'''The base class to represent a list of points.'''

import numpy as np
import mt.base.casting as _bc
from ..geo import TwoD
from ..geond import PointList, castable_ndarray_PointList

__all__ = ['PointList2d']

class PointList2d(TwoD, PointList):
    '''A list of 2D points. See PointList for more details.'''

_bc.register_castable(np.ndarray, PointList2d,
                      lambda x: castable_ndarray_PointList(x, 2))
_bc.register_cast(np.ndarray, PointList2d,
                  lambda x: PointList2d(x, check=False))
_bc.register_cast(PointList2d, PointList,
                  lambda x: PointList(x.points, check=False))
_bc.register_cast(PointList, PointList2d,
                  lambda x: PointList2d(x.points, check=False))
_bc.register_castable(PointList, PointList2d, lambda x: x.ndim == 2)
文件: polygon.py 项目: inteplus/mtgeo
    points : `numpy.ndarray(shape=(N,2))`
        The list of 2D vertices in numpy.

    # ----- internal representations -----

    def shapely(self):
        '''Shapely representation for fast intersection operations.'''
        if not hasattr(self, '_shapely'):
            import shapely.geometry as _sg
            self._shapely = _sg.Polygon(self.points)
            self._shapely = self._shapely.buffer(
            )  # to clean up any (multi and/or non-simple) polygon into a simple polygon
        return self._shapely

_bc.register_castable(np.ndarray, Polygon,
                      lambda x: castable_ndarray_PointList(x, 2))
_bc.register_cast(np.ndarray, Polygon, lambda x: Polygon(x, check=False))

_bc.register_cast(PointList2d, Polygon,
                  lambda x: Polygon(x.points, check=False))

# ----- joining volumes -----

register_join_volume(Rect, Polygon, join_volume_shapely)
register_join_volume(Polygon, Rect, join_volume_shapely)
register_join_volume(Polygon, Polygon, join_volume_shapely)
文件: moments.py 项目: inteplus/mtgeo
'''Raw moments up to 2nd order of 3D points.'''

from mt import np
import sys as _sys

import mt.base.casting as _bc

from ..geo import ThreeD
from ..geond import Moments, moments_from_pointlist
from .point_list import PointList3d

__all__ = ['Moments3d']

class Moments3d(ThreeD, Moments):
    '''Raw moments up to 2nd order of points living in 3D. See Moments for more details.'''

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Moments3d(m0={}, mean={}, cov={})".format(self.m0, self.mean, self.cov.tolist())
_bc.register_cast(Moments3d, Moments, lambda x: Moments(x.m0, x.m1, x.m2))
_bc.register_cast(Moments, Moments3d, lambda x: Moments3d(x.m0, x.m1, x.m2))
_bc.register_castable(Moments, Moments3d, lambda x: x.ndim==3)

_bc.register_cast(PointList3d, Moments3d, moments_from_pointlist)
        '''Returns an axis-aligned ellipse bounded by the given axis-aligned rectangle x.'''
        if not isinstance(x, Rect):
            raise ValueError("Input type must be a `Rect`, '{}' given.".format(
        return Ellipse(
            Aff2d(linear=Lin2d(scale=[x.w / 2, x.h / 2]), offset=x.center_pt))

# ----- casting -----

    Ellipse, Hyperellipsoid,
    lambda x: Hyperellipsoid(cast(x.aff_tfm, Aff), make_normalised=False))
register_cast(Hyperellipsoid, Ellipse,
              lambda x: Ellipse(cast(x.aff_tfm, Aff2d), make_normalised=False))
register_castable(Hyperellipsoid, Ellipse, lambda x: x.ndim == 2)

def cast_Ellipse_to_Moments2d(obj):
    '''Extracts Moments2d from an Ellipse instance.'''
    a = np.pi / 4
    moments = Moments2d(np.pi, [0, 0],
                        [[a, 0], [0, a]])  # unit circle's moments
    return transform(obj.aff_tfm, moments)  # transform

register_cast(Ellipse, Moments2d, cast_Ellipse_to_Moments2d)

def approx_Moments2d_to_Ellipse(obj):
    '''Approximates a Moments2d instance with a normalised Ellipse that has the same mean and covariance as the mean and covariance of the instance.'''
        self.offset = offset
        self.linear = linear

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Aff2d(offset={}, linear={})".format(self.offset, self.linear)

# ----- casting -----

    Aff2d, Aff,
    lambda x: Aff(weights=x.weight, bias=x.offset, check_shapes=False))
    Aff, Aff2d,
    lambda x: Aff2d(offset=x.bias, linear=Lin2d.from_matrix(x.weight)))
_bc.register_castable(Aff, Aff2d, lambda x: x.ndim == 2)

