async def cmd_pldump(self, channel, song_url): """ Usage: {command_prefix}pldump url Dumps the individual urls of a playlist """ try: info = await self.downloader.extract_info(self.loop, song_url.strip('<>'), download=False, process=False) except Exception as e: raise CommandError("Could not extract info from input url\n%s\n" % e, expire_in=25) if not info: raise CommandError("Could not extract info from input url, no data.", expire_in=25) if not info.get('entries', None): # TODO: Retarded playlist checking # set(url, webpageurl).difference(set(url)) if info.get('url', None) != info.get('webpage_url', info.get('url', None)): raise CommandError("This does not seem to be a playlist.", expire_in=25) else: return await cmd_pldump(self, channel, info.get('')) linegens = defaultdict( lambda: None, **{ "youtube": lambda d: '' % d['id'], "soundcloud": lambda d: d['url'], "bandcamp": lambda d: d['url'] }) exfunc = linegens[info['extractor'].split(':')[0]] if not exfunc: raise CommandError( "Could not extract info from input url, unsupported playlist type.", expire_in=25) with BytesIO() as fcontent: for item in info['entries']: fcontent.write(exfunc(item).encode('utf8') + b'\n') await self.send_file(channel, fcontent, filename='playlist.txt', content="Here's the url dump for <%s>" % song_url) return Response(":mailbox_with_mail:", delete_after=20)
def argcheck(): if not leftover_args: raise CommandError( "Please specify a search query.\n%s" % dedent( cmd_search.__doc__.format(command_prefix=self.config.command_prefix)), expire_in=60 )
async def cmd_volume(self, message, player, new_volume=None): """ Usage: {command_prefix}volume (+/-)[volume] Sets the playback volume. Accepted values are from 1 to 100. Putting + or - before the volume will make the volume change relative to the current volume. """ if not new_volume: return Response('Current volume: `%s%%`' % int(player.volume * 100), reply=True, delete_after=20) relative = False if new_volume[0] in '+-': relative = True try: new_volume = int(new_volume) except ValueError: raise CommandError('{} is not a valid number'.format(new_volume), expire_in=20) if relative: vol_change = new_volume new_volume += (player.volume * 100) old_volume = int(player.volume * 100) if 0 < new_volume <= 100: player.volume = new_volume / 100.0 return Response('updated volume from %d to %d' % (old_volume, new_volume), reply=True, delete_after=20) else: if relative: raise CommandError( 'Unreasonable volume change provided: {}{:+} -> {}%. Provide a change between {} and {:+}.'.format( old_volume, vol_change, old_volume + vol_change, 1 - old_volume, 100 - old_volume ), expire_in=20) else: raise CommandError( 'Unreasonable volume provided: {}%. Provide a value between 1 and 100.'.format(new_volume), expire_in=20 )
async def cmd_setnick(self, server, channel, leftover_args, nick): """ Usage: {command_prefix}setnick nick Changes the bot's nickname. """ if not channel.permissions_for( raise CommandError("Unable to change nickname: no permission.") nick = ' '.join([nick, *leftover_args]) try: await self.change_nickname(, nick) except Exception as e: raise CommandError(e, expire_in=20) return Response(":ok_hand:", delete_after=20)
async def cmd_resume(self, player): """ Usage: {command_prefix}resume Resumes playback of a paused song. """ if player.is_paused: player.resume() else: raise CommandError('Player is not paused.', expire_in=30)
async def cmd_pause(self, player): """ Usage: {command_prefix}pause Pauses playback of the current song. """ if player.is_playing: player.pause() else: raise CommandError('Player is not playing.', expire_in=30)
async def cmd_setname(self, leftover_args, name): """ Usage: {command_prefix}setname name Changes the bot's username. Note: This operation is limited by discord to twice per hour. """ name = ' '.join([name, *leftover_args]) try: await self.edit_profile(username=name) except Exception as e: raise CommandError(e, expire_in=20) return Response(":ok_hand:", delete_after=20)
