def __init__(self): self.stdby = StandbyVerify() self.runmixin = StandbyRunMixin() self.runmixin.createdb(dbname='walrepl') self.mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.config = GPDBConfig() self.pgutil = GpUtility() = socket.gethostname()
def __init__(self, methodName): self.gpact = GpactivateStandby() self.gpinit = GpinitStandby() self.runmixin = StandbyRunMixin() self.runmixin.createdb(dbname=self.dbname) self.bkup_timestamp = "" self.gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') self.mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') = socket.gethostname() self.standby_loc = os.path.split(self.mdd)[0] + self.standby_dirname super(BkupRestore, self).__init__(methodName)
def __init__(self): self.gpinit = GpinitStandby() self.pgutil = GpUtility() self.runmixin = StandbyRunMixin() self.runmixin.createdb(dbname='walrepl') self.gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') self.mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.config = GPDBConfig() = socket.gethostname() dburl = dbconn.DbURL() gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dburl, utility=True) self.numcontent = gparray.getNumSegmentContents() self.orig_master = gparray.master
def __init__(self,methodName): self.gpact = GpactivateStandby() self.gpinit = GpinitStandby() self.runmixin = StandbyRunMixin() self.runmixin.createdb(dbname=self.dbname) self.bkup_timestamp = "" self.gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') self.mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') = socket.gethostname() self.standby_loc = os.path.split(self.mdd)[0]+self.standby_dirname super(BkupRestore,self).__init__(methodName)
def __init__(self): self.stdby = StandbyRunMixin()
class StandbyVerify(object): '''Class for standby verification Disclaimer: Some of these may repeat with the mpp/lib version''' def __init__(self): self.stdby = StandbyRunMixin() def _run_remote_command(self, host, command): rmt_cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e '%s' " % (host, command) cmd = Command(name='Running a remote command', cmdStr = rmt_cmd) result = cmd.get_results()'%s\n%s' %(rmt_cmd, result.stdout)) return result.stdout def get_pg_stat_replication(self): '''Returns the pg_stat_replication result as a list''' if self.stdby.wait_for_walsender() == 0: raise WalReplException('Standby Replication has not started') with DbConn(utility=True, dbname='template1') as conn: return conn.execute(""" SELECT procpid, usesysid, usename, application_name, client_addr, client_port, backend_start, state, sent_location, write_location, flush_location, replay_location, sync_priority, sync_state FROM pg_stat_replication """) def check_gp_segment_config(self): ''' Check for the new entry in gp_segment_configuration''' sm_count = PSQL.run_sql_command("select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where content='-1' and role='m';", flags='-q -t', dbname='postgres') if int(sm_count.strip()) != 1: return False'A new entry is added for standby in gp_segment_configuration') return True def check_pg_stat_replication(self): '''Check the state and sync_state from pg_stat_replication ''' for i in walrepl.polling(max_try=20, interval=0.5): res = self.get_pg_stat_replication() if len(res) == 0: continue elif res[0].state == 'streaming' and res[0].sync_state == 'sync':'pg_stat_replication is updated with the information') return True else: continue return False def check_standby_processes(self): '''Check if all the standby processes are present ''' # Get hostname and data directory of standby, if any. # We could use gparray, but for now let's stay away from gppylib with DbConn(dbname='postgres') as conn: results = conn.execute(""" SELECT hostname, fselocation FROM gp_segment_configuration INNER JOIN pg_filespace_entry ON dbid = fsedbid WHERE fsefsoid = 3052 AND content = -1 AND role = 'm' """) # If standby is not configured, there must not be any standby processes. if len(results) == 0: return False host = results[0].hostname datadir = results[0].fselocation # We look for these processes that are spawned from standby postmaster. # They should have postmaster pid as ppid. We minimize remote operation # cost by getting ps output once, and search for these strings from