dir_conc = [2.0, 16.0, 128.0, 1024.0]

# Do the 'simple' kernels...
for kernel in [
        'uniform', 'triangular', 'epanechnikov', 'cosine', 'gaussian',
        'cauchy', 'logistic'
    for dim in dimensions:
        # Create a mean shift object with a single sample of the provided kernel type...
        ms = MeanShift()
        ms.set_data(numpy.array([0.0] * dim, dtype=numpy.float32), 'f')
        ms.quality = 1.0

        # Draw lots of samples from it...
        sample = ms.draws(samples)

        # Get the probability of each...
        p1 = ms.probs(sample)

        # Throw away samples where p1 is 0 - they are a result of the range optimisation, and break the below...
        keep = p1 > 1e-6
        sample = sample[keep, :]
        p1 = p1[keep]

        # Do a KDE of the samples, including bandwidth estimation...
        kde = MeanShift()
        kde.set_data(sample, 'df')
        kde.set_kernel('uniform')  #  Keep is simple!
        kde.set_scale(numpy.array([scale] * dim, dtype=numpy.float32))
kernel = 'fisher'
conc = 256.0
samples = 1024

# Create the two distributions - don't need to be complicated...
correct = MeanShift()
correct.set_data(numpy.array([1.0] + [0.0]*(dims-1), dtype=numpy.float32), 'f')
correct.set_kernel('%s(%.1fc)' % (kernel, conc))
correct.quality = 1.0

approximate = MeanShift()
approximate.set_data(numpy.array([1.0] + [0.0]*(dims-1), dtype=numpy.float32), 'f')
approximate.set_kernel('%s(%.1fa)' % (kernel, conc))
approximate.quality = 1.0

# Draw a bunch of samples and compare the probabilities in both to check they are basically the same...
sample = correct.draws(samples)

cp = correct.probs(sample)
ap = approximate.probs(sample)

diff = numpy.fabs(cp-ap)

print 'Maximum probabilities =', cp.max(), ap.max()
print 'Maximum probability difference =', diff.max(), (diff.max() / cp.max())
print 'Average probability difference =', diff.mean(), (diff.mean() / cp.max())
block[:,:,:2] *= numpy.sqrt(1.0 - numpy.square(y_to_nz)).reshape((-1,1,1))

## Calculate the probability for each location...
prob = ms.probs(block.reshape((-1,3)))
prob = prob.reshape((height, width))

## Save it out...
image = array2cv(255.0 * prob / prob.max())
cv.SaveImage('fisher_mercator_kde.png', image)

# Draw a new set of samples; visualise them...
print 'Draw...'

draw = ms.draws(8*1024)

image = numpy.zeros((height, width, 3), dtype=numpy.float32)
for vec in draw:
  x = numpy.arctan2(vec[1], vec[0])
  if x<0.0: x += 2.0*numpy.pi
  x = x * width / (2.0 * numpy.pi)
  if x>=width: x -= width
  y = 0.5*(1.0+vec[2]) * height
    image[y,x,:] = 255.0
    print 'Bad draw:', vec
# Do the 'simple' kernels...
for kernel in ['uniform', 'triangular', 'epanechnikov', 'cosine', 'gaussian', 'cauchy', 'logistic']:
  for dim in dimensions:
    # Create a mean shift object with a single sample of the provided kernel type...
    ms = MeanShift()
    ms.set_data(numpy.array([0.0]*dim, dtype=numpy.float32), 'f')
    ms.quality = 1.0
    # Create a uniform sample over a suitably large region (Yes I am assuming I got the uniform kernel right!)...
    uniform = MeanShift()
    uniform.set_data(numpy.array([0.0]*dim, dtype=numpy.float32), 'f')
    uniform.set_scale(numpy.ones(dim) / ms.get_range())
    sample = uniform.draws(samples)
    sp = uniform.prob(sample[0,:])
    # Evaluate the probabilities of the uniform set...
    p = ms.probs(sample)
    # Print their average, which we are hoping is one...
    volume =  p.mean() / sp
    print 'Kernel = %s; Dims = %i | Monte-Carlo volume = %.3f' % (kernel, dim, volume)