async def cmd_summon(self, channel, server, author, voice_channel): """ Usage: {command_prefix}summon Call the bot to the summoner's voice channel. """ if not author.voice_channel: raise CommandError('You are not in a voice channel!') voice_client = self.voice_client_in(server) if voice_client and server == author.voice_channel.server: await voice_client.move_to(author.voice_channel) return # move to _verify_vc_perms? chperms = author.voice_channel.permissions_for( if not chperms.connect:"Cannot join channel \"%s\", no permission." % return Response("```Cannot join channel \"%s\", no permission.```" %, delete_after=25) elif not chperms.speak:"Will not join channel \"%s\", no permission to speak." % return Response( "```Will not join channel \"%s\", no permission to speak.```" %, delete_after=25) player = await self.get_player(author.voice_channel, create=True) if player.is_stopped:
async def cmd_setavatar(self, message, url=None): """ Usage: {command_prefix}setavatar [url] Changes the bot's avatar. Attaching a file and leaving the url parameter blank also works. """ if message.attachments: thing = message.attachments[0]['url'] else: thing = url.strip('<>') try: with aiohttp.Timeout(10): async with self.aiosession.get(thing) as res: await self.edit_profile(avatar=await except Exception as e: raise CommandError("Unable to change avatar: %s" % e, expire_in=20) return Response(":ok_hand:", delete_after=20)
async def cmd_seek(self, message, player, leftover_args, seek=None): """ Usage: {command_prefix}seek [seconds] Seeks the player to a specific time in seconds. """ if player.is_stopped: raise CommandError("Can't seek! The player is not playing!", expire_in=20) if not seek: return Response('A time is required to seek.', reply=True, delete_after=20) try: original_seek = seek seek = ' '.join([seek, *leftover_args]) seek = pytimeparse.parse(seek) if not seek: seek = int(original_seek) if seek < 0: raise ValueError() except (TypeError, ValueError): return Response('The time you have given is invalid.', reply=True, delete_after=20) try: except ValueError as e: return Response(str(e), delete_after=20) return Response('Seeked video to %s!' % ( str(timedelta(seconds=seek)).lstrip('0').lstrip(':') ), delete_after=20)
async def cmd_skip(self, player, channel, author, message, permissions, voice_channel): """ Usage: {command_prefix}skip Skips the current song when enough votes are cast, or by the bot owner. """ if player.is_stopped: raise CommandError("Can't skip! The player is not playing!", expire_in=20) if not player.current_entry: if player.playlist.peek(): if player.playlist.peek()._is_downloading: return Response("The next song (%s) is downloading, please wait." % player.playlist.peek().title) elif player.playlist.peek().is_downloaded:"The next song will be played shortly. Please wait.") else:"Something odd is happening. " "You might want to restart the bot if it doesn't start working.") else:"Something strange is happening. " "You might want to restart the bot if it doesn't start working.") if permissions.instaskip or author == player.current_entry.meta.get("author", None): player.skip() await self._manual_delete_check(message) return # TODO: ignore person if they're deaf or take them out of the list or something? # Currently is recounted if they vote, deafen, then vote num_voice = sum(1 for m in voice_channel.voice_members if not ( m.deaf or m.self_deaf or in [])) num_skips = player.skip_state.add_skipper(, message) skips_remaining = min( self.config.skips_required, sane_round_int(num_voice * self.config.skip_ratio_required) ) - num_skips if skips_remaining <= 0: player.skip() return Response( 'your skip for **{title}** was acknowledged.' '\nThe vote to skip has been passed.{extra}'.format( title=player.current_entry.title, extra=' Next song coming up!' if player.playlist.peek() else '' ), reply=True, delete_after=20 ) else: # TODO: When a song gets skipped, delete the old x needed to skip messages return Response( 'your skip for **{title}** was acknowledged.' '\n**{remaining}** more {votes} required to vote to skip this song.'.format( title=player.current_entry.title, remaining=skips_remaining, votes='person is' if skips_remaining == 1 else 'people are' ), reply=True, delete_after=20 )
