class SimManager(object): """Object to generate sequence of images with their transforms""" def __init__(self, filepath, random_params={}, gpu_render=False, gui=False, display_data=False): self.model = load_model_from_path(filepath) self.sim = MjSim(self.model) self.filepath = filepath self.gui = gui self.display_data = display_data # Take the default random params and update anything we need self.RANDOM_PARAMS = {} self.RANDOM_PARAMS.update(random_params) if gpu_render: self.viewer = MjViewer(self.sim) else: self.viewer = None # Get start state of params to slightly jitter later self.START_GEOM_POS = self.model.geom_pos.copy() self.START_GEOM_SIZE = self.model.geom_size.copy() self.START_GEOM_QUAT = self.model.geom_quat.copy() self.START_BODY_POS = self.model.body_pos.copy() self.START_BODY_QUAT = self.model.body_quat.copy() self.START_MATID = self.model.geom_matid.copy() #self.FLOOR_OFFSET = self.model.body_pos[self.model.body_name2id('floor')] self.tex_modder = TextureModder(self.sim) self.tex_modder.whiten_materials( ) # ensures materials won't impact colors self.cam_modder = CameraModder(self.sim) self.light_modder = LightModder(self.sim) self.start_obj_pose = 'object:joint').copy() def get_data(self, num_images=10): """ Returns camera intrinsics, and a sequence of images, pose transforms, and camera transforms """ # randomize the scene self._rand_textures() self._rand_lights() self._rand_object() self._rand_walls() self._rand_distract() sequence = defaultdict(list) context = {} # object pose obj_pose, robot_pose = self._get_ground_truth() context["obj_world_pose"] = obj_pose context["robot_world_pose"] = robot_pose self._cam_step = 0 self._cam_choices = np.array([[-1.75, 0, 2], [-1.75, 0, 1.62], [-1.3, 1.7, 1.62]]) self._curr_cam_pos = self._cam_choices[0] for i in range(num_images): self._next_camera() self._forward() img = self._get_cam_frame() sequence["img"].append(img) cam_pos = self.cam_modder.get_pos("camera1") cam_quat = self.cam_modder.get_quat("camera1") cam_pose = np.concatenate([cam_pos, cam_quat]).astype(np.float32) sequence["cam_pose"].append(cam_pose) cam_id = self.cam_modder.get_camid("camera1") fovy = self.sim.model.cam_fovy[cam_id] width, height = 640, 480 f = 0.5 * height / math.tan(fovy * math.pi / 360) camera_intrinsics = np.array( ((f, 0, width / 2), (0, f, height / 2), (0, 0, 1))) context['cam_matrix'] = camera_intrinsics return context, sequence def _forward(self): """Advances simulator a step (NECESSARY TO MAKE CAMERA AND LIGHT MODDING WORK) And add some visualization""" self.sim.forward() if self.viewer and self.gui: # Get angle of camera and display it quat = np.quaternion(*self.model.cam_quat[0]) ypr = quaternion.as_euler_angles(quat) * 180 / np.pi cam_pos = self.model.cam_pos[0] cam_fovy = self.model.cam_fovy[0] #self.viewer.add_marker(pos=cam_pos, label="CAM: {}{}".format(cam_pos, ypr)) #self.viewer.add_marker(pos=cam_pos, label="CAM: {}".format(ypr)) #self.viewer.add_marker(pos=cam_pos, label="CAM: {}".format(cam_pos)) self.viewer.add_marker(pos=cam_pos, label="FOVY: {}, CAM: {}".format( cam_fovy, cam_pos)) self.viewer.render() def _get_ground_truth(self): """ Return the position to the robot, and quaternion to the robot quaternion 7 dim total """ robot_gid = self.sim.model.geom_name2id('base_link') obj_gid = self.sim.model.geom_name2id('object') # only x and y pos needed obj_world_pos =[obj_gid] robot_world_pos =[robot_gid] # obj_pos_in_robot_frame = ([obj_gid] -[robot_gid])[:2] # robot_quat = quaternion.as_quat_array(self.model.geom_quat[robot_gid].copy()) obj_world_quat = self.model.geom_quat[obj_gid].copy() robot_world_quat = self.model.geom_quat[robot_gid].copy() # # want quat of obj relative to robot frame # # obj_q = robot_q * localrot # # robot_q.inv * obj_q = localrot # rel_quat = quaternion.as_float_array(robot_quat.inverse() * obj_quat) # pose = np.concatenate([obj_pos_in_robot_frame, rel_quat]).astype(np.float32) obj_pose ='object:joint').copy() robot_pose = np.concatenate([robot_world_pos, robot_world_quat]).astype(np.float32) return obj_pose, robot_pose def _get_cam_frame(self, ground_truth=None): """Grab an image from the camera (224, 