# Now for the directional kernels...
for kernel in ['fisher', 'mirror_fisher']:
  for dim, area in zip(dir_dimensions, dir_area):
    for conc in dir_conc:
        for i in xrange(angle_step):
            t = float(i) / (angle_step - 1)
            t_x = int(s_x - (1 - t) * o_x)
            t_y = int(s_y - (1 - t) * o_y)
                if img[t_y, t_x, 2] < t:
                    img[t_y, t_x, 2] = t

    img = array2cv(255.0 * img)
    cv.SaveImage(fn, img)

visualise('bandwidth_a_input.png', data)
draw = ms.draws(samples)
visualise('bandwidth_a_draw.png', draw)

# Change the data and reoptimise - data with a very different scale...
print 'b:'

direction = []
radius = []
ang_a = []
ang_b = []

for i in xrange(8):
    count = samples // 8

    direction.append(numpy.random.normal(numpy.pi * 2.0 * i / 8.0, 0.2, count))
    radius.append(0.5 + numpy.random.normal(
    for i in xrange(angle_step):
      t = float(i) / (angle_step-1)
      t_x = int(s_x - (1-t) * o_x)
      t_y = int(s_y - (1-t) * o_y)
        if img[t_y,t_x,2] < t:
          img[t_y,t_x,2] = t

  img = array2cv(255.0 * img)
  cv.SaveImage(fn, img)

visualise('bandwidth_a_input.png', data)
draw = ms.draws(samples)
visualise('bandwidth_a_draw.png', draw)

# Change the data and reoptimise - data with a very different scale...
print 'b:'

direction = []
radius = []
ang_a = []
ang_b = []

for i in xrange(8):
  count = samples//8
ms = MeanShift()
ms.set_data(data, 'd')

# Iterate and calculate the probability at a bunch of points, then plot...
sam = numpy.arange(-2.5, 2.5, 0.1)
prob = numpy.array(map(lambda v: ms.prob(numpy.array([v])), sam))

print 'Distribution:'
for threshold in numpy.arange(prob.max(), 0.0, -prob.max() / 10.0):
    print ''.join(map(lambda p: '|' if p > threshold else ' ', prob))

# Draw a bunch of points, make a new ms and then plot, again...
ms2 = MeanShift()
ms2.set_data(ms.draws(50), 'df')

sam = numpy.arange(-2.5, 2.5, 0.1)
prob = numpy.array(map(lambda v: ms2.prob(numpy.array([v])), sam))

print 'Distribution of draw:'
for threshold in numpy.arange(prob.max(), 0.0, -prob.max() / 10.0):
    print ''.join(map(lambda p: '|' if p > threshold else ' ', prob))

# Another distribution and its probability...
data = ([-2] * 3) + ([-1] * 2) + ([0] * 2) + ([1] * 3) + ([2] * 8)
data = numpy.array(data, dtype=numpy.int32)

ms3 = MeanShift()
print 'Rendering probability map:'
p = ProgBar()
for row in xrange(dim):
  p.callback(row, dim)
  sam = numpy.append(numpy.linspace(-size, size, dim).reshape((-1,1)), ((row / (dim-1.0) - 0.5) * 2.0 * size) * numpy.ones(dim).reshape((-1,1)), axis=1)
  image[row, :, :] = ms.probs(sam).reshape((-1,1))
del p

image *= 255.0 / image.max()
image = array2cv(image)
cv.SaveImage('draw_density.png', image)

# Draw a new set of samples from the KDE approximation of the distribution, and visualise...
draw = ms.draws(data.shape[0])

image = numpy.zeros((dim, dim, 3), dtype=numpy.float32)

for r in xrange(draw.shape[0]):
  loc = draw[r,:]
  loc = (loc + size) / (2.0*size)
  loc *= dim
    image[int(loc[1]+0.5), int(loc[0]+0.5), :] = 255.0
  except: pass # Deals with out of range values.

image = array2cv(image)
cv.SaveImage('draw_normal.png', image)

p = ProgBar()
for row in xrange(pixels):
    p.callback(row, pixels)
    sam = numpy.append(numpy.linspace(0.0, 1.0, pixels).reshape((-1, 1)),
                       (row / float(pixels - 1)) * numpy.ones(pixels).reshape(
                           (-1, 1)),
    image[row, :, :] = ms.probs(sam).reshape((-1, 1))
del p

image *= 255.0 / image.max()
image = array2cv(image)
cv.SaveImage('draw_weighted_density.png', image)

