文件: fsl.py 项目: okjoh/mrtrix3
def getInputs():
  import os
  from mrtrix3 import app, image, path, run
  if app.args.mask:
    run.command('mrconvert ' + path.fromUser(app.args.mask, True) + ' ' + path.toTemp('mask.mif', True) + ' -datatype bit -stride -1,+2,+3')
  if app.args.t2:
    if not image.match(app.args.input, app.args.t2):
      app.error('Provided T2 image does not match input T1 image')
    run.command('mrconvert ' + path.fromUser(app.args.t2, True) + ' ' + path.toTemp('T2.nii', True) + ' -stride -1,+2,+3')
文件: fsl.py 项目: MRtrix3/mrtrix3
def get_inputs(): #pylint: disable=unused-variable
  image.check_3d_nonunity(path.from_user(app.ARGS.input, False))
  run.command('mrconvert ' + path.from_user(app.ARGS.input) + ' ' + path.to_scratch('input.mif'))
  if app.ARGS.mask:
    run.command('mrconvert ' + path.from_user(app.ARGS.mask) + ' ' + path.to_scratch('mask.mif') + ' -datatype bit -strides -1,+2,+3')
  if app.ARGS.t2:
    if not image.match(path.from_user(app.ARGS.input, False), path.from_user(app.ARGS.t2, False)):
      raise MRtrixError('Provided T2 image does not match input T1 image')
    run.command('mrconvert ' + path.from_user(app.ARGS.t2) + ' ' + path.to_scratch('T2.nii') + ' -strides -1,+2,+3')
文件: fsl.py 项目: MRtrix3/mrtrix3
def getInputs(): #pylint: disable=unused-variable
  from mrtrix3 import app, image, path, run
  image.check3DNonunity(path.fromUser(app.args.input, False))
  run.command('mrconvert ' + path.fromUser(app.args.input, True) + ' ' + path.toTemp('input.mif', True))
  if app.args.mask:
    run.command('mrconvert ' + path.fromUser(app.args.mask, True) + ' ' + path.toTemp('mask.mif', True) + ' -datatype bit -strides -1,+2,+3')
  if app.args.t2:
    if not image.match(app.args.input, app.args.t2):
      app.error('Provided T2 image does not match input T1 image')
    run.command('mrconvert ' + path.fromUser(app.args.t2, True) + ' ' + path.toTemp('T2.nii', True) + ' -strides -1,+2,+3')
def getInputs():  #pylint: disable=unused-variable
    from mrtrix3 import app, image, path, run
    image.check3DNonunity(path.fromUser(app.args.input, False))
    run.command('mrconvert ' + path.fromUser(app.args.input, True) + ' ' +
                path.toTemp('input.mif', True))
    if app.args.mask:
        run.command('mrconvert ' + path.fromUser(app.args.mask, True) + ' ' +
                    path.toTemp('mask.mif', True) +
                    ' -datatype bit -strides -1,+2,+3')
    if app.args.t2:
        if not image.match(app.args.input, app.args.t2):
            app.error('Provided T2 image does not match input T1 image')
        run.command('mrconvert ' + path.fromUser(app.args.t2, True) + ' ' +
                    path.toTemp('T2.nii', True) + ' -strides -1,+2,+3')
def execute():
    import os
    from distutils.spawn import find_executable
    from mrtrix3 import app, file, fsl, image, run

    if app.isWindows():
            '\'fsl\' algorithm of 5ttgen script cannot be run on Windows: FSL not available on Windows'

    fsl_path = os.environ.get('FSLDIR', '')
    if not fsl_path:
            'Environment variable FSLDIR is not set; please run appropriate FSL configuration script'

    ssroi_cmd = 'standard_space_roi'
    if not find_executable(ssroi_cmd):
        ssroi_cmd = 'fsl5.0-standard_space_roi'
        if not find_executable(ssroi_cmd):
                'Could not find FSL program standard_space_roi; please verify FSL install'

    bet_cmd = 'bet'
    if not find_executable(bet_cmd):
        bet_cmd = 'fsl5.0-bet'
        if not find_executable(bet_cmd):
                'Could not find FSL program bet; please verify FSL install')

    fast_cmd = 'fast'
    if not find_executable(fast_cmd):
        fast_cmd = 'fsl5.0-fast'
        if not find_executable(fast_cmd):
                'Could not find FSL program fast; please verify FSL install')

    first_cmd = 'run_first_all'
    if not find_executable(first_cmd):
        first_cmd = "fsl5.0-run_first_all"
        if not find_executable(first_cmd):
                'Could not find FSL program run_first_all; please verify FSL install'

    first_atlas_path = os.path.join(fsl_path, 'data', 'first',

    if not os.path.isdir(first_atlas_path):
            'Atlases required for FSL\'s FIRST program not installed; please install fsl-first-data using your relevant package manager'

    fsl_suffix = fsl.suffix()

    sgm_structures = [
        'L_Accu', 'R_Accu', 'L_Caud', 'R_Caud', 'L_Pall', 'R_Pall', 'L_Puta',
        'R_Puta', 'L_Thal', 'R_Thal'
    if app.args.sgm_amyg_hipp:
        sgm_structures.extend(['L_Amyg', 'R_Amyg', 'L_Hipp', 'R_Hipp'])

    run.command('mrconvert input.mif T1.nii -stride -1,+2,+3')

    fast_t1_input = 'T1.nii'
    fast_t2_input = ''

