def test(q, bus, conn, stream):

    _ = q.expect("dbus-signal", signal="StatusChanged", args=[cs.CONN_STATUS_CONNECTED, cs.CSR_REQUESTED])

    handle, tubes_chan, tubes_iface = get_muc_tubes_channel(q, bus, conn, stream, "*****@*****.**")

    conn.Presence.SetStatus({"away": {"message": "Christmas lunch!"}})
def test(q, bus, conn, stream):
    handle, tubes_chan, tubes_iface = get_muc_tubes_channel(q, bus, conn,
        stream, '*****@*****.**')

    conn.SimplePresence.SetPresence('away', 'Christmas lunch!')
def test(q, bus, conn, stream, bytestream_cls, address_type, access_control, access_control_param):
    if bytestream_cls in [BytestreamS5BRelay, BytestreamS5BRelayBugged]:
        # disable SOCKS5 relay tests because proxy can't be used with muc
        # contacts atm


    _, iq_event = q.expect_many(
        EventPattern("dbus-signal", signal="StatusChanged", args=[cs.CONN_STATUS_CONNECTED, cs.CSR_REQUESTED]),
        EventPattern("stream-iq", to=None, query_ns="vcard-temp", query_name="vCard"),

    acknowledge_iq(stream, iq_event.stanza)

    self_handle = conn.GetSelfHandle()
    self_name = conn.InspectHandles(cs.HT_CONTACT, [self_handle])[0]

    t.check_conn_properties(q, conn)

    room_handle, tubes_chan, tubes_iface = get_muc_tubes_channel(q, bus, conn, stream, "*****@*****.**")

    tubes_self_handle = tubes_chan.GetSelfHandle(dbus_interface=cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP)

    bob_handle = conn.RequestHandles(cs.HT_CONTACT, ["[email protected]/bob"])[0]

    address = t.create_server(q, address_type)

    # offer stream tube (old API) using an Unix socket

    new_tube_event, stream_event, _, new_channels_event = q.expect_many(
        EventPattern("dbus-signal", signal="NewTube"),
        EventPattern("stream-presence", to="[email protected]/test"),
        EventPattern("dbus-return", method="OfferStreamTube"),
        EventPattern("dbus-signal", signal="NewChannels"),

    # handle new_tube_event
    stream_tube_id = new_tube_event.args[0]
    assert new_tube_event.args[1] == tubes_self_handle
    assert new_tube_event.args[2] == 1  # Stream
    assert new_tube_event.args[3] == "echo"
    assert new_tube_event.args[4] == sample_parameters
    assert new_tube_event.args[5] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN

    # handle stream_event
    # We announce our newly created tube in our muc presence
    presence = stream_event.stanza
    x_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/presence/x[@xmlns="' 'protocol/muc"]', presence)
    assert x_nodes is not None
    assert len(x_nodes) == 1

    tubes_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/presence/tubes[@xmlns="%s"]' % ns.TUBES, presence)
    assert tubes_nodes is not None
    assert len(tubes_nodes) == 1

    tube_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes("/tubes/tube", tubes_nodes[0])
    assert tube_nodes is not None
    assert len(tube_nodes) == 1
    for tube in tube_nodes:
        assert tube["type"] == "stream"
        assert not tube.hasAttribute("initiator")
        assert tube["service"] == "echo"
        assert not tube.hasAttribute("stream-id")
        assert not tube.hasAttribute("dbus-name")
        assert tube["id"] == str(stream_tube_id)

    params = {}
    parameter_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes("/tube/parameters/parameter", tube)
    for node in parameter_nodes:
        assert node["name"] not in params
        params[node["name"]] = (node["type"], str(node))
    assert params == {"ay": ("bytes", "aGVsbG8="), "s": ("str", "hello"), "i": ("int", "-123"), "u": ("uint", "123")}

    # tube is also announced using new API
    channels = new_channels_event.args[0]
    assert len(channels) == 1
    path, props = channels[0]
    assert props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE
    assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == tubes_self_handle
    assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == "[email protected]/test"
    assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == True
    assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE] == room_handle
    assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == "*****@*****.**"
    assert props[cs.STREAM_TUBE_SERVICE] == "echo"

    tube_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path)
    tube_props = tube_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_TUBE, dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE, byte_arrays=True)
    assert tube_props["Parameters"] == sample_parameters
    assert tube_props["State"] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN

    tubes = tubes_iface.ListTubes(byte_arrays=True)
    assert tubes == [
        (stream_tube_id, tubes_self_handle, 1, "echo", sample_parameters, cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN)  # Stream

    assert len(tubes) == 1, unwrap(tubes)
    expected_tube = (
    t.check_tube_in_tubes(expected_tube, tubes)

