, 2 * (i + j + 1), 0, c)

                for k, (hk, dhk) in enumerate(zip(h, dh)):
                    ck = mp.sqrt(2 * (k + j + i) + 3)

                    tmp = (1 - c) ** (i + j - 1) if i + j > 0 else 1

                    pijk = 2 * tmp * dfi * gj * hk
                    qijk = 2 * tmp * fi * dgj * hk
                    rijk = (
                        tmp * (a * dfi * gj + b * fi * dgj - (i + j) * fi * gj) * hk
                        + (1 - c) ** (i + j) * fi * gj * dhk

                    ob.append([ck * pijk, ck * qijk, ck * rijk])

        return ob
    def __init__(self, rule):
        pts = []
        wts = []

        rule = re.sub(r'(?<=\))\s*,?\s*(?!$)', r'\n', rule)
        rule = re.sub(r'\(|\)|,', '', rule).strip()
        rule = rule[1:-1] if rule.startswith('[') else rule

        for l in rule.splitlines():
            if not l:

            # Parse the line
            args = [mp.mpf(f) for f in l.split()]

            if len(args) == self.ndim:
            elif len(args) == self.ndim + 1:
                raise ValueError('Invalid points in quadrature rule')

        if len(wts) and len(wts) != len(pts):
            raise ValueError('Invalid number of weights')

        # Flatten 1D rules
        if self.ndim == 1:
            pts = [p[0] for p in pts]

        # Cast
        self.pts = np.array(pts, dtype=np.float)
        self.wts = np.array(wts, dtype=np.float)
文件: ramp.py 项目: Cescuder/openrave
 def EvalVel(self, t):
     if type(t) is not mp.mpf:
         t = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(t))
     assert(t >= -epsilon)
     assert(t <= self.duration + epsilon)
     return Add(self.v0, Mul(self.a, t))
文件: polys.py 项目: barettog1/PyFR
    def ortho_basis_at_mp(self, p, q, r):
        r = r if r != 1 else r + mp.eps

        a = 2*p/(1 - r)
        b = 2*q/(1 - r)
        c = r

        sk = [mp.mpf(2)**(-k - 0.25)*mp.sqrt(k + 0.5)
              for k in xrange(self.order)]
        pa = [s*jp for s, jp in zip(sk, jacobi(self.order - 1, 0, 0, a))]
        pb = [s*jp for s, jp in zip(sk, jacobi(self.order - 1, 0, 0, b))]

        ob = []
        for i, pi in enumerate(pa):
            for j, pj in enumerate(pb):
                cij = (1 - c)**(i + j)
                pij = pi*pj

                pc = jacobi(self.order - max(i, j) - 1, 2*(i + j + 1), 0, c)
                for k, pk in enumerate(pc):
                    ck = mp.sqrt(2*(k + j + i) + 3)


        return ob
文件: ramp.py 项目: Cescuder/openrave
    def EvalAcc(self, t):
        if type(t) is not mp.mpf:
            t = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(t))
        assert(t >= -epsilon)
        assert(t <= self.duration + epsilon)

        return self.a
 def _ode1(self,
     # Solve the ODE
     #   f'' - a b sin(b x) f' = a b^2 cos(b x) f
     # with an exact solution
     #   f(x) = exp(-a cos(b x)).
     # The domain is chosen to avoid symmetries and to test non-trivial
     # boundary conditions. This test is designed to be able to perform
     # fast tests with floating point precision or slow tests with mpmath
     # arbitrary precision arithmetics. All constants are coded such that
     # arbitrary precision tests can succeed with an accuracy of up to (for
     # example):
     #   atol = 2e-39    with    num=160, dps=50
     fl = mp.mpf if use_mp else float
     ctx = mp if use_mp else np
     sin, cos, exp = ctx.sin, ctx.cos, ctx.exp
     with mp.workdps(dps or mp.dps):
         a, b = map(fl, (2, 6))
         domain = lmap(fl, (0.5, 2))
         exact = lambda x: exp(-a * cos(b * x))
         v1 = fl(
         v2 = fl(
         if eq_generator:
             eq = lambda pts: ((-a * b**2 * np.cos(b * pts), -a * b * np.
                                sin(b * pts), 1), 0)
             eq = ((lambda x: -a * b**2 * cos(b * x),
                    lambda x: -a * b * sin(b * x), 1), 0)
         sol = ndsolve(eq=eq,
                       basis=ChebyBasis(domain=domain, num=num),
                           DirichletCondition(x=domain[0], value=v1),
                           DirichletCondition(x=domain[1], value=v2),
         f = sol.evaluator(use_mp)
         pts = np.linspace(float(sol.domain[0]), float(sol.domain[1]), 50)
         max_err = max(map(lambda x: abs(exact(x) - f(x)), pts))
         self.assertLessEqual(max_err, atol)
 def EvalAcc(self, t):
     if type(t) is not mp.mpf:
         t = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(t))
     assert(t >= -epsilon)
     assert(t <= self.duration + epsilon)
     aVect = [curve.EvalAcc(t) for curve in self.curves]
     return np.asarray(aVect)
 def SetInitialValue(self, x0):
     if type(x0) is not mp.mpf:
         x0 = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(x0))
     self.x0 = x0
     newx0 = x0
     for ramp in self.ramps:
         ramp.x0 = newx0
         newx0 = Add(newx0, ramp.d)
    def compress(self, time_series: List[int]) -> int:
        if time_series is None or len(time_series) == 0:
            return 0

