def build_data(self): """ create data to write to an input file """ # read edi file to edi object eo = mtedi.Edi() eo.readfile(self.edipath) self.edi_object = eo # define z zr = np.real(eo.Z.z) # sign of imaginary component needs to be reversed for the pek1d inversion code zi = -np.imag(eo.Z.z) ze = eo.Z.zerr z = zr + 1j * zi # set errorfloors if type(self.errorfloor) in [int, float]: self.errorfloor = np.ones([2, 2]) * self.errorfloor if self.errorfloor_type in ['relative', 'offdiagonals']: zer = ze / np.abs(z) for i in range(2): for j in range(2): zer[:, i, j][(zer[:, i, j] < self.errorfloor[i, j])] = self.errorfloor[i, j] ze = np.abs(z) * zer if self.errorfloor_type == 'offdiagonals': for i in range(2): for iz in range(len(z)): if ze[iz, i, i] < ze[iz, i, 1 - i]: ze[iz, i, i] = ze[iz, i, 1 - i] elif self.errorfloor_type == 'absolute': for i in range(2): for j in range(2): ze[:, i, j][(ze[:, i, j] < self.errorfloor[i, j])] = self.errorfloor[i, j] # define header info for data file header = '{:>5}\n{:>5}'.format(self.mode, len(eo.Z.resistivity)) # create data array data_list = [1. / eo.freq] for i in range(2): for j in range(2): if self.mode == 'I': dd = [zr, ze, zi, ze] for d in dd: data_list.append(d[:, i, j]) self.header = header = np.vstack(data_list).T self.z = zr + 1j * zi self.zerr = ze
def _read_edi_file(self): """ read in edi file and set attributes accordingly """ self.edi_object = MTedi.Edi(self.fn, datatype=self._data_type) = self.lon = self.edi_object.lon self.elev = self.edi_object.elev self.Z = self.edi_object.Z self.Tipper = self.edi_object.Tipper self.station = self.edi_object.station #--> get utm coordinates from lat and lon self._get_utm() #--> make sure things are ordered from high frequency to low self._check_freq_order() #--> compute phase tensor = MTpt.PhaseTensor(z_object=self.Z, freq=self.Z.freq) #--> compute invariants self.zinv = MTinv.Zinvariants(z_object=self.Z)
def convert2columns(fn): try: e_object = MTedi.Edi(filename=fn) except: print('invalid EDI file') raise filebase = op.splitext(fn)[0] outfn = filebase + '.columns' outstring = '' for i, f in enumerate(e_object.freq): outstring += '{0:> 10.5f} '.format(f) for j in range(2): for k in range(2): outstring += '\t{0:.4f} {1:.4f} {2:.4f} '.format(float(np.real(e_object.Z.z[i, j, k])), float(np.imag(e_object.Z.z[i, j, k])), e_object.Z.z_err[i, j, k]) outstring += '\n' with open(outfn, 'w') as F: F.write(outstring) print('\tWritten data to file: {0}\n'.format(outfn)) return outfn
def __init__(self, fn=None, **kwargs): self._fn = fn self.station = kwargs.pop('station', None) self._lat = kwargs.pop('lat', None) self._lon = kwargs.pop('lon', None) self._elev = kwargs.pop('elev', None) self._Z = kwargs.pop('Z', MTz.Z()) self._Tipper = kwargs.pop('Tipper', MTz.Tipper()) self._utm_zone = kwargs.pop('utm_zone', None) self._east = kwargs.pop('east', None) self._north = kwargs.pop('north', None) self._rotation_angle = kwargs.pop('rotation_angle', 0) self.edi_object = MTedi.Edi() = None self.zinv = None self._utm_ellipsoid = 23 #provide key words to fill values if an edi file does not exist for key in kwargs.keys(): setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) #--> read in the file name given if self._fn is not None: self._set_fn(fn)
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 4: print '\nNeed at least 2 arguments: <EDI file> '\ '<output directory> <#iterations> \n\n'\ 'Optional arguments: \n [sigma scaling]\n'\ ' [batch process flag "-b"] \n\n' return try: fn_in = sys.argv[1] fn_in = op.join(op.abspath(os.curdir), fn_in) edi_object = MTedi.Edi(filename=fn_in) except: print '\n\tERROR - File is not a valid EDI file: {0}\n'.format(fn_in) sys.exit() try: outdir = sys.argv[2] outdir = op.join(op.abspath(os.curdir), outdir) if not op.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) except: print '\n\tERROR - Output directory does not exist and cannot be'\ ' generated: {0}\n'.format(outdir) sys.exit() try: n_iterations = int(float(sys.argv[3])) if n_iterations < 0: raise except: print '\n\t ERROR - number of iterations must be a positive integer (incl. 0)\n' sys.exit() fn_out = None sigma_scaling = 1 if len(sys.argv) > 4: try: sigma_scaling = float(sys.argv[4]) if sigma_scaling <= 0: raise except: sigma_scaling = 1 print '\nWARNING - Invalid sigma scale ..using 1 instead\n' try: print print 'Generating PTcross input data file' if n_iterations != 0: print '(evaluating {0} realisations of Z)'.format(n_iterations) print '\t...' generate_ptcrossdata_file(edi_object, n_iterations, sigma_scaling, outdir, fn_out) except: raise print '\n\tERROR - could not generate PT Cross Data file - check EDI file!\n'
