def patch_mnih(data_dir, save_dir, patch_size, pad, overlap): """ Preprocess the standard mnih dataset :param data_dir: path to the original mnih dataset :param save_dir: directory to save the extracted patches :param patch_size: size of the patches, should be a tuple of (h, w) :param pad: #pixels to be padded around each tile, should be either one element or four elements :param overlap: #overlapping pixels between two patches in both vertical and horizontal direction :return: """ for dataset in tqdm(SPLITS, desc='Train-valid split'): FILENAMES = [ fname.split('.')[0] for fname in os.listdir(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, dataset, MODES[0])) ] # create folders and files patch_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'patches') misc_utils.make_dir_if_not_exist(patch_dir) record_file = open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'file_list_{}.txt'.format(dataset)), 'w+') # get rgb and gt files for fname in tqdm(FILENAMES, desc='File-wise'): rgb_filename = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, dataset, 'sat', fname+'.tiff') gt_filename = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, dataset, 'map', fname+'.tif') for rgb_patch, gt_patch, y, x in patch_tile(rgb_filename, gt_filename, patch_size, pad, overlap): rgb_patchname = '{}_y{}x{}.jpg'.format(fname, int(y), int(x)) gt_patchname = '{}_y{}x{}.png'.format(fname, int(y), int(x)) misc_utils.save_file(os.path.join(patch_dir, rgb_patchname), rgb_patch.astype(np.uint8)) misc_utils.save_file(os.path.join(patch_dir, gt_patchname), (gt_patch/255).astype(np.uint8)) record_file.write('{} {}\n'.format(rgb_patchname, gt_patchname)) record_file.close()
def extract_(file_list, file_exts, patch_size, pad, overlap, save_path): assert len(file_exts) == len(file_list[0]) pbar = tqdm(file_list) record_file = open(os.path.join(save_path, 'file_list.txt'), 'w') for files in pbar: pbar.set_description('Extracting {}'.format( os.path.basename(files[0]))) patch_list = [] for f, ext in zip(files, file_exts): patch_list_ext = [] img = misc_utils.load_file(f) grid_list = make_grid( np.array(img.shape[:2]) + 2 * pad, patch_size, overlap) # extract images for patch, y, x in patch_block(img, pad, grid_list, patch_size, return_coord=True): patch_name = '{}_y{}x{}.{}'.format( os.path.basename(f).split('.')[0], int(y), int(x), ext) patch_name = os.path.join(save_path, patch_name) misc_utils.save_file(patch_name, patch.astype(np.uint8)) patch_list_ext.append(patch_name) patch_list.append(patch_list_ext) patch_list = misc_utils.rotate_list(patch_list) for items in patch_list: record_file.write('{}\n'.format(' '.join(items))) record_file.close()
def main(): # settings cfg = read_config() # set gpu to use device, parallel = misc_utils.set_gpu(cfg['gpu']) # set random seed misc_utils.set_random_seed(cfg['random_seed']) # make training directory misc_utils.make_dir_if_not_exist(cfg['save_dir']) misc_utils.save_file(os.path.join(cfg['save_dir'], 'config.json'), cfg) # train the model train_model(cfg, device, parallel)
def infer(self, model, pred_dir, patch_size, overlap, ext='_mask', file_ext='png', visualize=False, densecrf=False, crf_params=None): if isinstance(model, list) or isinstance(model, tuple): lbl_margin = model[0].lbl_margin else: lbl_margin = model.lbl_margin if crf_params is None and densecrf: crf_params = {'sxy': 3, 'srgb': 3, 'compat': 5} misc_utils.make_dir_if_not_exist(pred_dir) pbar = tqdm(self.rgb_files) for rgb_file in pbar: file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(rgb_file))[0].split('_')[0] pbar.set_description('Inferring {}'.format(file_name)) # read data rgb = misc_utils.load_file(rgb_file)[:, :, :3] # evaluate on tiles tile_dim = rgb.shape[:2] tile_dim_pad = [tile_dim[0] + 2 * lbl_margin, tile_dim[1] + 2 * lbl_margin] grid_list = patch_extractor.make_grid(tile_dim_pad, patch_size, overlap) if