the # output lines using regexp. process_list = ['master logger process', 'startup process', 'wal receiver process'] target_process = '(' + '|'.join(process_list) + ')' postmaster_pid = walrepl.get_postmaster_pid(datadir, host) # If postmaster does not exit, child processes are not present. if postmaster_pid == -1: return False # Make it string for the later comparison postmaster_pid = str(postmaster_pid) cmd = SmartCmd('ps -e -o ppid,command | grep [p]ostgres', host=host) standby_processes = [] for line in cmd.get_results().stdout.splitlines(True): line = line.strip() (ppid, command) = re.split(r'\s+', line, 1) if ppid == postmaster_pid and, command): standby_processes.append(line) # If we found more or less than expected, we don't know. if len(standby_processes) != len(process_list): return False'All the standby processes are present at standby host''') return True
class StandbyVerify(object): '''Class for standby verification Disclaimer: Some of these may repeat with the mpp/lib version''' def __init__(self): self.stdby = StandbyRunMixin() def _run_remote_command(self, host, command): rmt_cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e '%s' " % (host, command) cmd = Command(name='Running a remote command', cmdStr=rmt_cmd) result = cmd.get_results()'%s\n%s' % (rmt_cmd, result.stdout)) return result.stdout def get_pg_stat_replication(self): '''Returns the pg_stat_replication result as a list''' if self.stdby.wait_for_walsender() == 0: raise WalReplException('Standby Replication has not started') with DbConn(utility=True, dbname='template1') as conn: return conn.execute(""" SELECT procpid, usesysid, usename, application_name, client_addr, client_port, backend_start, state, sent_location, write_location, flush_location, replay_location, sync_priority, sync_state FROM pg_stat_replication """) def check_gp_segment_config(self): ''' Check for the new entry in gp_segment_configuration''' sm_count = PSQL.run_sql_command( "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where content='-1' and role='m';", flags='-q -t', dbname='postgres') if int(sm_count.strip()) != 1: return False 'A new entry is added for standby in gp_segment_configuration') return True def check_pg_stat_replication(self): '''Check the state and sync_state from pg_stat_replication ''' for i in walrepl.polling(max_try=20, interval=0.5): res = self.get_pg_stat_replication() if len(res) == 0: continue elif res[0].state == 'streaming' and res[0].sync_state == 'sync': 'pg_stat_replication is updated with the information') return True else: continue return False def check_standby_processes(self): '''Check if all the standby processes are present ''' # Get hostname and data directory of standby, if any. # We could use gparray, but for now let's stay away from gppylib with DbConn(dbname='postgres') as conn: results = conn.execute(""" SELECT hostname, datadir FROM gp_segment_configuration WHERE content = -1 AND role = 'm' """) # If standby is not configured, there must not be any standby processes. if len(results) == 0: return False host = results[0].hostname datadir = results[0].datadir # We look for these processes that are spawned from standby postmaster. # They should have postmaster pid as ppid. We minimize remote operation # cost by getting ps output once, and search for these strings from the # output lines using regexp. process_list = [ 'master logger process', 'startup process', 'wal receiver process' ] target_process = '(' + '|'.join(process_list) + ')' postmaster_pid = walrepl.get_postmaster_pid(datadir, host) # If postmaster does not exit, child processes are not present. if postmaster_pid == -1: return False # Make it string for the later comparison postmaster_pid = str(postmaster_pid) cmd = SmartCmd('ps -e -o ppid,command | grep [p]ostgres', host=host) standby_processes = [] for line in cmd.get_results().stdout.splitlines(True): line = line.strip() (ppid, command) = re.split(r'\s+', line, 1) if ppid == postmaster_pid and, command): standby_processes.append(line) # If we found more or less than expected, we don't know. if len(standby_processes) != len(process_list): return False 'All the standby processes are present at standby host' '') return True
class GpactivateStandby(object): '''Class for gpactivatestandby operations ''' standby_port = '5656' db_name = 'walrepl' def __init__(self): self.gpinit = GpinitStandby() self.pgutil = GpUtility() self.runmixin = StandbyRunMixin() self.runmixin.createdb(dbname='walrepl') self.gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') self.mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.config = GPDBConfig() = socket.gethostname() dburl = dbconn.DbURL() gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dburl, utility=True) self.numcontent = gparray.getNumSegmentContents() self.orig_master = gparray.master def run_remote(self, standbyhost, rmt_cmd, pgport='', standbydd=''): '''Runs remote command and returns rc, result ''' export_cmd = "source %s/;export PGPORT=%s;export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=%s" % ( self.gphome, pgport, standbydd) remote_cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e '%s; %s'" % (standbyhost, export_cmd, rmt_cmd) cmd = Command(name='Running Remote command', cmdStr='%s' % remote_cmd)" %s" % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() return result.rc, result.stdout def activate(self, option=''): ''' Stop the master and activate current standby to master''' standby_host = self.get_current_standby() standby_port = self.get_standby_port() standby_loc = self.get_standby_dd() self.run_remote(, 'gpstop -aim', pgport=self.pgport, standbydd=self.mdd) gpactivate_cmd = 'gpactivatestandby -a -d %s %s' % (standby_loc, option) (rc, result) = self.run_remote(standby_host, gpactivate_cmd, pgport=standby_port, standbydd=standby_loc) 'Result without force option to activate standby %s' % result) if (rc != 0) and result.find('Force activation required') != -1: 'activating standby failed, try force activation...') gpactivate_cmd = 'gpactivatestandby -a -f -d %s %s' % (standby_loc, option) (rc, result) = self.run_remote(standby_host, gpactivate_cmd, pgport=standby_port, standbydd=standby_loc) if (rc != 0): tinctest.logger.error('Force activating standby failed!') return False'standby acvitated, host value %s' % standby_host) return True def remove_standby(self): return'-r') def failback_to_original_master(self): # Check if master is running. bashCmd = ( self.gphome ) + '/bin/pg_ctl status -D $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY | grep \'pg_ctl: server is running\'' cmd = Command(name='Running cmd %s' % bashCmd, cmdStr="source %s/; %s" % (self.gphome, bashCmd)) try: except Exception, e: tinctest.logger.error("Error running command %s\n" % e) return result = cmd.get_results() out = result.stdout if not out:'Start the old master again ...') master = gp.MasterStart("Starting orig Master", self.orig_master.datadir, self.orig_master.port, self.orig_master.dbid, 0, self.numcontent, None, None, None) result = master.get_results()'orig Master started result : %s' % result.stdout) if result.rc != 0: raise WalReplException( 'Unable to start original master process') Command('gpinitstandby -ra', 'gpinitstandby -ra').run() # failing back to old master, it takes a little bit to prepare the cluster ready for connection if os.path.exists(local_path('drop_filespace.sql')): PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('drop_filespace.sql'), dbname=self.db_name)
class GpinitStandby(object): '''Class for gpinitstandby operations Disclaimer: Some of these may repeat with the mpp/lib version''' def __init__(self): self.stdby = StandbyVerify() self.runmixin = StandbyRunMixin() self.runmixin.createdb(dbname='walrepl') self.mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.config = GPDBConfig() self.pgutil = GpUtility() = socket.gethostname() def run(self, option=''): '''Runs gpinitstandby and returns True if successfull ''' gpinitstandby_cmd = 'gpinitstandby -a %s' % option cmd = Command(name='Running Gpinitstandby', cmdStr="%s" % gpinitstandby_cmd)" %s" % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc != 0: return False return True def verify_gpinitstandby(self, primary_pid): '''Verify the presence of standby in recovery mode ''' if (self.stdby.check_gp_segment_config()) and ( self.stdby.check_pg_stat_replication()) and ( self.stdby.check_standby_processes() ) and self.compare_primary_pid(primary_pid): return True return False def