def get_station_xy(edipath, savepath=None, basename='stationxy.dat'): edilst = [ff for ff in os.listdir(edipath) if ff.endswith('.edi')] xylst = [] for edifile in edilst: eo = mtedi.Edi(op.join(edipath, edifile)) xylst.append([eo.station, eo.lon,]) with open(op.join(savepath, basename), 'w') as xyfile: xyfile.write('station x y\n') xyfile.writelines(['{} {} {}\n'.format(*line) for line in xylst])
def read_edifiles(self): """ """ self.find_edifiles() if len(self.edifiles) > 0: self.edi_objects = [mtedi.Edi(filename=efile) for efile in list(self.edifiles.values())]
def convert_edi_coordinates_to_kml_file(edi_filelist, outfilename=None): kml_string = '' kml_string += '<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n' kml_string += '<kml xmlns=\"\">\n' kml_string += '<Document>\n' for edi_idx, edi in enumerate(edi_filelist): e = EDI.Edi() e.readfile(edi) lat = lon = e.lon ele = e.elev station = e.head['dataid'] kml = [] description = 'File: {0}'.format(e.filename) kml.append(' <Placemark>') kml.append(' <name>%s</name>' % station) kml.append(' <description>') kml.append(' <p>%s</p>' % description) kml.append(' </description>') kml.append(' <Point>') kml.append(' <coordinates>%f,%f,%f</coordinates>' % (lon, lat, ele)) kml.append(' </Point>') kml.append(' </Placemark>') kml_string += '\n'.join(kml) kml_string += '\n</Document>\n' kml_string += '</kml>\n' if outfilename is None: outfilename = op.abspath('edi_coordinates.kml') else: try: outfilename = op.abspath(op.join('.', outfilename)) except: outfilename = op.abspath('edi_coordinates.kml') outfilename = MTfh.make_unique_filename(outfilename) fileObj = open(outfilename, 'w') fileObj.write(kml_string) fileObj.close() return outfilename
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 3: print '\nNeed at least 2 arguments: <EDI file> '\ '<output directory> \n\n'\ 'Optional arguments: \n [output filename]\n'\ ' [batch process flag "-b"] \n\n' return try: fn_in = sys.argv[1] fn_in = op.join(op.abspath(os.curdir), fn_in) edi_object = MTedi.Edi(filename=fn_in) except: print '\n\tERROR - File is not a valid EDI file: {0}\n'.format(fn_in) sys.exit() try: outdir = sys.argv[2] outdir = op.join(op.abspath(os.curdir), outdir) if not op.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) except: print '\n\tERROR - Output directory does not exist and cannot be'\ ' generated: {0}\n'.format(outdir) sys.exit() fn_out = None if len(sys.argv) > 3: try: fn_out = sys.argv[3] fn_out = op.join(outdir, fn_out) except: fn_out = None print '\nWARNING - Invalid output filename...using default instead\n' try: generate_ptwiperdata_file(edi_object, outdir, fn_out) except: print '\n\tERROR - could not generate PT Cross Data file - check EDI file!\n'
def test_func(): # path to edis epath = EDI_DATA_DIR2 svdir = TEMP_OUT_DIR elst = [ op.join(epath, edi) for edi in os.listdir(epath) if (edi.endswith('.edi')) ] for efile in elst[-1:]: eo = mtedi.Edi(efile) pr = mtpr.PlotResponse(fn=efile, plot_num=2, plot_tipper='yri', plot_pt='y') figfile = os.path.join(svdir, os.path.basename(efile)[:-4] + '.png') pr.save_plot(figfile) assert (os.path.exists(figfile))
#============================================================================== if not os.path.isfile(pkfn): azimutharr = np.zeros((nf, ns)) phimaxarr = np.zeros((nf, ns)) phiminarr = np.zeros((nf, ns)) betaarr = np.zeros((nf, ns)) colorarr = np.zeros((nf, ns)) latlst = np.zeros(ns) lonlst = np.zeros(ns) stationlst = [] for ss, station in enumerate(edilst): #make a data type Z edi1 = mtedi.Edi(station[0]) edi2 = mtedi.Edi(station[1]) pt1 = mtpt.PhaseTensor(z_object=edi1.Z) pt2 = mtpt.PhaseTensor(z_object=edi2.Z) stationlst.append(edi1.station) sz, se, sn = utm2ll.LLtoUTM(refe,, edi1.lon) latlst[ss] = (sn - bhn) / 1000. lonlst[ss] = (se - bhe) / 1000. #calculate the difference between the two phase tensor ellipses for ii in range(nf): phi = np.eye(2) - ([ii]),[ii]))
z_target = 50000 n_layers = 50 res_err = 30 phase_err = 2.5 max_iter = 20 #============================================================================== # loop over each edi inverting for TE and TM modes #============================================================================== edi_list = [os.path.join(edi_path, edi) for edi in os.listdir(edi_path) if edi.find('.edi')>0] log_fid = file(os.path.join(save_path, 'Occam1DLog.log'), 'w') for edi in edi_list: e1 = mtedi.Edi(edi) #--> write occam1d data file ocd = occam1d.Data() if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(save_path, e1.station)): os.mkdir(os.path.join(save_path, e1.station)) #--> write occam1d model file ocm = occam1d.Model() ocm.n_layers = n_layers ocm.bottom_layer = z_depth ocm.z1_layer = z1_thickness ocm.target_depth = z_target #--> write occam1d startup files ocs = occam1d.Startup()