isinstance(model, list) or isinstance(model, tuple): tile_preds = 0 for m in model: tile_preds = tile_preds + self.infer_tile(m, rgb, grid_list, patch_size, tile_dim, tile_dim_pad, lbl_margin) else: tile_preds = self.infer_tile(model, rgb, grid_list, patch_size, tile_dim, tile_dim_pad, lbl_margin) if densecrf: d = dcrf.DenseCRF2D(*tile_preds.shape) U = unary_from_softmax(np.ascontiguousarray( data_utils.change_channel_order(tile_preds, False))) d.setUnaryEnergy(U) d.addPairwiseBilateral(rgbim=rgb, **crf_params) Q = d.inference(5) tile_preds = np.argmax(Q, axis=0).reshape(*tile_preds.shape[:2]) else: tile_preds = np.argmax(tile_preds, -1) if self.encode_func: pred_img = self.encode_func(tile_preds) else: pred_img = tile_preds if visualize: vis_utils.compare_figures([rgb, pred_img], (1, 2), fig_size=(12, 5)) misc_utils.save_file(os.path.join(pred_dir, '{}{}.{}'.format(file_name, ext, file_ext)), pred_img)
def patch_deepgloberoad(data_dir, save_dir, patch_size, pad, overlap, valid_percent=0.14): dirs = ['road_trainv1/train', 'road_trainv2/train'] # create folders and files patch_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'patches') misc_utils.make_dir_if_not_exist(patch_dir) record_file_train = open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'file_list_train.txt'), 'w+') record_file_valid = open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'file_list_valid.txt'), 'w+') # make folds files = [] for dir_ in dirs: files.extend( data_utils.get_img_lbl(os.path.join(data_dir, dir_), 'sat.jpg', 'mask.png')) valid_size = int(len(files) * valid_percent) for cnt, (img_file, lbl_file) in enumerate(tqdm(files)): city_name = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(img_file))[0].split('_')[0] for rgb_patch, gt_patch, y, x in patch_tile(img_file, lbl_file, patch_size, pad, overlap): img_patchname = '{}_y{}x{}.jpg'.format(city_name, int(y), int(x)) lbl_patchname = '{}_y{}x{}.png'.format(city_name, int(y), int(x)) misc_utils.save_file(os.path.join(patch_dir, img_patchname), rgb_patch.astype(np.uint8)) misc_utils.save_file(os.path.join(patch_dir, lbl_patchname), (gt_patch / 255).astype(np.uint8)) if cnt < valid_size: record_file_valid.write('{} {}\n'.format( img_patchname, lbl_patchname)) else: record_file_train.write('{} {}\n'.format( img_patchname, lbl_patchname)) record_file_train.close() record_file_valid.close()
def patch_inria(data_dir, save_dir, patch_size, pad, overlap): """ Preprocess the standard inria dataset :param data_dir: path to the original inria dataset :param save_dir: directory to save the extracted patches :param patch_size: size of the patches, should be a tuple of (h, w) :param pad: #pixels to be padded around each tile, should be either one element or four elements :param overlap: #overlapping pixels between two patches in both vertical and horizontal direction :return: """ # create folders and files patch_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'patches') misc_utils.make_dir_if_not_exist(patch_dir) record_file_train = open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'file_list_train.txt'), 'w+') record_file_valid = open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'file_list_valid.txt'), 'w+') # get rgb and gt files for city_name in tqdm(SAVE_CITY, desc='City-wise'): for tile_id in tqdm(range(1, 37), desc='Tile-wise', leave=False): rgb_filename = os.path.join(data_dir, 'images', '{}{}.tif'.format(city_name, tile_id)) gt_filename = os.path.join(data_dir, 'gt', '{}{}.tif'.format(city_name, tile_id)) for rgb_patch, gt_patch, y, x in data_utils.patch_tile( rgb_filename, gt_filename, patch_size, pad, overlap): rgb_patchname = '{}{}_y{}x{}.jpg'.format( city_name, tile_id, int(y), int(x)) gt_patchname = '{}{}_y{}x{}.png'.format( city_name, tile_id, int(y), int(x)) misc_utils.save_file(os.path.join(patch_dir, rgb_patchname), rgb_patch.astype(np.uint8)) misc_utils.save_file(os.path.join(patch_dir, gt_patchname), (gt_patch / 255).astype(np.uint8)) if city_name in VAL_CITY and tile_id in VAL_IDS: record_file_valid.write('{} {}\n'.format( rgb_patchname, gt_patchname)) else: record_file_train.write('{} {}\n'.format( rgb_patchname, gt_patchname)) record_file_train.close() record_file_valid.close()