        one_letter_probability = mp.mpf(1.0) / (self._alphabet_max_symbol -
                                                self._alphabet_min_symbol + 1)
        series_probability = mp.power(one_letter_probability, len(time_series))
        return int(mp.ceil(-mp.log(series_probability, 2)))
    def EvalAcc(self, t):
        if type(t) is not mp.mpf:
            t = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(t))
        assert(t >= -epsilon)
        assert(t <= self.duration + epsilon)

        i, remainder = self._FindRampIndex(t)
        return self.ramps[i].EvalAcc(remainder)
    def UpdateDuration(self, newDur):
        if type(newDur) is not mp.mpf:
            newDur = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(newDur))
        assert(newDur >= -epsilon)

        self.duration = newDur
        self.v1 = Add(self.v0, Mul(self.a, self.duration))
        self.d = Prod([pointfive, Add(self.v0, self.v1), self.duration])
    def EvalPos(self, t):
        if type(t) is not mp.mpf:
            t = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(t))
        assert(t >= -epsilon)
        assert(t <= self.duration + epsilon)        

        d_incr = Mul(t, Add(self.v0, Prod([pointfive, t, self.a])))
        return Add(self.x0, d_incr)
def _gwr_no_memo(fn: Callable[[float], Any], time: float, M: int = 32, precin: int = 0) -> float:
    GWR alorithm without memoization. This is a near 1:1 translation from
    tau = mp.log(2.0) / mp.mpf(time)

    fni: List[float] = [0.0] * M
    for i, n in enumerate(fni):
        if i == 0:
        fni[i] = fn(n * tau)

    G0: List[float] = [0.0] * M
    Gp: List[float] = [0.0] * M

    M1 = M
    for n in range(1, M + 1):
            n_fac = mp.fac(n - 1)
            G0[n - 1] = tau * mp.fac(2 * n) / (n * n_fac * n_fac)

            s = 0.0
            for i in range(n + 1):
                s += mp.binomial(n, i) * (-1) ** i * fni[n + i]

            G0[n - 1] *= s

            M1 = n - 1

    best = G0[M1 - 1]
    Gm: List[float] = [0.0] * M1

    broken = False
    for k in range(M1 - 1):
        for n in range(M1 - 1 - k)[::-1]:
                expr = G0[n + 1] - G0[n]
                expr = 0.0
                broken = True

            expr = Gm[n + 1] + (k + 1) / expr
            Gp[n] = expr
            if k % 2 == 1 and n == M1 - 2 - k:
                best = expr

        if broken:

        for n in range(M1 - k):
            Gm[n] = G0[n]
            G0[n] = Gp[n]

    return best
 def two_body_reference(self, t1, num_1 = 0, num_2 = 1):
     """ reference notations are same as Yoel's notes
     using a precision of 64 digits for max accuracy """
     mp.dps = 64
     t1 = mp.mpf(t1)
     m_1 = mp.mpf(self.planet_lst[num_1].mass)
     m_2 = mp.mpf(self.planet_lst[num_2].mass)
     x1_0 = mp.matrix(self.planet_lst[num_1].loc)
     x2_0 = mp.matrix(self.planet_lst[num_2].loc)
     v1_0 = mp.matrix(self.planet_lst[num_1].v)
     v2_0 = mp.matrix(self.planet_lst[num_2].v)
     M = m_1 + m_2
     x_cm = (1/M)*((m_1*x1_0)+(m_2*x2_0))
     v_cm = (1/M)*((m_1*v1_0)+(m_2*v2_0))
     u1_0 = v1_0 - v_cm
     w = x1_0 - x_cm
     r_0 = mp.norm(w)
     alpha = mp.acos((np.inner(u1_0,w))/(mp.norm(u1_0)*mp.norm(w)))
     K = mp.mpf(self.G) * (m_2**3)/(M**2)
     u1_0 = mp.norm(u1_0)
     L = r_0 * u1_0 * mp.sin(alpha)
     cosgamma = ((L**2)/(K*r_0)) - 1
     singamma = -((L*u1_0*mp.cos(alpha))/K)
     gamma = mp.atan2(singamma, cosgamma)
     e = mp.sqrt(((r_0*(u1_0**2)*(mp.sin(alpha)**2)/K)-1)**2 + \
              (((r_0**2)*(u1_0**4)*(mp.sin(alpha)**2)*(mp.cos(alpha)**2))/(K**2)) )        
     r_theta = lambda theta: (L**2)/(K*(1+(e*mp.cos(theta - gamma))))
     f = lambda x: r_theta(x)**2/L
     curr_theta = 0
     max_it = 30
     it = 1
     converged = 0
     while ((it < max_it) & (converged != 1)):
         t_val = mp.quad(f,[0,curr_theta]) - t1
         dt_val = f(curr_theta)
         delta = t_val/dt_val
         if (abs(delta)<1.0e-6):
             converged = 1
         curr_theta -= delta
         it += 1 
     x1_new = mp.matrix([r_theta(curr_theta)*mp.cos(curr_theta), r_theta(curr_theta)*mp.sin(curr_theta)]) 
     # x2_new = -(m_1/m_2)*(x1_new) +(x_cm + v_cm*t1)
     x1_new = x1_new + (x_cm + v_cm*t1)
     return x1_new
def geometric_mean(prices):
    for price in prices:
        if not isinstance(price, (int, long, float)):
            raise TypeError('Prices must be a valid number.')

