    mrc_filename = realpath(args[0])
        mrc = MRC(mrc_filename, readonly=True)
    except BaseException as e:
        help_msg(2, "Failed to open MRC file: " + str(e))
    out_dir = realpath(args[1])
    if not make_dir(out_dir):
            "Output directory already exists as regular file, choose another directory"

    # Check other arguments, getting values for optional args, etc.
    ext = "png" if ext == None else ext.lstrip('.')
    if basename == None: basename = "%04d"
    if x == None: x = (0, mrc.nx - 1)
    elif x[0] < 0 or x[1] < x[0] or x[1] >= mrc.nx:
        help_msg(2, "Invalid x argument supplied")
    if y == None: y = (0, mrc.ny - 1)
    elif y[0] < 0 or y[1] < y[0] or y[1] >= mrc.ny:
        help_msg(2, "Invalid x argument supplied")
    if z:
        min_z, max_z = min(z), max(z)
        if min_z < 0 or max_z >= mrc.nz:
            help_msg(2, "Invalid z argument supplied")
    imf = imfilter_util.list2imfilter(imfilters)

    # Do the actual work!
    mrc2stack(mrc.view(x, y, (0, mrc.nz - 1)), out_dir, z,
              basename + "." + ext, imf)
            x = (int(x[0]), int(x[1]))
        elif o == "-y":
            if y != None: help_msg(2, "May be only one y argument")
            y = y.split("-")
            if len(y) != 2 or not y[0].isdigit() or not y[1].isdigit(): help_msg(2, "Invalid y argument supplied")
            y = (int(y[0]), int(y[1]))
        else: imfilters += [imfilter_util.parse_opt(o,a,help_msg)]

    # Make sure paths are good
    if len(args) != 2: help_msg(2, "You need to provide an MRC and image output directory as arguments")
    mrc_filename = realpath(args[0])
    try: mrc = MRC(mrc_filename, readonly=True)
    except BaseException as e: help_msg(2, "Failed to open MRC file: " + str(e))
    out_dir = realpath(args[1])
    if not make_dir(out_dir): help_msg(2, "Output directory already exists as regular file, choose another directory")

    # Check other arguments, getting values for optional args, etc.
    ext = "png" if ext == None else ext.lstrip('.')
    if basename == None: basename = "%04d"
    if x == None: x = (0, mrc.nx - 1)
    elif x[0] < 0 or x[1] < x[0] or x[1] >= mrc.nx: help_msg(2, "Invalid x argument supplied")
    if y == None: y = (0, mrc.ny - 1)
    elif y[0] < 0 or y[1] < y[0] or y[1] >= mrc.ny: help_msg(2, "Invalid x argument supplied")
    if z:
        min_z, max_z = min(z), max(z)
        if min_z < 0 or max_z >= mrc.nz: help_msg(2, "Invalid z argument supplied")
    imf = imfilter_util.list2imfilter(imfilters)

    # Do the actual work!
    mrc2stack(mrc.view(x, y, (0, mrc.nz - 1)), out_dir, z, basename+"."+ext, imf)