get_masterhost(self): std_sql = "select hostname from gp_segment_configuration where content=-1 and role='p';" master_host = PSQL.run_sql_command(std_sql, flags='-q -t', dbname='postgres') return master_host.strip() def get_standbyhost(self): std_sql = "select hostname from gp_segment_configuration where content='-1' and role='m';" standby_host = PSQL.run_sql_command(std_sql, flags='-q -t', dbname='postgres') return standby_host.strip() def get_filespace_location(self): fs_sql = "select fselocation from pg_filespace_entry where fselocation like '%fs_walrepl_a%' and fsedbid=1;" filespace_loc = PSQL.run_sql_command(fs_sql, flags='-q -t', dbname='postgres') return filespace_loc.strip() def get_standbyhostnode(self): ''' Function used to obtain the hostname of one of the segment node inorder to use it as the standby master node" @return : returns the hostname of the segment node which can be used as the standby master node ''' hostlist = self.config.get_hosts() standby = '' for host in hostlist: if host.strip() != standby = host.strip() if len(standby) > 0: return standby else: tinctest.logger.error( 'No segment host other than master available to have remote standby' ) def get_primary_pid(self): pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(pgport=os.environ.get('PGPORT'), keyword=self.mdd) if int(pid) == -1: raise WalReplException( 'Unable to get pid of primary master process') else: return int(pid) def compare_primary_pid(self, initial_pid): final_pid = self.get_primary_pid() if initial_pid == final_pid: return True return False def create_dir_on_standby(self, standby, location): fs_cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e 'rm -rf %s; mkdir -p %s' " % ( standby, location, location) cmd = Command( name='Make dierctory on standby before running the command', cmdStr=fs_cmd)'%s' % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc != 0: raise WalReplException('Unable to create directory on standby') else: return True def initstand_by_with_default(self): master_host = self.get_masterhost() gp_cmd = "/bin/bash -c 'gpinitstandby -s %s'" % (master_host) cmd = Command(name='Running the command', cmdStr=gp_cmd)'%s' % cmd) sleep(2) result = cmd.get_results() lines = result.stdout.splitlines() for line in lines: if 'Data directory already exists' in line: return True return False def init_with_prompt(self, filespace_loc): standby = self.get_standbyhostnode() gp_cmd = "/bin/bash -c 'gpinitstandby -s %s -a'" % (standby) logfile = open(local_path('install2.log'), 'w') child = pexpect.spawn(gp_cmd, timeout=400) child.logfile = logfile sleep(5) check = child.expect( ['.* Enter standby filespace location for filespace.*', ' ']) child.sendline(filespace_loc) sleep(10) check = child.expect(['.*Successfully created standby master.*']) if check != 0: tinctest.logger.error('gpinitstandy failed') return False child.close() return True
class BkupRestore(MPPTestCase): dbname = 'bkdb' standby_port = '5433' standby_dirname = '_newstandby' def __init__(self, methodName): self.gpact = GpactivateStandby() self.gpinit = GpinitStandby() self.runmixin = StandbyRunMixin() self.runmixin.createdb(dbname=self.dbname) self.bkup_timestamp = "" self.gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') self.mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') = socket.gethostname() self.standby_loc = os.path.split(self.mdd)[0] + self.standby_dirname super(BkupRestore, self).__init__(methodName) def createdb(self): PSQL.run_sql_command('Drop database %s;Create database %s;' % (self.dbname, self.dbname), dbname='postgres') def run_backup(self): #Cleanup db_dumps folder before running backup cleanup_cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e 'rm -rf /tmp/db_dumps'" % ( cmd = Command('cleanup', cleanup_cmd) gpc_cmd = 'gpcrondump -a -x %s -u /tmp' % self.dbname cmd = Command(name='Run gpcrondump', cmdStr=gpc_cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc != 0: return False else: self.bkup_timestamp = self.get_timestamp(result.stdout) return True def validate_timestamp(self, ts): try: int_ts = int(ts) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Timestamp is not valid %s' % ts) if len(ts) != 14: raise Exception('Timestamp is invalid %s' % ts) def