def run(self, force_run=False, **kwargs): """ Run the process :param force_run: if True, then the process will run no matter it has completed before :param kwargs: :return: """ # check if state file exists state_exist = os.path.exists(self.state_file) # run the function if force run or haven't run before if force_run or state_exist == 0: print(('Start running {}'.format( # write state log as incomplete with open(self.state_file, 'w') as f: f.write('Incomplete\n') # run the process self.val = self.func(**kwargs) # write state log as complete with open(self.state_file, 'w') as f: f.write('Finished\n') misc_utils.save_file(self.save_path, self.val) else: # if haven't run before, run the process if not self.check_finish(): self.val = self.func(**kwargs) misc_utils.save_file(self.save_path, self.val) # if already exists, load the file self.val = misc_utils.load_file(self.save_path) # write state log as complete with open(self.state_file, 'w') as f: f.write('Finished\n') return self
def make_dataset(ds_train, ds_valid, save_dir, th=0.5): import solaris as sol # create folders and files patch_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'patches') misc_utils.make_dir_if_not_exist(patch_dir) record_file_train = open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'file_list_train.txt'), 'w+') record_file_valid = open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'file_list_valid.txt'), 'w+') # remove counting remove_train_cnt = 0 remove_valid_cnt = 0 # make dataset ds_dict = { 'train': { 'ds': ds_train, 'record': record_file_train, 'remove_cnt': remove_train_cnt }, 'valid': { 'ds': ds_valid, 'record': record_file_valid, 'remove_cnt': remove_valid_cnt } } # valid ds for phase in ['valid', 'train']: for rgb_file, gt_file in tqdm(ds_dict[phase]['ds']): img_save_name = os.path.join( patch_dir, '{}.jpg'.format( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(rgb_file))[0])) lbl_save_name = os.path.join( patch_dir, '{}.png'.format( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(rgb_file))[0])) convert_gtif_to_8bit(rgb_file, img_save_name) img = misc_utils.load_file(img_save_name) lbl = sol.vector.mask.footprint_mask(df=gt_file, reference_im=rgb_file) # from mrs_utils import vis_utils # vis_utils.compare_figures([img, lbl], (1, 2), fig_size=(12, 5)) blank_region = check_blank_region(img) if blank_region > th: ds_dict[phase]['remove_cnt'] += 1 os.remove(img_save_name) else: if img.shape[0] != lbl.shape[0] or img.shape[1] != lbl.shape[1]: assert np.unique(lbl) == np.array([0]) lbl = lbl[:img.shape[0], :img.shape[1]] misc_utils.save_file(os.path.join(patch_dir, lbl_save_name), (lbl / 255).astype(np.uint8)) ds_dict[phase]['record'].write('{} {}\n'.format( os.path.basename(img_save_name), os.path.basename(lbl_save_name))) ds_dict[phase]['record'].close() print('{} set: {:.2f}% data removed with threshold of {}'.format( phase, ds_dict[phase]['remove_cnt'] / len(ds_dict[phase]['ds']), th)) print('\t kept patches: {}'.format( len(ds_dict[phase]['ds']) - ds_dict[phase]['remove_cnt'])) files_remove = glob(os.path.join(patch_dir, '*.aux.xml')) for f in files_remove: os.remove(f)
