    def parse_loglines(self):
        multiple_files = False

        # create generator for logfile(s) handles
        if type(self.args['logfile']) != types.ListType:
            self.logfiles = [self.args['logfile']]
            self.logfiles = self.args['logfile']
        if len(self.logfiles) > 1:
            multiple_files = True
            self.args['group'] = 'filename'
        plot_instance = self.plot_types[self.args['type']](args=self.args, unknown_args=self.unknown_args)

        for logfile in self.logfiles:
            start = None
            end = None
            # get log file information
            if self.progress_bar_enabled:
                lfinfo = LogFile(logfile)
                if lfinfo.start and lfinfo.end:
                    progress_start = self._datetime_to_epoch(lfinfo.start)
                    progress_total = self._datetime_to_epoch(lfinfo.end) - progress_start
                    self.progress_bar_enabled = False
                if progress_total == 0:
                    # protect from division by zero errors
                    self.progress_bar_enabled = False

            for i, line in enumerate(logfile):
                # create LogLine object
                logline = LogLine(line)

                # adjust times if --optime-start is enabled
                if self.args['optime_start'] and logline.duration:
                    # create new variable end_datetime in logline object and store starttime there
                    logline.end_datetime = logline.datetime 
                    logline._datetime = logline._datetime - timedelta(milliseconds=logline.duration)
                    logline._datetime_calculated = True

                if not start:
                    start = logline.datetime

                if logline.datetime:
                    if self.args['optime_start'] and hasattr(logline, 'end_datetime'):
                        end = logline.end_datetime
                        end = logline.datetime

                # update progress bar every 1000 lines
                if self.progress_bar_enabled and (i % 1000 == 0) and logline.datetime:
                    progress_curr = self._datetime_to_epoch(logline.datetime)
                    self.update_progress(float(progress_curr-progress_start) / progress_total, 'parsing %s'%logfile.name)

                if multiple_files:
                    # amend logline object with filename for group by filename
                    logline.filename = logfile.name

                # offer plot_instance and see if it can plot it
                line_accepted = False
                if plot_instance.accept_line(logline):
                    # if logline doesn't have datetime, skip
                    if logline.datetime == None:
                    if logline.namespace == None:
                        logline._namespace = "None"

                    line_accepted = True

            # store start and end for each logfile
            plot_instance.date_range = (start, end)

        # clear progress bar
        if self.logfiles and self.progress_bar_enabled:


        # close files after parsing
        if sys.stdin.isatty():
            for f in self.logfiles: