文件: image.py 项目: 3Geo/mpop
    def stretch_hist_equalize(self, ch_nb):
        """Stretch the current image's colors by performing histogram
        equalization on channel *ch_nb*.
        LOG.info("Perform a histogram equalized contrast stretch.")

        if(self.channels[ch_nb].size ==
            LOG.warning("Nothing to stretch !")

        arr = self.channels[ch_nb]

        nwidth = 2048.0

        carr = arr.compressed()

        imhist, bins = np.histogram(carr, nwidth, normed=True)
        cdf = imhist.cumsum() - imhist[0]
        cdf = cdf / cdf[-1]

        res = np.ma.empty_like(arr)
        res.mask = np.ma.getmaskarray(arr)
        res[~res.mask] = np.interp(carr, bins[:-1], cdf)

        self.channels[ch_nb] = res
    def add_overlay(self, color=(0, 0, 0)):
        """Add coastline and political borders to image, using *color*.
        import acpgimage
        import _acpgpilext
        import pps_array2image


        import ConfigParser

        conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        conf.read(os.path.join(CONFIG_PATH, "geo_image.cfg"))

        coast_dir = CONFIG_PATH
        coast_file = os.path.join(coast_dir, conf.get("coasts", "coast_file"))

        arr = np.zeros(self.channels[0].shape, np.uint8)

        LOG.debug("Adding overlay: " + str(self.area_id))
        if not isinstance(self.area_id, str):
            area_id = self.area_id.area_id
            area_id = self.area_id
        LOG.info("Add coastlines and political borders to image. " "Area = %s" % (area_id))
        rimg = acpgimage.image(area_id)
        rimg.info["nodata"] = 255
        rimg.data = arr
        area_overlayfile = "%s/coastlines_%s.asc" % (coast_dir, area_id)
        LOG.info("Read overlay. Try find something prepared on the area...")
            overlay = _acpgpilext.read_overlay(area_overlayfile)
            LOG.info("Got overlay for area: %s." % area_overlayfile)
        except IOError:
            LOG.info("Didn't find an area specific overlay." " Have to read world-map...")
            overlay = _acpgpilext.read_overlay(coast_file)
        LOG.info("Add overlay.")
        overlay_image = pps_array2image.add_overlay(rimg, overlay, pil.fromarray(arr), color=1)

        val = np.ma.asarray(overlay_image)

        self.channels[0] = np.ma.where(val == 1, color[0], self.channels[0])
        self.channels[0].mask = np.where(val == 1, False, np.ma.getmaskarray(self.channels[0]))

        self.channels[1] = np.ma.where(val == 1, color[1], self.channels[1])
        self.channels[1].mask = np.where(val == 1, False, np.ma.getmaskarray(self.channels[1]))

        self.channels[2] = np.ma.where(val == 1, color[2], self.channels[2])
        self.channels[2].mask = np.where(val == 1, False, np.ma.getmaskarray(self.channels[2]))
文件: geo_image.py 项目: Pelgrum/mpop
    def save(self, filename, compression=6,
             tags=None, gdal_options=None,
             fformat=None, blocksize=256, **kwargs):
        """Save the image to the given *filename*. If the extension is "tif",
        the image is saved to geotiff_ format, in which case the *compression*
        level can be given ([0, 9], 0 meaning off). See also
        :meth:`image.Image.save`, :meth:`image.Image.double_save`, and
        :meth:`image.Image.secure_save`.  The *tags* argument is a dict of tags
        to include in the image (as metadata), and the *gdal_options* holds
        options for the gdal saving driver. A *blocksize* other than 0 will
        result in a tiled image (if possible), with tiles of size equal to

        If the specified format *fformat* is not know to MPOP (and PIL), we
        will try to import module *fformat* and call the method `fformat.save`.

        .. _geotiff: http://trac.osgeo.org/geotiff/
        file_tuple = os.path.splitext(filename)
        fformat = fformat or file_tuple[1][1:]

        if fformat.lower() in ('tif', 'tiff'):
            return self.geotiff_save(filename, compression, tags,
                                     gdal_options, blocksize, **kwargs)
            # Let image.pil_save it ?
            super(GeoImage, self).save(filename, compression, fformat=fformat)
        except mpop.imageo.image.UnknownImageFormat:
            # No ... last resort, try to import an external module. 
            LOG.info("Importing image saver module '%s'" % fformat)
                saver = __import__(fformat, globals(), locals(), ['save'])
            except ImportError:
                raise  mpop.imageo.image.UnknownImageFormat(
                    "Unknown image format '%s'" % fformat)
            saver.save(self, filename, **kwargs)
文件: geo_image.py 项目: Pelgrum/mpop
    def add_overlay(self, color=(0, 0, 0), width=0.5, resolution=None):
        """Add coastline and political borders to image, using *color* (tuple
        of integers between 0 and 255).
        Warning: Loses the masks !
        *resolution* is chosen automatically if None (default), otherwise it should be one of:
        | 'f' | Full resolution         | 0.04 km | 
        | 'h' | High resolution         | 0.2 km  |
        | 'i' | Intermediate resolution | 1.0 km  |
        | 'l' | Low resolution          | 5.0 km  |
        | 'c' | Crude resolution        | 25  km  |

        img = self.pil_image()

        import ConfigParser
        conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        conf.read(os.path.join(CONFIG_PATH, "mpop.cfg"))

        coast_dir = conf.get('shapes', 'dir')

        LOG.debug("Getting area for overlay: " + str(self.area))

        if self.area is None:
            raise ValueError("Area of image is None, can't add overlay.")

        from mpop.projector import get_area_def
        if isinstance(self.area, str):
            self.area = get_area_def(self.area) 
        LOG.info("Add coastlines and political borders to image.")
        LOG.debug("Area = " + str(self.area))

        if resolution is None:
            x_resolution = ((self.area.area_extent[2] -
                             self.area.area_extent[0]) /
            y_resolution = ((self.area.area_extent[3] -
                             self.area.area_extent[1]) /
            res = min(x_resolution, y_resolution)

            if res > 25000:
                resolution = "c"
            elif res > 5000:
                resolution = "l"
            elif res > 1000:
                resolution = "i"
            elif res > 200:
                resolution = "h"
                resolution = "f"

            LOG.debug("Automagically choose resolution " + resolution)
        from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
        cw_ = ContourWriterAGG(coast_dir)
        cw_.add_coastlines(img, self.area, outline=color,
                           resolution=resolution, width=width)
        cw_.add_borders(img, self.area, outline=color,
                        resolution=resolution, width=width)

        arr = np.array(img)

        if len(self.channels) == 1:
            self.channels[0] = np.ma.array(arr[:, :] / 255.0)
            for idx in range(len(self.channels)):
                self.channels[idx] = np.ma.array(arr[:, :, idx] / 255.0)