def avg_trans_sens(normalize, bilateral, classifier, sensitivities, roi_pair): """ Average sensitivities, normalize then -- if applicable --, flip the sign -- if necessary. """ if normalize: mean_sens = norm_and_mean(norm=True, bilateral=bilateral, classifier=classifier, sensitivities=sensitivities ) else: mean_sens = norm_and_mean(norm=False, bilateral=bilateral, classifier=classifier, sensitivities=sensitivities ) # if the roi pair order is the reverse of that during sensitivity calculation if (roi_pair[0] == np.unique(roi_pair)[0]) & (roi_pair[1] == np.unique(roi_pair)[1]): # flip the sign print(""" The specified order of ROIs was {}, but the internal sensitivity computation uses {}. To avoid interpretation difficulties, the sensitivity signs get flipped. """.format(roi_pair, [np.unique(roi_pair)[1], np.unique(roi_pair)[0]])) mean_sens = flip_sensitivities(mean_sens) # transpose the averaged sensitivity dataset mean_sens_transposed = mean_sens.get_mapped(mv.TransposeMapper()) return mean_sens_transposed
def dotheglm(sensitivities, eventdir): """dotheglm does the glm. It will squish the sensitivity dataset by vstacking them, calculating the mean sensitivity per ROI pair with the mean_group_sample() function, transpose it with a TransposeMapper(). It will get the event files and read them in, average the durations because there are tiny differences between subjects, and then it will put all of that into a glm. """ sensitivities_stacked = mv.vstack(sensitivities) if bilateral:['bilat_ROIs_str'] = map(lambda p: '_'.join(p), mean_sens = mv.mean_group_sample(['bilat_ROIs_str'])(sensitivities_stacked) else:['all_ROIs_str'] = map(lambda p: '_'.join(p), mean_sens = mv.mean_group_sample(['all_ROIs_str'])(sensitivities_stacked) mean_sens_transposed = mean_sens.get_mapped(mv.TransposeMapper()) # average onsets into one event file events = get_group_events(eventdir) # save the event_file fmt = "%10.3f\t%10.3f\t%16s\t%60s" np.savetxt(results_dir + 'group_events.tsv', events, delimiter='\t', comments='', header='onset\tduration\ttrial_type\tstim_file', fmt=fmt) # get events into dictionary events_dicts = [] for i in range(0, len(events)): dic = { 'onset': events[i][0], 'duration': events[i][1], 'condition': events[i][2] } events_dicts.append(dic) hrf_estimates = mv.fit_event_hrf_model(mean_sens_transposed, events_dicts, time_attr='time_coords', condition_attr='condition', design_kwargs=dict(drift_model='blank'), glmfit_kwargs=dict(model='ols'), return_model=True) mv.h5save(results_dir + 'sens_glm_objectcategories_results.hdf5', hrf_estimates) print('calculated glm, saving results.') return hrf_estimates
def project_betas(ds, analysis, eventdir, results_dir, annot_dir=None, ): """ Currently unused, but can become relevant later on. Will keep it in Project beta values from 2nd analysis approach into the brain. Current problem: For first analysis type overlaps are excluded (for classification purposes), so we need to do the glm on data with overlaps. Thats why its a separate function and not integrated into the reversed analysis. :return: nifti images... many nifti images in a dictionary # project beta estimates back into a brain. I'll save-guard this function for now, because there is still # the unsolved overlap issue... project_beta = False if project_beta: print('going on to project resulting betas back into brain...') subs = np.unique( regs = hrf_estimates_transposed.fa.condition assert len(subs) > 0 from collections import OrderedDict result_maps = OrderedDict() for sub in subs: print('...for subject {}...'