    # FIXME: if we use an unknown JID here, everything fails
    # (the code uses lookup where it should use ensure)

    bytestream = connect_to_tube(stream, q, bytestream_cls, "*****@*****.**", stream_tube_id)

    iq_event, socket_event, _, conn_event = q.expect_many(
        EventPattern("stream-iq", iq_type="result"),
            args=[stream_tube_id, bob_handle],
        EventPattern("dbus-signal", signal="NewRemoteConnection", interface=cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE),

    protocol = socket_event.protocol

    # handle iq_event
    tube = xpath.queryForNodes('/iq//si/tube[@xmlns="%s"]' % ns.TUBES, iq_event.stanza)
    assert len(tube) == 1

    handle, access, conn_id = conn_event.args
    assert handle == bob_handle

    use_tube(q, bytestream, protocol, conn_id)

    # offer a stream tube to another room (new API)
    address = t.create_server(q, address_type, block_reading=True)

    request = {
        cs.TARGET_ID: "*****@*****.**",
        cs.STREAM_TUBE_SERVICE: "newecho",
    _, _, new_tube_path, new_tube_props = join_muc(q, bus, conn, stream, "*****@*****.**", request)

    # first text and tubes channels are announced
    event = q.expect("dbus-signal", signal="NewChannels")
    channels = event.args[0]
    assert len(channels) == 2
    path1, prop1 = channels[0]
    path2, prop2 = channels[1]
    assert sorted([prop1[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE], prop2[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE]]) == [cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT, cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES]

    got_text, got_tubes = False, False
    for path, props in channels:
        if props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT:
            got_text = True
        elif props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES:
            got_tubes = True
            assert False

        assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == self_handle
        assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == self_name
        assert cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP in props[cs.INTERFACES]
        assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == "*****@*****.**"
        assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == False

    assert (got_text, got_tubes) == (True, True)

    # now the tube channel is announced
    # FIXME: in this case, all channels should probably be announced together
    event = q.expect("dbus-signal", signal="NewChannels")
    channels = event.args[0]
    assert len(channels) == 1
    path, prop = channels[0]
    assert prop[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == "[email protected]/test"
    assert prop[cs.REQUESTED] == True
    assert prop[cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE] == cs.HT_ROOM
    assert prop[cs.TARGET_ID] == "*****@*****.**"
    assert prop[cs.STREAM_TUBE_SERVICE] == "newecho"

    # check that the tube channel is in the channels list
    all_channels = conn.Get(cs.CONN_IFACE_REQUESTS, "Channels", dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE, byte_arrays=True)
    assertContains((path, prop), all_channels)

    tube_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path)
    stream_tube_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE)
    chan_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, cs.CHANNEL)
    tube_props = tube_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_TUBE, dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE)

    assert tube_props["State"] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_NOT_OFFERED

    # offer the tube
    call_async(q, stream_tube_iface, "Offer", address_type, address, access_control, {"foo": "bar"})

    new_tube_event, stream_event, _, status_event = q.expect_many(
        EventPattern("dbus-signal", signal="NewTube"),
        EventPattern("stream-presence", to="[email protected]/test"),
        EventPattern("dbus-return", method="Offer"),
        EventPattern("dbus-signal", signal="TubeChannelStateChanged", args=[cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN]),

    tube_self_handle = tube_chan.GetSelfHandle(dbus_interface=cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP)
    assert conn.InspectHandles(cs.HT_CONTACT, [tube_self_handle]) == ["[email protected]/test"]

    # handle new_tube_event
    stream_tube_id = new_tube_event.args[0]
    assert new_tube_event.args[2] == 1  # Stream
    assert new_tube_event.args[3] == "newecho"
    assert new_tube_event.args[4] == {"foo": "bar"}
    assert new_tube_event.args[5] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN

    presence = stream_event.stanza
    x_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/presence/x[@xmlns="' 'protocol/muc"]', presence)
    assert x_nodes is not None
    assert len(x_nodes) == 1

    tubes_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/presence/tubes[@xmlns="%s"]' % ns.TUBES, presence)
    assert tubes_nodes is not None
    assert len(tubes_nodes) == 1