# Draw a bunch of points from it and plot them...
samples = numpy.random.randint(16, 512)
draw = ms.draws(1024)

image = numpy.zeros((pixels, pixels, 3), dtype=numpy.float32)

for r in xrange(draw.shape[0]):
    loc = draw[r, :]
    loc *= pixels
        image[int(loc[1] + 0.5), int(loc[0] + 0.5), :] = 255.0
        pass  # Deals with out of range values.

image = array2cv(image)
cv.SaveImage('draw_weighted_samples.png', image)
img = numpy.zeros((64, 64), dtype=numpy.float32)

for y in xrange(img.shape[0]):
  for x in xrange(img.shape[1]):
    ang_x = 2.0 * numpy.pi * (x / float(img.shape[1]-1)) - numpy.pi
    ang_y = 2.0 * numpy.pi * (y / float(img.shape[0]-1)) - numpy.pi
    img[y,x] = ms.prob(numpy.array([ang_x, ang_y]))

img *= 255.0 / img.max()
cv.SaveImage('angle_pdf.png', array2cv(img))

# Try drawing...
img = numpy.zeros((256, 1024), dtype=numpy.float32)
for row in ms.draws(512):
  for y in xrange(img.shape[0]):
    t = float(y) / float(img.shape[0]-1)
    x = row[0] * t + row[1] * (1.0-t)
    if x<-numpy.pi: x += numpy.pi
    if x>numpy.pi: x -= numpy.pi
    x = int(img.shape[1] * (x + numpy.pi) / (numpy.pi * 2.0))
    img[y, x] += 1.0

img *= 255.0 / img.max()
cv.SaveImage('angle_draw.png', array2cv(img))

# New data sets to multiply together, single angles this time...
dir_dimensions = [2, 3, 4]
dir_conc = [2.0, 16.0, 128.0, 1024.0]

# Do the 'simple' kernels...
for kernel in ['uniform', 'triangular', 'epanechnikov', 'cosine', 'gaussian', 'cauchy', 'logistic']:
  for dim in dimensions:
    # Create a mean shift object with a single sample of the provided kernel type...
    ms = MeanShift()
    ms.set_data(numpy.array([0.0]*dim, dtype=numpy.float32), 'f')
    ms.quality = 1.0
    # Draw lots of samples from it...
    sample = ms.draws(samples)
    # Get the probability of each...
    p1 = ms.probs(sample)
    # Throw away samples where p1 is 0 - they are a result of the range optimisation, and break the below...
    keep = p1>1e-6
    sample = sample[keep,:]
    p1 = p1[keep]
    # Do a KDE of the samples, including bandwidth estimation...
    kde = MeanShift()
    kde.set_data(sample, 'df')
    kde.set_kernel('uniform') #  Keep is simple!
    kde.set_scale(numpy.array([scale]*dim, dtype=numpy.float32))
    for i in xrange(angle_step):
        t = float(i) / (angle_step - 1)
        t_x = int(t * s_x + (1 - t) * e_x)
        t_y = int(t * s_y + (1 - t) * e_y)
            if img[t_y, t_x, 0] < t:
                img[t_y, t_x, :] = t

img = array2cv(255.0 * img)
cv.SaveImage('composite_input.png', img)

# Now draw the same number of cameras again and visualise so a fleshy can check they are similar...
draw = ms.draws(data.shape[0])

img = numpy.zeros((size, size, 3), dtype=numpy.float32)

for sample in draw:
    s_x = (size - 1) * sample[1] / scale
    s_y = (size - 1) * sample[0] / scale
    e_x = (size - 1) * (sample[1] + angle_len * sample[3]) / scale
    e_y = (size - 1) * (sample[0] + angle_len * sample[2]) / scale

    for i in xrange(angle_step):
        t = float(i) / (angle_step - 1)
        t_x = int(t * s_x + (1 - t) * e_x)
        t_y = int(t * s_y + (1 - t) * e_y)
            if img[t_y, t_x, 0] < t:
# Test the mirrored version of the von_mises Fisher distribution, this time in 5D...