.format(sub)) result_maps[sub] = OrderedDict() # subset to participants dataframe data = mv.Dataset(hrf_estimates_transposed.samples[ == sub], fa=hrf_estimates_transposed[ == sub].fa, sa=hrf_estimates_transposed[ == sub].sa) # loop over regressors for idx, reg in enumerate(regs): result_map = buildremapper(ds_type, sub, data.samples.T[idx], # we select one beta vector per regressor ) # populate a nested dict with the resulting nifti images # this guy has one nifti image per regressor for each subject result_maps[sub][reg] = result_map # Those result maps can be quick-and-dirty-plotted with # mri_args = {'background' : 'sourcedata/tnt/sub-01/bold3Tp2/in_grpbold3Tp2/head.nii.gz', # 'background_mask': 'sub-01/ses-movie/anat/brain_mask_tmpl.nii.gz'} # fig = mv.plot_lightbox(overlay=result_maps['sub-01']['scene'], vlim=(1.5, None), **mri_args) # TODO: maybe save the result map? Done with map2nifti(ds, da).to_filename('blabla{}'.format(reg) # how do we know which regressors have highest betas for given ROI? averaging? #from collections import OrderedDict #betas = [np.mean(hrf_estimates.samples[i][hrf_estimates.fa.bilat_ROIs == 'PPA']) for i, reg in enumerate(regs)] # to get it sorted: OrderedDict(sorted(zip(regs, betas), key=lambda x:x[1])) """ ds_transposed = ds.get_mapped(mv.TransposeMapper()) assert ds_transposed.shape[0] < ds_transposed.shape[1] # get the appropriate event file. extract runs, chunks, timecoords from transposed dataset chunks, runs, runonsets = False, False, False if analysis == 'avmovie': ds_transposed, chunks, runs, runonsets = get_avmovietimes(ds_transposed) events_dicts = get_events(analysis=analysis, eventdir=eventdir, results_dir=results_dir, chunks=chunks, runs=runs, runonsets=runonsets, annot_dir=annot_dir, multimatch=False) # step 1: do the glm on the data hrf_estimates = mv.fit_event_hrf_model(ds_transposed, events_dicts, time_attr='time_coords', condition_attr='condition', design_kwargs=dict(drift_model='blank'), glmfit_kwargs=dict(model='ols'), return_model=True) # lets save these mv.h5save(results_dir + '/' + 'betas_from_2nd_approach.hdf5', hrf_estimates) print('calculated the glm, saving results') # step 2: get the results back into a transposed form, because we want to have time points as features & extract the betas hrf_estimates_transposed = hrf_estimates.get_mapped(mv.TransposeMapper()) assert hrf_estimates_transposed.samples.shape[0] > hrf_estimates_transposed.samples.shape[1] subs = np.unique( print('going on to project resulting betas back into brain...') regs = hrf_estimates_transposed.fa.condition assert len(subs) > 0 from collections import OrderedDict result_maps = OrderedDict() for sub in subs: print('...for subject {}...'.format(sub)) result_maps[sub] = OrderedDict() # subset to participants dataframe data = mv.Dataset(hrf_estimates_transposed.samples[ == sub], fa=hrf_estimates_transposed[ == sub].fa, sa=hrf_estimates_transposed[ == sub].sa) # loop over regressors for idx, reg in enumerate(regs): result_map = buildremapper(sub, data.samples.T[idx], # we select one beta vector per regressor ds_type='full', # currently we can only do this for the full ds. ) # populate a nested dict with the resulting nifti images # this guy has one nifti image per regressor for each subject result_maps[sub][reg] = result_map # Those result maps can be quick-and-dirty-plotted with # mri_args = {'background' : 'sourcedata/tnt/sub-01/bold3Tp2/in_grpbold3Tp2/head.nii.gz', # 'background_mask': 'sub-01/ses-movie/anat/brain_mask_tmpl.nii.gz'} # fig = mv.plot_lightbox(overlay=result_maps['sub-01']['scene'], vlim=(1.5, None), **mri_args) # TODO: maybe save the result map? Done with map2nifti(ds, da).to_filename('blabla{}'.format(reg) # how do we know which regressors have highest betas for given ROI? averaging? #from collections import OrderedDict #betas = [np.mean(hrf_estimates.samples[i][hrf_estimates.fa.bilat_ROIs == 'PPA']) for i, reg in enumerate(regs)] # to get it sorted: OrderedDict(sorted(zip(regs, betas), key=lambda x:x[1])) return result_maps