    tube_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes("/tubes/tube", tubes_nodes[0])
    assert tube_nodes is not None
    assert len(tube_nodes) == 1
    for tube in tube_nodes:
        assert tube["type"] == "stream"
        assert not tube.hasAttribute("initiator")
        assert tube["service"] == "newecho"
        assert not tube.hasAttribute("stream-id")
        assert not tube.hasAttribute("dbus-name")
        assert tube["id"] == str(stream_tube_id)

    params = {}
    parameter_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes("/tube/parameters/parameter", tube)
    for node in parameter_nodes:
        assert node["name"] not in params
        params[node["name"]] = (node["type"], str(node))
    assert params == {"foo": ("str", "bar")}

    bob_handle = conn.RequestHandles(cs.HT_CONTACT, ["[email protected]/bob"])[0]

    bytestream = connect_to_tube(stream, q, bytestream_cls, "*****@*****.**", stream_tube_id)

    iq_event, socket_event, conn_event = q.expect_many(
        EventPattern("stream-iq", iq_type="result"),
        EventPattern("dbus-signal", signal="NewRemoteConnection", interface=cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE),

    handle, access, conn_id = conn_event.args
    assert handle == bob_handle

    protocol = socket_event.protocol
    # start to read from the transport so we can read the control byte
    t.check_new_connection_access(q, access_control, access, protocol)

    # handle iq_event
    tube = xpath.queryForNodes('/iq//si/tube[@xmlns="%s"]' % ns.TUBES, iq_event.stanza)
    assert len(tube) == 1

    use_tube(q, bytestream, protocol, conn_id)

    q.expect_many(EventPattern("dbus-signal", signal="Closed"), EventPattern("dbus-signal", signal="ChannelClosed"))
def test(q, bus, conn, stream, access_control):

    _, iq_event = q.expect_many(
        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged',
            args=[cs.CONN_STATUS_CONNECTED, cs.CSR_REQUESTED]),
        EventPattern('stream-iq', to=None, query_ns='vcard-temp',

    acknowledge_iq(stream, iq_event.stanza)

    # check if we can request muc D-Bus tube
    t.check_conn_properties(q, conn)

    self_handle = conn.GetSelfHandle()
    self_name = conn.InspectHandles(1, [self_handle])[0]

    handle, tubes_chan, tubes_iface = get_muc_tubes_channel(q, bus, conn,
        stream, '*****@*****.**')

    # Exercise basic Channel Properties from spec 0.17.7
    channel_props = tubes_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL,
    assert channel_props.get('TargetHandle') == handle,\
            (channel_props.get('TargetHandle'), handle)
    assert channel_props.get('TargetHandleType') == 2,\
    assert channel_props.get('ChannelType') == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES,\
    assert 'Interfaces' in channel_props, channel_props
    assert cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP in channel_props['Interfaces'], \
    assert channel_props['TargetID'] == '*****@*****.**', channel_props
    assert channel_props['Requested'] == True
    assert channel_props['InitiatorID'] == 'test@localhost'
    assert channel_props['InitiatorHandle'] == conn.GetSelfHandle()

    # Exercise Group Properties from spec 0.17.6 (in a basic way)
    group_props = tubes_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP,
    assert 'SelfHandle' in group_props, group_props
    assert 'HandleOwners' in group_props, group_props
    assert 'Members' in group_props, group_props
    assert 'LocalPendingMembers' in group_props, group_props
    assert 'RemotePendingMembers' in group_props, group_props
    assert 'GroupFlags' in group_props, group_props

    tubes_self_handle = tubes_chan.GetSelfHandle(
    assert group_props['SelfHandle'] == tubes_self_handle

    # Offer a D-Bus tube (old API)
    call_async(q, tubes_iface, 'OfferDBusTube',
            'com.example.TestCase', sample_parameters)

    new_tube_event, presence_event, offer_return_event, dbus_changed_event = \
        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewTube'),
        EventPattern('stream-presence', to='[email protected]/test'),
        EventPattern('dbus-return', method='OfferDBusTube'),
        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='DBusNamesChanged', interface=cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES))

    # handle new_tube_event
    dbus_tube_id = new_tube_event.args[0]
    assert new_tube_event.args[1] == tubes_self_handle
    assert new_tube_event.args[2] == cs.TUBE_TYPE_DBUS
    assert new_tube_event.args[3] == 'com.example.TestCase'
    assert new_tube_event.args[4] == sample_parameters
    assert new_tube_event.args[5] == cs.TUBE_STATE_OPEN