def makemap(edilist, mapstretchfactor, symbolsize, labelsize, showlabel): #import of modules here due to warnings from Matplotlib packages #these warnings distract the 'usage' information from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl import mtpy.utils.filehandling as MTfh import mtpy.core.edi as EDI import mtpy.utils.filehandling as MTfh lats = [] lons = [] names = [] for i in edilist: e = EDI.Edi() e.readfile(i) lats.append( lons.append(e.lon) names.append(e.head['dataid'].lower()) coords = zeros((len(edilist), 2)) coords[:, 0] = lats coords[:, 1] = lons latrange = max(lats) - min(lats) lonrange = max(lons) - min(lons) #center point for projection: c = [mean(lats), mean(lons)] #----------------------- #Matplotlib options mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 10. mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 8. mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 6. mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 6. plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure() #figsize=(5.7,4.3)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, right=0.9, top=0.90, bottom=0.1, wspace=0.15, hspace=0.05) ax = plt.subplot(111) stretch = float(mapstretchfactor) total_latmin = max((min(lats) - stretch * latrange), -90) total_lonmin = max((min(lons) - stretch * lonrange), -180) total_latmax = min((max(lats) + stretch * latrange), 90) total_lonmax = min((max(lons) + stretch * lonrange), 180) total_latrange = total_latmax - total_latmin total_lonrange = total_lonmax - total_lonmin #determine number of axes labels: maximumlabels = 5 latnum = maximumlabels lonnum = maximumlabels lonlat_stretch = total_lonrange / total_latrange if int(lonlat_stretch) > 2: #significantly more long than lat factor = int(int(lonlat_stretch) / 2.) latnum = int(maximumlabels / factor) + 1 lonnum = maximumlabels elif int(lonlat_stretch) < 0.5: #significantly more long than lat factor = int(int(1. / lonlat_stretch) / 2.) lonnum = int(maximumlabels / factor) + 1 latnum = maximumlabels m = Basemap(projection='merc', lon_0=c[1], lat_0=c[0], lat_ts=c[0], llcrnrlat=total_latmin, urcrnrlat=total_latmax, llcrnrlon=total_lonmin, urcrnrlon=total_lonmax, rsphere=6371200., resolution='h') #,ax=ax) lons.append(total_lonmin) lons.append(total_lonmax) lats.append(total_latmin) lats.append(total_latmax) xgrid, ygrid = m(*meshgrid(lons, lats)) xdiff = xgrid.max() - xgrid.min() ydiff = ygrid.max() - ygrid.min() largest_extent = max(ydiff, xdiff) m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.25, ax=ax) m.drawcountries(linewidth=0.25, ax=ax) m.fillcontinents(color='coral', lake_color='aqua', ax=ax) m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='aqua', ax=ax) m.drawparallels([ round(i, 3) for i in linspace(total_latmin, total_latmax, latnum + 1, False) ][1:], labels=[1, 0, 0, 0], fmt='%.1f') m.drawmeridians([ round(i, 3) for i in linspace(total_lonmin, total_lonmax, lonnum + 1, False) ][1:], labels=[0, 0, 0, 1], fmt='%.1f') m.drawrivers() m.etopo() m.drawmapscale( total_lonmax - 0.15 * total_lonrange, total_latmax - 0.2 * total_latrange, c[1], c[0], 2 * 10**(int(log10(largest_extent / 1000.)) - 1), barstyle='simple', labelstyle='simple', fontsize=12, fontcolor='k', fillcolor1='r', fillcolor2='g', ax=None, format='%d', ) for x, y, name in zip(xgrid[0, :], ygrid[:, 0], names): plt.plot(x, y, 'v', ms=symbolsize, color='k', label=name) if showlabel is True: plt.text(x, y, name, fontsize=labelsize, ha='center', va='bottom', color='k', backgroundcolor='r') #, labelfontsize=5) plt.title('locations of {0} MT stations'.format(len(names))) f1 = 'station_locations_map.png' f2 = 'station_locations_map.svg' f1 = MTfh.make_unique_filename(f1) f2 = MTfh.make_unique_filename(f2) plt.savefig(f1, format='png', dpi=200) plt.savefig(f2, format='svg', transparent=True) return op.abspath(f1), op.abspath(f2)
def convert2edi(station, directory, survey_configfile, instrument_response_file, string2strip=None, datestring=None): basedir = op.abspath(os.curdir) #name of intermediate coherence file: infn_coh = '{0}.coh'.format(station.upper()) directory = op.abspath(directory) os.chdir(directory) print #print station,directory, survey_configfile,None,instrument_response_file print directory if string2strip is not None: j_filename_list = [ i for i in os.listdir(directory) if op.basename(i).upper().endswith('.j'.upper()) ] j_filename_list = [ i for i in j_filename_list if '{0}'.format(station.upper()) in op.basename(i).upper() ] j_file = j_filename_list[0] new_j_file = '%s.j' % (station.upper()) shutil.move(j_file, new_j_file) print 'renamed j_file %s into %s' % (j_file, new_j_file) coh_filenames_list = [ i for i in os.listdir(directory) if op.basename(i).upper().endswith('c2'.upper()) ] for coh in coh_filenames_list: suffix2 = op.splitext(coh)[-1] suffix1 = op.splitext(op.splitext(coh)[-2])[-1] newcoh = '%s' % (station.upper()) + suffix1 + suffix2 shutil.move(coh, newcoh) print 'renamed coh file %s into %s' % (coh, newcoh) edifn, cohfn = MTbp.convertbirrpoutput(station, directory, survey_configfile, None, instrument_response_file) if edifn is None: print try: os.remove(infn_coh) except: pass os.chdir(basedir) raise MTex.MTpyError_processing( '\tERROR - could not write EDI file - check j-file!\n') #sys.exit() #parse the folder, find the j-file used before (the first one matching the #specs), and determine the date from its name by stripping off the station names j_filename_list = [ i for i in os.listdir(directory) if op.basename(i).upper().endswith('.j'.upper()) ] j_filename_list = [ i for i in j_filename_list if '{0}'.format(station.upper()) in op.basename(i).upper() ] j_file = j_filename_list[0].upper() #print j_file if datestring is not None: #try: day = int(float(datestring)) day = int(float(datestring[-2:])) month_num = int(float(datestring[-4:-2])) year = int(float(datestring[-6:-4])) #except: # datestring = None if datestring is None: dateinfo = j_file.replace('.J', '') dateinfo = dateinfo.replace(station.upper(), '') #TODO : automatise these two steps if possible...!!! #...maybe by agreeing on a common format for the date...?? #dateinfo = dateinfo.replace('_RR_B125_','') if string2strip is not None: for i in string2strip: dateinfo = dateinfo.replace(i, '') dateinfo = dateinfo.replace(i.upper(), '') #split the date information dateinfo = dateinfo.split('-') try: day = int(float(dateinfo[0])) month = dateinfo[1].lower() month_num = { 'jan': 1, 'feb': 2, 'mar': 3, 'apr': 4, 'may': 5, 'jun': 6, 'jul': 7, 'aug': 8, 'sep': 9, 'oct': 10, 'nov': 11, 'dec': 12, }[month] year = 14 except: try: datestring = int(float(dateinfo[0])) day = int(float(dateinfo[0][-2:])) month_num = int(float(dateinfo[0][-4:-2])) # month_num = {'jan':1,'feb':2,'mar':3,'apr':4,'may':5,'jun':6, # 'jul':7,'aug':8,'sep':9,'oct':10,'nov':11,'dec':12,}[month] year = 14 except: day = 0 month_num = 0 year = 0 # re read the edi file: e_object = MTedi.Edi(filename=edifn) e_object.head['loc'] = 'roma' e_object.head['acqby'] = 'UofA' e_object.head['acqdate'] = '2014/{0:02d}/{1:02d}'.format(month_num, day) outfn_base = '{0}_{1}_{2:02d}{3:02d}{4:02d}'.format( edi_prefix, station.upper(), year, month_num, day) outfn = outfn_base + '.edi' if 1: outfn_true = e_object.writefile(outfn, allow_overwrite=True, use_info_string=True) if outfn_true is None: raise print 'EDI file written: {0}\n'.format(outfn_true) # except: # print '\tERROR - could not write final EDI file {0}\n'.format(outfn) outfn = outfn_true #rename coherence file accordingly: outfn_coh = outfn_base + '.coh' try: os.rename(infn_coh, outfn_coh) except: print 'Warning - could not find coherence file: {0}'.format(infn_coh) #rename j file, so that another one can be found and processed, if this code # is called within a loop: os.rename(j_filename_list[0], j_filename_list[0] + '.done') #remove intermediate EDI file os.remove(edifn) os.chdir(basedir) return outfn, outfn_coh
# directory path where edi files are dirpath = r"d:\Peacock\MTData\EDI_Files\Counts" # path to save edi files that have distortion removed drpath = os.path.join(dirpath, 'DR') # make sure the drpath exists if not os.path.exists(drpath): os.mkdir(drpath) #make a list of all edi files in the directory edi_list = [ os.path.join(dirpath, edi) for edi in os.listdir(dirpath) if edi.find('.edi') > 0 ] #loop over edi files and remove distortion dlst = [] for edi in edi_list: e1 = mtedi.Edi(filename=edi) d, zd = distortion.remove_distortion(z_object=e1.Z) e1.Z = zd e1.writefile(os.path.join(dirpath, 'DR', e1.station.lower())) dlst.append({'station': e1.station, 'd': d}) #print results for easy viewing for dd in dlst: print '--> Distortion tensor for {0} is:'.format(dd['station']) print '{0}|{1: .2f} {2: .2f}|'.format('' * 5, dd['d'][0, 0], dd['d'][0, 1]) print '{0}|{1: .2f} {2: .2f}|'.format('' * 5, dd['d'][1, 0], dd['d'][1, 1])
def __init__(self, fn=None, **kwargs): self._fn = fn self.station = kwargs.pop('station', None) self._lat = kwargs.pop('lat', None) self._lon = kwargs.pop('lon', None) self._elev = kwargs.pop('elev', None) self._Z = kwargs.pop('Z', MTz.Z()) self._Tipper = kwargs.pop('Tipper', MTz.Tipper()) self._utm_zone = kwargs.pop('utm_zone', None) self._east = kwargs.pop('east', None) self._north = kwargs.pop('north', None) self._rotation_angle = kwargs.pop('rotation_angle', 0) self._data_type = kwargs.pop('data_type', 'z') #provide key words to fill values if an edi file does not exist if 'z_object' in kwargs: self._Z = kwargs['z_object'] if 'z_array' in kwargs: self._Z.z = kwargs['z_array'] if 'zerr_array' in kwargs: self._Z.zerr = kwargs['zerr_array'] if 'freq' in kwargs: self._Z.freq = kwargs['freq'] self._Tipper.freq = kwargs['freq'] if 'tipper_object' in kwargs: self._Tipper = kwargs['tipper_object'] if 'tipper' in kwargs: self._Tipper.tipper = kwargs['tipper'] if 'tippererr' in kwargs: self._Tipper.tippererr = kwargs['tippererr'] if 'resisitivity' in kwargs: self._Z.resistivity = kwargs['resistivity'] if 'resisitivity_err' in kwargs: self._Z.resistivity_err = kwargs['resistivity_err'] if 'phase' in kwargs: self._Z.phase = kwargs['phase'] if 'phase_err' in kwargs: self._Z.phase = kwargs['phase_err'] self.edi_object = MTedi.Edi() = None self.zinv = None self._utm_ellipsoid = 23 #--> read in the edi file if its given if self._fn is not None: if self._fn[-3:] == 'edi': self._read_edi_file() else: not_fn = self._fn[os.path.basename(self._fn).find['.']:] raise MTex.MTpyError_file_handling('File '+\ 'type {0} not supported yet.'.format(not_fn))
DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ import sys import matplotlib #matplotlib.use('Qt4agg', force=True) from pylab import * import mtpy.core.edi as MTedi fn = sys.argv[1] edi = MTedi.Edi(edi_fn=fn) try: edi.read_edi_file() except Exception, why: print why sys.exit(1) res_te = [] res_tm = [] phi_te = [] phi_tm = [] reserr_te = [] reserr_tm = [] phierr_te = [] phierr_tm = []
@author: Alison Kirkby plots edi files (res/phase vs period) for all edis in a directory and saves out as png files """ import os os.chdir(r'C:\Git\mtpy') import mtpy.imaging.plotresponse as mtpr import mtpy.core.edi as mtedi import os.path as op # path to edis epath = r'C:\Git\mtpy\examples\data\edi_files' svdir = r'C:\Git\mtpy\examples\plots\edi_plots' elst = [ op.join(epath, edi) for edi in os.listdir(epath) if (edi.endswith('.edi')) ] for efile in elst[-1:]: eo = mtedi.Edi(efile) pr = mtpr.PlotResponse(fn=efile, plot_num=2, plot_tipper='yri', plot_pt='y') pr.save_plot( op.join(svdir, op.join(svdir, op.basename(efile)[:-4] + '.png')))
f_index += 1 if f_index == nf: data_list.append({ 'name': name, 'res': res, 'phase': phase, 'res_err': res_err, 'phase_err': phase, 'tipper': tipper, 'tipper_err': tipper_err }) print 'Station = {0}, no. freq = {1}'.format(name, nf) #write edi file data_edi = mtedi.Edi() data_z = mtz.Z() data_z.freq = frequency data_z.set_res_phase(res, phase, reserr_array=res_err, phaseerr_array=phase_err) data_T = mtz.Tipper(tipper_array=tipper, tippererr_array=tipper_err) data_T.freq = frequency data_edi.Z = data_z data_edi.Tipper = data_T #---------------HEADER---------------------------------------------- data_edi.head = dict([('dataid', name), ('acqby', 'P. E. Wannamaker'),
DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ import os, sys import os.path as op import mtpy.core.edi as MTedi from pylab import * fn = sys.argv[1] edi = MTedi.Edi() try: edi.readfile(fn) except: print '\n\tFile does not exist: {0}\n'.format(fn) sys.exit() res_te = [] res_tm = [] phi_te = [] phi_tm = [] reserr_te = [] reserr_tm = [] phierr_te = [] phierr_tm = []
def generate_input_file(edifilename, outputdir=None): eo = EDI.Edi() eo.readfile(edifilename) filebase = op.splitext(op.split(edifilename)[-1])[0] outfilename1 = '{0}'.format(filebase) outfilename2 = '{0}'.format(filebase) outdir = op.split(edifilename)[0] if outputdir is not None: try: if not op.isdir(outputdir): os.makedirs(outputdir) outdir = outputdir except: pass outfn1 = op.join(outdir, outfilename1) outfn2 = op.join(outdir, outfilename2) outfn1 = MTfh.make_unique_filename(outfn1) outfn2 = MTfh.make_unique_filename(outfn2) freqs = eo.freq z_array = eo.Z.z z_err_array = eo.Z.z_err if len(freqs) != len(z_array): raise MTex.MTpyError_edi_file('ERROR in Edi file {0} - number of ' 'freqs different from length of Z array'.format(eo.filename)) sorting = np.argsort(freqs) outstring1 = '' outstring2 = '' for idx in sorting: z = z_array[idx] z_err = z_err_array[idx] f = freqs[idx] outstring1 += '{0}\t'.format(f) outstring2 += '{0}\t'.format(f) for i in np.arange(2): for j in np.arange(2): if np.imag(z[i % 2, (j + 1) / 2]) < 0: z_string = '{0}-{1}i'.format(np.real(z[i % 2, (j + 1) / 2]), np.abs(np.imag(z[i % 2, (j + 1) / 2]))) else: z_string = '{0}+{1}i'.format(np.real(z[i % 2, (j + 1) / 2]), np.imag(z[i % 2, (j + 1) / 2])) z_err_string = '{0}'.format(z_err[i % 2, (j + 1) / 2]) outstring1 += '{0}\t'.format(z_string) outstring2 += '{0}\t'.format(z_err_string) outstring1 = outstring1.rstrip() + '\n' outstring2 = outstring2.rstrip() + '\n' Fout1 = open(outfn1, 'w') Fout2 = open(outfn2, 'w') Fout1.write(outstring1.expandtabs(4)) Fout2.write(outstring2.expandtabs(4)) Fout1.close() Fout2.close() return outfn1, outfn2