def makeaplot(events, sensitivities, hrf_estimates, roi_pair, fn=None, include_all_regressors=False): """ This produces a time series plot for the roi class comparison specified in roi_pair such as roi_pair = ['left FFA', 'left PPA']. If include_all_regressors = True, the function will create a potentially overloaded legend with all of the regressors, regardless of they occurred in the run. (Plotting then takes longer, but is a useful option if all regressors are of relevance and can be twitched in inkscape). If the figure should be saved, spcify an existing path in the parameter fn. # TODO's for the future: runs=None, overlap=False, grouping (should be a way to not rely # on hardcoded stimuli and colors within function anymore, with Ordered Dicts): """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # normalize the sensitivities from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize import copy #default for normalization is the L2 norm sensitivities_to_normalize = copy.deepcopy(sensitivities) for i in range(len(sensitivities)): sensitivities_to_normalize[i].samples = normalize( sensitivities_to_normalize[i].samples, axis=1) sensitivities_stacked = mv.vstack(sensitivities_to_normalize) # get the mean, because we don't want to have 15 folds of sensitivities, but their average if bilateral:['bilat_ROIs_str'] = map( lambda p: '_'.join(p), mean_sens = mv.mean_group_sample(['bilat_ROIs_str' ])(sensitivities_stacked) else:['all_ROIs_str'] = map( lambda p: '_'.join(p), mean_sens = mv.mean_group_sample(['all_ROIs_str' ])(sensitivities_stacked) mean_sens_transposed = mean_sens.get_mapped(mv.TransposeMapper()) chunks = assert np.all(chunks[1:] >= chunks[:-1]) # TR was not preserved/carried through in .a # so we will guestimate it based on the values of time_coords runs = np.unique( tc = TRdirty = sorted(np.unique(tc[1:] - tc[:-1]))[-1] assert np.abs(np.round(TRdirty, decimals=2) - TRdirty) < 0.0001 = np.arange( len(mean_sens_transposed)) * TRdirty # those runlengths = [ np.max(tc[ == run]) + TRdirty for run in runs ] runonsets = [sum(runlengths[:run]) for run in runs] # just append any large number to accomodate the fact that the last run also needs an # at some point. runonsets.append(99999) for j in range(len(hrf_estimates.fa.bilat_ROIs_str)): comparison = hrf_estimates.fa.targets[j][0] if (roi_pair[0] in comparison) and (roi_pair[1] in comparison): roi_pair_idx = j roi_betas_ds = hrf_estimates[:, roi_pair_idx] roi_sens_ds = mean_sens_transposed[:, roi_pair_idx] from collections import OrderedDict block_design_betas = OrderedDict( sorted(zip(, roi_betas_ds.samples[:, 0]), key=lambda x: x[1])) block_design = list(block_design_betas) for run in runs: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=[18, 10]) colors = [ '#7b241c', '#e74c3c', '#154360', '#3498db', '#145a32', '#27ae60', '#9a7d0a', '#f4d03f', '#5b2c6f', '#a569bd', '#616a6b', '#ccd1d1' ] plt.suptitle( 'Timecourse of sensitivities, {} versus {}, run {}'.format( roi_pair[0], roi_pair[1], run + 1), fontsize='large') # 2 is a TR here... sorry, we are in rush run_onset = int(runonsets[run] // 2) run_offset = int(runonsets[run + 1] // 2) # for each run, adjust the x-axis plt.xlim([ min([run_onset:int(run_offset)] ), max([run_onset:int(run_offset)]) ]) plt.ylim([-2.7, 4.5]) plt.xlabel('Time in sec') plt.legend(loc=1) plt.grid(True) # for each stimulus, plot a color band on top of the plot for stimulus in block_design: # color = colors[0] print(stimulus) condition_event_mask = events['condition'] == stimulus onsets = events[condition_event_mask]['onset'].values onsets_run = [ time for time in onsets if np.logical_and(time > run_onset * 2, time < run_offset * 2) ] durations = events[condition_event_mask]['duration'].values durations_run = [ dur for idx, dur in enumerate(durations) if np.logical_and(onsets[idx] > run_onset * 2, onsets[idx] < run_offset * 2) ] # prepare for plotting r_height = 0.3 y = 4 if stimulus.startswith('run'): continue if stimulus.startswith('location'): # gradually decrease alpha level over occurances of location stims y -= r_height color = 'darkgreen' elif 'face' in stimulus: if stimulus == 'many_faces': color = 'tomato' else: color = 'firebrick' elif stimulus == 'exterior': color = 'cornflowerblue' y -= 2 * r_height elif stimulus.startswith('time'): color = 'darkslategrey' y -= 3 * r_height elif stimulus == 'night': color = 'slategray' y -= 4 * r_height elif stimulus == 'scene-change': color = 'black' y -= 5 * r_height # get the beta corresponding to the stimulus to later use in label beta = roi_betas_ds.samples[ == stimulus, 0] if include_all_regressors and onsets_run == []: # if there are no onsets for a particular regressor, but we want to print all # regressors, set i manually to 0 rectangle = plt.Rectangle( (0, 0), 0, 0, fc=color, alpha=0.5, label='_' * 0 + stimulus.replace(" ", "") + '(' + str('%.2f' % beta) + ')') plt.gca().add_patch(rectangle) for i, x in enumerate(onsets_run): # We need the i to trick the labeling. It will attempt to plot every single occurance # of a stimulus with numbered labels. However, appending a '_' to the label makes # matplotlib disregard it. If we attach an '_' * i to the label, all but the first onset # get a '_' prefix and are ignored. r_width = durations_run[i] rectangle = plt.Rectangle( (x, y), r_width, r_height, fc=color, alpha=0.5, label='_' * i + stimulus.replace(" ", "") + '(' + str('%.2f' % beta) + ')') plt.gca().add_patch(rectangle) plt.legend(loc=1) # plt.axis('scaled') # del colors[0] times =[run_onset:run_offset] ax.plot(times, roi_sens_ds.samples[run_onset:run_offset], '-', color='black', lw=1.0) # plot glm model results glm_model = hrf_estimates.a.model.results_[0.0].predicted[ run_onset:int(run_offset), roi_pair_idx] # ax2 = ax.twinx() ax.plot(times, glm_model, '-', color='#7b241c', lw=1.0) model_fit = hrf_estimates.a.model.results_[0.0].R2[roi_pair_idx] plt.title('R squared: %.2f' % model_fit) if fn: plt.savefig(results_dir + 'timecourse_avmovie_glm_sens_{}_vs_{}_run-{}.svg'. format(roi_pair[0], roi_pair[1], run + 1))
def dotheglm(sensitivities, eventdir, annot_dir): """dotheglm does the glm. It will squish the sensitivity dataset by vstacking them, calculating the mean sensitivity per ROI pair with the mean_group_sample() function, transpose it with a TransposeMapper(). It will get the event files and read them into an apprpriate. data structure. It will compute one glm per run. """ # normalize the sensitivities from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize import copy #default for normalization is the L2 norm sensitivities_to_normalize = copy.deepcopy(sensitivities) for i in range(len(sensitivities)): sensitivities_to_normalize[i].samples = normalize( sensitivities_to_normalize[i].samples, axis=1) sensitivities_stacked = mv.vstack(sensitivities_to_normalize) if bilateral:['bilat_ROIs_str'] = map( lambda p: '_'.join(p), mean_sens = mv.mean_group_sample(['bilat_ROIs_str' ])(sensitivities_stacked) else:['all_ROIs_str'] = map( lambda p: '_'.join(p), mean_sens = mv.mean_group_sample(['all_ROIs_str' ])(sensitivities_stacked) mean_sens_transposed = mean_sens.get_mapped(mv.TransposeMapper()) # get a list of the event files with occurances of faces event_files = sorted(glob(eventdir + '/*')) assert len(event_files) == 8 # get additional events from the location annotation location_annotation = pd.read_csv(annot_dir, sep='\t') # get all settings with more than one occurrence setting = [ set for set in location_annotation.setting.unique() if (location_annotation.setting[location_annotation.setting == set].value_counts()[0] > 1) ] # get onsets and durations onset = [] duration = [] condition = [] for set in setting: for i in range(location_annotation.setting[ location_annotation['setting'] == set].value_counts()[0]): onset.append(location_annotation[location_annotation['setting'] == set]['onset'].values[i]) duration.append(location_annotation[location_annotation['setting'] == set]['duration'].values[i]) condition.append([set] * (i + 1)) # flatten conditions condition = [y for x in condition for y in x] assert len(condition) == len(onset) == len(duration) # concatenate the strings condition_str = [set.replace(' ', '_') for set in condition] condition_str = ['location_' + set for set in condition_str] # put it in a dataframe locations = pd.DataFrame({ 'onset': onset, 'duration': duration, 'condition': condition_str }) # sort according to onsets to be paranoid locations_sorted = locations.sort_values(by='onset') # this is a dataframe encoding flow of time time_forward = pd.DataFrame( [{ 'condition': 'time+', 