    # handle offer_return_event
    assert offer_return_event.value[0] == dbus_tube_id

    # handle presence_event
    # We announce our newly created tube in our muc presence
    presence = presence_event.stanza
    dbus_stream_id, my_bus_name = check_tube_in_presence(presence, dbus_tube_id, '[email protected]/test')

    # handle dbus_changed_event
    assert dbus_changed_event.args[0] == dbus_tube_id
    assert dbus_changed_event.args[1][0][0] == tubes_self_handle
    assert dbus_changed_event.args[1][0][1] == my_bus_name

    # handle offer_return_event
    assert dbus_tube_id == offer_return_event.value[0]

    tubes = tubes_iface.ListTubes(byte_arrays=True)
    assert len(tubes) == 1
    expected_tube = (dbus_tube_id, tubes_self_handle, cs.TUBE_TYPE_DBUS,
        'com.example.TestCase', sample_parameters, cs.TUBE_STATE_OPEN)
    t.check_tube_in_tubes(expected_tube, tubes)

    dbus_tube_adr = tubes_iface.GetDBusTubeAddress(dbus_tube_id)
    tube = Connection(dbus_tube_adr)
    fire_signal_on_tube(q, tube, '*****@*****.**', dbus_stream_id, my_bus_name)

    # offer a D-Bus tube to another room using new API
    muc = '*****@*****.**'
    request = {
        cs.TARGET_ID: '*****@*****.**',
        cs.DBUS_TUBE_SERVICE_NAME: 'com.example.TestCase',
    join_muc(q, bus, conn, stream, muc, request=request)

    # first text and tubes channels are announced
    event = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels')
    channels = event.args[0]
    assert len(channels) == 2
    path1, prop1 = channels[0]
    path2, prop2 = channels[1]
    assert sorted([prop1[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE], prop2[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE]]) == \

    got_text, got_tubes = False, False
    for path, props in channels:
        if props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT:
            got_text = True

            text_chan = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path),
        elif props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES:
            got_tubes = True

            tubes_iface = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path),
            assert False

        assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == self_handle
        assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == self_name
        assert cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP in props[cs.INTERFACES]
        assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == '*****@*****.**'
        assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == False

    assert (got_text, got_tubes) == (True, True)

    # now the tube channel is announced
    # FIXME: in this case, all channels should probably be announced together
    event = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels')
    channels = event.args[0]
    assert len(channels) == 1
    path, prop = channels[0]
    assert prop[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE
    assert prop[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == '[email protected]/test'
    assert prop[cs.REQUESTED] == True
    assert prop[cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE] == cs.HT_ROOM
    assert prop[cs.TARGET_ID] == '*****@*****.**'
    assert prop[cs.DBUS_TUBE_SERVICE_NAME] == 'com.example.TestCase'

    # check that the tube channel is in the channels list
    all_channels = conn.Get(cs.CONN_IFACE_REQUESTS, 'Channels',
        dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE, byte_arrays=True)
    assertContains((path, prop), all_channels)

    tube_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path)
    dbus_tube_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE)
    chan_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, cs.CHANNEL)
    tube_props = tube_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_TUBE, dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE,

    assert tube_props['State'] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_NOT_OFFERED

    # try to offer using a wrong access control
        dbus_tube_iface.Offer(sample_parameters, cs.SOCKET_ACCESS_CONTROL_PORT)
    except dbus.DBusException, e:
        assertEquals(e.get_dbus_name(), cs.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
def test(q, bus, conn, stream, access_control):
    iq_event = q.expect("stream-iq", to=None, query_ns="vcard-temp", query_name="vCard")

    acknowledge_iq(stream, iq_event.stanza)

    # check if we can request muc D-Bus tube
    t.check_conn_properties(q, conn)

    self_handle = conn.GetSelfHandle()
    self_name = conn.InspectHandles(1, [self_handle])[0]

    handle, tubes_chan, tubes_iface = get_muc_tubes_channel(q, bus, conn, stream, "*****@*****.**")

    # Exercise basic Channel Properties from spec 0.17.7
    channel_props = tubes_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL, dbus_interface=dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
    assert channel_props.get("TargetHandle") == handle, (channel_props.get("TargetHandle"), handle)
    assert channel_props.get("TargetHandleType") == 2, channel_props.get("TargetHandleType")
    assert channel_props.get("ChannelType") == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES, channel_props.get("ChannelType")
    assert "Interfaces" in channel_props, channel_props
    assert cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP in channel_props["Interfaces"], channel_props["Interfaces"]
    assert channel_props["TargetID"] == "*****@*****.**", channel_props
    assert channel_props["Requested"] == True
    assert channel_props["InitiatorID"] == "test@localhost"
    assert channel_props["InitiatorHandle"] == conn.GetSelfHandle()

