def manufacturers(request, template_name='muecke/manufacturers/manufacturers.html'): """ Display list of all manufacturers """ try: start = int(request.REQUEST.get("start", 1)) except (ValueError, TypeError): start = 1 manufacturers = Manufacturer.objects.all() # prepare paginator paginator = Paginator(manufacturers, 25) try: current_page = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): current_page = pagination_data = muecke_pagination(request, current_page, url=reverse('muecke_manufacturers')) count = manufacturers.count() pagination_data['total_text'] = ungettext('%(count)d manufacturer', '%(count)d manufacturers', count) % {'count': count} return render(request, template_name, { "pagination": pagination_data, "manufacturers": current_page.object_list, "all_manufacturers": manufacturers # pass it if someone doesn't want pagination })
def manufacturers(request, template_name='muecke/manufacturers/manufacturers.html'): """ Display list of all manufacturers """ try: start = int(request.REQUEST.get("start", 1)) except (ValueError, TypeError): start = 1 manufacturers = Manufacturer.objects.all() # prepare paginator paginator = Paginator(manufacturers, 25) try: current_page = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): current_page = pagination_data = muecke_pagination(request, current_page, url=reverse('muecke_manufacturers')) count = manufacturers.count() pagination_data['total_text'] = ungettext( '%(count)d manufacturer', '%(count)d manufacturers', count) % { 'count': count } return render( request, template_name, { "pagination": pagination_data, "manufacturers": current_page.object_list, "all_manufacturers": manufacturers # pass it if someone doesn't want pagination })
def manufacturer_products(request, slug, start=1, template_name="muecke/manufacturers/products.html"): """Displays the products of the manufacturer with passed slug. """ # Resets the product filters if the user navigates to another manufacturer. # TODO: Is this what a customer would expect? last_manufacturer = request.session.get("last_manufacturer") if (last_manufacturer is None) or (last_manufacturer.slug != slug): if "product-filter" in request.session: del request.session["product-filter"] if "price-filter" in request.session: del request.session["price-filter"] try: default_sorting = settings.LFS_PRODUCTS_SORTING except AttributeError: default_sorting = "price" sorting = request.session.get("sorting", default_sorting) product_filter = request.session.get("product-filter", {}) product_filter = product_filter.items() cache_key = "%s-manufacturer-products-%s" % ( settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_KEY_PREFIX, slug) sub_cache_key = "%s-start-%s-sorting-%s" % ( settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_KEY_PREFIX, start, sorting) filter_key = ["%s-%s" % (i[0], i[1]) for i in product_filter] if filter_key: sub_cache_key += "-%s" % "-".join(filter_key) price_filter = request.session.get("price-filter") if price_filter: sub_cache_key += "-%s-%s" % (price_filter["min"], price_filter["max"]) temp = cache.get(cache_key) if temp is not None: try: return temp[sub_cache_key] except KeyError: pass else: temp = dict() manufacturer = muecke_get_object_or_404(Manufacturer, slug=slug) # Calculates parameters for display. try: start = int(start) except (ValueError, TypeError): start = 1 format_info = manufacturer.get_format_info() amount_of_rows = format_info["product_rows"] amount_of_cols = format_info["product_cols"] amount = amount_of_rows * amount_of_cols all_products = manufacturer.get_filtered_products(product_filter, price_filter, sorting) # prepare paginator paginator = Paginator(all_products, amount) try: current_page = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): current_page = # Calculate products row = [] products = [] for i, product in enumerate(current_page.object_list): if product.is_product_with_variants(): default_variant = product.get_default_variant() if default_variant: product = default_variant image = None product_image = product.get_image() if product_image: image = product_image.image row.append({ "obj": product, "slug": product.slug, "name": product.get_name(), "image": image, "price_unit": product.price_unit, "price_includes_tax": product.price_includes_tax(request), }) if (i + 1) % amount_of_cols == 0: products.append(row) row = [] if len(row) > 0: products.append(row) amount_of_products = all_products.count() # Calculate urls pagination_data = muecke_pagination(request, current_page, url=manufacturer.get_absolute_url()) pagination_data['total_text'] = ungettext( '%(count)d product', '%(count)d products', amount_of_products) % { 'count': amount_of_products } result = render_to_string( template_name, RequestContext( request, { "manufacturer": manufacturer, "products": products, "amount_of_products": amount_of_products, "pagination": pagination_data, "all_products": all_products, })) temp[sub_cache_key] = result cache.set(cache_key, temp) return result
def manufacturer_products(request, slug, start=1, template_name="muecke/manufacturers/products.html"): """Displays the products of the manufacturer with passed slug. """ # Resets the product filters if the user navigates to another manufacturer. # TODO: Is this what a customer would expect? last_manufacturer = request.session.get("last_manufacturer") if (last_manufacturer is None) or (last_manufacturer.slug != slug): if "product-filter" in request.session: del request.session["product-filter"] if "price-filter" in request.session: del request.session["price-filter"] try: default_sorting = settings.LFS_PRODUCTS_SORTING except AttributeError: default_sorting = "price" sorting = request.session.get("sorting", default_sorting) product_filter = request.session.get("product-filter", {}) product_filter = product_filter.items() cache_key = "%s-manufacturer-products-%s" % ( settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_KEY_PREFIX, slug) sub_cache_key = "%s-start-%s-sorting-%s" % ( settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_KEY_PREFIX, start, sorting) filter_key = ["%s-%s" % (i[0], i[1]) for i in product_filter] if filter_key: sub_cache_key += "-%s" % "-".join(filter_key) price_filter = request.session.get("price-filter") if price_filter: sub_cache_key += "-%s-%s" % (price_filter["min"], price_filter["max"]) temp = cache.get(cache_key) if temp is not None: try: return temp[sub_cache_key] except KeyError: pass else: temp = dict() manufacturer = muecke_get_object_or_404(Manufacturer, slug=slug) # Calculates parameters for display. try: start = int(start) except (ValueError, TypeError): start = 1 format_info = manufacturer.get_format_info() amount_of_rows = format_info["product_rows"] amount_of_cols = format_info["product_cols"] amount = amount_of_rows * amount_of_cols all_products = manufacturer.get_filtered_products(product_filter, price_filter, sorting) # prepare paginator paginator = Paginator(all_products, amount) try: current_page = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): current_page = # Calculate products row = [] products = [] for i, product in enumerate(current_page.object_list): if product.is_product_with_variants(): default_variant = product.get_default_variant() if default_variant: product = default_variant image = None product_image = product.get_image() if product_image: image = product_image.image row.append({ "obj": product, "slug": product.slug, "name": product.get_name(), "image": image, "price_unit": product.price_unit, "price_includes_tax": product.price_includes_tax(request), }) if (i + 1) % amount_of_cols == 0: products.append(row) row = [] if len(row) > 0: products.append(row) amount_of_products = all_products.count() # Calculate urls pagination_data = muecke_pagination(request, current_page, url=manufacturer.get_absolute_url()) pagination_data['total_text'] = ungettext('%(count)d product', '%(count)d products', amount_of_products) % {'count': amount_of_products} result = render_to_string(template_name, RequestContext(request, { "manufacturer": manufacturer, "products": products, "amount_of_products": amount_of_products, "pagination": pagination_data, "all_products": all_products, })) temp[sub_cache_key] = result cache.set(cache_key, temp) return result