    # Decide whether or not we're going to do any brain masking
    if os.path.exists('mask.mif'):

        fast_t1_input = 'T1_masked' + fsl_suffix

        # Check to see if the mask matches the T1 image
        if image.match('T1.nii', 'mask.mif'):
            run.command('mrcalc T1.nii mask.mif -mult ' + fast_t1_input)
            mask_path = 'mask.mif'
            app.warn('Mask image does not match input image - re-gridding')
                'mrtransform mask.mif mask_regrid.mif -template T1.nii')
            run.command('mrcalc T1.nii mask_regrid.mif ' + fast_t1_input)
            mask_path = 'mask_regrid.mif'

        if os.path.exists('T2.nii'):
            fast_t2_input = 'T2_masked' + fsl_suffix
            run.command('mrcalc T2.nii ' + mask_path + ' -mult ' +

    elif app.args.premasked:

        fast_t1_input = 'T1.nii'
        if os.path.exists('T2.nii'):
            fast_t2_input = 'T2.nii'


        # Use FSL command standard_space_roi to do an initial masking of the image before BET
        # Also reduce the FoV of the image
        # Using MNI 1mm dilated brain mask rather than the -b option in standard_space_roi (which uses the 2mm mask); the latter looks 'buggy' to me... Unfortunately even with the 1mm 'dilated' mask, it can still cut into some brain areas, hence the explicit dilation
        mni_mask_path = os.path.join(fsl_path, 'data', 'standard',
        mni_mask_dilation = 0
        if os.path.exists(mni_mask_path):
            mni_mask_dilation = 4
            mni_mask_path = os.path.join(
                fsl_path, 'data', 'standard',
            if os.path.exists(mni_mask_path):
                mni_mask_dilation = 2
        if mni_mask_dilation:
            run.command('maskfilter ' + mni_mask_path +
                        ' dilate mni_mask.nii -npass ' +
            if app.args.nocrop:
                ssroi_roi_option = ' -roiNONE'
                ssroi_roi_option = ' -roiFOV'
                ssroi_cmd + ' T1.nii T1_preBET' + fsl_suffix +
                ' -maskMASK mni_mask.nii' + ssroi_roi_option, False)
            run.command(ssroi_cmd + ' T1.nii T1_preBET' + fsl_suffix + ' -b',

        # For whatever reason, the output file from standard_space_roi may not be
        #   completed before BET is run
        file.waitFor('T1_preBET' + fsl_suffix)

        # BET
        fast_t1_input = 'T1_BET' + fsl_suffix
        run.command(bet_cmd + ' T1_preBET' + fsl_suffix + ' ' + fast_t1_input +
                    ' -f 0.15 -R')

        if os.path.exists('T2.nii'):
            if app.args.nocrop:
                fast_t2_input = 'T2.nii'
                # Just a reduction of FoV, no sub-voxel interpolation going on
                run.command('mrtransform T2.nii T2_cropped.nii -template ' +
                            fast_t1_input + ' -interp nearest')
                fast_t2_input = 'T2_cropped.nii'

    # Finish branching based on brain masking

    # FAST
    if fast_t2_input:
        run.command(fast_cmd + ' -S 2 ' + fast_t2_input + ' ' + fast_t1_input)
        run.command(fast_cmd + ' ' + fast_t1_input)
    fast_output_prefix = fast_t1_input.split('.')[0]

    # FIRST
    first_input_is_brain_extracted = ''
    if app.args.premasked:
        first_input_is_brain_extracted = ' -b'
    run.command(first_cmd + ' -s ' + ','.join(sgm_structures) +
                ' -i T1.nii -o first' + first_input_is_brain_extracted)

    # Test to see whether or not FIRST has succeeded
    # However if the expected image is absent, it may be due to FIRST being run
    #   on SGE; in this case it is necessary to wait and see if the file appears.
    #   But even in this case, FIRST may still fail, and the file will never appear...
    combined_image_path = 'first_all_none_firstseg' + fsl_suffix
    if not os.path.isfile(combined_image_path):
        if 'SGE_ROOT' in os.environ:
                'FSL FIRST job has been submitted to SGE; awaiting completion')
                '(note however that FIRST may fail, and hence this script may hang indefinitely)'
                'FSL FIRST has failed; not all structures were segmented successfully (check '
                + path.toTemp('first.logs', False) + ')')

    # Convert FIRST meshes to partial volume images
    pve_image_list = []
    for struct in sgm_structures:
        pve_image_path = 'mesh2pve_' + struct + '.mif'
        vtk_in_path = 'first-' + struct + '_first.vtk'
        vtk_temp_path = struct + '.vtk'
        run.command('meshconvert ' + vtk_in_path + ' ' + vtk_temp_path +
                    ' -transform first2real T1.nii')
        run.command('mesh2pve ' + vtk_temp_path + ' ' + fast_t1_input + ' ' +
    pve_cat = ' '.join(pve_image_list)
    run.command('mrmath ' + pve_cat +
                ' sum - | mrcalc - 1.0 -min all_sgms.mif')