    # Exercise Group Properties from spec 0.17.6 (in a basic way)
    group_props = tubes_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP, dbus_interface=dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
    assert "SelfHandle" in group_props, group_props
    assert "HandleOwners" in group_props, group_props
    assert "Members" in group_props, group_props
    assert "LocalPendingMembers" in group_props, group_props
    assert "RemotePendingMembers" in group_props, group_props
    assert "GroupFlags" in group_props, group_props

    tubes_self_handle = tubes_chan.GetSelfHandle(dbus_interface=cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP)
    assert group_props["SelfHandle"] == tubes_self_handle

    # Offer a D-Bus tube (old API)
    call_async(q, tubes_iface, "OfferDBusTube", "com.example.TestCase", sample_parameters)

    new_tube_event, presence_event, offer_return_event, dbus_changed_event = q.expect_many(
        EventPattern("dbus-signal", signal="NewTube"),
        EventPattern("stream-presence", to="[email protected]/test"),
        EventPattern("dbus-return", method="OfferDBusTube"),
        EventPattern("dbus-signal", signal="DBusNamesChanged", interface=cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES),

    # handle new_tube_event
    dbus_tube_id = new_tube_event.args[0]
    assert new_tube_event.args[1] == tubes_self_handle
    assert new_tube_event.args[2] == cs.TUBE_TYPE_DBUS
    assert new_tube_event.args[3] == "com.example.TestCase"
    assert new_tube_event.args[4] == sample_parameters
    assert new_tube_event.args[5] == cs.TUBE_STATE_OPEN

    # handle offer_return_event
    assert offer_return_event.value[0] == dbus_tube_id

    # handle presence_event
    # We announce our newly created tube in our muc presence
    presence = presence_event.stanza
    dbus_stream_id, my_bus_name = check_tube_in_presence(presence, dbus_tube_id, "[email protected]/test")

    # handle dbus_changed_event
    assert dbus_changed_event.args[0] == dbus_tube_id
    assert dbus_changed_event.args[1][0][0] == tubes_self_handle
    assert dbus_changed_event.args[1][0][1] == my_bus_name

    # handle offer_return_event
    assert dbus_tube_id == offer_return_event.value[0]

    tubes = tubes_iface.ListTubes(byte_arrays=True)
    assert len(tubes) == 1
    expected_tube = (
    t.check_tube_in_tubes(expected_tube, tubes)

    dbus_tube_adr = tubes_iface.GetDBusTubeAddress(dbus_tube_id)
    tube = Connection(dbus_tube_adr)
    fire_signal_on_tube(q, tube, "*****@*****.**", dbus_stream_id, my_bus_name)

    # offer a D-Bus tube to another room using new API
    muc = "*****@*****.**"
    request = {
        cs.TARGET_ID: "*****@*****.**",
        cs.DBUS_TUBE_SERVICE_NAME: "com.example.TestCase",
    join_muc(q, bus, conn, stream, muc, request=request)

    # The order in which the NewChannels signals are fired is
    # undefined -- it could be the (tubes, text) channels first, or it
    # could be the tube channel first; so let's accept either order
    # here.

    first, second = q.expect_many(
        EventPattern("dbus-signal", signal="NewChannels"), EventPattern("dbus-signal", signal="NewChannels")

    # NewChannels signal with the text and tubes channels together.
    def nc_textandtubes(event):
        channels = event.args[0]
        assert len(channels) == 2
        path1, prop1 = channels[0]
        path2, prop2 = channels[1]
        assert sorted([prop1[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE], prop2[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE]]) == [cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT, cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES]

        got_text, got_tubes = False, False
        for path, props in channels:
            if props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT:
                got_text = True

                text_chan = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path), cs.CHANNEL)
            elif props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES:
                got_tubes = True

                tubes_iface = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path), cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES)
                assert False

            assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == self_handle
            assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == self_name
            assert cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP in props[cs.INTERFACES]
            assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == "*****@*****.**"
            assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == False

        assert (got_text, got_tubes) == (True, True)

        return text_chan

    # NewChannels signal with the tube channel.
    def nc_tube(event):
        # FIXME: in this case, all channels should probably be announced together
        channels = event.args[0]
        assert len(channels) == 1
        path, prop = channels[0]
        assert prop[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE
        assert prop[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == "[email protected]/test"
        assert prop[cs.REQUESTED] == True
        assert prop[cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE] == cs.HT_ROOM
        assert prop[cs.TARGET_ID] == "*****@*****.**"
        assert prop[cs.DBUS_TUBE_SERVICE_NAME] == "com.example.TestCase"
        assert prop[cs.DBUS_TUBE_SUPPORTED_ACCESS_CONTROLS] == [

        return path, prop

    if len(first.args[0]) == 1:
        path, prop = nc_tube(first)
        text_chan = nc_textandtubes(second)
        text_chan = nc_textandtubes(first)
        path, prop = nc_tube(second)

