def centroid(scan, threshold = None): """ Centroids profile-mode data given in [(M/Z, intensity)] format. """ from internalAlgorithms import average if not scan: return scan if not threshold: assert not isinstance(scan, Iterator), ("centroid() requires explicit " "threshold value if given an " "Iterator argument.") threshold = average(list(zip(*scan))[1]) peaks = [] peak = [] for pt in scan: if pt[1] > threshold: peak.append(pt) elif peak: centMZ = average(list(zip(*peak))[0], weights = list(zip(*peak))[1]) centInt = max(list(zip(*peak))[1]) if len(pt) == 4: centNoise = average(list(zip(*peak))[2], weights = list(zip(*peak))[1]) centCharge = max(list(zip(*peak))[3]) peaks.append((centMZ, centInt, centNoise, centCharge)) else: peaks.append((centMZ, centInt)) peak = [] return peaks
def calculate_bounds(self, absolute_scan_lookup): regionIndices = zip(*self.regions)[0] self.scans = [absolute_scan_lookup[x] for x in regionIndices] self.scanrange = min(self.scans), max(self.scans) self.regions = [(absolute_scan_lookup[x], y) for x, y in self.regions] minMZs = [min(zip(*peaks)[0]) for y, peaks in self.regions] avgC12 = average(minMZs) while not all([abs(x - avgC12) < 0.05 for x in minMZs]): oddOneOut = max(minMZs, key=lambda x: abs(x - avgC12)) minMZs.remove(oddOneOut) avgC12 = average(minMZs) = avgC12 xic = pts_to_bins([(x[0], min(x[1], key=lambda pt: (pt[0] - avgC12))[1]) for x in self.regions], 100) ints = [0.0] + list(zip(*xic)[1]) + [0.0] self.skewness = skew(ints) self.kurtosis = kurtosis(ints)
def signal_noise(spectrum, minSN): """ Filters the spectrum by a signal-to-noise threshold, by finding the subset of lowest-intensity peaks that match a specified minimum signal-to-noise ratio and discarding those. """ # Ought to do a binary search! if not minSN or not float(minSN): return spectrum minSN = float(minSN) spectrum.sort(key = lambda x: x[1]) for i in range(0, len(spectrum)): ints = [x[1] for x in spectrum[i:]] SN = average(ints) / std(ints) if SN > minSN: return spectrum[i:] return spectrum