    def get_new_talks(self):
        Returns talks as dicts {title:, author:, thumb:, date:, duration:, link:}.
        sd_rss_url = "http://feeds.feedburner.com/tedtalks_video"
        hd_rss_url = "http://feeds.feedburner.com/TedtalksHD"
        rss_urls = [sd_rss_url, hd_rss_url] # Prefer HD, but get SD if that's all there is (my friends)
        document_fetchers = []
        if do_multi_threading:
            pool = Pool(processes=1) # Maybe it would be better to fetch them simultaneously?
            for url in rss_urls:
                result = pool.apply_async(get_document, [url])
                document_fetchers.append(lambda x: result.get(30))
            for url in rss_urls:
                document_fetchers.append(lambda x: get_document(url))

        talksByTitle = {}
        for documentFetcher in document_fetchers:
            rss = documentFetcher(None) # Is this evil? We have to pass something into the lambda.
            for item in fromstring(rss).findall('channel/item'):
                talk = self.get_talk_details(item)
                talksByTitle[talk['title']] = talk
        if do_multi_threading:
            # pool.close()
            # pool.join()
            # If I close Pool using close/join, then it logs 
            # ERROR: Error Type: <type 'exceptions.OSError'>
            # ERROR: Error Contents: [Errno 3] No such process
            # when the app exits (i.e. finalization occurs).
            # Whereas this seems to be OK.
        return talksByTitle.itervalues()