def login_method_handler(sock, arg):
    args = arg.split()
    if len(args) == 0:
    args[0] = args[0].lower()

    if "create".startswith(args[0]):
        if len(args) != 3:
        elif mudsys.account_exists(args[1]):
            sock.send("{cAn account by that name already exists.{n\r\n")
        elif not check_acct_name(args[1]):
            txt = "{cThat is an invalid account name. Your account name must "\
                  "only consist of characters and numbers, and it must be " \
                  "4 and 12 characters in length. The first character MUST be "\
                  "a letter. Please pick another.{n"
            sock.send(mud.format_string(txt, False))

        elif not try_create_account(sock, args[1], args[2]):
            sock.send("Your account was unable to be created.")

    elif "load".startswith(args[0]):
        if len(args) != 3:
        elif not try_load_account(sock, args[1], args[2]):
            sock.send("{cInvalid account name or password.{n\r\n")
    elif "guest".startswith(args[0]):
        if (mudsys.sys_getval("lockdown") != '' and
            not utils.is_keyword(mudsys.sys_getval("lockdown"), "player")):
            sock.send("{cThe mud is currently locked out to new players.{n\r\n")
            hooks.run("create_guest", hooks.build_info("sk", (sock,)))
def pagedlist(category_map, order=None, header=None, height=21):
    """Display lists of information as flips within a book. category_map is a
       mapping between section headers and lists of entries to display for that
       category. If you are only displaying one category, have a map from
       the section header, Topics, to your list of entries. If the categories
       should be displayed in a specific (or partially specific) order, that
       can be specified. Header is text that can appear at front of the book
    buf = []

    # split our header into rows if we have one
    hrows = []
    if header != None:
        hrows = mud.format_string(header, False, 76).strip().split("\r\n")

    # build our full list of orderings
    if order == None:
        order = []
    for category in category_map.iterkeys():
        if not category in order:

    # build our page entries. This includes categories and category items
    entries = []
    for category in order:
        if not category in category_map:

        # add a space between categories
        if len(entries) > 0:
        for item in category_map[category]:
            entries.append("  %s" % item)

    # append our header if we have one
    if len(hrows) > 0:
        for hrow in hrows:

    # build our page contents, one page at a time, until we are out of entries
    pages = []
    last_cat = None
    while len(entries) > 0:
        page = []
        plen = height - 2  # minus 2 for the borders

        # we're still on the first flip of the book; header is displayed
        if len(pages) <= 2:
            plen -= len(hrows) + 1  # plus 1 for the row above it

        # add items to the page until we are full
        while len(entries) > 0 and len(page) < plen:
            entry = entries.pop(0)

            # is this a blank row, and are we at the head of the page?
            if entry == "" and len(page) == 0:

            # is this a category header?
            if not entry.startswith(" "):
                last_cat = entry

            # are we continuing an old category?
            if entry.startswith(" ") and len(page) == 0 and last_cat != None:
                page.append("%s (cont.)" % last_cat)

        # did we have anything added to it?
        if len(page) > 0:

    # take our pages by twos and turn them into table rows
    i = 0
    while i < len(pages):
        page1 = pages[i]
        page2 = []
        if i + 1 < len(pages):
            page2 = pages[i + 1]

        # append the rows and page contents
        buf.extend(table_splitrows(page1, page2))
        i += 2

    return buf
文件: display.py 项目: KaSt/nereamud
def pagedlist(category_map, order=None, header=None, height=21):
    """Display lists of information as flips within a book. category_map is a
       mapping between section headers and lists of entries to display for that
       category. If you are only displaying one category, have a map from
       the section header, Topics, to your list of entries. If the categories
       should be displayed in a specific (or partially specific) order, that
       can be specified. Header is text that can appear at front of the book
    buf = [ ]
    # split our header into rows if we have one
    hrows = [ ]
    if header != None:
        hrows = mud.format_string(header, False, 76).strip().split("\r\n")

    # build our full list of orderings
    if order == None:
        order = [ ]
    for category in category_map.iterkeys():
        if not category in order:

    # build our page entries. This includes categories and category items
    entries = [ ]
    for category in order:
        if not category in category_map:

        # add a space between categories
        if len(entries) > 0:
        for item in category_map[category]:
            entries.append("  %s" % item)

    # append our header if we have one
    if len(hrows) > 0:
        for hrow in hrows:

    # build our page contents, one page at a time, until we are out of entries
    pages    = [ ]
    last_cat = None
    while len(entries) > 0:
        page = [ ]
        plen = height - 2 # minus 2 for the borders

        # we're still on the first flip of the book; header is displayed
        if len(pages) <= 2:
            plen -= len(hrows) + 1 # plus 1 for the row above it

        # add items to the page until we are full
        while len(entries) > 0 and len(page) < plen:
            entry = entries.pop(0)

            # is this a blank row, and are we at the head of the page?
            if entry == "" and len(page) == 0:
            # is this a category header?
            if not entry.startswith(" "):
                last_cat = entry

            # are we continuing an old category?
            if entry.startswith(" ") and len(page)==0 and last_cat != None:
                page.append("%s (cont.)" % last_cat)

        # did we have anything added to it?
        if len(page) > 0:

    # take our pages by twos and turn them into table rows
    i = 0
    while i < len(pages):
        page1 = pages[i]
        page2 = [ ]
        if i+1 < len(pages):
            page2 = pages[i+1]

        # append the rows and page contents
        buf.extend(table_splitrows(page1, page2))
        i += 2
    return buf