fn_inj = os.path.join(edipath_inj, station + '.edi') if os.path.isfile(fn_base) == False or os.path.isfile(fn_inj) == False: print station station_list.remove(station) ns = len(station_list) nf = 43 # number of frequencies z_base_arr = np.zeros((ns, nf, 2, 2), dtype='complex') z_inj_arr = np.zeros((ns, nf, 2, 2), dtype='complex') for ss, station in enumerate(station_list): fn_base = os.path.join(edipath_base, station + '.edi') fn_inj = os.path.join(edipath_inj, station + '.edi') if os.path.isfile(fn_base) == True and os.path.isfile(fn_inj) == True: edi_base = mtedi.Edi(fn_base) edi_inj = mtedi.Edi(fn_inj) z_err_base = np.sqrt(edi_base.Z.zerr.copy()) z_err_inj = np.sqrt(edi_inj.Z.zerr.copy()) #print z_err_base[0, 0, 1] #compute a static shift correction sx = np.sqrt( np.mean(edi_base.Z.resistivity[0:15, 0, 1] / edi_inj.Z.resistivity[0:15, 0, 1])) sy = np.sqrt( np.mean(edi_base.Z.resistivity[0:15, 1, 0] / edi_inj.Z.resistivity[0:15, 1, 0])) #remove the static shift from the injection survey s, new_z = edi_inj.Z.no_ss(1 / sx, 1 / sy)
def plotedi(fn, saveplot=False, component=None): edi = MTedi.Edi() try: edi.readfile(fn) except: print '\n\tERROR - not a valid EDI file: {0}\n'.format(fn) sys.exit() if saveplot is True: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') from pylab import * lo_comps = [] if component is not None: 'n' in component.lower() try: if 'n' in component.lower(): lo_comps.append('n') except: pass try: if 'e' in component.lower(): lo_comps.append('e') except: pass if len(lo_comps) == 0: lo_comps = ['n', 'e'] res_te = [] res_tm = [] phi_te = [] phi_tm = [] reserr_te = [] reserr_tm = [] phierr_te = [] phierr_tm = [] for r in edi.Z.resistivity: res_te.append(r[0, 1]) res_tm.append(r[1, 0]) for p in edi.Z.phase: phi_te.append(p[0, 1] % 90) phi_tm.append(p[1, 0] % 90) if np.mean(phi_te) > 90 and np.mean(phi_tm) > 90: phi_te = [i % 90 for i in phi_te] phi_tm = [i % 90 for i in phi_tm] for r in edi.Z.resistivity_err: reserr_te.append(r[0, 1]) reserr_tm.append(r[1, 0]) for p in edi.Z.phase_err: phierr_te.append(p[0, 1]) phierr_tm.append(p[1, 0]) periods = 1. / edi.freq resplotelement_xy = None resplotelement_yx = None ax1 = subplot(211) if 'n' in lo_comps: resplotelement_xy = errorbar(periods, res_te, reserr_te, marker='x', c='b', fmt='x') if 'e' in lo_comps: resplotelement_yx = errorbar(periods, res_tm, reserr_tm, marker='x', c='r', fmt='x') xscale('log') yscale('log') minval = min(min(res_te, res_tm)) maxval = max(max(res_te, res_tm)) xlim(0.5 * min(periods), 2 * max(periods)) ylim([0.1, 100]) #ylim([minval/10,maxval*10]) autoscale(False) ylabel('app.res. in Ohm m') setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ## share x only ax2 = subplot(212, sharex=ax1) autoscale(False) #ylim(-45,135) if 'n' in lo_comps: errorbar(periods, phi_te, phierr_te, marker='x', c='b', fmt='x') if 'e' in lo_comps: errorbar(periods, phi_tm, phierr_tm, marker='x', c='r', fmt='x') ylabel('phase') xlabel('period (in s)') plot([xlim()[0], xlim()[1]], [45, 45], '-.', c='0.7') ylim([-0, 90]) ax1.legend([resplotelement_xy, resplotelement_yx], ['$E_{X}/B_Y$', '$E_Y/B_X$'], loc=2, ncol=1, numpoints=1, markerscale=0.8, frameon=True, labelspacing=0.3, prop={'size': 8}, fancybox=True, shadow=False) tight_layout() if saveplot is True: ioff() outfn = op.splitext(fn)[0] + '.png' savefig(outfn, bbox_inches='tight') close('all') ion() return outfn else: ion() show(block=True) return None
header_string = """#Data file \n# Period(s) Code GG_Lat GG_Lon X(m) Y(m) Z(m) Component Real Imag Error > Full_Impedance \n> exp(-i\omega t)\n> [mV/km]/[nT] > 0.00 """ edilist = glob.glob(os.path.join(edipath, '*.[Ee][Dd][Ii]')) edilist = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.curdir, i)) for i in edilist] lo_ediobjs = [] coord_list = [] utm_list = [] for edi in edilist: e = E.Edi() e.readfile(edi) lo_ediobjs.append(e) utm_list.append(conv.LLtoUTM(23,, e.lon)) coord_list.append([, e.lon]) lat0 = np.mean(np.array(coord_list)[:, 0]) lon0 = np.mean(np.array(coord_list)[:, 1]) coord_list = [] # check f\or utm zones...if different assign zone! # for the moment assume all have the same zone for utm in utm_list:
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(edipath1, station + ediext)) == True: imp1 = os.path.join(edipath1, station + ediext) implst.append(imp1) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(edipath2, station + ediext)) == True: imp2 = os.path.join(edipath2, station + ediext) implst.append(imp2) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(edipath3, station + ediext)) == True: imp3 = os.path.join(edipath3, station + ediext) implst.append(imp3) if implst == [] or len(implst) == 1: stationclst.remove(station) pass else: implst = [mtedi.Edi(implst[0]), mtedi.Edi(implst[1])] period = implst[0].period n = len(period) z1 = implst[0].Z.z z2 = implst[1].Z.z rpdict1 = implst[0].Z.resistivity rpdict2 = implst[1].Z.resistivity # compute static shift for each x and y component sx = np.sqrt(np.mean(rpdict1[0:10, 0, 1] / rpdict2[0:10, 0, 1])) sy = np.sqrt(np.mean(rpdict1[0:10, 1, 0] / rpdict2[0:10, 1, 0])) # remove static shift from 2nd set of files z2[:, 0, 0] = z2[:, 0, 0] * sx z2[:, 0, 1] = z2[:, 0, 1] * sx
def plotedi(fn, saveplot=False, component=None): edi = MTedi.Edi() try: edi.readfile(fn) except: print '\n\tERROR - not a valid EDI file: {0}\n'.format(fn) sys.exit() # if saveplot is True: # import matplotlib # matplotlib.use('Agg') import pylab lo_comps = [] if component is not None: 'n' in component.lower() try: if 'n' in component.lower(): lo_comps.append('n') except: pass try: if 'e' in component.lower(): lo_comps.append('e') except: pass if len(lo_comps) == 0: lo_comps = ['n', 'e'] res_te = [] res_tm = [] phi_te = [] phi_tm = [] reserr_te = [] reserr_tm = [] phierr_te = [] phierr_tm = [] for r in edi.Z.resistivity: res_te.append(r[0, 1]) res_tm.append(r[1, 0]) for p in edi.Z.phase: phi_te.append(p[0, 1] % 90) phi_tm.append(p[1, 0] % 90) if > 90 and > 90: phi_te = [i % 90 for i in phi_te] phi_tm = [i % 90 for i in phi_tm] for r in edi.Z.resistivity_err: reserr_te.append(r[0, 1]) reserr_tm.append(r[1, 0]) for p in edi.Z.phase_err: phierr_te.append(p[0, 1]) phierr_tm.append(p[1, 0]) periods = 1. / edi.freq resplotelement_xy = None resplotelement_yx = None axes = pylab.figure('EDI ' + fn) ax1 = pylab.subplot(211) if 'n' in lo_comps: resplotelement_xy = pylab.errorbar(periods, res_te, reserr_te, marker='x', c='b', fmt='x') if 'e' in lo_comps: resplotelement_yx = pylab.errorbar(periods, res_tm, reserr_tm, marker='x', c='r', fmt='x') pylab.xscale('log', nonposx='clip') pylab.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') minval = pylab.min(pylab.min(res_te, res_tm)) maxval = pylab.max(pylab.max(res_te, res_tm)) pylab.xlim(0.5 * pylab.min(periods), 2 * pylab.max(periods)) # ylim([0.1,100]) pylab.ylim([minval / 10, maxval * 10]) pylab.autoscale(False) pylab.ylabel(r' $\rho$ (in $\Omega m$)') pylab.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # share x only ax2 = pylab.subplot(212, sharex=ax1) pylab.autoscale(False) # ylim(-45,135) if 'n' in lo_comps: pylab.errorbar(periods, phi_te, phierr_te, marker='x', c='b', fmt='x') if 'e' in lo_comps: pylab.errorbar(periods, phi_tm, phierr_tm, marker='x', c='r', fmt='x') pylab.ylabel('Phase angle ($\degree$)') pylab.xlabel('Period (in s)') pylab.plot([pylab.xlim()[0], pylab.xlim()[1]], [45, 45], '-.', c='0.7') pylab.ylim([-0, 90]) ax1.legend([resplotelement_xy, resplotelement_yx], ['$E_{X}/B_Y$', '$E_Y/B_X$'], loc=2, ncol=1, numpoints=1, markerscale=0.8, frameon=True, labelspacing=0.3, prop={'size': 8}, fancybox=True, shadow=False) pylab.tight_layout() if saveplot is True: pylab.ioff() outfn = op.splitext(fn)[0] + '.png' pylab.savefig(outfn, bbox_inches='tight') pylab.close('all') pylab.ion() return outfn else: pylab.ion() return None
} data_arr = np.zeros( 100, dtype=[ ("freq", np.float), ("z", (np.complex, (2, 2))), ("z_err", (np.float, (2, 2))), ("tipper", (np.complex, (2, 2))), ("tipper_err", (np.float, (2, 2))), ], ) count = 0 for edi_fn in edi_fn_list: edi_obj = mtedi.Edi(edi_fn) # get sampling rate from directory path for fkey in sorted(sr_dict.keys(), reverse=True): if str(fkey) in edi_fn: # locate frequency range f_index = np.where((edi_obj.Z.freq >= sr_dict[fkey][1]) & (edi_obj.Z.freq <= sr_dict[fkey][0])) data_arr["freq"][count:count + len(f_index[0])] = edi_obj.Z.freq[f_index] data_arr["z"][count:count + len(f_index[0])] = edi_obj.Z.z[f_index] data_arr["z_err"][count:count + len(f_index[0])] = edi_obj.Z.z_err[f_index] if edi_obj.Tipper.tipper is not None: data_arr["tipper"][count:count + len(f_index[0]