244, 3) to feed into CNN""" #IMAGE_NOISE_RVARIANCE = Range(0.0, 0.0001) cam_img = self.sim.render( 640, 480, camera_name='camera1' )[::-1, :, :] # Rendered images are upside-down. # make camera crop be more like kinect #cam_img = self.sim.render(854, 480, camera_name='camera1')[::-1, 107:-107, :] # Rendered images are upside-down. #image_noise_variance = sample(IMAGE_NOISE_RVARIANCE) #cam_img = (skimage.util.random_noise(cam_img, mode='gaussian', var=image_noise_variance) * 255).astype(np.uint8) if self.display_data: print(ground_truth) #label = str(ground_truth[3:6]) display_image(cam_img, mode='preproc') #, label) # cam_img = preproc_image(cam_img) return cam_img def _randomize(self): self._rand_textures() self._rand_camera() self._rand_lights() #self._rand_robot() self._rand_object() self._rand_walls() self._rand_distract() def _rand_textures(self): """Randomize all the textures in the scene, including the skybox""" bright = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5) for name in self.sim.model.geom_names + ('skybox', ): self.tex_modder.rand_all(name) if bright: self.tex_modder.brighten(name, np.random.randint(0, 150)) def _rand_camera(self): """Randomize pos, orientation, and fov of camera real camera pos is -1.75, 0, 1.62 FOVY: Kinect2 is 53.8 ASUS is 45 """ # Params FOVY_R = Range(40, 50) #X = Range(-3, -1) #Y = Range(-1, 3) #Z = Range(1, 2) #C_R3D = Range3D(X, Y, Z) #cam_pos = sample_xyz(C_R3D) #L_R3D = rto3d([-0.1, 0.1]) C_R3D = Range3D([-0.07, 0.07], [-0.07, 0.07], [-0.07, 0.07]) ANG3 = Range3D([-3, 3], [-3, 3], [-3, 3]) # Look approximately at the robot, but then randomize the orientation around that cam_choices = np.array([[-1.75, 0, 1.62], [-1.3, 1.7, 1.62], [-1.75, 0, 2]]) cam_pos = cam_choices[np.random.choice(len(cam_choices))] # cam_pos = get_real_cam_pos(FLAGS.real_data_path) target_id = self.model.body_name2id(FLAGS.look_at) cam_off = 0 #sample_xyz(L_R3D) target_off = 0 #sample_xyz(L_R3D) quat = look_at(cam_pos + cam_off,[target_id] + target_off) quat = jitter_angle(quat, ANG3) #quat = jitter_quat(quat, 0.01) cam_pos += sample_xyz(C_R3D) self.cam_modder.set_quat('camera1', quat) self.cam_modder.set_pos('camera1', cam_pos) self.cam_modder.set_fovy('camera1', 60) # hard code to wide fovy def _next_camera(self): """Randomize pos, orientation, and fov of camera real camera pos is -1.75, 0, 1.62 FOVY: Kinect2 is 53.8 ASUS is 45 """ # Params FOVY_R = Range(40, 50) #X = Range(-3, -1) #Y = Range(-1, 3) #Z = Range(1, 2) #C_R3D = Range3D(X, Y, Z) #cam_pos = sample_xyz(C_R3D) #L_R3D = rto3d([-0.1, 0.1]) C_R3D = Range3D([-0.07, 0.07], [-0.07, 0.07], [-0.07, 0.07]) ANG3 = Range3D([-3, 3], [-3, 3], [-3, 3]) # Look approximately at the robot, but then randomize the orientation around that # linearly interpolate to the next camera every K steps K = 5 goal_cam_pos = self._cam_choices[(self._cam_step // K) + 1] offset = goal_cam_pos - self._curr_cam_pos offset *= (self._cam_step % K) / K self._curr_cam_pos += offset cam_pos = self._curr_cam_pos self._cam_step += 1 # cam_pos = cam_choices[np.random.choice(len(cam_choices))] # cam_pos = get_real_cam_pos(FLAGS.real_data_path) target_id = self.model.body_name2id(FLAGS.look_at) cam_off = 0 #sample_xyz(L_R3D) target_off = 0 #sample_xyz(L_R3D) quat = look_at(cam_pos + cam_off,[target_id] + target_off) quat = jitter_angle(quat, ANG3) #quat = jitter_quat(quat, 0.01) cam_pos += sample_xyz(C_R3D) self.cam_modder.set_quat('camera1', quat) self.cam_modder.set_pos('camera1', cam_pos) self.cam_modder.set_fovy('camera1', 60) # hard code to wide fovy def _rand_lights(self): """Randomize pos, direction, and lights""" # light stuff #X = Range(-1.5, 1.5) #Y = Range(-1.2, 1.2) #Z = Range(0, 2.8) X = Range(-1.5, -0.5) Y = Range(-0.6, 0.6) Z = Range(1.0, 1.5) LIGHT_R3D = Range3D(X, Y, Z) LIGHT_UNIF = Range3D(Range(0, 1), Range(0, 1), Range(0, 1)) # TODO: also try not altering the light dirs and just keeping them at like -1, or [0, -0.15, -1.0] for i, name in enumerate(self.model.light_names): lid = self.model.light_name2id(name) # random sample 80% of any given light being on if lid != 0: self.light_modder.set_active(name, sample([0, 1]) < 