get_timestamp(self, result): for line in result.splitlines(): if 'Timestamp key = ' in line: log_msg, delim, timestamp = line.partition('=') ts = timestamp.strip() self.validate_timestamp(ts) return ts raise Exception('Timestamp key not found') def run_restore(self): gpr_cmd = 'gpdbrestore -t %s -a -u /tmp' % self.bkup_timestamp (rc, result) = self.run_remote(, gpr_cmd, pgport=self.standby_port, standbydd=self.standby_loc) if rc != 0: return False return True def create_standby(self, local=True): ''' Create a standby ''' gputil.create_dir(, self.standby_loc) gputil.clean_dir(, self.standby_loc)'-P %s -s %s -F pg_system:%s' % (self.standby_port,, self.standby_loc)) def run_remote(self, standbyhost, rmt_cmd, pgport='', standbydd=''): '''Runs remote command and returns rc, result ''' export_cmd = "source %s/;export PGPORT=%s;export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=%s" % ( self.gphome, pgport, standbydd) remote_cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e '%s;%s' " % (standbyhost, export_cmd, rmt_cmd) cmd = Command(name='Running Remote command', cmdStr='%s' % remote_cmd)" %s" % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() return result.rc, result.stdout def run_workload(self, dir, verify=False):"Running workload ...") load_path = local_path(dir) + os.sep for file in os.listdir(load_path): if file.endswith(".sql"): out_file = file.replace(".sql", ".out") PSQL.run_sql_file(sql_file=load_path + file, dbname=self.dbname, port=self.pgport, out_file=load_path + out_file) if verify == True: self.validate_sql_files(load_path) def validate_sql_files(self, load_path): for file in os.listdir(load_path): if file.endswith(".out"): out_file = file ans_file = file.replace('.out', '.ans') if os.path.exists(load_path + ans_file): assert Gpdiff.are_files_equal(load_path + out_file, load_path + ans_file) else: raise Exception("No .ans file exists for %s " % out_file) def failback(self): gputil.failback_to_original_master(self.mdd,, self.standby_loc, self.standby_port)
class GpactivateStandby(object): '''Class for gpactivatestandby operations ''' standby_port = '5656' db_name = 'walrepl' def __init__(self): self.gpinit = GpinitStandby() self.pgutil = GpUtility() self.runmixin = StandbyRunMixin() self.runmixin.createdb(dbname='walrepl') self.gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') self.mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.config = GPDBConfig() = socket.gethostname() dburl = dbconn.DbURL() gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dburl, utility=True) self.numcontent = gparray.getNumSegmentContents() self.orig_master = gparray.master def run_remote(self, standbyhost, rmt_cmd, pgport = '', standbydd = ''): '''Runs remote command and returns rc, result ''' export_cmd = "source %s/;export PGPORT=%s;export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=%s" % (self.gphome, pgport, standbydd) remote_cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e '%s; %s'" % (standbyhost, export_cmd, rmt_cmd) cmd = Command(name='Running Remote command', cmdStr='%s' % remote_cmd)" %s" % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() return result.rc,result.stdout def activate(self, option=''): ''' Stop the master and activate current standby to master''' standby_host = self.get_current_standby() standby_port = self.get_standby_port() standby_loc = self.get_standby_dd() self.run_remote(, 'gpstop -aim', pgport=self.pgport, standbydd=self.mdd) gpactivate_cmd = 'gpactivatestandby -a -d %s %s' %(standby_loc, option) (rc, result) = self.run_remote(standby_host, gpactivate_cmd, pgport = standby_port, standbydd=standby_loc)'Result without force option to activate standby %s'%result) if (rc != 0) and result.find('Force activation required') != -1:'activating standby failed, try force activation...') gpactivate_cmd = 'gpactivatestandby -a -f -d %s %s' %(standby_loc, option) (rc, result) = self.run_remote(standby_host, gpactivate_cmd, pgport = standby_port, standbydd=standby_loc) if (rc != 0): tinctest.logger.error('Force activating standby failed!') return False'standby acvitated, host value %s' % standby_host) return True def remove_standby(self): return'-r') def failback_to_original_master(self): # Check if master