    # Looks like FAST in 5.0 ignores FSLOUTPUTTYPE when writing the PVE images
    # Will have to wait and see whether this changes, and update the script accordingly
    if fast_cmd == 'fast':
        fast_suffix = fsl_suffix
        fast_suffix = '.nii.gz'

    # Combine the tissue images into the 5TT format within the script itself
    # Step 1: Run LCC on the WM image
        'mrthreshold ' + fast_output_prefix + '_pve_2' + fast_suffix +
        ' - -abs 0.001 | maskfilter - connect - -connectivity | mrcalc 1 - 1 -gt -sub remove_unconnected_wm_mask.mif -datatype bit'
    # Step 2: Generate the images in the same fashion as the 5ttgen command
    run.command('mrcalc ' + fast_output_prefix + '_pve_0' + fast_suffix +
                ' remove_unconnected_wm_mask.mif -mult csf.mif')
    run.command('mrcalc 1.0 csf.mif -sub all_sgms.mif -min sgm.mif')
    run.command('mrcalc 1.0 csf.mif sgm.mif -add -sub ' + fast_output_prefix +
                '_pve_1' + fast_suffix + ' ' + fast_output_prefix + '_pve_2' +
                fast_suffix + ' -add -div multiplier.mif')
        'mrcalc multiplier.mif -finite multiplier.mif 0.0 -if multiplier_noNAN.mif'
        'mrcalc ' + fast_output_prefix + '_pve_1' + fast_suffix +
        ' multiplier_noNAN.mif -mult remove_unconnected_wm_mask.mif -mult cgm.mif'
        'mrcalc ' + fast_output_prefix + '_pve_2' + fast_suffix +
        ' multiplier_noNAN.mif -mult remove_unconnected_wm_mask.mif -mult wm.mif'
    run.command('mrcalc 0 wm.mif -min path.mif')
        'mrcat cgm.mif sgm.mif wm.mif csf.mif path.mif - -axis 3 | mrconvert - combined_precrop.mif -stride +2,+3,+4,+1'

    # Use mrcrop to reduce file size (improves caching of image data during tracking)
    if app.args.nocrop:
        run.command('mrconvert combined_precrop.mif result.mif')
            'mrmath combined_precrop.mif sum - -axis 3 | mrthreshold - - -abs 0.5 | mrcrop combined_precrop.mif result.mif -mask -'
文件: fsl.py 项目: MRtrix3/mrtrix3
def execute(): #pylint: disable=unused-variable
  import math, os
  from mrtrix3 import app, fsl, image, run

  if app.isWindows():
    app.error('\'fsl\' algorithm of 5ttgen script cannot be run on Windows: FSL not available on Windows')

  fsl_path = os.environ.get('FSLDIR', '')
  if not fsl_path:
    app.error('Environment variable FSLDIR is not set; please run appropriate FSL configuration script')

  bet_cmd = fsl.exeName('bet')
  fast_cmd = fsl.exeName('fast')
  first_cmd = fsl.exeName('run_first_all')
  ssroi_cmd = fsl.exeName('standard_space_roi')

  first_atlas_path = os.path.join(fsl_path, 'data', 'first', 'models_336_bin')
  if not os.path.isdir(first_atlas_path):
    app.error('Atlases required for FSL\'s FIRST program not installed; please install fsl-first-data using your relevant package manager')

  fsl_suffix = fsl.suffix()

  sgm_structures = [ 'L_Accu', 'R_Accu', 'L_Caud', 'R_Caud', 'L_Pall', 'R_Pall', 'L_Puta', 'R_Puta', 'L_Thal', 'R_Thal' ]
  if app.args.sgm_amyg_hipp:
    sgm_structures.extend([ 'L_Amyg', 'R_Amyg', 'L_Hipp', 'R_Hipp' ])

  t1_spacing = image.Header('input.mif').spacing()
  upsample_for_first = False
  # If voxel size is 1.25mm or larger, make a guess that the user has erroneously re-gridded their data
  if math.pow(t1_spacing[0] * t1_spacing[1] * t1_spacing[2], 1.0/3.0) > 1.225:
    app.warn('Voxel size larger than expected for T1-weighted images (' + str(t1_spacing) + '); '
             'note that ACT does not require re-gridding of T1 image to DWI space, and indeed '
             'retaining the original higher resolution of the T1 image is preferable')
    upsample_for_first = True

  run.command('mrconvert input.mif T1.nii -strides -1,+2,+3')

  fast_t1_input = 'T1.nii'
  fast_t2_input = ''

  # Decide whether or not we're going to do any brain masking
  if os.path.exists('mask.mif'):

    fast_t1_input = 'T1_masked' + fsl_suffix

    # Check to see if the mask matches the T1 image
    if image.match('T1.nii', 'mask.mif'):
      run.command('mrcalc T1.nii mask.mif -mult ' + fast_t1_input)
      mask_path = 'mask.mif'
      app.warn('Mask image does not match input image - re-gridding')
      run.command('mrtransform mask.mif mask_regrid.mif -template T1.nii -datatype bit')
      run.command('mrcalc T1.nii mask_regrid.mif -mult ' + fast_t1_input)
      mask_path = 'mask_regrid.mif'

    if os.path.exists('T2.nii'):
      fast_t2_input = 'T2_masked' + fsl_suffix
      run.command('mrcalc T2.nii ' + mask_path + ' -mult ' + fast_t2_input)

  elif app.args.premasked:

    fast_t1_input = 'T1.nii'
    if os.path.exists('T2.nii'):
      fast_t2_input = 'T2.nii'