    # We're using the mp module here to avoid the python error
    # "OverflowError: long int too large to convert to float"
    # See http://stackoverflow.com/a/29866503
    return reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, prices) ** mp.mpf(1.0 / len(prices))
def RSZ_upto_c1(x):
    x = mp.mpf(x.real)
    tau = mp.sqrt(x/(2*PI))
    N = int(tau.real)
    p = tau-N
    for n in range(1,N+1):
        running_sum += mp.cos(RStheta(x) - x*mp.log(n))/mp.sqrt(n)
    return (2*running_sum + mp.power(-1,N-1)*mp.power(tau,-0.5)*(c0(p) - (1/tau)*c1(p))).real
def L_transform(j1,j2):
    d = mp.mpf(10**(-mp.dps+1))
    z0,z1 = j1*j2+1/(j1*j2), j1/j2+j2/j1
    jp = d + mp.sqrt(z1)/mp.sqrt(z0)
    dF = mp.log(mp.sqrt(z1)*mp.sqrt(z0))
    return jp,dF
def error(coefs, progress=True):
    (a, b) = coefs
    xs = (x * mp.pi / mp.mpf(4096) for x in range(-4096, 4097))
    err = max(fabs(sin(x) - f(x, a, b)) for x in xs)
    if progress:
        print('(a, b, c): ({}, {}, {})'.format(a, b, c(a, b)))
        print('evaluated error: ', err)
    return float(err)
def calculate_pi(n):
    percent = n / 100
    acc = mp.mpf(0)
    for i in range(n):
        if i % percent == 0:
            print(chr(0x25A9), sep="", end="")
        acc += 4.0 * (1 - (i % 2) * 2) / (2 * i + 1)
    return acc
def InterpolateZeroVelND(x0Vect, x1Vect, vmVect, amVect, delta=zero):
    """Interpolate a trajectory connecting two waypoints, x0Vect and x1Vect. Velocities at both
    waypoints are zeros.

    ndof = len(x0Vect)
    assert(ndof == len(x1Vect))
    assert(ndof == len(vmVect))
    assert(ndof == len(amVect))

    # Convert all vector elements into mp.mpf (if necessary)
    x0Vect_ = ConvertFloatArrayToMPF(x0Vect)
    x1Vect_ = ConvertFloatArrayToMPF(x1Vect)
    vmVect_ = ConvertFloatArrayToMPF(vmVect)
    amVect_ = ConvertFloatArrayToMPF(amVect)
    dVect = x1Vect - x0Vect

    if type(delta) is not mp.mpf:
        delta = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(delta))

    vMin = inf # the tightest velocity bound
    aMin = inf # the tightest acceleration bound
    for i in range(ndof):
        if not IsEqual(x1Vect[i], x0Vect[i]):
            vMin = min(vMin, vmVect[i]/Abs(dVect[i]))
            aMin = min(aMin, amVect[i]/Abs(dVect[i]))

    if (not (vMin < inf and aMin < inf)):
        # dVect is zero.
        curvesnd = ParabolicCurvesND()
        curvesnd.SetConstant(x0Vect_, 0)
        return curvesnd

    if delta == zero:
        sdProfile = Interpolate1D(zero, one, zero, zero, vMin, aMin) # parabolic ramp (velocity profile sd(t))
        # Not handle interpolation with switch-time constraints yet
        raise NotImplementedError

    # Scale each DOF according to the obtained sd-profile
    curves = [ParabolicCurve() for _ in range(ndof)] # a list of (empty) parabolic curves
    for sdRamp in sdProfile:
        aVect = sdRamp.a * dVect
        v0Vect = sdRamp.v0 * dVect
        dur = sdRamp.duration

        for j in range(ndof):
            ramp = Ramp(v0Vect[j], aVect[j], dur, x0Vect[j])
            curve = ParabolicCurve([ramp])

    for (i, curve) in enumerate(curves):
    curvesnd = ParabolicCurvesND(curves)

    return curvesnd
def rmnNnormsqr_Taylor(n, k, R, rmnBpol, rmnPpol):
    #compute norm of spherical wave represented by A_2mn * (kr)^{n-1}*rmnBvec(kr) + A_3mn * (kr)^{n-1}*rmnPvec(kr)
    #no conjugates taken since all the Arnoldi vectors will be purely real
    kR = mp.mpf(k * R)
    prefactpow, normpol = rmnNpol_dot(2 * n - 2, rmnBpol, rmnPpol, rmnBpol,
    #    print(normpol)
    #print(po.polyval(k*R, normpol))
    return (kR)**prefactpow * mp.re(po.polyval(kR, normpol)) / k**3
def chi(n, y):
    if (n == 0):
        return mp.mpf(1)
    elif (n == 1):
        return 2 * mp.sqrt(-mp.powm1(y, 2)) / (2 - mp.powm1(y, 2))
    elif (n == 2):
        return -mp.powm1(y, 2) / (2 * (2 - mod.powm1(y, 2)))
        return 0
    def _operator_probability(cls, p_i, n_i, p_y, n_y):
        Return the probability of the given operator conditioned by the given probabilities.

        NOTE: Assumes operator consists only of I and Y.

