def loco(D, algorithm='muddy', detail=12, cutoff=0.04): """ Estimate local contrast for the given bitmap. Zero indicates a total absence of local intensity variation, and one indicates ultimate contrast. With other words, this sounds like a job for a traditional edge detector. Parameters ---------- D : greyscale image array Desaturated difference with the background. algorithm : str, optional The method to use. Choose between muddy (home grown, see notes below) or one of Scharr / Sobel / Prewitt / Roberts (classics from scikits). cutoff : float, optional Eualization clipping limit, somewhere in the range 0 - 1. Note that a value of 0.1 is already quite agressive. detail : int or float, optional A measure for the evaluation radius, in pixels. Set this to the typical line width or edge gradient width. Only relevant for the muddy algorithm. Notes ----- This is supposed to yield a map that approximates the intensity difference between nearby light and dark zones for all points. Points with high local contrast are eligible for serving as morph nodes. Our way of working here: 1. Normalize contrast through adaptive histogram equalization 2. Apply the selected algorithm. In case of muddy: a) Subtract a Gaussian blur b) Take the absolute value of this difference. """ G = desaturate(D, cutoff=cutoff) algorithm = algorithm.lower().strip() if algorithm == 'muddy': F = gaussian_filter(G, sigma=detail) C = abs(G - F) elif algorithm == 'scharr': C = scharr(G) elif algorithm == 'sobel': C = sobel(G) elif algorithm == 'prewitt': C = prewitt(G) elif algorithm == 'roberts': C = roberts(G) return C
free[scrap] = False nono = noodle[keep, :] stopwatch += time() print("{0} nodes remain after {1:.3f}s".format(len(nono), stopwatch)) ########## # Review # ########## #%% Trajectory chart plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) # Greyscale backdrop Ga = algo.desaturate(Ka, blur=blur, cutoff=cutoff) Gb = algo.desaturate(Kb, blur=blur, cutoff=cutoff) G = 0.25 * (1 - Ga) + 0.25 * (1 - Gb) + 0.5 plt.imshow(G,, vmin=0, vmax=1) # Plot paths as straight lines for i in range(len(nono)): plt.plot(nono[i, [0, 2]], nono[i, [1, 3]], 'k-') # Show start points as red dots, and stop points as blue dots plt.plot(nono[:, 0], nono[:, 1], 'r.') plt.plot(nono[:, 2], nono[:, 3], 'b.') # Bring it on plt.axis('image') plt.title('Node paths - From red to blue', fontweight='bold')
# Keypoint extraction # Tweak these parameters for a few test cases, # and decide which ones should become knobs in the user interface. print("Keypoint extraction ... ", end="") stopwatch = -time() kp, descriptors = algo.cornercatch(K, target=target, algorithm=algorithm, channel=channel, blur=blur, cutoff=cutoff, orb_threshold=orb_threshold, censure_mode=censure_mode) stopwatch += time() print("{0} points found in {1:.2f}s".format(len(kp), stopwatch)) # Review the result plt.close('all') G = algo.desaturate(K, channel) h, w = G.shape fig = algo.big_figure('MuddyMorph - CornerCatch Proto', w * 1.5, h) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.imshow(K) plt.title('Image', fontweight='bold') plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.imshow(G, plt.plot(kp[:, 0], kp[:, 1], '.', color='orange') plt.axis('image') plt.title('Keypoints', fontweight='bold') fig.tight_layout()
def trajectory(settings, m, recycle=False, thread=None, X=None, Y=None, Ka=None, Kb=None, Ea=None, Eb=None, com_a=None, com_b=None, kp_a=None, kp_b=None, dc_a=None, dc_b=None): """ Figure out node trajectories for the given morph sequence *m*, based on silhouette map and corner descriptors. Two temporary analysis files are generated: - nodes.csv node trajectory coordinates. - move.png node trajectory