# ----- transform functions -----

def transform_Aff2d_on_Moments2d(aff_tfm, moments):
    '''Transform a Moments2d using a 2D affine transformation.

    aff_tfm : Aff2d
        2D affine transformation
    moments : Moments2d
        2D moments

        if not isinstance(other, Dlt):
            return super(Dlt, self).multiply(other)
        return Dlt(self << other.offset, self.scale*other.scale)
    multiply.__doc__ = Aff.multiply.__doc__

    def invert(self):
        return Dlt(-self.offset/self.scale, 1/self.scale)
    invert.__doc__ = Aff.invert.__doc__

# ----- casting -----

_bc.register_cast(Dlt, Aff, lambda x: Aff(weight=x.weight, bias=x.bias, check_shapes=False))
_bc.register_cast(Aff, Dlt, lambda x: Dlt(offset=x.bias, scale=np.diagonal(x.weight)))
_bc.register_castable(Aff, Dlt, lambda x: np.count_nonzero(x.weight - np.diag(np._diagonal(x.weight))) > 0)

# ----- transform functions -----

def transform_Dlt_on_Moments(dlt_tfm, moments):
    '''Transform the Moments using an affine transformation.

    dlt_tfm : Dlt
        general dilatation
    moments : Moments
        general moments
文件: moments.py 项目: inteplus/mtgeo
import mt.base.casting as _bc

from ..geo import TwoD
from ..geond import Moments, moments_from_pointlist
from .point_list import PointList2d

__all__ = ['Moments2d']

class Moments2d(TwoD, Moments):
    '''Raw moments up to 2nd order of points living in 2D. See Moments for more details.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from mt.geo2d.moments import Moments2d
    >>> gm.Moments2d(10, np.array([2,3]), np.array([[1,2],[3,4]]))
    Moments2d(m0=10.0, mean=[0.2 0.3], cov=[[0.06, 0.14], [0.24, 0.31000000000000005]])
    def __repr__(self):
        return "Moments2d(m0={}, mean={}, cov={})".format(
            self.m0, self.mean, self.cov.tolist())

_bc.register_cast(Moments2d, Moments, lambda x: Moments(x.m0, x.m1, x.m2))
_bc.register_cast(Moments, Moments2d, lambda x: Moments2d(x.m0, x.m1, x.m2))
_bc.register_castable(Moments, Moments2d, lambda x: x.ndim == 2)

_bc.register_cast(PointList2d, Moments2d, moments_from_pointlist)
        '''Returns the dimension of the bias vector. Raises ValueError if it is not 3.'''
        if self.bias.shape[0] != 3:
            raise ValueError("Expected bias dim to be 3, but seeing {}.".format(self.bias.shape[0]))

    # ----- methods -----

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Aff3d(weight_diagonal={}, bias={})".format(self.weight.diagonal(), self.bias)

# ----- casting -----

_bc.register_cast(Aff3d, Aff, lambda x: Aff(weights=x.weight, bias=x.offset, check_shapes=False))
_bc.register_cast(Aff, Aff3d, lambda x: Aff3d(weight=x.weight, bias=x.bias, check_shape=False))
_bc.register_castable(Aff, Aff3d, lambda x: x.ndim==3)

# ----- transform functions -----

def transform_Aff3d_on_Moments3d(aff_tfm, moments):
    '''Transform a Moments3d using a 3D affine transformation.

    aff_tfm : Aff3d
        3D affine transformation
    moments : Moments3d
        3D moments
文件: point.py 项目: inteplus/mtgeo
'''The base class to represent a point. 

For efficiency reasons, please try to bunch points into arrays or lists and use appropriate representations instead of using single points implemented here.

import numpy as _np
import mt.base.casting as _bc
from ..geo import ThreeD
from ..geond import Point, castable_ndarray_Point

__all__ = ['Point3d']

class Point3d(ThreeD, Point):
    '''A 3D point. See Point for more details.'''

_bc.register_castable(_np.ndarray, Point3d,
                      lambda x: castable_ndarray_Point(x, 3))
_bc.register_cast(_np.ndarray, Point3d, lambda x: Point3d(x, check=False))
_bc.register_cast(Point3d, Point, lambda x: Point(x.point, check=False))
_bc.register_cast(Point, Point3d, lambda x: Point3d(x.point, check=False))
_bc.register_castable(Point, Point3d, lambda x: x.ndim == 3)