def evaluate(self, model, patch_size, overlap, pred_dir=None, report_dir=None, save_conf=False, delta=1e-6, eval_class=(1, ), visualize=False, densecrf=False, crf_params=None, verbose=True): if isinstance(model, list) or isinstance(model, tuple): lbl_margin = model[0].lbl_margin else: lbl_margin = model.lbl_margin if crf_params is None and densecrf: crf_params = {'sxy': 3, 'srgb': 3, 'compat': 5} iou_a, iou_b = np.zeros(len(eval_class)), np.zeros(len(eval_class)) report = [] if pred_dir: misc_utils.make_dir_if_not_exist(pred_dir) for rgb_file, lbl_file in zip(self.rgb_files, self.lbl_files): file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(lbl_file))[0] # read data rgb = misc_utils.load_file(rgb_file)[:, :, :3] lbl = misc_utils.load_file(lbl_file) if self.decode_func: lbl = self.decode_func(lbl) # evaluate on tiles tile_dim = rgb.shape[:2] tile_dim_pad = [ tile_dim[0] + 2 * lbl_margin, tile_dim[1] + 2 * lbl_margin ] grid_list = patch_extractor.make_grid(tile_dim_pad, patch_size, overlap) if isinstance(model, list) or isinstance(model, tuple): tile_preds = 0 for m in model: tile_preds = tile_preds + self.infer_tile( m, rgb, grid_list, patch_size, tile_dim, tile_dim_pad, lbl_margin) else: tile_preds = self.infer_tile(model, rgb, grid_list, patch_size, tile_dim, tile_dim_pad, lbl_margin) if save_conf: misc_utils.save_file( os.path.join(pred_dir, '{}.npy'.format(file_name)), scipy.special.softmax(tile_preds, axis=-1)[:, :, 1]) if densecrf: d = dcrf.DenseCRF2D(*tile_preds.shape) U = unary_from_softmax( np.ascontiguousarray( data_utils.change_channel_order( scipy.special.softmax(tile_preds, axis=-1), False))) d.setUnaryEnergy(U) d.addPairwiseBilateral(rgbim=rgb, **crf_params) Q = d.inference(5) tile_preds = np.argmax(Q, axis=0).reshape(*tile_preds.shape[:2]) else: tile_preds = np.argmax(tile_preds, -1) iou_score = metric_utils.iou_metric(lbl / self.truth_val, tile_preds, eval_class=eval_class) pstr, rstr = self.get_result_strings(file_name, iou_score, delta) tm.misc_utils.verb_print(pstr, verbose) report.append(rstr) iou_a += iou_score[0, :] iou_b += iou_score[1, :] if visualize: if self.encode_func: vis_utils.compare_figures([ rgb, self.encode_func(lbl), self.encode_func(tile_preds) ], (1, 3), fig_size=(15, 5)) else: vis_utils.compare_figures([rgb, lbl, tile_preds], (1, 3), fig_size=(15, 5)) if pred_dir: if self.encode_func: misc_utils.save_file( os.path.join(pred_dir, '{}.png'.format(file_name)), self.encode_func(tile_preds)) else: misc_utils.save_file( os.path.join(pred_dir, '{}.png'.format(file_name)), tile_preds) pstr, rstr = self.get_result_strings('Overall', np.stack([iou_a, iou_b], axis=0), delta) tm.misc_utils.verb_print(pstr, verbose) report.append(rstr) if report_dir: misc_utils.make_dir_if_not_exist(report_dir) misc_utils.save_file(os.path.join(report_dir, 'result.txt'), report) return np.mean(iou_a / (iou_b + delta)) * 100
def train_model(args, device, parallel): """ The function to train the model :param args: the class carries configuration parameters defined in :param device: the device to run the model :return: """ model = network_io.create_model(args) log_dir = os.path.join(args['save_dir'], 'log') writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=log_dir) # TODO add write_graph back, probably need to swith to tensorboard in pytorch if parallel: model.encoder = network_utils.DataParallelPassThrough(model.encoder) model.decoder = network_utils.DataParallelPassThrough(model.decoder) if args['optimizer']['aux_loss']: model.cls = network_utils.DataParallelPassThrough(model.cls) print('Parallel training mode enabled!') train_params = model.set_train_params( (args['optimizer']['learn_rate_encoder'], args['optimizer']['learn_rate_decoder'])) # make optimizer optm = network_io.create_optimizer(args['optimizer']['name'], train_params, args['optimizer']['learn_rate_encoder']) criterions = network_io.create_loss(args, device=device) cls_criterion = None with_aux = False if args['optimizer']['aux_loss']: with_aux = True cls_criterion = metric_utils.BCEWithLogitLoss( device, eval(args['trainer']['class_weight'])) scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR( optm, milestones=eval(args['optimizer']['decay_step']), gamma=args['optimizer']['decay_rate']) # if not resume, train from scratch if args['trainer']['resume_epoch'] == 0 and args['trainer'][ 'finetune_dir'] == 'None': print('Training decoder {} with encoder {} from scratch ...'