chart. Usage ----- >>> nodes, Ka, Kb, com_a, com_b = trajectory(settings, m, recycle, thread) Parameters ---------- recycle : bool, optional If set to True and if output exists from a previous run, then that will be recycled. thread : object, optional Send status reports back through this channel, presumably a PyQt Qthread activated by the grapical user interface. This can be any object though, as long as it contains: - *abort*. A boolean status flag (True/False) that signals whether the user has had enough, and pressed a cancel button or such. - *report*. A progress report signal. Must have a method *emit* that accepts strings (which will either an image file name or one-line status report). Returns ------- None in case of user abort, node trajectory coordinate array otherwise. Notes ----- If silhouette map and corner keypoint coordinates are not available, then *silhouette* and *cornercatch* will be called to create these. """ # Tell everyone about the fantastic voyage we are about to embark upon if count_morphs(settings) > 1: label = ' for morph {}'.format(m + 1) else: label = '' shoutout(msg='Detecting trajectories' + label, thread=thread) # Start the timer stopwatch = -time() # Key frame indices and output files a, b = morph_key_indices(settings, m) folder_m = path.join(settings['temppath'], 'm{0:03d}'.format(m + 1)) folder_a = path.join(settings['temppath'], 'k{0:03d}'.format(a + 1)) folder_b = path.join(settings['temppath'], 'k{0:03d}'.format(b + 1)) f1 = path.join(folder_m, 'move.png') f2 = path.join(folder_m, 'nodes.csv') # Assemble the settings s = settings['traject'] docorners = s['corners' ][m] dosilhouette = s['silhouette'][m] arc = s['arc' ][m] spin = s['spin' ][m] and arc similim = s['similim' ][m] * 1e-2 maxmove = s['maxmove' ][m] * 1e-2 maxpoints = s['maxpoints' ][m] neighbours = s['neighbours'][m] # Detect silhouette of key frame A if Ka is None or Ea is None or com_a is None: msg = 'Extracting silhouette for key {}'.format(a + 1) shoutout(msg=msg, thread=thread) result = silhouette(settings, a, K=Ka, X=X, Y=Y, recycle=True) fsa, Ka, Ea, com_a = result shoutout(img=fsa, thread=thread) if thread and thread.abort: return # Detect silhouette of key frame B if Kb is None or Eb is None or com_b is None: msg = 'Extracting silhouette for key {}'.format(b + 1) shoutout(msg, thread=thread) result = silhouette(settings, b, K=Kb, X=X, Y=Y, recycle=True) fsb, Kb, Eb, com_b = result shoutout(img=fsb, thread=thread) if thread and thread.abort: return # Catch corners if docorners: shoutout('Catching corners for key {}'.format(a + 1), thread=thread) fca, kp_a, dc_a = cornercatch(settings, a, K=Ka, recycle=True) shoutout(img=fca, thread=thread) if thread and thread.abort: return shoutout('Catching corners for key {}'.format(b + 1), thread=thread) fcb, kp_b, dc_b = cornercatch(settings, b, K=Kb, recycle=True) shoutout(img=fcb, thread=thread) if thread and thread.abort: return # Nothing can beat the need for shear speed if recycle and path.isfile(f1) \ and path.isfile(f2): shoutout(img=f1, thread=thread) nodes = loadit(f2) return nodes, Ka, Kb, com_a, com_b # Convert detail zone units from promille to pixels # FIXME: Remove this after testing new traject detail setting #se = settings['edge' ] #detail = 0.5 * se['detail'][a] * 1e-3 + \ # 0.5 * se['detail'][b] * 1e-3 detail = settings['traject']['detail'][m] * 1e-3 simisize = max(int(np.ceil(max(Ka.shape[:2]) * detail)) + 1, 4) # Show the nitty gritty details print(timestamp() + 'Similim = {} %' .format(s['similim'][m])) print(timestamp() + 'Detail = {0:.3f}'.format(detail)) print(timestamp() + 'Simisize = {} px' .format(simisize)) # Start with the foundation; # The four screen corners