    # check that the tube channel is in the channels list
    all_channels = conn.Get(cs.CONN_IFACE_REQUESTS, "Channels", dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE, byte_arrays=True)
    assertContains((path, prop), all_channels)

    tube_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path)
    dbus_tube_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE)
    chan_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, cs.CHANNEL)
    tube_props = tube_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_TUBE, dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE, byte_arrays=True)

    assert tube_props["State"] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_NOT_OFFERED

    # try to offer using a wrong access control
        dbus_tube_iface.Offer(sample_parameters, cs.SOCKET_ACCESS_CONTROL_PORT)
    except dbus.DBusException, e:
        assertEquals(e.get_dbus_name(), cs.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
def test(q, bus, conn, stream):

    _, iq_event, disco_event = q.expect_many(
        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged',
            args=[cs.CONN_STATUS_CONNECTED, cs.CSR_REQUESTED]),
        EventPattern('stream-iq', to=None, query_ns='vcard-temp',
        EventPattern('stream-iq', to='localhost', query_ns=ns.DISCO_ITEMS))

    acknowledge_iq(stream, iq_event.stanza)

    announce_socks5_proxy(q, stream, disco_event.stanza)

    room_handle, tubes_chan, tubes_iface = get_muc_tubes_channel(q, bus, conn,
        stream, '*****@*****.**')

    # bob offers a stream tube
    stream_tube_id = 1

    presence = make_muc_presence('owner', 'moderator', '*****@*****.**', 'bob')
    tubes = presence.addElement((ns.TUBES, 'tubes'))
    tube = tubes.addElement((None, 'tube'))
    tube['type'] = 'stream'
    tube['service'] = 'echo'
    tube['id'] = str(stream_tube_id)
    parameters = tube.addElement((None, 'parameters'))

    e = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels')
    channels = e.args[0]
    assert len(channels) == 1
    path, props = channels[0]
    assert props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE

    tube_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path)
    call_async(q, tubes_iface, 'AcceptStreamTube', stream_tube_id, 0, 0, '',

    accept_return_event, _ = q.expect_many(
        EventPattern('dbus-return', method='AcceptStreamTube'),
        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='TubeStateChanged',
            args=[stream_tube_id, cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN]))

    unix_socket_adr = accept_return_event.value[0]

    factory = EventProtocolClientFactory(q)
    reactor.connectUNIX(unix_socket_adr, factory)

     # expect SI request
    e = q.expect('stream-iq', to='[email protected]/bob', query_ns=ns.SI,

    bytestream, profile = create_from_si_offer(stream, q, BytestreamS5BRelay, e.stanza,
        '[email protected]/bob')

    result, si = bytestream.create_si_reply(e.stanza, 'test@localhost/Resource')
    si.addElement((ns.TUBES, 'tube'))

    # wait SOCKS5 init iq
    id, mode, si, hosts = bytestream._expect_socks5_init()
    for jid, host, port in hosts:
        # the proxy is not announced because we are in a muc
        assert jid != 'proxy.localhost'
def test(q, bus, conn, stream, bytestream_cls,
       address_type, access_control, access_control_param):
    if bytestream_cls in [BytestreamS5BRelay, BytestreamS5BRelayBugged]:
        # disable SOCKS5 relay tests because proxy can't be used with muc
        # contacts atm

    iq_event = q.expect('stream-iq', to=None, query_ns='vcard-temp',

    acknowledge_iq(stream, iq_event.stanza)

    self_handle = conn.GetSelfHandle()
    self_name = conn.InspectHandles(cs.HT_CONTACT, [self_handle])[0]

    t.check_conn_properties(q, conn)

    room_handle, tubes_chan, tubes_iface = get_muc_tubes_channel(q, bus, conn,
        stream, '*****@*****.**')

    tubes_self_handle = tubes_chan.GetSelfHandle(dbus_interface=cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP)

    bob_handle = conn.RequestHandles(cs.HT_CONTACT, ['[email protected]/bob'])[0]

    address = t.create_server(q, address_type)