'onset': location_annotation['onset'][i], 'duration': 1.0 } for i in range(len(location_annotation) - 1) if location_annotation['flow_of_time'][i] in ['+', '++']]) time_back = pd.DataFrame( [{ 'condition': 'time-', 'onset': location_annotation['onset'][i], 'duration': 1.0 } for i in range(len(location_annotation) - 1) if location_annotation['flow_of_time'][i] in ['-', '--']]) # sort according to onsets to be paranoid time_forward_sorted = time_forward.sort_values(by='onset') time_back_sorted = time_back.sort_values(by='onset') scene_change = pd.DataFrame([{ 'condition': 'scene-change', 'onset': location_annotation['onset'][i], 'duration': 1.0 } for i in range(len(location_annotation) - 1)]) scene_change_sorted = scene_change.sort_values(by='onset') # this is a dataframe encoding exterior exterior = pd.DataFrame([{ 'condition': 'exterior', 'onset': location_annotation['onset'][i], 'duration': location_annotation['duration'][i] } for i in range(len(location_annotation) - 1) if (location_annotation['int_or_ext'][i] == 'ext') ]) # sort according to onsets to be paranoid exterior_sorted = exterior.sort_values(by='onset') # this is a dataframe encoding nighttime night = pd.DataFrame([{ 'condition': 'night', 'onset': location_annotation['onset'][i], 'duration': location_annotation['duration'][i] } for i in range(len(location_annotation) - 1) if (location_annotation['time_of_day'][i] == 'night') ]) # sort according to onsets to be paranoid night_sorted = night.sort_values(by='onset') assert np.all( locations_sorted.onset[1:].values >= locations_sorted.onset[:-1].values ) assert np.all( time_back_sorted.onset[1:].values >= time_back_sorted.onset[:-1].values ) assert np.all(time_forward_sorted.onset[1:].values >= time_forward_sorted.onset[:-1].values) assert np.all( exterior_sorted.onset[1:].values >= exterior_sorted.onset[:-1].values) assert np.all( night_sorted.onset[1:].values >= night_sorted.onset[:-1].values) assert np.all(scene_change_sorted.onset[1:].values >= scene_change_sorted.onset[:-1].values) # check whether chunks are increasing as well as sanity check chunks = assert np.all(chunks[1:] >= chunks[:-1]) # TR was not preserved/carried through in .a # so we will guestimate it based on the values of time_coords tc = TRdirty = sorted(np.unique(tc[1:] - tc[:-1]))[-1] assert np.abs(np.round(TRdirty, decimals=2) - TRdirty) < 0.0001 # make time coordinates real seconds = np.arange( len(mean_sens_transposed)) * TRdirty # get runs, and runlengths in seconds runs = sorted(mean_sens_transposed.UC) assert runs == range(len(runs)) runlengths = [ np.max(tc[ == run]) + TRdirty for run in runs ] runonsets = [sum(runlengths[:run]) for run in runs] assert len(runs) == 8 # initialize the list of dicts that gets later passed to the glm events_dicts = [] # This is relevant to later stack all dataframes together # and paranoidly make sure that they have the same columns cols = ['onset', 'duration', 'condition'] for run in runs: # get face data eventfile = sorted(event_files)[run] events = pd.read_csv(eventfile, sep='\t') for index, row in events.iterrows(): # disregard no faces, put everything else into event structure if row['condition'] != 'no_face': dic = { 'onset': row['onset'] + runonsets[run], 'duration': row['duration'], 'condition': row['condition'] } events_dicts.append(dic) # concatenate all event dataframes run_reg = pd.DataFrame([{ 'onset': runonsets[i], 'duration': abs(runonsets[i] - runonsets[i + 1]), 'condition': 'run-' + str(i + 1) } for i in range(7)]) # get all of these wonderful dataframes into a list and squish them dfs = [ locations_sorted[cols], scene_change_sorted[cols], time_back_sorted[cols], time_forward_sorted, exterior_sorted[cols], night_sorted[cols], run_reg[cols] ] allevents = pd.concat(dfs) # save all non-face related events in an event file, just for the sake of it allevents.to_csv(results_dir + '/' + 'non_face_regs.tsv', sep='\t', index=False) # append non-faceevents to event structure for glm for index, row in allevents.iterrows(): dic = { 'onset': row['onset'], 'duration': row['duration'], 'condition': row['condition'] } events_dicts.append(dic) # save this event dicts structure as a tsv file import csv with open(results_dir + '/' + 'full_event_file.tsv', 'w') as tsvfile: fieldnames = ['onset', 'duration', 'condition'] writer = csv.DictWriter(tsvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, delimiter='\t') writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(events_dicts) # save this event file also as json file... can there ever be enough different files... import json with open(results_dir + '/' + 'allevents.