# Create a dataset - just a bunch of points in one direction, so we can test the mirroring effect (Abuse MeanShift object to do this)...
print 'Mirrored draws:'

vec = numpy.array([1.0, 0.5, 0.0, -0.5, -1.0])
vec /= numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(vec).sum())

print 'Base dir =', vec

draw = MeanShift()
draw.set_data(vec, 'f')

data = draw.draws(32)

#print 'Input:'
#print data

# Create a mean shift object from the draws, but this time with a mirror_fisher kernel...
mirror = MeanShift()
mirror.set_data(data, 'df')

resample = mirror.draws(16)

for row in resample:
    print '[%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f]' % tuple(row)

# Iterate and calculate the probability at a bunch of points, then plot...
sam = numpy.arange(-2.5, 2.5, 0.1)
prob = numpy.array(map(lambda v: ms.prob(numpy.array([v])), sam))

print 'Distribution:'
for threshold in numpy.arange(prob.max(), 0.0, -prob.max()/10.0):
  print ''.join(map(lambda p: '|' if p>threshold else ' ', prob))

# Draw a bunch of points, make a new ms and then plot, again...
ms2 = MeanShift()
ms2.set_data(ms.draws(50), 'df')

sam = numpy.arange(-2.5, 2.5, 0.1)
prob = numpy.array(map(lambda v: ms2.prob(numpy.array([v])), sam))

print 'Distribution of draw:'
for threshold in numpy.arange(prob.max(), 0.0, -prob.max()/10.0):
  print ''.join(map(lambda p: '|' if p>threshold else ' ', prob))

# Another distribution and its probability...
data = ([-2] * 3) + ([-1] * 2) + ([0] * 2) + ([1] * 3) + ([2] * 8)
data = numpy.array(data, dtype=numpy.int32)
        'uniform', 'triangular', 'epanechnikov', 'cosine', 'gaussian',
        'cauchy', 'logistic'
    for dim in dimensions:
        # Create a mean shift object with a single sample of the provided kernel type...
        ms = MeanShift()
        ms.set_data(numpy.array([0.0] * dim, dtype=numpy.float32), 'f')
        ms.quality = 1.0

        # Create a uniform sample over a suitably large region (Yes I am assuming I got the uniform kernel right!)...
        uniform = MeanShift()
        uniform.set_data(numpy.array([0.0] * dim, dtype=numpy.float32), 'f')
        uniform.set_scale(numpy.ones(dim) / ms.get_range())
        sample = uniform.draws(samples)
        sp = uniform.prob(sample[0, :])

        # Evaluate the probabilities of the uniform set...
        p = ms.probs(sample)

        # Print their average, which we are hoping is one...
        volume = p.mean() / sp
        print 'Kernel = %s; Dims = %i | Monte-Carlo volume = %.3f' % (
            kernel, dim, volume)

# Now for the directional kernels...
for kernel in ['fisher', 'mirror_fisher']:
    for dim, area in zip(dir_dimensions, dir_area):
        for conc in dir_conc:
print 'Rendering probability map:'
p = ProgBar()
for row in xrange(pixels):
  p.callback(row, pixels)
  sam = numpy.append(numpy.linspace(0.0, 1.0, pixels).reshape((-1,1)), (row / float(pixels-1)) * numpy.ones(pixels).reshape((-1,1)), axis=1)
  image[row, :, :] = ms.probs(sam).reshape((-1,1))
del p

image *= 255.0 / image.max()
image = array2cv(image)
cv.SaveImage('draw_weighted_density.png', image)

# Draw a bunch of points from it and plot them...
samples = numpy.random.randint(16, 512)
draw = ms.draws(1024)

image = numpy.zeros((pixels, pixels, 3), dtype=numpy.float32)

for r in xrange(draw.shape[0]):
  loc = draw[r,:]
  loc *= pixels
    image[int(loc[1]+0.5), int(loc[0]+0.5), :] = 255.0
  except: pass # Deals with out of range values.

image = array2cv(image)
cv.SaveImage('draw_weighted_samples.png', image)