    # Use FSL command standard_space_roi to do an initial masking of the image before BET
    # Also reduce the FoV of the image
    # Using MNI 1mm dilated brain mask rather than the -b option in standard_space_roi (which uses the 2mm mask); the latter looks 'buggy' to me... Unfortunately even with the 1mm 'dilated' mask, it can still cut into some brain areas, hence the explicit dilation
    mni_mask_path = os.path.join(fsl_path, 'data', 'standard', 'MNI152_T1_1mm_brain_mask_dil.nii.gz')
    mni_mask_dilation = 0
    if os.path.exists (mni_mask_path):
      mni_mask_dilation = 4
      mni_mask_path = os.path.join(fsl_path, 'data', 'standard', 'MNI152_T1_2mm_brain_mask_dil.nii.gz')
      if os.path.exists (mni_mask_path):
        mni_mask_dilation = 2
    if mni_mask_dilation:
      run.command('maskfilter ' + mni_mask_path + ' dilate mni_mask.nii -npass ' + str(mni_mask_dilation))
      if app.args.nocrop:
        ssroi_roi_option = ' -roiNONE'
        ssroi_roi_option = ' -roiFOV'
      run.command(ssroi_cmd + ' T1.nii T1_preBET' + fsl_suffix + ' -maskMASK mni_mask.nii' + ssroi_roi_option, False)
      run.command(ssroi_cmd + ' T1.nii T1_preBET' + fsl_suffix + ' -b', False)
    pre_bet_image = fsl.findImage('T1_preBET')

    # BET
    run.command(bet_cmd + ' ' + pre_bet_image + ' T1_BET' + fsl_suffix + ' -f 0.15 -R')
    fast_t1_input = fsl.findImage('T1_BET' + fsl_suffix)

    if os.path.exists('T2.nii'):
      if app.args.nocrop:
        fast_t2_input = 'T2.nii'
        # Just a reduction of FoV, no sub-voxel interpolation going on
        run.command('mrtransform T2.nii T2_cropped.nii -template ' + fast_t1_input + ' -interp nearest')
        fast_t2_input = 'T2_cropped.nii'

  # Finish branching based on brain masking

  # FAST
  if fast_t2_input:
    run.command(fast_cmd + ' -S 2 ' + fast_t2_input + ' ' + fast_t1_input)
    run.command(fast_cmd + ' ' + fast_t1_input)

  first_input = 'T1.nii'
  if upsample_for_first:
    app.warn('Generating 1mm isotropic T1 image for FIRST in hope of preventing failure, since input image is of lower resolution')
    run.command('mrresize T1.nii T1_1mm.nii -voxel 1.0 -interp sinc')
    first_input = 'T1_1mm.nii'
  first_input_brain_extracted_option = ''
  if app.args.premasked:
    first_input_brain_extracted_option = ' -b'
  first_debug_option = ''
  if not app.cleanup:
    first_debug_option = ' -d'
  first_verbosity_option = ''
  if app.verbosity == 3:
    first_verbosity_option = ' -v'
  run.command(first_cmd + ' -m none -s ' + ','.join(sgm_structures) + ' -i ' + first_input + ' -o first' + first_input_brain_extracted_option + first_debug_option + first_verbosity_option)
  fsl.checkFirst('first', sgm_structures)

  # Convert FIRST meshes to partial volume images
  pve_image_list = [ ]
  progress = app.progressBar('Generating partial volume images for SGM structures', len(sgm_structures))
  for struct in sgm_structures:
    pve_image_path = 'mesh2voxel_' + struct + '.mif'
    vtk_in_path = 'first-' + struct + '_first.vtk'
    vtk_temp_path = struct + '.vtk'
    run.command('meshconvert ' + vtk_in_path + ' ' + vtk_temp_path + ' -transform first2real ' + first_input)
    run.command('mesh2voxel ' + vtk_temp_path + ' ' + fast_t1_input + ' ' + pve_image_path)
  run.command('mrmath ' + ' '.join(pve_image_list) + ' sum - | mrcalc - 1.0 -min all_sgms.mif')