        :param p_i: Probability of I
        :type p_i: float
        :param n_i: Number of I
        :type n_i: int
        :param p_y: Probability of Y
        :type p_y: float
        :param n_y: Number of Y
        :type n_y: int
        :return: All-Y operator probability
        :rtype: mp.mpf
        return mp.mpf(p_y)**n_y * mp.mpf(p_i)**n_i
def chi(n, y):
    if (n == 0):
        return mp.mpf(1)
    elif (n == 1):
        return 2 * mp.sqrt(-mp.powm1(y, 2)) / keff_factor(y, cancel_keff=False)
    elif (n == 2):
        return -mp.powm1(y, 2) / (2 * keff_factor(y, cancel_keff=False))
        return 0
    def UpdateDuration(self, newDur):
        if type(newDur) is not mp.mpf:
            newDur = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(newDur))
        assert(newDur >= -epsilon)

        self.duration = newDur
        self.v1 = Add(self.v0, Mul(self.a, self.duration))
        self.d = Prod([pointfive, Add(self.v0, self.v1), self.duration])
        self.x1 = Add(self.x0, self.d)
def diff_cos_coeffs(an, jn, use_mp, scale):
    r"""Compute coefficients of the derivative of a cosine series.

    Similar as diff_sin_coeffs(), but for a function represented as cosine
    series and with coefficients of the derivative as a sine series as result.
    if use_mp:
        scale = mp.mpf(scale) # forces mpmath computation below
    return [(-scale * j) * a for j, a in zip(jn, an)]
def RSZ_plain(x):
    x = mp.mpf(x.real)
    tau = mp.sqrt(x / (2 * mp.pi()))
    N = int(tau.real)
    z = 2 * (x - N) - 1
    running_sum = 0
    for n in range(1, N + 1):
        running_sum += mp.cos(RStheta(x) - (x * mp.log(n))) / mp.sqrt(n)
    return (2 * running_sum).real
def InterpolateZeroVelND(x0Vect, x1Vect, vmVect, amVect, delta=zero):
    """Interpolate a trajectory connecting two waypoints, x0Vect and x1Vect. Velocities at both
    waypoints are zeros.

    ndof = len(x0Vect)
    assert (ndof == len(x1Vect))
    assert (ndof == len(vmVect))
    assert (ndof == len(amVect))

    # Convert all vector elements into mp.mpf (if necessary)
    x0Vect_ = ConvertFloatArrayToMPF(x0Vect)
    x1Vect_ = ConvertFloatArrayToMPF(x1Vect)
    vmVect_ = ConvertFloatArrayToMPF(vmVect)
    amVect_ = ConvertFloatArrayToMPF(amVect)

    dVect = x1Vect - x0Vect

    if type(delta) is not mp.mpf:
        delta = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(delta))

    vMin = inf  # the tightest velocity bound
    aMin = inf  # the tightest acceleration bound
    for i in xrange(ndof):
        if not IsEqual(x1Vect[i], x0Vect[i]):
            vMin = min(vMin, vmVect[i] / Abs(dVect[i]))
            aMin = min(aMin, amVect[i] / Abs(dVect[i]))

    assert (vMin < inf)
    assert (aMin < inf)

    if delta == zero:
        sdProfile = Interpolate1D(
            zero, one, zero, zero, vMin,
            aMin)  # parabolic ramp (velocity profile sd(t))
        # Not handle interpolation with switch-time constraints yet
        raise NotImplementedError

    # Scale each DOF according to the obtained sd-profile
    curves = [ParabolicCurve()
              for _ in xrange(ndof)]  # a list of (empty) parabolic curves
    for sdRamp in sdProfile:
        aVect = sdRamp.a * dVect
        v0Vect = sdRamp.v0 * dVect
        dur = sdRamp.duration

        for j in xrange(ndof):
            ramp = Ramp(v0Vect[j], aVect[j], dur, x0Vect[j])
            curve = ParabolicCurve([ramp])

    for (i, curve) in enumerate(curves):
    curvesnd = ParabolicCurvesND(curves)

    return curvesnd
 def SetInitialValue(self, x0):
     if type(x0) is not mp.mpf:
         x0 = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(x0))
     self.x0 = x0
     newx0 = x0
     for ramp in self.ramps:
         ramp.x0 = newx0
         newx0 = Add(newx0, ramp.d)
     self.x1 = Add(self.x0, self.d)
    def _create_Tderiv(self, k, n):
        r"""Create the n'th derivative of the k'th Chebyshev polynomial."""
        if not self._use_mp:
            return ChebyshevT.basis(k).deriv(n)
            if n == 0:
                return lambda x: mp.chebyt(k, x)
            # Since the Chebyshev derivatives attain high values near the
            # borders +-1 and usually are subtracted to obtain small values,
            # minimizing their relative error (i.e. fixing the number of
            # correct decimal places (dps)) is not enough to get precise
            # results. Hence, the below `moredps` variable is set to higher
            # values close to the border.
            extradps = 5
            pos = mp.fprod(
                [mp.mpf(k**2 - p**2) / (2 * p + 1) for p in range(n)])
            neg = (-1)**(k + n) * pos
            if n == 1:

                def dTk(x):
                    with mp.extradps(extradps):
                        x = clip(x, -1.0, 1.0)
                        if mp.almosteq(x, mp.one): return pos
                        if mp.almosteq(x, -mp.one): return neg
                        moredps = max(
                                min(abs(x - mp.one), abs(x + mp.one))) / 2))
                        moredps = min(moredps, 100)
                        with mp.extradps(moredps):
                            t = mp.acos(x)
                            return k * mp.sin(k * t) / mp.sin(t)

                return dTk
            if n == 2:

                def ddTk(x):
                    with mp.extradps(extradps):
                        x = clip(x, -1.0, 1.0)
                        if mp.almosteq(x, mp.one): return pos
                        if mp.almosteq(x, -mp.one): return neg
                        moredps = max(
                                min(abs(x - mp.one), abs(x + mp.one))) * 1.5) +
                        moredps = min(moredps, 100)
                        with mp.extradps(moredps):
                            t = mp.acos(x)
                            s = mp.sin(t)
                            return -k**2 * mp.cos(k * t) / s**2 + k * mp.cos(
                                t) * mp.sin(k * t) / s**3

                return ddTk
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Derivatives of order > 2 not implemented.')
def _ImposeVelocityLimit(curve, vm):
    """_ImposeVelocityLimit imposes the given velocity limit to the ParabolicCurve. In case the velocity
    limit cannot be satisfied, this function will return an empty ParabolicCurve.