and center of mass if dosilhouette: if Ea is None: Ea = loadit(path.join(folder_a, 'edgy.png')) if Eb is None: Eb = loadit(path.join(folder_b, 'edgy.png')) if com_a is None: com_a = loadit(path.join(folder_a, 'com.json')) if com_b is None: com_b = loadit(path.join(folder_b, 'com.json')) nodes0 = algo.seed(*Ka.shape[:2], com_a, com_b) if not spin: com_a['a'], com_b['a'] = 0, 0 else: nodes0 = algo.seed(*Ka.shape[:2]) com_a = dict(x=0, y=0, r=0, a=0.0) com_b = dict(x=0, y=0, r=0, a=0.0) # Use CoM as repellant for edge nodes base = nodes0[4:] if thread and thread.abort: return # Match corners if docorners: shoutout('Matching corners' + label, thread=thread) if Ka is None: Ka = algo.load_rgba(settings['keyframes'][a]) if Kb is None: Kb = algo.load_rgba(settings['keyframes'][b]) catcher = settings['edge']['cornercatcher'] catch_a = path.join(folder_a, catcher[a].lower()) catch_b = path.join(folder_b, catcher[b].lower()) if kp_a is None: kp_a = loadit(catch_a + '.csv') if kp_b is None: kp_b = loadit(catch_b + '.csv') if dc_a is None: dc_a = loadit(catch_a + '.png') if dc_b is None: dc_b = loadit(catch_b + '.png') nodes1, simi1 = algo.matchpoint(Ka, Kb, kp_a, kp_b, dc_a, dc_b, simisize=simisize, similim=similim) base = np.row_stack((base, nodes1)) if thread and thread.abort: return # Extract and match silhouette key points if dosilhouette: shoutout('Matching silhouettes' + label, thread=thread) spawnpoints = min(1000, *settings['traject']['maxpoints']) sp_a = algo.spawn(Ea, base[:, [0, 1]], spawnpoints, r_min=simisize) sp_b = algo.spawn(Eb, base[:, [2, 3]], spawnpoints, r_min=simisize) n_half = int(spawnpoints / 2) nodes2, simi2 = algo.proximatch(Ka, Kb, Ea, sp_a, sp_b, com_a, com_b, neighbours=neighbours, n=n_half, simisize=simisize, similim=similim) nodes3, simi3 = algo.proximatch(Kb, Ka, Eb, sp_b, sp_a, com_b, com_a, neighbours=neighbours, n=n_half, simisize=simisize, similim=similim) try: nodes4 = np.row_stack((nodes2, nodes3[:, [2, 3, 0, 1]])) simi4 = np.append(simi2, simi3) except IndexError: nodes4, simi4 = nodes2, simi2 if thread and thread.abort: return # Combine the results. One big happy family! if dosilhouette and docorners: nodez = np.row_stack((nodes1, nodes4)) simiz = np.append(simi1, simi4) elif dosilhouette: nodez, simiz = nodes4, simi4 elif docorners: nodez, simiz = nodes1, simi1 else: nodez = [] # Combine duplicates if len(nodez): shoutout('Combining duplicate trajectories' + label, thread=thread) nodez, simiz = algo.gettogether(nodez, simiz, simisize) # Discard excessive moves if len(nodez): shoutout('Discarding excessive moves' + label, thread=thread) diago = np.ceil(np.sqrt(Ka.shape[0] ** 2 + \ Ka.shape[1] ** 2)) lim = int(maxmove * diago) keep = algo.notsofast(nodez, lim, com_a, com_b) nodez = nodez[keep] simiz = simiz[keep] # Are we doing sensible things in this joint? print(timestamp() + 'Max move = {} px'.format(lim)) if thread and thread.abort: return # In case of crossing paths discard the longest trajectory if len(nodez): shoutout('Discarding crossing paths' + label, thread=thread) keep = np.zeros_like(nodez, dtype=bool) repeat = 1 while np.any(~keep) and repeat <= 10: if thread and thread.abort: return keep = algo.straightenup(nodez) nodez = nodez[keep] simiz = simiz[keep] repeat += 1 # Cherry pick nodes with the highest similarity score if len(nodez) > maxpoints: shoutout('Cherry picking' + label, thread=thread) seq = np.argsort(simiz)[::-1] nodez = nodez[seq][:maxpoints] simiz = simiz[seq][:maxpoints] # Pack it all together into one cozy bundle if len(nodes0) and len(nodez): nodes = np.row_stack((nodes0, nodez)) elif len(nodes0): nodes = nodes0 else: nodes = nodez # Save the harvest saveit(nodes, f2) if thread