0.8) self.light_modder.set_dir(name, sample_light_dir()) self.light_modder.set_pos(name, sample_xyz(LIGHT_R3D)) #self.light_modder.set_dir(name, sample_xyz(rto3d([-1,1]))) #self.light_modder.set_specular(name, sample_xyz(LIGHT_UNIF)) #self.light_modder.set_diffuse(name, sample_xyz(LIGHT_UNIF)) #self.light_modder.set_ambient(name, sample_xyz(LIGHT_UNIF)) spec = np.array([sample(Range(0.5, 1))] * 3) diffuse = np.array([sample(Range(0.5, 1))] * 3) ambient = np.array([sample(Range(0.5, 1))] * 3) self.light_modder.set_specular(name, spec) self.light_modder.set_diffuse(name, diffuse) self.light_modder.set_ambient(name, ambient) #self.model.light_directional[lid] = sample([0,1]) < 0.2 self.model.light_castshadow[lid] = sample([0, 1]) < 0.5 def _rand_robot(self): """Randomize joint angles and jitter orientation""" jnt_shape =[:] = sample_joints(self.model.jnt_range, jnt_shape) robot_gid = self.model.geom_name2id('robot_table_link') self.model.geom_quat[robot_gid] = jitter_quat( self.START_GEOM_QUAT[robot_gid], 0.01) def _rand_object(self): obj_gid = self.sim.model.geom_name2id('object') obj_bid = self.sim.model.geom_name2id('object') table_gid = self.model.geom_name2id('object_table') table_bid = self.model.body_name2id('object_table') obj_pose = self.start_obj_pose.copy() xval = self.model.geom_size[table_gid][ 0] #- self.model.geom_size[obj_gid][0] yval = self.model.geom_size[table_gid][ 1] #- self.model.geom_size[obj_gid][1] O_X = Range(-xval, xval) O_Y = Range(-yval, yval) O_Z = Range(0, 0) O_R3D = Range3D(O_X, O_Y, O_Z) newpos = obj_pose[:3] + sample_xyz(O_R3D) newquat = jitter_quat(obj_pose[3:], 0.1) obj_pose[:3] = newpos obj_pose[3:] = newquat'object:joint', obj_pose) #T_X = Range(-0.1, 0.1) #T_Y = Range(-0.1, 0.1) #T_Z = Range(-0.1, 0.1) #T_R3D = Range3D(T_X, T_Y, T_Z) #self.model.body_pos[table_bid] = self.START_BODY_POS[table_bid] + sample_xyz(T_R3D) ## randomize orientation a wee bit #self.model.geom_quat[table_gid] = jitter_quat(self.START_GEOM_QUAT[table_gid], 0.01) def _rand_walls(self): wall_bids = { name: self.model.body_name2id(name) for name in ['wall_' + dir for dir in 'nesw'] } window_gid = self.model.geom_name2id('west_window') #floor_gid = self.model.geom_name2id('floor') WA_X = Range(-0.2, 0.2) WA_Y = Range(-0.2, 0.2) WA_Z = Range(-0.1, 0.1) WA_R3D = Range3D(WA_X, WA_Y, WA_Z) WI_X = Range(-0.1, 0.1) WI_Y = Range(0, 0) WI_Z = Range(-0.5, 0.5) WI_R3D = Range3D(WI_X, WI_Y, WI_Z) R = Range(0, 0) P = Range(-10, 10) Y = Range(0, 0) RPY_R = Range3D(R, P, Y) #self.model.geom_quat[floor_gid] = jitter_quat(self.START_GEOM_QUAT[floor_gid], 0.01) #self.model.geom_pos[floor_gid] = self.START_GEOM_POS[floor_gid] + [0,0,sample(-0.1,0.1) self.model.geom_quat[window_gid] = sample_quat(RPY_R) #self.model.geom_quat[window_gid] = jitter_quat(self.START_GEOM_QUAT[window_gid], 0.01) self.model.geom_pos[ window_gid] = self.START_GEOM_POS[window_gid] + sample_xyz(WI_R3D) for name in wall_bids: gid = wall_bids[name] self.model.body_quat[gid] = jitter_quat(self.START_BODY_QUAT[gid], 0.01) self.model.body_pos[gid] = self.START_BODY_POS[gid] + sample_xyz( WA_R3D) def _rand_distract(self): PREFIX = 'distract' geom_names = [ name for name in self.model.geom_names if name.startswith(PREFIX) ] # Size range SX = Range(0.01, 0.5) SY = Range(0.01, 0.9) SZ = Range(0.01, 0.5) S3D = Range3D(SX, SY, SZ) # Back range B_PX = Range(-0.5, 2) B_PY = Range(-1.5, 2) B_PZ = Range(0, 3) B_P3D = Range3D(B_PX, B_PY, B_PZ) # Front range F_PX = Range(-2, -0.5) F_PY = Range(-2, 1) F_PZ = Range(0, 0.5) F_P3D = Range3D(F_PX, F_PY, F_PZ) for name in geom_names: gid = self.model.geom_name2id(name) range = B_P3D if np.random.binomial(1, 0.5) else F_P3D self.model.geom_pos[gid] = sample_xyz(range) self.model.geom_quat[gid] = random_quat() self.model.geom_size[gid] = sample_xyz(S3D, mode='logspace') self.model.geom_type[gid] = sample_geom_type() self.model.geom_rgba[gid][-1] = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5) def _set_visible(self, prefix, range_top, visible): """Helper function to set visibility of several objects""" if not visible: if range_top == 0: name = prefix gid = self.model.geom_name2id(name) self.model.geom_rgba[gid][-1] = 0.0 for i in range(range_top): name = "{}{}".format(prefix, i) gid = self.model.geom_name2id(name) self.model.geom_rgba[gid][-1] = 0.0 else: if range_top == 0: name = prefix gid = self.model.geom_name2id(name) self.model.geom_rgba[gid][-1] = 1.0 for i in range(range_top): name = "{}{}".format(prefix, i) gid = self.model.geom_name2id(name) self.model.geom_rgba[gid][-1] = 1.0