  # Combine the tissue images into the 5TT format within the script itself
  fast_output_prefix = fast_t1_input.split('.')[0]
  fast_csf_output = fsl.findImage(fast_output_prefix + '_pve_0')
  fast_gm_output = fsl.findImage(fast_output_prefix + '_pve_1')
  fast_wm_output = fsl.findImage(fast_output_prefix + '_pve_2')
  # Step 1: Run LCC on the WM image
  run.command('mrthreshold ' + fast_wm_output + ' - -abs 0.001 | maskfilter - connect - -connectivity | mrcalc 1 - 1 -gt -sub remove_unconnected_wm_mask.mif -datatype bit')
  # Step 2: Generate the images in the same fashion as the old 5ttgen binary used to:
  #   - Preserve CSF as-is
  #   - Preserve SGM, unless it results in a sum of volume fractions greater than 1, in which case clamp
  #   - Multiply the FAST volume fractions of GM and CSF, so that the sum of CSF, SGM, CGM and WM is 1.0
  run.command('mrcalc ' + fast_csf_output + ' remove_unconnected_wm_mask.mif -mult csf.mif')
  run.command('mrcalc 1.0 csf.mif -sub all_sgms.mif -min sgm.mif')
  run.command('mrcalc 1.0 csf.mif sgm.mif -add -sub ' + fast_gm_output + ' ' + fast_wm_output + ' -add -div multiplier.mif')
  run.command('mrcalc multiplier.mif -finite multiplier.mif 0.0 -if multiplier_noNAN.mif')
  run.command('mrcalc ' + fast_gm_output + ' multiplier_noNAN.mif -mult remove_unconnected_wm_mask.mif -mult cgm.mif')
  run.command('mrcalc ' + fast_wm_output + ' multiplier_noNAN.mif -mult remove_unconnected_wm_mask.mif -mult wm.mif')
  run.command('mrcalc 0 wm.mif -min path.mif')
  run.command('mrcat cgm.mif sgm.mif wm.mif csf.mif path.mif - -axis 3 | mrconvert - combined_precrop.mif -strides +2,+3,+4,+1')

  # Use mrcrop to reduce file size (improves caching of image data during tracking)
  if app.args.nocrop:
    run.command('mrconvert combined_precrop.mif result.mif')
    run.command('mrmath combined_precrop.mif sum - -axis 3 | mrthreshold - - -abs 0.5 | mrcrop combined_precrop.mif result.mif -mask -')
def execute():  #pylint: disable=unused-variable
    import math, os
    from distutils.spawn import find_executable
    from mrtrix3 import app, fsl, image, MRtrixError, path, run, utils

    if utils.is_windows():
        raise MRtrixError(
            '\'fsl\' algorithm of 5ttgen script cannot be run on Windows: FSL not available on Windows'

    fsl_path = os.environ.get('FSLDIR', '')
    if not fsl_path:
        raise MRtrixError(
            'Environment variable FSLDIR is not set; please run appropriate FSL configuration script'

    bet_cmd = fsl.exe_name('bet')
    fast_cmd = fsl.exe_name('fast')
    first_cmd = fsl.exe_name('run_first_all')
    ssroi_cmd = fsl.exe_name('standard_space_roi')

    first_atlas_path = os.path.join(fsl_path, 'data', 'first',
    if not os.path.isdir(first_atlas_path):
        raise MRtrixError(
            'Atlases required for FSL\'s FIRST program not installed; please install fsl-first-data using your relevant package manager'

    fsl_suffix = fsl.suffix()

    sgm_structures = [
        'L_Accu', 'R_Accu', 'L_Caud', 'R_Caud', 'L_Pall', 'R_Pall', 'L_Puta',
        'R_Puta', 'L_Thal', 'R_Thal'
    if app.ARGS.sgm_amyg_hipp:
        sgm_structures.extend(['L_Amyg', 'R_Amyg', 'L_Hipp', 'R_Hipp'])

    t1_spacing = image.Header('input.mif').spacing()
    upsample_for_first = False
    # If voxel size is 1.25mm or larger, make a guess that the user has erroneously re-gridded their data
    if math.pow(t1_spacing[0] * t1_spacing[1] * t1_spacing[2],
                1.0 / 3.0) > 1.225:
            'Voxel size larger than expected for T1-weighted images (' +
            str(t1_spacing) + '); '
            'note that ACT does not require re-gridding of T1 image to DWI space, and indeed '
            'retaining the original higher resolution of the T1 image is preferable'
        upsample_for_first = True

    run.command('mrconvert input.mif T1.nii -strides -1,+2,+3')

    fast_t1_input = 'T1.nii'
    fast_t2_input = ''

    # Decide whether or not we're going to do any brain masking
    if os.path.exists('mask.mif'):

        fast_t1_input = 'T1_masked' + fsl_suffix

        # Check to see if the mask matches the T1 image
        if image.match('T1.nii', 'mask.mif'):
            run.command('mrcalc T1.nii mask.mif -mult ' + fast_t1_input)
            mask_path = 'mask.mif'
            app.warn('Mask image does not match input image - re-gridding')
                'mrtransform mask.mif mask_regrid.mif -template T1.nii -datatype bit'
            run.command('mrcalc T1.nii mask_regrid.mif -mult ' + fast_t1_input)
            mask_path = 'mask_regrid.mif'

        if os.path.exists('T2.nii'):
            fast_t2_input = 'T2_masked' + fsl_suffix
            run.command('mrcalc T2.nii ' + mask_path + ' -mult ' +

    elif app.ARGS.premasked:

        fast_t1_input = 'T1.nii'
        if os.path.exists('T2.nii'):
            fast_t2_input = 'T2.nii'