is running. bashCmd = (self.gphome)+'/bin/pg_ctl status -D $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY | grep \'pg_ctl: server is running\'' cmd = Command(name='Running cmd %s'%bashCmd, cmdStr="source %s/; %s" % (self.gphome,bashCmd)) try: except Exception, e: tinctest.logger.error("Error running command %s\n" % e) return result = cmd.get_results() out = result.stdout if not out:'Start the old master again ...') master = gp.MasterStart("Starting orig Master", self.orig_master.datadir, self.orig_master.port, self.orig_master.dbid, 0, self.numcontent, None, None, None) result = master.get_results() ('orig Master started result : %s' % result.stdout) if result.rc != 0: raise WalReplException('Unable to start original master process') Command('gpinitstandby -ra', 'gpinitstandby -ra').run() # failing back to old master, it takes a little bit to prepare the cluster ready for connection if os.path.exists(local_path('drop_filespace.sql')): PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('drop_filespace.sql'), dbname=self.db_name)
class GpinitStandby(object): '''Class for gpinitstandby operations Disclaimer: Some of these may repeat with the mpp/lib version''' def __init__(self): self.stdby = StandbyVerify() self.runmixin = StandbyRunMixin() self.runmixin.createdb(dbname='walrepl') self.mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.config = GPDBConfig() self.pgutil = GpUtility() = socket.gethostname() def run(self, option = ''): '''Runs gpinitstandby and returns True if successfull ''' gpinitstandby_cmd = 'gpinitstandby -a %s' % option cmd = Command(name='Running Gpinitstandby', cmdStr="%s" % gpinitstandby_cmd)" %s" % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc != 0: return False return True def verify_gpinitstandby(self, primary_pid): '''Verify the presence of standby in recovery mode ''' if (self.stdby.check_gp_segment_config()) and (self.stdby.check_pg_stat_replication()) and (self.stdby.check_standby_processes())and self.compare_primary_pid(primary_pid) : return True return False def get_masterhost(self): std_sql = "select hostname from gp_segment_configuration where content=-1 and role='p';" master_host = PSQL.run_sql_command(std_sql, flags = '-q -t', dbname= 'postgres') return master_host.strip() def get_standbyhost(self): std_sql = "select hostname from gp_segment_configuration where content='-1' and role='m';" standby_host = PSQL.run_sql_command(std_sql, flags = '-q -t', dbname= 'postgres') return standby_host.strip() def get_filespace_location(self): fs_sql = "select fselocation from pg_filespace_entry where fselocation like '%fs_walrepl_a%' and fsedbid=1;" filespace_loc = PSQL.run_sql_command(fs_sql, flags = '-q -t', dbname= 'postgres') return filespace_loc.strip() def get_standbyhostnode(self): ''' Function used to obtain the hostname of one of the segment node inorder to use it as the standby master node" @return : returns the hostname of the segment node which can be used as the standby master node ''' hostlist = self.config.get_hosts() standby = '' for host in hostlist: if host.strip() != standby = host.strip() if len(standby) > 0 : return standby else: tinctest.logger.error('No segment host other than master available to have remote standby') def get_primary_pid(self): pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(pgport=os.environ.get('PGPORT'), keyword=self.mdd) if int(pid) == -1: raise WalReplException('Unable to get pid of primary master process') else: return int(pid) def compare_primary_pid(self, initial_pid): final_pid = self.get_primary_pid() if initial_pid == final_pid : return True return False def create_dir_on_standby(self, standby, location): fs_cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e 'rm -rf %s; mkdir -p %s' " % (standby, location, location) cmd = Command(name='Make dierctory on standby before running the command', cmdStr = fs_cmd)'%s' % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc != 0: raise WalReplException('Unable to create directory on standby') else: return True def initstand_by_with_default(self): master_host = self.get_masterhost() gp_cmd = "/bin/bash -c 'gpinitstandby -s %s'" % (master_host) logfile = open(local_path('install.log'),'w') child = pexpect.spawn(gp_cmd, timeout=400) child.logfile = logfile sleep(2) check = child.expect(['.