    def __init__(self, generator, queryengine, errorfx=mean_mismatch_error,
        """Initialize the base class for "naive" searchlight classifiers

        generator : `Generator`
          Some `Generator` to prepare partitions for cross-validation.
          It must not change "targets", thus e.g. no AttributePermutator's
        errorfx : func, optional
          Functor that computes a scalar error value from the vectors of
          desired and predicted values (e.g. subclass of `ErrorFunction`).
        indexsum : ('sparse', 'fancy'), optional
          What use to compute sums over arbitrary columns.  'fancy'
          corresponds to regular fancy indexing over columns, whenever
          in 'sparse', product of sparse matrices is used (usually
          faster, so is default if `scipy` is available).
        reuse_neighbors : bool, optional
          Compute neighbors information only once, thus allowing for
          efficient reuse on subsequent calls where dataset's feature
          attributes remain the same (e.g. during permutation testing)
        splitter : Splitter, optional
          Which will be used to split partitioned datasets.  If None specified
          then standard one operating on partitions will be used

        # init base class first
        BaseSearchlight.__init__(self, queryengine, **kwargs)

        self._errorfx = errorfx
        self._generator = generator
        self._splitter = splitter

        # TODO: move into _call since resetting over default None
        #       obscures __repr__
        if indexsum is None:
            if externals.exists('scipy'):
                indexsum = 'sparse'
                indexsum = 'fancy'
            if indexsum == 'sparse' and not externals.exists('scipy'):
                warning("Scipy.sparse isn't available so taking 'fancy' as "
                        "'indexsum' method.")
                indexsum = 'fancy'
        self._indexsum = indexsum

        if not self.nproc in (None, 1):
            raise NotImplementedError, "For now only nproc=1 (or None for " \
                  "autodetection) is supported by GNBSearchlight"

        self.__pb = None            # statistics per each block/label
        self.__reuse_neighbors = reuse_neighbors

        # Storage to be used for neighborhood information
        self.__roi_fids = None
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize the base class for "naive" searchlight classifiers

        generator : `Generator`
          Some `Generator` to prepare partitions for cross-validation.
          It must not change "targets", thus e.g. no AttributePermutator's
        errorfx : func, optional
          Functor that computes a scalar error value from the vectors of
          desired and predicted values (e.g. subclass of `ErrorFunction`).
        indexsum : ('sparse', 'fancy'), optional
          What use to compute sums over arbitrary columns.  'fancy'
          corresponds to regular fancy indexing over columns, whenever
          in 'sparse', product of sparse matrices is used (usually
          faster, so is default if `scipy` is available).
        reuse_neighbors : bool, optional
          Compute neighbors information only once, thus allowing for
          efficient reuse on subsequent calls where dataset's feature
          attributes remain the same (e.g. during permutation testing)

        # init base class first
        BaseSearchlight.__init__(self, queryengine, **kwargs)

        self._errorfx = errorfx
        self._generator = generator

        # TODO: move into _call since resetting over default None
        #       obscures __repr__
        if indexsum is None:
            if externals.exists('scipy'):
                indexsum = 'sparse'
                indexsum = 'fancy'
            if indexsum == 'sparse' and not externals.exists('scipy'):
                warning("Scipy.sparse isn't available so taking 'fancy' as "
                        "'indexsum' method.")
                indexsum = 'fancy'
        self._indexsum = indexsum

        if not self.nproc in (None, 1):
            raise NotImplementedError, "For now only nproc=1 (or None for " \
                  "autodetection) is supported by GNBSearchlight"

        self.__pb = None  # statistics per each block/label
        self.__reuse_neighbors = reuse_neighbors

        # Storage to be used for neighborhood information
        self.__roi_fids = None
    def __init__(self, gnb, generator, qe, errorfx=mean_mismatch_error,
                 indexsum=None, **kwargs):
        """Initialize a GNBSearchlight

        gnb : `GNB`
          `GNB` classifier as the specification of what GNB parameters
          to use. Instance itself isn't used.
        generator : `Generator`
          Some `Generator` to prepare partitions for cross-validation.
        errorfx : func, optional
          Functor that computes a scalar error value from the vectors of
          desired and predicted values (e.g. subclass of `ErrorFunction`).
        indexsum : ('sparse', 'fancy'), optional
          What use to compute sums over arbitrary columns.  'fancy'
          corresponds to regular fancy indexing over columns, whenever
          in 'sparse', produce of sparse matrices is used (usually
          faster, so is default if `scipy` is available.

        # init base class first
        BaseSearchlight.__init__(self, qe, **kwargs)

        self._errorfx = errorfx
        self._generator = generator
        self._gnb = gnb

        if indexsum is None:
            if externals.exists('scipy'):
                indexsum = 'sparse'
                indexsum = 'fancy'
            if indexsum == 'sparse' and not externals.exists('scipy'):
                warning("Scipy.sparse isn't available so taking 'fancy' as "
                        "'indexsum' method.")
                indexsum = 'fancy'
        self._indexsum = indexsum

        if not self.nproc in (None, 1):
            raise NotImplementedError, "For now only nproc=1 (or None for " \
                  "autodetection) is supported by GNBSearchlight"