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(events_dicts, f) # do the glm - we've earned it hrf_estimates = mv.fit_event_hrf_model( mean_sens_transposed, events_dicts, time_attr='time_coords', condition_attr='condition', design_kwargs=dict(drift_model='blank'), glmfit_kwargs=dict(model='ols'), return_model=True) mv.h5save(results_dir + '/' + 'sens_glm_avmovie_results.hdf5', hrf_estimates) print('calculated the, saving results.') return hrf_estimates
def makeaplot(events, sensitivities, hrf_estimates, roi_pair, fn=True): """ This produces a time series plot for the roi class comparison specified in roi_pair such as roi_pair = ['left FFA', 'left PPA'] """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # take the mean and transpose the sensitivities sensitivities_stacked = mv.vstack(sensitivities) if bilateral:['bilat_ROIs_str'] = map(lambda p: '_'.join(p), mean_sens = mv.mean_group_sample(['bilat_ROIs_str'])(sensitivities_stacked) else:['all_ROIs_str'] = map(lambda p: '_'.join(p), mean_sens = mv.mean_group_sample(['all_ROIs_str'])(sensitivities_stacked) mean_sens_transposed = mean_sens.get_mapped(mv.TransposeMapper()) # some parameters # get the conditions block_design = sorted(np.unique(events['trial_type'])) reorder = [0, 6, 1, 7, 2, 8, 3, 9, 4, 10, 5, 11] block_design = [block_design[i] for i in reorder] # end indices to chunk timeseries into runs run_startidx = np.array([0, 157, 313, 469]) run_endidx = np.array([156, 312, 468, 624]) runs = np.unique( for j in range(len(hrf_estimates.fa.bilat_ROIs_str)): comparison = hrf_estimates.fa.bilat_ROIs[j][0] if (roi_pair[0] in comparison) and (roi_pair[1] in comparison): roi_pair_idx = j roi_betas_ds = hrf_estimates[:, roi_pair_idx] roi_sens_ds = mean_sens_transposed[:, roi_pair_idx] for run in runs: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=[18, 10]) colors = ['#7b241c', '#e74c3c', '#154360', '#3498db', '#145a32', '#27ae60', '#9a7d0a', '#f4d03f', '#5b2c6f', '#a569bd', '#616a6b', '#ccd1d1'] plt.suptitle('Timecourse of sensitivities, {} versus {}, run {}'.format(roi_pair[0], roi_pair[1], run + 1), fontsize='large') plt.xlim([0, max(]) plt.ylim([-5, 7]) plt.xlabel('Time in sec') plt.legend(loc=1) plt.grid(True) # for each stimulus, plot a color band on top of the plot for stimulus in block_design: onsets = events[events['trial_type'] == stimulus]['onset'].values durations = events[events['trial_type'] == stimulus]['duration'].values stimulation_end = np.sum([onsets, durations], axis=0) r_height = 1 color = colors[0] y = 6 # get the beta corresponding to the stimulus to later use in label beta = roi_betas_ds.samples[ == stimulus.replace(" ", ""), 0] for i in range(len(onsets)): r_width = durations[i] x = stimulation_end[i] rectangle = plt.Rectangle((x, y), r_width, r_height, fc=color, alpha=0.5, label='_'*i + stimulus.replace(" ", "") + '(' + str('%.2f' % beta) + ')') plt.gca().add_patch(rectangle) plt.legend(loc=1) del colors[0] times =[run_startidx[run]:run_endidx[run]] ax.plot(times, roi_sens_ds.samples[run_startidx[run]:run_endidx[run]], '-', color='black', lw=1.0) glm_model = hrf_estimates.a.model.results_[0.0].predicted[run_startidx[run]:run_endidx[run], roi_pair_idx] ax.plot(times, glm_model, '-', color='#7b241c', lw=1.0) model_fit = hrf_estimates.a.model.results_[0.0].R2[roi_pair_idx] plt.title('R squared: %.2f' % model_fit) if fn: plt.savefig(results_dir + 'timecourse_localizer_glm_sens_{}_vs_{}_run-{}.svg'.format(roi_pair[0], roi_pair[1], run + 1))