    # Check types
    if type(vm) is not mp.mpf:
        vm = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(vm))

    # Check inputs
    assert (vm > zero)
    assert (len(curve) == 2)
    assert (Add(curve[0].a, curve[1].a) == zero)

    if Sub(Abs(curve[0].v0), vm) > epsilon:
        # Initial velocity violates the constraint
        return ParabolicCurve()

    if Sub(Abs(curve[1].v1), vm) > epsilon:
        # Final velocity violates the constraint
        return ParabolicCurve()

    vp = curve[1].v0
    if Abs(vp) <= vm:
        # Velocity limit is not violated
        return curve

    # h = Sub(Abs(vp), vm)
    # t = mp.fdiv(h, Abs(curve[0].a))

    ramp0, ramp1 = curve
    h = Sub(Abs(vp), vm)
    t = mp.fdiv(h, Abs(ramp0.a))

    # import IPython; IPython.embed()

    ramps = []
    if IsEqual(Abs(ramp0.v0), vm) and (mp.sign(ramp0.v0) == mp.sign(vp)):
        assert (IsEqual(ramp0.duration, t))  # check soundness
        newRamp0 = Ramp(ramp0.v0, ramp0.a, Sub(ramp0.duration, t), ramp0.x0)

    nom = h**2
    denom = Mul(Abs(curve[0].a), vm)
    newRamp1 = Ramp(Mul(mp.sign(vp), vm), zero,
                    Sum([t, t, mp.fdiv(nom, denom)]), curve.x0)

    if IsEqual(Abs(ramp1.v1), vm) and (mp.sign(ramp1.v1) == mp.sign(vp)):
        assert (IsEqual(ramp1.duration, t))  # check soundness
        newRamp2 = Ramp(Mul(mp.sign(vp), vm), ramp1.a, Sub(ramp1.duration, t))

    return ParabolicCurve(ramps)
def _error_estimate1(
    A pretty accurate error estimation is

      E(h) = h * (h/2/pi)**2 * sum_{-N}^{+N} F''(h*j)


      F(t) = f(g(t)) * g'(t),
      g(t) = tanh(pi/2 sinh(t)).
    alpha2 = alpha / mp.mpf(2)

    sinh_sinh_t = numpy.array(list(map(mp.sinh, sinh_t)))
    tanh_sinh_t = sinh_sinh_t / cosh_sinh_t

    # More derivatives of y = 1-g(t).
    y2 = -alpha2 * (sinh_t - 2 * cosh_t**2 * tanh_sinh_t) / cosh_sinh_t**2
    y3 = (-alpha2 * cosh_t *
          (+cosh_sinh_t - 4 * cosh_t**2 / cosh_sinh_t + 2 * cosh_t**2 *
           cosh_sinh_t + 2 * cosh_t**2 * tanh_sinh_t * sinh_sinh_t -
           6 * sinh_t * sinh_sinh_t) / cosh_sinh_t**3)

    fl1_y = numpy.array([f_left[1](yy) for yy in y0])
    fl2_y = numpy.array([f_left[2](yy) for yy in y0])

    fr1_y = numpy.array([f_right[1](yy) for yy in y0])
    fr2_y = numpy.array([f_right[2](yy) for yy in y0])

    # Second derivative of F(t) = f(g(t)) * g'(t).
    summands = numpy.concatenate([
        y3 * fly + 3 * y1 * y2 * fl1_y + y1**3 * fl2_y,
        y3 * fry + 3 * y1 * y2 * fr1_y + y1**3 * fr2_y,

    val = h * (h / 2 / mp.pi)**2 * mp.fsum(summands)
    if last_estimate is None:
        # Root level: The midpoint is counted twice in the above sum.
        out = val / 2
        out = last_estimate / 8 + val

    return out
文件: models.py 项目: fishwangx/SwEET
    def cMLE(self, ip, *args):
        Estimation of c
        c = float(ip)
        a = float(self.arule[self.j + 1])
        b = float(self.brule[self.j + 1])
        #print("a = {}, b = {}, c = {}".format(a, b, c))
        tVec = self.tVec
        tn = tVec[-1]
        exp_tn = np.exp(-b * np.power(tn, c))
        n = np.size(tVec)
        sum_k = 0
        for i in range(n):
            if i > 0:
                numer = (np.power(self.tVec[i], c) * self.expo(i, b, c) *
                         np.log(tVec[i]) - np.power(self.tVec[i - 1], c) *
                         self.expo(i - 1, b, c) * np.log(tVec[i - 1]))
                denom = (self.expo(i - 1, b, c) - self.expo(i, b, c))

                numer = (np.power(self.tVec[i], c) * self.expo(i, b, c) *
                denom = (1 - self.expo(i, b, c))
            if (denom == 0 or numer == 0) and i > 0:
                denom = exp(-mp.mpf(str(b)) * power(str(
                    self.tVec[i - 1]), mp.mpf(str(c)))) - exp(
                        -mp.mpf(str(b)) *
                        power(str(self.tVec[i]), mp.mpf(str(c))))
                numer = (
                    power(float(self.tVec[i]), c) * self.expo_mp(i, b, c) *
                    log(float(self.tVec[i])) -
                    power(float(self.tVec[i - 1]), c) *
                    self.expo_mp(i - 1, b, c) * log(float(self.tVec[i - 1])))