    # offer stream tube (old API) using an Unix socket
    call_async(q, tubes_iface, 'OfferStreamTube',
        'echo', sample_parameters, address_type, address,
        access_control, access_control_param)

    new_tube_event, stream_event, _, new_channels_event = q.expect_many(
        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewTube'),
        EventPattern('stream-presence', to='[email protected]/test'),
        EventPattern('dbus-return', method='OfferStreamTube'),
        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels'))

    # handle new_tube_event
    stream_tube_id = new_tube_event.args[0]
    assert new_tube_event.args[1] == tubes_self_handle
    assert new_tube_event.args[2] == 1       # Stream
    assert new_tube_event.args[3] == 'echo'
    assert new_tube_event.args[4] == sample_parameters
    assert new_tube_event.args[5] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN

    # handle stream_event
    # We announce our newly created tube in our muc presence
    presence = stream_event.stanza
    tubes_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/presence/tubes[@xmlns="%s"]'
        % ns.TUBES, presence)
    assert tubes_nodes is not None
    assert len(tubes_nodes) == 1

    tube_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/tubes/tube', tubes_nodes[0])
    assert tube_nodes is not None
    assert len(tube_nodes) == 1
    for tube in tube_nodes:
        assert tube['type'] == 'stream'
        assert not tube.hasAttribute('initiator')
        assert tube['service'] == 'echo'
        assert not tube.hasAttribute('stream-id')
        assert not tube.hasAttribute('dbus-name')
        assert tube['id'] == str(stream_tube_id)

    params = {}
    parameter_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/tube/parameters/parameter', tube)
    for node in parameter_nodes:
        assert node['name'] not in params
        params[node['name']] = (node['type'], str(node))
    assert params == {'ay': ('bytes', 'aGVsbG8='),
                      's': ('str', 'hello'),
                      'i': ('int', '-123'),
                      'u': ('uint', '123'),

    # tube is also announced using new API
    channels = new_channels_event.args[0]
    assert len(channels) == 1
    path, props = channels[0]
    assert props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE
    assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == tubes_self_handle
    assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == '[email protected]/test'
    assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == True
    assert props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE] == room_handle
    assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == '*****@*****.**'
    assert props[cs.STREAM_TUBE_SERVICE] == 'echo'

    tube_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path)
    tube_props = tube_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_TUBE, dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE,
    assert tube_props['Parameters'] == sample_parameters
    assert tube_props['State'] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN

    tubes = tubes_iface.ListTubes(byte_arrays=True)
    assert tubes == [(
        1,      # Stream

    assert len(tubes) == 1, unwrap(tubes)
    expected_tube = (stream_tube_id, tubes_self_handle, cs.TUBE_TYPE_STREAM,
        'echo', sample_parameters, cs.TUBE_STATE_OPEN)
    t.check_tube_in_tubes(expected_tube, tubes)

    # FIXME: if we use an unknown JID here, everything fails
    # (the code uses lookup where it should use ensure)

    bytestream = connect_to_tube(stream, q, bytestream_cls, '*****@*****.**', stream_tube_id)

    iq_event, socket_event, _, conn_event = q.expect_many(
        EventPattern('stream-iq', iq_type='result'),
        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='StreamTubeNewConnection',
            args=[stream_tube_id, bob_handle], interface=cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES),
        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewRemoteConnection',

    protocol = socket_event.protocol

    # handle iq_event
    tube = xpath.queryForNodes('/iq//si/tube[@xmlns="%s"]' % ns.TUBES, iq_event.stanza)
    assert len(tube) == 1

    handle, access, conn_id = conn_event.args
    assert handle == bob_handle

    use_tube(q, bytestream, protocol, conn_id)

    # offer a stream tube to another room (new API)
    address = t.create_server(q, address_type, block_reading=True)

    request = {
        cs.TARGET_ID: '*****@*****.**',
        cs.STREAM_TUBE_SERVICE: 'newecho',
    _, _, new_tube_path, new_tube_props = \
        join_muc(q, bus, conn, stream, '*****@*****.**', request)

    # The order in which the NewChannels signals are fired is
    # undefined -- it could be the (tubes, text) channels first, or it
    # could be the tube channel first; so let's accept either order
    # here.

    first, second = q.expect_many(
        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels'),
        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels'))

