def addReleases(artist_id, update_artist = True):
  artist_record = Artist.get(id=artist_id)
  musicbrainz_artist = musicbrainz.getBestArtistMatch(
  release_ids = []

  for release in musicbrainz_artist.getReleases():

  # These release results do not contain all the information, we must re-query for that info...
  for rid in release_ids:
    release = musicbrainz.getRelease(rid)

    if not release: continue

    release_group_id = utils.extractUuid(release.getReleaseGroup().id)

      release_group_tracked = Album.get(release_group_id=release_group_id)
    except peewee.DoesNotExist:
      release_group_tracked = None

    if release_group_tracked: continue

    release_record = Album.create(
        musicbrainz_id = rid,
        asin = release.getAsin(),
        release_group_id = release_group_id,
        artist_id = artist_id,
        name = release.getTitle(),
        type = release.getType(),
        released_on = release.getEarliestReleaseDate(),
        state = 'wanted')

    track_number = 1

    for track in release.getTracks():
          album_id =,
          number = track_number,
          title = track.getTitle(),
          length = track.getDuration(),
          state = 'wanted')

      track_number += 1

  # Rescan the Music Library after adding new releases to see if the user has 
  # them or not. Will not run if explicitly told not to by the caller.
  if(update_artist): ThreadPool.put(updateArtist, {'artist_id': artist_id})
def addArtist(id3_artist_name, path):
  musicbrainz_artist = musicbrainz.getBestArtistMatch(id3_artist_name)

  if musicbrainz_artist is None:
    unique_name = id3_artist_name
    artist_mb_id = None
    unique_name = musicbrainz_artist.getUniqueName()
    artist_mb_id = utils.extractUuid(

    artist = Artist.get(peewee.Q(musicbrainz_id=artist_mb_id) | peewee.Q(unique_name=unique_name))
  except peewee.DoesNotExist:
    artist = Artist.create(
        name = id3_artist_name,
        unique_name = unique_name,
        location = path,
        state = 'wanted',
        musicbrainz_id = artist_mb_id)

  return artist