* Enter standby filespace location for filespace pg_system .*', ' ']) if check != 0: child.close() l_file = open(local_path('install.log'),'r') lines = l_file.readlines() for line in lines: if 'default: NA' in line: return True return False def init_with_prompt(self,filespace_loc): standby = self.get_standbyhostnode() gp_cmd = "/bin/bash -c 'gpinitstandby -s %s -a'" % (standby) logfile = open(local_path('install2.log'),'w') child = pexpect.spawn(gp_cmd, timeout=400) child.logfile = logfile sleep(5) check = child.expect(['.* Enter standby filespace location for filespace.*', ' ']) child.sendline(filespace_loc) sleep(10) check = child.expect(['.*Successfully created standby master.*']) if check != 0: tinctest.logger.error('gpinitstandy failed') return False child.close() return True
class BkupRestore(MPPTestCase): dbname = 'bkdb' standby_port = '5433' standby_dirname = '_newstandby' def __init__(self,methodName): self.gpact = GpactivateStandby() self.gpinit = GpinitStandby() self.runmixin = StandbyRunMixin() self.runmixin.createdb(dbname=self.dbname) self.bkup_timestamp = "" self.gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') self.mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') = socket.gethostname() self.standby_loc = os.path.split(self.mdd)[0]+self.standby_dirname super(BkupRestore,self).__init__(methodName) def createdb(self): PSQL.run_sql_command('Drop database %s;Create database %s;' %(self.dbname, self.dbname), dbname='postgres') def run_backup(self): #Cleanup db_dumps folder before running backup cleanup_cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e 'rm -rf /tmp/db_dumps'" % ( cmd = Command('cleanup', cleanup_cmd) gpc_cmd = 'gpcrondump -a -x %s -u /tmp' % self.dbname cmd = Command(name='Run gpcrondump', cmdStr=gpc_cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc != 0: return False else: self.bkup_timestamp = self.get_timestamp(result.stdout) return True def validate_timestamp(self, ts): try: int_ts = int(ts) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Timestamp is not valid %s' % ts) if len(ts) != 14: raise Exception('Timestamp is invalid %s' % ts) def get_timestamp(self, result): for line in result.splitlines(): if 'Timestamp key = ' in line: log_msg, delim, timestamp = line.partition('=') ts = timestamp.strip() self.validate_timestamp(ts) return ts raise Exception('Timestamp key not found') def run_restore(self): gpr_cmd = 'gpdbrestore -t %s -a -u /tmp' % self.bkup_timestamp (rc, result) = self.run_remote(, gpr_cmd, pgport=self.standby_port, standbydd=self.standby_loc) if rc != 0: return False return True def create_standby(self, local=True): ''' Create a standby ''' gputil.create_dir(,self.standby_loc) gputil.clean_dir(,self.standby_loc) = '-P %s -s %s -F pg_system:%s' % (self.standby_port,, self.standby_loc)) def run_remote(self, standbyhost, rmt_cmd, pgport = '', standbydd = ''): '''Runs remote command and returns rc, result ''' export_cmd = "source %s/;export PGPORT=%s;export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=%s" % (self.gphome, pgport, standbydd) remote_cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e '%s;%s' " % (standbyhost, export_cmd, rmt_cmd) cmd = Command(name='Running Remote command', cmdStr='%s' % remote_cmd)" %s" % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() return result.rc,result.stdout def run_workload(self, dir, verify = False):"Running workload ...") load_path = local_path(dir) + os.sep for file in os.listdir(load_path): if file.endswith(".sql"): out_file = file.replace(".sql", ".out") PSQL.run_sql_file(sql_file = load_path + file, dbname = self.dbname, port = self.pgport, out_file = load_path + out_file) if verify == True: self.validate_sql_files(load_path) def validate_sql_files(self, load_path): for file in os.listdir(load_path): if file.endswith(".out"): out_file = file ans_file = file.replace('.out' , '.ans') if os.path.exists(load_path + ans_file): assert Gpdiff.are_files_equal(load_path + out_file, load_path + ans_file) else: raise Exception("No .ans file exists for %s " % out_file) def failback(self): gputil.failback_to_original_master(self.mdd,, self.standby_loc, self.standby_port)