class ObjectCollectionEnv(BaseEnv): """Custom muluti-object environment""" def __init__(self, FLAGS): super().__init__(FLAGS) if self.FLAGS['baxter']: self.robot_offset = lambda: self.model.body_pos[self.name2bid( 'base_ground')] else: self.robot_offset = lambda: self.model.body_pos[self.name2bid( 'robot_table_floor')] self.table_center = lambda: TABLES[self.FLAGS['default_table']][ 'pos'] + self.robot_offset( ) + [0, 0, TABLES[self.FLAGS['default_table']]['wood'][2]] self.LIGHT = { 'ambient': self.model.light_ambient, 'active': self.model.light_active, 'castshadow': self.model.light_castshadow, 'diffuse': self.model.light_diffuse, 'dir': self.model.light_dir, 'pos': self.model.light_pos, 'specular': self.model.light_specular } self.START_BODY_POS = self.model.body_pos.copy() self.START_LIGHT = {} for key in self.LIGHT: self.START_LIGHT[key] = self.LIGHT[key].copy() self.tex_modder = TextureModder(self.sim) self.cam_modder = CameraModder(self.sim) self.light_modder = LightModder(self.sim) if self.FLAGS['domrand']: self.tex_modder.whiten_materials() self.goal = {} # mean camera position defined relative to table center if FLAGS['baxter']: self.CAMERA_POS_MEAN = np.array([-0.64, 0.025, 1.0]) else: self.CAMERA_POS_MEAN = np.array([-0.65, 0.0, 0.68]) # establish values for discretizing self.X = self.FLAGS['ACTS']['x'] self.Y = self.FLAGS['ACTS']['y'] self.YAW = self.FLAGS['ACTS']['yaw'] self.DIST = self.FLAGS['ACTS']['dist'] self.action_space = self.FLAGS['action_space'] self.observation_space = self.FLAGS['observation_space'] if self.FLAGS['goal_conditioned']: self.goal['array'] = np.zeros(self.FLAGS['state_shape']) if self.FLAGS['use_image']: self.goal['image'] = np.zeros(self.FLAGS['image_shape']) self.paddle_bid = self.name2bid('paddle') self.paddle_gid = self.name2gid('paddle') self.N = int( 0.5 / self.dt) # N should correspond to about 0.5 seconds of timestep self.consecutive_fences = 0 self.escape_count = 0 self._set_invisiwall() self._reset_sim() #self.viewer.add_marker(pos=cam_pos, label="CAM: {}".format(cam_pos)) def _get_object_poses(self): objs = [] for i in range(self.FLAGS['num_objects']): obj = 'object{}:joint'.format(i) pose = pose[:3] -= self.table_center() if not self.FLAGS['use_quat']: pose = pose[:3] objs.append(pose) objs = np.stack(objs) return objs def _get_obs(self): self.sim.step() array = self._get_object_poses() obs = {'array': array, 'single': np.zeros(4)} if self.FLAGS['use_image']: image = self._get_cam_frame().astype(np.float32) image = cv2.resize(image, self.FLAGS['image_shape'][:2], interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) image /= 255.0 obs.update({'image': image}) if self.FLAGS['goal_conditioned']: obs.update({'goal_array': self.goal['array']}) if self.FLAGS['use_image']: obs.update({'goal_image': self.goal['image']}) return obs def _geofence_escape(self): """check if any of the cubes have escaped the table. this should not be possible but still happens due to some glitch with mujoco return True if any cube escapes """ cubes = self._get_object_poses() cube_size = self.sim.model.geom_size[self.name2gid('object0')] table_range = 0.5 * TABLES[self.FLAGS['default_table']]['wood'] table_range[ 2] = 0.1 # be forgiving on the height, since we already have object_fell to check for drops table_box = (1 + 0.01) * np.stack([-table_range, table_range], axis=-1) for c in cubes: cube_box = c[:3, None] + np.stack([-cube_size, cube_size], axis=-1) if not overlap3D(cube_box, table_box): return True return False def _object_fell(self): """check if any of the cubes have fallen off the table""" cubes = self._get_object_poses() for c in cubes: if c[2] < -0.01: return True return False def step(self, action): # convert from tuple to dictionary. this is pretty risky