def compute_spatial_median_ss(edi_file, ss_tol=0.2, freq_tol=0.15, distance_radius=1000, n_freq=20, write_new_edi='y'): """ Compute the median of all stations within a given radius (distance_radius). For each station only resistivities up to n_freq will be used to estimate the median resistivity. The input station resistivity is then divided by the median. The median is only calculated for the off-diagonal terms. This works well if your station spacing is small <= 500m. Arguments: ----------- **edi_file** : string full path to edi file to compute static shift for Note that the other stations are assumed to be in the same directory as edi_file. **ss_tol** : float tolerance or error about 1.0 to give to static shift estimation. if 1-ss_tol < ss_estimation > 1+ss_tol then the returned value is the ss_estimation, otherwise 1.0 is returned. *default* is 0.2 **freq_tol** : float tolerance to look for frequencies in other edi files that were found in edi_file. This is important if the frequencies for each edi file are different. frequency match occurs when edi_file(freq)*(1-freq_tol) < edi_file2(freq) and edi_file2(freq) > edi_file(freq)*(1+freq_tol) *default* is 0.15 **distance_radius** : float radius to search for other stations. Any station that is within this radius is used to calculate the median static shift. *default* is 1000. **n_freq** : int number of frequencies to use to calculate median, assuming the first frequency is the highest frequency. *default* is 20. **write_new_edi** : [ 'y' | 'n' ] * 'y' will write a new edi file if there is a static shift * 'n' will not write a new edi_file File will be saved to edi_path\SS\station.edi Returns: -------- **static_shift_x** : float estimated median static shift in x direction **static_shift_y** : float estimated median static shift in y direction **new_edi_fn** : string full path to new edi file if write_new_edi == 'y' otherwise None is returned. """ #convert meters to decimal degrees so we don't have to deal with zone #changes dm_deg = distance_radius * 8.994423457456377e-06 #get path to all the other edi_files edi_path = os.path.dirname(edi_file) #make a list of edi files in the directory edi_list = [ os.path.join(edi_path, edi) for edi in os.listdir(edi_path) if edi.find('.edi') > 0 ] #remove the edi_file to be estimated for edi_list.remove(edi_file) n_edi = len(edi_list) #read the edi file edi1 = mtedi.Edi(filename=edi_file) #check to make sure the first frequency is the highest, if not flip #things around if edi1.freq[0] < edi1.freq[-1]: edi1.freq = edi1.freq[::-1] edi1.Z.z = edi1.Z.z[::-1] #make a dictionary of frequencies freq_dict = dict([('{:.6g}'.format(ff), ii) for ii, ff in enumerate(edi1.freq[0:n_freq])]) #get resistivity and phase res1, phase1, reserr1, phaseerr1 = edi1.Z.res_phase #make a resistivity array invovling all stations that are within dm res_array = np.zeros((n_edi, n_freq, 2, 2)) kk = 0 for kedi in edi_list: edi2 = mtedi.Edi(kedi) #check to make sure the first frequency is the highest, if not flip #things around if edi2.freq[0] < edi2.freq[-1]: edi2.freq = edi2.freq[::-1] edi2.Z.z = edi2.Z.z[::-1] delta_d = np.sqrt(( -**2 + (edi1.lon - edi2.lon)**2) if delta_d <= dm_deg: print 'Station {0} is within dm'.format(edi2.station) res2, phase2, reserr2, phaseerr2 = edi2.Z.res_phase for jj, ff in enumerate(edi2.freq[0:n_freq]): try: ii = freq_dict['{0:.6g}'.format(ff)] res_array[kk, ii, :, :] = res2[jj, :, :] except KeyError: freq_find = False for fkey in freq_dict.keys(): if float(fkey) * (1 - freq_tol) < ff < float(fkey) * ( 1 + freq_tol): ii = freq_dict[fkey] res_array[kk, ii, :, :] = res2[jj, :, :] freq_find = True break else: pass if freq_find == False: print 'Did not find frequency {0:.6g} for {1}'.format( ff, edi2.station) kk += 1 if kk == 0: print '**** No stations with in {0} m'.format(distance_radius) return 1.0, 1.0, None #convert the res array into a masked array for averaging res_array =, 0) #compute the static shift of x-components static_shift_x = res1[0:n_freq, 0, 1] / res_array[:, :, 0, 1], axis=0) static_shift_x = np.median( static_shift_x[np.where(static_shift_x != np.inf)]) #check to see if the estimated static shift is within given tolerance if 1.0 - ss_tol < static_shift_x < 1.0 + ss_tol: static_shift_x = 1.0 #compute the static shift of y-components static_shift_y = res1[0:n_freq, 1, 0] / res_array[:, :, 1, 0], axis=0) static_shift_y = np.median( static_shift_y[np.where(static_shift_y != np.inf)]) #check to see if the estimated static shift is within given tolerance if 1.0 - ss_tol < static_shift_y < 1.0 + ss_tol: static_shift_y = 1.0 print 'Static shift in x-direction = {0:.2f}'.format(static_shift_x) print 'Static shift in y-direction = {0:.2f}'.format(static_shift_y) #write new edi file if there is a static shift correction if write_new_edi == 'y': svpath = os.path.join(edi_path, 'SS') if not os.path.exists(svpath): os.mkdir(svpath) new_edi_fn = os.path.join(svpath, os.path.basename(edi_file)[:-4] + '_ss.edi') static_shift, new_z = edi1.Z.no_ss(static_shift_x, static_shift_y) edi1.Z.z = new_z edi1.writefile(new_edi_fn) return static_shift_x, static_shift_y, new_edi_fn else: return static_shift_x, static_shift_y, None