        # Use FSL command standard_space_roi to do an initial masking of the image before BET
        # Also reduce the FoV of the image
        # Using MNI 1mm dilated brain mask rather than the -b option in standard_space_roi (which uses the 2mm mask); the latter looks 'buggy' to me... Unfortunately even with the 1mm 'dilated' mask, it can still cut into some brain areas, hence the explicit dilation
        mni_mask_path = os.path.join(fsl_path, 'data', 'standard',
        mni_mask_dilation = 0
        if os.path.exists(mni_mask_path):
            mni_mask_dilation = 4
            mni_mask_path = os.path.join(
                fsl_path, 'data', 'standard',
            if os.path.exists(mni_mask_path):
                mni_mask_dilation = 2
            if mni_mask_dilation:
                run.command('maskfilter ' + mni_mask_path +
                            ' dilate mni_mask.nii -npass ' +
                if app.ARGS.nocrop:
                    ssroi_roi_option = ' -roiNONE'
                    ssroi_roi_option = ' -roiFOV'
                run.command(ssroi_cmd + ' T1.nii T1_preBET' + fsl_suffix +
                            ' -maskMASK mni_mask.nii' + ssroi_roi_option)
                run.command(ssroi_cmd + ' T1.nii T1_preBET' + fsl_suffix +
                            ' -b')
        except run.MRtrixCmdError:
            pre_bet_image = fsl.find_image('T1_preBET')
        except MRtrixError:
            app.warn('FSL script \'standard_space_roi\' did not complete successfully' + \
                     ('' if find_executable('dc') else ' (possibly due to program \'dc\' not being installed') + '; ' + \
                     'attempting to continue by providing un-cropped image to BET')
            pre_bet_image = 'T1.nii'

        # BET
        run.command(bet_cmd + ' ' + pre_bet_image + ' T1_BET' + fsl_suffix +
                    ' -f 0.15 -R')
        fast_t1_input = fsl.find_image('T1_BET' + fsl_suffix)

        if os.path.exists('T2.nii'):
            if app.ARGS.nocrop:
                fast_t2_input = 'T2.nii'
                # Just a reduction of FoV, no sub-voxel interpolation going on
                run.command('mrtransform T2.nii T2_cropped.nii -template ' +
                            fast_t1_input + ' -interp nearest')
                fast_t2_input = 'T2_cropped.nii'

    # Finish branching based on brain masking

    # FAST
    if fast_t2_input:
        run.command(fast_cmd + ' -S 2 ' + fast_t2_input + ' ' + fast_t1_input)
        run.command(fast_cmd + ' ' + fast_t1_input)

    # FIRST
    first_input = 'T1.nii'
    if upsample_for_first:
            'Generating 1mm isotropic T1 image for FIRST in hope of preventing failure, since input image is of lower resolution'
        run.command('mrgrid T1.nii regrid T1_1mm.nii -voxel 1.0 -interp sinc')
        first_input = 'T1_1mm.nii'
    first_brain_extracted_option = ''
    if app.ARGS.premasked:
        first_brain_extracted_option = ' -b'
    first_debug_option = ''
    if not app.DO_CLEANUP:
        first_debug_option = ' -d'
    first_verbosity_option = ''
    if app.VERBOSITY == 3:
        first_verbosity_option = ' -v'
    run.command(first_cmd + ' -m none -s ' + ','.join(sgm_structures) +
                ' -i ' + first_input + ' -o first' +
                first_brain_extracted_option + first_debug_option +
    fsl.check_first('first', sgm_structures)

    # Convert FIRST meshes to partial volume images
    pve_image_list = []
    progress = app.ProgressBar(
        'Generating partial volume images for SGM structures',
    for struct in sgm_structures:
        pve_image_path = 'mesh2voxel_' + struct + '.mif'
        vtk_in_path = 'first-' + struct + '_first.vtk'
        vtk_temp_path = struct + '.vtk'
        run.command('meshconvert ' + vtk_in_path + ' ' + vtk_temp_path +
                    ' -transform first2real ' + first_input)
        run.command('mesh2voxel ' + vtk_temp_path + ' ' + fast_t1_input + ' ' +
    run.command(['mrmath', pve_image_list, 'sum', '-', '|', \
                 'mrcalc', '-', '1.0', '-min', 'all_sgms.mif'])