and bad practice, but should throw errors for shape mismatch in most cases *crosses fingers* if isinstance(action, tuple) or isinstance(action, np.ndarray): names = ['x', 'y', 'yaw'] names += ['dist'] if self.FLAGS['use_dist'] else [] sorted_names = list(sorted(names)) action = { sorted_names[i]: action[i] for i in range(len(sorted_names)) } action = copy.deepcopy(action) safe_action = self._set_action(action) reward = 0.0 if self._geofence_escape() or self._object_fell(): reward += -10.0 done = True print('AHHH') else: done = False obs = self._get_obs() if self.FLAGS['penalize_invisiwall'] and safe_action != '': if 'wall' in safe_action: reward += -1.0 info = {'seed': self.current_seed} out_obs = self.get_out_obs() return out_obs, reward, done, info def _set_action(self, action): """Apply the action to the env Return True is safe action, else false """ self._randomize() contact_invisiwall = False if self.FLAGS['discrete']: x = self.X[action['x']] y = self.Y[action['y']] yaw = self.YAW[action['yaw']] if self.FLAGS['use_dist']: dist = self.DIST[1 + action['dist']] else: dist = self.FLAGS['max_dx'] else: spaces = self.action_space.spaces def clip_act(key): """clip and then map back to semantic action scale""" clipped = np.clip(action[key], -1.0, 1.0) return unmap_continuous(key, clipped, self.FLAGS) x = clip_act('x') y = clip_act('y') yaw = clip_act('yaw') if self.FLAGS['use_dist']: dist = clip_act('dist') else: dist = self.FLAGS['max_dx'] # Parse action s_xyz = np.array([x, y, 0.5]) s_xyz += self.table_center() self.model.geom_pos[self.paddle_gid] = s_xyz[self.paddle_gid] = s_xyz quat = quaternion.from_euler_angles(0, 0, yaw).normalized().components self.sim.model.geom_quat[self.paddle_gid] = quat xp_aid = self.model.actuator_name2id('xp') xv_aid = self.model.actuator_name2id('xv') yp_aid = self.model.actuator_name2id('yp') yv_aid = self.model.actuator_name2id('yv') zp_aid = self.model.actuator_name2id('zp') zv_aid = self.model.actuator_name2id('zv')'paddle:slidex', np.array([0]))'paddle:slidey', np.array([0]))'paddle:slidez', np.array([0]))'paddle:hingez', np.array([0]))[:] = 0.0 # Set goal positions of paddle (lower to targetz, then push to targetx and targety based on action) if self.FLAGS['baxter']: targetz = -0.925 + 0.83 else: targetz = 0.69 targetx, targety = s_xyz[0] + np.cos(yaw) * dist, s_xyz[1] + np.sin( yaw) * dist # reverse push at the end so that we are not in contact with block when we lift. btargetx, btargety = s_xyz[0] + np.cos(yaw) * ( 0.5 * dist), s_xyz[1] + np.sin(yaw) * (0.5 * dist) # Draw indicator of paddle target pos target = np.array([targetx, targety, targetz]) site_id = self.name2sid('target0') self.sim.model.site_rgba[site_id] = np.zeros(4) if self.FLAGS['render']: self.sim.model.site_pos[site_id] = target self.sim.model.site_quat[site_id] = quat # Vertical PID controller to lower and raise P = 400.0 D = 40.0 v_pid = PID( P, D, curr_fn=lambda:[self.paddle_gid][2], goal=targetz) # Horizontal (xy) PID controllers to push HP = 600.0 HD = 60.0 hx_pid = PID( HP, HD, curr_fn=lambda:[self.paddle_gid][0], goal=targetx) hy_pid = PID( HP, HD, curr_fn=lambda:[self.paddle_gid][1], goal=targety) # Lower the paddle for i in range(self.N):[zp_aid],[ zv_aid] = v_pid.step() self.sim.step() contact_invisiwall = contact_invisiwall or self._collide_wall() if self.FLAGS['render']: self.viewer.render() # Push forward to the target position for i in range(int(1.5 * self.N)):[zp_aid],[zv_aid] = v_pid.step()[xp_aid],[ xv_aid] = hx_pid.step()[yp_aid],[ yv_aid] = hy_pid.step() contact_invisiwall = contact_invisiwall or self._collide_wall() self.sim.step() if self.FLAGS['render']: self.viewer.render() # Reverse a bit hx_pid.reset_goal(btargetx) hy_pid.reset_goal(btargety) for i in range(int(0.1 * self.N)):[zp_aid],[zv_aid] = v_pid.step()[xp_aid],[ xv_aid] = hx_pid.step()[yp_aid],[ yv_aid] = hy_pid.step() contact_invisiwall = contact_invisiwall or self._collide_wall() self.sim.step() if self.FLAGS['render']: self.viewer.render() # Raise the paddle back up after pushing v_pid.reset_goal(1.5) for i in range(self.N * 3):[zp_aid],[ zv_aid] = v_pid.step()[xp_aid],[ xv_aid] = hx_pid.step()[yp_aid],[ yv_aid] = hy_pid.step() contact_invisiwall = contact_invisiwall or self._collide_wall() self.sim.step() if self.FLAGS['render']: self.viewer.render() if self.FLAGS['penalize_invisiwall'] and contact_invisiwall: safe = 'wall' else: safe = '' return safe def reset(self): self.goal = self._sample_goal() did_reset_sim = False while not did_reset_sim: did_reset_sim = self._reset_sim( reset_mode=self.np_random.choice(self.FLAGS['reset_mode'])) curr = self._get_obs()['array'] if self.FLAGS['render'] and self.FLAGS['goal_conditioned']: goal_array = self.goal['array'] * 0.5 * TABLES[ self.FLAGS['default_table']]['wood'][:2] site_dests = np.c_[goal_array, curr[:, 2]] + self.table_center() for i in range(self.FLAGS['num_objects']): site = self.name2sid('object{}'.format(i)) if self.FLAGS['render']: self.model.site_pos[site] = site_dests[i] - [0.0, 0.0, 0.1] self.model.site_rgba[site] = np.ones(4) return self.get_out_obs() def _collide_wall(self): wall_gids = [self.name2gid('invisiwall_' + str(i)) for i in range(4)] obj_gids = [ self.name2gid('object' + str(i)) for i in range(self.FLAGS['num_objects']) ] bad_contacts = [ 1 for cc in if (cc.geom1 in wall_gids and cc.geom2 in obj_gids) or ( cc.geom1 in obj_gids and cc.geom2 in wall_gids) ] return len(bad_contacts) > 0 def _set_invisiwall(self): # NOTE: Generally changing the shape of objects does not do well for contacts X = self.FLAGS['ACTS']['x'] Y = self.FLAGS['ACTS']['y'] DEPTH, Z = self.model.geom_size[self.name2gid('invisiwall_0')][1:] Z -= (Z / 2) idx = 0 for dir in [0, -1]: for xy in ['x', 'y']: gid = self.name2gid('invisiwall_' + str(idx)) if self.FLAGS['view_invisiwall']: pass else: self.model.geom_rgba[gid] = np.zeros((4, )) if xy == 'x': yval = 1.05 * np.sign(Y[dir]) * (np.abs(Y[dir]) + DEPTH) self.model.geom_pos[gid] = self.table_center() + np.array( [0, yval, Z]) #self.model.geom_size[gid] = np.array([X, DEPTH, Z]) else: xval = 1.05 * np.sign(X[dir]) * (np.abs(X[dir]) + DEPTH) self.model.geom_pos[gid] = self.table_center() + np.array( [xval, 0, Z]) #self.model.geom_size[gid] = np.array([DEPTH, Y, Z]) idx += 1 self.sim.forward() self.sim.step() def _sample_xyzs(self, reset_mode=None): reset_mode = reset_mode or 'cluster' #self.FLAGS['reset_mode'] object_xyzs = [] # for checking collisions against sample_range = R3D(self.FLAGS['obj_rangex'], self.FLAGS['obj_rangey'], R(0, 0)) if reset_mode == 'uniform': for i in range(self.FLAGS['num_objects']): while True: object_xyz = sim_utils.sample_xyz(self.np_random, sample_range) collision = False # TODO: check if this is necessary. could get speedup for other in object_xyzs: collision = collision or np.linalg.norm( object_xyz[:2] - other[:2]) < 0.0127 if not collision and sim_utils.in_range( object_xyz[0], self.FLAGS['obj_rangex']) and sim_utils.in_range( object_xyz[1], self.FLAGS['obj_rangey']): object_xyzs.append(object_xyz) break elif reset_mode == 'cluster': diameter = self.model.geom_size[self.name2gid('object0')][0] dirs = list( itertools.product([-diameter * 2, 0.0, diameter * 2], [-diameter * 2, 0.0, diameter * 2])) first_object_xyz = sim_utils.sample_xyz(self.np_random, sample_range) object_xyzs.append(first_object_xyz) for i in range(1, self.FLAGS['num_objects']): while True: reference = object_xyzs[self.np_random.randint( len(object_xyzs))] dir = np.array(dirs[self.np_random.randint(len(dirs))]) dir *= self.np_random.uniform(1.0, 2.0) xyz = reference.copy() xyz[:2] = reference[:2] + dir collision = False for other in object_xyzs: collision = collision or np.linalg.norm( xyz[:2] - other[:2]) < 0.0127 if not collision and sim_utils.in_range( xyz[0], self.FLAGS['obj_rangex']) and sim_utils.in_range( xyz[1], self.FLAGS['obj_rangey']): object_xyzs.append(xyz) break return object_xyzs def _sample_object_poses(self, reset_mode=None): #rstate = np.random.RandomState(seed=0) # use this to always reset to deterministic state xyz = self._sample_xyzs(reset_mode=reset_mode) for i in range(self.FLAGS['num_objects']): gid = self.name2gid('object{}'.format(i)) #self.model.geom_size[gid] = self.FLAGS['cube_size'] obj = 'object{}:joint'.format(i) object_qpos = assert object_qpos.shape == (7, ) object_xpos = self.table_center() + [0.0, 0.0, 0.2] + xyz[i] object_quat = sim_utils.sample_quat( self.np_random, R3D(R(0, 180), R(0, 0), R(0, 0))) object_qpos = np.concatenate([object_xpos, object_quat]), object_qpos) def _reset_sim(self, reset_mode=None): self.object_has_fallen = False self.object_fallen_stuff = None self.sim.set_state(self.initial_state) if self.FLAGS['baxter']: set_table(self.model, 'object_table', 'folding', self.FLAGS) else: set_table(self.model, 'robot_table', 'robot', self.FLAGS) set_table(self.model, 'object_table', 'small', self.FLAGS) self.model.site_size[self.name2sid('target0')] = self.model.geom_size[ self.paddle_gid] self.cam_pos = self.model.cam_pos[0] = self.table_center() + np.array( [-0.75, 0.0, 0.75]) target_pos =[self.name2bid('object_table')] self.model.cam_quat[0] = look_at(self.cam_pos, target_pos) # reset objects self._sample_object_poses(reset_mode=reset_mode) for i in range(5 * self.N): self.sim.step() if self.FLAGS['render']: self.viewer.render() return not self._object_fell() and not self._geofence_escape() def _sample_goal(self): """NOTE: must be called before reset, as this can mess with state""" goal = {} if self.FLAGS['goal_conditioned']: # Same mechanism for resetting sim, in order to get to a random state did_reset_sim = False while not did_reset_sim: did_reset_sim = self._reset_sim(reset_mode='cluster') obs = self._get_obs() obs['array'][:, :3] /= ( 0.5 * TABLES[self.FLAGS['default_table']]['wood']) if not self.FLAGS['use_quat']: obs['array'] = obs['array'][..., :2] goal['array'] = copy.deepcopy(obs['array']) if self.FLAGS['use_image']: goal['image'] = copy.deepcopy(obs['image']) return goal else: sample_range = R3D(self.FLAGS['obj_rangex'], self.FLAGS['obj_rangey'], R(0, 0)) goal['array'] = sim_utils.sample_xyz(self.np_random, sample_range) return goal def get_out_obs(self): """This matches the observation space. The other one is just for internal use""" obs = self._get_obs() obs['array'][:, :3] /= (0.5 * TABLES[self.FLAGS['default_table']]['wood']) if not self.FLAGS['use_quat']: obs['array'] = obs['array'][..., :2] obs_names = ['array', 'single'] if self.FLAGS['goal_conditioned']: assert not np.all(np.equal(obs['goal_array'], 0.0)), "goal was not set before out_obs" obs_names.append('goal_array') if self.FLAGS['use_image']: obs_names.append('goal_image') if self.FLAGS['use_image']: obs_names.append('image') if self.FLAGS['use_canonical']: obs_names.append('canonical') self._canonicalize() self.sim.step() canon_obs = self._get_obs() obs['canonical'] = canon_obs['image'] for key in obs: obs[key] = obs[key].astype(np.float32) out_obs = copy.deepcopy(tuple([obs[key] for key in sorted(obs_names)])) #print(obs['array']) #print() if np.max(np.abs(obs['array'])) > 1.01: print('AHHH out obs', obs['array']) return out_obs def _canonicalize(self): # Canonicalize textures for name in self.model.geom_names + ('skybox', ): if re.match('object\d', name) is not None: self.tex_modder.set_rgb( name, np.array([255, 0, 255], dtype=np.uint8)) else: self.tex_modder.set_rgb(name, np.array([255] * 3, dtype=np.uint8)) # light for key in self.LIGHT: self.LIGHT[key][:] = self.START_LIGHT[key].copy() # camera if self.FLAGS['mild_canonical']: self.cam_pos = self.CAMERA_POS_MEAN + self.table_center() else: self.cam_pos = self.CAMERA_POS_MEAN + self.table_center() + [ 0.639, -0.025, 0.125 ] target_id = self.model.body_name2id('object_table') target_pos =[ target_id] #+ sim_utils.sample_xyz(self.np_random, R3D(R(-0.05, 0.05), R(-0.05, 0.05), R(0.1,0.1))) quat = look_at(self.cam_pos, target_pos) self.cam_modder.set_quat('camera1', quat) self.cam_modder.set_pos('camera1', self.cam_pos) self.cam_modder.set_fovy('camera1', 45) # robot if self.FLAGS['baxter']: for name in self.model.joint_names: if 'paddle' not in name and 'object' not in name: id = self.sim.model.joint_name2id(name), 0.0) #self.model.body_pos[self.name2bid('base')] = self.START_BODY_POS[self.name2bid('base')] else: for joint in ['lbr4_j{}'.format(i) for i in range(7)]: id = self.sim.model.joint_name2id(joint), 0.0) PREFIX = 'distract' geom_names = [ name for name in self.model.geom_names if