    # NewChannels signal with the text and tubes channels together.
    def nc_textandtubes(event):
        channels = event.args[0]
        assert len(channels) == 2
        path1, prop1 = channels[0]
        path2, prop2 = channels[1]
        assert sorted([prop1[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE], prop2[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE]]) == \

        got_text, got_tubes = False, False
        for path, props in channels:
            if props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT:
                got_text = True
            elif props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES:
                got_tubes = True
                assert False

            assert props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == self_handle
            assert props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == self_name
            assert cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP in props[cs.INTERFACES]
            assert props[cs.TARGET_ID] == '*****@*****.**'
            assert props[cs.REQUESTED] == False

        assert (got_text, got_tubes) == (True, True)

    # NewChannels signal with the tube channel.
    def nc_tube(event):
        # FIXME: in this case, all channels should probably be announced together
        channels = event.args[0]
        assert len(channels) == 1
        path, prop = channels[0]
        assert prop[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE
        assert prop[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == '[email protected]/test'
        assert prop[cs.REQUESTED] == True
        assert prop[cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE] == cs.HT_ROOM
        assert prop[cs.TARGET_ID] == '*****@*****.**'
        assert prop[cs.STREAM_TUBE_SERVICE] == 'newecho'

        return path, prop

    if len(first.args[0]) == 1:
        path, prop = nc_tube(first)
        path, prop = nc_tube(second)

    # check that the tube channel is in the channels list
    all_channels = conn.Get(cs.CONN_IFACE_REQUESTS, 'Channels',
        dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE, byte_arrays=True)
    assertContains((path, prop), all_channels)

    tube_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path)
    stream_tube_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE)
    chan_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, cs.CHANNEL)
    tube_props = tube_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_TUBE, dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE)

    assert tube_props['State'] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_NOT_OFFERED

    # offer the tube
    call_async(q, stream_tube_iface, 'Offer', address_type, address, access_control, {'foo': 'bar'})

    new_tube_event, stream_event, _, status_event = q.expect_many(
        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewTube'),
        EventPattern('stream-presence', to='[email protected]/test'),
        EventPattern('dbus-return', method='Offer'),
        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='TubeChannelStateChanged', args=[cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN]))

    tube_self_handle = tube_chan.GetSelfHandle(dbus_interface=cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP)
    assert conn.InspectHandles(cs.HT_CONTACT, [tube_self_handle]) == ['[email protected]/test']

    # handle new_tube_event
    stream_tube_id = new_tube_event.args[0]
    assert new_tube_event.args[2] == 1       # Stream
    assert new_tube_event.args[3] == 'newecho'
    assert new_tube_event.args[4] == {'foo': 'bar'}
    assert new_tube_event.args[5] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_OPEN

    presence = stream_event.stanza
    tubes_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/presence/tubes[@xmlns="%s"]'
        % ns.TUBES, presence)
    assert tubes_nodes is not None
    assert len(tubes_nodes) == 1

    tube_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/tubes/tube', tubes_nodes[0])
    assert tube_nodes is not None
    assert len(tube_nodes) == 1
    for tube in tube_nodes:
        assert tube['type'] == 'stream'
        assert not tube.hasAttribute('initiator')
        assert tube['service'] == 'newecho'
        assert not tube.hasAttribute('stream-id')
        assert not tube.hasAttribute('dbus-name')
        assert tube['id'] == str(stream_tube_id)

    params = {}
    parameter_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/tube/parameters/parameter', tube)
    for node in parameter_nodes:
        assert node['name'] not in params
        params[node['name']] = (node['type'], str(node))
    assert params == {'foo': ('str', 'bar')}

    bob_handle = conn.RequestHandles(cs.HT_CONTACT, ['[email protected]/bob'])[0]

    bytestream = connect_to_tube(stream, q, bytestream_cls, '*****@*****.**', stream_tube_id)

    iq_event, socket_event, conn_event = q.expect_many(
        EventPattern('stream-iq', iq_type='result'),
        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewRemoteConnection',

    handle, access, conn_id = conn_event.args
    assert handle == bob_handle

    protocol = socket_event.protocol
    # start to read from the transport so we can read the control byte
    t.check_new_connection_access(q, access_control, access, protocol)

    # handle iq_event
    tube = xpath.queryForNodes('/iq//si/tube[@xmlns="%s"]' % ns.TUBES, iq_event.stanza)
    assert len(tube) == 1

    use_tube(q, bytestream, protocol, conn_id)

        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='Closed'),
        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='ChannelClosed'))