    # Combine the tissue images into the 5TT format within the script itself
    fast_output_prefix = fast_t1_input.split('.')[0]
    fast_csf_output = fsl.find_image(fast_output_prefix + '_pve_0')
    fast_gm_output = fsl.find_image(fast_output_prefix + '_pve_1')
    fast_wm_output = fsl.find_image(fast_output_prefix + '_pve_2')
    # Step 1: Run LCC on the WM image
        'mrthreshold ' + fast_wm_output +
        ' - -abs 0.001 | maskfilter - connect - -connectivity | mrcalc 1 - 1 -gt -sub remove_unconnected_wm_mask.mif -datatype bit'
    # Step 2: Generate the images in the same fashion as the old 5ttgen binary used to:
    #   - Preserve CSF as-is
    #   - Preserve SGM, unless it results in a sum of volume fractions greater than 1, in which case clamp
    #   - Multiply the FAST volume fractions of GM and CSF, so that the sum of CSF, SGM, CGM and WM is 1.0
    run.command('mrcalc ' + fast_csf_output +
                ' remove_unconnected_wm_mask.mif -mult csf.mif')
    run.command('mrcalc 1.0 csf.mif -sub all_sgms.mif -min sgm.mif')
    run.command('mrcalc 1.0 csf.mif sgm.mif -add -sub ' + fast_gm_output +
                ' ' + fast_wm_output + ' -add -div multiplier.mif')
        'mrcalc multiplier.mif -finite multiplier.mif 0.0 -if multiplier_noNAN.mif'
        'mrcalc ' + fast_gm_output +
        ' multiplier_noNAN.mif -mult remove_unconnected_wm_mask.mif -mult cgm.mif'
        'mrcalc ' + fast_wm_output +
        ' multiplier_noNAN.mif -mult remove_unconnected_wm_mask.mif -mult wm.mif'
    run.command('mrcalc 0 wm.mif -min path.mif')
        'mrcat cgm.mif sgm.mif wm.mif csf.mif path.mif - -axis 3 | mrconvert - combined_precrop.mif -strides +2,+3,+4,+1'

    # Crop to reduce file size (improves caching of image data during tracking)
    if app.ARGS.nocrop:
        run.function(os.rename, 'combined_precrop.mif', 'result.mif')
            'mrmath combined_precrop.mif sum - -axis 3 | mrthreshold - - -abs 0.5 | mrgrid combined_precrop.mif crop result.mif -mask -'

    run.command('mrconvert result.mif ' + path.from_user(app.ARGS.output),
def execute():
    import os
    from distutils.spawn import find_executable
    from mrtrix3 import app, file, fsl, image, path, run

    if app.isWindows():
            '\'fsl\' algorithm of 5ttgen script cannot be run on Windows: FSL not available on Windows'

    fsl_path = os.environ.get('FSLDIR', '')
    if not fsl_path:
            'Environment variable FSLDIR is not set; please run appropriate FSL configuration script'

    ssroi_cmd = 'standard_space_roi'
    if not find_executable(ssroi_cmd):
        ssroi_cmd = 'fsl5.0-standard_space_roi'
        if not find_executable(ssroi_cmd):
                'Could not find FSL program standard_space_roi; please verify FSL install'

    bet_cmd = 'bet'
    if not find_executable(bet_cmd):
        bet_cmd = 'fsl5.0-bet'
        if not find_executable(bet_cmd):
                'Could not find FSL program bet; please verify FSL install')

    fast_cmd = 'fast'
    if not find_executable(fast_cmd):
        fast_cmd = 'fsl5.0-fast'
        if not find_executable(fast_cmd):
                'Could not find FSL program fast; please verify FSL install')

    first_cmd = 'run_first_all'
    if not find_executable(first_cmd):
        first_cmd = "fsl5.0-run_first_all"
        if not find_executable(first_cmd):
                'Could not find FSL program run_first_all; please verify FSL install'

    first_atlas_path = os.path.join(fsl_path, 'data', 'first',

    if not os.path.isdir(first_atlas_path):
            'Atlases required for FSL\'s FIRST program not installed; please install fsl-first-data using your relevant package manager'

    fsl_suffix = fsl.suffix()

    sgm_structures = [
        'L_Accu', 'R_Accu', 'L_Caud', 'R_Caud', 'L_Pall', 'R_Pall', 'L_Puta',
        'R_Puta', 'L_Thal', 'R_Thal'
    if app.args.sgm_amyg_hipp:
        sgm_structures.extend(['L_Amyg', 'R_Amyg', 'L_Hipp', 'R_Hipp'])

    run.command('mrconvert input.mif T1.nii -stride -1,+2,+3')

    fast_t1_input = 'T1.nii'
    fast_t2_input = ''

    # Decide whether or not we're going to do any brain masking
    if os.path.exists('mask.mif'):

        fast_t1_input = 'T1_masked' + fsl_suffix

        # Check to see if the mask matches the T1 image
        if image.match('T1.nii', 'mask.mif'):
            run.command('mrcalc T1.nii mask.mif -mult ' + fast_t1_input)
            mask_path = 'mask.mif'
            app.warn('Mask image does not match input image - re-gridding')
                'mrtransform mask.mif mask_regrid.mif -template T1.nii')
            run.command('mrcalc T1.nii mask_regrid.mif ' + fast_t1_input)
            mask_path = 'mask_regrid.mif'

        if os.path.exists('T2.nii'):
            fast_t2_input = 'T2_masked' + fsl_suffix
            run.command('mrcalc T2.nii ' + mask_path + ' -mult ' +

    elif app.args.premasked:

        fast_t1_input = 'T1.nii'
        if os.path.exists('T2.nii'):
            fast_t2_input = 'T2.nii'