            #print ("{} / {}".format(type(numer),type(denom)))
            ratio = numer / denom
            sum_k += self.kVec[i] * b * float(ratio)

        cprime = sum_k - a * b * np.power(self.tVec[-1], c) * self.expo(
            -1, b, c) * np.log(tVec[-1])
        return float(cprime)
def gauss_genlaguerre(n, alpha):
    d = mp.matrix([i + alpha for i in mp.arange(1, 2 * n, 2)])
    e = [-mp.sqrt(k * (k + alpha)) for k in mp.arange(1, n)]
    e = mp.matrix(e)
    z = mp.eye(n)[0, :]

    tridiag_eigen(mp, d, e, z)
    z = mp.gamma(alpha + 1) * z.apply(lambda x: x**2)
    return d, z.T
def binaryToDecFaster(binaryInitial):

    with Pool(8) as p:
        tt = p.map(binaryReducer, enumerate(binaryInitial))

    res = mp.mpf(0)
    for _ in tt:
        res += _

    return res
 def __init__(self,
     mp.dps = 10
     self.numerator = numerator
     self.denominator = denominator
     self.fraction = Fraction(numerator, denominator)
     self.precision = precision
     self.combinations_checked = 0
     self.fractions = []
     self.n_elements = n_elements
     self.ratio = mp.mpf(numerator) / mp.mpf(denominator)
     self.max_denominator = max_denominator
     self.max_numerator = max_numerator
     self.total_elements = 0
def _ImposeVelocityLimit(curve, vm):
    """_ImposeVelocityLimit imposes the given velocity limit to the ParabolicCurve. In case the velocity
    limit cannot be satisfied, this function will return an empty ParabolicCurve.

    # Check types
    if type(vm) is not mp.mpf:
        vm = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(vm))

    # Check inputs
    assert(vm > zero)
    assert(len(curve) == 2)
    assert(Add(curve[0].a, curve[1].a) == zero)

    if Sub(Abs(curve[0].v0), vm) > epsilon:
        # Initial velocity violates the constraint
        return ParabolicCurve()

    if Sub(Abs(curve[1].v1), vm) > epsilon:
        # Final velocity violates the constraint
        return ParabolicCurve()
    vp = curve[1].v0
    if Abs(vp) <= vm:
        # Velocity limit is not violated
        return curve

    # h = Sub(Abs(vp), vm)
    # t = mp.fdiv(h, Abs(curve[0].a))
    ramp0, ramp1 = curve
    h = Sub(Abs(vp), vm)
    t = mp.fdiv(h, Abs(ramp0.a))

    # import IPython; IPython.embed()

    ramps = []
    if IsEqual(Abs(ramp0.v0), vm) and (mp.sign(ramp0.v0) == mp.sign(vp)):
        assert(IsEqual(ramp0.duration, t)) # check soundness
        newRamp0 = Ramp(ramp0.v0, ramp0.a, Sub(ramp0.duration, t), ramp0.x0)
    nom = h**2
    denom = Mul(Abs(curve[0].a), vm)
    newRamp1 = Ramp(Mul(mp.sign(vp), vm), zero, Sum([t, t, mp.fdiv(nom, denom)]), curve.x0)

    if IsEqual(Abs(ramp1.v1), vm) and (mp.sign(ramp1.v1) == mp.sign(vp)):
        assert(IsEqual(ramp1.duration, t)) # check soundness
        newRamp2 = Ramp(Mul(mp.sign(vp), vm), ramp1.a, Sub(ramp1.duration, t))

    return ParabolicCurve(ramps)
def InterpolateArbitraryVelND(x0Vect_, x1Vect_, v0Vect_, v1Vect_, xminVect_, xmaxVect_, vmVect_, amVect_, delta=zero, tryHarder=False):
    """Interpolate a trajectory connecting two waypoints, (x0Vect, v0Vect) and (x1Vect, v1Vect).

    ndof = len(x0Vect_)
    assert(ndof == len(x1Vect_))
    assert(ndof == len(v0Vect_))
    assert(ndof == len(v1Vect_))
    assert(ndof == len(xminVect_))
    assert(ndof == len(xmaxVect_))
    assert(ndof == len(vmVect_))
    assert(ndof == len(amVect_))

    # Convert all vector elements into mp.mpf (if necessary)
    x0Vect = ConvertFloatArrayToMPF(x0Vect_)
    x1Vect = ConvertFloatArrayToMPF(x1Vect_)
    v0Vect = ConvertFloatArrayToMPF(v0Vect_)
    v1Vect = ConvertFloatArrayToMPF(v1Vect_)
    xminVect = ConvertFloatArrayToMPF(xminVect_)
    xmaxVect = ConvertFloatArrayToMPF(xmaxVect_)
    vmVect = ConvertFloatArrayToMPF(vmVect_)
    amVect = ConvertFloatArrayToMPF(amVect_)
    dVect = x1Vect - x0Vect

    if type(delta) is not mp.mpf:
        delta = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(delta))

    # First independently interpolate each DOF to find out the slowest one.
    curves = []
    maxDuration = zero
    maxIndex = 0
    for i in range(ndof):
        if delta == zero:
            curve = Interpolate1D(x0Vect[i], x1Vect[i], v0Vect[i], v1Vect[i], vmVect[i], amVect[i])
            raise NotImplementedError
        if curve.duration > maxDuration:
            maxDuration = curve.duration
            maxIndex = i        