and thread.abort: return # Fade to gray baby shoutout('Making trajectory chart' + label, thread=thread) channel_a = settings['edge']['channel'][a] channel_b = settings['edge']['channel'][b] if channel_a.lower().startswith('a'): channel_a = 'lightness' if channel_b.lower().startswith('a'): channel_b = 'lightness' Ga = algo.desaturate(Ka, channel_a) Gb = algo.desaturate(Kb, channel_b) # Produce a tingly trajectory chart fig = algo.big_figure('MuddyMorph - Trajectories', *Ga.shape) if arc: comp_a, comp_b = com_a, com_b else: comp_a, comp_b = None, None try: tweens = settings['motion']['inbetweens'][m] except IndexError: tweens = algo.most_frequent_value(settings['motion']['inbetweens']) algo.movemap(Ga, Gb, nodes, comp_a, comp_b, tweens=tweens) plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(f1, **chartopts) plt.close(fig) # Our work here is done stopwatch += time() msg = 'Trajectory extraction took ' + duration(stopwatch) shoutout(msg, f1, thread) return nodes, Ka, Kb, com_a, com_b
def cornercatch(settings, k, recycle=True, K=None): """ Detect corner key points for key frame *k*. These analysis files are generated: - In case of ORB; orb.csv, orb.png, orb_p.png. - In case of CENSURE; censure.csv, censure.png, censure_p.png. The full file name of the diagnostics diagram is returned for previewing. Usage ----- >>> f, kp, dc = cornercatch(settings, k) Returns ------- 1. Filename of diagnostics chart 2. Key point coordinates (None in case of file recycle). 3. Key point binary descriptors (None in case of file recycle). """ print(timestamp() + 'Collecting corners for key {}'.format(k)) # Algorithm flavour and save file base catcher = settings['edge']['cornercatcher'][k] folder = path.join(settings['temppath'], 'k{0:03d}'.format(k + 1)) base = path.join(folder, catcher.lower()) f1 = base + '_p.png' f2 = base + '.csv' f3 = base + '.png' # Do we need to do anything at all? if recycle and path.isfile(f1) \ and path.isfile(f2) \ and path.isfile(f3): return f1, None, None # Collect the other parameters blur = settings['edge']['blur'][k] spawnpoints = min(1000, *settings['traject']['maxpoints']) channel = settings['edge']['channel'][k] if channel.lower().startswith('a'): channel = 'lightness' # Say it like it is msg = '{} corner extraction for key {}' print(timestamp() + msg.format(catcher, k + 1)) # Load bitmap if K is None: K = algo.load_rgba(settings['keyframes'][k]) # Do dat ting kp, dc = algo.cornercatch(K, channel=channel, algorithm=catcher, target=spawnpoints, blur=blur) # Save the harvest saveit(kp, base + '.csv') saveit(dc, base + '.png') # Produce a simple diagnostics chart (just a bunch of orange dots) G = algo.desaturate(K, channel, blur=blur) fig = algo.big_figure('MuddyMorph - Corner key points', *G.shape) plt.imshow(G,, vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.plot(kp[:, 0], kp[:, 1], '.', markersize=7, color=(1., .5, 0.)) plt.axis('image') plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(f1, **chartopts) plt.close(fig) return f1, kp, dc
W[: , -1] = 1 W[0 , : ] = 1 W[-1, : ] = 1 backcolor = [] for c in range(3): Bsub = np.squeeze(B[:, :, c])[W] backcolor.append(int(255 * np.median(Bsub))) backcolor = tuple(backcolor) # Difference with the background D = B.copy() if channel != 'alpha': for c in range(3): D[:, :, c] = abs(D[:, :, c] - backcolor[c] / 255.) D = algo.desaturate(D, channel) # Remove lines from silhouette if dolines: channel2 = channel if channel != 'alpha' else 'rms' D2 = B.copy() for c in range(3): D2[:, :, c] = abs(D2[:, :, c] - linecolor[c] / 255.) D2 = algo.desaturate(D2, channel2) low = D2 < D D[low] = D2[low] if invert: D = 1 - D if blur > 0: D = ndimage.gaussian_filter(D, sigma=blur)