        # Use FSL command standard_space_roi to do an initial masking of the image before BET
        # Also reduce the FoV of the image
        # Using MNI 1mm dilated brain mask rather than the -b option in standard_space_roi (which uses the 2mm mask); the latter looks 'buggy' to me... Unfortunately even with the 1mm 'dilated' mask, it can still cut into some brain areas, hence the explicit dilation
        mni_mask_path = os.path.join(fsl_path, 'data', 'standard',
        mni_mask_dilation = 0
        if os.path.exists(mni_mask_path):
            mni_mask_dilation = 4
            mni_mask_path = os.path.join(
                fsl_path, 'data', 'standard',
            if os.path.exists(mni_mask_path):
                mni_mask_dilation = 2
        if mni_mask_dilation:
            run.command('maskfilter ' + mni_mask_path +
                        ' dilate mni_mask.nii -npass ' +
            if app.args.nocrop:
                ssroi_roi_option = ' -roiNONE'
                ssroi_roi_option = ' -roiFOV'
                ssroi_cmd + ' T1.nii T1_preBET' + fsl_suffix +
                ' -maskMASK mni_mask.nii' + ssroi_roi_option, False)
            run.command(ssroi_cmd + ' T1.nii T1_preBET' + fsl_suffix + ' -b',
        pre_bet_image = fsl.findImage('T1_preBET')

        # BET
        run.command(bet_cmd + ' ' + pre_bet_image + ' T1_BET' + fsl_suffix +
                    ' -f 0.15 -R')
        fast_t1_input = fsl.findImage('T1_BET' + fsl_suffix)

        if os.path.exists('T2.nii'):
            if app.args.nocrop:
                fast_t2_input = 'T2.nii'
                # Just a reduction of FoV, no sub-voxel interpolation going on
                run.command('mrtransform T2.nii T2_cropped.nii -template ' +
                            fast_t1_input + ' -interp nearest')
                fast_t2_input = 'T2_cropped.nii'

    # Finish branching based on brain masking

    # FAST
    if fast_t2_input:
        run.command(fast_cmd + ' -S 2 ' + fast_t2_input + ' ' + fast_t1_input)
        run.command(fast_cmd + ' ' + fast_t1_input)

    # FIRST
    first_input_is_brain_extracted = ''
    if app.args.premasked:
        first_input_is_brain_extracted = ' -b'
    run.command(first_cmd + ' -m none -s ' + ','.join(sgm_structures) +
                ' -i T1.nii -o first' + first_input_is_brain_extracted)
    fsl.checkFirst('first', sgm_structures)

    # Convert FIRST meshes to partial volume images
    pve_image_list = []
    for struct in sgm_structures:
        pve_image_path = 'mesh2pve_' + struct + '.mif'
        vtk_in_path = 'first-' + struct + '_first.vtk'
        vtk_temp_path = struct + '.vtk'
        run.command('meshconvert ' + vtk_in_path + ' ' + vtk_temp_path +
                    ' -transform first2real T1.nii')
        run.command('mesh2pve ' + vtk_temp_path + ' ' + fast_t1_input + ' ' +
    pve_cat = ' '.join(pve_image_list)
    run.command('mrmath ' + pve_cat +
                ' sum - | mrcalc - 1.0 -min all_sgms.mif')

    # Combine the tissue images into the 5TT format within the script itself
    fast_output_prefix = fast_t1_input.split('.')[0]
    fast_csf_output = fsl.findImage(fast_output_prefix + '_pve_0')
    fast_gm_output = fsl.findImage(fast_output_prefix + '_pve_1')
    fast_wm_output = fsl.findImage(fast_output_prefix + '_pve_2')
    # Step 1: Run LCC on the WM image
        'mrthreshold ' + fast_wm_output +
        ' - -abs 0.001 | maskfilter - connect - -connectivity | mrcalc 1 - 1 -gt -sub remove_unconnected_wm_mask.mif -datatype bit'
    # Step 2: Generate the images in the same fashion as the old 5ttgen binary used to:
    #   - Preserve CSF as-is
    #   - Preserve SGM, unless it results in a sum of volume fractions greater than 1, in which case clamp
    #   - Multiply the FAST volume fractions of GM and CSF, so that the sum of CSF, SGM, CGM and WM is 1.0
    run.command('mrcalc ' + fast_csf_output +
                ' remove_unconnected_wm_mask.mif -mult csf.mif')
    run.command('mrcalc 1.0 csf.mif -sub all_sgms.mif -min sgm.mif')
    run.command('mrcalc 1.0 csf.mif sgm.mif -add -sub ' + fast_gm_output +
                ' ' + fast_wm_output + ' -add -div multiplier.mif')
        'mrcalc multiplier.mif -finite multiplier.mif 0.0 -if multiplier_noNAN.mif'
        'mrcalc ' + fast_gm_output +
        ' multiplier_noNAN.mif -mult remove_unconnected_wm_mask.mif -mult cgm.mif'
        'mrcalc ' + fast_wm_output +
        ' multiplier_noNAN.mif -mult remove_unconnected_wm_mask.mif -mult wm.mif'
    run.command('mrcalc 0 wm.mif -min path.mif')
        'mrcat cgm.mif sgm.mif wm.mif csf.mif path.mif - -axis 3 | mrconvert - combined_precrop.mif -stride +2,+3,+4,+1'

    # Use mrcrop to reduce file size (improves caching of image data during tracking)
    if app.args.nocrop:
        run.command('mrconvert combined_precrop.mif result.mif')
            'mrmath combined_precrop.mif sum - -axis 3 | mrthreshold - - -abs 0.5 | mrcrop combined_precrop.mif result.mif -mask -'