    # print("maxIndex = {0}".format(maxIndex))
    curvesnd = ReinterpolateNDFixedDuration(curves, vmVect, amVect, maxIndex, delta, tryHarder)

    newCurves = []
    for (i, curve) in enumerate(curvesnd.curves):
        newCurve = _ImposeJointLimitFixedDuration(curve, xminVect[i], xmaxVect[i], vmVect[i], amVect[i])
        if newCurve.isEmpty:
            return ParabolicCurvesND()
    return ParabolicCurvesND(newCurves)
    def __init__(self, v0, a, dur, x0=zero):
        if type(dur) is not mp.mpf:
            dur = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(dur))
        assert(dur >= -epsilon)

        # Check types
        if type(x0) is not mp.mpf:
            x0 = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(x0))
        if type(v0) is not mp.mpf:
            v0 = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(v0))
        if type(a) is not mp.mpf:
            a = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(a))
        self.x0 = x0
        self.v0 = v0
        self.a = a
        self.duration = dur
        self.v1 = Add(self.v0, Mul(self.a, self.duration))
        self.d = Prod([pointfive, Add(self.v0, self.v1), self.duration])
def test_levin_1():
    mp.dps = 17
    eps = mp.mpf(mp.eps)
    with mp.extraprec(2 * mp.prec):
        L = mp.levin(method = "levin", variant = "v")
        A, n = [], 1
        while 1:
            s = mp.mpf(n) ** (2 + 3j)
            n += 1
            v, e = L.update(A)
            if e < eps:
            if n > 1000: raise RuntimeError("iteration limit exceeded")
    eps = mp.exp(0.9 * mp.log(eps))
    err = abs(v - mp.zeta(-2-3j))
    assert err < eps
    w = mp.nsum(lambda n: n ** (2 + 3j), [1, mp.inf], method = "levin", levin_variant = "v")
    err = abs(v - w)
    assert err < eps
def MPDBsc(M):
    Xk = M.copy()
    Yk = mp.eye(M.cols)
    dA = mp.det(M)**(mp.mpf('1.0')/2)
    for i in range(1,30):
        uk = mp.fabs(mp.det(Xk)/dA)**(-1.0/i)
        Xk1 = (uk*Xk + (uk**(-1))*(Yk**(-1)))/2
        Yk1 = (uk*Yk + (uk**(-1))*(Xk**(-1)))/2
        Xk = Xk1
        Yk = Yk1

    return Xk
def Interpolate1D(x0, x1, v0, v1, vm, am, delta=zero):
    # Check types
    if type(x0) is not mp.mpf:
        x0 = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(x0))
    if type(x1) is not mp.mpf:
        x1 = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(x1))
    if type(v0) is not mp.mpf:
        v0 = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(v0))
    if type(v1) is not mp.mpf:
        v1 = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(v1))
    if type(vm) is not mp.mpf:
        vm = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(vm))
    if type(am) is not mp.mpf:
        am = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(am))

    # Check inputs
    assert(vm > zero)
    assert(am > zero)
    assert(Abs(v0) <= vm)
    assert(Abs(v1) <= vm)
    curve = _Interpolate1DNoVelocityLimit(x0, x1, v0, v1, am)
    if len(curve) == 1:
        return curve

    return _ImposeVelocityLimit(curve, vm)
def test_levin_3():
    mp.dps = 17
    eps = mp.mpf(mp.eps)
    with mp.extraprec(7*mp.prec):  # we need copious amount of precision to sum this highly divergent series
        L = mp.levin(method = "levin", variant = "t")
        n, s = 0, 0
        while 1:
            s += (-z)**n * mp.fac(4 * n) / (mp.fac(n) * mp.fac(2 * n) * (4 ** n))
            n += 1
            v, e = L.step_psum(s)
            if e < eps:
            if n > 1000: raise RuntimeError("iteration limit exceeded")
    eps = mp.exp(0.8 * mp.log(eps))
    exact = mp.quad(lambda x: mp.exp( -x * x / 2 - z * x ** 4), [0,mp.inf]) * 2 / mp.sqrt(2 * mp.pi)
    # there is also a symbolic expression for the integral:
    #   exact = mp.exp(mp.one / (32 * z)) * mp.besselk(mp.one / 4, mp.one / (32 * z)) / (4 * mp.sqrt(z * mp.pi))
    err = abs(v - exact)
    assert err < eps
    w = mp.nsum(lambda n: (-z)**n * mp.fac(4 * n) / (mp.fac(n) * mp.fac(2 * n) * (4 ** n)), [0, mp.inf], method = "levin", levin_variant = "t", workprec = 8*mp.prec, steps = [2] + [1 for x in xrange(1000)])
    err = abs(v - w)
    assert err < eps
def test_levin_2():
    # [2] A. Sidi - "Pratical Extrapolation Methods" p.373
    mp.dps = 17
    eps = mp.mpf(mp.eps)
    with mp.extraprec(2 * mp.prec):
        L = mp.levin(method = "sidi", variant = "t")
        n = 0
        while 1:
            s = (-1)**n * mp.fac(n) * z ** (-n)
            v, e = L.step(s)
            n += 1
            if e < eps:
            if n > 1000: raise RuntimeError("iteration limit exceeded")
    eps = mp.exp(0.9 * mp.log(eps))
    exact = mp.quad(lambda x: mp.exp(-x)/(1+x/z),[0,mp.inf])
    # there is also a symbolic expression for the integral:
    #   exact = z * mp.exp(z) * mp.expint(1,z)
    err = abs(v - exact)
    assert err < eps
    w = mp.nsum(lambda n: (-1) ** n * mp.fac(n) * z ** (-n), [0, mp.inf], method = "sidi", levin_variant = "t")
    assert err < eps
def SolveQuartic(a, b, c, d, e):
    SolveQuartic solves a quartic (fouth order) equation of the form
            ax^4 + bx^3 + cx^2 + dx + e = 0.
    For the detail of formulae presented here, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartic_function
    # Check types
    if type(a) is not mp.mpf:
        a = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(a))
    if type(b) is not mp.mpf:
        b = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(b))
    if type(c) is not mp.mpf:
        c = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(c))
    if type(d) is not mp.mpf:
        d = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(d))
    if type(e) is not mp.mpf:
        e = mp.mpf("{:.15e}".format(e))