.format( args['decoder_name'], args['encoder_name'])) elif args['trainer']['resume_epoch'] == 0 and args['trainer'][ 'finetune_dir']: print('Finetuning model from {}'.format( args['trainer']['finetune_dir'])) if args['trainer']['further_train']: network_utils.load(model, args['trainer']['finetune_dir'], relax_load=True, optm=optm, device=device) else: network_utils.load(model, args['trainer']['finetune_dir'], relax_load=True) else: print('Resume training decoder {} with encoder {} from epoch {} ...'. format(args['decoder_name'], args['encoder_name'], args['trainer']['resume_epoch'])) network_utils.load_epoch(args['save_dir'], args['trainer']['resume_epoch'], model, optm, device) # prepare training print('Total params: {:.2f}M'.format(network_utils.get_model_size(model))) for c in criterions: # make data loader ds_cfgs = [a for a in sorted(args.keys()) if 'dataset' in a] assert ds_cfgs[0] == 'dataset' mean, std = args[ds_cfgs[0]]['mean'], args[ds_cfgs[0]][ 'std'] # read default mean and std first train_val_loaders = {'train': [], 'valid': []} for ds_cfg in ds_cfgs: if args[ds_cfg]['load_func'] == 'default': load_func = data_utils.default_get_stats else: load_func = None mean, std = network_io.get_dataset_stats( args[ds_cfg]['ds_name'], args[ds_cfg]['data_dir'], mean_val=(eval(args[ds_cfg]['mean']), eval(args[ds_cfg]['std'])), load_func=load_func, file_list=args[ds_cfg]['train_file']) args[ds_cfg]['mean'], args[ds_cfg]['std'] = str(tuple(mean)), str( tuple( std)) # update args mean and std with actual values being used tsfm_train, tsfm_valid = network_io.create_tsfm(args, mean, std) train_loader = DataLoader( data_loader.get_loader(args[ds_cfg]['data_dir'], args[ds_cfg]['train_file'], transforms=tsfm_train, n_class=args[ds_cfg]['class_num'], with_aux=with_aux), batch_size=int(args[ds_cfg]['batch_size']), shuffle=True, num_workers=int(args['dataset']['num_workers']), drop_last=True) train_val_loaders['train'].append(train_loader) if 'valid_file' in args[ds_cfg]: valid_loader = DataLoader( data_loader.get_loader(args[ds_cfg]['data_dir'], args[ds_cfg]['valid_file'], transforms=tsfm_valid, n_class=args[ds_cfg]['class_num'], with_aux=with_aux), batch_size=int(args[ds_cfg]['batch_size']), shuffle=False, num_workers=int(args[ds_cfg]['num_workers'])) print('Training model on the {} dataset'.format( args[ds_cfg]['ds_name'])) train_val_loaders['valid'].append(valid_loader) misc_utils.save_file(os.path.join(args['save_dir'], 'config.json'), args) # save config with actual mean and std used # train the model loss_dict = {} for epoch in range(int(args['trainer']['resume_epoch']), int(args['trainer']['epochs'])): # each epoch has a training and validation step for phase in ['train', 'valid']: start_time = timeit.default_timer() if phase == 'train': model.train() else: model.eval() # TODO align aux loss and normal train loss_dict = model.step( train_val_loaders[phase], device, optm, phase, criterions, eval(args['trainer']['bp_loss_idx']), True, mean, std, loss_weights=eval(args['trainer']['loss_weights']), use_emau=args['use_emau'], use_ocr=args['use_ocr'], cls_criterion=cls_criterion, cls_weight=args['optimizer']['aux_loss_weight']) network_utils.write_and_print(writer, phase, epoch, int(args['trainer']['epochs']), loss_dict, start_time) scheduler.step() # save the model if epoch % int(args['trainer']['save_epoch']) == 0 and epoch != 0: save_name = os.path.join(args['save_dir'], 'epoch-{}.pth.tar'.format(epoch)), epoch, optm, loss_dict, save_name) # save model one last time save_name = os.path.join( args['save_dir'], 'epoch-{}.pth.tar'.format(int(args['trainer']['epochs']))), int(args['trainer']['epochs']), optm, loss_dict, save_name) writer.close()