name.startswith(PREFIX) ] for name in geom_names: gid = self.model.geom_name2id(name) self.model.geom_pos[gid] = np.array([0, 0, -2]) self.model.geom_rgba[gid][-1] = 0 def _randomize(self): if self.FLAGS['domrand']: self._rand_textures() self._rand_camera() self._rand_lights() #self._rand_robot() self._rand_distract() else: self._canonicalize() def _rand_textures(self): """Randomize all the textures in the scene, including the skybox""" bright = self.np_random.binomial(1, 0.8) for name in self.sim.model.geom_names + ('skybox', ): self.tex_modder.rand_all(name) if bright: if name == 'object_table': self.tex_modder.brighten(name, self.np_random.randint(150, 255)) else: self.tex_modder.brighten(name, self.np_random.randint(0, 150)) def _rand_camera(self): """Randomize pos, orientation, and fov of camera FOVY: Kinect2 is 53.8 ASUS is 45 """ dx = 0.05 self.cam_pos = self.CAMERA_POS_MEAN + self.table_center() C_R3D = R3D(R(-dx, dx), R(-dx, dx), R(-2 * dx, 2 * dx)) self.cam_pos += sim_utils.sample_xyz(self.np_random, C_R3D) self._rand_camera_angle() self.cam_modder.set_pos('camera1', self.cam_pos) self.cam_modder.set_fovy('camera1', sim_utils.sample(self.np_random, R(44, 46))) def _rand_camera_angle(self): # Look approximately at the robot target_id = self.model.body_name2id('object_table') target_pos =[target_id] + sim_utils.sample_xyz( self.np_random, R3D(R(-0.02, 0.02), R(-0.02, 0.02), R(0.0, 0.2))) quat = look_at(self.cam_pos, target_pos) self.cam_modder.set_quat('camera1', quat) def _rand_lights(self): """Randomize pos, direction, and lights""" # light stuff X = R(-1.0, 1.0) Y = R(-0.6, 0.6) Z = R(0.1, 1.5) LIGHT_R3D = self.table_center()[:, None] + R3D(X, Y, Z) LIGHT_UNIF = R3D(R(0, 1), R(0, 1), R(0, 1)) for i, name in enumerate(self.model.light_names): lid = self.model.light_name2id(name) # random sample 80% of any given light being on if lid != 0: self.light_modder.set_active( name, sim_utils.sample(self.np_random, [0, 1]) < 0.8) self.light_modder.set_dir( name, sim_utils.sample_light_dir(self.np_random)) self.light_modder.set_pos( name, sim_utils.sample_xyz(self.np_random, LIGHT_R3D)) spec = np.array([sim_utils.sample(self.np_random, R(0.5, 1))] * 3) diffuse = np.array([sim_utils.sample(self.np_random, R(0.5, 1))] * 3) ambient = np.array([sim_utils.sample(self.np_random, R(0.5, 1))] * 3) self.light_modder.set_specular(name, spec) self.light_modder.set_diffuse(name, diffuse) self.light_modder.set_ambient(name, ambient) self.model.light_castshadow[lid] = sim_utils.sample( self.np_random, [0, 1]) < 0.5 def _rand_robot(self): """Randomize joint angles""" if self.FLAGS['baxter']: for name in self.model.joint_names: if 'paddle' not in name and 'object' not in name: id = self.sim.model.joint_name2id(name) name, sim_utils.sample(self.np_random, self.model.jnt_range[id])) self.model.body_pos[self.name2bid('base')] = self.START_BODY_POS[ self.name2bid('base')] + sim_utils.sample_xyz( self.np_random, R3D(R(0, 0), R(0, 0), R(-0.05, 0.05))) else: for name in ['lbr4_j{}'.format(i) for i in range(7)]: id = self.sim.model.joint_name2id(name) name, sim_utils.sample(self.np_random, self.model.jnt_range[id])) def _rand_distract(self): """Randomize the position and size of the distractor objects""" PREFIX = 'distract' geom_names = [ name for name in self.model.geom_names if name.startswith(PREFIX) ] # Size range SX = R(0.01, 0.3) SY = R(0.01, 0.3) SZ = R(0.01, 0.3) S3D = R3D(SX, SY, SZ) # Back range B_PX = R(0.5, 1.0) B_PY = R(-2, 2) B_PZ = R(0.1, 0.5) B_P3D = R3D(B_PX, B_PY, B_PZ) # Front range F_PX = R(-0.5, 0.5) F_PY = R(-2, 2) F_PZ = R(-0.1, 0.3) F_P3D = R3D(F_PX, F_PY, F_PZ) for name in geom_names: gid = self.model.geom_name2id(name) range = B_P3D if np.random.binomial(1, 0.5) else F_P3D mid = self.table_center().copy() mid[2] = -0.925 self.model.geom_pos[gid] = mid + sim_utils.sample_xyz( self.np_random, range) self.model.geom_quat[gid] = sim_utils.random_quat(self.np_random) self.model.geom_size[gid] = sim_utils.sample_xyz( self.np_random, S3D) self.model.geom_type[gid] = sim_utils.sample_geom_type( self.np_random) self.model.geom_rgba[gid][-1] = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5)