    # Working code (more readable but probably less precise)
    p = (8*a*c - 3*b*b)/(8*a*a)
    q = (b**3 - 4*a*b*c + 8*a*a*d)/(8*a*a*a)
    delta0 = c*c - 3*b*d + 12*a*e
    delta1 = 2*(c**3) - 9*b*c*d + 27*b*b*e + 27*a*d*d - 72*a*c*e
    Q = mp.nthroot(pointfive*(delta1 + mp.sqrt(delta1*delta1 - 4*mp.power(delta0, 3))), 3)
    S = pointfive*mp.sqrt(-mp.fdiv(mp.mpf('2'), mp.mpf('3'))*p + (one/(3*a))*(Q + delta0/Q))

    x1 = -b/(4*a) - S + pointfive*mp.sqrt(-4*S*S - 2*p + q/S)
    x2 = -b/(4*a) - S - pointfive*mp.sqrt(-4*S*S - 2*p + q/S)
    x3 = -b/(4*a) + S + pointfive*mp.sqrt(-4*S*S - 2*p - q/S)
    x4 = -b/(4*a) + S - pointfive*mp.sqrt(-4*S*S - 2*p - q/S)
    p = mp.fdiv(Sub(Prod([number('8'), a, c]), Mul(number('3'), mp.power(b, 2))), Mul(number('8'), mp.power(a, 2)))
    q = mp.fdiv(Sum([mp.power(b, 3), Prod([number('-4'), a, b, c]), Prod([number('8'), mp.power(a, 2), d])]), Mul(8, mp.power(a, 3)))
    delta0 = Sum([mp.power(c, 2), Prod([number('-3'), b, d]), Prod([number('12'), a, e])])
    delta1 = Sum([Mul(2, mp.power(c, 3)), Prod([number('-9'), b, c, d]), Prod([number('27'), mp.power(b, 2), e]), Prod([number('27'), a, mp.power(d, 2)]), Prod([number('-72'), a, c, e])])
    Q = mp.nthroot(Mul(pointfive, Add(delta1, mp.sqrt(Add(mp.power(delta1, 2), Mul(number('-4'), mp.power(delta0, 3)))))), 3)
    S = Mul(pointfive, mp.sqrt(Mul(mp.fdiv(mp.mpf('-2'), mp.mpf('3')), p) + Mul(mp.fdiv(one, Mul(number('3'), a)), Add(Q, mp.fdiv(delta0, Q)))))

    # log.debug("p = {0}".format(mp.nstr(p, n=_prec)))
    # log.debug("q = {0}".format(mp.nstr(q, n=_prec)))
    # log.debug("delta0 = {0}".format(mp.nstr(delta0, n=_prec)))
    # log.debug("delta1 = {0}".format(mp.nstr(delta1, n=_prec)))
    # log.debug("Q = {0}".format(mp.nstr(Q, n=_prec)))
    # log.debug("S = {0}".format(mp.nstr(S, n=_prec)))

    x1 = Sum([mp.fdiv(b, Mul(number('-4'), a)), Neg(S), Mul(pointfive, mp.sqrt(Sum([Mul(number('-4'), mp.power(S, 2)), Mul(number('-2'), p), mp.fdiv(q, S)])))])
    x2 = Sum([mp.fdiv(b, Mul(number('-4'), a)), Neg(S), Neg(Mul(pointfive, mp.sqrt(Sum([Mul(number('-4'), mp.power(S, 2)), Mul(number('-2'), p), mp.fdiv(q, S)]))))])
    x3 = Sum([mp.fdiv(b, Mul(number('-4'), a)), S, Mul(pointfive, mp.sqrt(Sum([Mul(number('-4'), mp.power(S, 2)), Mul(number('-2'), p), Neg(mp.fdiv(q, S))])))])
    x4 = Sum([mp.fdiv(b, Mul(number('-4'), a)), S, Neg(Mul(pointfive, mp.sqrt(Sum([Mul(number('-4'), mp.power(S, 2)), Mul(number('-2'), p), Neg(mp.fdiv(q, S))]))))])
    return [x1, x2, x3, x4]
文件: integer.py 项目: cjiang/Mathics
 def apply(self, n, b, evaluation):
     'IntegerLength[n_, b_]'
     # Use interval arithmetic to account for "right" rounding
     n, b = n.get_int_value(), b.get_int_value()
     if n is None or b is None:
         evaluation.message('IntegerLength', 'int')
     if b <= 1:
         evaluation.message('IntegerLength', 'base', b)
     result = mp.mpf(iv.log(iv.mpf(mpz2mpmath(abs(n))), mpz2mpmath(b)).b)
     result = mpz(mpmath2gmpy(result)) + 1
     return Integer(result)