async def cmd_search(self, player, channel, author, permissions, leftover_args): """ Usage: {command_prefix}search [service] [number] query Searches a service for a video and adds it to the queue. - service: any one of the following services: - youtube (yt) (default if unspecified) - soundcloud (sc) - yahoo (yh) - number: return a number of video results and waits for user to choose one - defaults to 1 if unspecified - note: If your search query starts with a number, you must put your query in quotes - ex: {command_prefix}search 2 "I ran seagulls" """ if permissions.max_songs and player.playlist.count_for_user(author) > permissions.max_songs: raise PermissionsError( "You have reached your enqueued song limit (%s)" % permissions.max_songs, expire_in=30 ) def argcheck(): if not leftover_args: raise CommandError( "Please specify a search query.\n%s" % dedent( cmd_search.__doc__.format(command_prefix=self.config.command_prefix)), expire_in=60 ) argcheck() try: leftover_args = shlex.split(' '.join(leftover_args)) except ValueError: raise CommandError("Please quote your search query properly.", expire_in=30) service = 'youtube' items_requested = 3 max_items = 10 # this can be whatever, but since ytdl uses about 1000, a small number might be better services = { 'youtube': 'ytsearch', 'soundcloud': 'scsearch', 'yahoo': 'yvsearch', 'yt': 'ytsearch', 'sc': 'scsearch', 'yh': 'yvsearch' } if leftover_args[0] in services: service = leftover_args.pop(0) argcheck() if leftover_args[0].isdigit(): items_requested = int(leftover_args.pop(0)) argcheck() if items_requested > max_items: raise CommandError("You cannot search for more than %s videos" % max_items) # Look jake, if you see this and go "what the f**k are you doing" # and have a better idea on how to do this, i'd be delighted to know. # I don't want to just do ' '.join(leftover_args).strip("\"'") # Because that eats both quotes if they're there # where I only want to eat the outermost ones if leftover_args[0][0] in '\'"': lchar = leftover_args[0][0] leftover_args[0] = leftover_args[0].lstrip(lchar) leftover_args[-1] = leftover_args[-1].rstrip(lchar) search_query = '%s%s:%s' % (services[service], items_requested, ' '.join(leftover_args)) search_msg = await self.send_message(channel, "Searching for videos...") try: info = await self.downloader.extract_info(player.playlist.loop, search_query, download=False, process=True) except Exception as e: await self.safe_edit_message(search_msg, str(e), send_if_fail=True) return else: await self.safe_delete_message(search_msg) if not info: return Response("No videos found.", delete_after=30) def check(m): return ( m.content.lower()[0] in 'yn' or # hardcoded function name weeee m.content.lower().startswith('{}{}'.format(self.config.command_prefix, 'search')) or m.content.lower().startswith('exit')) for e in info['entries']: result_message = await self.safe_send_message(channel, "Result %s/%s: %s" % ( info['entries'].index(e) + 1, len(info['entries']), e['webpage_url'])) confirm_message = await self.safe_send_message(channel, "Is this ok? Type `y`, `n` or `exit`") response_message = await self.wait_for_message(30, author=author, channel=channel, check=check) if not response_message: await self.safe_delete_message(result_message) await self.safe_delete_message(confirm_message) return Response("Ok nevermind.", delete_after=30) # They started a new search query so lets clean up and bugger off elif response_message.content.startswith(self.config.command_prefix) or \ response_message.content.lower().startswith('exit'): await self.safe_delete_message(result_message) await self.safe_delete_message(confirm_message) return if response_message.content.lower().startswith('y'): await self.safe_delete_message(result_message) await self.safe_delete_message(confirm_message) await self.safe_delete_message(response_message) await cmd_play(self, player, channel, author, permissions, [], e['webpage_url']) return Response("Alright, coming right up!", delete_after=30) else: await self.safe_delete_message(result_message) await self.safe_delete_message(confirm_message) await self.safe_delete_message(response_message) return Response("Oh well :frowning:", delete_after=30)
async def play_playlist_async(self, player, channel, author, permissions, playlist_url, extractor_type): """ Secret handler to use the async wizardry to make playlist queuing non-"blocking" """ info = await self.downloader.extract_info(player.playlist.loop, playlist_url, download=False, process=False) if not info: raise CommandError("That playlist cannot be played.") num_songs = sum(1 for _ in info['entries']) t0 = time.time() busymsg = await self.safe_send_message( channel, "Processing %s songs..." % num_songs) # TODO: From playlist_title entries_added = 0 if extractor_type == 'youtube:playlist': try: entries_added = await player.playlist.async_process_youtube_playlist( playlist_url, channel=channel, author=author) # TODO: Add hook to be called after each song # TODO: Add permissions except Exception: traceback.print_exc() self.sentry.captureException() raise CommandError('Error handling playlist %s queuing.' % playlist_url, expire_in=30) elif extractor_type.lower() in ['soundcloud:set', 'bandcamp:album']: try: entries_added = await player.playlist.async_process_sc_bc_playlist( playlist_url, channel=channel, author=author) # TODO: Add hook to be called after each song # TODO: Add permissions except Exception: traceback.print_exc() self.sentry.captureException() raise CommandError('Error handling playlist %s queuing.' % playlist_url, expire_in=30) songs_processed = len(entries_added) drop_count = 0 skipped = False if permissions.max_song_length: for e in entries_added.copy(): if e.duration > permissions.max_song_length: try: player.playlist.entries.remove(e) entries_added.remove(e) drop_count += 1 except: pass if drop_count:"Dropped %s songs" % drop_count) if player.current_entry and player.current_entry.duration > permissions.max_song_length: await self.safe_delete_message(self.server_specific_data[channel.server]['last_np_msg']) self.server_specific_data[channel.server]['last_np_msg'] = None skipped = True player.skip() entries_added.pop() await self.safe_delete_message(busymsg) songs_added = len(entries_added) tnow = time.time() ttime = tnow - t0 wait_per_song = 1.2 # TODO: actually calculate wait per song in the process function and return that too # This is technically inaccurate since bad songs are ignored but still take up time"Processed {}/{} songs in {} seconds at {:.2f}s/song, {:+.2g}/song from expected ({}s)".format( songs_processed, num_songs, fixg(ttime), ttime / num_songs, ttime / num_songs - wait_per_song, fixg(wait_per_song * num_songs)) ) if not songs_added: basetext = "No songs were added, all songs were over max duration (%ss)" % permissions.max_song_length if skipped: basetext += "\nAdditionally, the current song was skipped for being too long." raise CommandError(basetext, expire_in=30) return Response("Enqueued {} songs to be played in {} seconds".format( songs_added, fixg(ttime, 1)), delete_after=30)
async def cmd_play(self, player, channel, author, permissions, leftover_args, song_url): """ Usage: {command_prefix}play song_link {command_prefix}play text to search for Adds the song to the playlist. If a link is not provided, the first result from a youtube search is added to the queue. """ song_url = song_url.strip('<>') if permissions.max_songs and player.playlist.count_for_user(author) >= permissions.max_songs: raise PermissionsError( "You have reached your enqueued song limit (%s)" % permissions.max_songs, expire_in=30 ) if leftover_args: song_url = ' '.join([song_url, *leftover_args]) if song_url.startswith("prepend:"): song_url = song_url.lstrip("prepend:") prepend = True else: prepend = False try: info = await self.downloader.extract_info(player.playlist.loop, song_url, download=False, process=False) except Exception as e: raise CommandError(e, expire_in=30) if not info: raise CommandError("That video cannot be played.", expire_in=30) # abstract the search handling away from the user # our ytdl options allow us to use search strings as input urls if info.get('url', '').startswith('ytsearch'): #"[Command:play] Searching for \"%s\"" % song_url) info = await self.downloader.extract_info( player.playlist.loop, song_url, download=False, process=True, # ASYNC LAMBDAS WHEN on_error=lambda e: asyncio.ensure_future( self.safe_send_message(channel, "```\n%s\n```" % e, expire_in=120), loop=self.loop), retry_on_error=True ) if not info: raise CommandError( "Error extracting info from search string, youtubedl returned no data. " "You may need to restart the bot if this continues to happen.", expire_in=30 ) if not all(info.get('entries', [])): # empty list, no data return song_url = info['entries'][0]['webpage_url'] info = await self.downloader.extract_info(player.playlist.loop, song_url, download=False, process=False) # Now I could just do: return await self.cmd_play(player, channel, author, song_url) # But this is probably fine # TODO: Possibly add another check here to see about things like the bandcamp issue # TODO: Where ytdl gets the generic extractor version with no processing, but finds two different urls if 'entries' in info: # I have to do exe extra checks anyways because you can request an arbitrary number of search results if not permissions.allow_playlists and ':search' in info['extractor'] and len(info['entries']) > 1: raise PermissionsError("You are not allowed to request playlists", expire_in=30) # The only reason we would use this over `len(info['entries'])` is if we add `if _` to this one num_songs = sum(1 for _ in info['entries']) if permissions.max_playlist_length and num_songs > permissions.max_playlist_length: raise PermissionsError( "Playlist has too many entries (%s > %s)" % (num_songs, permissions.max_playlist_length), expire_in=30 ) # This is a little bit weird when it says (x + 0 > y), I might add the other check back in if permissions.max_songs and player.playlist.count_for_user(author) + num_songs > permissions.max_songs: raise PermissionsError( "Playlist entries + your already queued songs reached limit (%s + %s > %s)" % ( num_songs, player.playlist.count_for_user(author), permissions.max_songs), expire_in=30 ) if info['extractor'].lower() in ['youtube:playlist', 'soundcloud:set', 'bandcamp:album']: try: return await play_playlist_async(self, player, channel, author, permissions, song_url, info['extractor']) except CommandError: raise except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() self.sentry.captureException() raise CommandError("Error queuing playlist:\n%s" % e, expire_in=30) t0 = time.time() # My test was 1.2 seconds per song, but we maybe should fudge it a bit, unless we can # monitor it and edit the message with the estimated time, but that's some ADVANCED SHIT # I don't think we can hook into it anyways, so this will have to do. # It would probably be a thread to check a few playlists and get the speed from that # Different playlists might download at different speeds though wait_per_song = 1.2 procmesg = await self.safe_send_message( channel, 'Gathering playlist information for {} songs{}'.format( num_songs, ', ETA: {} seconds'.format(fixg( num_songs * wait_per_song)) if num_songs >= 10 else '.')) # TODO: I can create an event emitter object instead, add event functions, and every play list might be asyncified # Also have a "verify_entry" hook with the entry as an arg and returns the entry if its ok entry_list, position = await player.playlist.import_from(song_url, channel=channel, author=author) tnow = time.time() ttime = tnow - t0 listlen = len(entry_list) drop_count = 0 if permissions.max_song_length: for e in entry_list.copy(): if e.duration > permissions.max_song_length: player.playlist.entries.remove(e) entry_list.remove(e) drop_count += 1 # Im pretty sure there's no situation where this would ever break # Unless the first entry starts being played, which would make this a race condition if drop_count:"Dropped %s songs" % drop_count) try:"Processed {} songs in {} seconds at {:.2f}s/song, {:+.2g}/song from expected ({}s)".format( listlen, fixg(ttime), ttime / listlen, ttime / listlen - wait_per_song, fixg(wait_per_song * num_songs)) ) except ZeroDivisionError: pass await self.safe_delete_message(procmesg) if not listlen - drop_count: raise CommandError( "No songs were added, all songs were over max duration (%ss)" % permissions.max_song_length, expire_in=30 ) reply_text = "Enqueued **%s** songs to be played. Position in queue: %s" btext = str(listlen - drop_count) else: if permissions.max_song_length and info.get('duration', 0) > permissions.max_song_length: raise PermissionsError( "Song duration exceeds limit (%s > %s)" % (info['duration'], permissions.max_song_length), expire_in=30 ) try: entry, position = await player.playlist.add_entry(song_url, channel=channel, author=author, prepend=prepend) except RetryPlay: new_url = song_url.replace("/", " ") return await cmd_play(self, player, channel, author, permissions, leftover_args, new_url) except WrongEntryTypeError as e: if e.use_url == song_url:"[Warning] Determined incorrect entry type, but suggested url is the same. Help.") return await cmd_play(self, player, channel, author, permissions, leftover_args, e.use_url) reply_text = "Enqueued **%s** to be played. Position in queue: %s" btext = entry.title if position == 1 and player.is_stopped: position = 'Up next!' reply_text %= (btext, position) else: try: time_until = await player.playlist.estimate_time_until(position, player) reply_text += ' - estimated time until playing: %s' except: traceback.print_exc() self.sentry.captureException() time_until = '' reply_text %= (btext, position, time_until) return Response(reply_text, delete_after=30)