    def run(self, params):

        redis_key_started = Queue.redis_key_started()

        stats = {"fetched": 0, "requeued": 0}

        # Fetch all the jobs started more than a minute ago - they should not
        # be in redis:started anymore
        job_ids = connections.redis.zrangebyscore(redis_key_started, "-inf", time.time() - params.get("timeout", 60))

        # TODO this should be wrapped inside Queue or Worker
        # we shouldn't access these internals here
        queue_obj = Queue("default")
        unserialized_job_ids = queue_obj.unserialize_job_ids(job_ids)

        for i, job_id in enumerate(job_ids):

            queue = Job(unserialized_job_ids[i], start=False, fetch=False).fetch(full_data=True).data["queue"]

            queue_obj = Queue(queue)

            stats["fetched"] += 1

            log.info("Requeueing %s on %s" % (unserialized_job_ids[i], queue))

            # TODO LUA script & don't rpush if not in zset anymore.
            with connections.redis.pipeline(transaction=True) as pipeline:
                pipeline.zrem(redis_key_started, job_id)
                pipeline.rpush(queue_obj.redis_key, job_id)

            stats["requeued"] += 1

        return stats
    def run(self, params):

        redis_key_started = Queue.redis_key_started()

        stats = {
            "fetched": 0,
            "requeued": 0

        # Fetch all the jobs started more than a minute ago - they should not
        # be in redis:started anymore
        job_ids = connections.redis.zrangebyscore(
            redis_key_started, "-inf", time.time() - params.get("timeout", 60))

        # TODO this should be wrapped inside Queue or Worker
        # we shouldn't access these internals here
        queue_obj = Queue("default")
        unserialized_job_ids = queue_obj.unserialize_job_ids(job_ids)

        for i, job_id in enumerate(job_ids):

            queue = Job(unserialized_job_ids[i], start=False, fetch=False).fetch(

            queue_obj = Queue(queue)

            stats["fetched"] += 1

            log.info("Requeueing %s on %s" % (unserialized_job_ids[i], queue))

            # TODO LUA script & don't rpush if not in zset anymore.
            with connections.redis.pipeline(transaction=True) as pipeline:
                pipeline.zrem(redis_key_started, job_id)
                pipeline.rpush(queue_obj.redis_key, job_id)

            stats["requeued"] += 1

        return stats